Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1885, p. 2

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ir- J gC NEWMARKET ERA AUG R for ftiU Hotel to Hiiro a fraitt Inn to retails trro loth fixrJ It this to pi kit fcj as tan City Hoots paid cor m la connection with the is latest now It li net a st present adoltted by Aid sad decided to its tit Cooed for aa la- appropriation of to ait Just flat always To Hcbm present necessity ill jit a AUG 21 Oar Toronto Despatch Four Id or tr lhHy Jut Band riffle 17 d It nj A cam Is reported la the in tLit left Ihidty Wa Bom tad tt flremlle raaaer Caaids Iter la JaJj rttX tad UK tat Sitanlt hit tod fuoDj tiler his tad limit ere for tad Icrreti ranch he for for Hera per of to fill las tott Col n held at of Port Hope of A Ward of Pert Hop aomlasted to the At lis rtoeat School to decliriog it ao fa tie of College bo from fcads This Q1 the To- people College ad afodel been to test city t the coo a peace ere they were established tad yet for Is rapidly acoording to the hat whether oa P after Toronto modhoi with whieh a a boy goes to today growing at a faster tad Is the fastest growing In Tbo will either am to pot or that op after that i Bar is aot far in it Erery how difflcalt It It to collect bolt at this bat the does fall to see of those to Lira resorts sad dlsporfiag them elm la a that requires the lag of coasidsrtWe cash which is regirded too to be la lug debt cootracted moathi ago I The Coming Convent Ion Young MerSbertJ Conven tion at Toronto is to be the add of The Independent that if the Convention guided by it will not rite above tho level of a political and be distinguished for nothing more than bowling The Ottawa Free Pre the new platform prepared for the occasion only cmbraoea now form part of the policy of Liberal Party led by Toronto the Convention but the QioU not very warm towards It Hi whole secret appears future leadership Editorial Notes to a rcd feet wide bit prom- of bill before White new of lbs aoMrees by the Tot death to Tuesday from la farmer years he was a man in the liberal party aad has of great to It Is reported bit J Mayor of aad brother of Mrs this Is to to the Smith as sheriff of cosoly of This is likely is Mr Sctrfe oae of the of the Grit party as such go by political be is entitled to the II cm by of the wort ha has for the If the rumor true he will the congratulations of frieDds throughout the Sheriff doaeat It granted to agtla by Osier tad the latter to bis legs the the of damages to be before the court It tarns out that the story about eight Calgary at the by farealioo of who took thU to lathe to bear Ubtevr Tea that the has decided to telephone to Id that uuu rtghUoicr public profirlf report of sdrel a account of the for a Lai re it throughout of per ere bushel fees last wheat bushtlsttee Ottt the tame as A week on of Wa with as to upon Joint at the PerlU at was alaoea at by of IT rreutJy reported that Judge Boyd about to retire from the Judge ship la which ease J En- Judge will be promoted that crest- for the latter that Edward bar rister at the doubt he stands good a chance spy man know of but there cer- la politics One thing cetttio Mr a pretty thorough judge of faStare Versed legal points and and if fortunate In log the sppotauaent wonld charge the with Several times ha tat upon Bench at donCouits and given editor of the Toronto was bold to at the annual meeting of the Canadian Pit that we as profession wte too u t to tell whole truth It hurt To the credit of the AssocUtion there at least one paper that not sfraid to its opinion the and we It comments Its suggest- Ions are thoroughly we liiut that the will doly them the Indemnity of the t per ananm u too much like the grab a jit us If the time of present Secretary Is so oc cupied that he could to the du ties a reasonable aot reflect accepting offer of the meeting probably some one else as la former yean would be found to discharge In Tut la quite right la the and know it too althciogh they frequently fall to credit there Is art afraid to they are more and if they ate I on evening and It let the public see It ictke I yesterday d Willis J fedEoj If go art A I will l Chdrtlta Church cut Sacdty Mil Emma spent ihreo dtra tab week with friends rusticating it The and Mia Campbell of Toronto are Mr J Mr aba Chat of Port Perry were the of Mr i x Mrs Boras aar Leo Smith of spending a short time at The Cedars Walker of been in with her friend Hits for few day Mrs John of has home after spending two weeks Mr J Mr and Jsdy of Toronto passed through Town their way Point Mr Frost wife of ware at her Mr Jas Wilson over Ban- day and Monday Kin of and Kiss Webb of were at Mr this week- Misses of CUaton spent days this week Roger and Mr Mr Joabus of Town has the thanks of the boys for a supply of epples Mrs Maltha of Toronto was up but visiting her brother Mr and ancle Mr Mr kelson has been capping near Owen Sound the past ten dap and expected horns Monday Mr of the firm of Gray A London Is In- Town his father and friends a and Amos of Aurora pulpits oh Sunday evening Win jr Esq of Toronto Majors Sunday eon Charlie still in Town Miss was honored with a party at Mr Frb a vpry pleasant gathering In consequence of the death of Or Met calfe of Asylam Dr Fred Cane has been remored from Hamilton to King ston Mrs Reuben Robinson has been subject toseTeralatUckaofinnammatiotisince her ere sickness one which occurred last week Mr Johnson srife child and Mr Howard wife and child retain ed last Friday from a trip on the Mr Andrew Smith printer on the de funct Conner Town ever Sun day with bride stopping at Mr Joseph Miss Devlin sod Miss Phillips of To ronto came op the excursion on spending the week Mr B Howards Mr and Mrs of Ottawa were at Mr Inspector Mrs Solder Intends to remain hire a couple of Mrs tlrter and moth- hare tone to for ten days and duriog absence Mr mother keeping house Miss Harriet daughter Mr Joshua of Town who has been III duriog put six with ty phoid ever Mr JMph Wales of was vis couple of days this at Mr a Queen St aecompioied by t cou ple of the Mr Bogart after spending the holidays up lakes has returned to hi duties Mrs Smith is pending a few weeks visiting Stile Mr and wife of the to of Geo Mob were Town on a visit couple of days week Mr flojlth lived In Newmarket about yrs ao At meettog of Quarterly Board of the Church last Monday even ing Mr Canton was chosen tentative to the Meeting st Cooks- town In September Mr Kelson Vernon of Whites was by an atrvke of the on Saturday errulng and the to preas la critical Rev J of formerly Circuit arrived la Toaa Hit week and has teen re old acquaintances for a few Mrs Allen Is srn a short time at Sound Mr Mrs wood of Toronto were at Mr It over The Utter riiiiinsl for or rive for the bene fit of Bat Sad to the also hit A While threshing at Mr brt that hid been up with srain wu i Wm- a big racket breaking transacted last Monday was very meagre although there was a long Hit on the docket for want of sot Th irere Eaves tod Bowden First meeting June and yet enough present to basin m A Royal Hotel bap by In forth from picnic of tripe It picked fall tt tax when op- cemetery then vad fmhod Mtsting no est Cheapest- lo of tesfnta- feu ft ftfid fcw c3QTsagicji of loath Ax Old Goldish Dies Since lh hid to being in wrirtd fceui in rewfioitloo 141 no or bo to all who fftrorhicn with tith Mt it4t wrpectj to In fow Ad of lb ii9 were wo it it Ox iUg but ia to tut ibftt lUWfObx It bow It op a public lit bid of v trill i psUiotcrrwisOvbLcb ftbco lift lit let tbe dirk of fcod a fcr vo It to Lend tod foil of tie out be ft won Ink Drops aril the TbuivlRI of o cpDitbn fl A- I A tiixtUj fctid Jki wo notice Jb Vim Galop Willie JsiaC Fred Toil ftftdk a A Ad- J Unix rd Mitcbtll Hit lxuuv Mr the wid wt iu egtlut fcacptUg city la frgblitut la If wc fie to ill Is that lorULeat A las Miss of Las In the of the Unite to take charge cftLU of Toronto a utda to Luke a work ihe iitw ftuaU- aai hi at It viuuMbdvi jw 2fv had iU aid sad his JtU et- Neat Court here of Only weeks rota fcbaron thick now hi new readers ass out work Tail of new neat Tuesday is lovrw Personal Mention was Town It I mother till Mm a ffistl of Toronto Is at the Mrs up lot s her Kit Clarke of Mia J Welhtull at air A Itoeaor way with from with sid us Mr tad LIS- Kl ci Us Local and Other to new one day It- I week Mr on the fcars1 sad to a oll of the fluW accidentally Xho work of tearing down lie old South vt Ibis office to a ntw was and the fox new I For the Mr shop Is tit A of thoeo bi fttj titlu of ill lUEaOtaer ud lu ftMuitom iIUon wbta to cutting but Ob bo it tutu ted ftlh could be ftsf Wiu ibe of Juui lie la J of AH lbtt lL od 10170 ftbdthfl pKb to Toronto next A tTmla will irmiiaWt Ax tea aninoUa of to Mob ddsy in riricg At tbe Odd- loin fciTO fta ixikrcjt Town Bind with after- of list ft horns belonging to Mr P of for few the American Hotel tore down ft auadihpoat Mr- tailor broke the in tout of ud ore the port re checked In their flight- of the lightly fa leg a tout j Well week from ctiopiogiii While there he sheared which he for ft manner ft moat ftfld Tbftort to Town will find Ait a of that hoar or two bo with Mr Pogtrt be only tM to frfendi day last week Mr ft new Threrher for work this tattoo thing pat together ftnd uringed in order the box of belling being left of Hotel were to thresh on the Cony ftnn and op but when tho belting opened gincbUiarpri and to Bad U bird toea two short A loss of of an go Just now a great ire art tod the In rampiiisoa with iog or that often perplexes the public Mr Ikvin egtOT for a firm delirerinft In Town tbii week- which wo plea tore to we nohesttotloQ aiylog the hand of oar lato of the wo in of in photo or band- do better than ordtr tbroogh Very Model School indeed ft for seldom a ground in even Urge for beauty is ktft mown off like ft lawn while the flower beds which hero been sop plied and arranged by Mr Redmond Simp ft ytu arc looking their beet The whole grounds been neatly graded and the of ftre to bo for and cornered that often ego wheni we were for footaodahalf or played goal and Sharer for feeracrkkttor bait would ted dolaiy fjy through a io of the A of Ice on hi middle of ftOisttbJog la of country but wu the cue About a after previous a bonder by a large quantity of ball Town and with tremendous blown iiintl the To cur we do not heir of glue broken to their window every itorm ebout and about fctr oclock la rooming Mr 111 a chunk of frozen to gether about wide and A fee long or wide collected lathe jrerd of tbe where the bell down comer of the buildings AND On first of will bo found ftp account taken from the Pickering of the Jo Father en eve of 1ickcric where be has for the put eight yean Father to Newmarket stranger this excellent teaUmoolil of good in J lowanla all claueeof community will ban the effect of feroribly introducing to people The gentleman fn Marys Church and en excellent ftddteiaU future the flundsy will be and 100 alternately on account of appotttttnatit lien Father Whitney baa for put yr left on Friday and for present we ill In of To- A The Wilton girts following its Weal which folly practiced la oar own midst A perfect town is that in which the farmers the home merchant the spending money they earn with their own and all ftninuteJ by a that will not abroad if they can be got at home of reciprocity between burin man and tradumin and laborer and rrmlU time in making town a perfect to do business in And merchants of a town who guilty of purchasing articles of or getting work dotfo by which they can well procure at to be Tux op Lodge of organization brought about people to last Monday Torontos Cine Holiday and nearly onehalf paid a of Society appeared to be gentlemanly but moat of the crowd km rather Six buass on the end en extra jtatgi rigs made look at The were a of activity the greatest be- the Janciug platforin which to be thoroughly enjoyed Swings pro- Tided and a number of took place dur ing the day while the ring and took in its The hotels did a good and by the time the train left in the evening ft few were pretty noisy A disgraceful scene occurred near the ground in the between a medium aged man and wife In which were freely and both looked the for the battle services hs wort ft Ha probably age and length of lime been drooping A short ha fell down stairs and although It seen ho never appaired to after On the Inst he breathed his and death of old John Davison cut quits gloom the remaining Sbpabatb School A meeting of Trustees of this School on Friday evening at irhicb all the were except afsmea Barry A communication re ceived from the Education Department and ordered to be fyled an accouat from which referred to the to report The estimate for year for was placed and East at Mr seconded by Mr Thus moved a resolution of condolence with Mr EL Spencer the esteemed Secre tary of the Board sympathizing in loas of bis beloved partner and also la daughter by the relentless of death and log hope that would Mm In bis flfililioa which carried unanimously The adjourned till of SeptemUr And ltlmu on a guarantee i or a aarth than ihi fltrwberT7 and there Fa no more remedy Cholera of Infants or adult than Extracts of Wild toilet- It li Soap A the endorse the of Blood tbo Liver regulator cared andiwijct breath by Wbs Catarrh by Ketcnsn I Another fay of ex citement come and gene and merit Monster Show ftrenowdis- actual- observation From day light on Wednesday till lata at night the streets were with the crowd we must of tbe show preserved a wonderful degree of order and decorum The street the best tbst his visited Newmarket for many a year and tbe crowds thronged tbe street daring the of the were perfectly that it was just as repro a ted except in number of cages of wild animals open to public view The was a model of cleenlineaa and no part of the exhibits was more attentively ex thin of a race In Asia represented by She the apea and differs from human Jo sever al points the stroll entirely Ast the lower of the brain comes forward in 15 degrt bead is as long u it bread she has tide her wherein she feed away and like alt apt she toes as well as her hand She baa rare and devoid any tie nose and are fleth no extra back bone like Chimpanzee thirteen air of rib like those of ape and Adam had before end is covered with a dense growth of hair all over body Krao captur ed in by Hock the explorer In what known the Loos country and is the only specimen of this strange race known as tbe Tree Dwellers of ever In civilization She already learned to talk English and German as well tongue The Circus presented tbe usual feature of introducing something new And liking all together is worthy of liberal At a estimate we ear at least ttmea many visited Ibis Show did the Skilful SobgicalOpbratjox A few weeks ego Mr Peter Call a farmer siding on lot No iter of ih sfon of bid the to let one of his net into the granary where she devoured a large quantity of chopstuff On he found animal Ian bloated Condition she having got fill of water from a creek by Dr Barn immediately rammooed and on the leaning agaioit the fence in a mbcomMoie lion Finding thai would be of no aval the stomach so full the food regurgitated and power of deglutition Impossible the also fast sinking he an operation known to profes sion and at once made an incision five Inches in length through tbt integument abdominal mutcUs end walla of the or firat With his arm bared to the shoulder tbe of stomach composed of chop ped peas oats gnus etc In a state of fermentation wu pertly in all about six pails The parte were then thor oughly cleansed tbe costs of rumen or stomach cart fully brought together with proper the abdominal together with the periton eum were sewed op The wound was after wards dreased odd the carefully followed up the animal a rapid She now giving the of milk bo on the premises in perfect health Sale Register A valuable farm in via at Atkln sons Auction Rooms at Is no question bat that is the disease of oar and When complicated with of Liver and la the cause of untold misery Blood BltrtrewlU Invariably lbs known Co this will from QuebcO for Liverpool on or Wax Clb2nb A of outward to Ttckota be bad of agent Newmarket Lcavu time the poet but now Ming ullllred a nor tractor Wild rem- for Coolers and other Summer Mount Albert Items rain of over this section of- last At a thunderbolt descended to the In the form of a ball of within a few feet of Mr Thos residence The report was very loud The attendance at the Methodist church last Sunday evening was larger than usual on which Mr Edwards preached the sermon of late J which interest iog and appropriate ftod the re- gsrding tbo deceased were well chosen rendered acopleof ate in a superior iff a highly and very effective in the Methodist Chnwh last evening in favor of the Scott Act to a audience- Judging from the feeling of the meeting the Scott Act will carry lively hero to Parry Camp for a couple of Mr wilt occupy tbe Pulpit Sunday Party Sound Camp ISA 1- North to to w way to Parry was sod riJa l Wand into J first to has no other fttoagU which bat to right Che be by 1- lift 1 j gists orders W towards Thfaubjlj irrira The of ball sgsio with tree give asenery hg tire With quinine la to prevent or fiure end Ague Ague more potent preventive and remedy with of leavioa body no produce cbo ft and reliable remedy for all worms afflict I or ado is Old All Young suf sore ear bead scrofulous taint may be made and ita use by that terrible Wine and to or vigor of and gives lasting strength to system Bee that you get be original genuine A good medicine will not disappoint yon A best font bunion Is Burdock Blood Bitters A few ft radical change fox the boiler health end Itremovatbo blood Mini of Scrofula that terrible disease eo common his country hairpast Fall Fairs Sept 1ro ladoa Toronto Cent I on North SiaicoCollibgKOod Sattou Oct Newmarket South Simcoo Cookitoird Sima Orlilla 1 Tp0odwood a 21 to a ill YOU Suffer With Liver Complaint Vltallter Is guaranteed to euro you ti 1 J 13 vont In Northern Towaihfp year I the Fall of the aod North VHIsg The Directors lbs Or Hi the appro of the add to the ltrseUoD lo tip data of their fair to the second Thursday Jay the Show Is to eoine a little this year sis the 1st sad October The prise Is now form and will slsosppear a tbs be at to make this the Show lo aid kaow of her fa the will bo llietaw Any can l from It obliging A the to which as rjealf to SlteuUoa of Ike that Work and Do- will be free to for prfsea This Should fuueuta Work contribute to la the show the Hat this star by a How did it come that Sunday was a I It the second guadsjs this Strange for August A fire not at all next sliilil this part of world Is one of the the of Sep em- The farmers and gen erally ere frith the prospect of a bountiful harvest A rich bouquet was furnished by Simpson for the Quarterly Serrlces In tha Methodist lut of bo of appears to a of un principled a llielihood by from one place to and from organised The Livery worked up a good trade oaday by crwl W town at good to end It hardly thesqasro thlog for others snd chars lot each way Aurora failed to put Id an appearance on to play the return cricket match A printed Jhe of the Quarterly In the Sunday evening- One en circus here cars no dor charge of Is sll th says one of our gobbled down four In one day Th centre section of Canes Factory Is now roofed in whole build- la cted to be enclosed by September It that iflem- of Co No comply with the notice In Mir fill of cut focrs were ptsctd on the graves of Charlie John and Manning In the last Sunday from Whitby by Mrs Bryan A riodlclne man was In Town and the Mayor gave Mm the choice travelling p in or taking a free rido over the Don Ho travelled The for tho Is going up this week but the Mr Ahi Hill drover Is erect log email barn on his ojity the West end of Mill 1uuJy coil already two list this week Another load of ml lo chairs on carting looking up The North carter a team this week shipped on Tuesday 381000 Mr has brick In the chimney the old eatl at for a mere Tho atorm a week ego laat Monday shattered the brick clitumey at Cane Factory so bid that It has to be rebuilt A steam was Hog streets of Schcmberg on night and going over It Idea tally iu way to bottom of creek Kitchen had job of weie nine cars special yesterday the to Itlg lUotLWr paWnt Cooker Is an aid vicinity eJsce Mr the of he people Work at the new brick a the corner Wtiay falter roll or hot Iruublej Well bow Why tfooH you go get or Llftbtnlui t Itcuredruolnlesalban keep a bottle In It only cents A WlaoPreciaBdou Fall liable tOtDdJtoutUcs of bo and with no prompt or medical old at band life mar In danger Those hue them Fowler Extract Straw atUanil or prompt A raqlreU Sutton Items to Era Business Notices or Worm Powder to remove or eotr or Cod OH villi I and li to tbo Cheat 1 Should ho ao Wound tn anyway iheproportbinetolieecteaa AiarkotJibotleCor- Jjiaut on having and be you Cerate Kelnieo ai nine fa Andllroufmtljminedtatxly by rtod Jai I read for found ttut I bivliiotto jo to Wow York or- of value ireinerltx I aotibotUeand It helped tight bad and I any one toitleaandain can any Kind orfood It hurting toe- I hit better tbon eve 1 to be trial Ilea at euro by of Toronto will vU- It Newmarket Foreylle Hotel on 2nd ijcvicfi fur Lbo of Ho paitlcu- have been alveu Up by oilier philolioa of for tie eu- of audi entirely new In If yu are doing II It bla put to treat been given haveall tonal vUUYhuraiAy US la what you lou of 10 and cut irr lOHie Now aucceia baa beau attained by rvTCUarrb M4ptteuUtfOaUddar alx per It i of tbmaelTC4to toe Hindi cover Uo t all no cut in by iliqtutftaclgutltio ji Mr at sffaVCUOsiJIy pf janeuc at by lV HO I tvwj i j Jim 4buapplLvatLyUuI lug a t it wMw i oca i A il for ihOzuilltiCUffrxxthlfiTtirtQt r tfWiHilW- Wo peiuel to learn Mr of Hie y lately by Mr I tho farm rosl- Village It to be Intention formerly re4lilc4 hero for ft time to return end fettle permanently Sutton next Monday itr Grounds A la week ho Sunderland Club played hero with the Button bo camooiT victorious Wo to learn that Mis lllll la aomiiwlint aevcroly An Attack of Inflammatory rbcuinatUm Jottings Era Quite largo Dumber or enjoy Point on Mr It nnd wife are on a W lis na ai tbo Mr ImdCiSdor- acrca of no A iMbllo opened on Monday InAt It that friend atnrttNlulthAfiill band vU A whip and book but wo do not vouch for troth of the latter article- Wo hail abort J Allen on circuit Into V0 the Mr the Job WllNon Farm Union fell from ft oflUrlcy lAal on which Mid up but to bo la recovering bad A trial call week In command of Lieut John hero for morCp pro on for Illumin ation end ftatL next week over tbU vicinity I bo truci a tarn belonging to Mr- Lake The Hub of the roof Ami down corner came contact with a valued Mr tilling It Initautly 7 A of Masonic next the la to make nlllcUIvblK -a- from Holland Landing s hie III for cocoa Iter friend will be know that 1C and will won be able to her In ihv Sutton to a by of If baa Friday a Civic A general to held on tbo Our bavin ancti hit to fur Mr to cm- J mi ili fur Ulna out with jo at tbe ilclxiu J The will done by Jottlogs Special to The Ibis of finely- Quite of our mere arc trying Haw formerly of lately of Choroid Is negating Mr J Stotea for the of the mill here At their regular mating the Sons of Temperance here decided to hold their An nual Lawnpert on the The and are en gaged to for the evening Mr J Stoke who badly bitten by a dog while Attending to tor of the Home recovering Mrs Ma of village ret The of the hive made their Appearance to take op for term Mr J end of Meads In Mr J and of are visiting at Oakland Hon jq of fa renewing with old friend In put of the country fi of our have scarcely recovered yet from shocks received on excursion north Fred will do well to In the lit nation before committing himself In the presence of so formidable rival Just 4it till the the ore lighted Keswick Items to the Era Keswick ami vicinity Is flooded with visit- now Dr J are to great del i of friends this Townahlp a visit them If tbo old saying laugh grow fat Is u good many will make lo that direction during Doctors stay for ho la a lerror Displacing- yarns alia Mis Mrs and sod and Mies Dolly Green of Toronto arc also rusticating In vicinity EldarLovl wife Mrs Charles llfllncr and Elder John Uniletl States visiting horns their J pastor of Christian Church at Nekton New Hampshire While him wo learned that ho halls delight weekly Now market Kill Which Is no good as a letter from home It I hot ho will preach In Christian Church here wo bespeak far him a all as ha Is very highly respected preacher of Mr family anil Wilson family of Newmarket camping on Fergusons a few week Jolnl Is also getting its share or pleasure- seekers It is report ed that been visiting at that at time A parly from Sharon through vlllago on Tuesday on their way to Point spend day The steam la busy In neighborhood Full wheat Is turning out well wheat has been considerably damaged by mil hut other nsatc mark ably good Municipal matters rather Quiet at prc- but It that Councillor will aspiring Deputy- our very efficient Teacher fa at her petit Her many friends and Also many friends of Miss Tenches adjoining or pleased thorn In their more Division here Is looking An open Division will probably during early part of Autumn was good at Church Sunday morning when Mr ed fun preached very Intereatlng ser mon Hath Mr the Superintendent Mr good speakers and ho growing In popularity with their people i year after year more fopuUr siier Islsod gr Some of the ire of specially AND And sport this tgi white Other groups is little who wave their krijf oa tbo steamer three rears while as a has a trebled with Armstrong as filled with y hotel called Is an loiposiog building three sad an the the froa its fording a view of where a of Indians are v of Blaeberry aod other- fite miles sway on the route TUB three la ire at Loading on Urge aw towed oat by a lug men s feci tes of kind here for others Mr 1urvU the Parry Sound his but at during our ilf J Customs officer Bestty sent down to our camp to hours Mr Star gnat delight the stay of members of lbs tat agreeable at We dont to tell any but we never enjoyed sport isot Hirer twaiiVire flsh mors wiLs pickerel I commences today and made for a large sttecdiut teats sod the groublf ln taken this year tfcsn say the put five sod Mr t ui a of noted divines their intention of present to miti the religions exetdses of I will for wctlc Our fniti one next It is tit attendance of Indians will liii than a nntaber sirired nigh I visiroi Among the visitors to our sect was Mr Mis Gage man of Toronto Mr a J Mis Mr and Mrs of Mr is a conductor aiJ Western It Sit hi j also Mr Mrs it Mrs with her Miss Smith occupy our own on the camp our outing only mured by the sad which writer bom last ak 11 that was snltcipsted snJ from of last Council Meeting In said Township tho para graph o Mr la not quite full enough to bo Ihorcunrlify by th public Mr In hit duty as warned young man out to do his man rofusod spying ho wax not of Mr went to lay an Information Reave ho Itoove refused to Information appeared H to know whether bo bad or bad not per- his duty sapathmaaurlnthocoie Council considered ho had perform bis whole duty n tlio mnttcr After council adjourned from held at residence of Itcovc I report of said meeting lo thopapor How Is that P flulton Aug ISSt Ae sYctfawrtJra it Hi Whorvai certain parties In this locality mora brain having been themselves circu lating an Ho therefore I wish ibrough your columns to cornet error and give lis back to Ita Instigator cir culated thai I had time pre vious to death of the lata Mr Jackson been lo application to and was endeavor In of his death to his widow Now Mr In to most emphatically that I never made any that had any of such a would I take Post Without occupying more of your valuable pace lhanklug you for this Insertion Yours Ac J if Mount Alter I Aug Numerous sunstrokes now op navy IfConoflbreU fused for colt In whole of Spain on jtondny wore now cases of cholera death falling under wheoj of a lumber wagon a Hill bo totbe A broken arm js received by buy or firing choke from tree London Aug Hants a fanners son living Concession in this pulling a grain cradle a when ho and fell on tt blade which cut terrible gash in Ida thigh from the effects of ho died in about five hours after Harris was years of age IS- Alkf- accident reported from parish WWt moo for his gun he asked to Wife to Jilt his powder few was twelvo feet from the lire n few coals wens task wtw but half- when a gust of ft straight powder which and a explosion roof of dwelling wo lot instantly mother died soon injuries and two badly hurl New Aug lohestwo now in port by a on the Kith nsT captain says he sx waves tfecas swept and or two 1 injured Then was danger at time that tho vessel would with all on board She- earned eluded to try effects on tank of paint oil was placed on side and allowed to effect was marvellous spread for a ship and the waves gutted ryi down cyclone OS hours Aug last Mr Sidney Treasurer of tho county died at Mackinac Island Mica ho been for a trip Hi was on his way at the time bringing waa only year Ho was of the first few of town Loving opined the in Barrio in the year was postmaster been During his long residence was and feet his loss more than know him best will not bo appointed November session of mi County J

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