Newmarket Era, 11 Sep 1885, p. 1

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J BRA every Friday by yman pEAOB ED -V- WW31S nifM553r3W7r n t I TO OTHER US J ft m lhV l till i F ir INTEIifclGENOER T I I Vol 33- Single Copies Cents Each I Newmarket Friday Gtirintajnr Newmarket Branch A BANKING v hTKANHAOTKD Interest on DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL American bought sold Farmer JB80UCn JOB Insurance Co aiid Stone Wellingtons ROBERTSONS HARDWARE STORE NEWMARKET LEGAL J AC iBRWfRi Of Hotel it ft hill giftftfaTERATLAW OTO gABHITKIW fiollellor Ac 0 ITT US Fir And TO LOAN AT CENT flritcbm HAVE DECIDED TO name THROUGH THE COMING WINTER WE WILL STILL ALL GOODS AT the Canada by tt i The rose I if Upon th of I is j I my fen red To heart a ihotiiiDd Ihonbtj my In TaOHAH TAJKTERp LAZlE Timothy EL 15tf AND to an lug Law Solicitor la A AC WCVnDDlFXELIf CH1CIT08 KilCITOft ONTARIO ASK NEWMARKET f MONEY TO LOAN tB LAWRENCE BARRISTERS Ac Ac l5TorOQloHtrMU HOTEL TORONTO St VSrABUSUKD for Co meet All rtDt billiard rlCENBEPAUCTiONEEH For York forth MAufsctnrlDg for be kepi llAMwaro my be tuny time lately office vlll be promptly attended to J FOR ONTARIO liter or Marriage For York Acconehenr Etc Office to lQm nil HOWE Ac Mill FOB Ontario Co valine J- The Accident Co A The City of A North Mortgage Co opotlto Federal Back Aurora II COOKS BILLIARD PARLOR AND CIGARS AND TOBACCOS CIGARETTES PIPES AND TANCY GOODS ttlAIRIKC A SPZCIALTr WK THIS WEEK CONSISTING OF Pelt Silk eight Shades Berlin and Zephyr Wools Embroidery Silks Chenille Tassels Saxony and Merino Yarns Rolling Pins Guitar and Banjo Boards Brass Nails Cord Hooks Etc Etc Also Straw Hats in the A SHARES BECKETT now orders for nil kinds of MOULDINGS AND TURNING INCLUDING NEWEL POSTS AND BALUSTERS ON TUB NOTICE J MILLARD CO A- 1 bit to he Corner of and In lb SMITH A rjKNTJST Oxide Cab Ml llroei W 0FP0BX OFFICE Oil AS COOK THE ACCIDENT Uul Office JOKES corner Leading Furniture Undertaking House alio with la Parlor and at Bedaced promptly at on J MILLARD CO I BESS KhOJSEHlttNG J Civil Tlie Accident Company ilJ r amounliLi to AH atones Com or flve l3 t Accy for Aurora ana at the and JSottry Aurora TORONTO- EVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOB loppotlletboltoalllolelHawoiarke HOME INTEREST ALLOWED ON -DIIAITS- -ISSUED- ON CHEAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES AM ALL POINTS IS CANADA Court Toronto rm NORTH END MArtRIAOE At Km Office WewmarketOrltrJo Best Moulding Materials I o to all Notes Discounted J OUT DIVISION- All 4cflel iJiKAKTCKrvrlMrr WMtKt If fcliam fsJU Mtx4 tow vl WtVMnlbd fci5 lclodDf and Farm- On the Shortest Notice By lo rf lie a Alt SIMPSONS I away vli vlMInjeltio ST LOUIS MOBILE HEW ORLEANS lit way feci confident hit lotbe Ida ba Mow far Bale a collection of dire tut on Itis clay I wilh auudCcnjcIutrtiJ lccdlbid life Some hero the duj The blithe ft do pony tin The froal before height forth track it held eft aggresiloa back- Oh now farrowed With a What Lira Wit which fill oar Before mute Before jo op jura ago Jacquej Tit driitg man who won cur food Who of now I him on the at his heel Cape calls from Hi U by tbU of real him ria with defiant frocn The ttawiTa of and death J He heralds in day of its renown And on it with breath The from every He into a boat rowed to him higher than Tower the heights grand thy dejolite forbidding rock The father of new tapped Thy hollow did Thy into crept Bat who fate Who final This of came wo re aerate Spent for our land life Oh naica I illqtrioua career I deck with fervid Great heart we will thy memory Till lime from Canada away roll Thoagh art dead thou Id Thy zeal thy patriotic lira To our atrantf an And lifu onr hearts in here Wolfe a fitter fell Here fell Montcalm Who gladly would expel Had fortune from mot withdrawn Ilia pregnant with tha martial Ira Which woo the admiration of mankind And which een now Canadiana plea With and energy combined Zeal brightly in all up the of career Urbanity Lowed Into tracks And rendered him lo deaf Why the memory of one grand Aa magntnimoQa curted wrought by hand men oer whom he no control I before the walla Could not the rage of soldiery Whose fire lit up the holy ho lifoblooi And they were tilled high degree great whom the Latin recorda The which did then the General did fall When were to com- What could be of Montcalm avail 1 Id this and the four stanza 1 the New by Indfan allies of Montcalm and VtolttHy Mutual nl Pacific t Mal at if i at Mall Ift HA VINO of I6e IMlUlC tut ttl- ln up Ha for Pure Drugs and Chemicals lye Artlclfaand Perurnery ami Km A Medicaid fixeieta and Candle and of tarn I from the talea Which from foul Freedom of In no Whit glories the gathered hat are the grand attract ode of the re art The the and Are the thy glories hero A Far to the The trapper bear of While fire Dear Thy And to Booth a border lint I They frith woodtran4 delight which And in on here unite Up lathe Wealth with thy glory pride the And In yea oer the fill on the aliens ear And wonder and do flit Thou art lha winter Upon pi run re nnaHoyed Upon tbeir fioor the are There What morei The glide the Attract alien from oer To join ia our the gallant Thit from whose tracka the awift toboggan It impelled by unknown design there picture bo watporeatralot There wild gar glory on way There no com plaint There flythi day i 4 Tv Up up the Up np rot to attire At night Wow blend In Lately line a fire The firework light the aire of Borate out in radiance upon glow In tothetniJorght hour the Ihewioteracenej Id glory ria to the the and the it ioter- A rouilre pile the of all Gigantic graodeor Alia the with awe fi I the The pure perfection will admit no majesty The fairy fabric clcavea the lucid And like a from the eta fair- Toe so frw Traoilacid power That atira tho wonder of rirala with the ancient bower Id grandeur hast never koowa a peer i Forth from edifice grand That at though it were from hutted magic might upon oar TftelifinglighUatreatn out upon the world Exciting round the walla prevail are enacted here pile aaull How wildly grand Bat I moat onward to other To other life which can cheer Where grand excellence Where to my appear Then let me go fancy And wander at my will through each Oh do not cramp my with your Or force me on formality to wait Oh let me long dealra With any If they my aoul pi re utterance B NEWMARKET Y BAILEY HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES IK w til anlbta YAW Vawi1oc Vlclvta voouu OKCrlOjft aIway it IceCream Soda Water c WEDDING CAKES I ONTARIO arl and In the prnclpi up a re a Mr who baa had Yenra very favorably known IN FANCY GOODS lathe and ovIy very WorklViaea tropic Vltwf Slipper Braiding Patterns China Vao Toy fcoin Jn one that tan Vhaibe Pipes Clears fA latest arrival TO Northern JT mire win YB WABBLE WORKS I PILLS A large proportion of wfckh from derange of the liter AYKBe Mt directly upon and are to core ibe by tbelr and a of for all of which tbey are a prompt and of tbeao by eminent In lo aro by medical JLcioljLLa are of only and are ataoluKly catoutlor any A BufTcrer from Headache aro JnraloaUe are I bate a from and too art only thing I look to for relief will quickly mora my and free bead palo are and hate tier found It la a alcuure to me to In tbetr I do WflAOoWLraKeDfa yrankUn bt June lt2 bate Araite Pills number by you and are nerer tbeca to fall to r keep en band at borne prite Item a pluiM aafe reliable medicine 1U3 Xlie wrltlni from rtnfci For pMt I bare aubltct to wLieb in aiite of of of Tan I itl vfnt Ago I taking Avail Fill Lara aiid general correct atbnolate tfco a l auO by tbelr vctlou tone vigor to ay by all pre Who will accept ere downward gaze before me doth Aootftr scene of and of antique quaintly yet grandly Within the lower city here will forttga Who had Quebec proud of of our land Had marched along filled live pride But wlthto their Tnai Lot la la void Deciding the victor perty And In of liberty employed The of Quebec our beat Who held In check Montgomery and hi Until a that And fortune Haunted oer a happy The world can bout of grand and great Magnificence each may Sweetly enthroned In lovely here are there la but one Quebec Hut In great world la found Oar thick within walla abound i And that and I la glvHce thick walla Clio hath scrolled for It a name Til Canada great theatre of war From who great dramatic are poured The brave have found what rocka were for And armed them that they might afford Out from to foreign clime land of chivalry and young romance of But now I tracr my wandering to ever dear account with wild Impatience to The noble of the Oh Montreal fair city of our land I Proud centre of our national How we do revel la grand I In a newtarn life locltea Rat wLeo tho winter cornea And I do iliy jo j bound Then do aupieiM- If in mate My with their Oh lei ray to at will And dwell on lon It raiy Or drop Ihrra with tod refill IteeU with views Bravery Rewarded It timo for the office to close tho office boy still lingered though the bookkeeper told him ho could go home You dont seem in any hurry afternoon bookkeeper Do think I could Mr Wilton before What your errand the bookkeeper curiously 1 thought I had been hero a year today ho might bo willing to mine my salary I advise you not to ask said shrugging his shoulders Business is only soso and you fortunate not to bo out down But Robert had a special reason for preferring request His little lister was sick and his mother who derived some income from making for a city tailor was unable to do a usual result that they vero hard pressed for money to buy absolute necessaries Again in week monthly cams due It was hut- six dollars but that a largo sum to Rob ert and mother Mr Wilton sat In counting- room writing when Robert entered What I do for you Robert ho asked Mr Wilton it a ver today I entered your service The merchant began to frown rody he anticipated what was coining He had just been figuring up his pro fits for year They exceeded twenty thousand dollars they were two thousand behind profits of the previous year This annoyed him for he had confidently expected to do What then ho asked curtly be able to dot IMKdr eat IiVim el tail tint Work the hi at WINK AT KUA All the vorlerfol WO AND Kin or vj fcrofaiOM or Wbysmfcmi fort Kin or jy Jt- thy My muI fondly recti I- which toy mind coo- Hick to the swtti which my sll breath winter tho snow thick ait Thou nobis la fa 1 thought you might pay me a little more salary How much do I pay you Three dollars and a half a A very fair salary times Robert fact business has fallen I- have not dono as well this year by a couple of thousand dollars as I did last year Tncn you cant raise mo asked Robert in a torn of disappointment Oortalnly not Most men are cutting down wages I wont do that but I cant advanoo you- In another year if things are favorable I will pay you something more Another year 1 It was long time to wait when was needed so much Robert felt thatthcro was no more to bo said and he turned away slowly his clouded with sadness Mr Wilton watched him as he wont out and felt twlngo of regret It wouldnt bavo cost mo much to pay him a dollar week Only fiftytwo dollars ho thought Still I cosidor principal thing Why should ho receive wore when getting Mr Wilton might considered to Mm of Urge income no less of comfort- wit Robert it was very different lib was not hardhearted man but he W view of Whatever affected his own interests The sight of poverty and privation made him and ho therefore ftprawoi shutting and them It did occur to him Roberts family were probably poor and he know that three dollars and a half would not go very far but of course ho said to himaelf it isnt for mo to worry myself about how other people manage I should full if I went into that business Robert went Imme slowly Ho would hurried if he had had good to but his applica tion had been fruitless At last he reached tho dwelling in Outskirts of tho city in which his mother lived His mother opened the door to him of his look You failed in your application she said anxiously Yes mother Mr Wilton said business was not good a year ago and I must wait another year If bo had only added a dollar a week to my pay it would have almost paid the rent Sirs sighed she said no help for it If recovers her health soon I can do more work for the tailor but at present she takes op a great deal of my time is she mother She feels a Jittlo better She has been asking for oranges but I had not a cent to spare and the poor child must go without Mother said Robert decidedly it is evident that I must cam more money After supper I will go out and if I cant pick up a little for extra work What extra work can you find to do my eon 1 dont know but I can look Robert did as ho but re turned homo after two hours c4sful Never mind mother hesaid Ill try it again tomorrow If my em ployer wont raise my pay I will if in one way or another I cant up from fifty cents to a dollar a week Uu tit will bo too hard for you Robert Ill it mother next day was Saturday Ac cording to custom soino business in in place closed their or offices at four oclock in the after- to allow their clerks a little space for recreation It was in the winter season and boys congregated in largo num bers at a pond not far from Roberts horn they had fine sport in skating It occurred to Robert that might pick up a little money by putting on skates for young ladies or inexperienced skaters By four oclock ho had earned 10 cents in that way and there seemed to bo li chance of doing anything in ft line Why urn you not skat ing Robert said Davis as ho was taking off his skates I hive no skates You may use mine whilo I aw gone homo to supper Thank you OliarHo I shall enjoy it I think my skates will fit you Yes our feet are about size Most of boys enjoyed their skating so much that they deferred going homo to supper so that Robort had plenty of company when on skates ho sped swiftly over ice We shant have skating much longer Rob said Fred Its beginning to melt already You are right I think this will bo last for the present un less weather nets ice Is thin over on the east of the pond but still boys go there Do you little fellow with sealskin cap Yes what of him It is the son of your employer Wilton is an only child I His parents idolize him I am told Ho seems a bright littlo fellow I saw of Mr Wiltons fam ily before Clarence Wilton was ono of irnprudont boys who ventured out on the thin ice Ho was rash and thoughtless and only laughed when told ho was running a risk J only weigh eighty pounds ho I guess tha ice will bear me All at onco heard a loud cry Tho ice is cracking A crowd of excited boys and girls looking on when ominous sound was hearth AM escaped in safety who farther away from strong than any Clarence Wilton is in shouted a dozen voices It true The treacher ous away and little ineffectual had broken through The had look ed on as if and appeared not to know what to do All except one Robert had his wits about him and though he knew his own danger ho started swiftly for tho dangerous Youll bo drownfdP companions Robert uttered not a word but kept on He rcacbod dangerous and he too was engulfed but ho had the boy and held him up so as to prevent his drowning Bring a roll quick There was a rail on the not far away as ho know Half a dozen boys seized it and pushed it towards the imperilled boys Not without powerful effort did Robert manage to pull himself and Clarence out of icy waters Both shivering from their bath Poor little was crying with cold They gotofftho sj as thoy could Near tho pond was a hack Got in said Robert I will take you homo Where to Where do live Clarenco The little boy named the street and number Drive on as fast you can said Robert will be well paid was great alarm at the house of Mr Wilton when tho two ar rived Mr Wilton himself admitted them Robert hurriedly told the story to his employer Now ho said I will get Mr Irwin to take mo home the merchant- it is dangerous for you any longer to keep on your wet clothes You must come in and go to as well and I will send for doctor Hut my mother will anxious will a to her Whore you ate was a week before Robert was all go back to his work Ho was moved next day to his own home but had Iwn thoroughly chilled and a severe cold it necessary for him to remain indoors On the day of his return to work he was summoned to the merchants countingroom 11 How is asked Getting well rapidly answered Mr Wilton Then with voice full of emotion he added We owe bis- life to you how can repay I am sulHciently repaid Mr Wilton by the that ho is doing well hat may be enough for you but not for me Do remember ask ing to have your salary raised How much increase did you expect If you would give a dollar a week it would make me very happy Mr- Wilton smiled How will ten dollars a week suit you he asked Ten dollars It is much more than my services an worth exclaim ed Perhaps so but I propose to pay you at that rate You must remem ber that your services of the other day far outweighs anything can do for you delighted mother will be said Robert his face glowing with happiness That is nut nil I shall tomor row in tho savings one thousand dollars to your credit as gift of Clarence but I advise you to lit it accumulate When you ore of it may bo of service in ro- any business plans you have From that time capricious fortune changed and all went well with Rob ert Ho wasrupidly promoted and became trusted and important clerk in the house of Mr Wilton He and Clarence intimate friends and tho merchant encourages the inti macy Ho feels that Roberts over the younger boy will be beneficial and no one in his employ so much a favorite with him as the one who started as office boy Mr Michael hand ed to the Stephen Relief Fund result of his delivered in Dublin Tho Salvation Army is threatened with prosecution in Boston for profanity because it gives three cheers for Jesus Lee anil Ross are matched for three mite raco with turn bay Sept In the bolting has the nt 9210 Ross Leo 40 YORK Sept bos signified his intention to leave Toron to and make this city his residence Ho will probably open a place He says Canadians treated him wrong he refused to row all his races on Toronto Bay Hog cholera is in South Essex at least one thou sand animals having already died from disease Professor sides of Ontario Agricultural College who has been investigating in infected locality pronounces diseAso to be hog cholera Bank Sept 1st Last George Curry son of a wellknown resident tired a shot at Susie Westcott who was walking with his rival and then shot and killed himself Tho first ball struck the steel in Miss corset and glanced off without injuring her The Conserva tor states last weeks issue that tho are after the medal a couplo of weeks Ye3l wo a faint recollection of them going on former occasions going homo defeated 3 straights Besides tho medal is disgusted with Excelsiors and don want any truck with them Richmond Herald This is how a Yankee editor frightened the flies Ho says There isnt a in our sanctum We ran them all out Wo hung up a rill by a string whore wind would wave it nnd that around our sanctum for years and never seen one took it for somo kind of a green monster that would catch them and lit out Wo not patented our device fortbor isnt an other sanctum in this country that can ft bill to try tho scheme with A Cowardly AxrrA despatch from Kingston to the daily papers says that on Tuesday morning last Mr W of the Renfrew Mercury was attacked by two strong men and badly Bod feelings has been engendered because of the prominent part Smsllflold has taken in Scott Act campaign Par ticulars are not to hand but if the Dynamite Kills Two Men Sept A terrific dynamite explosion occurred about oclock this morning about two railed south of the village of nine miles from Two men named Norton and Simmons were hauling a lead of twenty boxes each containing pounds of dynamite from Perth to Burleigh Falls where it was to be used in excavations on Trent Valley Canal They wore seen by a farmer who was threshing near by to descend a small hill at a sharp trot and a few seconds later he almost stunned by t violent concussion and on looking to wards the spot whero ho last saw them nothing was visible but a cloud of smoke He and a number of other at once repaired to the spot and found that tho two men team and waggon bad been literally blown to atoms hones mangled and torn were lying on each sido of swamp Which skirts tho road fully 100 feet from he spot at which the explosion took place a further search shreds of the mens clothing and mangled portions of their bodies within a radius of yard The earth was torn up nil around tho spot to a depth of ten feet the chasm rent was twenty yards across The men had stopped night before at an hotel about five miles back on the road and when in the morn ingonc remarked to the landlady that they would be back at night to which other replied dont be too sure wo might bo blown to kingdom come also stated that the boxes was only partially full that they had some apprehensions in regard to it One of the leaves family of six children A Horrible Lynching KvovvitLK Trim Sept night a large body of masked men marched in regular step joined by citizens to the gaol gaoler surrendered the keys the mob broke through the door of cell containing Lee Sellers ft young man charged with tho murder and of Maine had life and when one of the went into cell he him two or three serious stabs were covered with blood and the vig il ants shot Sellers twice without serious wounds A rope was plan d around the criminals while he was in the corridor of the gnol and after reaching the of the bridge the mob halted and de manded a confession Sellers refus ed to say a word and the rope wos placed over a crossbeam twentytwo feet alcove the floor He was hand cuffed and as soon as men began to pull up the rope ho climbed up band over hand and gained thu tor He crawled along tho crossbeam to side of the bridge While cross ing shots fired but none of them took effect He rose to his and yelled My friends conio to mo Im Come quick wounded man lay down on tho strin ger and more shots fired hut none hit a vital part Runners wero sent to the city for ladders and an other rope After the ladders were brought two men upon the top stringer to readjust the rope Sellers had taken the rope from his neck and begged tho crowd to kill him and end his suffering Tho men started to take him down but he hold and fell into the water fcrt below The body has not been re covered KzT Germany is fitting out four ex peditions for Arctic exploration Court On Satur day lost Wm Gibson of ap peared Messrs Shan non Dill charged with having maliciously mutilated an ox pro perty of his neighbor and brother in law James Kay who was pros- cutor Tho animal had been cut Into lungs it is supposed with an axe and had to bo killed evidence showed that the animal had been fre quently found in prisoners grain ho Gibson had been heard to say that ho would useau axe to beast Gibson was committed but got bail Wo can scarcely think that Mr Gib son would so far forget himself as to do the act he is accused of Brace- bridge Gazette Toronto Aug A terribly sad occurred this evening in tho Street Baptist Church Tim esteemed pastor has just returned from a lengthened vacation in Eng land and congregation this even ing held a meeting to formally wel- como him back to his pastoral duties Tho chair was by Dr Buch anan Mr James Lyon wholesale druggist of this city who filled tho post of deacon rose to deliver an address of welcome Ho had spoken eloquently for about ten minutes when ho suddenly placed hand to his heart and fell forward upon his face Ho was immediately lifted up and medical attentions bestowed upon him but he never rallied and died in two minutes from heart disease Deceased who about years of age was one of tho oldest members of congregation and was much esteemed and universally beloved Child Drowned About afternoon a child of Mr John Mitchell grocer of Port Hope nearly five years of age was drowned in old quarry near He in company with a child of Mr Thos of about the same age was running down the hill Mitchell leading when he came to the edge of tho quarry he stepped on loose slippery stones and water was some six or feet deep His companion act was committed for the purpose of ttvated him to come out but when found that ho had sank out of sight ho ran and his mo ther It was some forty minutes the body was recovered every effort was to it hot without avail Mr and Mrs iitcheU have sympathy of their friends in their sad bereave ment having revenge on Mr for bis vig orous Support of Scott Act wo cowardly perpetrators will bo punished It is a strange thing if in this land of boasted free dom a man cannot uphold viowa ho sincerely to bo right with out subjected to physical Injury by those who differ from him

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