Newmarket Era, 11 Sep 1885, p. 2

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iv- it i WilW la A iv refisis J I Nor Advertisements Lair Hecio Notice Thomson Train time is Mb a a a a ill C Jo fcniarktf Bra FRIDAY SEPT 1885 Our Toronto Despatch l km regally sfltcnd months in Central Prison last tie tick for nailing a little girl pen get Ma Friday Kit He was bound to the prison tod half Us without a to In this city la honor just beta London and will with little J- The lite to ftDun the Two hundred tad mired the Mod- tfty hit left for Tbiud city list nod atut the Turoo- tbeKiaoaUeia wife of Jan taddeoly on forenoon Prink of the who froi l larifd in city on with the Peace on by lie- who by Mr on of the bit tioa to tie of Senior Jadge The Provincial Fair week the Dominion and Fro Fair being held in which opened oh Tuesday with iodic entries largest ever The a very good report of the Exhi bition generally which we take the following condensed particulars and which will give our wader a pretty correct notion of it without to read tedious detail The exhibit of live stock is something phe nomenal especially in horses and cat tle The former includes a show ing of Clydesdale roadsters and heavy draught animals The show of heavy horses promises to bo one of the finest that has yet been in the should the display of Hiram Walker Bona as they have entered wry fino stock In carriage the entries arc large and many of the animals are credita ble representatives of their class In the show of cattle the Shorthorns continue to predominate and the en tries in this line appear to be very large while the anitnaU shown seem as a rule to be of extremely good character The show of plainly manifests the fret that they are rapidly gaining in favor for only ft few years ago a few solitary were to be yar is something and in number they rank sec- to the Shorthorns of the other varieties are well repre sented the in number being the and Galloways The breeders of sheep come well to the front with representatives of the breeds that most suit their ideas the Southdown having a good position although the a large extent The grunt of the porkers remind the visitor of their presence and the show this line a fine one show of poultry will doubt- lets prove very large and the various breeder will vie one another in the point on their birds There is a large of carriages and wagon of local manufac turers who seems to be one the best official in with fair ha the lower floor of the mail building in very fchape the exhibitors have the ma of their in the building arrangements of the upper floor are somewhat backward and the pic- tuift and fancy work were placed in afternoon The Horticultural has been very finely decorated a anomaly that one portion of it lisjt hitherto devoted and butter teoropollud by a display of Tfce contains rather a poor display of roots a of tables aqnantlty of to aloes a very gvA of applet rapes ar5 greatly lacking u it Is to Wrljr fcraaon other j fruit t9 but flowering plant are fiJiorn in variety connection with the the ftilft and vendor all being rigfdly from the that might imitated by to the of we art oblige to hold the of article till oar cext Ifldependebt Paster than is generally Snowed is the tide of Independent Journalism advancing in the estimation of the citizens of this fair Dominion of Can ada and the faster its progress that much sooner will oar national great ness develop At a banquet in Mon treal the other night given to Hon Mr White on his entering the Cabi net to asame the duties of the Min uter of the Interior in the course of the Hon- gentlemans patriotic and commendable speech he 1 tilt of yean thcri op of nothing to them hick Itey hare a fipld of f si And do deal in I foitioD of which ncfjiir today to me to he la to of public queilisa It the in the world i to to iripJr raiy its not the the are Utter of ooe the sad st the time be in relation to of thit the leaders of to which it sllii msy through columns leant Micethtng of which the depend for hear and A man who objects to that kind of depcBdtdiecttsionivsVess Bin and of the which he What men right to aik lbs whit a pabli now as a minuter to the Crown I ask from the pre i this a fur of the dtfitfiltie public a of the diffienlties which admirations and ihoW lim its free an ia relation to question public which may before the for dtscossloa The which stand not likely to ha e a deep seat in the public confidence bear bear and for reuoO while I hare my of the grater independence of the socalled independent than that to the independent of public on different questions of the socalled press the tune time I bail greater of the columns of which recent Gaaads Cheers Referring to the same subject Mr Murray a distinguished American journalist gave utterance to the fol lowing remarks You young men young of and Quebec sod the other prorinces of the remember patriot urn upon rests the great est responsibility Whether you in the cause of patty or not towards the end of Canada a nation Par ties Parlies roichicis called op to do work for the time be tag Bui to yon I say whither yon are in one or the other be for between word pirtiun and the word party man lies a great gulf sod no man can from one to the other or from the other The pat linn lUt is an type In the fraternity you re The journalist ran be patriotic tain a wao bis country in Lis generation nobly This predict for yon When the of your nation have successfully and the Lands counted up and 1aM the great blocks ac I that around as they were laid hare In historic the hind that bad so and among the facts that are called most of the Csnadian racoons years from today will be the Canada and the of who worthily Ait in the work Canadas future to a great extent is in the hands of the Government and if party lines were ignored for the time being and questions affect ing the development of our resources discussed their true merits our people would be more united and greater results would bo manifested te of cor business hand ie blacksmith shop riAcdsl worked with Mr we understand both these gontleciGa are somewhere near Mr Anally to the business and carried on the carriagemaking to the time of bis death although not quite extensively past of years as in when he was work himself- On more than occasion deceas ed to the Council Board of this when a village serving in the years and and aio the year we were in- a town he was elected as a representative of St Patricks and for a number of years ho occupied the position of tor and also Inspector for Jloard Tin IhaTe- the firtio lira lo Keltic by to week lira Him Flo Brown Ktatoa of Toronto w in Iowa on of Sr5oMroTGnTenhartf TS in Town this t to next ww mn til to of neddibgoke tt9 I Mr If anus of stopping Iho old in King tile fibl i own of Wt 0 aft a itttel the a la by aH raMn en Banket hft as- hd3iVazkL CC off tha rc of week in We reral will pot in Town ro3 here Garden the friends of Christ Church Holland Thnrsday evening of last week as grand both financially and all rojoyed The of people on were eiti raited at between The Baud rendered aotnovery made and alto Garden Party was cess of Health which positions ho filled daughters of rbVfv wen with general to the public and with to was also an active member of the Church of England although at one time through some misunderstand left that plftce of worship and for a few years led choir in the Presbyterian in this However at the time of his death he was again seeking salvation in the Church of his choice and Rev Mr Spragge was called in to administer consolation to the dying man in his hours on this earth In political sentiment deceased was Liberal and took an active part in both local and par liamentary elections and was bold to express his convictions regardless of men party or station With the afflicted family yea doubly afflicted we deeply sympa thize and in this we but feebly ex press the heartfelt sentiments of the community generally The funeral will take place meet at the house at and proceed to Newmarket for interment Editorial Notes Act Vote in of Peter- will take place on the The Hod of Public Works for Ontario is ill at his home in His Excellency the it- London and formally opened the Dominion and Fair on Wed last theme Iter Mr to a large audience In London on Sabbath A Hie- Riel- Rev no hesitancy In declaring con- rictlon that should pay the penalty his acta The return- to Toronto this week after baring tithed Illinois Ohio New York prisons AfUr inch ao at expense It is aafe to say they will report to all right Tat London in a leader week in of and Senate and the rettraint of power of as political plank in policy of the reform party hot it dont say anything aboat the hardwood plank called of power now by the local Government had The city Council of Toronto has appoint a to wait upon the Ontario to urge the of the In frum location for the that it to velopmentof the western part of the city and became of the bad effects of the location on the patients If the iMot would only blot re Ioitotioo from Toronto alto ft will troubled with many Death of Mr Once again our Town ha been called to put on the habiliments of mourning and again it becomes our painful task to chronicle the demise of a prominent citizen of Newmarket As wo intiroaUd in our laK Issue deceased was stricken down on Thurs day morning last by an although it thought at firet that he being such a powerful and healthy man in the past nature might overcome the shock but he only revived sufficiently to able to recogiiiie thou of his own family and more intirnaV friends who were allowed to him during the week and uttered scarcely a word could be understood the fatal blow lingered however until yesterday morning at oclock when death gave him a happy release from his aufiVrings and he to that bourne from whence no traveller returuH leaving behind eight four tons and four daugh ter his wife preceded him thru years to lament the irreparable lots of an kindbe father Deceased was a of Hull Yorkshire England and emigrated to about the working for a short time In the townahlp near Toonto in that some two or three years he returned of birth but only rtJnatned ft abort tijfiC to Cansla came fa at time a small and with Mr ilcKay bo by Wa Volckikrb Grants Scrip and la the title of a pamphlet by ft Alleo the Department of the which Toronto New The object of author to pro tect entitled by the bounty of Parliament from to rifKe On intreiUfrutfi lick on of trustworthy iufuriottioo but he and under show nxS only the true rrlilive alue of hod grauts and strip but the way which the grantees may transfer their if to do ao t Br J hare been week at ifr ftX ifrs Jo Jin few with her inter- inlaP it Albert Hunter and lady arrived in on and rtunjuning a week with friends of Union Prober or Stosff villa yiriling with Jli a few dayaiut week Mr BifamtlcodijigUa at Loudon this week in tha capacity of Superintendent Mr JackOD Orchard been ticco lut Spring taken yesterday alight are of her Dr left for lut Friday he intends entering on the practice of his profession Wo wish Dr his new field Edward it of Toronto who has contract for In made a abort visit Town on Monday last lira left towp t Friday kit to spend a wp with Toron to Mr Vent down on Saturday night and returned on hlonday of the Bell Mr Thai of this town left for Winnipeg Monday are intends making her daughter of Mr Benjamin Richardson of iog a couple of weeks holidaying in has also been Town for thre or fonrdaya this Town who has been fll for firs weeks with Malarial ferer followed with is some better are entertained that aha will ha aiouod John J of Brampton was Sunday attending tho funeral of illsa to whom we ha engaged to be married proposes but God Mr b Swift of the Safe Worka Toronto was in Town on Tuesday looking after the job of putting in vault in the Ontario now in course of Mr- JWph Belfry of for merly of town returned to Mr looks quite re in his old sod will bo glad to he has retraced to Newmarket- lira- daughter of Sir Eli Spen cer who has hers in for the past tiro leatea for Buffalo on will stop a few to her return home Sir Charles George of New York for merly a of place dropped In to the Editor on Tneiday He has returned from trip to Australia and California and has been Mr J family Mrs P J of Toronto who lowo on the of her niece taken with severe crsuip In the afternoon Dr was relitred her enable her to return home on Monday Mr P left Newmarket day Itit for new homo in Queen City His in town we been parchaied by Mr A Hoe who are will make a very an Mr in new undertaking desire toexprcLs their to Mr Joshua for other of red The boys all appreciate Mr kinUnee the fruit They alio to return thanka to AviM mm of Whitchurch for a of applet May their shadows grow At a meeting of local Copimittec of tha North York School held on Wed evening it to hold the Convention which in kt on the and proximo in Lloyd was elected and A J Esq Sharon reqorsttfd to of the with I- WUmer Wilson and ta tee We notice that the Ontario Coin or the hare iiaed a call for tabs the Toronto the and con tinning two inl are requested s the In Jail rial will bo on will the benefit of the railway No a large QuraberolTcmperancj workers will pre- tot results of the will be looked for with by all In terested in he it not be a good thing if the authorities of this other small towns would follow by and other cities Province and it all school children least vaccinated in order to prevent contagion of which is making at Montreal The Board ordered no allowed on the opening of the school after unless vaccinated and similar pre- have been other Since a physician of Montreal gars facts that 33 oat of a hundred cases proved fatal til fatal under vaccination think very more and to matter attended Moke Rest On Tuesday a drizzling rain began to come down which kept getting day wore morning weath er looked as unfavorable as the a continued rain still prevailing which only abated after a thirty hours steady shower and which wis followed that night by s frost The of Pro vincial Exhibition must have felt discourag ed as it has been their lot to encounter bad weather for a number of years past Thia year their Show takes place about ten days earlier than no doubt in the hope that Mould avoid the storms which usually takes place about the of this mouth but the weathercock appears to smelt and oven with them However it cant be helped we have to take as they are dealt out in these matters grumbling seems to bare but very little effect with and with to I hi appetites or After inner bad all repaired to upper part of the and for or foar hoars by sieging aud by who enjoying lbs free salvation which la easily hut which I a 2 which io many claim to hire got in thia Town during the put months An important feature the pro gram was the wedding by Rev Smith pined in holy bonds of wedlock Mr and Frances Mary both or this placo Mr Stores wis on hand as bwtraan and Capt of acted as bridesmaid happy couple were congratulated all aides at the of the meeting The following officer were here took part in the day anil Kelly Au rora j Bradford Capt Lowe Perth Andrews Aurora Aurora sad Brad- fori Feast Finn weather last Saturday was a thing hardly to be looked for considering that it the day appoint ed for the holding of the annual September however the day turned out fair and a Urge number of people gathered the grounds and at Temple where the divine was conducted by Mr Albert Ths congregation to the Meeting Dome tables were prepared in the usual good style which Sharon ladies understand and the edible it is needless to were enjoyed iDuring fine selections of while many people who had not afternoon together since Pay the time away by social converse in recalling pleasant segues of the put The Illumination we informed was alias grand in for which it is intended the of a number of young people from this Town drove over to the Illuminated Temple tilled tu infito ah or taking lunar The true conduct which at all i aim to carry cut la your pub lio vocations white in ths has a aoarco of pleasure to d and ptomtnesj to inprozioticg interest of crtfl often been by and fel that we are duly bound to express our Utima Hon of yum virtues We cannot but acknowledge that you have work ed lived creditably acted honor with your fellow men that yon have been In carriage and demeanor and courteous to your brethren Although the business you about to in necessitates removal from our iuimedl midst and we are debarred from meeting you at the Chapter and la the circle still we feel that the links which bind to gether not broken but only lengthened and that yon may be In your new field of labor is the fervent wish of all Signed on behalf of companions of Doric Chapter A Principal Local and Other items of paying a short visit to friends on the other side of will be glad to learn that he Canada Pacific have nude of cheap tri to the following places commencing on the and of September Toronto to Detroit return to Saginaw and return City and return Crsud return Chicago or Mil waukee return All tickets ore good to return up to snd including October which will afford plenty time for liltaurtfttekero end others to pay a to Untie Sams Dominion Tickets and ill information can bo obtained from Mr I of this Town The Grand Trunk Kill way have also excursion to the above places on the same dales We have not their announcement hut Mr J who the in this Town for this Hoe of railway cat give all Information and also furnlth yon with a ticket at very cheap rates Bad It does that in a civilized community there should be persons ever ready and always willing to commit depredations of one kind end oppor tunity affords- Last Monday evening while of the Tciiiperance LodgA were holding their meeting some perwn or per sons threw a of atones through one of windows of the Hall nearly strik ing one of the member on the head The Lodge we will give reward to anyone giving such information as will lead to the arrest of the party is considered poor spite not much spirt On when Mr A Evsns came to his furni ture he surprised to find the large doublethick in both of front wiudowshad been broken during by large stones which were found on the inside of the building This is undoubtedly the work of some miserable wretch who took this mode of venting bis spleen on Mr from the fact of both windows being broken it may be plainly seen that it could not have been an accident We hope to hear of the vagabond made to suffer the full penalty of the law Quite Witty The editor of the is indeed a very witty genius from the peculiarly interesting man ner in which rami op the list of voters that Town Wo clip the production bis aod although it will noticed that have no men in their Town still the may console themselves with the knowledge that they have at least l Whilst reclining on the richly upholstered lounge which ornaments luxurious edi tors boudoir or the our brilliant eyes fell upon the giltedged morroccobouod list of this busy burg We opened the elegant volume and it with with delight The resulted ia the following discoveries We hare an but no orchard one Black four bat no Brown or While men four Bills but no valleys a good hut no rope It wo hare not ranch to tout of Cherry being the only one Our like Tillage produced three Lillys no other dower We have a single Fisher who rises Early engages s Childs bat does not labor In the Fields Moore According list then Is bat one man in the entire corporation who everybody ays is Smart Three men have the earns name but each bouts of the land One seldom rides to do you please about believing it bat only one voter can The village Clark is faithful to his duties which are never Dunn or they are hed like to know who Dunham Two Millers have one Murphy between them bought with their last But we hare John Smith any municipality who can of this aaaa thing can wire us to that effect at their own expense of Pure Cod Liver Oil wlthllypopbosphliM diseases iirT 13 I have with Cod By ahiff flarnprlln to lurjebne because of and swelling mlsbt sound and whole This wilt parse cat corruptions wnlcb ins blood by are and fed on liver and drives too malarial liver and Warranted to aire or re funded I read for McGre gors Core and I had not to so to Now York Philadelphia Louisiana or- to living or lis value we have of rigbt bore to prove helped me was as bad wlto Fever as I think could be I have taken three bottles and am near ly and can eat any kind of fool without It hurting mo I may that I belter than over I expected to be Free trial a it Aurora Items I Spiral tki Er ThrorfOTrcwtf been our midst daring the put i but ws to ihit the Volunteer Co fron aecomijldbyth to the Mr Thursday evening last and hid a fibt Mr Unlock in the toys to which speeches mniG by the things pais off very sgrceable Master Johnny Saturday after a weeks with relatives windows in the editorial baited editor mistook Doany for one Mi and fired a dob st In his he did there was a window between Lidy race enveloped lo roll or Mount Albert Items facial to Era S hot clothes Oh Im la that troubles me Well now foolish dont yon SoloKelmans get a bot Us of fluid It cured than In If jo a or Wound tray prcsrtblnir to beep clean aod heal It McGregor A Cer ate insist on and be yoi get A Cerate Price has till a An old retired from practice placed an India formula a vegeta ble remedy for speedy and permanent cure of catarrh Asthma H throat sod a positive and radical core for Debility bavin tested Its wonderfnl curative powers In thousands of cases baa fell It his duty to make it known to fellows Ac tuated by motive and a desire to relieve human I will send tree or charge this recipe in French or with Ml directions for prepariosanduslog Sent by mall by ad dressing With stamp naming Ibis paper A Nov3 A Hare Cure for Bummer Com druggist one bottle Extract or Wild use according to directions It Is Cholera Morbus Canker Cholera ia- iantum the a6 It A iiLkhd tit But is the subject of the third the aeries of article on great can that is now printing which is for the nutiibtr The fact of the Industry are very remarkable It atands sixth among all industries In the United Slates In the of capital excelled by cottons and lumUr a grist aud Its growth Is by the fact that whereas In I860 Itou the United States was some thing over IbirUtfti trillion barrels la 1SS It over eighteen ndlllous The third fn the list of at the ImI general L0H0000W fMon and the lslted States The rented brewer employing who wiges of avenge In any other duttry The article In Jalkk of the of the the hops to tie and those who indulge intlt be lo the of from bitter of lager of flermsay and Aoitftw the frcwo of the for The that the words ale are In but that beer- to lager dect of what a known as the and ale lo the product of the which art car- ried on with different of ys at diffeteot The article will fall Out Items a coup crowded out Holland Landing of T7 Children of fat hit of it this wLshqo d3lt a lil I attond tend Gospel Temptunce every Sunday at I oclock the Tern- 1Mb If Hairier wilt preach to thoChrUtiso Church The will he the Tutwlay at Mr men engaged this week Completing the fall over sheIs which he Intends converting into a ballroom or hall for holding public rue logs This will be lie people of the North of the To wo ir agent In this Town for the Sowing hag of his lot on fjuiia to Mr Thomas This property Is situated In a very pretty place and we understand Mr Millard sold at very gcol find at the Ifou what Is probably the stock of kid glow ever shown this Town Mr securing the celebrated of Ore noble Francs They are doubledly fineat goods tbein ad tolste for this wk gallon of Pauls Church have year here the old English custom of holding a Harvest Festival The Church Is profusely with ihe prod la of with Texts appropriate to the occasion whole presenting a effect In church ilurvlaj further of will week A regular of the Division Court was held list In the absence of Judge Mr presided an The list was much than expected but owing to the prompt manlier which lis Honor sol the lawyers preventing their wasting time the list was got through with by midnight As there was two bay fork which the Judgo and Jury re turned for plaintiff When will the farmers get some and these aott of operations alone The only other lateral were i titer the executors of Win and and Thos to teat val idity of of property made by It to Judge held that though the claimants had sailed very close to the laaue still wss quite evidence enough to justify him void a number of were adjourned to the next court at the request of the various parties concerned You Can- and it Cant afford to much Ho so Why dont you put your goods Into a abed or back street because coats something for a the busi ness part of the town use old dry goods boxes you to put In nice attractive counters put no sfgn be cause signs coat something sptnd nothing In advertising your because It coats too much then growl shout hard timer go to who do Use Instead of sending you up Mo wonder you afford toad- jrerlbo when you dont let people know where yop are you Ijiyc to And then fraIe Is so small that when you do have a customer you are compelled to put a larger margin on wants or yon cant afford live Dont neighbors who you see their full of customers yours la but wake Up and do likewise waterworks on lug nicely Dr Forest of the ta brothera pjslic vhUsLsb visiting frienda his picture still Mrs Burton of IHfeflifc is here attenit the funeral of father Mrs A and visiting friends here Quite a large number attended the Party on the social on night at Mr commodious dwelling gave acnps all to shelter themselves the frost with out amused themselves lit windows made one think himself op to Davids Temple at it The post office will be novel op to y J near where it this wsek We see that the stock the late Mr P Jackson la to ha sold by Tuesday next at Toronto by Messrs Suckling There being a good in this for a general store sure it will realize Hun- day sad mere days Town for tb Army as In these week The jubilee ocmmtncid by a Welcome Home at oclock which kepi up until about p to On ihe were ai en previous occasion 1 hut at oclock Its Charge Market opened who were hid Severe The very many of Mr Charles of so well aud favorably known iu New market will be sorry to leans that he was taken so seriously ill list week that for a time life was despaired of Tbe history of the case is somewhat as follows Sun day week as a pallbearer at a funeral at and the mountain being taller than the others he had to do an extra amount of lift- lug which a sensation as if something had given away but no notice was taken of It until the following Thurs day evening when Mr Blocking was seized with violent vil lage and Dr Corbet of were im mediately called in and the case proved to bo one of of the bowels one of most dangerous incidents known to Medical Science Scott of this town his former family attended him tight years ago with a aome- what attach was telegraphed for and luioiediateiy left for that place remain ing with the patient two days at end of which time greatly to the delight tha and fritrda the dlfqculty thought to have been overcome and the returned to Newmarket However yester day the following was re ceived here Charlie has relapse and is in a very bad way Come this morn ingwill hold train Oriltia for you The wan unable to get away In the but by afternoon train to at tend the We to able to give a more favorable report next this County go Into camp at on the 1Mb of Ibis month neat for twelve days drill We understand looked surprised when with a to appear before the Chief of the Town on Saturday to an swer to the charge dumping the refuse from yardi on the In Ward The was adjourned until next to give the Inspector opportun ity to bring wittiisa to prove Ihe charge A new floor the Hall and now fire on a solid foundation The repaired In wveral places and not lu a good many Instances A new School pre pared by the Department com the present register the and It to from the reopenlog of school Autumn colors will ha gey and bright be rushing io Bradford j they celebrated their civic holiday this of last week The In this municipality Dimes of lady voters Their at municipal elections will have neatly as get an effect on officeseeker a his following la the House of In Tho which ago has been removed from the dry dock at Owen oood Is now making her must trips The Model School opened on Tuesday ae announced last week with 10 pupil Some more candidates are expectod to put appearance next week At regular convocation Doric Chapter It Companion Lee was presented with followed ad and Is with felns of the greatest pleasure that JfOi desire to exprcts to you their of the deep and unremitting at all limes aud pros- of the craft In and of this Whilst appreciating your worth and high esteem which you are held as a brother Mason we our to you for your valuable services which position la atatlug could not ti Sodden Death A couple of weeks ago we published a short paragraph from one of the dailies regarding a painful aud fatal which occurred at We now team that the victim whose name is given as Coryell is eldest son of late Abram Coryell of this Town Al though It is is number of years since Mr Coryell left Newmarket be being only a young man at the time still there are number of the Inhabitants of the Town who remember him and who will be sorry to learn of the sudden death which be met ws copy the following from the J a marked copy of which has been forwarded to this office Mr Coryell wss out driving a colt which he bad attached to a waggon and while driving along the road the Blind Lino out of began to bark at the horse wbiflh began kicking The animals at first the seat out a splinter and Mr shouted whoa I animal kicked heels struck in the Again he shouted to tbe animal and a third time It kicked him In the breast- this parties ran up took hold of the horse and others went to attend to Mr Coryell who was sitting in a position the sulky When removed from the vehicle a rolling of his eyes and a drop of the chin was all that in dicated life and when taken to an adjoining medical attendance life was pronounced extinct There are various reasons for death Some Inclined to tbe that Mr Coryell was killed by a kick of the horse while other say perhaps most correctly that la leaning back the deceased burst a blood vessel which caused his death Mr Coryell wss as widely favorably known in this part of as resident having been which brought him with nearly all classes of men At his death be was Presi dent of the AgricoUuarel Bo which position he has held during the past three year and to his energy and en terprise can bo traced a deal of the present prosperous condition of the Society Ho at one time a member of and although never successful was a number of times brought out by a very large following of friends for municipal positions and vicin ity ho was and respected by and in bfs demise the Town and Township the farming oil business com munity have lust a valuable and person To Mrs Coryell family most of whom are grown up we extend our heart felt sympathy In this their time of sorrow and and this we are joined by the whole community funeral takes place this afternoon will be conducted by the of which deceased was an old and honored member Business Notices per Yonctce or Or palpitation of and prsaslon of spirits are si laved by Quinine Wine and Iron that you a family but that some Is suffering with bad blood from swing sue to ltbeumatUm Eruptions and other complaints Indication lurking blood poison which a few would eradicate Irons Villa Will the Is Stubborn Or to administer Pleasant Worm Rjmp will appreciated There no Excuie Tfiere Is no excuse for tbs many pale low weary looklog throughout our Burdock Blood Bitters will recti lroublesand renew and vigor At ao a cost To The Comprint Cramps Dysentery ale then Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw berry Wei to rescue writes It Crocker drugaest Waterdown and add that its sales large Increasing Dominion Co Vessels by this Una wilt as rrom Quebec for Liverpool on the of Way ttb A June Outward prepaid Interme diate passage reduoed to may be bad of Newmarket- Worms ttsiiae children Worm will sorely core A Condition One of most conditions Is a Kidney eomplalnt When you baek weakness and other urinary troubles apply to Burdock Porous take Blood flitters beet regulator known for Kidneys Stomach and Dowels Items for At Miss of Brampton has ben flailing at Mr John Moores Mr Moore snd Miss Davis left Moore Vls Saturday morning for Newmarket Mr Robertson the late Mis to pursue sialics and people are anticipating having tbs supplied by students Rev Mr and wife of a friendly visit to Qoeensrille Some from attended the Party at Mrs In Hope church and pronounced It a We bops the community Mr Fleming tailor a wo wiab etas The Directors of Gwillinlur Society will meet at Hotel on Saturday Sept 16tb at the list and appoint juices Fall Show Mrs Silvester of Mrs Phillips of been In with of Sharon Key II Thayer Of mysslf and wife owe our to Cu A Rem edy Pries K by a You SiUerble Uy loss of appetite yellow akin VlUllaer a Hold by Kelmao Catarrh Itemed- A and will rots tibkbi core will Immedu Jan Keltuao Cms Will IcomeOlalely bold by and printed every bot- Jt nsvsr falls to fur A of the year la prollQo many forms of Bowel Com plaints such as Cholera a and cure for distressing and attacks nothing can bat and medicine Dr Fowlers Ex tract of Wild Pro owa la bandy form Sew Perhaps the most extraordinary success bos been attained by treatment fur Out of treated dux Ins the past six fully ninety per cent cured of this stubborn mal ady la none leas startling when it Ifremomberod that not per pa- are white the patent other advertised cures dot record aeure at alt with tbectalm now generally believed by the most that disease due to the presence ol living parasites the tissue Mr JUxon at adapted lilscuro to their extermination accomplished he la the perns an laun questioned as cures by him yearsafo are cures still No one also baa ever attempted to cars man no other treatment has aver cured catarrh- Tbeapplloallonof the remedy is simple ud can be done at borne and tba year moat favor able and permanent curs the majority or too cases being cured at one King street West Toronto Canada and enclose stamp tor tbeir treatise on r Km IT of IS W J Sharon Jottings As Bra The people of Sharon are evidently par taking of the progressive order Mr Morris Is up new verandah front of his residence The Illumination and came off as on former and with usual ending vis and Peace to alt to grain crops of a few weeks ago mentioned to you the Pa of Mr Win of Union Street which threshed laat week the returns were bushels per acre Mr Alex Terry of Stiulac Michigan Is here on a among also Dr West of the same place will be here next wek for the same purpose Mr Israel Croswell Michigan Is very low according to last reports received by his friends We hate plenty of the The Emily the lunched A before re turning home Among the candidates at the of Art we are pleased to lurn our late teacher Ira now attending Collegiate lute wading for a flnt Kan Price clergyman hanged himself Mental alteration was tho K2T tilths from pox MontrAol were reported on Friday- a total mortality of since Monday On Sat urday cased ait Xumarktt Sib Seeing your columns wtek an article taken from the Oril one of their falsehoods namely there is a restate derived from license food and some elector might be Influenced ably to the Act in the coming la your county I desire spice Insurer correct misleading idea that there is a revenue In the the liccr traffic In turning to the I that the total amount paid our the fund to all It Province of Ontario amounted of There were daring year ICI tavern and shop liepUl the business done by to an average of only day list nous of these dealers sold about night or Sunday each selling days in tie yesr selling liquor lo rf days would abstract from lbs pockets of the people of large sum So out sum collected by liquor dealers then was paid into our Municipal small tbat the account stands as follows Aaciat by liquor sellers paid to treasuries cost of collecting Take town of according returns for ttere was about tavern their JX laklcgSW selling days ths year we have from stout ItiB town order grt of Act era died of lb coneqaenco of the Scott Lot op dome of iho In nd o whit their After Act two lotion by ft ldiD a Tbe tte ftlmoat unknown not ft km before Mor or lha lit nor I received Into tho the following from the of Scott Actft wife this town to Act night for firet town my hoi tvi wigee rent paid oat end the lime it hut paid when It dot- The followlog the iTar W three jean go GTchnt 3 fite or eix hotel- igoJ poor women end children end wont poverty end Since the Into operation tho hciie families e cow a work go to ehew the Act wonder forth- JJ Hog in toe year iu of th of which eroouot wupeid county OH DM elopted gone tick to the will not lion to length J to hue an elector In my dive ftdvDCte If cf day- foot

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