Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1885, p. 2

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A HA Ft Now Advertisements At Ox Brsatca Stock B J Pore fiobtitsca Bret Hit Dand Lloyd fc for Firm for for Sale J P Belfry Girl Bros fee Northern Train Time dc a 5 To ST ess is fiJJC fcniarket Bra FRIDAY SEPT Our Toronto Despatch frirt ITLb liSi Fair favored Ac attr ftcd la Kith food CJOd With I tire My fire M are largely la Of Ibe Salvation Array city Monday ifcil baa yet tenable to army tie llrae of their it iirf tbt of ft Liberal Bake or party were ftJtofttber ulladd witb will be before another convention held Bank caabed a draft of the fracd cot yet arretted Another CAe of emallpox baa Into city UontreaL with the United M but voted clown this a drivo at in to run old a fte utmost satisfaction of refonn both in the Dominion and was The by old lino reformers regarded being large re- or political but in this they binnloga often- challenge the highest admira tion of the populace in tha result at tain I HOW TO BEACH IT- The Convention of Young Liberals For tome time put considerable attention haa been attracted to proposed political Liberal announced to be held at Toronto this and much specu lation indulged in with regard to pronouncement On Tuesday the delegate thereto assembled in Hal and formally by nominating Mr chairman and Sir Secretary also a committee to con Eider and present a draft constitution and to nominate officers After adopting the report of the commit te on rules and orders the convention adjourned till the afternoon to enable the committee to prepare a report- On reMsembling in the afternoon the committee on constitution reported- The report recommended that officer be elected annually by member from local associations and that the objects of the Association thai bo the promotion and support of liberal principles Other matter of detail are also specified The coin- also suggested the following gentlemen as the first officer of the Association Hon lit Pitt A Taylor Vto Clark J Also a number of names to an Executive committee The pro- to place Hon Wake President chair aaya the Toronto caused a lively which brought to the surface spirit of independence largely abroad among the Young Li Urals and immediately after the motion was made to adopt this report M Clark declined to accept the office of 2nd Borne of the dele- thought Mr Make would not like to be identified with the utter anoea and declarations of the lion while others like Mr of were surprised at the very idea of running the gather without Mr patronage- and name A good many warm were made and things for a time looked serious the being between independent of party and wirepullers of the old line On the vot it was found the Utter had gained of the Convention and the report was adopted The says it was car- not of numerical strength but through a more organ ization of Ihoto to man ipulate ViAventloru passed approving of suffrage but an amend to extend the right of voting to women was rejected in favor immediate repeal of theVranchUc Act of 1885 that Canada mat her own and ties opposition to emigrants relegated and as people n Led ether of created wall ted ouch of it but tf a Editor a tramp to giro of soma nlitUa to bit retders acJ as iiioAjctzuiti of its people IIHnoii a fi fiat and thew with aallgroTeioTcottcWcod oak vilh las ecftaape all tiro- lr with growth North York The nil a rich black cm to eighteen la depth which becomes very la wet weather tfaoimoelUe road aida the corn fields la very pro- Oar refer to lllinobi sad of Chicago era wo had the of to arer a week that car would be specially interested a report this section we made from and rata up the deGaite fares ICO to sad whit bought tea at or per cow while with town held at The paint ed with ftaces are nearly all toad of wire except or which hare two or threa narrow beards at the a wires abjTe runs from to jr pios about the 1st brought from Michigan- There teems to be weir oat to the worked 45 or yean pro oats hay sad are the ataplea Com ran as eighty to acre but wet and from 35 to will be abmt the as high as bash to the acre bat the arerigs will froca to year Oat there they stack the grain and their barns with hay the wet weather rotted a large portion timothy teed here some fanners as high forty What probably the eye of the are fields areragiog probably to aciea filled with grow ing torn white fieldi of W acres are not at all One man Mr li- a of that we had the or acqaainUoto firm of la oat block a beg that acme- like The fanners generally plant from to of laud intern which cod their own sod of shelling and haul to a much for alock was early when were there bat Mr Long bad head of cattle aad and hone and anotbr of the early who owns and 40 u fine altera aa would to see at this time of year tbeae there were op the premlsea milch aod nearly 200 120 hogs sad 50 horses com maod from to Milch cows from til to from to una the the we wet there all agree farming Is not hard work a ridlgi of fiaWelteaimall of la- are ten not for grain bit timothy seed- The people all acta which probably owing to the that ire from to two put One make mora money oat than can be made In section of A gentleman with whom we were talkftg on said that a few when prices higher with a crop cleared a farm in a year It no to raise In llltooia and given to there generally lota fruit black white straw berries apples bat ptacbta sad plume do not do the lately having too and year apple fruit trees la Caaarla The It there to repair with la this see In dry weather bat In wet weather they art awful I fa a town of in La- and an Important with the Rail Its are juany atone and its beat are brick bat there Is a atore la the ptsM to Newmarket for or a the chief of and fppntY i it that sad i eokea of lUa year for tie The are nicely laid out oaly In It fartb year A low picket a half track aids of which la an capable of from pypleaad very body en- the fair of ahda are fat utile ptga and poultry hot the building for the of maoafa tAJta work fa t torabU expected to been and firttday and the other At a daye to public Ho charge la for bit a Fait the tii rpTCid day for lWlirr atd con tea ix We fcil far a few at tocVa and noticed that there were for for sad for Imported for Caaadian for of All Work and In Cattle which shorthorns Sheep middlewool Swioa Poultry drain and 42 all corn Apiary Dairy Vegetables PreeerTed Bread aod Cakes Pot and Cot 130 were to find oat the or en In Work bat the large and criitafcfi From this cor readers can form some idu of the of tha We all plating a to CHICAGO to go by P Michigan Central There if or mean can being neat aad aad By the in at in theifteraooa make claia and at coming they inCbiagc Tbe Cars right thrcgh cbaLge can made re tanking by the train at night frcrs Chicago So M6pUad to abcat tut 7frf is pretty In ita wa colic tha fire- graph if pcrinc wbo a it be widely -preTi- lenc4toat A wheat and ally spring fsnnsrC to prepare the grain before which from or like aay other and seeds may either the oil St sown with Site grain frequently remain attached If the ed grain ha in a brine of salt or in a eolation made of fonr of gallons of water tha nut spores Snmt propagated in it re trtitmtnt Editorial Notes Tax who wrred in the North- West Rebellion are to si a farther services As for the of the North Short Railway between and to the Pacific Railway wu affected st Ay Ottawa deapitch alalia Sir Ctulf Tapper Mr the Capitol today a visit In Colnmhia Sir to the Pacific in tba the Colonial ia year Rtftrrra of good for that Mr A P offer ed a to fill one of the in that body This of woaldne an election in North to fill bis at in the Commons been a popular man has well earned this deration which we be may aecure if bo ac cept It In of of the Liberal element ia Senate if Mr- Cock- bora any to continue in life and the appointceal is to ac ceptance it be a great for him to drcline the more especially ha a man and woald carry with him to tba floor of that chamber of the of political Ufa Canada at tha preheat time Mr Hall of our School ptsrdthe with high first to fit Catharines to Had fint Inatitqta ada a copy of the which a of a there last week which great to propsr barns and other blown down levelled a rooted and com f Local and Other delight ExchraTohtb Toronto for a two- bay takes next Thursday evening A ticket tiles in the trip or for a lady and gent The Grand Trunk cheap extortion to Detroit and Port Huron City Grand Rapids Chicago Cincinnati and Milwaukee takes on the and of this month- to hid at J Robert Hardware Store Ticket Agenl Q R Depot The exports for August at Newmarket were bushels of oat Its of bran barrels of dour IS cattle ehwp and teas of general mrchandiac Last weak there issued for Toronto Monday of this week Tues day J lag a fas daring the tickets A Is day of Icdustriil reluming at and bring for your wife or to stay while yon were Stock Wo notice that Messrs fialbe ft Ox of this Town hate bought the stock of the lata J Jackson of Albert at a low rate on the dollar Residents in that may expect great daring the month the firm are going to clear out at leas lhan wholesale prices A great many authors juat now employed in writing life and character of Gen Mr Henry his taken or a book which contains over 700 pages with nearly which still at and per copy it before you from others Wast to The Board of Church Conference decided to of the unoccupied brick church with frame shed attached a tod on Lot in the concession of West by tender which must be toD Howard dot later lhan of October to bo entertained Quickly Quinine and thrcCfb lttabloocJriJDOtai and and a skin eo get w original and flhllob And Cora la told by on a guarantee It cures PI And eared Misery Is a mild word to describe the mischief to and ralo1 nie of Cathartic Us la raltd will restore tbs torpK to healthy that expenditure from yearly in to ia the Moil declares the Globe all wrong and says the annual expenditure was and then adds Tbs Statement of the annual expenditure per year In the annum 15S5 Whos right I The School printing made by the Ontario to the attention of the It by the IfamilioD Sptctaipr IhsS the actual of producing the Fourth Reader is follows For paper per cents J Prework lg Binding 10 Per office charge hk keeping picking and so mora are allowed This to twenty cents for fifty cents or one hundred and fifty nt more thm its actual Of this pocket ten eta each book and the is divided be wholesale and retail dealers a the book be retails to the general public at thirtyfire cents most Ink Drops The Ktngiton Whig organ reform- era at the Limestone City is opposed to the franchise defence by the P for Ontario If the propos ed schema is not carried out hope Mr Edgar will follow Blakes action and hand it to the North Society i if he donates to any other Accoaniso to the September report of the Bnrtaa of on the crops of the Pro nee the yield of fill wheat is better than the being bushels to the acre Other grabs though do not reach the estimate of month The erage of wheat la placed at boih- to the acre rye peas The Ontario Prohibitory AlliaLce at its meeting to Toronto on Tuesday amongst other adopted the recom- that other than prohibition candidates be for municipal utional and parliamentary honors were adopted we understand looking to the proper enforcement of the Scott Act With the latter we quite agree Where the people hare adopted the Scott Act let it be enforced but it may be open to whether the people should he asked to regard prohibition a tint all other considerations for fitnrss for municipal educational or el lions Town Council evening of this year Fall seeding here Lois of grain oat yet Union at Schomberg Painters at work on Canes New sidewalks going down fasb Building new bridge Heavy froet yesterday morn Yints sad plants cooked Ok Hand With each returning the stock of goods at the sign of the big aeeme to increase and be of better for money If the same rate as the past two or three will haw to hit premises to supply the wants of customer It must be wry to Mr to realize that bis efforts ere appreciated the of See bis new Fall A Canes Factory- old chimney which stood the tct of Ibo lire was to the ground on Wednesday new chimney inches higher than the old one being exactly ft the ground to the top The factory was shutdown three day Ibis week owing to the alterations of from the with the new chimney Splen did chance for the boys to the Toronto Exhibition Last will be noticed in our columns Boots and Shots and and Crocker ments of the leading hare been disposed of by to Mr J It and for a limited of the balance of stock of Dry Goods Millinery and Clothing will offered at cost This will be the last chance for bargains The North Store is being retlctl and Br to open morrow with a new He a young man business anil excellent character and will no doubt continue to bold the largo hitherto bestowed upon his his expectations fully Ken 1 on Of Pure Cod Liver OlU 1 prescribing Scotts Emulsion put year good results iiilifiiciion la especially juorai in per son with lendeoclei Certain Care A for Morbus A care for dangerous complaint and for all scale or chrome forms of Bowel Com plaint incident to fall la fount In Dr Fowlers Wild to be procured from any If Your Child Is Pleasant Worm will be a lobs Is for constipation lots appetite and all of Price aid per bo tile James I Mr Geo Wilton is engaged laadsbla of down old rook ery opposite Sheppards hotel Friday list car popular young minister who residing in the Hollaed past three months was by the friends adherents of the Hope branch of bis circuit with a family bible This was accompanied by an address the high in which ia held regret at his acdafetfent wish for his future welfare and in other Gelds of labor ilr mads feeling reply after which a few hours of entertainment la- tercrse were spent Miss Clara Luck is at present Tutting with her aunt at Robert Tait who has exited horns from for some lime srrived night He bale and hearty after his and his frieals her are glad to ace him Town Council riding- I the following ROAdfaKLSO or for lwtoratfWtlArat J fid Hill flnlraeL TlihttbacotnniDnlcMloniffontb and ill bo to lb bill for of to Wm I Personal Mention- was la Town up In are the Court of Queens Bench at Hon treat on Tuesday but Baby refuted the application for a change of the Toronto libel that city to Toronto It does seem like a gross tecs of that a can be dragtd of miles from the where bis paper la and Into another of tie Dominion to a charge of this character us hope tbat another session of Parliament will be allowed to without bgikUtiou at will a repetition of gross an outrage on common justice The the trial baa been for at and tbe In- to make the a public Tiifa day of September was the time filed by wart for Hit execution but we now from that nolle has been to the General of the appeal made by Kiels counsel to the Council In Asa the judge before the pritoaer was tried will postpone the of sentence until the judi cial committee make final on the constitutional rtivd to court junvlittiju we tbat the Montreal at ihecoa elusion that cogent utge1 both fvr aad against execution and SO twenty balanced ate the that car aoaoontea It will the In which ever courts It to adopt On the other hand the Kiel ought to be bung but In slew of action of In dealing with matters the North Weed express doubts as to whether or the Premier ought to suing for the crimes Since the forejjolug was pat In type we learn that Kiel re till the of October In older to bare the appeal J urital arid theoretical politloa Cot practical favored twitting the I premium The the Ihoghi as no tickate laaivi all pay ata time they The this to the bat two fC tic lo Its Vvuatitition atte Old of w If will be gratifying to the friends of Mr Morgan of to he has the of Junior for the Metropolitan County of York as to His Honor who his wd to the In of fudge of Mi Ucrgans nomination It la that Mr Morgan lit a barrister wclbknowo to the the public appointed to the Junior the of the room of Judge who to Senior Judgeship by There has been earn cow plaint that the has mora than its the while the Pro bar baa a and ItUqalte pulbUtha the Ottawa author took Mr la a bis sp- fttt be by lbs poblla as wall profile of and York ft Mr will Mi tart Kiat wo- Mr this week Mr of Toronto was Sunday Mr Orangerille was Towo Wednesday Mrs and Miss Brown of Rochester at Liberty Hall Mr A Evans has a few days near Rochester Y Mr and Mrs of are Silting at Mr ones week Mr of Toronto was churning with Mr W Mr and wife have return ed from a weeks rial at Mrs GraUr yesterday to pead a couple of weeka with at Guelph Mr of ate riaitiog at her fathers The Editor of the was Town on and gsse us a friendly Flood Is at Woodstock keeping house for her aunt who Is visiting at Mr Gain and a friend of Mr Wiggins of spent In Town Sirs of Cen tre a couple of days at the Mayors this week- Mr Cedar father of the Messrs paid them a this wick Mr Kills Ifttghea attended Prohibi tion Contention Toronto as a delegate from Geo A paid his brother a visit here on Mr Beckett wss sufficiently from bis late accident to return to bis In Toronto on Monday Mr Cook disused of tits Kennedy of and he expects to remove to Toronto on Monday J jr of J of Bradford and Sir Johnson of London Mrs Patk a visit this Mr Mrs Johnstone and child of Quebec the former a of Mia Ash spent a fow days in week Mr of Allendale nephew of Mrs Hi hi who lb vlaltlag la Town this week accom panied by hie slater Mr J J olden of Separate flchool here but now of tbe Hamil ton As was Town over fiunday the of Mr AY All the May and enteral soldiers paraded to the depot oa Monday before taking departure lojotn the grand deuwnst rtlou at Toronto Mrs K on receiving the 2nd at the Toronto Industrial this year In the face of ko competition on collection of Fancy Work J Esq Mayor of and brother of Mrs- Perkins of received the appointment of for the Count Of here prraent their Mr In his lot referred Id exceedingly touching and appropriate language to the death of the and eternal reward Ills In and repeat ing the will be by all of Jit Pauls worshippers Mr one of the Io the College fu this wrck la a brother of Mrs of this For Iwo years bo conducted a grocery Postal For the week ending Sept there were posted at New market Post office letters circulars papers other than those from the office of publication parcels free letters registered The count is made Ibis time every year order of the General and these are a slight increase those of Branch home industry and support manufac ture have a another branch to their already large at the Bakery and that is manufacture of pure Confectionery The articles they are now turning out are as good if not a little better than those of To ronto make while there is satisfaction the eandiea are fresh Give them a trial Figures There have been convictions in the county during the past three months Fines to amount of were inflicted of which is still unpaid There were convictions for assault for robbing orchards for vagrancy for using insult ing language each pub lic worship celling liquor without a license violation of act and threatening of bap- by was In the of Second St En Fast not lar from the Town limits on Tuesday afternoon by KMer It The day was very and fully gathered to witness the ceremony which was made very by a abort and singing of appropriate hymns The ordinance was administered to tea can didates Town Tasks According to the levy at the last meeting of the Town Coun cil our taxes are notes high this year Supporter of the Public School will have to pay on the of of the Separate the levy was and wot Include the spe cial tax for waterlog which Is by the property directly benefitted although in justice the holo town should pay portion to The Treasurer of the North York Society to state should there be no deductions In the Government as with last year them Is no probability of any the to the several Township this Electoral will be as follows Whitchurch Klatf Georglna and North bury figures Include Gov eminent County appropriations Season The month Utchlflg weather for our farmer getting in oats spring wheal and lr La for complaints of too much We ere told sprouting in many and that it is not worth the trouble of haul ing in Seldom if ever bu there been a brighter prospect for spring wheat than there was this season the time fields had obtained their growth and were just ap proaching maturity Notwithstanding the rttanling influences of the late spring the plant had mada a very strong and luxuriant development straw was thick and heavy the heads Urge It is unfortunate that it should out so un favorable but we can only hope for a better season next year Harvest As announced in our blue last week congregation of St Pauls Church held their first Harvest the last The day was all that could be which no doubt contributed in no small great attained Tho Service was fairly at tended at which an eloquent and most ap propriate sermon was preached by Rev J The decorations were vary beautiful in which the exercise of more than ordinary good taste was bestowed Two beautiful scrolls one on each aide of the East window containing the The earth is the Lords and thereof were especially noticeable On the wall the chancel very chute design beautifully on a large shield caught the eye a surrounded words Thou crownit the year witb Thy goodness The rest of the decorations were composed of grain fruit lowers and vegetables an rich profusion Tbe whole was to tended to signify that Go was the all good things A number attended the dinner held after the service and fully appreciated the good things spread before them A marked feature of the day was the splendid filing displayed by ll The Suuday School room decorated very prettily by the scholars who enjoyed which was held the aame afternoon in every the children declaring that it was the beat tbat they had ever attended Dominion Co VoiieJsby this lln as froca Quebec tor Liverpool or May June Outward and prepaid Intense- to may of For JLnme and Use Porous Hold by I Lost I Hoar are from lost vitality all broken down and might bo up to die Bitter restores vltAllty and now vigor to the debilitated ffotmi Among tbat Worm will sorely cure lmmcJl9toly relieved by Bold by Kelmao A reside In a ma laria regton and thoroughly promptly acts upon the Bowels Liver and Kidneys thus Ague and all Complaints An of prevention la worth a pound of cure Prof ttonp cheap and bandy form of obtaining tbe healing virtues of a sulphur bath A Man of Nerve We all admire a man of nerve who la any emergency but nervouadebUlty Is the prevailing weak ness of most people BOfiloek Blood Bitters and general which regulates the whole system Imparting toogh- euro It ld hy James McGregor A Cerate coreany caaeof pimples tun on either hands or face and leave thorn soflassllk ItwlHaUobealanytoro when preparations fall Tbouaandsliava Ask jour druggist for or gor A Parked Carbolic Cerate and do not he to claimed to be it at Kolcnuoa Jottings Special Ur has the mill here Mr and of are friends in this vicinity Mr of Rapids Mich ia over on a visit with his Canadian reU tires- ifr Fred Webb is spending a few weeka in Toronto a of King and Mr of New York had the nuptial knot in Church here the and went North on their wadding tour We with them alt success happiness Lawn parties tc to be either or drowned out this sea son here Is for a concert on the insl In the place of the peach festival which so by the rain The lawn party at J Waltons In aid the Church km decidedly a suc cess The farmers and the weather seem to be this from this sec tion visited the Exhibition this wV- rtp drain referred to a a to X Report adopted Finance Committee l on hand and Town Hall Flans and Special Statute Labor Tax lvofll on Debentures Provincial to Schools Dog Tax Clergy Miscellaneous lJt and Bide walks Streets Salaries Public School Grants Market and Towa Will You Butter With Liver Complaint Vltaltzer Is guaranteed lo cure you I Business Notices J per inirrltd or National Will cure and regulate liver rood Is the suggestive often given to Its blood-en- quatlltes la lets now In season to warn our readers against tbeavIdenattackaofOnoleraCrarup me the Complaints In vegetables of Wild terry Is the grand for the troubles 7 lalaerablo that terrible Cure la remedy for you Bold by I Ileal Volley An honest medicine la the noblest work of and readers that Wild Strawberry Ls not reliable but Infallible to euro Cholera Morbus Canker of tbe towels and the various Hum mer Complaints wheats are and fatal for headache earache and neuralgia It docs not take a day or an hour to cure It but a all pain Is gone Thousand merits within nut year Lightning Is cure for llboumaflsm The worst have been permanently In one weak Price Mo at Drug at fibaroo and ef that he baa his attention to twitters In which be been highly sue- as and wIulIc boa Meads her wilt pitted promotion to lJiictts vi Lie lw Colonial Exhibition In pro laauta of the Km we have called the atten tion of our to the Indian and to be held in Lon don next year We now call attention to an re gard thereto iu another column of todays paper It should be the pride of every Canadian that Dominion is pro on the occasion No doubt the visit of Sir Chat Tapper la connection therewith will largely con tribute to tbe desired Tho next Provincial Convention place In Stratford on 22nd of October The flag tbe Fire Hall was at half mist and Saturday account of Mr work tbe corner of Fire ban commenced The trains have crowded down Ibis weekend late during time A ails of the household late If will take place In a few Jays Tbe is by tender While repairing the mill race Bros placed a about CO from tbe South Corner of grist mill fur of the Fire A good farm near Pine Orchard la open to change They have alerted a at and the first contribution is a by Mr The Church looks well the la com- TUllat hands took In on and lbs Tn- cere Mortgage sale of a farm lu at Hewitt hotel to morrow The School talk irlliug their organ and Inverting a wMvh Lave on trial It a up the arliclrs York Fair nut three The the late Win r of Whit church ate a firie farm of la Cruelly Murdered In the Province slowly by taking unaullahle such as liver com plaint trouble might easi ly gain lost strength and energy by using Toconvlncothtm ibntaucblsthecao will give them a free trial bottle at Price a bottle persona In your own town Catarrh and sweet breath by Nasal Injector free Hold by J as Kelmau I vis it Newmarket Forsyths Hotel on the 2nd Thursday of mouth for the treatment of all forms of He particu larly all Cases bat have been npby other although of standing for he has cured of iog the past year does not claim auperlorakll but follows Aplanofireettnent entirely new lo Canada If yuu are doing well under your own do not call aa la Ms purpose to treat those been given who long fell ed gel cured Oct Free til CMArriiA the most success been achieved In lias beer attained by the treatrnsnt Cut of dxOpitlenutreattddur- fully ninety per cant this stubborn when It that not Ave per pa the regular are benefitted While patent medicine other ulvertlesd cures never record a cure at all with now by the that to the presence he lalroa Oat Is lbapsrrnoenoy la un questioned euros effected by him four yearsagoarecursa still No ope else has attempted per and no other treatment ever The application of Is aijj can at home and aeajvoa of la the favor able and curs majority of bo exits cared at treat with A A Xing aid forlbclrUtatUonc4tMrhiwaI6t Fall Pairs Central Hamilton Spt21 11 30 SimcCHingwooJ to Oct Sutton Oct ami South Coolcitowa i i 11 11 to Central llsnia 9 York 9 King iklioinbxg 15 News from Holland Landing One of the most enjoyable and partita hold In this put of the country took the of Church Mr Browns rove in this village on Thuiy the 3rd loal These beautiful ground were nicely Illuminated and otherwise rendered by digs and while here and there commo dious were to aeon to provide shel ter case of rain This however did not occur for the night was clear the that could he 8 oclock grounds were well filled with a happy throng from our own end lag villages while the farming community turned out lu Urge numbers- attack was at made and for a considerable tltne upon tables which groaned under the weight of the good so well provided ladles friend of tbe church All being a move was made for the large can vass lent where the Holland Landing Iliad assisted by their brethren had already taken their placer excellent which an tillage or town might well be proud played a number of In a manner which showed cartful training and a clows attention to the to each member Then came a trio by Alias and which was well received Following this was rendered In pitting style 4 by Misses fliltcr Wright After a number of other elections hid given came the of evening a In dian Tow Wow by the Northwest by a few trained amateurs The performance was a very good Illustra tion of the war dance of North West redskins and although was autQclent to strike terror Into theheaitsof the juvenile portion of the spectators the majority loth and Taking the garden party all through it may bo said to reflect great credit upon the who had the management of the proceeds amounting after payiog all ex xnaes will be to rcooratlog the walls celling of iho church A apecfat attraction was Mr John Davidsons orga6 which had no ana1l iu draw lag the Js to It served an Mr John of Jus with friends the lauding lie illumed home Sutton unnnarktt JEm1 Dr Thos is now located receive a hearty welcome from his many friends both socially and professionally Messrs J Kay and It Rtddell have sent to Toronto Fair may successful in obtain- The engine house with the mill is fast approaching completion the mill wilt soon be operation again room will be a decided improve meat the former one in several respects Among others the exhaust will be lixtd for heating the main of the mill Mr Hillings has had a severe at tack of paralysis of the now able to be around again We regret fact that he fs also battues difficulties and been forctd to make au favor of his creditors Mrs Milne of this place has been in health for some and at times is sub ject to severe Miss Annie Hill is slowly recovering from severe attack of rheumatism with which she for some time been The ltev Philip Jones whole now n the Jliatrict made a short visit to Sutton last week He is look ing hearty well aud loaf none of his Quite a our villagers have gone to Toronto to attend the Ida Mi Mil is mo to Report adopU J A ByLaw waa to levy current year follows For General entrain County Town Hall 11 Public School Heparan School Til Clerk lastruclct for ox Lock Up building Treasurer 1nttru phoaIyltWforcult1ntlliSvaOn per contract the kind of a lank at jia Inspector of St an InttrQcledto cut the Town On motion Council then dd i Jo Jo it Jo to tT i 10 Items The Johnston of Ancaster for of this place is to occupy the Presby terian pulpit next Sabbath He is also announced to hold a week of in Ibis place commencing at each evening Public invited to No doubt his old friends will glad to reuew bis acquaintance The rainy weather not dampened the spirits of the people if it has the the from sow wheat The Moore are away the exhibi tion this week and Intend extending their trip westward The village is rather quiet such a number away to the fair the Hat of the week Dr wife visit We hear he has Idea of coming hero lo re- North Council Sept Members all present Minutes meeting read were ordered lobe pAlJUco half value of killed by Moulds fc7S Ira ADM John Swain Vaa ticott or VatGnllwCr In Tnsiuai Crittenden on ad between lots and also to Richard opposite lot under number On motion the order by It road scrapers TlieXtoevo was Instructed I to survey side- lota Con hi solo pay on ractilvlog certificates Ibat the turns have been made t Tbeaucnof granted East opposite lot IS providing grant a like and gravel tome from the following on and NortU on between ar4 Con I nib on same Coo- kt on the and on the Con a Hi on Con North of A ByLaw mills on ihedomrforall- except the Trualee raUaafdTbxiJ appointed Council ihonadlourDtdtlUXthKetts Odd Scraps Ms Mrs John of who met with an accident at Mount Albert some time since is entirely Letter Town pond new low la of a boat the workmanship of Master Harry Mr J N Township Simcoe paid a over the guest of Mr Smith Some party near Pine ard started a rollerirink open Wednes day Saturday nights The popular photographer Mr Well Do took his departure fur Toronto Tues day to attend Canadian Con- of Photographers He took some excellent views and photos to exhibit The that a War his been seen St hat considerable excite ment It killed a calf belonging to Mrs Kenton John A Macdonald not Sir John he borne through woods He did no put his back to a tree but put the trees as far his back as possible John takes the road now homo The latest though over a mineral near village Its waters said to a euro for all the ills lie to One gentleman who kit J Its powers wss so badly crippled with rheuuiittari that ho bad no use of hands but after bathing the af flicted lo its waters was able to upon and abut them reaching home The new readers fair although the part second second are rather difficult After a careful exami nation we do not think that on the whole they are in superior toQigesterica Hat to here would be la on vstuablo acs Death who Is ever a kind friend iu the of young lady has not in for over two a paralytic two mouths by which she lost the of and death cams a happy the morning of Ihe ultimo Although having for only a short her and amiable dispell made her many Warm K- Bo you read Ms tiaoments in this weeks Era our young Canadians accused of the Monteitli been acquitted total smallpox death for city of Montreal and I on Tuesday was and were reported There to In patients under treatment hospital Queen of supposed to about subjects Of these w Christians or so Buddhists Pagans under other A Wan of Rochester left for St ft 1 Co will take skin of the Jumbo and stuff it for the Tuft I lege of Massachusetts to has presented Toe will probably sent to Museum at Washington Sept hero at a hour tonight serious to aim which had performing St Thomas In tho rider named f his ring and sustained injuries ho died soon afterwards disaster was death W Jumbo who while transferred from his tho car on Stanley track by a freight train on the Air which crosses at that point badly injured that death baby elephant which JJ Jumbo as by train and had a leg Sept l thoExcclsiorsof over to Richmond Hill for of playing for western district Young Canadians proved equal to occasion and seat ccUiora home for the second season disappointed well conteitcd throughout Excelsiors played a j but Chainpionscamooil by three games to one first second and fourth and lOmlnutcsrspcctivcly taking the third game f This was last match tc western which will therefore rest at k- until next spring In J- and to the ship match a friendly played between and second twelve of Canadians carno off conquerors by S4foik

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