Vrs s 5 a a aaafiESFS Atcr Every Friday AT REACHED GIVE THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO FINELY ACCORDING TO ALL CAPITAL fWtOSTD CKUi BOLUS NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies 3 Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Sept Terms 125 Cash in Advance within 6 mos or at end of year Newmarket Branch A BANKING Interest Allowed on at DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL POINTS fr American Farmer W London Mutual Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons FontMil Nursery J HARDWARE STORE US THOMAS J Ac Loin Kara conveyancer Etc mix ETC A HARSH Solicitors TO BO A AUENTFOR fir life Compnnlcf TO LOAN AT on Office flcrt door of A OK FARM STOCK Terms Satisfaction I HAVE TO THROUGH THE COMING WINTER Mr tale book open for orders at id Rjlton at rrC03rn Solicitor In at and per ecus Urge to a- a Jim for In do- Or the Federal In QOUSE AND PAINTER attention given to HOTEL r Scutrtdf gSrABLl3aED15J7 Terms Electric bed modi lion or KO TniDrerCobQtatoeet all billiard parlor J Prop A ConttjJDwrt Cbam 2jfoney to f 10EXHED will OUT for to fccpl I time will be promptly to MEDICAL UK and ftJOrABV Inner of For or York WE WILL STILL SELL ALL SUMMER GOODS AT CO WE HATE RECEIVED THIS WEEK C0XS1STIS0 OF Felt Silk Plushes in eight Sondes Berlin and Zephyr Wools Chenilles Embroidery Silks Chenille Tassels and Cres cents Saxony and Merino Rolling Pius Guitar and Banjo Boards Brass Nails Cord Hooks Etc Etc Also Straw Hats in the il A L- SHARES BECKETT BUIL PH I etc Newmarket 10 DIl HOWE Ac nKNTlST tolircWi W Comer of Main Timo thy Id SMITH all AG EXT FOB Ontario Co Co A City of Hia Mutual gf Co lt A MB RICA- flad Office Montreal Victoria rd Accident to All at once Jlesfe lb Com- fle Id l I Jll Agency far Aurora ana vicinity at loan and Iniunnco office of J Notary Public Aurora now orders or all kinds of MOULDINGS AND TURNING INCLUDING NEWEL POSTS AND BALUSTERS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE J CO Leading Furniture Undertaking House la alio with latest designs In Parlor Ant Bedroom Reduced Prices call promptly at on MILLARD CO- attention told to Undertaking tl EVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOR Oppfjilloleltoyal Hotel win tike CaJh promptly attended to CANADA HEAD rf n Oat Toronto HOME I INTEREST ALLOWED OS DEPOSITS built and DUAriS ISSUED ON UNITE STATES AND MA POINTS IN CANADA Notes Discounted New Foundry having been J with the Best Moulding Materials at and tbduo- It now of MARHIAOfi IH vay p it J Lx- If A SO p tlir fcftl A VM builntu 1 I infrrciiAtton HI ftfirt wjy to itfe vtijle KcfotiiaVliatul iltf J a ARK Kit SIMPSONS I liuplaiotOtA On tho Shortest Notice Iy attention to qui to ratfll of the liberally the putt EL faaod Leland li iii J ViclMty ftli- rifle every It I Tor l AfiVf KXafatlIKiit a MJivx DEC EI I of public It mill lojcup rputUori for Pure Drugs and Chemicals Taunt ami ye and Coloring Material It IMA Mdlcau4 flrJ BAILEY Biscuit HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES in the up Mr J Murphy In our Town and very lAfKK Mull Tat CANADIAN STEAM- the litfcAjttlooUll be It Alt UK VlvIr Of- I Act ItAirAwAr J J way FRUITS Soda Water c WEDDING CAKES IN GOODS NEWMARKET ONTARIO in JJAN0 TO ilKNT I yJ In fuWf WJlopfty iwjr ail mm allthtllmafiiUrtftlmi Ml own til thf larrtU and In lovely chiap Jur and and Jfrafjtatt knj Slipper Patterns Cum and Vattt Toy Toy lu to one ttiC can etc tic eta to Tobaccos Ambers and are the arrival If Halo MARBLE WORKS I tfJll- XWMARKKT itrJit ml AT In A KB AIT AT VHO DID starry iplondor of In myrtle death come bat ba dropped a plucked fresh jog to- And the aastU borer near To bear her on blah For tbey knew that soul That her prayer but to And fitters frail that bound to earth the And all that the memory dear Like echo of some 2 light of Gods earth To meet that angel baud And lUrdlucethottJ that the WrrOTr and PAID And tho grief from His baud And down from Of Jasper and As they far apart Comes a gleam the varm iaoshlna of To comfort the heart 1 Ella Old Dumps They to make of him the office He was a old fel low a solemn face and what wo thought ridiculously polite ways oil his hat when fin la and say Good morning gentleman I J you all in good health fine day And of the would grin and would nod and some wouldnt do anything but I never could help standing up and bowing perhaps because I knew that my toother would have said I ought to do it To bo be was only of like ourselves but had been at Rock Burtons twentyfire years and young fellows had come and gone and there ho was And it was gentle manly of him I said and even if he a little snuff colored creature with a queer little wig why he look- j All could say faad no effect They had proved me guilty before they had accused mo they said and at last out of office boys were getting ready to go home I saw they knew what had happened None of yon this of me said None of you who know me And said here Forrester youre very lucky to get off so And said New come we know too much to bo tooled Its always your boots of a good young man that does sort of things And Grab said say Forrester dont talk too much give yourself away And Stover said Oh go take a glass of brandy and water and dont go on like a girl about it And what with shame and grief I could fiavd died when out of his dusky corner came little old Dumps in his little colored over coat and held out his hand Mr Forrester he watched you ever sioco youve been here- I know what you are You are incapable of a dishonest act and what is more I will prove it before I rest The man who respects others always respects himself man who reverences God and honors his mother will do no dishonorable thin He took my hand in his arm and bowing to the others walked out into the street with I heard Grab Stover and laugh but gave us a furi ous look and stood white to the lips looking after us Mr Dumps said I I thank for your confidence in me I de serve it in this at least but it saves my heart from breaking under this disgrace How shall tell my like a gentleman the Largest Enterprises of A7tfIcs fret New York on board aJp the early emigration ltoruta ho that of the of tbattutl bad of Mr bat recommended Avails In man Las heard lUMIV we to a flaa yean Mr his lei Qmlg to tta Ltd state of his Mood or lamp appealed on lojuroi Hor rible of sktp with pile tbroaah lamp lift almott ltio leg became of No of anj until tie by Mr dltte- vMcb reiftOtcd ad restored llcob lo ilr bis used for with after dKlarts tbta Is no In the to It fw flout effects of high llvloa Salt and all various form of blood U to of to set bin all at mLOirootb Hotel at ttiiefjpaJlf blood poisons giro Icqulrorf b at UbiJlDrQs at oa and could row too I said so once to next desk to mine but well I didnt try it again You see was up to everything dressed elegantly at everything almost and had come from a country town and ho was a city man Nobody was down on Old Dumps as he was called especially after ho made us that speech about our con duct to ladies Dumps made the speech you know and it was vale who said the lady only came in to look at him Im sure she really wanted to know the way to the street she asked for and hop colored and hurried out And Dumps with his brown wig and stiff ways looked to mo like the that day and with his fine curling hair and black moustache and broad shoulders like the puppy The man who calls a blush to the check of a good woman by look or tone must have forgotten mo ther said Old Dumps When that lady asked you a civil question she relied on her belief that you were a gentleman Mr When you answered her you did and spoke of her as you did any one could read your insulting thoughts Mr and you did not even rise from your seat air You proved that was very much mistaken Mean to say am no gentleman said Merrivale In tltis instance sir said Old Dumps you certainly have not con ducted yourself as should Merrivalo pulled his coat half off and pulled it on again Pshaw said he ho knows hes safe bo no fun in knocking down an old bag of bones liko that I could do St with my little finger But you attend to you own business will you Old Dumps I can be have myself without your advice and that aint woman thats come in just for a sort of flirtation used to just that sort of ihing I am Mr Dumps is right this said JJahl said you are from country Thank for it then my young friend said Dumps and sat down After that was never even half way civil to Dumps and boys followed lead But I liked old fellow When wo met in street my fiat and shako hands and say some Oaf those things that mother taught mo to Who were Why there was Merrivalo with his darling airs and his way of letting you know that ho was a favorito with women And who didnt for stylo hut knew city And Arab who ws shrewd smart and had stocks of his own already And Stayer who used to with red eyes and headaches and that ho had been making a night of it I was lonely enough in great city and I should liked to have joined company with Dumps and walked with Mm from church I was afraid of meet ing of tho boys and I never did Hut I would bow to him and wo took our hats off to each other ah way J had written to my mother that I liked my business and was doing well and would bo down to her on whim I was sent for to go into and 1 go through with I cant even remember details but I was charged being a thief Youd to rtUiul our par business as well to know why I was to it hot I hid robbed them of four hundred dollnrs They urged me to confers I was innocent and told thorn to Then they told mo thoy did wish to bo on me I was young city was a bad for boys would bo merciful and only me Only dumUs mo without Dont tell her yet said he Wait Others shall think of you as do soon Then we went on in silence He took me to his own room where he kept bachelors hall Ho made tea for me and served mo with sliced potted beef and thin bread and but ter The room was a strange oldfash ioned place a room in a story and there os miniature of a young lady in tho costume of forty yeara before on the wall over tho mantle and on book shelves old calf hound volumes and on a stand near the fire ft prayer book with book mark hanging from it And it was not until we had done tea ho said to me very apologetic ally after bad called him Mr flumps Mr Forrester excuse but I am not Dumps That is by which young men at tho store considered it witty to call me I con fess I could not see wit but it rather them than me I saw by your manner that you had made a mistake My name is Adams I was so much ashamed of having used tho nickname innocently as did it that I could have my old friend inc I think but for his sympathy that night I should taken my life I did not ho could help mo oven But ho did I said I could not tell you just what they accused me of do ing unless you knew tho ins and outs of our business and I cant tell you how he did it for same reason Hut day ho came to mo Hushed with triumph and took both my hands and shook them hard and said My dear boy its all right Id watched and had a cue Your character is cleared firm welcomes you back with regrets that they should have suspected you and real culprit is found real culprit is and Stover is his accomplice And so it really was had doctored my books and meddled with my proofs made mo out a thief as plainly as though I had Won and never guessed that Old Dumps with his suspicions all aroused had played detective and was able to come to my at the hour of need I went back to my situation and Ive got on well but hero is more to ray story Think of dear Old Dumps turning out to bo my uncle my mothers own brother and neither of us guessing it Long ago other people had quarrelled and so separated these two who were always friends Think of little man in shabby wig end coat proving to bo rich and going down into country to live with his sister for rest of his life In vacations and holidays I go to them They are happy together and the It tie tea set with old china and is potted beef and jolly and I am petted like a child And In my uncles rootn the old miniature of young lady hangs over the mantle piece as It did in his How York lodg ings And ho told mo its sweet sad story and I know why the quaint old man in had a more truo and tender gallantry to women and was a braver friend and mora perfect gentleman than the young fops who at im front high stools between desk and tho window and him tho nickname of Old Dumps Death of Jumbo HOW IT St Thomas Sept Just be fore close of circus last night a loud mournful sound was heard and shortly after tho ring master mounted the platform and with tears in his eyes announced that anions elephant bo had just been kilted on the track near the show The intelligence cast a gloom over vast assembly for animal had left ring but a few moments where his appearance and docility bad made him a GENERAL FAVORITE nod others shed tears Las well as ring master reporter immediately went to of tho catastrophe and between two sidings saw Jumbo lying death throes and in about five minutes he breathed his last Not far from Jumbo bol stered up stood his companion the small trick whoso leg been broken He was moaning jut- fifed being comforted by who lay under him flat on his back and held the trunk of the suffering brute endearing of the keeper appeared to lc understood by thn sufferer and lie tried to bear tho pain manifesting it as little as possible to his keeper who apparently was in more agony than his unfortunate charge It that after Jumbo and his little com panion had performed their parts were taken out to bo loaded on the train An order to load had obtained from the yard master and it was supposed by the in charge of the animals that no train would MOVE DOWN THE MAIS across which the elephants had to travel without due being giv en The road bed at thia is about twelve feot above the is only wide enough to contain the main line and one siding on which was situated the circus train On the other side of the main lino is a signal cable three feet from the ground and from this the bank is very steep till the level ground is reached It was necessary to take the animals on the main line in order to get them into their care These cars stood at the bottom of which extends eastward about a quar ter of mile to the summit of Yar- mouth Heights A special freight came from the east and the en seeing that tho signal on tho heights was not against him proceed ed down the grade but not far below lift ww the elephants on traek ahead He reverted engine and did his to stop but the heavy train pushed the engine along in of break and back steam The first lo discover danger was Jum bo Ho blew his trumpet and mournful sound echoed far up the and through the valley caus ing the circus people anil specta tors to rush out of the tent Jumbos keeper tried to get him across the signal cable and down the steep bank but ho to do so and there alternative left but to take him down tho main line on which train was coming and if the end of tho ears on sid ing Tins they tried to do and the keepers ted the elephants on the run but before they reached the out let the oncoming train overtook them and Jumbo was doubled up be tween the freight and circus train engine and one car were thrown from the track on sides on edge of embankment Jumbo had scarcely drawn his last breath lie- fore thousand who worn in the tent and thousands from the city and surrounding country were gathered round his body to pay a tribute of respect to departed great iuhb mourn over his untimely It was a sad sight to wo tho pet of Eng land and America Lying jammed in between a freight cars After an opening been in tho cars on the several long stout ropes se cured and ho WW by thousand men women and children who seized to got a pull at Jumho Hundreds of visited the dead carcass to day and a good many souvenirs lycra token from him in of long hair bits of hide and chips of ivory A despatch was sent to proprietors of show who ordered body to be until crmiat from Philadelphia who will secure Jumbos and hones and them to tho museum in which form of king of will be preserved and gazed upon by general The Old Old Story a paper for a Tho games of bunco and tbo three card man have been so often exposed that it would seem impossible for any one to bo taken in by them A few points however may be laid down as selfevident truths Never Never sign a document without first readiug it through very careful ly every word including the fine print or writing between the if thero bo any Take no mans word for contents of a paper offered for your signature no matter how well you may know him but satisfy your self of its contents Never play cards or any of chance with a stranger Dont tell your business to strangers Dont in them Dont let them tempt you into show ing how much money you may have with you or how much you are worth Mind your own business wher ever you are at home in the village or city and you will never be taken in Spain has decided to purchaso two menofwar cotton crop of said to be per cent short The British outposts advanced 30 miles beyond Pi flbcen now In attendanco at Bradford Model School A cheap cigar makes as much smoke hi the world as a good The only in the matter of Duck should separate houses from other fowls No roosts are necessary but should have troughs as they do no to and on Ihp ground chick- tin A largo number of volunteers have disposed of land script for to speculators In ffamfor A very successful novel is Not Other probably helped her the house work Our laidy readers bake fancy cake will bo learn that lemon frosting cranberry or hero- mother do those who pleased to will whiten stmwltcrry juico color it pink and grated rind of an orange strained a cloth color it A curious incident was related to our reporter a few days ago by a suburban resident of our village who has for last three or four or years been engaged in culture and who has now twenty skips During dry spell of a weeks ago ho hod occasion morning go out to the strips divide swarm of What was surprise up investigating several of to a toad at each box toads apparently asleep but every timo a approached tongue of toad would shoot out lightning and convoy suspecting Insect Into capaplous mouth- Our informant attacked the Intruders and killed of animals and upon them was astonished to find not than thirty and In or two coses fifty honey How to Double Your Money- A new and ingenious Now York swindle has just come to light in this town A certain man wellknown throughout county when looking his New York papers not long ago saw the following advertisement HOW TO DOUBLE MOSEY A legitimate method no beyond cost of a letUr in If you not of SaunjbCo Bo Bible City of piper The gentleman was Cents He clipped out the advertise- pasted it on a sheet of paper wrote the name of paper from which it was clipped under it wrote his own address pasted a 10c piece on the letter paper by means of a two cent stamp and mailed the to the firm in New In exactly hours from that time he got an answer to his letter It came in a cheap unsealed envelope lb was printed on a slip of cheapest white paper and read In reply to your favor of t asking us to teach you bow to double your money We will fell you a plan lor letter bin king trading or leas Take a grteobick fold it will fiud your wealth id- plan danger or loss your In your band with to trouble it And you it Tia plain as day Out you double it menial The Buffalo Daily Courier contains following account of the marriage of Dr J A Hunter son of Edwin Hunter Esq of Yongc St with Miss Hernandez of New Orleans A very pretty wedding took place Thursday September at oclock at Trinity Church Delaware avenue the contracting parties being Dr James Albert Hunter and Mi3 Lou isiana Marie Hernandez daughter of Joseph Hernandez Esq all of New Orleans La entered tho church on the arm of her father and was met at by tho groom The ceremony was performed by Hunter brother of groom assisted by Dr Van rector of parish Miss of New Or leans acted as bridesmaid and Mr Walter Hernandez brother of bride as best man The ushers were Messrs J M Ogiivic and of Buffalo The bride a most beautiful representative of an old and Spanish family wore a of rich white satin with wide of finest point applique her voil fastened with blossoms and her jewels were diamonds gift of her father and tho groom Tho ceremony was fol lowed by a wedding breakfast at tho of Dr and Mrs Morris Rouse Whitney place Tho wedding gift3 which not shown woro many and beautiful and during tho day telegraphic communications pour ed in from brides distant kinsfolk and friends Among tho relatives and others present Mr Joseph Hernandez Mr Walter Hernandez Master Will to Hernandez and Miss of New Orleans Mrs go of Hamilton Ont Rev and Mrs Hunter of Mrs and Misses Barrett of Toronto Mr and Mr P and daughter and Mr Arthur of Y Mrs Van Smith of St Inits Mrs J Low of Allan Go Rev Dr Among the Buffalo kinsfolk Dr and Mrs Morris Rouse Dr and MtfP W Mr and Evans Dr and Mi P H Bartlott Mr and Mrs J A Dar lington Mrs Etta Hill and others Ontario Agricultural Col- lego on October Ikt for take on following day The couro of instruction is specially adapt ed to wants of farmera sons Mr Thompson a prom inent resident of was found lying dead on Northern railway track on the of the mountain at Hamilton on Hi ln -uppos- Ik result of an accident 1 I ad people to in any lu out patron saints of smiling smirking beat who buys on credit on a prom ise to pay vet never pays You can shoot or jail a burglar If you catch him in your house but that other more detestable wretch tho nonde script who your goods on ft solemn promise to liquidate in the fu ture ana does not insufferable still ho has to bo tolerated Wilson Star Texas has been experiencing an unparalleled down pour of ram the last few days The British Government has the owners of the chartered cruisers that the vessels will required after expiration of their charters Dak Sept Pre in Ibis vicinity yesterday with unusual fierceness At least fifty farmers were burned out losing their houses and crops Tho population of the capital of Eastern rose in rebellion on Friday seized the GovernorGeneral deposed the and proclaimed a union with Bulgaria and effected all this without any bloodshed Rancid butter may be restor ed or fttnll events greatly improved well washing with some good new milk End next with cold spring water Butyric acid on the presence of which rancidity depends is freely soluble in fresh milk Hon White arrived at Owen Sound Saturday en route to the North- West Ho was entertain- to lunch by tho of the Town and presented with an address by the Association of the riding There were 33 deaths from smallpox in Montreal on Friday ami a total for the week of One hundred and sixty cases of dis ease have been discovered in the west end of the city by the Grey Nuns in the course of their visitations K At a mass meeting of Orange men held in Kingston on Saturday night resolutions were ex pressing the hope that justice would be done in case and pledging those present not to Vote for any po litical candidate who would not written promise to support the BUI Admiral the French commander iu Madagascar has asked for reinforcements and the troopship is about to leave Brest for with a force of men The French squadron at Mad agascar will be increased raising Admiral command to men and menofwar The Aurora contingentof No Troop 2nd Regiment of Cavalry left here on Tuesday morning under command of Lieut Hamilton to join the balance of the troop at Richmond Hill ami then proceed to Toronto to take the steamer for Niagara where they will put in their twelve days drill The made a hue appear ance as they rode through the streets on their way out Itanner Sept Wilson a veterinary surgeon from London has Leon in South making a special report on the cholera for the Dominion Government He says it is not cholera but lung fever keep on dying by hundreds daily J of Amheratburg has lost worth and herd of are dying off while deputy- Clark has lost all of his Tho Ontario Government a man Prof says it is hog cholera pure simple of a very bad type Ottawa Sept Tho Cabinet had a long sitting on Saturday and it is understood engaged in com pleting tho details of the transfer of North Shore St Lawrence rail way to Canadian Pacific railway It is expected that Canadian Pa cific railway will be completed Sir Charles returns from Vancouver Island which ho will do via the P It It is pro posed therefore that Sir Charles shall last spiko in road some where west of second crossing of Columbia river For of those who do considerable packing wo publish the change made in the Weights and Measures Act All apples packed in Canada for sale by tho barrel shall bo packed in good strong barrels of seasoned woodmado as nearly cylindrical as may bo the staves of such barrets shall bo twenty- seven inches in length from to with heads from sixteen and one half to seventeen inches in diameter and such barrels shall bo sufliciently hooped with a lining hoop within the cKiics and tho wholo well secured by nails Pa Sept Two- sections of a mixed train left junction yesterday rooming on the Philadelphia and Reading road first section was up of empty freight and coal cars and second of loaded oil cars Coming down a mile west of Tarn- two sections collided concussion ignited oil in the tanks and one after another be gan exploding About gal lons of crudo oil was in tho tanks and much of it ran along railroad destroying tho tracks for a mile Two freight and two coal cars also destroyed Sept- Last night burglars entered of Sir Fames miller of place d oney and on- red Mrs mealing a heavy xold watch and chain from Mr It of Agricul tural Department Ottawa who was visiting at the house Mr awoke but robbers pointed a re volver his head and threatened to shoot if ho any noise They then carried off his clothes and went out to clear pockets but failed to get any money as Mr had it under his pillow obtained of guilty