j J iVi i SEPT Advertisements Gd A- Bight A Co J A fc A Wanted A Big Ju Bond- Train Time OS ff a fl d I 0 a If W U FRIDAY SEPT Toronto Despatch hi appointed a P to to in bare the the of the Coooty CotU right arbitration not to of Coart etc u iru by bu which will Town the or Jtcniry next ii If talked of io coscection with a firm in city cf trf In in a a little escapee and been the Police Coart fcr platform frdapcd by may fc3 Suffrage this plank a in ftdruice of Conservative party in tie or the Ontario reflected by Premiere of the Dominion and Local Govern The right of Canada to negotiate her own Treaties Election of Sonata to existing of in other words declared against protection and in differed ome- what from Hon Mr declara tion to bis previous to last election Oppose assist ed to Canada a policy that both Dominion and Local Governments have been pnreuing and concluded by declaring in favor of economy in the administra tion of the affairs of the country to which everybody amenta Man hood suffrage and an elective are two planks in the platform Hon Mr White on the Trouble The newly elected Minister of the Interior Hon- Mr White has gone to the Before taking at Owen Sound be was pre- Show The union Fall Show of Ibe North York and Whitchurch Societies to be held in on the and proximo should the weather prove favorable promises to exceed all former exhibitions Already entries are being made with the Secretary and the general ap plication for copies of prise list would seem to indicate a largely in creased number of exhibits Hie Ground Committee will meet on Mon day to complete all necessary improve ments to the Palace and grounds which may be deemed requisite or calculated to contribute to the com fort and convenience of both exhibit- on and visitors Special arrange ments have been made with the Northern Railway to enable the public from Toronto to Barrie along the to visit Newmarket daring the days of the Show at fort and our people may expect to meet during the Fair tha members of both tbe Dominion and Local houses for this and the adjoining Counties together with other distinguished visitors in cluding possibly Lieut Governor of Ontario and one or two members of his Cabinet It now remains for the members generally of the Union Agri cultural Societies to do their beat by bringing forward a numerous entry for competition The prize list is ICI li It expjet lUs to tfcunlcfbj- to fi- J result Toronto the of fau rtceitfd a despatch fnm Sir Tapper en return from BriliAh t-l- will a tiug to bo called for the purpose of making for a rep- nntitiiu of uxiaafttiiring and This what thicks of the Young a- Ration at Toronto Tba nTuiioo of thick of thou who hoped loe6t to from tbelr sod of that tew evil to Liberal we can nothing good or hid of be to the Aurora will be called to for of bud If to take trip let him do by ffi bat time let him pa for it oat of bit white The time la fait when thU kind of flunkcina will not be tolerated the the time the better Ink Drops art in op their home your for fioe weather week The a the Equator Star barTeat excursion tonight mitts Dot a new New propeller the pond number an getting tented with an address from the Conservative Association of the Urge one the prizes good county In reply he spoke of bis faith in the of Canada and looked on questions affecting our material development as of much more importance than for good and with Him all fair minds wilt agree hope that Hon gentlemans future will not dUappoint the expectation his remarks inspire Speaking of the troubles Jo tbe North- West in regard to which his present visit thither appears to be connected lie said Tboie pretended that the Gown bad goaded the Into litrO were what wu not the fKU denied that halfbreeds but a frlde difference be tween Aa to Ibe which Kttiista pointed to that the admitted thing the fact was that tbe original appointed and would bate on bat for so to Mr appointed Mr- Ktiaaell that he tyt name of Mr fttrtet wai aubttitoled The orderfnCooQ tit the were notitd of tbe cent of and tbe rebellion out not wot vf the but the wu prtcEpittted of tie of the When the detuning leaders saw that tie wia jointed before It to work or weald be ttay aipe Into The was of now put down fo a which It of the wflJ to remove tie a A Third Party Talked Of Liberals and in Ihe fc3ojtd vpatlon in Toronto dots so it the gib of iu firxt promoter Judging from remark in the Toronto New the far from lo the more demo cratic element of the gathering In the intimation given that ietpf were taken for the calling of other conventionand if need I the formation of third party tbe very thing prophesied and depre cated by the of the lib era Our enter- the conviction that the conven- lion collared and speaks right ojt in meeting It fciya Lett to think that hireling who atiduouly and apparently fully did the work of the have the mark in their for expediency they only cipttaUl the in the rank which they strove to avert The Independent of the con- ventiou before leaving Toronto in- views and a of name of who were to tVj action in the formation of a organization of old party lines arvi been taken The outcome will probably be that t no dutut day another will at which affecting fulorc the change In will the view of a third party Another Journal is to scene that the of Young liberal for through the the coming and the various classes so extended as to give every one a chance who may feel so disposed Indeed it is the duty of member to add to the list of entries The first day embraces a capital program for all who delight in and good horses Speeding in the ring will he a Plots are now to be let for refresh ment booths come first served They will be located this year in the middle of the ground Competitors should remember that entries are required to be by Saturday next if they wish to save entry fees inconvenient to visit Newmarket send a post card to the Secretary and thereby save trouble- Advertisers should also remember that next Fridays paper will be the last before Fair and be governed accordingly Editorial Notes fait Sir the of October will bold a of politic met ling a differ ent of the of which It ficcctrtL reform were Id and ia The lheforiTtr were Mr Cbtrhoo P Mr P it He tetter Mr P Cut Hon Mr that by fiecreUry will be the the North Wert ere rooalog to wed tow the a lur which held Mew York It4t the of buherj the to together with the of deviling to Krtllyio triplbf toe like old time We however to at it Km wbleL to acyovetioo iUkt than a aid a half the City Conceit the of a Court llouae for of York- While the of with the It the eiUtiog building not that Jidgeij the wtre that tie Iwlldfog acid golotukoowe whet all write of dius were to force the to hot now that the hu It elmoit eppeu the of Adetelde toaperidbe A a city after the by to for the lnwittuttoreueTtry lettable why the work ltb The project of Toronto aad i- to be owrrfat to retard jf work Tie Mail Tbe of the new bold that for re for to at the of Bay the which It time ljlldlcg tte t would It ot Aixordlog to latter tut a lut what aa- fvf tUt Vyit tte l U oa pit of Personal Mention- Mr A it week Father Sbeaban of Pickering wu io Town Mr boosVf home on a visit Dr a Mix Park is her a Visit Rev Smith preaching at Alton the two A SteTeawD of Aoror wee visit- log at tt on Wednesday Mr mi of Toronto at lii Mayor this week P and little Jimmy are frieoda in Toronto week Mr attended the District Financial Meeting atCooketowa week Mr of Ottawa jH hie Mr J Woodland a vuit week Mr Albert of St ion of Mr John Roger low with typhoid fever Mr Walter gone to take charge of Mr eioicbou t Albert again- Rev end wife who for two or three for home on ia to lecture in the Chnrcb here on the 9h on Mr and wife of of Itev were Town Sunday on a Rev I to preach a in the Church here a in Mr Wright of father of Mr l Wright and uncle of the editor in Town over Sunday notified week to look out for a very thick and light en man akfffl from city Aler Prater of Port Mnikoka rut is down a three with bar staler Pierbeller Mil while alighting from a a couple of wieka ago and ooly nicely of on having with Wright of Church Mrs mother the Menu gone to to for removing the her face Mr end of Tor onto were in Town on He decided to return to end Into Mr who viiitiog at tot time for the benefit of bis returned to Cleveland on Monday Mm Will and left hi ao Haider and left for Ottawa Mist McCarthy of Dor- and Mr Treoton at Mr The letter a brother of find Other to dnb very off of the fiv Track A couple of bid a on Park Tuesday in ilr trotter beaten by Mr GiUimboy regular of the North York will be on Saturday Oct 3rd at oclock p a for beat bo don to oar EnrtitQllon moot beneficial tofirneni to tho TBAMBWisoTTbB and li with Andrews School on th King bold good in Church the for occasion Mr liaoionnell of Toronto who a host in himself A very pleasant time may an ticipated Sutton forget the and North Gwillimbury Pall Fair at Sotton Thuraday 4 Friday- A end good time anticipated Friday night the Newmarket Dramatic Club under the management of on the end will give the people of the Northern ToMiibipa a treat Harvest Festival- Next Wed nesday la the day fixed for the Chrutiap Cnrchfor holding Home After the dinner aerfed from to oclock the chalrmto Mr Silver of will rf when be expected from dent with excellent by choir Go and a good time Thanks and apple- not bad to take this of the year Mr Bolton of aware of fact as very good aampleaof both artfclei left Friday Mr John of a fine orchard it the of apple left with pro- iiqqticJ of excellent quality by typos By the way how would printer do for judge on at the North York Fair w made the a of week ago of Constable information being laid by the Inspector for on St The was set for the bat for want of wa postponed till Monday Mr names of lire to be to prove bit Innoceqcd but at time for the bearing neither inform an or magistrate ance now clairos dam ages for of character and threat to enter aa action apology and settled Cot CM- will find fall tit lie the that more Shaving and run by Mr cow in Mr Kenoedy who In to cf Try the new barber he a cat and clean than I would like to fuel that the backbone of the cold pell la broken and that wo bare two fipo weather ahead if A little before break of day Monday morning of lightning played in the ethereal and Id weather that lha fall of the year it is a rare of a warm jpeU- Hot What en Show day a he dinner efforts of the of erd w highly hat year that they hare decide to time and Friday tbty will bo to lea ill their old friend gain for a meat Fall Fairs of In any to pre of It trill be by Ihomoofllita warranted la Id Odd Scraps Central Service With the of me Central from tbe Block to Book Store we hire the addition of tic new in Town making total of twentyfire on the trunk line liat embrace the followiog Bailey Dr Drug Store Cane Factory the Mayor residence faces residence real Up at the Phoenix appear to bo on the work that being tamed out to A of flanrelt tweeds and kept bind and Tanner can wool for readymade ar ticle avoiding the of for own materia to be manufactured This plan forking well Notes Clean out root cellar and mike the ready fjr the root be well cleaned and fiUeI with hot lime wash pat on thick window be protected by wire to keep out grain moth a and Save all he cbalj for feeding end or for bedding A of be gathered by and by In make repair clean ma chine and remember that the time i mud the fall with ita will bo upon w andmaay that may be done now can not be don then While driving to Town MrJohn Graham and another gentlemen of had a narrow escape from injury- He was dririog a and spirited animal attached to a top boggy and when opposite the centre road leading to Albert from the Town line a dog ran from a near by furiously The frightened and running a ditch and throwing It up on Both tho occupant out hot Mr held fait to the and the hone from running away Luckily neither of the gentlemen were badly hurt and not a strap broken Troublesome Bees The of the town barn been greatly bothered by honey bee while doing their fruit thia bat cheekiest of on the part of the latter that baa come oar reported to bare occurred on Milt Street A who under the ordinary circa ma would not make a brave of women right engaged In very occupa tion when a whole avrrru of entered tbe house and determined to keep of jam Fortunately a arrived a fierce encounter took place which resulted iu a of intruding enemy Hamilton North Georgina York Newmarket South Simeon Cookatown Central East York King Scbomberg Good wood ii to Oct Oct land it t ii to i nJ Certain Caw A care for A and far or chronic forma Bowel Corn- full I In Or of Wild Strawberry to bo from puy if Tour Child or medicine loDrLoTr Worm Syrup be appreciated Dominion Co by tut will ram Qneboo for Way fltb A of June may bo had of agent Newmarket Sale Register flept of Geo will Cah Sato of kitchen denize a 11 Into aeth Kewmarbet James TriufLenar October tb or wilt liavnan credit tain of Form on ho North of lot No of filreet Term ryrcMi and all of under cash over lhat J Fluid but few wbo nave f lctoTernblo Toothache or To them sued an relief an a told lime of medicine to bo taken One application of Fluid cure- odatJne Kelnianadrugatoro Of Faro Cad with Most In UroneblUi tie J P Efaimnu Mill w I Seville in a case of of and patient In ten I most my at It boating era Very the appear ance of guard in lht pro the of leing earned about tbo time Cower Hardware j Sunday Stow Home rich is store for the patter in office and resident Newmarket Hat Co riidenci Itailway Station residence Hotel Sutherland Bros It A Stnith residence Lirery Office A Kink From present intends to one of in town- liar- log the jog in adjoining lot to Mr and I red lot hi new home show off to Mr Ceo be con tract and he is doing excellent work The well laid a cellar full iu of which Mr Intenda to put a firat coal furnace that can be regulat the Hall In the aecond He ia fitting building with all convenience ud expect to move in About od lent bis residence Mr baa rented the on the aide of the lot which alto and refilled Tub Man bo no doubt hut Morgan the right man to Till the vacant in County The flaunt My We heartily coogralulato Morgan on elevation to the end ftel that the of County will no region to rgtt Although Mr Morgan political In the have not in accord with our yet we believe Judge do justice alike to all The Wiinm Wo know of no better selection Mr Morgan i well fitted for the May ho long live to joy honor conferred While the add Morgan la a lawyer and hi appointment favorably by public a well by of Toronto and York the matrimonial line There young to number of fifteen or twenty collect on Mia for the of their aUteen within the paternal portals but they think of the annoyance the blockage is to or other who may bo pining at the time We know a bint only neces sity as after hi notice all tho married peo ple will bo looking to a who young fnlk are that aland around waiting for their girls Now keep a little dark Notices per eocXrucrtfOrt Pill and regulate the liver Tbo Of Botbmywlf wife oar llvw to Cure Sold by In It I In tOQ to warn our reader attack of In cident io the of rlpo Fowler Extract of Wild tttraw- A Injector With each bottle of Item- Bold by How quickly Wine through all Plmpe and filotcbea ud a clear See that you get Pennine Are Ton ou of appetite yellow akin Viuiker la a Bold by Kelruaa as in a and tonoupibftjaum Burdock that promptly acts upon KMnej worth a of cure A Canker Hold by Jan Kelman sulphur a cheap and bandy form of healing of a l With wPioh by their faith la bo explained by the fact Is the beat blood medicine and la not approached Iu excellence by any new candidate for pub- Ho favor Why Kill you Cough will lvo Mo relief Price 19 Ja Proves Dollar upon dollar apenl of recommendation for article entirely Not with McGregor Speedy Cure yon not until Ha merit are proven Call Jam free trial and If It will core you ft the form of plaint etc no matter how long ataodJnfi Sold in KM See from in yourowu Items for Quite a number of our attended the Exhitltioo in the City week Death bos again entered our midst od removed one our most highly re residents Mr Peter We ftet much loss of one so useful aa a cop aiiteot Christian worker wo know there is an Providence in all thing triveJ family hare the of the whole in their great The revival serf ice by fairly We are lo o ilra again and hope her visit benefit her thereby will hoM their fall show on Thursday Oct at Queens- ville The pile will out in a few day of visitiug unfit Henry and intend for time We learn it all tint a meeting of the Council was last Monday Why our a we all taki such I Mr Dan He lit Ilia of North tented III cr firm to Mr William of Union Street fcubetm far the put with Enntco St bol yard cleared of some of ita rubbish last week Mr who hi been visit ing at home list Toes- day He report that there backward in that a heavy part doing great damage to the fruit The of one day but week were the or chard of Mr Josbna are advised to have a care how they Till a it may get them into trouble and if the parents of boy keep them in school or at work instead of allowing them to loaoge around at will it would better or tbe boys with the customs of a civilized At Mr George of to the on mam last the hind of the buggy letting the vehicle to the no one hurt other than bully frightened Mies Mary Graham of I Mich formerly of there with her The 8criptare Reading pre pared by the Education Department ready and are by Mr the Inspector he Tint the school The tablet to connection with the firtt book will not be for soma time yet Mr hit to Clare- to the position occupied by the bead miller the Cleveland Milling Co daring of the latter It I a eition of great And responsibility and Mr Wog chosen a the one to occu py the position speaks well of his former connection ini teniae thief ffM in guilty to cWgo rf property into stolen property Sept sawmill from machinery to day an together of lumber to feffi partly insured failed to the women in national tobacco tux Valencia thouRh the raged violently in that city Medical World recalls mT workers also noticed to exemption- from attack a Amsterdam from Ottawa all the plan concerning th lands of the Turtle disposal of the volunti- It 11 EfU East Gwilllmbury Council A of this Conncll held at above mem- twra all Communication follows From Allen road loll anil fitb Con from Board of Health re regulation from to bo On motion of Mr turn of out of the general fundi for fur ther Improvement of Coo opposite lot for gritting bill at tot Con A Bylaw lo appoint a Collector anU for a survey of Street went through its several anil Council then to again on of November meeting appointed for of haying been Convention The Executive fortuualo in curicg talent to in Convention and publish program full tint the public can with it and picjxa for an and on Normal Work of thi with a Normal by Her John Short ah the Duty with to the Collection 1000 fluiim itd and on frou School colltcteJ innounmeuti tic A of Wo all a man of to nervous debUMx Is JiJnJock liagl and ionic which regulate bodily and vAor Cure rellovo croup whooping cough by the Ileal Policy- la noblest work man and thai Strawberry 1 only to euro tiQttmMorbujiyajnlery Canker and varloUf Hum pair For You printed every It never to curt Hold by to If troubled with an unhealthy Ung rjo ate You will It for healing removing trouble If I out take Willi It a few of McClreor Mr Kmanadrug Mr John of brother of In Town latter with him on Saturday for a of a week or up In fiirrc eg to Morgan to of the Co of York It trill hi to Toronto a of at the Council oclock Mr- pleach tit rrt morale attend of the Aurorft Church on Home On the mother Jorci a narrow to death For a been troubled with leg and It that the canker eaten to a main The oat In a and aid procured at aha now to tot Cuba i torn ira td Kuorrof froiji Jill to for taw tfkhp Mich or for a I Another car load of to here to morrow The excavating for Win new was week The ve If eddiiij a to the aide of and are the J fj thcae for iwlnla We it and The property of hi on by tender All of the York Fair I next Did you the the moon If the on Town to an Ion allgatfug they weald which marked on St of iho of ou to take a apace lot every catch directory card by men who work and inake wealth than thote value for tt money no other m and a well Hunt Club met aod the rat fox of the aUut three of Tonn Sunday the Quarterly for the International were whole and Repot for Toronto daring Alex a Conceit ercolog aid of the pail and tub are the the They morel In on Mr la ft new cellar under hit from Aurora walk up to High return it night The a Kail ope the In Town lLl and Work and in the School by W- for the of the II 10 Conductor fiOO Praia Service to J Kij J A of the Key A Draw- er Iter John VltUXY OGOPraytrMeetlog Teaehere PftKfAltlTtOH Kir A by J fl a 5Pratae Contribution faTa the Age by Dr fhotnu Drawer A J flchooli from by Rot J How many people Of both aiifTtir- vitality broken dovro on J ho rialrolaA would Uurdock I Ml tens which rIorea new to the dcbltlUtcd ayatom Powdcra will cure To A filleted Dr Toronto will vlr It of month for the treatment of Ho have been up by other phytic lfiu of for he hue tunny of dur I year but follow entirely now In If you ore dotn well under your own It labia to treat who ha vo been whuaftorlonx trying fail ed cured Next Cured An old phyalclMi retired from placed by no DUU the formula a veteU- remedy for and euro fit Jlrutichltla Catarrh Aatbma arid nil alaonpoflllveaMd radlcj cure fur Debility and all having tilted He lu It duty to Ac by motive rind b human I of loall la or with foil for by mall by ad- with A- A- cow It Pcrla extraordinary Hit I Im been achieved In rudlrlno baa been attained by Dixon lntftbe fully ninety have been of none leii Harding It If remembered that not fly per cant of to the regular aro wblle the record a euro at all with claim now generally the moil men that due to the Jiving lu the Coco adapted hi cure to loo be permanency la a by blcn four Kill one oyer attempted to cure In man no other treatment aver cured catarrh application of the remedy aod at and of the year li meat permanent cure of the at one treatment A Kief Toronto and atatop tor their Sutton Items to the Annual held St Church Friday the pastor George hid remarks on The church tastefully for the aod neatly executed of lowers the walls hile flowery rools the were placed in harmonious arrangement throughout the church which preKtiled a very and attractive The Indian or Island held it traincetiog Keek which proved quite a The fine a goodly embraced the opportunUv to to by the eteaiuer Interpret A good tea served after which time waa in listening to and miiiio both vocal Md iiietrutoeutal Friday after a lin gering illutj pissed array the tht Wii exchanging life for a brighter and better beyond the tomb The Itinera on Sunday very largely altcudtd which it cct and which held by the CoDnrmalion was held In St Church when a number of young people were confirmed Lordship Mr lumlcr with considerable entrgy- mill which of turning out tweuty thouend feet day now run night and giving employment to thirty and forty hand Tho animal exhibited by Mr tin Toronto Industrial Fair carried olf follows lint for llrol Muff for Filly and third for Colt Night reveling here week A drunk er houlingonHie oclock the for News from Holland Landing Hey Mr Methlfit who hat in a his and didivrrel his farewell a rmou Sunday evening hit Improbably kaUgal ever in the pit Friday ho met choir purtice by a deputation by lit and St iss prnted him with well filled accompanied by a well W which the gentlf replied anltablc terms- Mr lift on for he la to cofuphto hit at Cvl- At the of the Sunday evening anvice Mr tho congregation to kind their until he got the door to Ml them ilbje is pud out A I number of frieiufi to tho next lie well by Grand for a Jew to cut keep accordhind clothing alio and trad for a few The main thing tint tho landing folk laaana la Jack the two cent Dude with ten cent cine Gray If ill the haying alight of her All aigoi a big row in the The mot popular the at prent la awet An Ink titled the village Ink at three ir Landing folk do not think It fair for one woman to have two and both living and hack an I forth all the time but It are both of Wales on Friday Copenhagen dedicated to of and occasion Town Council Monday September Slat 1SS meet Member all present ex cept the Mayor Scott Terry and Millard After routine The reports that for Cane wero for and that a chock for paid to MesarA Win Cams A alao that the flrro by Council properly Mr Jaruea Allan applied for two lampion Timothy aircct to be erected and lighted by tho Town eiplalnod that the been erected by aubAcrljr tlou or uncial taxntloti on the kepi by the Town On motion Council went Into of the reported recoimucudlng- That or booth for vote on t Morgan for low nnd attendance on Georo A Caldwell painting two on John lengthening mid for flro hall fur rcpilrlrii comer of rtro hall removing old totter 2nd That of Charles Cook be to William Kennedy per 3rd With reference and offer of Drown that build drain on Church at reel from North of Timothy atrcot running South low enough to drain Mr property pwcr with other persons bene- 111 That verbal report of Clerk re Can Rami accepted latlKfuctory ond tho fytel with Corporation paper lamp bo erected on aide of Market the cop That Itowden and Jack- ion to Win In of A petition raking for a aide- walk on to limit of which referred to It It Committer Mr Ilowden naked why tax not atftttJ that the attention of Ihe called to It but to have Won neglected The Iteovu reortcl with regret death of a Corporation Officer lu person of Mr Itutchcroft that Mr MIDardrcQucit the on Church atroel opposite ConregattoriaIChufCbdonentaOounaia to erect a feuco along tho church properly On matter was referred to Council then adjourned Lydia Eliza subject of brief ftketch born lu York July and leiV Sho waa aicond daughter of and Nancy who for a number of In the of North but moved to north of where last Are of her the of I waa to mourn lholoaofher with of homo life- Her work lay In wants of or whom the nit endeaud com panion of a and vlorou4 It not without a few we of death In the ravage of I lot When assured fact that on earth bo turned her and attention toward heavenly homo At minified with hope but long it in a perfect that her mid heaven home With tho tabernacle of faith until from earthly ftlowlth friend abe wnatrqonndfallhfubat a nddcvotcd though child but a few faith WM alroot Increasing On 17ihrf September she from earth to behold by human lho3h followed by it number of friend her conveyed to Math Church where endeavored to Improve aolema event by from Matt and After which Interment look In Villas Cemetery May the and sorrowing friend specially parent bo by n loving Savior la tho prayer of people Ay lfer Sun went down ero It noon in NorthWest that lands arc rich acrf watered and that lhectirju J ftWfl- A meeting of the a shortly to iJJJ matter of a to thero Kingston Sept great excitement in the that the wold on the date origin bis execution proceeded to the At eight hundred of soldier n their way towards the inafjT and when they arrived at a pole they came to a was on hied when rope was a read the death and several began to plead for but suddenly from thousand J throats cry Hang up and like lightning the effigy into tho air while the crowd hoarse figure was lowered and taken hill where it was set fire to being filled with powder itwaiUj to atoms During the mock was intense much as if original was Strung up It was hours tho camp resumed quiet AliNOLIiAlIlieMflhuJliify fconflgt n Hi 15h KuapMi to ffomb on son of Mr title afternoon on of Jul Into or I Mr- Wiiio FURNITURE AND S J Bedroom Sets LOWEST PINE AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS KICK IN STOCK FIRSTCLASS HEARSE Sir AH or J en mil MtelTi tfllW And prompt TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD At norcDt by tut ft Aisfnt E tor Flit itnfJntn A Muiufti In lM Lift Our barrel When do per bushel Jiyo do Clover bub do per do roll lotiliXMr liny iutx do aria OH a IWd OH a HO a yu in Our Toronto Markets S Flour Km pcrboiiiel Itiilry Co uVrrSf jtir lioli Timothy Ion per iff roll tub do barrel iur a olio iS fl is Col of ImttaHon York St Matthews ward Saturday and in terviewed several of tho wen of No Co who had Wen with him in gallant looks at and jolly over At one GOOD KfftiYO nectUllr vtl hi 17 liNS fS FOR PSiS lb Coo of tf Veil