File Live Tfmi 1 We have much pleasure in advising ever our all and Winter of 18856 is now CompleteWithout Doubt the Finest we have ever Shown in Any an All of Our VARIETY AND I in LI iMrO TAILORING BUSINESS Is the Most Complete in Town Our Mr Mutch who has charge of the Depart ment is a Tailor as well as Gutter and the work we turn out will bear comparison with that of Shops irstCla ewin In all our Fine Work and the thorough manner in which every detail in making is looked after is positively refreshing in this day of slop work Remember that Every Garment is on the Premises Combine all the Newest Goods We have a Magnificent Range of Colorings from which to Select a Suit In Trouserings we show a Specially Fine Just Opened this week Dress Goods Velveteens MANTLE CLOTHS Beautiful New Goods Wonder fully Low Prices MX We carry a Grand Stock of Mens Boys and Youths Overcoats at I a Cashmere Gloves Woollen Gloves J S2 GENTS FURNISHING The Popular House is noted everywhere for the ranges of fine Collars GLOVES III HANDKERCHIEFS Cheapest Sugars in Town David Mortons Celebrated Soaps Best Values in Teas WE INVITE YOU TO LOOK THROUGH OUR STOCK AND SEE THE QUALITY PRICES WE ARE WELL SATISFIED THAT THEY ARE RIGHT XT And other novelties which it constantly carries Thread POSITIVELY THE BEST IN MARKET EH Fine Hoods and Soft Felt Hats Lovely Astra Mantles Persian Lamb Caps Etc Fine Kid Pol Calf Boots Childrens Boots and Shoes Mens and Boys Coarse and Fine Boots PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION We desire to thank our many friends who have favored us with their Patronage and During the past years and we hope to merit continuance of their confidence in the future I J A