SBBgiflE NEVXffelSfbSlfi Twin Time a B s to si mi 1st I All 1 Xf FRIDAY OCT i t The Dominion Cabinet vacancy in Dominion Cab inet lias been filled by the appoint ment of Thompson of Nova Scot to the portfolio of Minister of Justice flavin the charges were made The composition of tbe is follows ice Chief of Affair Sir John A If c Sir Top Jehu Ttcmoo We Sir Hector A li of Sir A Ciroa Sir tell of John of Ice Interior White J A Portfolio Salth By will be wrved that Hon Mr Campbell the Hon Mr Carling talcing the Depart went of Hon Mr Pope the portfolio of eoh the only new in the Ministry end in speaking of him the Ottawa reform fiays there is not a word which can be He ia a man of undoubted honor and probity lawyer and will probably make a more competent Minister of Justice than in the North- West It if Mi u for fariu rfh ftipyeiftlut AAylfasKstiTitaA Sept A riot at oclock this mora- fcwd Ay other libel il A Mr ton A of fett city iced Tcrcnto to at ICO did net Mr bid it cow be lid experience Tub Gvfe liitlbo Irani- of the fcs4d debt doe tbe tod some for icd tbo by lite tor Death of Mr Peter Many readers of ffew no doubt Trained to too ilfr of tJueiuyiBeJ caused by a severe at tact of His illness lasted about a week when death ended Ins suffer ingi on Monday the if Deceased came to this years ago last May Aberdeen- shire first near where he remained three years From there he removed to the Township of East following the farmer and by Vid ac quired considerable property Mr- was- a very consistent member of the Presbyterian church with body he as Elder some twenty years ago Re was a great worker and chief man in erecting the viifc Pros- idlhe which sand as ft of bis fidelity teal and cheerful donations For about seven he in the capacity of Superintendent of the Union School which position hi filleo witu great to himself and all concerned He was also the cotiductjr of the Band of Hope the children always seeming delighted with bis presence and counsel Deceased was always ready to as sist the and in any good work outside of- lo cality he A retired sergeant of army named I lyrics en route for Winnipeg and weaving Vic toria Cross and two medals for active died suddenly of heart dis ease on board the steamship on Friday last and was buried sea while the steamer was but six miles off morning FallSsver Mass Sept Fall River Manufacturers are considering the practicability of a Ac Within the Golden Gate or aSbeHlserjfs The general is that made of of w sheared Paso Tho Mexicans warfare polygamy and are afloat here that a demand has President I izt hat grant of land In norths era to the head of hiovemtfofy polygamy l enforced- Father pic at was a success The croirdVM Jajgt the tables excellent pissed off jccHn0y watch contest of and Miss of the carried off the prize by be ing realized in all crick eters by a score of Sentinel Ecu Sept the entire army took place on Tbe troops presented a good appear ance being well clothed and Yesterday another expedition left for the central provinces to attack in hopes of- finally deciding the straggle It is composed of seven and the balcony of the palace Sept Passenger train No on Albany Suivquebanna railroad ran into of a freignt shortly after oclock this Simon Coot engineer on passenger was fireman saved himself by jumping The engine was derailed and rolled down the bank into the river The accident was due to a heavy fog A police magistrate in British Columbia and a under the Peace ration Act bad a misunderstanding as to their respective authority not 1MB Oat little in Iho ix waiT little litlle gleam to tee IttUa tonTftof Up of he Up Up ft A- y QnifeletreaHtakeobalr Is One little tcoderly fair- Gone to Cone from the of twin Gone where m6 not Goat Hud for which we within lb Golden Gale OoeWenotr he dm One littls dress that be One little oat sen wis theio before Gone art i Gone where the many are Gone where oar finished darling Safely tbe Golden Cite ByWssiT Kirn September majority oott Act in yioeoanty of 13 K i pa an the of to women Ottawa that has reported that the Indians of the North- West getting oyer caused by the advent of troops and have up their winds that they cannot successfully rebel against constituted authority They have down to work and willing to the governing the Territory Gov aUo that the rebellion will have effect upon the In future they will he kept upon their reserves allowed to roam over the country formerly us hope rebellion will likewise have ft on thn ulhorittes eluding the himself and lot According to accounts the time the disturbance out filing of a want of proper of the by and that the North neglectful of the iuporUnt devolving them thereby in to unfortunate rcflxtioji were of I Ma we knowledge but ills very were at tune the in which the of the Territory were the of their offices the Govern i was to Parliamentary enquiry as to the of the circu lated If anything wrong did exist let u hope belter things for the future the prMnt Hon Mr White Minister of Interior hat hi do with lheeniuiry to winch we and to aw how far report improper in the of the Territory wrrc fifl by facta their respective not long he was r a prominent i I a- in work being President pf at Fort Melocl was sen I by tils Xortf York Sabbath School As- And a valuable member of the North York Ministerial Associa tion I politics he wns a Reformer toot no part He a onusan and three children aw ex- large number of warm friends to mourn his sudden depart- from Ibis field of action hut not without the consolation of a rich re ward J The afternoon of last week was by an congregation and no less than five or six ministers of the different denomination Mc- of Knox College Toronto an excellent and in the terms regarding the life and of depart td brother His were interred in cemetery and the of that village low their right hand tujrOrUT Editorial Notes Ml lb lilcb Ait mi iLr I f of AtiUh Jfi of In bo hnUl to in to lit i VrVt JIy tit Vrirv to fill OJ tit to a ft 4t ill fctrihe Cleveland at Jofit ended The company agreed to the June prices and the On the third of October for carrying tins lurtflafor Manitoba and the North via the of thf Railway will coil into effect r Rothwicb fanner of the 1th Con of Jieverly and their con tenia destroyed by lightning yester day morning in the It not hnown whether there any from in Montreal and suburbs on Saturday and mortal ity for the week ending on the alarming of It are do 64000 of in the city of Montreal felons The bylaw yesterday in by a vote of to will their entire but- from next will fcct of giving to or men work on the readied diaare the 2nd flat and of the the second placed in tin- ithed it will be one of the lineal Houses in the County and Hill bo a great ornament to the vil- fanner The feeling of opposition to compulsory vaccinatum tho lower iun In Montreal culminated night in a mob attaching the central health office and branch office the windows of which well in the of of ton Kept publixhei a column article giving diiclourw regard to the of opium in gjvp of iium- oiittido the den here money lavished lit them up in the for ho i on al thoroughfares and flourish for under the very of wffo ptonle giltM in the Dominion Government to secure an of the entangling the two- lie re- porta the matter adjusted satisfactor ily to hot It justiceji ia and JvorthVeaUrn train ran put the at Ingle wood junction early this pitched an up freight standing by the water tank Three caw de railed and Northern loco motive cover the damage Superin tendent arrived by train avid under direc tions the track was cleared in time to prevent delay to passenger Some men refuse intake their town paper givo excuse that they take several papers printed in tho larger cities watch thern you will these men around each week as tbn paper publish ed endeavoring to sponge the lionny news from wme intelligent or if friend from out of town pays them a viit they will ask local paper to writ an extended J Hi Kept have received herefrom stating tlial will for to ascertain definitely whether the man now held in jail hero a the murderer of Arthur and known variously a awl Walter IL Maxwell i his sen Jt aid if Id prove lolothocae Mr- ill pnpai to evidence of for the defence lUg Philip private Kiel council with eigh teen other Indian and arrived en route to serve their various in They in of and a detachment of An immense crowd gathered at tin lo witness their arrival iliey will atay over night in the provincial gaol ami go out to the Halifax Kept Mail advices from Newfoundland give of a terrible tragedy which occurred other day at Gander Ray by which one man bin life and another was aeriounly that he not expected to recover A re- the place that deer were in neighljrhord and two men atartrd oft in of the night oneof them mailing in and thinking it by a lu gun tired but on proceeding to the came to find two men their blood- One outright the other A doctor ex ahotfrora the of the living chance of his recovery Mo Kept A iiioit dejerato tragedy occurrwl in village of Point in thia on Friday Two got into a M over the weight of a of cotton but they by Shortly however the men renewed their fight and mutually in order that neither an advantage oyer other should their to gether fight their right flrrtngd man with revolver In hi right hand work fchota d and one of the men fell dead with inhw hood the tank the ground bleeding and dying is prevailingill village of eastern county island arc been held in Cork to form Loyalist Defensive and Protective Unions opposition to League forjledWi of the conaUfire prepared by the chief engineer allien King has been at tempting to extort of rupees from a Bombay timber and has seat a peremptory note to the king asking for an explai An attempt to collect taxes in a town of Seville Spain created a riot and the mob composed mostly of women stoned tho police attempted to set fire tohe t vie Stockton of been to ten years imprisonment for her terribly cuel treatment of an orphan twelve In consequence of numerous violations of portions of the Rev enue Act relating to cigars anil pamphlet explaining the law tun the Inland Revenue Department to the divisions lair jituclph opened iloaday with every in dication of success the of cattle and well maintaining the reputation of the district and the horses also J trying little be Sept The Act carried ill- the county of by about four majority ifue the Professor for the of Tho the victory and an meeling is now in tho house 1- the Sept A mag- at Arthur a lorgo of dynamite ami other explosives Wow up afternoon town a abating up Ihe explosives destroyed to have to A flic Leila 1 1 A of window whs broken in the one hurt building is to caught from hush fire while tho men in Major foundry this a was caught in tho shafting kilted una of hi linns torn out by ahoultler and completely covered head were very badly bruised and broken be fore this stopped is vitiy of his Mr is father of Major of town VALUAllE FARM 4 J by PUBLIC AUCTION U Friday of Oct 85 I Kavns IN BUTTON At p in VuUiAlfla Farm 75 AC RES Ii Wrkl rt till Wait Fur ly I 2000 FAMILIES IN THIS VJCJNITV AUK USING THE Mtcbloehai given SATISFACTION can COM PL 4tlorAtuulidul4ofaDWac6ioon Ilia I So of have much fUmtm in my mnu and fuddle if thai has teen exended me time arid fa J same and well and in am now ihe tew of f a Of CALLING AT iamfu and lamfi goods vases all kinds of lit And Examining his Stock of GOOD IN ALL THE VELVETS AND PLUSHES TO MATCH in fintm and tally of family is lalaesand in ams and always in putt A SMITH NEW TWEEDS LATEST PATTERNS TiiViV FRESH GROCERIESSUGARS AWAY DOWN REFORMER BLOCK china glassware crockery PRICES ARE STILL LOWER I LAMPS KAMIS filAMKS I PROF Baking Powder The Strongest Powder Made Tito Active In Acid Hi fur in it roeommfitrcxi ctiby In of I inlUl n- all grains ami is niir LIME FRUIT JUICE AND Sail Sea Bath Sponges AND ALL OF AT iinl in I In vHtal thus lb6 bHcutl an IlirUttHu preal cr J44 uthnM of tlJ6 purity iid ftf Jtiif Iowtlcr J vulubi of ft Id certain of Hour it IncfftAfttUtftti mull In lUujKameuAlf fertility of cur had Increased by Whfti It la Put Up In Glass Bottles KilrcifatiH of mtlr jb oo for for in all ORE CONFECTIONER T- OUR- iO SO Cream Candy from All Kinds of Tarty and Boiled Goods FRESH EVERY THE BOSS CONFECTIONERY CENTRAL FURNITURE a fMajjfVify1 MOUNT ALBERT J ALBERT WE ARK GIVING EATER BARGAINS THAN HOUSE THIRTY iho Latest Designs in It i Of It all I Funeral tfj BANKRUPT STOCK STORE MAIN locifcutovlt I lie UfiJvrlAkliiK Mr HEARSE KET ON XJCI7- FURNITURE 1 iclc janl LOW it vIlbalnlbaadvOUXaf inur l 7- Cum and Kidney j hum on- W Deranged or the hovels KECUTOHS TUB MOST AND ilOUTfi BETWEEN MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA BOSTON ST THOMAS DETROIT CHICAGO ST LOUIS KAN SAS CITY MANITOBA PACIFIC COAST ALL FOUNTS AND RATES LOWEST TIME QUICKEST mUbit to Fni ATKINSON