I AKatK NEWMARKET ERA of vfco deputed itptxit4 flout hit all To Through It mot Tilt did the rigfct jw j for By tell as ire Sice ten OQF tJoaititie if tit rill power loo ff est till bub to oft J bat we thick of t Wood we world wo will In wbhtfroUd Ibrg togrtler we worthip Ihro pair Hamburg best pair 25 tiro 2nd boat Barley best two bushels CO 2nd beat two 2nd best I Oats beat two bushels 2 Indian Cora best cars SEEDS Clover fiO or Sept 27 from smallpox in city and su burbs on Friday Was the GRAIN Fall Wheat best Iwobuth fan hundred 2 1 East GwiilImbnrj8botr- Following is the list of premiums to be awarded at toe thir tieth annual fall show of the East to take At on the of October DRAUGHT HORSES Span Draught best a special given Co 2nd best by same Brood Mare best 2nd tat Spring Colt 2nd tat i Two yearold Gelding or Filly 2nd best Yearling Gelding or Filly best 2nd tat GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES Span General Purpose tat a Plow given by Estate Aurora valued at- 2nd tat by Society Mare best 2nd tat Spring Colt or Filly tat 2nd tat Twoyearold Gelding or Filly 2nd tat Yearling Gelding or best 2nd tat I 00 2 1 1 m 1 00 00 KG AD Span in 1 9 CARRIAGE HORSES Harness over hands tat a by Geo Wight Far Cap 2nd tat by Society Span in harness under J hands tat a special given Patrick Koran 2nd beat by tame Brood Mare tat 2nd best Twoyear old Gelding or Filly 2nd test Spring Jolt or Filly tat 2ndtat Yearling Gelding or Filly best 2nd tat Single Driving Hone tat special by Simpson Robert son Simpson 2nd tat by Society Saddle Horse or Mare tat a special by Ogilvy Co 2nd tat by same SPECIAL Special by George Fogg of a whip for the Looking driven in strap valued at THOROUGHBRKD CATTLE if required Aged Jjoll best a special by Stone 2nd tat by Mine Twoyearold Bull tat 2nd tat Yearling Bull best 2nd tat Bull Calf dropped in rd beat Milch Cow tat 2nd Two Heifer tat 2nd ta lxt 2nd Calf under one year 2nd tat Timothy Seed best peck 2nd Early Potatoes beat two bushels 2nd tat Any other kind Potatoes tat two bushels 2nd tat White tat twelve 2nd tat Yellow Carrots tattwelfe 2nd best V tat twelve a special by Dr 2nd best Beets best twelve V Cabbages three heads Onions best peck a special by one Cauliflower tat three heads Celery tat three stalks 2nd best Yellow best twelve 2nd tat long Red ilaDgel special by Dr tat two 2nd tat Squash tat two 25 FRUIT Winter Apples for table tat 2nd tat Winter Apples for cooking dozen 2nd tat Fall Apples for table use 2nd tat Fall Apples for cooking dot 2nd best Collection of named Varie ties of Apples of each variety I tat V DAIRY PRODUCE Fresh Butter best roll over five pounds CO 25 1 25 25 25 CO 2 1 1 I 00 2nd tat Crock or Firkin of Butter noteless than 30 Its a speci al by John A- Milne tidys For Cape 2nd best by Society Special by Patrick Horan for the tat ter in one roll to become his property Special Prise by Morton a Wool Shawl for tat Roll Butler donor to have the butter value Special for a basket of Roll Butter 16 lbs the butter lo become the prop erty of Hamilton This prize be by Mr Geo Wight in and shoes of hi own manufacture at cash Farmers Cheese tat 2nd tat Honey in Comb tat 2nd tat Home- mad a Bread loaf 2nd tat Jelly 2nd tat Baker Bread tat loaf 2nd tat AND MANU FACTURES Fanners best a spe cial given by Geo If Wight of a Pair of Gloves 2nd tat by Society Plow tat 2nd tat Pair Harrows best 2nd tat tat 2nd best Carriage tat 2nd tat 2 I 25 I 1 Fat Ox Cow or Steer tat a by Geo W 2nd lest by I Milch Cow best 2nd tat Twoyearold Heifer Lest 2nd hot Yeurliug Heifer tat 2nd tat Heifer Calf Under I jr tat 2nd tat Yoke of Working Oxen tat 1 2nd tat I WOOL tat 1 1 2nd but Ram tat 2nd tat this two 2nd tat Yearling tat two 2nd tal two 2nd tat Htm tat given by Morti 2nd tal by jArnb tat 2nd tat raised this it two itA tat tat two I 1 00 09 tat lt two MAUxX ANY I I I I Ji I 00 I tat Brood How tat 2nd tat itr Pig under nine months 2nd tat ftow Pig under nine month 2nd tat tat pair 2nd tat Turkeys tat pair 2nd tat pecks taf pair Covered tat 2nd tat Cutter best 2nd tat Farmers Double 2nd tat Carriage Set 2nd tat Mens Calf Boots hewed tat pair 2nd tat Milters Flour tat half bar- 2nd tat Fancy tat a special of lira for year by 2nd tat Coverlid tat 2nd tat homo mode tat pair 2nd tat Fulled Cloth yds home 2nd tat Yarn Carpet yards 2nd tat 3 yd 2nd Pair Woolen Mitts 2nd tal Woolen 2nd Pair Woolen 2nd tat Quilt 2nd tat Hag Carpet yards 2nd best PgRyg Berlin Wool Flowers 2nd ana in civic hospital A number young per sona tekeo to the hospital today from street in J A number of employ ed com mence a to morrow for tie purpose of vaccinat ing the in oft tea A will each doctor to take the names ttios who decline operated on for the of hav ing prbccdin entered against them a for the law policy flqthor itica issued force be vaccinated It is that this not taken sooner or before compulsory vaccination became it was well that many of mens families down with the disease One of had five or six children af fected ago with the malady civic authorities shoold insist on all their being vaccinated EXTRA ACCOMODATION The board has applied to the Local Government for nseof the female prison situated in the east end for a hospital- The Government is to provided the mini are in charge agree to the An answer is promised tomorrow by the Lady Superior and no is felt that it be in the affirmative The ritnate convenient to the Beat of the disease and is com pletely isolated It will afford ac commodation for beds A meet ing in the east end today to protest against the prison feeing zed but the movement is not likely to have any effect on the authorities in the present emergency The for further extension of ac commodation for those suffering from the is imperative as even the last new wing erected is full of pa tients THE OP even by health officials to prevent the contagion spreading was manifest ed some days ago in the presence of several citizens who were in the cen tral health office on business A man having the signs of the disease developed in his face camo in to enquire for the waggon to convey to the hospital- He was told to take a seat the ve hicle would soon arrive The man occupied a chair for half on hour people coming in and out all the time Within five minutes after he took bis departure a woman rno in with two little girls to bo vaccinated and sat down in the same It is unfortunately the case that many per sons have caught the contagion on the city passenger cars A young lady on St who had not been outside her own house for a month had to a cell in the west end and took the Hi- Catharine street car going and returning e was in perfect health when going out but next day symptoms of scourge appeared has been laid up ever since AH precautions are taken by the management but it is impossible for the conductors to tell in the incipient who has the disease Sept The barque Kxceltior from Marseilles arrived off quarantine yfclrday morning On her fourth day out there was one death from cholera Health officer will personally inspect tho barque today and will how long it will be necessary for her to remain at quarantine It is possible that after been passed by health officer the will bo obliged to discharge her in the harbor fiO 25 25 50 Cushion 2nd beat Pin Shirt 2nd owl Fancy Work 0 John Hurley at on a charge of 500 uncle Cumrnlngi for trial had for Toronto ttpt A under of looking for as a domicile has jilurnlvrinj the houses of who Him for a or two and carrying her all ViiluaM In bhapo of jewellery tc alio could lay hat oil re- to vert iut it i will heard She Alnm iA different Gray and Mo the octet for Nova Scotia went ashore on iikiJca off Grand The at a crow of twenty men Co wreck her On afternoon a Iij wreck and offered to the a wan Imt re A terrible galo rag ed yesterday forenoon and it chared off the had Thero no of he or men vcvl hvo Woken to the atorm and with all The crew till belonged to John WHRKfJKO A from Martinhur that the of evening in which twentylive were wound d mid hurt in vayi Whfc tjrUi pi Aiut ti a to fall accomjnmVI wind which a Many of the their a general move had Ixgun toward the exit when the of the tent ltope broke on all and In a the tlnuithing and to the ground which enaucd appall the noise of the heard the trcimpttlng of tho the of other ma of and children and of It an hoar could of the of Finally all were it found fcipciallv and chfldrm had bun badly hurt Nearly vrryono Kid torn with pud- The li will bo The Niagara Camp At noon to day not n tent remained on camp ground over corps Hamilton Field Battery and Rifle which took Southern and part of the and 2nd Cavalry and Field went by rail At oclock only corps on ground were the SL Catharines companies of and Oak Ridges Troop of for at a tho by Aitho infth0l9fh turned out and heartily cheered them camped by this year and a remarkiblo of friendship has existed between rule a jealousy exists between placed thus which to on alert to prevent occasional quarrels of tub camp The camp just closed has been with out doubt most satisfactory in its of any that has ever been held here The men of major ity recruit a appeared to be a more intelligent lot of fellows than usual worked from LieutCob to the bugler boy who could not pro ducc a ound when twelve days be- fore he arrived hero tho youngest hut proudest in his Everyone appeared to decided to do his than is no more efficient volunteer officer was every where At time ho commanded at brigade and divisional drills and again he would bo found giving some young adjutant a lesson in horseman ship or telling a company cook how he could the soup more palat able In his efforts ho was ably sec onded by his personal staff and by the regimental company of ficers The weather could Have been better two or were pdrbapB rather but two and with a good heavy overcoat had no complaints to make on this Only on afternoon did it rain quarter did not duties ended when rations had been is sued but saw that their lines were clean and in the best of order some of them looking as well as the beat kept lawns There were very few cases of sickness reported excepting those a rising from change of diet The target practice as far as can be learned a higher average than usual- At same tioao tllere is room for considerable improvement in this respect It is no wonder then that General was more than delighted when ho inspected ho camp There were only drills yet way the various executed their part of movements in brigade on day of inspection surprised him- As was dono by previous commanding officers he found fault with a few officers who were improperly dressed He had not however the tame reason to com plain as had Coil or Then an officer uniformed according to regulation was the ex ception now he is the rule According to the presentment of the grand jury presented to the judge at assizes held at Milton on If niton County is a highly moral section of the Province There were no criminal cases on the calendar and only occupants of the gaol were found bo two vag rants and six insane the Ut ter awaiting removal to one or of the asylums On Saturday one McMullen and one of Spring were driv ing through with a and buggy when Constable Ken nedy of them jirs of chickens in their jiottsion and they were taken before Clarke and Mil ler J who on jvidenco commit led for trial horse and anil poultry Mill in hands of the When stomach was cut at St iliomas by r a collection of all roita of unlit for anything hut and ostrich food fun ml collection was tfwiiNH- wlof cartridges a coins el half a in all Amongst coins an Amer ican nicked and a ailver pieces but the largest were farllnngs I low ing that Jumbo had imposed by tin Itritihh gamin when he wan hi in the Zoo A large number of am in of from grub bag and in tend keeping thorn an weight of hide wan His preserved with dt and and pricked in of tin hide was put in box and the ma i rider left in vat and on car and sent to then and moulded at natural A Toledo despatch say Commercial morning a singular which in thirteen yearn ago a fanner residing in Moiiclova in this county was to havi and A few year ago his friends received a iMIThigiMd iti tin dead aylrjg that ho was and would vilt Recent ly a a letter of the This taurcd an ex- of to made the was found to he empty The explanation of to In that the gravn was and tho col- lru in Michigan that It discovered that the wan was not dead but mind being allotted by ho could no information concerning Ida friend ami was plac ed in recovered A brother of party hat gone to Michigan to matter widow of married again seven years ago excited great in crest in the local of former roy Atiiitu Ah About 4X at HUM THE NORTH END TO GET Dry Goods 1 Good Hats and Caps Good Boots and Shoes AND Groceries ta AT THE A CALL IS SOLICITED J A BALES NEWMARKET FOR- HAYING AMD HARVEST LIQUORS AND LA BAITS Ale Porter In 8 and 10 Gallon Kegs old Ryo Malt Walkers DIAMOND WHISKEYS ALWAYS IN STOCK CHOICE STOCK OF IN CONNECTION P J MAIN STiiKKT NOJtTH Cherry Pectoral jtho4affocUcjtl5tbroil lie rQlilcg fconi a or but rlckoMj jrota 2ccf la for iy A Terrible Gored Id I I look MnroMi my a terrible op I rcUevc1 fttronld lb or colU of itrrut vat Jim we Vr July Croup A Tribute mo 1 ma It ft fttAiirj- lii ti or bollol ktt In 1IU In delight In half an tho llitlo my f our yrftlltUrJOV Wum W r May W I In my Jt It for tried A I Minn 13 lor lbt from Willi iDCuitr Sim I In of I tbt but fat died twin iiitff Jtntuiov AffilMi of the r by of AY 1 ft sill curt Ml frlrtcdy WDtrol of iVcwinarket Office until 715 p Molls for Crated fi a in pm i in Via CURES t i j I for lOJ0 IJ I- and vtiimtll Inai will put you In or a over y llvot homo uil J in i J only of till wt he let nil OXcQUloftrtllycarnci every work We l tJ vfioAr not rll io will In Full lrUciVer elc all Mho A t awIcK in mi York in 4 fiOJu 0 0 W Pn In ftid ftitN fur or Wiwouijt or lfrltil may Jil a conn try with J I lMtft In ilo Jitor iJiiilgd a for Town Delivery llJilf or rrarilcm Id iiiiui In bd pre pub lion wholly dttib I JtUrtJjntt I Milium- tint full dojiljlc of tlio nMh will lie on 1gllv ry filTKlMllleiii In torn- when to In J by To Com to Hulled Kingdom The Hep tilt by which tint not avail Of ordinary tfbie All lotifj for be 16 lfofo fcniiimieraniifl On All and ofltcior aiblKtlmi inl leu ffciijiiiily Ihtn a tboitigorfttiUoorint onn which be to iSaci the bo by Cent or In bit III Kldom or log In iou in I rent Wry mid to Vktorlo tnl falter Afdnti of in when IKMlid lo or lx Aid IMno fit the fr and 111 In A ofKiionfr iol liy individual in Mo of fur til tho Untied ho hCUI of and mint not in any Ihn to Col via In weight tho rf J of notes pass TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OCEAN STEAMSHIPS TICKETS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OP Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Pre cise and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe CROBERTSON Fares to Manitoba lower than ever J TO RESIDENCES TO BENT ocoupied Mm Apply Co MBS SMITH f7 RESIDENCE WfirtwtfSJf by lr A wooJbtdAc Apply to- J FOR Or to l a Inserts nod la Coo of or lo ifitf Farm For goto TARRSTOk feTORE r lo Half of i Con in wmblpof Emit about W nod Id good Apply to J011NT in FOR lot in lib of TO and I do mioJcr well In oa una In Apply to p a FOR SAL The New School Readers have Arrived STARR JffEWIkteKET f In Con of W well an J Apply or to m PREP Farm For Snlo BY will for kiA lot NO church one of tlio In no- Jrcl to jr com Add re i3f VowinaTkct A KM FOR fierce Half of lot In th of Kin Purvey frtnrna fctbte oilier loll or noun In Kliiff pnnlcolnrn Application to the on if f P 13 Building Lots for Sale Town of Newmarket- IUiirohltifMuattJoii 1 will on troi jurllculm apply to II In We4 Toronto Juuot Ion SAL OILSBoile Machinery Castor VARNISHES- furniture Oak and I Carriage all kinds either mixed dry or ground in oil BUILDING HARDWARE In all lines Tar Felt and Carpet Felt Pitch Coal Tar Pine Tar Spades Forks Shovels Galvanized Wire and Barbed Wire BAR IRON and SHI Poll Lines DRY CARRIAGE HARDWOOD I lot In Did lOrr thcro a ftru orchard For Author On lot In 3rd of for Ml lb a Wt I of which tf on St apply to AKI CALL AT THE OK SALE l 5 A I ii Mr Information leading vfclloji irjyiui ilmkr the alyjVCioU Apply to JAtJKKSA JAOKt AND km von Of IVIilIchurcliUlonf fcill cut- hard YliMQ firt6 iri- Aim homo foroiymciit Aiiuto Wi 1 1 looming ton or 200 ACRESin KING of Int i In iho 1nl Con of Olntho CoiKp On it fMtno yri a hmt of witip well ihtUln Mr Opposite Hotel Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of Furniture IN NEWMARKET Undertaking Special Attention A EVANS feel In WEEKS 13 lift on rtrltti ONB DOLLAR to- Sporting World Box A reduction In Up to ll twuctfiU rjniOfichttUaiHoiaIiia Victor tod IHHHlU from Allowed If Vf of SALE fallowing on Mnciofiotlln being h y hi 10 l filh tou Alh cH Afwl And fthe thoM I levllnir ronHhrchthcTon AH Arrnrtrrl low Her in of bill will AUoKeyerAlfotftttihoTowiiof And lo 6tf WM CANE SONS- 1 LUMBER LATH SHINGLES auk now to supply WITH BOOKS iftRM SOLICIT WORM POWDERS J A JOB or Adults in CONTINUANCE SAMK AIM TURN OUT GOOD Northern TIOKKTH to 1 r AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES i to HOOT Man- Alb I t ill