Newmarket Era, 9 Oct 1885, p. 1

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ins BEACHED SUBSCBIBERB SB AND TO ACCORDING TO too ahs ONTARIO CAPITA 1 BEST Branch NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCES ADVERTISER Vol 37 Single Copies Cents Each i Newmarket Ont Friday 9 in Advance within 6 toos or at of year A Interest Allowed DRAFTS ISSUED riTASLS IT Alt Fanner Manager W TO Mutual Insurance Co and- Stone Font hill Nursery a ROBERTSON STORE NORTH AO to Loan I on Conveyancer of the Toon Motet Newmarket I iaSISTERATLAW ETC and rt horsey at solicitor A Conveyancer Ac CUD at to offered also a Urn notes f lb in Futile Block MONET TO B1 sol Conttiilotrt Ac Block J and CmpanlM TO AT FIX OB flritUu LAZIER pup c- fcailtfiec Timothy flnl door A Or book anion AND PAINTER Ac to pwirbaotlm ip- A LB OB HOTEL A Bait of AMotntnodtUoD or 9 I Coi ooum irtlot Prep BAAIZ DR an KAloHtMl HOW AC AceDtforibeMw- tor my tftraf piled time- loqoMntTill iVa will promptly attended to J- VOTARY FOR ONTARIO of Llcemea For tbt of York jtonT Life Co f Co A Citizens Fir Co TDtUercaDUle The A London North Co and Federal If I INTEND HAVING A OF- h NEW AND FASHIONABLE FAIR I WILL ALSO SHOW THE FINEST DISPLAY OF FANCY WORK I And ChildroDe Wool Good Shown ihjs Town I Invito Visitor to Fair to CALL AT MY SHOW ROOMS A MAIN STREET BECKETT CHINA GLASSWARE CROCKERY PRICES ARE STILL LOWER J3L LAMPS LAMPS LAMPS I I DENTAL- A bit to theCnrccr of Mala and A band at all BUCK THE ACCIDENT AMERICA 1872 fltad General Victoria Adelaide bat paid ibouiiDdiofctalrof amouriiii All paid t Cora tor Of yean put 1 j a- for Aurora end vicinity at the and Notary Aurora STARR Lines fa In memoir Of wbodcpdrUd and Far from our father Vic pray may ailcj 1 TO beyond lb Ob When cart of are In happy to Oar flowing did freely When fattier passed away From morning llbt till Wo htm day by day An only left behind To the For ail her dear and kind In memory near r Ob mar we rain that and prayer Far from world of Where pain and orrow And care are wiped away lofty throne lb realmi of day A- THE OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED OK EVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOR Oppoallo NEARLY FAMILIES IN THIS VICINITY USING HOME AGAIN I Oat ltGtOo Coort r f rfrf ltierraOfflceUwmtrketOilirto OWT 11 specified Jyoli ui fcU WiJ the ix- UATiVtk I S il pirn p Jt4 Pec fctrto ewy combined with pteUVI by the MOBILE much fief bit work I to while be Now a floe collection of -DRAFTS- -ISSUED- ON ALL POINTS IN CANADA Notes Discounted J Newmarket SATISFACTION AlAs Of Onllnary Hewing caw be done on MaFnriiiy a MOST Alia of PROF Baking Powder Price Antnt Hotel The Strongest Powder Made- The Active ant in Ititft I Prof Acid in VlcUity B Y Ilia by Inic mid mill its la oltlcly all Kfnrj an prliclpro and element la flie lar an- Iat a pallet the etc ard a4V0XVIfxc few btrtlf as STEAMS a Mi BAILEY BAKER Biscuit IceCream Soda Water c WEDDING CAKES A NEWMARKET ONTARIO ihtjjyh a a I on f which that of It J id la I bad ftLUyJDt Vbata It Put Up In Bottles having inOJlht to are alreRKttt of much httlr A CO AitrU A CO Bole AieaU for J9raloloDrOIoi MARBLE WORKS EVERY PARMER err me fW I tabor Article lb Market telbcbup If Mead Atnt for North lo 1 yotkOur AlUrtr INK ATTHJSiUtAOyjriOB A Marvelous Story TWO FROM THE SON SSftftfi My father at tU M letter tall baa bad I tblak Ml for at but ItdM Ml form of a on l fit jots a few to atd an of edlclnv Now axe few reo of a enjoy good J t I tiilj City voild to la truly FROM THE FATHER a duly forice to lo yon I baft dttlied tew of fii I a fcufor and humor an and Intolerable Ho skin tracked to to flow Id aoy wboQerer a and my of w4 It My to at once tore I will la rHitlL w able to do a pd work yian of Many wkal a cue my I aa I Lara bare VL Oct lux BiMirXuixl and all Her It all aide actko c4 tte 1 to now pi I My 11 life a I A HARNESS- and North Union The annual of the above Townships Union Society took place at Sutton West on Thursday and Friday of last week and may fairly claim distinction o being the under Us The first day did not amount to much but the second all that the Board of Directors and most friends anticipated and more One thousand entries were made in the classes into which the prize list was divided In horses and stock gen erally number of entries and quality of animals exceeded in these particulars any former of tho Association while the display of the manufacturers including all departments of ladies work and fine arte was exceedingly creditable indeed exhibit of grain and fruit was fair and competi tion spirited but display of roots and vegetables was small and failed to do justice to the capabilities of the two Townships represented by Society In dairy however the com petition was closo and entries numer ous The floral exhibit too was ex ceedingly creditable to taste of the people and to interest taken by people of that section in floral culture A rich display of cut flowers arranged for hand added largely to interest of those who have liking for houseplants generally Much credit is due the President Secretary and Board of Directors for their untiring energy to this show tho grand success it is our pleasure to record They all attention to every ono who requir ed their services and both exhibitors visitors could not help but feel they richly deserved the thanks of the community for manner in which tho duties devolving upon them had been discharged A grand entertainment followed in the evening in tho Drill but our space this week is too limited to enter into particular wo must therefore defer till another we give the list of success ful compctors at as award ed by the Judges Judge on a J Win Jlaretai 1st given It 2nd lit Urol Mire lit lint Rtllton or Filly John Hamilton or It J TwoYearOU Colt lanes MtrritL In 2nd Thoa Bennett 2nd Oil bnttb 2nd 2nd or Filly ii1 J and Roadster 2nd Altert York Id lit given ly ridge Patrick Koran 2nd J R Mara- Richard R Foil hue Two- YearOld or Andrtwa Jacob or Filly Jacob 2nd David Hamilton Road Ho no or Mire stylo David svsual Colt get of Riven by faue glrpi by Levi Miliar R Draper 3rd given by Miller It Sprier Colt or Filly got by Rob erta Fred Kay by J Robert emu Janes Jainea Clark Beit Herd given by P barlei given by Mr Joseph Aged Boll Charles Dr Boll 2nd Beit Joseph Sod Charles iAtlolettt YearllogHilferVni Fry q Bros Boll 2nd Bros HelTerCair Jit and 2nd But Cow 1st and J Heifer J Heifer Dr of Working Boarcbler Fat Heifer for lit Sod John coTswoin Sheep and Lock a Aged Rao Jsph 2nd Lyons Aged Proar Shearling Jo Sod Geo Rim Lamb 1st and 2nd Jos Sod Jo Bun Tiffin flhaulbg Ram Angus Ego Ego 2nd Hy Tiffin Shesrluig A Ego Bam Lamb Hy 2nd A Ego Sod A Ego Aged Ram Park Aged Ewtsrlitand Tjo Scott Scott Ewe Lambs it Ewes J Boorchier Aged and 2nd J Ewes ditto Ram ditto- Ewe ditto Same as for Bfaeep Boar lit and J It Boorcbier Piglit od 0 B Aodrcw Bow lit J Son Andrews J ANT Boar 2nd Stooe- house Boar Pig Sow Dr Pig Judges J J StotU and Webster TorkeyaO Lee 2od J Geese Jo Le DoekiQ Lee 2od Berry Rocks S William Fry Berry 2nd Mad den Aoy other Breed Hidden 2nd Le 2nd Madden W Madden Beat collection of ell H Madden 2nd W Lee no ticket 2nd J Swalo Mr Galloway Fall Wheat Draper 2nd David Wed- del While Fife 2nd John Ray Any other kind Wheat John Ray 2nd Rowed Draper 2od Job BOO Any other Barley The Scott 2nd Peas Jos White Oat John Jos David Black Oata Table Corn A Moulogloo 2nd A J lit and 2nd Le YXOrTABLU Same for Potatoes A J Cameron 2nd Berry Aoy other kind Potatoes 2nd James Red Ju Lyons 2od8 Joboson Yellow or White OolonsW Roe 2nd A Field 2nd CroniUrry Carrots John Warner 2ad Dal too Beets A Cameron Miss Blood Heels Jo Jamea Lyons Cabbages A 2nd John 2od Mangel 2nd Park Pumpkins A Joseph Table 2ad Lit- Field John Blackbird 2nd Joho Nolan Celery Jos Lyall J Water Scott Weddel A 2nd Black Radishes He- Sod Simael Job Chicory Recommended Machine Wringer J Shorn way no Jodgta Same as for Butter given by McDonald John John Waif Roll Mr Cheese Jodgcs Mr and Mr of Apple by Mr of Winter Applte Glover fiod Mia Aodersoo Fall Apple Aodersoo 2nd Cbulaa Sinclair WloUr Apple best selection Scott Joaejih Fall Apple boat selecUoa John Ksy Applu R Daltoo 2nd A 2nd John Warner Crab Apples Angus Ego Joseph Winter Pears Joshoa 2nd Bread Rev Janes 2nd Jelly 2nd Sponge Madden Jo best 2od Canoed beat foar varieties or Scott Joseph Davidson Jeliifs best four varieties Mid- den Scott Pickle 2nd Jos David- ion Recommended German Prunes Scott- OUXKADE Jadgeson Work Mr Johnson and i Miss Flannel J 2od Miss 2nd Full Cloth hand on is Davidson Cloth Pair and James Wright Pair Blankets John Ear Fred Shaw J- i Pair Horse Blankets hand- span David Pair Horse lit and Pewgrioe Stocking homemade David Wed del Yarn Factory tDsdeO Siogle Yarn homemade R Pere grine 2nd Joseph Davidson Single Factorymade Log Cabin Miss S 2nd Ma Rig Met Mrs 2nd Joseph Davidson Wool Mat Mrs Valentine Mrs Bailey Rg Carpet Miloprlrod Re com mended Wove Quilt Trimmed Pinafore Sinclair Shawl Mrs Yalentlne Letter from Michigan To of Mick Sept 29tb finds its way week ly away oat here to County the Eastern Shore Lake Michigan sod Is looked to from with as a welcoxe from dear oldNorth York For we apt to that Mid sud thoojh wo may roArt Ball oer humble no like homo Thinking that some of readers might be interested to know what sort ol a place we have over I will endeavor to give yon a Utile Idea regarding The territory within rich In resoarces and the Pier Marquette river with North and Sooth branches the and Big Sable rivers with their Verdict of Murder Oct At tho assizes yesterday nfter of the trial of Clutch John was arraigned on tho chargo of jnurdenng his brother Alex and his brothers wife Leafy trial ere- an intense amount of excitement the courtroom being more densely packed than daring the previous trial thero being On the conclusion of the erf Counsel for the Crown and the prisoner addressed the jury after Jhiqhthojudge summed up the evi dence and the jury retired p to They returned into court at rendered a verdict of guilty Tho judge asked the prisoner if ho had anything to say why sentence LADIES Ralied Berlin Wool WorkMrs Draper 2od Mr A Williams Berlin Wool Cross Stitch 1st and A Slipper In Wool Work Miss Olive Bent- ley Mrs A Williams Sofa Cuihion John A 2nd Us Pillow Wright 2nd Mis Olive Pillow other kind Miss 2nd Maddeo Aotimacstsar Wool Mias Main prite Aotlmscaasac Crochet Cotton John A Shppard J Davidson Aatiinscsuir Koitted Cotton Miss 2nd Crary Work J Davidson Lice Knitted Wool Miss Mainprise I KoltUd Davidson 2nd Mann Point Lace tat and 2nd Jss Wright Any Lice Jss Wright 2nd Johnson Net J 2nd J Swain Twine LueMiis or Twine Lice W 2nd R Mann Embroidery In Silk 1st A Sliepnr4 Embroidery on Cotton Bell Wright Bell 2nd J Swain Cotton Braiding Mrs RKemp Miss Roberts Cretnns Work John A Indite Underclothing bandmade Rot Cotton Anderson Flannel Shirt Madden 2nd J Childrens Andanwn 2nd It Anderson Plain Needlework- Boucher 2nd Howard Linen It Crochet Work- Mm A Trim lord Miss Howard 2nd Petttnuo Hand Knitted Fine Wool SocksDavid Weddel 2od It Mann Hand Knitted Wool Sennett 2nd Joseph Davidson Hand Knitted Fine Wool Robert 2nd Joseph Davidson Hand Knitted Coin Wool Mitts no first Shaw 2nd Fancy Pin Joho A Table It Kemp 2nd Mis A Lamp Collection Cot Flowers MIu 2nd Mrs Hand Mcs It Anderson Worked MottoMiss 2nd Wrijrht Darned or Stockings J Tinsel lit Joho A Floral 2od MUa Farmers WreathJoseph Davidson Tea A Table John A 2nd Mr Patch Work It Crooaberry J M Collection House An Painting In in Water Oilers- 1st 2od Mia IMNIMtKTJ ANB JodgesChas Travias Michael Joho 9 SlsgleaeaUd Boggy J Cutter J Bailey 2nd McDonald ft Co Mc Donald Horse RaksMcDoasld fc Yroomso Straw Cutter J Bailey Set Double Harness SheppsnL Set flsldU and and rails Largest of gtu by J ATtdlOJL tribntaries together with branches court should not bo the Mao it tea and which prisoner replied that he had ffhereupon the judge pronounced sentence in following words J have very solemn duty to perform and can hold out no hope the prisoner I advise him to pre pare to meet bis God The sentence of the court is that the prisoner John be to the county there confined till the of the place of execution within the walla i of county Jail and Ranged by the neck until dead and may God have on your soul The prisoner received his sentence without any of emotion At Assizes on Friday last Clutch was found guilty of burglarizing the store of Goldstein February and sentenced to seven years imprisonment in the provincial peni tentiary Three other indictments were read against to which pleaded not guilty namely receiv ing one thousand dollars worth of post stamps- stolen July stealing pearl and gold buttons etc from Joseph store in Quebec February 2nd and having the above goods in possession These in dictments will not be proceeded with until next session of the court Tornado Investigation- A Washington special despatch says Officers of the signal corps ore investigating the causes of the recem series of tornadoes in Ohio one of which swept away town of Wash ington court house They have an idea that have long en tertained wrong ideas on subject of storms among other things theory advanced by Prof which has been recognized as the one is all wrong This theory is that the cooling of the at a great height causes it to condense and a vacuum tho of the lower strata of atmosphere rush ing upward to Gil vacuum agi tates the air near earths surface and brings about the tornado It is believed will bo neces sary lo follow up the contemplated investigations Captive balloons will be employed The great velocity of wind sometimes felt at the top of Mount Washington is thought to ho duo to tho fact that tho current up tho side of the mountain is added to that of the horizontal currents and an increased momentum is imparted Should a balloon bo anchored to the mountain anil allowed to drift away a few thousand feet to where in- Jluetico of the in peak would not lie felt opportunity for thir testing of Professor theory might bo Balloons could anchored great In various parts of country then a com parison of the data acquired would reveal important results you want a child to interest in a paper let it bo his paper sent to his address In a reliable he will get to look for it feel the want of it if it doc not arrive at usual time it will bo n kind of necessity and rather than bo without it ho become I willing to mako sacrifices and self denials for snko of saving any stray which ho may have to procure it The newspaper of today is a library It is an encyclopedia a poem a biography a history a pro phecy a directory a timetable a ro mance a cook book a guide horo scope an critic a political resume a ground plan of the civilized world a lowpriced in It is a song a sermon a an obitu ary picnic a shipwreck a symph ony in solid brevier a medley of life and death a grand aggregation of mans glory and his shame It is in short a view of magnan imity and meanness joys and griefs births and deaths the pride and poverty of tho world and ell for two cents On Wednesday just before oclock Mr A lumber- merchant and sawmill proprietor met with his death quit unexpected was crossing track just cast of tho station in order to get to express train leaving Stoulfville at oclock in order to go to Button train was shunting and making a running shunt Deceased got- out of the way of tho coming cars hut did not seo moving other track was caught be tween fell track I Co was carried to Millers Hotel and everything that could bo done Ho was conscious said his wero all settled and that he was meeting a happy and glorious death He died shortly after p in but the famish ample supply water both for lumbering end agricultural purpose The sorfaco fa rolllnej hut leai uneven than the on either side Pier are mostly in hardwood land of great fertil ity The trcea are tall from and lew down grades and bat a short distance to hand logs to the river branch which the fork is a brook sirembnt little affected by freshet or frost The North fork floatable for logs miles above the forks sod the Sooth branch for miles them is but little swamp land In the district except upon Bea rer Creek of the fork The are not dead bat spriog brook drain- abundance of rail timber and ultimately meadow lands In richness for generations from the under- The hardwood land he district is timbered beech elm ash eta are in some places hilly but level or gently Tho count is being occupied by class of In some localities element prevails while district are principally Immigrants from New York Pennsyl vania Ohio and Sootheso Michigan The ia very aalabriou there a little of the fever and ague a In all new countries but a the country becomes clear ed up it The fruit belt through Mason County has a better soil than moat of bordering on tbe Eastern shore of Like Michigan the hardwood extend log to the clay South of the Har bor of LuJiogtor As we emerge from the dense maple groves upon this bold 200 feet above the level of view is truly a grand sight out upon the inland whitened with the wings ol commerce in the golden sunset of a September evening the wind naturally wander to the State where pierc ing prairie winds ami fickle climate forbid fruitrattiog They may flow with they may raise they must look to Michigan for for fruit viae The demands of civiliid humanity clothe theae hilts with vines and fruit tree bending beneath Pomonas richest treasure the County Seat ia a city of about twenty thousand iubibitaota situated the month of the Iiere Marquette river Like Michigan it contains a number of large null- which cut thousands of feet of lumber per day most of which Is shipped to The Harbor is one the beat the Shore and last Spring aalt was city limit where a monster silt block is being built by Peter a large who are intending to condense the with waste lumber from their mills The Slid yield 100 per of The city a number of very fine churches public buildings The system of County Is one of the best In the State great interest it Hoping Ms little outline may bo interest ing to of your reader remain A TllASfflASIEO Iri McNeil man who swindl ed country lad out of a watch at the Hamilton fair grounds has been summoned to a charge of fraud During service last Sun day of beams of tho Metho dist Church gave way with a loud report and tho floor sank sov- inches says A Canadian firm is to have secured a contract to cut the timber from acres of land in State of Georgia Next to nicely arranged and well kept shelves and counters thingadds so much to appearance of a as well dressed windows is week windows of our mer chants aro marvels of neatness At tho Hamilton Court on Saturday morning John Hurley was committed for trial on a charge of robbing his uncle Edward of Jarvis of Ho claimed that ho did not to keep and merely went to Brant- ford for a good Experiments have been made to find out lowest temperature in which animals can live A rabbit survived an hours exposure too degrees below and two frogs after having become quite solid at 30 degrees below actually recover from tho freezing bustles are now inruio of back numbers It is prettv tough to think that a roans efforts shall thus bo sat upon It crushes all glory out of the profession and were it not that the editor can feel that ho has not only brightened a womans mind but proved her shape also ho might as well throw up the in disgust On a number of children amusing themselves jumping from windows of Street school St Thomas among them being Norman Ford aged years Two of Fords com panions caught hold of htm as be was seated on tho windowsill and during which ensued ho was pushed from window alighting on the ground and sustaining a fracture of the to Rev Mr Roddick tho Baptist- Minister who was at station when ho heard of accident also went down to remains of Mr were convoyed to mail train Thursday morning and interred to day Friday The sorrowing widow and fathorieas children have tho sympathy of entire community in this their sad and sudden bereavement if

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