Newmarket Era, 9 Oct 1885, p. 2

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A 7 v NEWMARKET EHA OCT New A DubiIer Nolle to Ci3iori J j T Wool Terser Reward far Sir Brick for Sale i Bra FRIDAY OCT Our Toronto Despatch Oct lib liii Tee Major and weat to Worth There was Mhose Mr Of P it the Hotel or member the Local Hoc were Id feettlooj of lb Till County Board of J York Union Fall Fair IS SUCCESS- The weather last Tuesday ltgiTia Jr Km J not very propitious for a sue- fair although not as bad as It might bar There was ft good entry for exhibits in the Main Building but the appearance of rain kept back a large quantity domestic manufactures and ladies fine work and otherwise against the CTenU of the first of North York Union fall Fair As a If ALL did not present that fall and attract- appearance that it did last year The to a great extent of the grain and root crop also bad Its effect in producing only a meagre display but tbe and vegetables were full up if other years Our manu facturing Industries were represented by Messrs Cane Sons J Millard i Co J Wilson Park Co The Domestic and makes of organs and pianos Mr Robinson of Toronto alto had a geod display of wool door mats dusters etc The department of Arts was not bo filled as usual but the quality of the work was a decided improvement on any former year especially in painting on plash satin velvet and etc Mr large collection of photographs was particularly admir al The prizes in Dairy wer very keenly contested there being no less than entries in this department We purposely make our description as brief as possible in order to give the complete of premiums winners in this issue of the The afternoon of the day was 1 cloudy and a cold wind swept across the ground so that there was not much pleasure standing around the ring consequently the attendance was quite limited events of Gents Roadsters tingle and double were well 10 ami 11 entries in the several classes re spectively but little or no competi tion in laddie horses or equestrian- box THE fcUILDlNG pretty well filled with excellent work principally from Aurora and a splendid dis play of plows bat not many other The Allan plow was quite a favorite with the judges but the of Messrs was larger ind consequently varied of Floral took place in the even ing us Usui The two bauds front Aurora pi event and spirited contest for During the course of the evening and gave interesting accounts of the great it etc were much ap preciated did not dawn encouragingly to the but by noon the clouds and Old Sol in oil bin which had the effect of bringing out a very good crowd The Aurora excellent music and the grounds were I the as follows and The exhibit in was rather better usual both numbers and quality the reaching about the entries and JO The exhibits A poultry really tin Uihriiix Is LU a tendance on Wednesday at over ntaong visitors No io by gfrta by QRUlinbarr 2nd oho St ffo Meg Colt old lit by John Stoofftilla Cblk Surf Town filly lit by Qt Cc 2nd Colt If Kir Filly ffu King 2nd He bet Foot Cult lit 3ni Filly Cio 3rd AVI- Elliott lit rivea by 2nd by Wo J- lit by CoPuy Aarora tod under lit given by Cope- Co J Palmer Hill Junta by 2nd ted Co A 2nd 3rd by Terry Brood 1st by Lintoo a by 3rd Colt old lit by A 2nd Elder C Joba Gtdicgcr Filly An- drewi 3rd Colt Robert ttaeOrcbini or Filly 2nd Pine Zed New too St Colt Bed I 3rd Scries Filly Wo 3rd Ricbxrd r XQCMZSISK AND OK if J Curtly Jxx by Hewitt Hill Entire 168 tad under by 153 Dd by Geo Genu style ud A lit 2nd Geo Siogls Horse or iluc for by S T by George Lemon Pony by Rider givea by A by Mr A Mil Boy Rider by Mr J oo Gent Rider by Mr Chule Cook Bottou Stddf lit given by R Hewitt 2nd by Jib LfntOD Kobt Geo Aged Ball hy Simpeoo Pice Ball 2 old let given by A hue 2nd UrUb Bolllet given by J A Co Geo 2nd Annluge 3rd Wit mot Jc-ba- Milch by Roche lit tod 3rd Lemon J Klnotn jeers by let cd lit 3rd Heifer by I P 2nd 3rd Uriib Herd giren by ft Co C fc Co Clerk Plejter given by Allen lit 4tl Fred fruit Cow Heifer 1st giren by Co lcnca 2nd 3rd Cow- let by Wdl 3rd 2nd 3rd end tod 2nd Fre1 Trent 3i P 2nd Simeon 3rd Joihue John VYbitchurcb Sod Herd of by John Manning Wed lei J end l Kern by Win it fiooe Menli Richmond Hill 2nd Geo Hem 2nd Geo 3rd 2nd Aged 2nd 3rd Gen 2nd 3id Boynton 2nd Sid Fred Trent Flock by John Tbe Agd Rem let by Co 2nd by Lr Item given by Geo 3rd AjErd giten by G- liltlt Geo let tod I Sid lett by Tho V M tick iwiKBxiaxxaiajL JTix6UrktoB 2nd Brood Sow Cltrkoa Bar 2nd tnd Andrere Sow Kg let tad Andrew Tbox smoix Aged Boar lit 2nd Victoria Road Brood Sow let 2nd end Sow Pen Parker and If Doe and A Richmond Hill 2nd end A Dirk 1st and 2nd W A Wright A Wright Rocks A II Medico tfuttca and A- Wright 2nd if KewrnerkeL ted A- Wright Rev panbh lit deallfnl 2nd tzd A Wright Grew lit tad 2ad A- Wright Brown Rev White Legboros lit aid 2nd J Stickwood lit end 2od and Black Red 2nd Richard and Brown Red Game lit ted 2nd Goode and brother Pile Geme tod 2nd J Stick wood Any Fowls 1st end 2nd Rev Goodo ted hex Pea rose Any Kind Joba ifiHtr New DerkcL Gte 2nd end A Wright Decks lit and 2nd Any Richtnl end 2nd ted A Wright ThoK Lee Fowl let and 2nd Cfsrk- let end 2nd Bgirt Cuckoo Lfghorrj If J Freak Law any tofl Mri Mi J Kyi VArdei aoiIIIDOWN J fWlipWWiwnRfxifood I Jirfm j tint County Mainiiij ivAswkk Oak were enter I Aged Hem gUen Ahorlh- Jc Beth David White Winter Wheat lit giren by Dr J King 2nd Peter Belfry 3rd Robert Pine Orchard lit girea 2nd 3rd Jet berg Red Wheat let given by 2nd J Mably vnl J St Fall kind lit by Eaton fc Co Peter Belfry 2rM J 3rd A Son St Wild Wheel Peter Scotch Spring Wheat J Mably 2nd by Steel Win King 3rd Draper Spring Wheat any kind Belfry J Mably Jollm Six Rowed Barley given by Brew ing end Malting let J W 2nd The and Win Stephen 3rd Draper Black Barley Stephen Howard 2nd David Barlev soy by Robert Joliaa 2nd J 3rd and Stepbeoi Byelet given by J Rotitwa and 2nd Julius Black let given by Stephens Marrowfat Pea black eyes lit by John Joliae Small lit by i A as Sloan and Stephens Blue lit frirenby I J J end Wm Julius Br cell Indian Corn J 2nd J Norman White 2nd J kind Beans 2nd Clover Seed giren by George Good- let Baker 2nd John Seed John Jluikholder 2nd Gideon Clover Frank J iJOlli Seed needed Sweet Table EI Smith John Fuller Proctor Early Potatoes let doubtful 2nd Whitchurch Case 2nd both of other lit by A Campbell Peter 2nd Collection of Jo Blanker 2od doubtful Early Horn Carrotx Tlioe or Jiange Carrot Inline 2nd Geo Mil get r Field Carroll John 2nd J Frank 2nd Jot Slabber John Salter 2nd Long 2nd Juliui Soger Bette John Kilter Grey Stone Turnip Samuel While John Rj Sharon Globe 2nd by Dr Sod Mil- gele Kohl Jlruela rylvard it dov 2ol Jui fllanker P 2nd Tabic IJoyd 2nd J J Peart in a Gil low 2od Red Cabbage Albeit Co it Vol Red 2nd Gallon W J W iiWt ill J W W Mil I Red J fA Mia 2nd 2nd itrt l Lloyd 2nd Tnmitfxt J- J- Dean 231 J ten 2nd Fruit 2nd Mm- any J A LnlfiqI Boa Crab Jdlty Sin- Jelly Junes J John 2nd jf- tftildfa kind nreeif iltIJto Mar Lloyd 2d ilpn A Reynolds of Canned Fruit by John mi la lit A Ml gla John Bikers Mild Usjtborry 11 Smith Any Fill K- J at id DAIRY Lvrkhirt of Toronto nod If Kids 11-3- ly it Mil- lifd 2nd by 3rd by J A- 1st by Q3 JjitftMT Dili KtJi by John Curry jr bury by While lit by tfn Oxford by J Sharon lb by Bennett Ibt Boiler by iiintri 2nd Howard JuJga Henry Graham Bradford- A King and Geo- Wiijbt Waggon Aurora J- Charley St Covered Bogey 1st by Rice 2nd Zliplti Spring Jaf Liw- pgttlnrajr for ftw a Braided J 2nd livid Work by la Ribbon Work A J j Work a by lod J Wddifield Eye- Mantle Drape iacti W- A Wdi-lttdailpMrKr- Hits Situ Frank lit And SlTPXn of Jieorimcndfd Wall Pocket Jiihej Paint Inf on Mrs Fancy Crewel Work Fancy if for hoo marked doubtful will report at miner will and occur by not proper It Local and Other Items Too La til A now for SatbArUnd to for change aF on ttra from to on of to of engagetfula day at regular moiling Council till la Sutton Fair on the firtt bsnLlha nama of be for John for lit of Span of Cox Now your Parker Co Dyer and Charter Toronto will hero Oct- and AH kinds of and Dying all up rtidy Ad ftgurei Editorial Tub Sujjrtinc will ith irit for The Ottawa bt it John will for fcr ihe of A despatch Oleic that application for to appeal will come before Coo ceil early probably ate now for of ita in lb iaid of it who will yore Agiias it but who want to ruiko the the Star fU to the year for it snivel- There Into our inoie alive to of its town or to careful of its recall ar- tielea often up to greater Sur a NevvHAnKET Depot For month of from of barley torn of bran car of asd of gforal The Markets want of no omit cur reports change from I week town and the only change in Toronto roar- that hare one cent tcibeb Addition In Hat of ltt ire otnitled brick reiMenc that Mr Hugh raoi at the bead of Victoria when completed be an ornament to the Lacrosse- Juniors of Aurora up contrary to of oar young chap and cod ihe result wis Ibrce for the of the could Away abort lost morning a tramp fa the occupied by Mr Andre Jid gating in irhea inmate of Ihe were tramp left in afiony oahia Up- we Mr to him to atop or be he fired two ahota after him but with no apparent effect Ha if a printer by and we a warrant been for Eaelt Mr S of of of a of out lat year are of of and no lew than twenty were in the early put of bat ted moat of them off The largeit that meas ured nearly in from arl b excellent acJ growth to such fruit in a short apace of time after enteral inirrttd for To Complaint You It caver fain to an Sold by J there aro blotches pimpled andbotla appwrlcf Indicate ax- bad blood which by that fetal of all Burdock Blood Bitten Car Will by aummer are better ann fttfi thopatrorot the S In Confcta Hid that Impoveract In an cl Wet sir St SS r are relief Price 19Ct Hold by J a- Patau fa Ink Are you Indian on tbo program Tar are on rauda IaH Azy of bats hare Ilraiy if on Jay morning morn- Public Board you A Who pumpkin on St Farmer Club met Jut Saturday Two night match Thursday of Aurora in faror of former by one one will the foMowiog score Newmarket mate a on the bat not to good on the Mr Ted- did ipUadid howling the lit Sutherland Aahtoa Sot out Crthick 17 Me Goner b ilc- Voting w b Hon J out not out Kitraa Odd Scraps at Vcrycoldun Tuesday Dominion Co Veila by ibis Hon will aVJ twin Quebec for or of June prepaid rudcixxi to A Peculiar In partita while cow lfcabood frota ell oor and thereby roots It up the a tela A diphtheria Bold Jtj Kelcaao A poor victim of of life iivinj In Liver par- dock Kind I Open any J Lawrence Sod 2nd Bros Covert Son H J CLarlrJ Culler J recce A Son Sod Bob and 2nd J Aurora James Heavy Double 1st Light K lhrnru leather Park Ibt and Jod J Wilson Strong let and J 1st anil 2n I lit and J Wilson of Hoots and SboeiF J Fret Work 2nd J Millard Co Cane Sons Window of JMiHapI Co Churn Store lit and 2nd J Newmarket lit and 2nd J Lawrence Son Highly Commended Collect ioa of Store John Collection of Caoe Sjjecirneu of on J Co Allan Combined Drill Kike Cultivator Hay Tedder J O Co per Tnch Knt Drill and Cultivator Ceo If I land Jailer Albert A baa entered on the Farmers Wagon award JuIrf Mrs mid Mr If Me done WtxA J it id 2nd Factory- nd 2nd by Kent It 2nd It d 2nd Tuff- A 2nd Carpet- 2nd 2nd lit 2nd Jftlin tltlon John fjvwlfne 2nd Lloyd 2nd Mill Lloyd 2nd Walker A A by Kut Iron diQf ind John 2nd Ilriiwit 2nd 11 2nd WiIki hied rffd 2nd 2nd A fit of nikd I Juiidesj Strict Mm P 1 at departure of Agricultural with lappeararicq of Fair the fair average Following tit Hat of lat fttreri by by Major old Filly old York ilia fivtth Ytullrg Entire A- 2d yufilsgQiHUgof tyrt by I 3rd lit Sal aod Jmoa 3rd ItobL Mirth Fred and 3rd Linton giten by Uohta Mirth ok atiuK Keen ltcnon til St Shearling KwfaSlcatoB glran by Jrfatf fX litaad Sid Mutb Jm Ajjd flqsars j 3rd M WaHiiiVs fcyotyn j 3d WISP Kv up Mr JJC Inland and j fiipilhera Spy Jiwi J any other variety TgitmtOi Apli Win flbhn and us Fall any Pins Orchard j 2nd of Applt given by A 2nd and Wru Srd John Stiff Crab J J 1ear- Winter fitrnptfi Fall of ivirtn Peat- town flnriib a M Oil JL by We 2nd A oil Painting Mrs Hath 2nd MraJ pilietlfic on Vidvsi Mia J K ttouchi Mrs J on Jni on 2nd illi Wswmarktt on 2rdHetb ink by CO orris mid Slid Anble Mr lrvtuicitfclvtia by Jack- A nolo Collection Photo lit and W iierurt 2nd Mr 1Artrldsc Work Mrs ttvjci Work Mrs Pooler Uk by tn Mrs It flrnltb Mrs MI lad Mrs jlten by Kent Mis J WWdlOeW 2od Ml A Mrs PajtrWi AntlmaceiatrMra 2nd Mrs VMHm 2nd kth If Janje JfeHlD Wool MottoMrs Work- Mr a iyerj 21 Mill Crocbel Work-Mrs- Mrs Mite Personal Mention il left for Albany New York extension of tnoiicttona last Maggia of Totten ham lirisiting and relatives In and Town rMr Elijah Johnson from Man ihfi week on a and apent a day or two in Town- I Mrs Frank Robertson daughter of Mr A wu in Town over Sunday Abont a dozen young folks spent a pleasant Evening at the Mr Mr A Hall of Montreal was in town on Tuesday and visiting Mr J IlolHogiheiL MivfCoroiih and Mill Frank of a of days with Mrs J P thia Town this week of Disband another from Toronto hare been ol Fa her for a few Mis and two of lift on for Manitoba via P It boat at Oweo Thinks to Mr John of St for a basket of cooking applet The all jolly good fellows l Meaara Stanley BeA P Sep Frank Fred Cane and KavaniKU of Toronto were up during the Fair Mrj left on to llire weka at own son Wil lie easels to there all winUf having accepted a We notice with that an sedi tion been made to law firm of in the prion of A of this are ill rnea but their energy and ability favorably known Mr Councillor heavy for ailing holding the atepdalder at his on Monday while taking aom out of the garret anil he received which made Mm walk very carefully for rear of a VUeh daughter of the initer who atteinlfngachool in Toronto with a thief a f Jaji sgo that pluck than one would Inelined As she along on Klin Street o young man eighteen years of a piafis of and her She him until dim and till he give up the Is a brave d end much I be wy frieula of Key Dean will to leirn that at thv annual nf Ontario held In recent he waielvcUd to the distinguish of he thaokcJ the f tie honors conferred bin whlh ho a fawor epoch hi lbs Malory of this gratifying to In view of bis citric I as a priest the Catholie Church of this proline With the St AW hi the Rev and heartily follows honor hint is by no ineanf as he the very largely of Protestants of alt lion Indeed so preautna front or that he a the only Catholic on the directorate If note of this spirit was displayed ay la tbe other province toleration of the minority lfrntn cootd learo to forget that they at different altars woold be a better place to lira in as are pointed out and marked and and not from value but froui estimate of that value bar reference to faith they will he amoral that can no ws contribute to the amity of society at Urge the iCerUeea by his labor In and who watched his nree appreciate his and Another Work Everybody put taken in the late rebellion by and Mr in the of Bear title a Iwk written by these two ladies and ihe in Town this taking Lacrosse return match Aurora and will lakeplcc on the Fairground next Wednesday after noon The home has chceo the fob lowing good team and in exciting game may be looked for viz S Morris It Manning J Hewitt Geo Smith W A Gibbons J J Bonds Harvest Home Arrangements are about completed for the Festival the Newmarket Christian Church on Wednesday more than usually time may he anticipate Among the at tractions at the table will be fowl and beef to he served from to fol lowed by addresses The Church to be a pec ally decorated for- occasion On Monday tb new hose for Fire Department were on the Steam pump at Cants Factory- The coupling at the end of one length give out at lbs presort to the square inch and an other at These lengths were re turned to the manufactory for proper repair when another teat will be made before feet are accepted A Rare Opportunity Our town country people can see Ciatbe King Street West Toranto which name familiar with every the heat and moat man for relieving and curing Rnptnre and Deformity Mr Cluthe sella from prloted Price serve alt alike rich and poor of been refused See Adf in another column A grand union for eight to Niagara and Rochester on Tuesday Oct Tickets to Niagara Falls only Buffalo and good for eight day form here moat start the 12th and go via Allendale to point on the Re to catch morning train on the This will be a big and crowds are going bills are out has come to It at the girl and boys can now live expectation of having a roller without going out of Town Mr John Fins Orchard has the building from Mr formerly died as skating and to pull it to piKa and rebuild it in a subatanlial lay- therein No r lie Is determined to spare ptins that will add to the aud of who to skate on rollers fir who witness the art Roller Rink Is expected to about a month Total Total fl and b Flenry runout 1 Smith Fleury Stevenson Sutherland runout A run out Hillary Stevenson Sutherland reason not out Stevenson Nelson not oat Bond Ste venson bit wicket StareoiOD Stevenson Extra Arc Too indtgEStloO AnillHlnn toes yellow la cur Bold by A enrol Ant euro for rcbolara Ooltr tbeiHUicHatrh i en Wild who it nod fftio it on In Forget bair red of has It wetlas cool nndroiis the and hair to re ewe J growth ami vigor A Injector Free With by To work early anil nod get little or no take to give you slrentb that you get the oVlftnal nod genuine The Oca Thayer myself and live to Core- Bold by l Elmore of j engineer In the Mr his My homo to bis parents ilr Melton ryogradoatod from left on Saturday to College Wo htm every Hears Graham another gentleman Town on Friday on J JJ where they u fiattcnlnordertob call to the Of Coaoty doubt to v if Johnstons si Ai them when ho labored there Total Total The old tannery adjoining the Water Street bridge liter ihe Hat Factory lias been again by Mr a practical tanner who will confine operations to skins end calf skin making this point the it fsrrners for these attltUa la this of country Mr Is a of Fterboro the put four been at J tannery In ami is n6w entering for himself if he auccr there be no why he ahoutJ not In- Increase his capacity and tin ploy That we want In and more hands Hi Okoanizkik Ho of tin Selinol Met on last for the uioh of electing contest was hot but no was split The following a of the who will wo are ciiilllenl fill honorably and well the thern Mr K- VIcilVeiidtnt Mr J Mils Kennedy Assistant Mr Corres ending MIis A a Mayes AsaiatCnr Mr A J Dont forget the grand of Sunday School Workers In Church in Town neat day evening to by Rev John Secretary the Frevincial School Association an J an earnest voted and speaker On Thar alay evening one of the moat popular and eloquent In de nomination Rev A Stafford of Toronto will give address on the oil unities of lbs School Dons this the programme or you will regret It The address on Friday issuing Rev of Toronto another vrry divine the in for hour on the Men for to lis during these thtee next week to everybody by a onion eholr and a collection at la A contest took place on Mill street last Satur day week For burglary at berg got five years in the Penitentiary and William got six the Central Prison sentimental maiden resumes her for autumn leaved The fence in front of the Registry Office is being erected It Is made cedar post and gas pipe and will look well when painted There is a rumor two to occur Town this month The market baa been rather dull lately hot it will soon be time to chronicle the of summer campaign The new round dance the corning season will be known Tba It to be a trifle more giddy and rapid than the Boston dip Mr has rented his old stall in the iiiarket for a term twelve months The man who prefers s city weekly to a home paper reminds of the country man who picked out the largest pair of boot to the box they cost no more than the smaller pair that fltled him change its the weather last Sunday Tha without a fire would be quite Something is what you will find on consulting the an of our leading merchant that let the public know what they through well displayed and attractively worded advertisement In the Km Shine your boots the ejaculation of urchin the streets this wetk came up from the city to do tbe Fair Enterprising soma of these young Mr has erected an ex cellent windmill on his barn for chopping feed Another new rnachiue for Canes Factory arrived this week When the vault doors for the Ontario arrived at Depot they were tbe of consider able speculation for time among the knowalls Menu Cane A Sons are building a burglar proof vault brick wall each aide of Inch all around A youag eagle was shot by Teddy Tatter nil a lice near Monday morning which feet from tip to lip A dance at the Union Hotel on the last night of the Show drew quite a crowd The about the number and price of the New was rectified this week boys have to raise out for a conceit A Filly to killed on A lady lost on Wednesday Two Act Dim a nice the verandah of thv Forsyth Hotel morn The of Poison Co or writes Wild baa the best In the and adds that highest of merits Wild fa remedy fur Morbus alt Vtt Cod Liver Oil with Is or appetite and debility A Co of makes tho following retort That rnetded a friend from loss debility that after taking half dozen bottle he re that be ate well feels wetland In n now and recomtnendaHhtgbly in i he fatal end All of to such Mor bus RUInoa Ion few hours That over remedy Fowlers of strawberry bo at hand for emergency fc I Sale Register will have am a of stock And Terms la on aiirna over except for and at li oclock Kavanah Auctioneer anle of some shirk and will place at Hewitts Hotel New Jus Ilutcarl FqlPAViOct W Stephens will an unreserved ialo of and on hit In the rvarof the 2nd of Whitchurch Tiffim at one oclock alum Nelson Smith furniture ami oilier effects will or aire Wood A time SI roiih- cast Iota pur- day James it Iannis will a sale of valuable stock on rear Of lot in Ins House Terms Ii or percent on surns over or hay and turnips atiarfa Oct his annual sate of Coo North Terms rnontba on Ante J Auot s Foil Fairs Tp0oolwoo0ch 14 and A Harrow of Toronto will vis it Newmarket Forsyths Hotel on 2nd month for the treatment f alt of chronic disease tie alt tbat have been up by other physlcHus of years sienillihT fur ho ha cured of lug tho petal years Dr a doss not claim superior skill but follows a of treatment entirely new to Canada If you are troll under your own physician do not call It is his to treat given have fait tc Neat vlatt Thursday Nov Free tared AD old retlnd from practtce placed his by an East India missionary the formula Ota bo remedy fur the speedy euro of Itronohltli Asthma and alt thro Hand Affection radical cure for Nervous and nil Nervous after having curative In cases has felt It his daty to make It his fellows Ac this motive and a to relieve suffering wilt scud free of this reclto lnOerman French or with full directions for preparhiZ and using Rent by mall by ad- dread A eNovts iur R K head of A largo fore nam against be French His proposed to Mtuttvi iahore India in A at Pittsburg on i of young men Wing Sa injured Eight Indiana on the been I at for service key Mormon are ported to have met with suewsa converts ib vicinity of Bridgeport Illinois Detroit OcL of Richmond Out reluming fa Dakota arrived fit Port Huron fa Detroit on the one Iraio ftj morning left the to after baggage and tracks was struck by car Ics were cut off died in a hoii Mr Handle was eighty old Scott Act Yesterusyfij several suits adjourned from last were up for hearing In case two against him were til Mr J was fined 50 costs Wen Sullivan and costs- Mr lfeatuiiu appealed and second charge against him will 1 a Wednesday next Bradford f K nuinher of years farmers of have nourishing devoted to motion of social intercourse and tli common interests of their pursuit its proceedings cesses- been wellknown to public of this county It his their custom to in month of September of each year tie opening of the season by holding Harvest gathering at farm of the wellknown Mr Win This lias famous as one of pleasant and longIookedformtW of farmers of On Tuesday of Inst week proved to bo everything that be desired and enjoyed of Ktnr on the wife of Mr iho wife of Mr Cat Ilea J by Mr air j daughter of Mr Ha at mi tun a At Pf Brahawlumbrinrclat on As widow of la us of r yean has lu hat been attained by fur Out of aula tree lod jifiet ftlz raoulnt fully ninety per ma I oUy Itsi when ll remeiuborelihatuot to lb regular or while patent medicine a euro at all now centrally believed by men that w- to their practically J It Jriha totuxtm cart him four market itjti sun Ho one on mm nor mi J cured Is homo iho -is- of year It favor flty cases A tut Star V In sii Action of lb ib b6UtorcptbKHnfyi lha of ettWo to ftflbltJ DUUn Sutton quit chllilrea at A icvs 1cn tcIhJ Id conviction Sir Me told at Iottft of at Mr abil Live to to The North Fair held catbef Fair one of moat belli here A In SbeJ which wall atteudcJ but a Jest of thrOQKhoot by our to a pirtncr Mr If loir of Aiuijo was to ililoo of fiaitoo A took jdiM k that tfiih It fleam Toronto Cat- Mr of feitd report of ill tevL Sir- it tit- taret remains were Monday fcventoit Cemetery on ioof k lUrsnAtnatrolLon 1st lost fc iffAllhoiigb her death werobfOotM hero day lo tho and a number of friends FURNITURE UNDERTAKING fs rB Parlor Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS HEARSE trAilnrderOillrecelTO prompt a

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