Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1885, p. 1

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i s- i T BRA L Friday Sjftrt iif M HE THE SdSBHTX TO KNOW TO UTTER TO ARGUE JO OTHER Ilea NORTH YORK rf i J I ADVERTISER VolXXXIVNo 38 Single Copies 3 Cents Each i i i Newmarket Ont Friday Oct Advance within or of f V CAPITAL 107 UAEK BEST lWphOVrUD- CHASHOIMO Branch AOEHEHAL BANKING on DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALLroIKTS Collet or at end of year TOS tondou Mutual Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons Nursery J STORE J It 4 to Lota wW of ycrtjth una Ssttoa J TO BO la Loan at to offered a Tin for Federal ML1CITOR PnbUa jf lo Block- MONET TO LOAN MEDICAL DB ROGERS nHTHlClAK Etc tn CHAB COOK rfOBACCOS AND C1UAR3 Street West Toronto J A lira and Elf TO IT CIST flnvdui scanty TBOOAS GLAZIER Ac tfoor ffert Factory STB WATTE OK My J book for my boWL Prop Boom Ballon AUSTIN O08E PAINTER e BpeeUUlUaolion jdteo lo AXBIOX HOTEL a Me Market STAB LIS BED Terms per day by EleclflelirhL l bed rooms jot parlor DR If OWE SURGEON fftreet Hit PEST Ah AI bl thy A rjKNTlbT Oxldo band at til for btnpplled from to to I INTEND A OF- AND FASHIONABLE ILLIN PURINE FAIR I WILL ALSO SHOW THE FINEST DISPLAY OF FANCY WORK I And Childrens Wool Good Shown in this Town Every Fair to CALL AT MY SHOW ROOMS i MAIN STREET BECKETT CHINA GLASSWARE CROCKERY PRICES ARE STILL LOWER jr Jttsi ROTARY of For CO- OotulO Life BaiTtoder Accident I Tfc CJtlwni Fire Tht City of London Toe Hi A The North of Co and I THIS ACCIDENT TKBUBAKOBCOOFNOHTU Head corner I A rttr Llr civil Engineer York Coort L LAMPS LAMPS VERY LAMPS LAMPS I J THE OF CANADA r TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED ON Company to LY A MARRIAGE LICENSES ttbe Office Accident bM All ioticelLeCom- or five jean received InUAO J i 11 for Aurora it loan Auoe DEPOSITS EVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOR OppololtKojftl FAMILIES IK THIS VICINITY USING RAIL WAY DIUTO -ISSUED- ON UNITED STATUS AND ALL POINTS IN CANADA TIE DO Notes Discounted J Viiif Jlvtry SATISFACTION PROF III LB away vltb At ttl WS Hie n ro 1 to fcil ft iwiu 5M Kx and MVP ftlBA LOUIS ORLEANS coo til lLt wck to the tAckf acccVjiite be Kale ft Baking Powder Vlcllrltr- Uim tt Affile fct tTifTJtikcilou Kiilai MAyftViLLC AND tS Mill friS in JHtftMii a Tit LINE Arthur B T Biscuit Manufacturer CALL war W- WEEKS I IllutlvaUd WcrW will toviu lVlK4llH fit Co EVA FRUITS Soda Water WEDDING CAKES The Ponder Made- Active fiicjrt In tlili Acd In form find uiit Jljy I til and of It an tinier flour a il etc healthful fend It of or of I IhH valuable which the of iVur I Incredlii by It the flifde J ult Iblil It Put Up In preierate to Ho ui aircraCleARtr and etretfytu or baking lewder belter- CO Ontario A CO Hoi t of can lie done on a old well IMIIKST MOST COMPLETE fitt of In IfaaUarkaL Aw Quality Atnt Hair Vigor lot and of faded or to a rich color or deep black Ill It or red tlioajb not It of and andiickly and and to Am a Ladle VlooaliQicoalle4 a delicate and Ma P out a time lld I u4 A Vjoob a topped ftfl vartlacicBrotb I a foil bead of Lair roving am but for lb cue of tour I Late J aVtrjAur Avaa Ham Viooa I a for the hair of It from my ova tbt ONTARIO EVERY ftnouru of Viooa la alM A care for fal to leader of celebrated Of from C very utf a and able to a of yoatbf a of According to Bland Qrirnolfuroii the of America of wbotn his la th year iota The of bit death la do- sinking alnkiog Deeper Ibo And the crow were thinking What their might l bat Wat among thorn And hold but half tbe that overhung them Quick decide what to do Lola cast for a Who leave and uai Eoado tha ton On that awful And the of boat At that moment they were free While were bat ala7ea they how to master All tbedaDieraof the to terrible Death aloes should them Of might leave Iho Bravo formed a part Bat to leave his lo With destruction grieved heart When he a Icelander Standing grieving on the deck Then this glorious commander upon the sinking wreck Quick my fellow take tb Of escaping from Life to me no great treaaura If there la a locate And the noble commander Too place upon deck White and Icelander Slowly pushed from the When distance With of delight- After a J persistence Waters hid the ship from Thus the daring Norseman Out upon an angry bis will be cherished In the of the free who did oar land discover He Norseman frank and bold Oh name of this rover Willi lm modal are A Guardsmans Luck- Sentry will you kindly keep your eye on my bag for a few I am going to have a plunge in the said a welldressed mid dle aged gentleman to me warm summer a few years ago as I was on duty at tho park gate of bridge Cavalry Barracks All right air I replied If I am relieved before you return I shall hand it over to tho next sentry I shant be more than the latest as I must be in the city by nine It doesnt contain very valuable property only a suit of clothes and a few documents of no use to anyone but the owner as the saying is All the same however I have no desire to it So saying gentleman turned away The to look after his pro perty did not iii the least surprise me its numerous robberies front the cloth ing of persons bathing had for some time before been reported to po lice barrack clock struck eight Fully biul elapsed the owner of hag And as yet then was no gigij of him the rjuarterpast was chimed from the neighboring clocks and still he did not turn up About eight perceived great commotion in the park- Men rushing from all quarters in the direction of the Ser pentine soon afterwards I as from a passer by that excitement wus caused by of the numerous bothers having been drown ed An uneasy suspicion excited within me that who had to such a sad end was the who had left his valise in my charge which suspicion was intensified when I was relieved at with article unclaimed I handed over the bag to the sentry who relieved me without mentioning to him auy of the circumstances of the ease I went on sentry again at one oclock and no had come for it It was height of Jjoudon Ben son and Hyde Park presented Ha cus tomary gay appearance but im posing array of equipages dashing equestrians and fashionably ladies tnd men which at other times wo to me a most interesting that afternoon passed by unheeded no all rhy thoughts were centered on specu lations regarding fate of the owner of Ixtg Before being re lieved at three I had it convoyed to my room in barracks and after guard placed it for greater security in troop store- Afterwards I left the barracks for my customary walk and purchasing a copy of from a juvenile news vendor I read of fatality of morning Friends hod identified the body which was that of a gentleman named who had resided at Bays- water Nixon That corresponds with tho initial tho bag I thought to myself now perfectly convinced that deceased was the person I had seen in tho morning I also as certained from newspaper report that a man had been apprehended on suspicion of having attempted to riflo of clothes of the those of a bearing no blanoe whatever to the individual who had left his bag in my charge and bag was opened but it contained nothing but the clothe The young lady thanked roe very There is certainly no ground for heartily for trouble I had taken in tho matter and I left the house of mourning and returned to the bar racks in a very mystified state of mind Could the owner of bag be the thief who was caught in the act of plundering the dead mans clothes I asked myself but immediately dis missed the idea from my mind as being absurd and improbable Soon tlie bag to interest me as the valueless character of its con tents caused me to speculate on tie unaccountable possessor in never returning for it r Some timo afterwards I was on Queens guard Westminister had juat mounted my horse and taken up position in of tho two boxes fac ing Parliament street when a gentle man stopped opposite me and scanned mo nurioualy Addressing he said Dont you remember me There wag no mistaking the it was that of owner of the bag Otherwise he was greatly altered as he had denuded himself of luxuriant A and moustache he wore when I saw him previously What has been wrong I Ob I was seized with a fit that mor when I came out of the water and was taken in an un conscious state I have been unwell since and have left my for the first time today wish to get my bag at once pre sume you it keeping at the Its much nearer at hand I re plied just across the street from here and then I told him that it was in the custody of the police au thorities at Scotland Yard This information apparently dis concerted Its Very awkward indeed ho said I have to the six train for Liverpool as I wish toail by the steamer that leaves tomorrow morn ing for Now York Couldnt you come across with me to get it You forget that I am sentry if I Lars sad j tita beta abla to jOQiUf a Ciil6iatU to lors la fact Its Mas O A PaaacoT7 fit Two so sto It fjEW I lb K Ait t v pjutrfliio x Kit ii from Mm Out and bald tooa a will abort hair uAli good I or to of Ann a a aleU DJOAyofCo BUGGY Mi t tut lata Uriel An drowned and who had roughly handled crowd Iho policeman could to tnkc into custody a I decided to call at ftddrcu given in in or der to arrange about restoration hag to relatives of the do ceased I wan shown into a room media afterwards was waited upon by a young lady daughter of deceased who naturally enough was perfectly with I explained to her in a words the object of my visit I uncertain- whither poor papa had a valiio of that description when ho left this sho said you way rjicognltu hint from photograph submitting she took from for lay in spection I a straogo MOW of relief feature in tho photo I replied wont be relieved until four dare not leave the guard During the interval that elapsed until my period of duty was ended the gentleman paced about in a most impatient manner ever and anon seeming to relieve his feelings by stopping to pat my horse At length I left post and diamounting led my charger to the stable and it over to a comrade then divesting myself of my cuirass was ready to proceed to Scotland Yard One of the corporals on guard received order to accompany me so togothor with the gentleman we started and cross ing the street reached the police head quarters in a minute or two and on making enquiries were directed to Lost Property department We stated our business and an official after receiving an assurance from mo that tho applicant was the right per son speedily produced the valise Why didnt you to this be fore ho asked addressing gen tleman Because I was too ill to see about anything was reply Tim gentleman then signed a hook certifying that his property had been restored to him giving as ho did of Having thanked tliu Mr caught up property and we left the office When we got to tho door we found a small crowd of men em ployed about the place for spectacle of two jack- booted guardsmen had caused consid erable speculation as to cur business there Mr hurriedly brushed past them and the street hailed a passing cab and driver at pulled up Hero some thing for your trouble ho said slip ping a sovereign into my hand of course thanked heartily for this munificent douceur- Declining offer of driver to his on tho dicky he put it inside vehicle then shaking hands with the corporal and myself he said to the driver as fast ah you can and entered the cab The driver released brake from wheel and was whipping up his horse with a view of starting when the poor animal slipped and fell- Tho man to Scot land Yard who had followed us into tho street rushi d to drivers assist unbuckled traces and after pushing back cab got on feet AH Iho while Mr was watohlng the operation from window and noticed that of tho men was surveying him atten tively isnt it the man remarked No it what do you moan by addressing me indignantly replied Well said man who I at surmised was a member of detective force thats you gave anyhow when had up on the charge of feel log the pockets of who we drown ed in week ago I know you although you have had a clean shave I started on hearing this statement ray suspicions ridiculous they seemed at time were correct after all Mr turned pale as death Oomeout of cab said the detective Youve no right to VI discharged this morning nothing was against you but loot hero old man what you got that old clothes I assure detaining this man said an inspector standing near brightened up and cried You see I have told you the truth and be good enough to let mo go All right said the detective up your traps and clear out Mr this time complied with exceeding alacrity and began to re place the articles of clothing when the detective seemingly acting on a impulse caught up the valise and gave it a vigorous shake A slight rustling sound was distinctly audible Hello whats this cried the officer Emptying the clothes out of the hag he produced a pocket knife and in a trice ripped open a false bot tom and found about val uable diamond ftiSlRguiii- emerald In wadding besides a stones fVH The jubilant detective atones ctv pared thecn with a list which he from a file and pronounced them be the entire proceeds of a daring robbery that had recently been com mitted in the shop of a West End jeweller and which amounted fif teen hundred pounds Mr alias now look ing terribly confused and abashed at this premature frustration of his plan to clear out of the country with Ixxity was formally charged bis- in possession of the stolen Valu ables He made no reply and as led away in custody Before returning to the guard I remarked to inspector I thought sir when he gave me a sov ereign for looking after his that it was more than jWel worth but iow hat I mistaken A cried the inspector let me see it I took the coin from wliero I had it in the ab sence of any pocket and handed it He smilingly examined it and throw it on the table I thought as much he remarked its a bad one Mr alias these names were two of a of aliases turned out to be an expert coiner burglar and windier who had long been wanted by the Ho was convicted and sentenc ed to a lengthened period of penal servitude A few weeks Mr Nobba had his well earned punishment I received a visit from a gentleman who stated that ho was cashier in the welters establishment ill which the rolbry commit ted Ho iiifuriiied me that his employer hav ing taken into consideration fact that was to a certain extent instru mental in the recovery of jewel lery had sent me of thirty pounds I gratefully accepted money which as I had seen enough of soldering I invested in pur chase of my discharge from hold Cavalry News from Holland Landing Special to Oo evening last Mrs of wm a ifte of a Sugar donors Mrs Mrs Mor ion Mia Mm Brown wan very lunch by but richly a weltmen itl of Mr continues to do a buiiiiut In of ii workmen are at hy ami ul still llio hi of Our Sir fmE Ij front holiday trip all looking and hi the of A of I J binding been it returned home Mm and Mia Wells of are tit- at Mr of Dili The work of renovation Mr tb brlckwoik of tower and the Tvill bo at Sutton Items Era bxL The mitki jap cent of total in oral lamia daring the term to cad September Shaw Annie Hill SO Ljdia A3 Julia CO CUss Hill Fred William Mabel anl Frji Georgia Howard ts Ill Arthur Cuttla SO Flora Earl- Martin Frank Cattle Johnson 05 Nettie Me- Maud A I ho J Ill Herbert Hill Harry Haw ker Harry Albert Hayes 75 Maud 05 50 Bertie Tmrnley Si rah Den- pet SO John I Hawker Mary S3 John George Abb Ward Brook 70 Lalimir Smalt- wood 43 Loom 0 35 Willie Myers Sturtridge JR 11 Lacy CortU Clarence SO Charlie Browo Willie Pake J8 Morton CO Roderick Brown 35 Will lie Maggie 35 Milton Alt Brooks Indians Sentenced to Death Oct The trial Indians charged with and Fremont has both being found guilty- on clearest Judge in passing death sentence tho prisoners he could hold out no hopes of mercy He sentenced them to ho hanged on the of November the day on which the unfortunate previously con demned will meet their fate The the councillors who signed celebrated letter were sentenced to two years each in penitentiary murderer of Dill placed on trial today and the cose will pro bably be concluded before the court rises though as evidence is ex pected to voluminous there being a number of witnesses it may have to go over till tomorrow company Infantry School leaves for home on Saturday Oct 10 TJi trial of tho two murderers of Dill of was conclude this morning evidence as in nearly all the previous cases left no doubt of the guilt of the prisoners who were sentenced Judge Rou leau to be hanged Sixteen Indian prisoners who were arraigned on various minor charges connected with rebellion were released on their good behavior there being no direct evidence avail- against them The court will adjourn nextThurs- day the Ah address was presented yester day by citUens to Co who left today for Toronto with O Company Infantry School The gallant colonel as well as bis men made themselves very popular here and considerable regret is felt over their departure for home A Battery will remain hero nil the win ter returns show that expenditure for tho last was over half a million mora than the income At the Harvest Thanksgiving the pastor related his in tho NorthWest as a private under Otter A good woman grows old Yea ra may over her head but if benevolence and virtue dwell in her heart is cheerful as when the spring of life opened to her view Another affray in which the- was used with it is feared what will prove to be fatal effect oc curred in Montreal on Saturday a wharf man stabbed in a vital part by a fellowworkman during a quarrel Oct The of Thomas Harris two and a half miles north of this place was entered last night by two masked men who bound Mr and Mrs Harris and rob bed them of They a valuable dog belonging to Mr Har ris Meagh er the young man who was stabbed Monday night on Bridge west was attacked again last night in the same locality and brutally beaten A blow on tho head from behind felled htm to the ground and while and insensible ho was badly beaten and kicked The identity of Ms assailant has not been discovered N Y Oct Kane aged about formerly of St Catharines Ont committed suicido here this afternoon by cutting his throat with a razor He was addict ed to drink He left a long letter his and brother giving the rea sons for his self murder Kane formerly a member of the firm of Kane Bros St Paul street St Cath arines and is well- known through Western Ontario King Council Hotel This met at Sttuiluy the nit All the jrciM The preaidloK of hat read and ajoeJ Hill do ion receive J of It Haunter in rotation to drainage lata Johu lUhi load vv Trent ft for cleric nil so a you crestfallen well too wld soiling bag Out cabp and come with mo Mr complied with a very had whilo corporal end I followed wondering what was to hap pen j Wo ft in interior t Co t 1 ftcmi John Uik J riiMliff CO win Slaw Ml 00 I Aha Uuk 00 S3 Silo aI uplift 10 ill ill to lo the of the motion of tttvl On u Collector for Southern of Munlciility of Dimes of ibe for tie of lc Council left for the iod If found by to to Mccpt tint the be with tbe for keeping motion the wU him error to the lot In Coo fr the of October to it Motel day Aurora papers contradict report regarding in that village Many a man has his mark in world only he couldnt make anything James Hughes a West farmer cut hand to handling wire of nil man kind should be ftblo to keep cool in tho hottest of hot weather Accord- to the limitation of order he can not higher than thirtythree or just freezing point A of held at Orangevillo on which resolutions dynamite outrages and this liriug of sawmill re- Town Council to offer reward of for the detection and conviction of the were unanimously adopted Harms Oct Tho Ceil- Fair was brought to a to day and so far as excellence of exhibits is concerned has been moot successful over held in this town receipts from admissions at gates amount to a over which while very satisfactory do not come up to expectations of ho directors who had not expect ed unfavorable weather Welch of the Niagara park reservation has been authorized to receive proposals for tho erection of a ballroom par lor laundry and house On anil after Oct carriages uswd for hire in the villaga of Niagara Kails not having numbers of licenses rates of fare in plain sight will not bo ad mitted to the islands or the park Kgr A district pertly remarks You may bo alio to get a largo city weekly tilled with mur ders scandal cases cock fights eto for same money you pay for your local papers but these city weeklies never your county and your property valuable do not help along your schools and churches they do not publish your country j say nothing of you your town and have no in terest in you A good newspaper Is as much of an advantage to town as goodschools by papers stand by you and are over on the look out for your in- were fiftyone deaths from smallpox in Montreal city and suburbs on one more than proceeding day The total mor tality for week ending Friday night was 344 a of six from the previous week of which in city ftod in the suburbs The new hospital buildings at the ex hibition grounds which will accom modate about eleven hundred patients formally opened on Saturday and the work of removing sufferers thereto was commenced Monday The Canadian Pacific railway Intended ope mug tho Canadian all rail route by the north shore Superior to Winnipeg on the October but not to do so in order that they amy have the road completed in perfect order before opening the pas senger service It will however be ripen for freight on that date for passenger traffic on 2nd November the time intervening being taken up in completing the road in the minutest details for the comfort of travellers Oct This the annual exhibition of ait riding of York has proved a grand success Yesterday being the day the attendance wnsof course not as large as today Fine weather today however brought out an im mense crowd A largo number of visitors from Toronto present special rates given over Oram Trunk for their accommoda tion noon grounds were lit- black with visitors there being upwards of persons present Judging in the ring was in progress also in certain departments of main building In this building had to go with tho crowd it being impossible to either stand still or faster than the human throng which rolled in a steady in at door and out at the other Oct 1 in city and suburbs on Friday last were The official returns of the health department show that tho mortality among French- Canadian Catholics residing the east end of tho city during month of Septem ber was Among other Catholics residing in west end wen- only 35 fatal cases and among Pro testants was exactly same number returns tell strongly in favor of vaccination as a preventa tive of disease for French element in hero which is opposed to vaccination is only slightly in of other nation alities in tho city combined who adopt it universally During past two months over persons in city been vaccinated by the medical staff of Health Board and by doctors employed by the manufacturers and merchants league The financial district meeting of Methodist Church for this dis trict was held on Sept There was a very full attend ance of ministers and lay members of Newmar ket chairman of district presided grants for two domestic mis sions in this district arranged for Also all the arrangements for holding the missionary meetings for this fall and winter with tho deputa tions who to attend them This district raised last year for missions sum of and for all pur- poses about so that this is a largo and important district There talk of dividing it making a wmarket district out of the south of this and North part of Toronto district and a committco was appoint ed to draft a plan and submit it to next May district meeting to bo held in Bradford The subject that provoked tho warmest discussion was increaso of claims upon the superannuation fund hut the amount required from this district about was accepted and distributed among circuits as per- On whole district is in a very healthy and progressiva tato and a year antic iptedr l Bo sure and read in this

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