4 NEWMARKET ERA OCT jj tWk i- The Balance of our Stock of COMPLETE CLOTHING AND WE SELL THIS MORNING AT FOE Giving a Discount Off All Purchases UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE DANFORD ROCHE COMPANY KIP BOOTS- AT alONTtiOMERYd All for AND For Kill Cheap of J J HUNTER 01 Any Inform will liberal STOLEN Oct jV5uerfi0cmeuts WE LEAD TRADE A ARniHTKtW China- Hill Jo J A- pAKM SALE wot Wo Jo the Coo or lb it it barn iu- tew fence w- of rfcln4 two tlfciftoiltltaUrdODalMdlnf For pirtlcoUrg apply lo COAL aJrtiied will be received a 1683 tore of Cot more or Iwt for the Old Of THE INDUSTRIAL HOME Cut of and delivered it Aurora or Button Home GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES We Can Afford and Bo Sell for Less than other Merchants have to pay for Goods BEAR THAT in MIND You can Save from to Cents in every Dollar by dealing at the great HIS GO TO ess MILWAUKEE WIS GEO PECK Editor and Proprietor Funniest in America What Smallfix i The Cold Wave came as we expected about Fair Time and we were Ready for it- IN FLANNELS WONDERFUL VALUES IN WINCEYS STACKS OF WOOLEN UNDERCLOTHING PILES OF MENS OVERCOATS LOTS OF BOYS ULSTERS HEAPS OF BOOTS AND SHOES I LOADS OF TRUNKS AND ROBES MANTLES ETC AH New Goods No fag ends of last years stock No Bankrupt Trash falling to pieces at the first ray of light but New Fresh Goods which we will Bell for Cash only Cheaper than Any Other House in Town W A QUIBELL OLD STAND Dry Goods Clothing Boots and Shoes and Fine Family Groceries warranted that comes from us TERMS GASH and One Price Only SUTHERLAND I CO Bankrupt Stock Dealers Newmarket OF Dissolution of Partnership or 1 Atiaodr York ll of Town J of ff firm of Town f of rto rVty AH liiJlnru to ivj JM Ibifarb A Arwlck Town day of October A SALE OF MM Farm Property Licensed Auctioueers and Rndlars for of York AUCTIONEERS it- Aim Vjcmoi HJ VMM A WW I f I Klotvcol K I lit I ft t MllAfl kcowa I It win by Auciijo AT HOTEL iwiairktl It 24th of Oct Inst of c of J tJCi Musical terary NAUR vyriKotir I Yrk K- fcerk John M Efjirtlo J I r an Oct it Nov l3fl SUN Is one of the moat widely read and popular papers the country today and stand without a peer in its specialty Ttaa originator of ibo BAD BOY PAPERS SPECIMEN COPIES TO ANY Bear In mind that by sending a Postal to this offlco a SAMPLE COPY of SUN Will to Ou frw DONT TO AT ONCK TELL TO or ion WISCONSIN SIMPSONS ha fur TO- GO Mill iu mi mi rapuuilon tot iiid Id Pure Drugs and Chemicals Or Stuff ana AT I i bill Sill it ARS fJttntt Hie J 1 r I I July t- Oct 1 a jiii If I Kill It York or MACD0NALD County of Oar Markets Vi a lyAYlcnifi Vlotto VtoU VWitMUo MAGGIE It Kiss KcQaiTjyElocutioaist per W wttAt do per tfo Km1 per do f it to Pert 3o wx mtM J i fji a CI a a DM J ROBINSON of hit J for ihtlf Hill J to to do fttl of In till rowikki of AND tbo pJ NORTH Of TIMOTHY ST NEW GOODS WEEK NEW SILKS SATINS WOOLS AND JACKETS In to Order Hiving A and of ex will Cutting A- A I of Vain alo RUPTURED AND DEFORMED AM I On relieving mid and JvnlftJce file lulled In of I it full wo following Nor for AH Toronto Notice to Creditors or JOSEPH TAYLOR It of I IW Town of HOODS RESS HOODS HOUSE TKOUIILKTO Visitors will find our Stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES Tim Moat Complete in Town without doubt tho VALUK TUB MONEY only in Town Celebrated French makes Lenoir can bought of mens Wo also tho Finest Boots to bo hod in Country AN INSPECTION INVITED S CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ALL THE NOVELTIES AT CLOSEST FAMILY bought to Try J Good FRESH GROCERIES Always on Hand BLOCK EXHIBITION WEEK THBHB Our Toronto Oct less ww do t o CO do IP fdl4aH iM ft t a a a a a IP CO a It a 1W a a una KM J MARBLE WORKS I I for i of loth i4i Count or Jil lh before of Ij J Will of Joseph full of Taylor of jji fti the of will bo lh ltrlici re Only IliO rial in of ItJcn hid And wilt iiiMflfiriiOMvu or fty ftt of ftlll of Of 1VA A- LI TO HAD AT Dont Fail to lu and Sec Central Telephone Office Main Street Newmarket Wnron WOOD WANTED ltd YARD to HEMLOCK AND PINE tbo Winter Id Uric 2fwfakikt THE MOST AND TORONTO OTTAWA BOSTON THOMAS DETROIT CHICAGO ST LOUIS KAN SAS CITY MANITOBA PACIFIC COAST AND ALL POINTS EAST SOUTH AND WEST QUICKEST For Comfort to HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES and Dually In mores up with and by A Mr Murphy Incur vtiy IN FANCY GOODS tbo rowl lu CbKkr mud Slipper Braiding China Com and from In lerijtli to tan talk youcAirgood Tobaccos Pipes Hoys are the latest arrival MRS a Blood Fruit Suit orthropLymawsDiecovy homos Electric Oil Fluid Magnesia Elixir Beef Iron Y J Cure icrcea Ayera Preparations McGregor Parkes Preps Allens Lung Balsam Hair Restorer Yellow Oil in all its Branches AT THE CENTRAL AND A BIC BONANZA YOUR to t A dm Bolt j ftn fttiOrtmoDl or for quality ton for your MONEY to to found Id Wo good lb OR do to excelled of ibftcbftpflit oviallly Id your Ik call and wo via lodo Iho Ordered BOND Ibfl Notice to Creditors GEO Ilolel AND SEE THE Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of Furniture IN NEWMARKET Undertaking a svg ATKINSON ft not mm of let Hid TO or Witt to TJUIWUANT to Of Town of la CO of maker lb 101b of on or before lb of Into J of Tow a Addrue and lbs foil clmKJoalUifUtoof lb of andlbsDlarofthiocarItylfaD7bPWby lb tb of bo dUlrlbolod wpn ifcreiobaTlorfrdftoltotba of ondwaliotd bars bid And lbaoBdril0d will li able for or any part tttrtof not fcAY bad at or of ISW AH lo of J A Northern N nloa aio apply to BOW fl- cud lL ar to lott tattitoofbHaMufid wa ATKINBOW