Newmarket Era, 16 Oct 1885, p. 4

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rv j-r- 4 ra V ERA OCT J Lament for Jumbo fce No yritro r tier Bat fir frcitf and beat of The thrill Where bo flatted rot My Smoke House A who Uvea in Albany New York business is that of a clerk said that ho had lately a that cost him His expressed their woDder that he coal afford to build so fins a dwelling Why he thafcisiDsoioke- I What- do meant Why I that ago I left off I have pat the money tared with the interest into my house Hence I call it my moke- house Now boys want you to think of this you are tempted to take your cigar Think how much good might be done with the money are beginning to end in smoke hat would you think of a man who would light cents and watch it barn Is it any mote sensible to take for Ah Accommodating judge Oca of keenest thlnga brer said on the attributed to Walton holding a of supremo court ho sentenced a man a crime The respondeiiU coun sel naked for of on the prison ers health poor Lordship said he I am satisfied that my client cannot us half that term and I beg of you to change the sentence Well under those said Judge circumstance carter roll of brown leaves light it see it Yesterday Today and To morrow Were is yesterday It has gone forever drifted swiftly down the ocean of time freighted with load of joy and sorrow hope and despair life and death and with eyes we Watch It going for ever we stretch forth our binds to detain it but in vain it be yond our reach sailing rapidly 6F wards eternity A it disappears from our sight and we realise that it will never return and think of the terrible load of pride passion and folly that it bears how gladly would we recall it but it impossible Today is a pure white tablet bear ing on surface no mark or stain upon which the recording angel writes our thought word and deed The yesterdays have gone the to morrows have not yet come- but the are here let us enjoy them making them as bright as possible with kind word and deeds trying in every today not only to be happy ourselves but to make every one else happy sitting down in despair because the yesterdays have failed to bring the happiness we expected or because they bear the record of the sins we committed the wrongs we have done Npt wandering with earless feet into the very of misery and death because yesterday our tired feet all bruised and aching stumbled into tho narrow path that leads to a tomorrow What the tomorrows have in store none but the Ruler of the universe knows If we improve the todays as we should we should have no re gret for the yesterdays and no fear for the tomorrows but we will trust all to Him who will tenderly lead us on to that glorious tomorrow which will last through all eternity Telephone companies in In diana are restricted by law from chaxg log over a month The mercantile failures in the Dominion of Canada for the quarter ending Sept as reported by Dun Co were compared with for the corresponding quarter of while the liabilities for the correspond ing quarter of nine months of 1885 the total failures number as compar ed with for the nine months of The amount for the first nine months of to a trifle over millions compared with in the tame period last year When threshing was dons at Mr of Vine last Friday J team was attached to the engine to take it away and in coming down a abort grade behind the barn tho en gine ran away with the horses carry ing before it to the foot of the grade where it pushedonehorseon each side of a gate The off horse went smashing through a board fence along with the tongue of thy engine Happily neither horses were hurt and the engine was toon got into the road and the horses once more attached and walked off with it very little the worse of their adven ture Oct 10 Three burg lars broke in the door of Mr Bretts House southwest of night They attacked old Mr and demanded his He showed fight when they brutally fcAitulted His two tons hearing the row down tome chairs and attacked the burglars one of whom was knocks down all of them being more or hurt Mr Brett is badly bruised about the face and head and all of teeth have knocked out One ton was slabbed in the head and other had a bullet grate his chek The burglars with such a warm reception that they were glad their gangs of men are at work snd every exertion Is being put forward by the Canadian Pacific Railway to complete the great enter- on which engaged Extremely wet i delaying the work of construction somewhat further it contlnuf If soon the Companys dicers dent of Wng able connect the two ends of the road before the of October tle trick from the had reached a wiles of the summit of the and miles west of Montreal From the west the rails are being laid eastward from Port Moody rapidly than this end and they bad reached a point miles of Narrows taiht ratt of ftaVonas of the contract of Fort Moody on the day llt a gap on of mile will change the sentence I make it for life instead of seven It is needless lo add that the rspondent agreed to abide by the original A Model Stock Ranch We clip the following from the Ft Scott Monitor printed in Kansas Mr Frank is ft brother of Mr Clark of Pine Orchard It was our pleasure- a few days ago to make a trip down the Missouri Pa cific and at Walnut wc- we re taken by Mr Frank out to his stock ranch two miles from Walnut in the southwest corner of Crawford county Here Mr runs two ranches so to speak his home place upon which he resides consisting of acres lying on both sides of big Wal nut creek and thro miles distant an other tract of The first thing that attracted Our attention was an orchard of one thousand bearing apple ire comely in and thrifty in appearance far in advance of the aver age orchard and the trees have stiver irivintd Here can alio bo teen a splendid contradiction of absurd belief with many tame grasses will not grow in Kansas Mr has six hundred acres of timothy partly mixed with blue grass and or chard grass as fine as we ever aw in Tennessee Virginia Illinois or East ern Missouri All our lift we have had a soft place for fine cattle and it was to see the fins Short Horn and Galloway herds of Mr that wa visited ranch and what we aay of them is our own voluntary tribute to the energy pluck and good judgment of a live man who takes a real pride in the business of raising fine cattle unbiased judgment of the character and qualities of tho cattle that compose bis herds Altogether he has upon his ranch 160 head of thoroughbred Short Horns from one to nine years old He has also high grades mostly seven eights Not the least interesting sight was Mr herd of head of Gal loways or black polled Scotch They are not so large growth as the Short Horns nor so handsome ing long hair and shaggy beads something like buffaloes but they are a remarkable thrifty breed of cattle being great rustlers and consequent ly able to secure a living where an ordinary animal of other breeds would starve for something to eat Mr Galloway bull cost him 500 and several of the cows each We never a few hours more pleasantly than we did driving around over this ranch looking at the several bunches of finecattle la rating on green timothy and blue grass and in splendid condition while his neighbors cattle were all in their lota still being fed on hay and com fodder After spending four hours as above we repaired to the Manor House where we were kindly re ceived by Mrs and family and were soon invited to sit down to an excellent dinner which our ride had prepared us to enjoy After of this good hos pitable dinner we were rapidly driven to the cars at Walnut end returned to our sanctum feeling that we were richly repaid for our time We venture tho assertion that we can fifty head from this herd of Mr that were sur passed by any fifty head ever sold by the Hamilton of Kentucky We sincerely hope Mr may be successful for the people of Southern and Southeastern Kansas owe him a debt of gratitude for hie efforts in stocking this country with breeds of fine thoroughbred cattle one yes he it for profit So ho does but remember his investments amount to tens of thousands of dol lars while it is yet still sui experi ment We admire the self confi den and courage of the roan who tries it Mr will succeed if any one can He is a conspicuous Illustration of the adage the man in the right place or business BAB PLEASURE IK ANNOUNCING AEBIYAL OF U J WINTER OF FASHION In presenting as usual our wo to thank you for kind and liberal bestowed last 24 years has contributed towards placing us in position we now being not only THE OLDEST bat WHICH FOR quantity I cheapness cot tan ia former A STOCK OK DRESS GOODS in BLACKS and COLORS In all Its New Fabric Silky Sating And superb of Button CLOTHS TWEEDS WORSTEDSMELTONS the of Article to up a Slock An cordially invited It J- DAVISON In North York TICKET AGENT FOE G OCEAN -AND- TRUNK RAILWAY AND now executing orders for all kinds of AT MOULDINGS AND TURNING IKCLUDISO NEWEL POSTS AND BALUSTERS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE J MILLARD CO Leading Furniture Undertaking House a We are making More Than Ordinary Efforts to make our comprising MILLINERY AND MANTLES- MADEUP GOODS Plashes and in Old Gold find Silver BABY RIBBONS IN ALL COLORS VARIETY OF WOOLS WOOLEN GOODS Embroidery Bustles Bolls Ico rfool and Felt and Velvet Stocking Net Hats in Great Variety Wo carrying on Also and Childrens Wear Mourning Ordera Prompt Patterns Ii BOND TI0KE08 ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON NEWMARKET B to Manitoba lower than ever THE NORTH END and at Bs3acl at J- lo vvr IT Telephone Company of Lowe hiving decided to increase the rates the have combined in an to hare them taken out of their premises gy On Saturday last while Jaa Fitzgerald a poor of simple bringing home cows from the field on farm of Peel he suddenly at tacked by a viwious threw him suddenly to tho ground close to a fence tore the clothes from off his body and him from to foot Dr Wallace found examination that three rib3 were broken the and heart seriously injured together with many other ex ternal and internal injuries leaving little hope of his Oct 3 The court busi ness completed this morning at oclock John sentenced to bo hanged on November for murder of bis brother broke down on leaving the court snd on his cell cried like a child His mother father and other rela tives were unmoved by the verdict The today purchasing finery with the money procured from the Crown Newmarket Post Office Office boon Iron for Closed at ibis Office Aurora Am A North WedDeidayaandKfMayfFj ENGLISH York TDorvlnjii ft p in v A ibii Are follow Toronto me LIABLE -AMD- LEADING HOUSE YOU OVER YEARS r Largest Best Stock Of In of VERY LOW FIGURES mo a call Aurora i Km wlck 8 CO a pm iioijk Warren Leland i the of llama in Ontario who pistes in that locality the Dr wss brought charged with of a from one of lie elected to be tried without ft jury and his trial was set for the when he was before tho same slid not guilty From it would soon that on the had been at the house of Ids prosecutor had gone away Arid soon ftfter returned On his second visit be an Interview with Mrs and professed to be able to read cups from their mystio con tents to disclose post occurrences He related to that ft certain article bad been taken from premises gave such a description of the saw that the woman instituted a search and found tho article gone Ho told that tho article was taken by a stout low set dark compUxion- men who ha cjme by the boat The description corresponded to minutely with the lr that a warrant was Issued and he was rsUd by on the Inst and lodged lo tho It alto appears that there are unhappy domestic existing between the parties connected wth the fact that the sorter was proven to have had saw in and to It the boat where it was afterwards found for a conviction and he accordingly found guilty and to two tnunths in the com- J as the iktrcir Largul Hotel Entirprfsn leirctd ltl Li auuujuui ai4 mi me M w7Kt a Etc to lLi Ltd mil of ibo lus alC4t of Mr 1tb twlvl lit MajrUMl cm la to it or mt of ftfd all Mr til la of fjiFuraLu to him emeriti Hot Of him iziAiUi ItfvriiiLtioa Letter to conu Or to Great for or or United KlnxJoro may bo hi MCli mi Curd for any union iry- form at- cent pMinl an ours attftcbrd or to loiter not can bo puled or to a card for Town for each tuff or potted they cannot fonrArdcd bat will paid not than one full rate double of lha win dallvery wbto to pACfaloUaQaiIa bo prepaid by In to ibe pelage rate i United and to the nil by not avail of ordinary be Alt dated IS rolnQUbrurelheliourofclotloKlbeiiialla On all and than the In- pub lUbed once a mnmb which incut be by poatiitceatamp to In the United be prepaid i- perv or or fraction of lb- welKblcnbeanttoibe for Canada It rate 1 1 to to VlctorUp If and of not ox In uibt be by us at weight and In exteulbm or an order ho woe J may bo or artlclta tent by oneprlvatn to not being actually or aaauch of for In the of by atarnp- and not exceeds J A MSKU cannot be tram lo any of Canada to Jfrlilifi the which In the of to lo wbitn the limit J Mrcaa rnuit Ibe the and ox A great baa been In he for Up If be ovetand op to flteceiiUandaoin Mooty arealto luaH ityonjanW aril WawStala flavlaaa from allowed of Im appllcafKn lly Order J Jane i A MARarGB AT NEWMARKET SPORTING GOODS- BRASS AND PAPER CARTRIDGES I SHOT WADS ETC ETC ETC SCALES I Ji J Grain Counter Platform and Even AXES OF THE VERY BEST MAKES GENERAL BUILDING HARDWARE A FULL ASSORTMENT Stock at Lowest Prices TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION ftiffitteaiacJirtSSiM I ORE CONFECTIONER A-X- SALE- Brick int ST mil For For on THE- RIGHT- PLACE TO RENT STORK by Mw Beckett A wu Apply to TO Good Dry Goods Good Hats and Caps Good Boots and Shoes AND FirstClass Groceries AT TEE RIGHT PRIOR A CALL SOLICITED J A DALES St Id A pod J F ARM FOR SALE Or lo to a compos Coo of For other apply Farm For Sale htm to North Half of Lot Owliiimbary aod In Apply to NEWMARKET p HAYING AND HARVEST LIQUORS T AND Ale Porter In 8 and 10 Gallon Kegs Worts old Ryo and Malt and DIAMOND WHISKEYS ALWAYS IN STO0K lit IS In the of TO acre Iba timbered and land In rood Apply Farm For Sale BY will bo up to for a half of to Cod church onarf I Terra a aired to suit the at on tut Jl Id liTUHfcf CHOICE STOOK OK IN CONNECTION P J MAIN STRISKT NORTH TRY OUR I All Kinds of Taffy and Creams Cream Candy l- FRESH EVERY WEEK J THE BOSS CONFECTIONERY WM CANE SONS m L M R I LATH SHINGLES Jut Hie of and of have much fdtannc in and lite juiUic fox ihc vciy liieal ihuihas Urn me ihc jtaii Am and ad a continuance of dock is and well and iouaht jot in Hie am now fiefiaieiUo Hie tame lorn juices cuh have mi mi a of fine vasts f and ivnwaxe lamfvs and a all kinds of ifjieaa and woodcnwaie is laiyesa and always in slock 1 SMITH ii AH lo w ally slock id in always in WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH siding moulding SASH AND MiDS THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OP THE PAST WE A CONTINUANCE OF SAM WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK FOR 8Aii of lot It of KIP Old fl ihtO other fa con Klnij on 14 lU the Building Lots for Sale Town of Newmarket a Mi ft bote tot on in on tcrioi to Wen POU mi a 13 W K vlctloo of Above Iota Apply Ji Hi WARM VOR Con TorfliIilp the Jf under Kl tor tcqulro of JllocailPlttn u3l Of 200 ACRESin KING For or to for a WtUHalf of lot W ftuU f w Con M a isonJ tarns other fttjiJ a ivniop well lotto can Mr J rtolKb TOR SALE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES WM QAM Farm and Con Worth half of Lot SloltieSltiCOD 90 10 ftlh reeled I ill hip All IhciO termofpament will si ket For am particular apply l KT w rd J Siii Dimness Jaundice Affection of the Liver and Kiinvjt ami all arising from Impure Stood Uerarycd or irregular action of the J Best Moulding Materials I a JttfcvJtJsAj now to CASTS locUiiJlng On Shortest Hlclattotuii air to merit of j lKwd In tha now hand WORM POWDERS of la CLUca JJOTI0B- to axettftra DR BENTLEY iflr Wieon a fat I will and

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