is J OCT J-J- Few Advertisements St a fc Co tttt Ox L P Good Store Walker Ik Hiram To l Price Horn Wanted Bros Stolen Northern Train Time a i S3 Iff Sir I So mil 1 Hi te FRIDAY OCT Oar Toronto Despatch Oct 2Kb JcdgBKSlio tee Bice fleer delivered on Tie first among the Toronto cullpox patients took toil week Deceased im a smell toy took the disease fit m soma Infected clothing brought Montreal a ling of ttte Canadian Women Suffrage Association held Digit it was decided to cell public meeting to the of lady candidates for school trustees here Now for fan The Halloween dinner of the Caledonian Society will take the Wilier tomcrrow night Reception the caller ere Meredith P P of at the tail to success trader of raoet bo to in the mind to it not only prepared to bat ready at all time to tike Huitage of any tarn In the or change in fashion A modern that the race of life is now keen that the man who to tie his being overtaken and we are inclined to the conviction judging from observation and in the light of a retrospective past that to move with the times is positive essential to and prosperity The foregoing remarks will apply with equal force to municipal and corporations Men representative positions gain the object of their ambition but fail lamentably fail in discharging the duties office involves not of want of proper disposition bat because of inability to grasp the situation which the progressive spirit of thoage demands of system in the conduction and supervision of public improvements oftentimes re- suits in very considerable loss not only in taxation tut in the conven ience and comfort of the taxpayer Economy too is a very essential ele ment in the management of these public trusts bat the economy that saves at one end and loses at the other by delays and everlasting patchwork is not kind to be very much com mended Public improvements bo- long to the activity of the times and so long as taxation is kept within reasonable limit the taxpayer will cheerfully contribute for needed sub stantial public works calculated to administer to public safety comfort and convenience U The Privy Council in England has rendered a decision in the Kiel appeal case In a brief judgement read by the Chancellor their lordships gave judgment against the petitioner on all points raised They held that the Canadian Court of first instance had jurisdiction of treason that the six men on the jury were sufficient that the shorthand notes were lawful reports of the and that substantial justice bad been done to Kiel In alluding to this decision of the Court the says It is universal opinion in Eng land that Kiel deserves death Kiel has been further respited till the of next Will he be hung I the question now being discosed on all tides The Toronto Mail which is presumed to speak for the Govern- meat in concluding on an article com menting on the Privy Council decision makes these observations which we Infer to mean that the law will be lowed to take its course fJU it is not the province of the Executive to review the fiudingof juries on fact unless new evidence has in the meantime- come to light and it is not pretended that such a thing has happened here it lows that the verdict cannot now bo challenged on ground of the prisoners insanity And wo surne that the sentence of the Court will be duly carried out and Kiel executed for his crime Activity of the Age- The age In which we live is one of progress but while this fact is pretty generally conceded there are to be found Iq almost every community who by their actions practically dis pute the evidence of its truthfulness and proclaim to the world a contrary notion While theoretically admit- lion the proportion they cling with wonderful tenacity to the past and Ignore the that to stand still to retrograde Hut notwithstand ing Gngerpottsof a decade of life testimony of progress and pro bably In no one sphere is this feature more distinctive than in business The oldtime merchant and are no more barter trade as a of exchange has become a thing of the put as a rule is only continued here and there by those who are generally regarded as sublime relics of did fashioned notion without the enterprise to adapt to their The representative has In this regard largely superceded hie not because of mental or physical but the rather of his ability to enter Into the spirit of developments constantly challenging his attention life today not only demands Integrity and punctuality but requires intelligence study a ready perception of all the wants and requirement of the general public The keener the and the the greater the for of adaptation which mark terdcrcy of the Time wji when an attractive and fA or manufactures wm of little wheonewipaptr fctrdl of no who contrary opinions vm distal rivals la Fall Fair The feast Gwillimbury Society held their annual Fall Show of Oct The entries were about The weather being there was the largest attendance of visitors ever known to bo in at onetime It was considered one of the best shows ever held in the Town- Mp tsAvour none Patterson Joseph and Frank Morton A Wen Smith York Mare Spring Colt Geding or Filly old WmSinitb York Yeling Gelling or Filly John Swain J Smith John Curry Henry Hare John John Svafa Colt John Swain Jobn- Two year old Filly A Had den JeaieaTri Yearling Gelding or Filly Joseph Lin- Fred Patrick Span under John Palmer Brood afaieG Richard Young W Two year old or Fill Benjamin Sprieg Colt Joboson Draper Yearling or Filly J Smith Single Uriver A J Morton Beat looking Horse in Strap A two year oil Entire Colt owned by Johoion on exhibition alio a fine Colt owned by KM Jndi4 Cattle Mint and A Aged John Salter Ball CalfDaniel Kelly and Boo John Milch CowJlm Cowieaon Clark Two year old and 2nd Clark Heifer and 2nd oiuna CATTLE Fat Cow or Ox P Milch Cow John Peter Belfry Two year old Heifer John Yearliog Heifer and 2nd John Heifer Calf Working Oxen John Swain fcWISX Aged Boar John Fuller Brood Sow lat and 2nd Wax Andrewe Morton Sow Pig lit and 2nd John WOOL fcllEXP Jodgeaco Sheep Win Jaaea Vaoxabt and Themis Arnold Barn lit and 2nd J Trent Ht and 2nd Fred Trent John Wed- JCsn Henry PHtitoff Actio 1 and 2nd John Fuller tad 2nd Peter Mortimer Hick let and 2nd David While Sad Mrs AND and John Fall Draper Wright Wheat Tate Draper Oats and 2nd John Com ilaLUi Clover Seed Joseph J Halter Timothy Seed P Belfry 1 AMI live John Poutoea any other Jotnaon Canota Prcd Jairee rttivcr Yellow it ACwU fiti J U Jolia A John Morton Alex Jotn Kilter W J f Kelly ad Son Carry Bolter John Peri- Special Id Batter Sped 6 t Win Roll Special Cheese John Hooey fa Abba Bread Cut tea Wm- H acd Oft Tench agent Alhu Seed John Tate J Allan Carriage Andrew Geo lit and 2nd Mens Calf Bootslit and 2nd Wilton Wilson had a of differ ent of Boot and Shoes which the Jcdgea thought worthy of note Horw Geo worthy of note Jcdgfs Fruit The same as on the Implements hot alter viewing and finding much fine fruit ther did not know what to do they aid they mutt bo the following gentlemen were aecared Dr Pearson Scott and Hill Winter Apples Fred Lund v j Cooking Apples Alex Eaves Wright Fall Apples Alex Henry toff Fall Apples Cooking Salter Jamea r of Apples Wright Henry Grape Wine Mia Preferred Dr Canned J Maple Molasses Tomito J Jelly J J Dean John Mrs J ward tine arts arc Judge Allen Cody Jos Fancy Qailt Broels Young Ernies Wilfred Abbs Blankets Johnson Jas Wright Fulled Cloth Yam Cowieaon Mann Flannel JnJiui Woolen Sock J Toilet Malta Miss Moore Tatting Miss Moore Point Jarnts Wight Miss Moore Embroidery James Wight Crochet Lace James Wight Crochet Wool Henry Mam Bracket Mann Darned Net John Salter Woolen Stockings wrong number Piece Work Rich ard Cotton Antimacaefier 1st and 2nd Jas Pillow Sham Wight Rag Carpet David P Belfry Rug Jos Sofa Cushion Henry John Salter Fine Shirt Jnlini Jno Fancy Work Matthias Recommended Knit Cover John- n Morton Stocking Yarn T Peregrine David Gents Drawer Ladies Doao Hone Blankets Julias T The Davis Sewing Machine was present and displaying tome very fioa work al the doing the same thing Mr Ed of the Holland Landing Works bad a large display of his goods on the grounds Vine SO Jodgex Miss Geo Cane Grecian Oil Painting Emma Henry Mia Moore Water Color Miss Moore Crayon Drawing 2nd Moore Mill Henry A umivoofths of Ontario li far lbs 0 ember at Mr A P IL P Mr If P Keith in days or Canada when the late Sir Francis Huicks was to occupy Iris announced that Sir has tendered Ma ax Minister of A press from St states that the information that Sir Leonard has asked to be from duty will bo learned with deep regret as It has been hoped that would bis valuable to Canada It is hoped that a mere condition of health may lead to his continuance in even if he feels unable in the has filled with inch general for to many years Fainted Panels Moore Miss number Editorial Notes Fob the present It ooderatood that the Minister of Marine sod Hon Mr will the duties of Min uter of Finance till a to Sir Leon ard la nominated is says about of There must bo a might struggle going on for the Governor This is indicat ed by fact LleutGoremor Will- mot has now been discharging the dories of his office for seven months the expira tion of his term of On tario for This of term is understood to bo constitutional hot it very as If there was going to be an election shortly as all the fat are being preaerred to hand where they do the most good A Clob has recently been formed Toronto with the of several members of Parliament and lay poli ticians as a Board of Directors The Mon treal although decidedly Liberal dont think much of social party clubs a late Issoo oar makes these It is a question whether it desirable to form In Canada on party Those which have been hitherto attempted have failed Cloba are made op of rich and more or lees idle men who while they do not represent the have time to wires and to ply unholy arguments In promotion of class inter ests t The Ontario Government the Inst sold a number of timber limits on the North Shore of Lake Huron Hon Mr Pardee Commissioner of Crown Lands hid the direction of the sale and Mr Peter Ryu was auctioneer Mr Hugh d of Toronto sonars miles- John Page of Toronto purchased the next lot comprising miles south of West Bay at per square Arthur Saginaw waa the next buyer square mile including a large island French River at the same price Mas well of Toronto the next lot compritiog square miles along the north channel of French River bounded the by Wahnapitae River at per square Benoett of secured the next lot on the same rivers as the miles at 1200 Robt of Toronto was the next lucky man pur chased the limit of Philip square miles for per square Scully of Toronto next lot square miles between berths and the and at per of made the next purchase 28 square miles at per between berth No 05 the Georgian Boyd of Bob cjygeoo mites between TowniMp the Georgian at 710 of Toronto also bought miles the of at per square miles in the Township of at per Some other small made The whole sale netted about Ink Drops King Council at McBrides tomorrow All Hallow Een tomorrow out you dont get run Special constables alert Town Council next Monday evening Regular Fire next week Sep School Truatees meet Tneidsy Next Friday Is Court Day Thanksgiving Day postponed till Guy next Thursday Buckwheat all the go Convention closes after noon all it 1 a bottle ilLu fc this neiihlirti for the list Mr end Edwards tent a tbj at A LociyAj Prospect A Waller returned this from a boot In hav ing deer Local aha Other Itetns Tor For two night this week a New York Company has drawn good booses at the Town Hall and presented this drama ell horrors of In temperance The play Is good the characters are all well Another a Bloc thrown thro it by i lid of Fire tod Water it are ft COOTCD1CDC6 fllcd to lookd after If want to a window tad atodf of Goods call Walker In the lately by the Bint Walker comes from Oaktille ud la a of ten droa and mantle- making A Measnt Bran too Sutherland fc lane an and tka firm a ft fartaHlon ftr Wwrtto can rely on good goods at their own sale begins on day and will be each night for two weeks only Tho frjciS ctf ialis cjfol After fresh Mr good enjoyed was tba in ereoJoj The of will bo held on of Wo new trials and ease to of from last ihiA His Honor will ihfj Bench on the 1 11 High School bid a pleaunt and meeting Friday read an on life and works of Coleridge which the to l5 good we given by Clark Lloyd A J Martin The subject poetry not declined with the of debated by and Lloyd for and Messrs Pirn and Mooro for the The Chairman of the decided In faror of remarked that the handled the a a praise worthy manner they could argue Scrap read his and tbo meeting by low or by Sojdby May bo broken by leek Many bodily tils result from haMtaU medic loo AyoiAiFUIstaioorrecttblseTlij to and acUon- Yellow OH nod externally fellow Oil cores Group In the Ear loiioes59 and all plnfnl Will You Suffer With Uttr Bhlloliei Vltaitier to you Boldbp 1 Aurora Items Special Bra ago last John slipped on the and broke lid and the old gentleman reentering The Boiler tonight with a Military The SUrer Bind an to bo Oil Company are now doing Aurora and In consequence of indent weather will the Town Hall this Aaron Oct Sutton Items- to Era Kettleby Jottings to re tamed it On leading cm Manitoba erer be and fils ehom well after the Great re of Mr for Using nighCrtof c fA Jti Attn Cases into the week without accident and a portion was started In morion agsLn on Monday morning About running on Wed- tfnetaj and the set as fast will likely bo In order next when firm II be in a position tb turn out orders on time Sale op jEwEtteBrEach even ing and Satarday in each week tonight there is to be an at Atkinsons Jewellery Store and to be con tinued until the present stock ia disposed of which consists of and gold watches clocks plate ware and jewellery may be expected as the whole must ho by Christmas salts the day Foot School put another the match played with on Tuesday of week They say passed the ball through the Independents fiwl the first game was but the after the referee had posted in the rules declared match thus resulting in faror of the Schools by one to nothing Shoot i Pursuant to an- ft shooting match took place in Newmarket on Tuesday last The range raised on Mr Dennis Oils at tendance was good about twentyfire competitors taking The shots were as follows 2nd 3rd Terry During the match much iotenat raani- fested by marksmen and others present Allans Newmarket still takes the lead in plows and is to do so while such an man as Mr John Is at the helm Following ore if obtained this Fall for the Allan out of a possible Cooks- town Is- tits compftitors lata ford 1st and 2nd Sutton lit and the atatement that tie cost of civil Ontsiin the six juri hit near ly cent It this a fact I Ut kit moving towards It Is that Hon Vim is alrta in the field as Independent candidate end will coolest Lanark at the put gceral Personal Mention Mctho Church was Well last even ing the attraction lady Miss The sermon was eloquent and sympathetic flowing with well At its revival meetings were and continued each evening during the week A number of converts been the interest as the if you hive not heard Miss go to night The is fist laecotuiog the granary of rtrtt the wheat crop a very afid that the country of the Dominion will have ftOOOOM for IhUyrar Vurljli vA Weidl A ftilrtr Tut Hon lias holding in the he Julgtgof the In this regard pirt thjr lehlriig the I ha leidrrs are expending too for eiffct It be a source of to have of the At lite FjrlltiQrjt settled at The will come ho lilts ofcext of the Canadian Two us to i sVjjllrKttt of Oliver Hitlrkt recently are and will be free grant land The Mr lie Foil Arthur repwt the land of excellent in he has seen In Canada per of loth Is highly for kg and providing la fsvoral he of no place more adapt ed fof Tift currency week that the Hon as the la and thatthe Hon willrrtum the court Tit flf do deny tht ljt its totem with crying nY or and lbUuattthat Mr aUutta Lis of the a lea uovtrfimtnL Ibis the Jitkliterlal At it ileisra Fred Jlrnla and Oliver were home over Miss Is making home at the Metres during her stay Newmarket Mr Morris or Toronto brother was visiting with him this wetk Mr Fetch of has been sending the few days vlth Mr Mis Jonathan ike r silent two or three days with Mrs Charles this week Hewitt ter Fanny Hewitt left to visit Mr Wm Hewitt sod family at Mra of Whitchurch formerly of Drayton aunt of MeaiM la spending a few lb Town with Mr John Millard Concert on the night of the Fair the sys Kslman of gsre inttfumeutsl which By the Brandon Sun we notice that formerly of among the ex- in sheep at the annual in that the match here on and looks as hearty as Mil ltd and Municipal tauls do not to have any upon him It Is fncrrste his Mr Frank son of Mr of who has Urn subject to fits more or test for worse than ever during last three wuki Hois to bed and has ooly spoken one word Sunday Me does not even the members of the family M Mr Morrison returned on Friday from a trip to St Marls tide wss well pleaud wiih the land that be has a He says that the grain looks did and potatoes are turning out front m bushels lo tho acre of He returned by a and the manner which they are fitudout the exceedingly officers are praUoworlhy Is to on baring one rfJcg that his kept prominently before the polite for tie Ladle VfA Fancy Toilet Articles the ern of Mrs I who has taken the pfosnlnent the hading fairs at which the lu erhlllUd felt The list prises will be found Now prices by Messrs Co in their fill to draw a that will carry ill the atock of Co in a lively manner The has been closed this week and all hands kept inarklogdown prices As la to so are the quotations now compared with those few weeks Tho new evidently business and no doubt there will be a grand rush on The Taylor Estate in Whitchurch sold by auction last Satur day Mr Wm Case taught the SO acres with mill privilge at and Mr Silts the balance of the acres at Mir of drew the most money at the Newmarket Fair amount The new driving belt at Canes Fac tory cost The merchanta of New market will do well to put a watch on the woman who stole the pair of boots in the other day The Ifp had an on Saturday night one of the Town boys renin for being drunk on the streets and they asy he looked aw folly sheepish when let out on Sunday morn There another big market lut Saturday and the Wizard Oil held the crowd till halfput twelve A Tuefrlay Is the day now set for to of any de scription is bad enough but nothing so well shows the true inborn and stiogi- a person the continuous log of newspapers It is a despicable habit and one into a great many people of late bare fallen It la as much to feed the mind iff of other peoples purchases as it is beg for food for the body Pay your money like men women sod dont beg like twoyearold children Two moat important questions Is your name on the Voters list have yon been vaccin ated I Make your so as to attend the Hind Concert on night Thanksgiving Pay It going to good A rig in front of Ktrra Hotel hid one of the hind wheels nearly dragged off by the Oil wagon on Saturday the horse starting back as the fancy was Shame on the boys for making so much fou out of it The in the Christian lut Friday evening was well attended the proceeds being and a good enjoyed The Wizard Oil nightingales left on Monday morning to enrapture some other neighborhood Thy aaid they were ia bod to prolong their stay Newmarket on account How Is It 1 1 at school boys All Hallow approaches I Be careful what you do boys next day Sunday and you would not like to bo seep carting gate eta when others are going to church Directors Institute are talking another Drawing Class this winter A pair of boots were stolen from a under Hewitts shed last Sat urday evening and the thief will learn some thing to his advantage our advertising columns the Artist grouped the Oil Co and also the of the Silver King Troupe Repairs at the Holler It ink this week Some person who Is rcmovlog the wed oil the aide of Colter street will get into trouble That It the only sidewalk have stid they do not care about walking in the rnud Complaint is made about a num ber of cattle and allowed to run at largo on the vouth end of Froifcct street It probably only wants mentioning to be lo leaked after A couple of Jews were In Towu for two or three days when aikcd to jay tho dug nut in a hurry The anniversary of St Church next Mon day evening A was taken from lie vehicle of Mr Geo the other bight The under Metho dic Church tied A time for Aches and SoroTbroAtor Deafness or teurns certain victory Is niiuri l cult Totbe Amiclod Dr Forsyths 2nd of sssch month for treatment forms of disease panted Invites all cases tbat bare been op by other physicians of years for be has cured many of such dur ing the past years Dr does not claim sKHh apian or treatment entirely new In Canada yon are well jour do not call his to those bean given who after long trying bare fait to gel cured Next visit Thursday Nov ltb 1SS5 Consaliatlou Free briars a of Burdock Blood era cures toning and Bowels to ana l oral action ft New Tsrentnient moat has been achieved modern medicine attained by for catarrh of d patients treated Ingtbo post six fully ninety per cent have been cured of this stubborn mal ady when It Is that not percent or pa tients presenting to are while the patent medicines and other cures never a cure at all claim now generally believed by tbemottscIuilLlc that due to tho presence ot living parasites In tissue Mr adapted to tbelr this accomplished he claims Is practically cared and permanency Is tin- cures affected by four yearsagoaro cures sill No one els hs ever attempted la treatment has ever cured catarrh The application of remtdyla simple can at and he prosent season of tbe year is most and permanent core the majority of Cases being cared at one treatments wltb A King ami stamp for their treatise on catarrh Star iftO annua of tbe Sutton Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society held here last week The Rev Mr Houston of Kingston one of the Society delivered an eloquent and edifying address Addrctscs were also delivered by Revs J followiog officers were elected for the ensuing year President Rer J VicePresidents Resident Clergymen Alex Tress Depository- Com Archibald Rid- dell Martin Bailey Peter and Richard Mr John Boyd has up his residence En our village We bespeak for him a most hearty welcome Quarterly Meeting was In the Church here lest Sunday week when Revs Messrs Bishop and Stewart were present and preached morning evening A Social was held on Monday evening fol lowing at which aim gentlemen de livered excellent addresses It is to be re that more were not present to listen to and profit by the good Mrs Hayes of whom wo made mention a couple of weeks ago died on last Saturday night Mr Hayes and family will have the deep sympathy of the community In this ud affliction thby hire been called to pus is visiting here with her on Sir George We call attention of the fact that large hogs are permitted to root about on the streets giving them a most unseemly and untidy appearance York in the place of J meets the approval of every Locality The aretent of Chrirri has revived in this eight taking the Con tut week The residence of Mr Marti- Con was night of last through a window in si III Mr Shanks had told tome with at I and the thief mutt with the the In which Mr Shanks were the were Mr gH abstracted do clue to the robber tomorrow Register Nov Mann will a of atock ImplMiuMitu in fitli of North fur and under at oclock sharp Auctioneer are wtUptVl the foregoing to type itt rctrrahais hud fct lh Scitli log been frrlciitly inane rtaKjting lands and scrip voted to the volunteer militia who were at front It may be that If the viibmtrera want land for them- arlres they make to the which Isiues the The Detriment of the Interior the warrant when luucd If the volunteers laud and want It to go to a substitute they can manage that by giving a attorney to name the delivered to then they can anyone by Day ft Is aatia- to that the date of from Saturday the to Thursday of November it will be a better day alt round of time for our clergy to for a Union In some of the If the pf the It ratloUlned we the Church entitled to the reference this year abundantly with temporal preiervrd st we have been from or epidemical dlteates the 0ple of and have reason for devout overruling Providence and hence the gratitude of all be both heartfelt sincere Alt of Parliament Thanksgiving Is a public holiday for usual places of will Band Arrange- for the Band Conceit the evening of Tbanksglviog Day are ably and the prospects are that It will be one of the heat local Concerts ever given In the new Town Halt following sod have kindly contented Miss Wells of Auroifc Perry of Johnson late of of Mr Mr fitsley Scott of Toronto Mr Jot late of If abridge Mr A A Prank Bent- an Amateur Mate Club A will be with interval a gttnJ thn by Uniform I la prtpulog Men Nov will and tin tha at Kail oclock Kavaiinbt Auciioncer Business Notices oircmlrr tcscsMntrrfiVf KonAUt or That Hacking Cough be quickly care WeoantntetH by JatnrsKtdcnao Vhet i docs t romptly the to In Ilia sallow sick atom etc and Is term regulates Blood cur ing AbllohaCoUgta Cure Is sold by James Ktlraan on a It lHleamatlt hit tor fih A tfllh of Junes to Tickets may JackKn agent ftlcepltan by thai cough Kalmau I after A feeling of weight llt log of wind variable etc- Burdock Hitters In re lieve and cure Catarrh Cured and breath by PrleoUU Jas tbst to up snd a Throat cough Irrltailon and removing the of VlUliaer or toss of appetite ditslocss all of s pocaU Bold James any tenden cy Pj of throat or Bronchial IrrMate foil too and strength lo ibe Extraordinary To nil Hit tiling Wo Live Agenbi la over ecu Id the and Canada sella merit An having largo toying cent having no competi tion and which la protected In sate by a deed given lor each every county ho may secure from us With all Iheao the fact that Ills Hint can bo told Co every It might not bo airy lo make on to agents but wo concluded not only for couHUeuce In Its or our but In agent that will handle it energy Our now at work ore to fact makes all who out of employment Any agent tint will our thirty days trial and fall clear at lout lo time am gxtgtf53 ell Stood to ho will refund money for Any who would like tenor eud work them ihruugb for tmtt ABOVE return all and t At their back other employer of agents ever dared to make nor would wo If wo did not that wo agents than ariKstint and but wo day a over a aud one took orders Our large descriptive circulars plain our otter tally wo to out of who will send us coot fur pott- ago nnd secure the time for the boom to work on terras our extraordinary Wo would the of all the agent tewing machine and car- penleii In the country any reader this paper fetid tit at once addresser all such they know Addrcta at once or you will ever offered to out of employment to rnako money sUANUrAiruiiiNO Co Aui a items far A mating of the Directors of Ag Society will held at P hotel on Oct at four oclock to hear decide The of this place are of building a new church They had lug and a to go and view then lay the matter people It Is a Wove In the right direction at the old church la too small to hold the that there to worship wife of Iter his teen very sick but there Is favorabla project The Her Mr ward of Mount AlUrt pulpit last Sabbath The wife of the late Joins Lynch former of Ciieait Is her frinida Items teem le all the rage hero fall wo had one here some time ago which had of romance connected with ft It appears parents objected the risge of the young couple account their years bring fourteen while her Intended guar- was but a over that the youngsters had tig lotion how ever the result a They have returned from their houeyutoon trip the vlctulty of where they be and we trust their state may be fully Mr one Wilfrids fair daughters the of Mary MeMauo for Utter or for tilt do us part Oar young friends have the belt withes of the for a long and happy and at that may never have any troubles except The frleudsof Walter It will sorry to that she Is still a very precarious Death hat us lime Keller after a hug and however was with resignation Our sympathy Is to wtroiflog bait band uA children In this the heaviest lots Items Er Tho Anniversary of the Mcthoi- ist Church here were held on Sanday end Monday last and were in every respect a grand succei On Sunday morning Iter Mr JolliiTe of St Pauls Church Toronto preached to a large congregation from the Glorious thing are spoken of God 87 All lovers of grand and beautiful will long remember the vivid of the City of God it is continue to be The supplied both spiritual and in tellectual food fur every thoughtful I afternoon the church filled largo listened with atteution while Mr I wards Mount Albert expounded thine heart right iq plained an able manner similitude between physical spiritual heart His clear of requisites of a heart right in the sight of and sank deep into the all who wished to bear fruit In of the Lord Mr is an speaker and I am there was not of his large uudtenco who would not a similar treat some time evening the church crowded to the while Rev Mr again addressed the congregation from teat faith when he was come to he called son daughter rather to suffer with tbe than to enjoy the ideaiwe of for a sea son The Iran blent nature of the pleasures of the sinner and the Mount Albert Items fo AVtfinrbl was in the dwelling Mr Thco Hear by priOit tons auction sale Tbarslay fir tolepoti The aged couple Mr Rear aroused end Most hold were iine the fire originated a defective but Mr Hear thinks it was if any is not known the loss about interest was in the Era last The Church at franklin on T6tstt while Mr std f3 were from home ligiooa services in the his and made thelites home return of the found the table spread with many and a happy assembly During the which it wan discovered that the la brought with a number of articles fA rtecisiity and for He It an 1- be and the it giving Mr hat male warm friends during his residence locality to Three Hundred Lives Lost TWO lasting joy of live brought Into burial of Moms He his vary atirnon by of Mrs beautiful the rial of Moats Suitable music was by church Choir tie of Jay On which the tea was serve J thronged with loteat the with which tabtea iho shown their high skill of of and After tea the crowd laired to the church which was filled to overflowing Dr the was greeted with hearty applause A by run of Haiti was by the audience and an prayer delivered by Iter Mr Madden of Sutton Dr then entered upon his duties as Chairman and Lb address was very highly appreciated as evidenced by the continual applause Short were delivered by Mr of Mr defending the and Mr Pulpit Mr then followed with Ms lecture on Rocks on which Men about threequar ters of hour the largo was held slbbound while Iter the rocks which so yojrg men of present day are wrecked The following the headings of lecture which abounded In lllailralions lloclc Ignoring 2nd allowing youth to pus without acquiring some trade or 3rd choosing a trad or orwblcli yon have adaptation of the literature of times an uudu to become rich your 10th the strong the wrong girl of the age We venture to that this nil the most Inter and Instructive return ever delivered this village and should tho insu ever pay us another visit bespeak for him a very warm After the votes of had been given entertainment was brought to a closo by the Choir which hid enlivened the proceedings during the evening by choice aloging their and r the The net proceeds of the will bo Mr Intends his family to pronto this week They hare been ix months at known now The Friday Kit ultrt of our met at Mr VnKor mans a party and the very sjeut will loogbj by those present ii Halifax Oct from coast of state tint on Oct 10 wind was night and by oclock following day it was blowing a hurricane- The licet in warning of the storms approach was almost entirely destroyed Vis voswls such shelter the hospital coast afforded hut yl after vessel was from its driven on rifi there to to wreckage is stfrnvn the miles and more of it every hour full etid of tie damage cannot yet I want of communicAtioii hut what has frors seventy to ninety vessels hive or to pieces only n few of crews had any chance to escape far as some one have last their lives on shor mostly children thus of tin support a when the coast is j llirin from a din Many of lost vessels arc other localities and this adds dilliciilty in a list of the ves sels destroyed Tim up time a failure and every and boy had tempt- to of school of mackerel which had appear ed those waters tome vessels had on the grounds somewhat later in the vasoa to make up for the done to there porta is not con fineil to the sea I- numhera of dwHingi littlo letter than huts hut still tw only home and wire led to the ground or the tide which have risen an height within ft very In instances the people away from horn down on assisting some craft ashore ami so when the they were not there tour their effects and consequently their all Many thus left ftWjfiitUisttng the best way in the houses of friends in or in temporary my- up of old piece of in sheltered nooks This is liavinf fatal effect on many victims of cjctJ which ago A number of bodies hoe washed up some received so fur so the from action of or iK having beaten out all on the it Vi sible to identify only a few were in hazily ide graves at soon as recovered vwnls mostly small and the in ll 11 W KS- casta of ore from City Dakota Grand Form Dal Oct was a heavy snowfall hero last night storm is will hardly exceed news of storm creates cosiness here for a number from this region in of Labrador of veli wS at and have not been heard ok mm Oct latest intellienco from that over vessels thwo hundred lives were in recent gates has just arrived with wrecked men women and rescind from the women died from expo were drowned Over are and una coast and ojt- rs M on tio Five steamers hawUcn patched to their worst it not yet known rapidly J The 3 at Sow Durham J Leon Several occurred water