Newmarket Era, 20 Nov 1885, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV Now Valaa Jo AypclbeA Popular Made- DfODlon Co for Clock A It Art AtklDton Holler FofU JCooiO to itl J Bear A Co ItorkiMra Co PO Train a a it to by at the corner of u n NOV Our Toronto Despatch Nov horribly dirty County lain At Uib Ml a to rain by tu tho and Home new cw or mallpox wild type have family It and been token The butcher boy charged with nil lit of AM Hollow acquitted of Hi lor and UumvoIviiI Occident Halloa of Rebellion Fourteen Quelle of in Ilia House of Com mon at a party held in on Friday adopted and l tlio following to tlio Ottawa Under execution of Louis KM will an act of the of which wo repudiate will ft of vtites on a If the of should to overthrow iho wo may for a general early next year and even stranger than an appeal to Referring to thu above London Advertiser men largely Ml for that condition of tilings the defended resisted This seem to confirm a rumor circulating around Ottawa to effect that if in forcing Kir John to test ho will seek an allegiance of mora moderate Liberals of Ontario and Maritime Provinces by formation of a Co- and then appeal to coun try This will place thcQuebecparty in a hopeless and helpless minority and give to Ontario relative Province justly entitled to occupy In confederacy while at the aiuo time to lessen gcoeral expenses of Government Thanksgiving Day HOW IT VTAB la IhftTeslofr J or op off Bo far wo run a ceipt log light everybody lira and at avoa lb6 John of flhurao from tbaboya hi work of ibo lcd a rig for to ro not proceeds vu a but vat aorry that bo Ibo out of the T J TroiUc ll to Lear acaooDOcratot Aorora of a friend from fcloo A A from Mr taamot off Wily teat of ftdnrtUeil doing til pow of iVrr adrolrcJ Her xriceful fitrtb au Joboaon a colJ tod of was to x- oUdc of to tor to ilmo it not to filled Mr the life of concert tod liin took The otto and be oirrKloX 1 Mr Mr A McCoraick well but life and fro oppeaTaoco on Drill of Coairttoder ibtt only by It ft llnl informed put with pro era of louo nd and Iod thai loog will biro Hind to In the County and worthy of the York nt prwbohly the of to AT iff of the Mayor to for occupying a prominent on ho Id a low of and wow then to pUtformjiThtti former a on Would of bio hod Ihcii oent to id Town hid no part to the of the Town church lrpct ivroi ftiltolrlng A in and tho die reef relict of V to re a of our Mr of it bid to be on iho ftlohndKliQ a till form of trill from frith ho bid during during ho hid experienced kind lho cosily gift much did ho prize prompted It It him uotatuurable to tint reform illy nod endontd oud ho had been to by integrity a ho public bo would uot let ia the dis charge of lib official Ilia of regret it leaving very iwttutd by this from those vbkh The smite of tho to El word by at CAM of And bearing the mono gfitnH price of TteorliyaUtoo loiter The great od two a greet many of point on firing a ihelf fortified it Dragoman which thoSerrtani on on day Conncll Appointed tod Tyrrell to witch arbitration between the County n City of of Ilrockton tod to giro to guj of amouot ahore gen entirely loo ind at tbo Jane oculon to thoawanL This wet granted ft mull the Court ordered 10 be bull contended for by abort Committee In now county hut more itoro to upon Ink roonlDgaatoUiUwoek Xot a for Art CAW- lUrroUallal4oTor tear Head Ink Ibroo laet Wboat hu la Toronto tail report crowded oat Local and Other Items Roller Mr tlfe about completed It will bo open for olgbt but Opening will plica tome Mail Mr Joe been iwirded the contract for in Town Cot next four ear Joo oil In this rtipoct and It would not If be not wo QUM and other JndUo In tod pur On other bond the otitic tint reports of riltogi art utterly and tbot well Con- Id Winnipeg in In of pun tbo If eon bo law Wo biro to wait tin lo lo If true that a pitted Iho should metnwhllo endeavor tbo ciuioofdiicoDlent If not true of ouch stories not only to country but AT meeting of Court Homo Com of Toronto corporation held list Mr sppoioted to look after etc of eouit bouts block Ho effort Is being buildings from the In tit of bet tho erection of with tho County colls for completed building to the requirements of County of York next Why dont wsilo printer Ink on city council ibout the burden of rested County they could Indulge In any amount of nbut tho par simony of county councillors but they iro as meek now Boms of our cole its oic trying to Northum berland County out of of On of to pay up to Food Wo with tho Hope this miller dont think lias light to Alrtady Oobrto Govern has tlio of that from to and yet they grumble money wbolo Irovloce in strict equity Jovernment open to cnutt Ing first redaction but hiving to the of 300u0 no reucn why debt should bo very lilt Solomon fapjKacb crying Qire fiomelhingfornoth inoupluttrcd all orer jitew Asa borrower Its corporation i open to operation but when pay municipality to dttireo for ft white wash Act Foot Ball Tho up from Toronto on not appear two chosen from tfaoso present for two boon and half before dinner the boys bell in all directions ore grounds and enjoy may bo doubt about who to be of but It Is ft Milled you get pure liquors 1 J door to Another prlito wills of the store both sides- Ad log of lbs Pre a held on It wis decided to hold their Town Hill Deo to as the two poio bed an extra tog of at which bill of Caldwell It JtSW etc it Primary School ordered to bo of from Co for rrrod to tho Commit teo on fo an of when Board fixed tbo of tcicbtr for No At per for iht old from or a ftiy and on radian for tforrou after Iri by motif oftad ft obargo French or tor Bout with SUM pi flaming this paper A- Block Bale Planting Hum i lcgg had a John on Thanksgiving Day lot of It will to reap tho reward of their labor along Jioe Superior and and should they all lira they will Improve the streets We should like to heir of mora such about town Beautiful Snow morning wo wore visited by first of sod ground its wluUry roads biro been awful had this week but a weather dry roads Is now anticipated There Is frost jl but enough to remind people of the of stopping up crick about and up homes Good for About enjoyed a good Isogh tbe Hotel last Monday at of Mr Lloyd of He was with two a light tho weight was too much for the bono to the crossing sod as It reared up ho hit the with whip It then fell com pletely bead over in tho a speedy to prevent further ac cident Pay Up Noaeoaiblomnn mm for A don boot of a Integrity but limply an outcropping of a publishers a For or from to Wo biro lodnn all to get enough to Initeod jf getting angry and paper because tbo publisher aika him for hit honestly Ibo should tbsnk tbo editor for wilting patiently and pay llko a mi If you wll wheat com bay from getting your pay If you buy gFOuriesdoyoneipectio stand your off for for years If you built do you to lira in tbohouo it Iambics down be- foo you piy man who built It or who furowhtd the lumber If you a built do not wear It out It dtal with will giro you a most denial Then why should you and year out read and reread all there in yet not toy for iL barn about lubectlbera who get and hire not as a cent since taking Wo coinmtnco this week sending our bills to but it would giro us considerable If our fritodo would tend in renew waiting to get a bill Do not the for fronj these little sums taken in tho aggregate wo meet of our in lo msufacturcra and hire a in us Let alio his neighbor a Wo aro with the and Hail for of our and mora than ao ordinary and prompt It op- a rsmody STlltA NOT- Mr salt or wood on lot20 of atorxina Sal am oclock a sharp at Held will bars aalo Implement and ywnillf Terms on lift aharp Nov Jamoa will a life of lot No la 3rd Con of Terms on sums over fiaiootliccJock- JaAKavaosxh Courteous Treatment TO JIT it Saw meat that modem baboon for catarrh six fully per stubborn whan It modtclnoiaodotboradrartlaod corns now by too most ot living to ibo hiscorototbtlroatcrmloation tbU bo la cored and torts by four aUU baa man application of remody Is at and ablo far a and euro majority of being at ooo aUoot onoJoao ur Is ate and awA blood wards off and Uslarts Albert Items to fro- J lie mi Jc- ftpolber oo and vboaro of city college spent with Ibotr ruturned lost Tor J attraction Wo or Mr reprcseataltvo in the seems to bo a favorite during Jolsuro ablo attention to certain roan ladle ibt vUlogo I ait So a Jay conaldiraVlo anJconsciuvnt- ly notafswofour cart worn and on mornlu Sir Hirers o ioarig matt of as tbougb you aootbtrr Tbo Altar Mr intends moving luti his now fcouso week lho inkcii tress of new wo Uvea degrees West of this villa- Mr Thorn bod a per to a parly at night whtu wo log tic Tom liODCOHhcboyftliluitrlf plenty of to nil daily paper aod time you it verytscIOu will try fasfrp posted passing hdu from mora regular the future For time past some toys hare leo windows iy ducing In the mid he says if he cm catch anyone be will proiecntc to the arid it been liking all p1t4sjio not of the kids out Personal of lait the very noture glow with all appreciated of the cloudy and and a of joy and IbinVslvIng to hu manity general AH plsces dated and Ibo Town a hoi but for a few at work on aoms of building improvements Town in a uumUruf young might be their way In different direction with their shoulders but can with very At a largo Krrgstlou auemblcd the tlVo Jf hi vaaKKiuivisu It Is pic ailog to thst k each the year a soil by of is inorked by an The paalor Iter Mr Smith conducted tho mutirfi a prompt pirating while the choir asiliUd his to so much our fa present and jkroipecU dwelt as the theaugtlLo and kingdom very clearly for both and food and wonderful cetljth love of Cxi the life of Ms deaf son JUv Mr regarded as crowd our hot mercies of a genual la country pitHotic aspect 3rd aid Religious liberty all larifcd the or iohtJcl educational rtlilOtti we practice in our lives the thing which mercies to us sjidmuch wantlslTiugjI far iho of the future Wo our per of all special tie of which Abort all to which ao clearly dtfiotd by the previous apeker service wis would like to hive from fiiuith la the sAemooQ the Town band giro Editorial Notes Oh Monday last leader of North West Rebellion was at opinion Wen since trial as to whether foil extremity of the would bo visit or not oil doubts and speculation are now at an and despatches from Ottawa sUte death Upon the fol connected vlth the out break the region will be ex on lid Arrow Man Charles fciuoofiasCbuUboU Men Wander- Infi Spirit Iron Body Blood and Utile Dear the deith uou Louis 1 have been commuted to Im for life- The hid to do with another men mike cortoui re as Well others Tor fottonee speaking of the wnnssiort P P foe of said a fact Mr Is for position j luofc notion Mr being a member of the Assembly be reporting to ltoue to recti re his own recommendations I volt pay for on said Were Mr not a of the House we should consider a one under such a nomination irfluld bo too the Comcttim of other some now It has been the prac tice of Any- without toljafrvifl to nuke December one of special to the Each year rdirgly editors and combine to present a number which touches the high- year and lo be a higher thin tlut of the yeir This It an special Christmas feature will be the best work engravers car do of the great 1 of the Nativity by old masters and by modern tainlera will be on engraving by which there will rfites jfcry will dis course of Christmas past and present and fiWM A afilloQal home on a visit i Miss vlstltsg at Mr week- Mr friends New Lowell for a couple of Mrs- returned from prolonged visit at J J left on Saturday for a with her too Mr pred at trolt Mr Albeit J of Jefferson Co is paying visit to tho home of bis Mr A uncle and Friday of Keek Town Mr and and of Falls were in Town oyer a visit with Mr Fred Bell wife and Mrs Short from Ottawa were guests of the Reeve a couple of days this A number of young people partook of the of Afr and Mrs J evening and mnt a very pleasant time Mr Davis of removed to sad will for the present her mother Irwin Victoria Before leaving on Monday Us with a in of her Uivbya The Methodist Church wascrowdej last SuudiyntLt to heir We to call attention Ibis to Allan one of the being Mr Allan formerly of this Town who is rapid in the Mr baa shown exceedingly good telle to the arranging of whole pieces of dress goods fn the show window of AppelbeCo firm Is papering for a very extensive winter and this week Is to the least Mr filter of a fieek and Beckett left for Belle nil lut Friday The Intends to re main there for a couple months the latter HI goon to her home at Oxford hiving spent a months very pleasantly with her wMr ItoUrt Barker of bury left us a of bis Wheat this which color and size beau anything we hive jet seen of that like our Mends to call and it end a better sample to bring it along Little arrived home on fiitqrdsy ifter near ly months with In Hamilton Sutton West Ha accompanied is sUyfog for a short rime her Mr Townley West Win Bradley graud treasurer ol Mrs Bradley Bradley and Annie all of Toronto spent mokiglrlog Day at The the Mrs Smith School In year County Council the men of ill Education Comnjitlee while Towq was attending to County JksI to moke tho usual of to tho Model flchooh The lion of Mr Jackson to teraehort and on first day of Ibis week ho had lho of the reversed and the or dered to lo at the law directs In of brief- lets fill week to the i to by Messrs Bros of this Town piece read from to whereas it hive been from to exact fig being per During past couple of same firm has tlii1 each and to ship two more care to New York day if tbe cars arrive wonder this is such a good and the price remains high such quantities ire shipped away The Bros enterprising fellows and a OP At a the Council of the above order in York held at Aurora a Bistrict Council or the was organized The were the elected fc PO Chop a IMcCMckea ilro K po 3 iJontcith A Ajicw If 7 Mr Philip Martin met with a accident three weeks ego at slobg tide walk between the Foot Office end Mr Tomers store at a there ditch about three ft deep and no railing he off of the breaking one of thumb and Kb person rota which his since been confined lb his and meat of the Ifine not singable to be out of lib says he will be unable to per form work for at least two months Philip Informs as that he miking East foot bill them for a box to up for the time he laid Oil and with their at on eve of use it and was till thebaic of dsy The Former his to County Council for a grant of 21 the grant of the Leg for ibo purto more and of the greatest practical utility to firmer generally The join only cents per year and on foot to acceu to the Library of which contains volumes not for and it postponed us to that the paragraph lut had no reference to the iohii of just laid for tbit of the year The ma Pomp Works In full blast egiln this Urge stock run but ft litlle white ego having become Canes Factory has been running night on to up with orders Hunt up year and get them into good rejir for the snow is shortly to come We have ju it printed a fiood supply of blink re ceipt which we would be pltatd to fillin for owe Are not tho pipers little in of next year filling upon St April its latest rible date which linos and will not till as talk about Santa Clous first Itis that ft of rtadyrnide has been receipt and the coming candidates for 1st of All Sifota day tailed from in seventh century of the at of an by Pope to and all the The airy first kept the firft of but the wis altered to the lit of November Main morning In crank style v j sod a towel tied to a slick Mr the font good carriage lait day prices ranging from to 2C0 each Tomorrow is the last day to apply for the entrance to attend High School was takeo by from the Methodist Church last Thursday event ExUor4JSMsT TO all wanting We want and AacnUlo Canada to great merit On Jtt Merita Anartlele over percent having do and protected in silo by a for each county be from us With all advantages and the feci that It lean sold to It not be Extraordinary Offer to aood agents not we concluded to not only for confidence In agent that will energy Our month and oar offer all who out of employment Any agent will give or bullosas ft thirty trial and fell to clear at least time above all can return ill Koodsuorotd to we will refuno money paid gent who would ilka and work for ahovk all re torn all their money back No other dared mike such nor would wolf know that wo cow more double amount ere tot two a day would give a prom of over one of oar agents took Urge descriptive plain our offer fully and those wo wish to tend to everyone of employment who will fend tbroo for age at secure be time for the boom and go to work on terms earned in our extraordinary offer would like to have of all tbe gent sawing solicitors country and ask toy paper who Ibis to send us Dime and address thoy know Address at once or you will lose btst chance ever to out oremptoyment to make lUXKCft llQBDiItbfleldHlreet Pa King Council- Items UltsDimsdilotuideherCnt in this on Tuesday at the Church was very large was a from round the neighborhood and aome from and Keswick Is her her horns at John Moores Mr Hubert Ibis Thursday morning service will place at next at JO Tailor has removed to tho bike shop and there is knolher biker to get Tailor out of the hike shop yi see we more buildings here News from Holland Landing forte Era Business Notices The store society met as osust on Friday evening lost Mr olli a Maeauteya Life showed thought and was clear- simple Readings were given by Dennis and a redtilioQ Scrap budgets ended the program 9 9 At a meet log of Society on last was carried to have a meeting open to the log giro a reading entitled The Cold Water silence a very Ij wuwelcom by alb j interest and vigor with which this meeting was carried on thst the Society is The a of Miss libors here during three weeks ending list Sondiy persons came the meetings professed a knowledge of of which num ber joined the Church on pro and the rest to other denominations of own free this op wanlc thirty of the School irihafo their Maker to aorye faitbruHy alt their Urea The last were ever in Ibis to of Jesus Feast and more partook of Id the Church hare woo of under per for uiecrilszyards Yellow Group Yellow OH Is an end external remedy that should be kept lo every Cored of Toronto wis for wittiCoronlc After a Yellow Oil cured both Yellow Oil lea reliable Internal remedy for all an Bare partita Work auj pro nptlyto purify and bo nerves brae up IDs sys tem It Is In the an invalid give It a Dropsy Gravel aod daugerous fiuvi a in tbeUTer with iho Ktdeey Uordek imunonoor tbo pest eye tew lo medical To Foray lho tod for the of biro been siren of for b cured many of dor log nor are dome well under own jbyileun do call It Is to treat who have been Strtn up or after IrylPtc fait Ken run ifi- bop of the season Band practice Saturday Mr A J of a of the Misses Monday face is be seen In our tbrlrlpg home frojh from after lime The Lauding can boast of oat anyway even If It blue ace Id tba a wu lo six imprison ment far blowing a fog horn If cue of the Landing there and whittle through bis Sogers he would be sure to get a life sentence r J been rery improvements on bis firm A rather fanny accident occurred was miking Ml way up town from a hole to found After about fifteen minutes tolling a bright thought struck slowly down untied and took off bis shoe to the astonishment a rather dirty foot Council met nt Hotel KIok Lion on Slat of October Member all Minute of read nod received and read a follows Prom TJ Jtarrhtvryow- on or 1aia Thompson objecting log of on Con lota From David repairs lota In lib Michael Hoover repulri to tbo Jluinber lot lib Con From the to bridge It rh From John itaokln JT From John Trcjnor lou lSuodle on From rod From Co From If III road From From Moody road From Michael refolr From Henry HArlli plank From culvert tec From culvert 7 above account to pay tbe lame ih pulley It lumtleut for tlio reconstruct ton or Mb also for Id lho Hugh Bnldtr heard before Council damusca for killed nod In jured by and on motion lluy the following amounts killed killed and sis Lilted John nnd to Invito re ceive tender for purpose of for now culvert at fame place and report to the Iloevc for approval and If to work to performed with as lilt delay as A wtw Mr Its several reading was adopted for of the place of Nomina- the prices and for tho Municipal for at follows to to made at tbe Tcmpor- So Folllog Davis it Polling Shop King- horn J Ik Foiling Hall IL Foiling Humphrey a Hill Crock Hall David wblcb cur ho mi- roJo 1 and JiKr- b sens In ihopor- Of the Jut to my being or 9 subscribers to food fur spoke to me with referenoo to required they our town to I thereroro requested tec J J- Ed Irving to allow me to quotations of required a fair fluid and favor ibo wa well aware but the Hire rnattufncturtil Canada or usually kept by or retail or to bo or value laid to lalned or deilf at Anest from or Now York who make of on it to the beat ouO ft lemblo fctterluf only could Tin bad the court- Ho Of at weeks Hi- I beard the bo got bey bad from a retail 1u had been by the over or other then v dent that purchatng found out What I that caHctco or I not it amount of money 1 lu a a on to to to other In vij Mr I J ho staled he jv iis Wit tun f In i7in in i not I for the inform or the the in that rtivt Willi Urn Tray for hj the in raj 1 town The above ATI a here Mr The the Mr Ila fob mo b flu l fin Dl I ia viiiiny iit Mi A Itn liiIvi lr in ilj it i 1 ft I if- i I IILI c ir 1- Hi I ike ali to tho f procure I duo to Hit fioiu an to how t to r njl Jfj A It East Gwilllmbury Council- 17 all appro received from to be killed by John Win IrcciiwroJ 77 Jaekii K tirJ Wed dell The aura of fund to Improve lb ihv of corn pi of to 3rd all to o- of iou On motion of Ilotrc th- I J 1 T It J Jot lite Mil rillU tuJ I i l 1 its Municipal JoVocX ik- follows I Murray w Irjuhnrt I Initios p in J Polling Hull i Andrew It I Ik It Albert Mark a IK it Council to meet In on the itaot the wife of Mr J of a daughter lyjvtrQn fit- wife of Mr fcfriifetii ct i 7 J rv j- f A 1 ul 14- l TLr v iTb f jlniiv I- SIM ljlArycu oijit ViTif I Brown BUI Items AVvaviArt with to let the of the Eta know that we a lively little We hire a Stole and Port Office Mr Joha being we very highly for honorable position Through of we got a an able to compete with ell Mr ioho a nun of The Mill and factory at full new Store Poet Office at while In Factory putting the Git of which might aerioaa fortu- no were Mr teriforemio not While working the eilckleg gt badly one fixr end cutting ell the half off was at once to Dr of hare the woubdj while for went to how it m to do touch cuttlog with a Id of flogtxa Bocae broke Into the a ftw ago and opened two of teo out of one aod oat of the other We that we will not to report fihopNoWe- IL So Hall town Robert Polling Black a It a CouacMtlienjJounHd to Town Council Cor am 1l all of Council In Committee recommended accounts A Camp bell for Fire Kelly cutting wood at re to hoe Jna lighting 1 The bill of J P for referral to Com A to forhotd the next aafolloirat for on h for at on the the at fihop W- at Jackson Council Ipgheard Mr appear log to that the Milt been that on of bo reoilitd and alto Collector to Dec cry ho removed from the la that Jo collect at oace the of Mr a North aide of lie fyrt A or Mr by Mr to jrTJ4 room limps In each Ward at he general of tbe Town vaa to a keeping free enow the winter air gave that lie would move at to tempt at Water and street On the then ral Toronto on Thank J To- llekertog Villa and Mr tbttomce At f the on November by ProTiMr Jna of or h- Of lut lllluibury At do lb- wire of the February suf fered from was lu Clip re Wednesday nfterooui Carlton on the of November Alfred gTTIievl Intellliience f vire of Aifud of curved with OMprewreL of fin nil with whom of klndntri and of many Jurivr lo5 rviMnco In Hit town avt of ep grltf to a Urge circle of littfU Mr- have 4 i f WATSOfl ivrv COLO WATCHES 4 bra r if it Ij the It ur 4J l MtMy tun- Saturday the a eft AND S ST NORTH CousUa and Cold That atati a have IcnmrdJete and rtWr laker ever tbe la ft put Bedroom Sets AT lCEv FINE FUNERAL J i IS STOCK FIRSTCLASS HEARSE ftf will receive Art J fiUA ard ttot JiOfKelWiVa try rujv A Hi -tt- lft rnJutaiilrousrm Vieiutiyirefentr4Hyd For fattier day of Id FARM Cm f joriy d iyi rti tut J j iiitl j f NT I ttll I is a ijr ver IT- Notice to J MICHAEL MONEY TO LOAN At DAVID lU lucvUMWtiCi ll InlWflt Toronto tKt aoutord irviuir I I vKrdHtil ilMtaiylii tic i IlUJiitiSrtitrt vM1i J lMltl ll til hy lil illj IV ted rt AH L WAHLbV- J

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