-f- Kick Him When Down id of ujJ bo ana And ft IDQ In How Hock If to twu pel lb U And bo f bo down How world will on life novum I How him Alio I Bat In country Iowa Hare not kind to Jlot will kick blm iuui or wtnltb Dal if by Of The world And hi U ill loudly bo 1rii Willi lilt- Wlnlobei up beiw tin kick if be o mm of lioi and fertile bully got chum crowd bo Jjul low loo Ik goo ifrl bo widely kicked i booeit ir iul If Whits Of to bo For b The go for biiUi from be lo in lkwri A ltd I in Arid kick bain The A William McOurter of the jioiHCHgora wived is 2 of ago Hits in at Out where ho had an in Monitor Mr- on his way to with Mulligan who oft ihciv to Sir in the list Mr following of a frightful storm during Uio trip from Owen Hound until ljxt Friday night went to about twenty minutes to fivo oclock Saturday morning shock wosa and trembled and out and or four dock lianda aft and waving their hands like demented I followed men and flaked what was wrony llioy that did not know but something tern Wo happened A stopped mo mid bald This is a occurrence It is Bad to think wo hero Let us hopo it will luin out ajl right poor man drowned in leas than quarter of an hour after The men from dowp all crowded upon tho highor deck and along port was terrible wavis in groat mountains over dcflkBj and every few win- ho shriok of some persona was as carried out to sea and lost vessel lay broadside island there was a dreadful an awful sea pounding and heating aides soon gavo way and tho women children men were then washed boat beyond ell of safety A great many pcrBonB grow almost and jumped into wo in of getting ashore did not know where wo wero at first as It was dark and there was a bio storm of sleet and snow blowing I in on us electric lights went out a minutes after the boat struck and confusion and excite ment waa terrible Captain alone remained cool and steady showed ft man ho really was just then and did his duty a man When ft seemed a certain death to run a lifo lino along deck he seized a and strung out line tolling excited peo ple to hold on to the rope and not be come High rocks towered up in front pitiless sea tried to snatch lis into its icy clasp on- every aide In this manner wo passed night until it was fairly daylight tho dash ing every few seconds bearing some ono away from life- rone I was standing between Captain and another man when cabin crashing down on the Captain and pinned him to deck Oh I now but will become poor other side received a blow on head and cried oat Im gone next groat wove carried him off without slightest struggle and ho met his untimely end without another groan man can over imagine what the must have during that terrible morning Timber falling in every The seemed to crush like an eggshell and in a while a filing stick would followed by a deep and we know brave man had given up tho battle I dashed several times against the bulwarks and rcceivnd this cut over my and on the top of my head but in all other I lucky and had a wonderful TO Although it was madness to tempt to swim through the surf to dry land fellows effort with life servers Only ibrvo landed hurled tl with tremendous force mid nuingtul beyond recognition had three years experience as sailor on the Atlantic and knew benefit cool nt a time Tlio stern of Vessel Was gradually shoved into shoro until it restedl solid We huddled close logelhcr oil sterdge with a few blan kets spent whole day In tor no frit inclined i to talk but wo Rat with anxious eyes at each other listriihig to the awful wash of they along decks and broke tho in Captain said Men let unite in ftrfkr And with blaring its in the wo down nml Captain prayed foi us ell on and llierv seemed sea burst over vessel night was spent in with nothing to ear or drink During night we could hear Captain inquirA from the spot where ho lay a prisoner to hit injuries Hows wind and he glad when ho told it veering around to the A ESCArB he men a piv- The is from iui liroubt on Wo Clio with bid to hold as ho to proved to and fishermen ww icvitod to very Wo pent Sunday night and morning about fivo oclock fiahor over and Captain what the beet to bo dona Ho told lo intercept and officer to on tug for us about an hour after daylight Mr tilings thri following of tbo wreck Most of tlio and a num ber of crow in bod at time but by tor rifle tho boat and that followed do- flcription Water in through vobaoI and over bul warks putting out the firca id and Screams of vomon and abovo fury of Ihoniorm hither doing what could in tbo to render aaaiatiuioo but voro of avail for in than twenty minutes after vrescl struck forward part of tho was carried away together with cargo and human frcht clung to rigging and along but soon swept away and swallowed up by angry waves atom of the boat pushed upon tho rock and IIkhq who not too ox- fatigue and benumbed by cold crept to tbo after and sought its abater less than an hour after all was over and but fifteen out of sixty peo all that remained When tlio shock was ho ran down to pursers room lie then pushed forward through tbo stifling and aroused steward and other well as stcer- pasaeiiftOra Finding escaping steam almost ho rushed up to the cabin aroused all tbo passengers he had not awakened on hie way down and ducted in to tho forward A lady and her daughter wildly crying in tbo saloon clothed in only thin nightdress urged upon all necessity of quiet and obeying orders- ho was advancing forward with of ladys hands in his and holding tbo girl with his hand a great wave dashed through the cabin caught tbo woman and child and them out into lake of men lost their reason completely and rushed into atormy depths About 17 persons followed men and climbed into tho Tbo terrible sea swept boat and masts were washed clean under waves Every time up wore two or three forms missing Once tho iniLSt a dip with ten men and when it up right again only two per sons soon on at swept alt bravo strugglers away man was noticed to battle most strenuously and nobly for his life Ho was washed out into Lake but clung with a death grasp to some ropes- Slowly inch by inch ho struggled along ropes hand over ho bod nearly reached the vessel Every seconds a hurl him around like a feather dash him up and then him a mountain of icecold water hut ho struggled on until just a few feet from boat when his strength out and he passed away with a wild wailing for old Many of passenger could bo scon on their Knees loudly calling mercy and succour waves spared none They dashed in and around each shrinking form and bore away as their prey with each returning visit dozens of human beings DETAILS John McLean was of two waiters saved- Ho is a finelooking Intelligent young man about twenty years of age had with a bad ly bruised knee and breast The other waiter saved was Geo McLean felt tho shock when boat struck ftnd immediately jumped out of bed He saw the engine had stopped and the electric lights out while boat was full of steam ran up hurricane deck and saw Captain blowing off which he continued until was ox Tho Captain told us there was no great that the place was down on tho lower decks Wo started to run there when- waves carried away and wo grasped tho rigging Captain passed tbo lifelino along and wo bung on to it for over hour believing that every would bo our last It was dark and freezing cold with a terrible seal were two ladies and little girls that They swept with the cabins Wo could ladies and children calling but could wider them no assistance After a while their voices ceased and wo all knew they out in the went to pieces ten minutes after boat struck and only tho stem part of boat was left when wo All clothing was lost We all owe our lives to the exertions made by the Captain If it had not been for his coolness and prompt wo could not gone through tbefirst I have been o lakes for rough seasons but this the J ever saw NEWMARKET ORB CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS BRASS AND PAPER HOT RIFLE CARTRIDGES SHOT WADS ETC NEWMARKET LIQUOR STOR Grain Counter Platform and Even Balance SCALES AXES OF TEE VERT BEST MAKES GENERAL BUILDING HARDWARE f A FULL ASSORTMENT Stock at Lowest Prices TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION NORTH TICKET AGENT FOE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND OCEAN STEAMSHIPS TICKETS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST WEST OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON NEWMARKET B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever I to CALL AT THE hi ITilsrrjev srasBsBa THE NORTH END IS THE- RIGHT PLACE and Wheat Walkers Diamond ABSOLUTELY PURE ALWAY8 IN Old Port and for and Rome Strictly Fresh Family Groceries Received Weekly i And Sold as Cheap as A Trial Solicited P J MAIN STREET NORTH AND TO GET TO RENT copied Ml ciiwniiaii nectary Bentley Opposite Hotel Newmarket AND SEE THE Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of Furniture IN NEWMARKET Good Dry Goods Good Hats and Gaps Good Boots and Shoes QESIRABLK lyrj efDl- A- Vrjd IbddCic ij- Undertaking Special Attention A W EVANS Blood Bitters ierccs Preparations Fruit Salt Northrop Lyman8Di6cov Preparations T homos Electric Oil ad ways Preparations Fluid Magnesia McGregor Parkes Preps Beef Iron Wine Allens Lung Balsam Hair Restorer Cure Warners i Yellow Oil Hagyards Harpers ILLUSTRATED now for Jlawl rated iwoty feat m llJ6 able to year raoDifllio ro- lniroripiULJIIUiirati by Mr ml If Sir of me IT Dispensing in all its Branches Hats Bonnets At Oil upvarj alto tthaiicsiu i fy AND JERSEY HATS Good Assortment of Wings DIFPfitlBNT of la woikalWBy r A BIG BONANZA YOUR to ftt Fall Is ikw An wblclx for quality vuu for joar Cor of Kn Wo or arc cot a jpiej boula to other by rthe moti rapidly J by trail from HARPERS tVEBKLY HARPERS HARPERS i AND FirstClass Groceries AT THK BIGHT PRICE A CALL IS SOLICITED J A DALES Farm For Sale I No in rfvIT of la tawtnhWQt Apply WWt LET in A JOHN fruii Jufir MitlcikUri ie its ten A til J for Br Aurora- U WRttrioutb flbirodiiatQiTntfKMVlck 8 SO to Pine Mondays a m Via and A ra Qaeioc to AttbUOOMarddaouatoltOiraf am a pm YOUNG W Tomntoand tibaroo I SQUARE fc State and Ctaito HARPERS iU and have muck fueatute in and ike jutltm fci iia extended to vie duung ike and oik jot a continuance ike and well assoiied and -r- Mat of lot I is KlOif OulJJloc Id Klog on to If CASH WILL BUY- Tjtlcj VcnbEi old fci In vtllul Lal on f 13 Building Lots for Sale in coil in ike maxkeiy am now Town of Newmarket- ike at lout cash out a laxge tine and vote Of tore Sou en aodMrllbaaS- hi fa apply to Rates Letter la YOUR Egyptian lias a ordering lire of fltitiuaJsi and if of taxes A car load of at Kim vol creamery shipped to Wales Tim freight tho car JoHil it racked its lo It is reported that sixty in ulfof ere and that Bid they of An MyH this the season of tho wfeii overcoat a lltiu coat piaster third and a doctors The of from Columbia le proceeding a rate Nearly Mongolian under railing orders for wid it Of A- Marvelous Story TWO FROM THE SON Sty at VU a offerer aid vill tell fcutUdlaMioze tbiok his tar for at tea of Acrofaloai aora until fire ago From a llro ft to tOOOTerUMtiralodj J fciinn jotj bn totaaculDircurrjiiIctQO men bis aim mi beiitb ba I cutlj to ta Mi fiaa FROM THE FATHER tor ma to to sea I d trot of a and ui Iwhtoj i tic cracked as to the to fior were great my a I Mcumtcccd of tfe la April bava that to at all and feel perfectly volt pew to do a tat rata a Cora la my I irU4 to si last roan rt4 all ScroTulooi Krytp Jt blood of Hi aid tba uJ clfryrtDniffUUi of New CoaiJoitrecIvdtbecbfiiptt1 A nan we will sou lbs Ordered with of yiar- When that itirea yeans iit MMntrjy ranllputiE volatile each binding- will tent bo brTOitomca or of in en oca receipt will or by par for on the AJrea AltVfcr To ma United icq IJOKD utiles tufjeo WORM POWDERS PicrgkUTC J i a worm B NEWMARKET Y BAILEY Biscuit manufacturer AND FRUITS IceCream Soda Water Sc WEDDING GAKES1 a NEWMARKET ONTARIO WOOD WANTED STICK WOOD u prepared to any HEMLOCK AND PINE loba0llered in Bur TRKB THE OLD RELIABLE -AND- LEADING HOUSE OVER Best Stock of at VERY LOW It ajvaQlaga of I a MIL to dU far or to Newfound Cficb nan fraction tbo KlojdoiDf Hump Aseuclci it each Car postal onion try Carta with a form cent j an extra of twonla postal Wltor nor to a card s UROP LETTERa 1 wot lor half Ox or fraction ibereof- every boy cannot forwrnifd mm paid toot thin oca foil of In- tended to oo titattafi and to latura moil bo by of All Utter for bo boor of me Oil alt ftPd periodica tfianiboee from ail newspaper ad pab- frequently ouce a Ibc f wnicb tie prepaid by pottage atarop to bo prepaid by or- or fraction BOOK PACKETS not lb to Kingdom in rate la I for Manitoba lory to Victoria altera and Foal or lilt- not or In viiit vueQ pasted or bo oy at tbc and on In In atkU may b or feci by private to not actually trad patitroa UKITEUSrATKFalUrmandHanipVt of pctHl for the UaKedHtaEeiarotufcUcttotbe pcUl rate Of by and mutt arched ounces cannot bo to fUco loiloiutj of parcel to lNtt via Ibe isui- of lbs to L la ir tie ivrco cot u i noriliOsltc tl tnd In I or fraction of tor A great lita roJ In for money jidtr Up to Ju In tcucwiu Itsittsi liny ri at tud India Poet from tt vhUh mi sW triiniliUiU of a fcwrii line and wocdenwate ike and in and always in YOUItS A SMITH by promptly attended to FOR V z L U M LATH SHINGLES f ARE NOW TO SUPPLY WITH OUR CUSTOM AUoa Tup On vlkEsHnL to SALE J 9 Coo j M sMJU i US ilciwn w Iff a love on A Jteoa7TKa moupixo DOORS sash FOR TUB WE SOLICIT A OF OF WE AIM PAST TO TURN OUT GOOD IT- 200 ACRES in KING of 3rd audita Weal4ialf W ithO 3rd inrrrjHMrLfj other pl mi vjinpwell Irlrinc Vr tanKtin tat roTUtbtvol luiii tf Mb Iw Sib up tfJiji J VVW J LOWEST Savo Money I Cheap J MAN Wif AND I RURAL CANADIAN till I Ovt Best Moulding Materials I S3 Hip On tho atilct to bull at a be sieiiiiitrtDiiia of 1UUa BY I with Hi tiurtor the 1h a Kuril OR DYSPEPSIA JAUNWCE SALTR11EUU HEADACHE DIZZINESS Of DIE HEART ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH if -rtfffta- -tsffol- irw 1 J kltd Vil i I I ML J pi DR KA BOWELS OR BLOOD j mi