I tTjV- Friday iUorulug At jot- yTKAM of the SUBSCRIBERS 1 Mi County no GIVE MB TO NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Hi Vol Single Copies 3 Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Nov 188B Cash in Advance SI within or at end WW fa Allowed at DRAFTS ISSUED W Mutual Insurance and Wellingtons IN J STOllK NEWMARKET IKUAI J iv on Im hi it MiiaitKi I it II nil Publicum rot AT A J Hfy AT A OK Term j forordort MILLINERY AND- V0n to lrtM ill in icr ecu In l 11 ml Oil Aurora ft la i Wc u in n HMlTOSi A Toronto an J 1 Ti J HA A IticUmouO tMJltxln it A A liA ikW nit DIE A 11111 Of ulna in frr lumen meet OX YORK Htlci MuducKU from Two up I urn ii tit to do ma well tnpoiiiK up any into in for Atfenlforcije will 5D New Felt Now Kic Etc I do not to Lire th Urgent Stock of Ulllloery but do claim to and at my seek with the In ilio I olio I hire dotin to In Work to nock well and take that our work no hot to bo been Kail of I bars on of Work at TORONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION At coiofctlUon Id Claw my work iu The Colhngwood Great Northern Exhibition I took for At I took 13 Price of them Pint I took At all there find of fJood Work At FULL of Work of oil and lb gander White sod Colored Merino Ice Ac Id Crochet Work wo do trade all kiadi of and Children Wool to and bound you nd for I Utb the Art and do Slain jdog E BECKETT CHINA GLASSWARE CROCKERY Many my removed from vlllijoiroiJipilyfltiOJjLcJ lu- Tin Hurl ONES corner Victorlft A 10 alUlllrtHirhrJMIJllHOfdOllea All VfllJ tor rtvo rani received In S imi teitt- lift t www for vicinity loiu and Notary PRICES ARE STILL LOWER si LAMPS UMTS I 1 STARR Shaping the Future We or far Of which the life Ij And oar fatare With or with of Iho life to bo We with all our And in Gild We reap we hire eowo Still ftfoaod It The In which it here piotod the wall The put the of holy toutful tit bare died I ye from tide do we lire oar life Or rtannly touched or coldly dim The of the jut I AI to Jffir In a Oxide On times RSVlSSHKtitSQ CUD lliaron Ont Court Whim ftvy corabloeil biialnffii by ST LOUIS MOBILE NEW LEAKS iitiilDjf much Ilia may confluent work Jeidlujc lilt is accessories bo Now floecoHclooof raws In New and Vlclolty J a SIMPSONS OF CANADA TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED OH DEPOSITS -DHAFTS- EVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOR NEARLY 2000 FAMILIES IK VICINITY ARE ON STATES AM IN CANADA AND I W mm Notes Discounted J si Every SATISFACTIONS ALIi KlDde of can bo ihtMMacliJntihy a year well Work SIMPLEST MOST COMPLETE eel of IboWarktL aT rtf IASUHK of At Ontario- Baking rf Powder CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL WAY DIVISION miix mm UC Ihiliii IUriUol ii v J in kivaia 1 It ivilvk auI in Limit J icoj Hat Jui mil Iacltlc Hun In rlMIxi JutCllon Hi A MlxrJ jirno lip iii I nut fclSp UfS mnHdecre Of L public Twenty la 111 fceei- reputation for In Pure Drugs and Chemicals llyo Ilea ana HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES ami VrryMilnjc principal Stores up with Accuracy by Twelve wboleveiy fevcrtbl known TIieSfroigesl Powder Made Aeltve In liorirordVAclJIMiospbaielupo-r- form unci fie la positively lie ralpflTic an llftsilfji in ibe processor lens of the it pi a bo CANADIAN STEAM SHIP LINK for rat fc fc mat leu bo If IK1 KM It VAXiiuity VlCPrta Moutrral J Pa W lrKirb Cajjavav taATKrtiON IN FANCY GOODS It the and roost varied Is rtbeUUooii la lovely pitepi Album very and WfaccJet JiiJiOj imj JlKKKbttff Slipper Si Braiding Patterns Cum and Saucer Viei Toy Toy J fell from ivolocbfi to one can Tobaccos Ambers and Cigars Boys arc the arrival SIMPSON St Newmarket rendurMirihebrtadjbtKuUp etc- Ihr Iffrdlnxcbertitoflbe have through lei of experiment of purity and JuvfQtiou one raid St certain bet lite ttilue of ten and wheat Ami lied lucrfA by tfocderMljcwlllelbUr Floe Quality RH i- General Agent Warren whom toil the as Id It Is Pat Up Id Bottles lin vide noon tie to I ro of roucii a Bote ADt for SEYMOUR Djmloloo l Box I EVERY FARMER eUOVtD SEE THE WARBLE WORKS I AIH AND Nw B opposite woio Head Worth at Ml Alberl- A BOOKS AT A largest Hotel Enterprises of from going around Capo In early of Itbmahekanie4ttiat cored ueot I 1C4 tben Mr- hat flAkearAJtitca and be bat j to effect ome of to 1L0 elate of bit an ecrofoJoti or appeared the Uab of darting palm lamp almost lb leg became panning great of matter No treatment of ibomw the pain end Jlmb 5 vltb entire I fc In teller l orii to core of Cool the ffKU of Krnpitoni ud ait rtrko or Mood ter- bare r to coxa lire 9f The Mall Bobber It on a dismal stormy evening in the year traveller passed over through gate of old city of Ikrwick the patiently walking big lonely beat ho sot took a cruet of bread out of pocket and commenced eating with an apparent relish To guard ho scented to bo a although bo could not mans features being en by broad of his hat rain coming down in torrents and wind to blow fur- iously block cloud gather ed as if prepared for a regular tem pest It was tho kind of a night brig ands would for bo execution of their dark deeds Heaven if you go ing to travel on a this wan 0tU bis jour ney Thank you I was only answer and taking heavy cane ho was aoon on the desolate heath which stretches out for miles along the Tweed Having worked bis way through the mud and mire for an hour or so fie stopped and after looking around as if to select a place ho hid himself in bushes along After having spent an hour under his rather insufficient shelter he heard sound of a horse approaching at which ho slightly raised himself if preparing for an attack horsemen was tho steeds neck to break force of wind and was speeding along as fast as condition of tbo road would permit however ho felt some one seize the reins and stop his Raising himself his bonds held and a pistol pointed head while a calm and rather wild voice told him to Although stiff with cold and frightened with prise ho made an attempt to take out his weapons but as soon as ho did so he was unceremoniously thrown from his and before ho himself from shock his horse and the mail had disappeared with his assailant day following the robbing of mail for the north of the British Kingdom was the day setapart for execution of one of King James opponents Sir John Cochrane who was awaiting his death in a dark prison at Berwick 9 Sir John bad Identified himself with the party which opposed James and one of leaders he had been taken by force andentenced to death He had taken of all his relatives except bis oldest daughter who from soma unknown reason had thus far refrained from making privilege of trim J As Sir John was in his mind on the probable reason of his daughters motives the Moor of his cell opened and the jailer accompa nied by a handsomo young woman entered- Sir John said the jailer the mail bag contained the Kings warrant has been stolen from the and in consequence your been postponed you cud Sir John hardly knowing what to say for joy of seeing his daughter to whom ho turned saying My dear Gertrude my darling daughter- My dear father said Gertrude when they were alone take courage you shall We have no reason for expecting pardon my daughter My life may have been prolonged a days but the king will another warrant A few days father Why there is hope long as there is life Is not grandfather a friend of Father Peters the Kings counsellor and con- Alas yes but that will not save my life- Do not beguile your heart with a false hope It is the Lords will de voutly Nevertheless father you shall not die The jailer opened the door saying hat allowed for her visit had year horse and bag and do cot stir until I am of sight if yon value your life bandit sprung into saddle and disappeared u if on wings For tbe time all the preparations for John made and it only awaited tho arrival of mail when again the robbery announc ed and consequently Johns life once more prolonged At visit of bis daughter that morning ftir John said Barely is visible in this father answered weeping I told you that my father not die soon as news of the second robbery of mail reached London the father of Sir John tho Duke of again interposed for the life of bis son and with the help of Father who pointed out to the king failure of the previously signed warranto to reach their desti nation kin was prevailed to pardon John Cochrane upon York County Council The November session commenced this morning the Warden Ia the chair members were present A number of communications were received and referred to their respect ive committees and the Council ad journed to allow time to re ports Council met at 10 a from bam calling attention to fluctuations in School Grants East receiving less this year than last Joseph Stokes of was ap pointed of Home The amount required annually to maintain the York was in 1883 Street York Whitchurch and King and Holland Landing For Kingston pasted by town ship of for the opening up and doting of certain roads and streets granting permission to the village of to lay out the strtoU of Hawthorne of a uniform The Past Meat people love put Noth ing If even to of but few yean to recall tbe event 1 former timet Children able Id of to talk of walk with delight to feet and providing for the thrilling wlea of teeth first censing of tea dry Unit first everything and jewellery not growth of On tario end imposing certain penalties tot its committee to which was refer red the report of the special Commit tee on the Abolition of made a report The Council went into a committee on the whole but after hearing the report rose taking any action to Berwick with the joyful tidings and two weeks after second mail robbery prison door for John who accompanied by father hastened to his home where all family toon gathered around him No not all Gertrude was not there Where could she bet No one knew But there a stranger at door who desired on interview with John- Being ordered in the mya- terious stranger whom we taw four ago on the of Tweed and approaching John hands him two documents saying After perusal of those commit them to the Sir John opened the the two death warranto signed by king Turning pale ho You saved my life how I turning to ifihed spectators he continued Fath er is the man who life him old duko took the fitranyer by the hand and children drew near er but the stranger could not control him and throwing his broad brimmed hat on the floor disclosed the tear stained but happy face of Gertrude Cochrane The Rooster Fight In Bulgaria thing and nothings An they grow older the By tb time they have gone to school a few years and experienced the different modes of government and instruction of two or more they have a fund of anecdotes and incidents tbat puts to early settlor and oldest inhabitants Even the sweet girl Hradual indulge in sentimental pro- The County Commissioners instructed to report at the next meet of learn- io of the council on the ndioIW fanny ones of do terms Hotel at llcta Toe xtulie of doc by Mm andkorof blood WNBfTIRO expired and Sir was again Two weeks had passed since- of the mail and again is a brilliant night ho ever and the moon is throwing shadows The mail carrier it again crossing the heath of approaching Berwick with atert and fais right on his pistol Just as he turned around a in a bend of the road a pistol shot the silence of the night and he ball grazing his hair his own weapon bat his liog hold of it made it go off without aim Tim sudden noise of the shots in rapid succession frights bis torso who throws his rider off and starts to but It is checked by the of the same mysterious stranger of a fortnight ago Your weapons or your life I says the same mild voice continuing After haying the pistol Icay me There is in Europe The great powers rubbed the cars of two Utile princes and got them mad and attacked each other and they will fight until tho greater powers pull them off has at tacked Bulgaria On the map those two little countries look about as big as a Wisconsin county and the war about as ridiculous as it would for Gen of Chippewa county to declare war against Dick Wilson of Eat Claire county and march his forces in three divisions from Chip pewa Foils Claire It is like a pretty little fight of whiffets and It will end like such a fight probably will out of it with one ear chewed but full of fight while Bulgaria will be bit some around tho neck and be lame in one foot vnlea big dogs take a band in tho fight These two small powers been set on to each other as big boys or men sometimes set small boys to scrapping If the big boys and men take a hand in on both sides is sometimes the case when friends of the small boys get to fighting no man can prophecy end Austria Tur key Germany Prance landj and the good Lord only knows what other countries are liable to drop Into the ring to fair play and get interested and finally take a hand when before anybody realizes what is coming the whole of Europe frill bo involved- and millions of lives wilt bo sacrificed all on account of the two little bantams starting a cockfight It woald be better for the world if Bismarck or some other bully would take tho two bantams and knock their heads together nntil their brains felt the shock give them kick and send them home with their bands on their coattails quently when two boys get to fighting in the street a goodnatured peace maker will come along and take the tads by the collars one in each hand and shake them until they do not know whether they are on foot or on horseback and scare all fight out of them Thats what wants to be done now in Bulgaria by some big nation that has got sand Scare the daylights out of two little princes and set them down on a woodenbot tom chair hard that the filling will drop out of their upper teeth and make them go homo and go to split tiog kindlingwood The prince ly roosters have got a few soldiers to ride at the head of and they have decked themselves out in gorgeous uniforms and they think it Is be cunning to have a fight and kill off a few cheap soldiers The little roosters will not get kilted dont want to bo killed AH they want is to a show and see their pictures in the illustrated papers There is nothing in it Neither side knows exactly what the fight is about Each knows that the little country he governs does not amount tO a pinch of snuff A rich could buy both countries for a deer park and not feel it The world would not miss the two countries if they were plowed up and planted with potatoes or buckwheat If wilt take King Milan across his knee and paste him a few with his big hand right his pants are so near and of Russia take Prince Alexander by the car and lead away to side and care thoroughly and do it right away the rest of the world will raise a subscription and present them with a silver beerglass Hun Road York The Lake Shore road coats about annually total cost of the several roads to townships through which they pass was as fol lows York and Whit church and King East and Holland Landing Education Committee recom mended a grant of to Newmar ket Model School omitted last year and to North York Teachers Institute FRIDAY The report of the County Com missioners detailing the work done the past year was adopted Finance Committee mend ed that J Kvrr be paid professional cervices and that paid to the North York Farmers Institute Mr Tyrrell moved that the com of county properly be in structed to report to the Council at the next meeting the correct financial position of the York Roads showing the balance due to the next or what balance would be due if any after amount due to the city under tho last award had been paid on account of York and also to report whether the tolls could not bo materially Carried Legislative Committee report d with reference to the communica tion from the County Council of On- relating to the assisted passages of immigrants to this country that they entertained the conviction that grants should be discontinued in that tho Dominion and Provincial Governments be furnished with the councils vie of the matter In regard to a letter from the reeve of York relating to imposition of market fees by the city the commit tees report was changed so as to read Tho committee regrets the action taken by the city in this mat ter but it cannot recommend that this Council undertake the task of testing the bylaws of another muni cipality Meanwhile we would advise that the opinion of the solicitor be obtained in regard thereto The following is the petition of the township of York which it was re quested the Council should endorse Whereas it is often necessary to open net streets and to make other local improvements which would ma terially enhance the value of the property so opened up or Improved it is the opinion of tins Council that township councils should hive con ferred on them the power to open new streets and to tax certain locali ties in whole or in part for main tenance of roads already established and to make other needed local im provements after having obtained the consent of the parties owning at least onehalf in value property through which or alongside of which such street shall run or of the benefited by such local improvement and to a front- ago tax on all property immediately benefited by the opening of such new street or the making of such local improvement to pay all expenses In curred in connection with the same and whereas it is desirable that town ship councils should have power to compound or commuto from year to year or for a term of years the stat ute labor any or different portions of their municipality without first obtaining consent of rate payers whose statute labor it is deem ed desirable by the council to com mute or compound and it is desirable that councils of townships should have tho power to impose a frontage tax for purpose of build ing sewers or other suitable drains in parts of whew it is deemed advisable to do o at the expanse of the property to bo so drained and benefited thereby therefore be it vtd that this Council do re spectfully the Ontario leg islature at its next session to so alter and the Municipal Act as to confer on township councils the hereinbefore mentioned Your petitioner therefore pray that of making the county independent of banking institutions and to ascertain if a bank can be secured to counta business on better than the Bank of Commerce A committee consisting of Messrs Tyrrell Jackson Duncan and Warden was appointed to arrange with the city authorities the amount to be paid by each corpora tion for the administration of criminal justice Nelson Gates Alex Muiruod other girls and their mistakes the practical jokes played on comrades lovemaking of the boys find girls end the guying of teachers who did not enjoy the honor of their I Joys delight in the mem- ones of which took place I boy at least six months but it is that very rarely their joy ous connected in any way with who- viis and presiding have better- and more Ross were reiwcdtomrill j afternoon lex to the county in connection tollgate No l KingtUOD Road on condition that all claims by county be relinquish lease of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company was extend- from year A bylaw to appoint Mr County Model School Examiner in the place previously held by Mr- Renin and through its various The fall sitting of council Adjourned XEWS CAULK I Decisive Servian Defeat Ao aWmnt the before leroit ibtj the were full ioto J thai compelled to to Dug HMD two bit- were in roent SirritDi on road between 200 kllleJ prisoner of tea future and they recommended toooitloa A Sofia St rapstiuckel the third Into ted the winded sthlcb It it to the reply to the Prince it lie Sliroinxi ffif lost 355 3 mcoin killed on ihe bat chief which to Sapblx few hoar his to be wr Is protected there it time to gel back who teen fro tier txkeo be be- ipioligbt How the xre iUnrJ there ft the till twelve tb of reached xre Uiabx Kiog will be by weIT Plowing Match la Kin Application in Surrogate Court by Fetor Baker farmer of Whitchurch for I titters of ad ration to estate of Baker May in yourhaiorahle to amend Act in accordance with prayer of this petition After considerable if decided to recommence petition favorable Legislature with ion of the clanso the preamble The on and Bridges reported that they had under consideration a petition from ratepayers of questing to law out Haw- terrace They that the prayer 1j granted A commonicxtiou from the of Holland landing stating that marsh on King boundary near Bradford is in condition was referred to the Comtoiuionerft passed to The match of the King Association was held on Tuesday on Mr John Darns This day every thing that could be desired A large number of plowmen entered into the contest from the townships of King and crowd of lors was Isrge intermixed with a sprinkling fair sex- was manifested by tfnlook era The done was of a superior quality finishes which were done ton hurriedly on account of time were allowed by the managers for plowing one- third of an acre Judges in all classes were Toronto Seth and Robert Norman of Kiog The skill manifested by these gentlemen in performing the duty of their office commendable The following pro the price her prize Jos King First Spencer second Thomas Vaughan third King Second Class not awards on account of none finished in Third Boys under First price King second John King third Richard Hansom King Anthony Stewart King Fourth First prize second Neil McClcan Beit working Bulky Plow First Rois Best six irowii in field VaughxiL speciaU given for boy best which were taken in order as awarded to under 17 John Burns ViVrti Joseph Literal K Rl wad i la this of ho went berrying tho off and the woods stand out kc lone on a bare prairie in comparison with the ruin for multiplication the timea he forgot to go after cow the situation of the capital of Bavaria the Diora- he got T from weeding the onion by pulling up two rows of mid then calling his mother to sea how fast be was along As he grows he recall with some what pitying pride apple orchards and watermelon he iu thecallowdays of youth and to light touching of old Smiths dog and Jone mule During the ensuing years ho forgets youthful but as his grow larger and his hair grows less he brings them to light for the pleasure of youngsters who refer to Mm as governor and old man His wife with equal tale a long of the quilts that mother clotli the pun cows she milked cattle she tended- two year later when women had their rights it will I the correct thing to boast of of railroad my hid and the number of cookstoves sin But it is to those who old the is precious They tor happened day but the events of their youth is frtjh in memories They lookback over the many years that glided each happy incident iccjiitd as it would them undvr its weight and wonder tee how often that which hardest to bear has been of in every way The young look ing toward future paint golden pictures dream dreams of wealth and happiness to come but they only half them certainty is lurking in them all while the present occupies them with iu lighter cares and pleasures But old knowing that in few years have yet to their sorrows can be but few and looking back to how rough place has smoothed oyer love to talk of that which has gone by and trust that their future years will only be bavo pass Wilson Star A daughter of John is down with smallpox Milton Champion traces the to a Montreal per for which the family subscribe vu of lift in an intoxicated con dition evening the horse re turned to the village with his dead driver wound around the axle of the buggy the head drajgin on ground This morning the dead mans hat found about live miles distant near find posed ran that distance with head and shoulders rubbing hard frozen ground A hole was worn through tho scalp and skull and other parts of the body terribly bruised and Washington a Pule today shot and instantly killed his wifuand at tbo latter saloon the north part of city wife tap- pears some weeks ago and has sine living at This afternoon tho sitoon ntd drawing a live barrel led the chamber of the Shots passing through heart while Mrs shot iu the back A ahota fircl some of the rushed in Mrs Risen- giving were was Quite occurred at White lloso on Tuesday of wr of our was seen riding ia great through lh to whereabouts of n German hospitality of his night before who on leaving a watch not After nil the men had sjk of gone inilu quarter liUaUrdcit in ihti watch a ilifoiLU Lb I Ck I in to iLiVsi which in taking