mm VlT7rf -iaVa- Friday tY JACKSON tfTKAM ii3 r USE J TO KNOW- TO w of 1500 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER 1 P JW 1 TBI- 1ST K AND ADVERTISER Vol i i Single Copie 3 Cents E Newmarket Ont Friday Dee LoshIoh Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons Knrsery J JlOBKHTSOKB IN Til PI J- Ac KlfcM mi IT ETC- it A t it luw My to unit iMtumyiiNrlnUM Mm hJ I Autoi wjinurninuAM ma I J lire Anil Aornac MONET TO MAN AT rh CtKT WALTEIlCntlriTUWAITI A OK PARI tie finltifaclloo My book for AND AUK am lo T tv ArllAHIIl TiJUt do J KinHlifi Kohl r TO tut I AMtlli l- Muilviin A rtvJicliun Poan HIM rear of AiM ll A I A nit Terms lor tKiutimet Alt Kk- ATlilNSON JlCKNBEi AUCTION Two will to do writ for ploying wo Any In the county for MILLINERY A N Girlhood and SPECIAL IN 1 Jo nol cUlm to Iwt of tut claim lo im Ikat I fpjtlenbb lay week aud ft Trail It ilitJy fct I alw4yi door to gWo cutlotnera In Fancy Work fascial to slock well aod liku bo to he Tlila of I taken Soil a Collection of at TORONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION I Wbtto os Out At The Collingwood Great Northern Exhibition VAKUH cot of the fltldi For la glrlbood rirwaij refloat Then cony at Into liquid glory Of food the Vlw Id lie nod will All Ihfl Jit for you be l g2 at lor all year life lit for Collection At I took 1rhea most VlrtU look 1ffcea At all the aboro Ibtto vera fine of Good Work At of Work bill and in f ami Hack and ic c In Wool Crochet Work o do t trade Wn make oil of IMM and Wool to Come and for yournlv I tie latcat Alt Iattcrot and do D BECKETT York AgnlforLboMaav on hand At my from AMKI11CA CHINA GLASSWARE CROCKERY General AdolAldo if corner liAi paMtlnriuindvolciftlini amounting hum All VAld S for A morn oca vicinity the loan nod loiuTainco J MCNALMT Public Aurora PRICES STILL LOWER Hi A LAMPS LAMPS LAMPS I LAMPS I Mia litTO lhf field tod They courted flood grind heroic reitb i iA dub of for lore they could Who fiad Hot ftiuoog ffil tod tflng tbn of byffooe out they had walk of youth fibovr out the lh Show mo the Wbui to lore Let but one I cao And Ibeft lore ill be lot Home the tore from Mir to Ore aloft fo lory Through time Ibe tender aloiy Of Life a doubly When tuck within It it loch Klidout irieo life 1 Who I Ah It Oer fortune Hitler it When the Rtrnj Joy I For a word decided iVeo from a Is too oft a euro foretoken Oft coble life wither fade Add did Hut their memory we cherub They Me holy are When our looks are tod the fiitlbooda Let breathe Jiko ibis nd the had never ttMtWy it tad boon when he want down the path be and went took down from noil hood and clonk and put on She did not to do felt a though thcro might to danger to the bridge on a night as And go oat into nd tec everything was all right And so talcing up the red lantern which had lighted her had taken the other one she went out door and climbing down the embankment in a moment found upon track Here with the ruin and the ind beating fiercely upon her she for a track a short Awuy the her hud gone light station lamp and see that were all right The track of Air Lino a hut across the Viaduct only a single track was laid on of course train from cither direction must pdss There were two xprt trains which Via duct station within a minute of each other every evening And as they did not atop at all and us one went up and and other down lKAWflAtflSD on Sllti DRAFTS ISSUED ALL i S juodoh as he at the switch wailing for the Ha Blared At u the came He was leu than he had ever teen him Be to her thickly do mean rirl Where are you to with that red light She an not to answer his but to deliver her own hurried command Change the awitohfather change the quick The bridge broken Switch the train off on the track did not linger to explain far ther nor to if he understood or complied Above roaring of the storm above the excited tones of Simmons the Murderer 1 Hanged f op London Nov Benjamin Simmon the murderer was hanged in jail yard here at oclock in the of about admitted by order of Sheriff The for which suffered the penalty of the murder of Mary Ann a with he living The took place en June and the poor woman lingered a day or two and then died at the the crime in a drunken i f yny tabbing five or Robert Pearson got caught in machinery ih and his area torn from were fined re cently by the of Ottawa for carrying on their trade on Sunday Large military and police forces are Ixing quartered in the parte of Spain to prevent ahinney in yard Sammy Raid was on left temple The doctors had to remove about an inch of bone and very slight hope are held for the big and flaming like the eye of destroying monster robbing down upon She ran on however straight on to it swinging lantern wildly and crying that the bridge won down a cry that could never hat light was Bean- And not until tbo locomotive was upon did step off the track the of the track fearful her iZ was a matter of the import- would not be seen or Then she there beside the truck still waving her lantern and spared by bis counsel in the prisoners behalf hut the executive refused to interfere with the sentence of the court He was apparently to his and the efforts made in his behalf ho never felt any hope of securing clemency and main tained all through his Ifc in jail a remarkable indifference as to fate Instead of repenting he looked for ward to the fatal day without dc- moving where alio stood now could her fathers lantern about from point to another madly shouting she had the Thorn was nothing for her to do at ikm of hearing the whistle sounding the station sho thought And so to put down the brakes and she with ft sudden deciding impuUe could see the fireman peering out at turned la the opposite direction and trudged off bravely dowi towards at her whatever being latterly be j up by christian resignation track iron bridge to it quickly a her from tho window of the cab ft was dark and rainy ell framework of enormous timers w one side by with the I- l0 WI ll Valiz alstn aril A Mill ftlrrets A tr romwH rooms to Hip Ana HOME AGAIN I ft A 1ST ftvTfty comlilDcU Willi FiHllBHi OK CANADA HEAD OFiICB TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED OX DRAFTS -ISSUED- OK GREAT UNITED STATES AKD ALL POINTS IN CANADA Little Right Arm 200u FAMILIES IN THIS VICINITY ARK USING And SATISFACTION On hand at- all if Civil ST ClDlng much Ills iu hit p3Ja p- a collection of Notes Discounted J fit- ycr SIMP av At Ontario CANADIAN ONT DIVISION rtntrviaiiurlevclfle4iirlvc inn JtLimitl W2Sa lai J in toil HI Hi in To- loVu Attn in t Kafuix- KM Mil hlrfc frin Toronto lp at 111 I fcni and JW if PROF Klndi of done a SIMPLEST MOST of In Alio Agency of Thorn J Jicll ti public lof up on Pure Drugs a Up Vrtr Chemicals Powder Trices Forty Hotel many the Bide that it for the in any other the station- always that Dye lilt ml ik a HORSE 0ATUE MEDICINES Am M ill l j nii J AM- SHIP LINE Iorl Mid J I IK VASllvityi feet fc ft In wn up Cora Mu JiDii si yMr In Very IN -FANOT- GOODS nd moil varied In Workimxei tivj View C Be Slipper log its Powder Made The Active i lr Prof It I lilting nil and I In cue nl Mine am tint Ju audnutruloiu through ft tin KINGS EVIL the fftttteily given to of a that cured by a touch world v knorts tint SCROlfULA coutldri filflkV it bat Pipes are latest arrival Vuoi Toy from a Mi isiurcox fin one which tfdeticehnftiDiiUelo that the vjIua floor I II the JBrccrly il Jiid by lUODQt It Up Glass Bottles harlag wide a ftirtKtn of much aUurii a- Agent for CO AT I5f EVERY FARMER Jew C i Tnit AD away It tiu Aim- joruaviOfOuli tike I Oct MARBLE WORKS If LAIK AMI OUT at OPPOSITE Norm Him trio Counter Mt I ACCOUNT BOOKS AT THE mo on I v bo cured of Mood If Is generation after Among lie earlier fcmptoruatlo tlerctopmcats mora Carbuncle Ulcers Nervous and fclcni Collupsci etc If allowed to con Jthcumallsni Scrofulous Kidney and Tubercular or fate are by it I he only powerful WW effect en radicates the the kindred of end mercury At the lame time and the action to the vital Regenerative Medlclno of ibe fiartopartttaxith Yellow Dock of of ptit he and the Absolute Ciirol For caused practicable lax for wblcb like the well Iho blood I Sold by all Trice tit They called Little flight Arm A strange for a girl was it And it is only that the station toaster at Viaduct- ever uses when he to his daughter Elsie will it so very strange after all if you look at them now standing there in cottage door way with summer sun shining brightly upon them tho old man waiting patiently while pins buck his empty sleeve tor him the that own right arm used to fill a summer ago And when has fin- ho tends over and her fondly on tho forehead You ore my Right Arm sure enough he murmurs I should but a worthless without you Then with a in Ins eyes bo goes down to set signal tho train The Viaduct is an vy station on the Air Lino Rail road It get its natoo from a won iron bridge by which rail road crosses the adjacent valley Tills lirfdao is one hundred or more feet height in the middle thousands of dollars ore so high on would have been in road to bo built way It was a part masters duty to bridge was in perfect order displouement of a singlerail along its length tho sinkingof beam or or trestle in an instant have hurled a passing train far down upon rocks forests below J Ono October week some rein fell with great violence for days ell Now mountains and the papers that read to her father night contained of accidents caused by it of reser voirs bursting dams breaking down and of bridges being carried a way by floods Ah thp old man would exclaim nodding his head emphatically They should learn to build their bridges of iron You wont bear of our bridge giving way Then he would glance at the clock end say It was getting along towards train time At which Elsie go for boobs and rubber coat and light lantern for and bring tobacco to refill his pipe Bat there was one thing she did not bring nor would Save if she could He always himself to the crip board to pour out something from a bottle drink it just before jio went out- And on bad nights like these he would take a double amount One needs something of the tort to keep out the wet and cold lie said apologetically which poor Elsie who knew well enough what was In and what effect rails and plank walk between run straight out into the darkness and void that stretched away beyond space ahead visible by ghastly glare of red light And without hesitation impelled by samo reckless desire to fulfil her fathers neglected duty and that all was well daughter stopped upon and went fearlessly out towards tho middle AH along bridge two hundred feet apart there were great barrels filled with water m case at any time great should take fire advancing slowly and steadily along the path bad passed of these and had nearly reach ed the when she suddenly bolted and tood anxious breath less For sbo was nil at once consci ous of a Not that saw anything new with her eyes for indeed she could scarcely see a dozen feet on any side into block void about her bad any hew sound been added to roar of tho torrent below though it grew louder and more rible every moment as she more directly over it she was con scious of a sensation of feeling a feeling the bridge was trem bling slightly beneath her For a rooiucnt or two Elsie was very much startled at the discovery She knew had detected nothing of kind- before passing- over reflected how over that bad never before been over bridge when water was high in valley and that probably the framework always trembled such times and she moved cau tiously on again J But almost immediately she was conscious that the trembling in creased and then all at once look ing down at the timbers in front of had Upon her fattier her by red glare that the threw along her path suddenly saw what it was that bad been led to como out upon bridge for this dreadful night There only a feet before her was a sight that might well cause her to stop and stftndirembllng in every limb with beating so loudly she seemed almost to hear it above roar of the wind and Just beyond the middle cask of water timbers settled more than foot be low the level of the bridge and the rails wereso displaced and wrench ed that Elsie saw instantly that a train parsing over would certainly be thrown from track and plunged into the fearful depths Hut hark a long shrill- scream ing from far up the track be hind her like a human cry to her card and startles her from her stupor It is down express whistling at tho crossing scarcely two miles up road In three minutes more the furthest unless she can do something to stop ft the train would bo upon the As she realized fully the peril of moment poor reeled and that slid should fall fainting where she stood Then with a bound the bravo Sax on blood was in her came hur rying back from her heart again and gave new energies She turned with a deep prober in heart a halfformed prayer on her lips and ran with all per might back along the planking towards the station as the wind that swept after and of Elsie known She was hurried hither and to tell her story when she a stranger say that the ion master was injured Without waiting to hear turned and walked swiftly the cottage she found her father lying on bed a tall gravelooking gentleman was briiding over him asked no at all but immediately set whatever site thought might help to mike him more comfortable And when surgeon announced that fathers arm must come she never uttered a cry but only turned pale and asked if there was anything she could do It was not until several days after that that the events of this night were alluded to between Elsie and her father Rut one morning he called her to Ms bedside ho Ive been venting to tell you how it was that flight I turned the switch as you told mo and then I was so confused like with what I had been drinking that I concluded wasnt you after all that I had seen but only a phan tom of my own creating And so the train came up I tuntedit back again Well said Elsie cheerfully never mind now father It all out all right Yes but I hate to think how near I came to undoing all you had done Elsie shook her head No fath er she said seriously You could not undo it for wasOoda doing At any rate Ive lost my right- arm to pay for it And he looked down ruefully at his bandaged should er Never mind that cither father Elsie answered I will be your right arm hereafter And presently she added thought fully And I think too that your los ing your arm was Gods doing also Oh father you Wont ever drink any thing again Ho looked up her face that was bent tearfully and anxiously oyer his own Elsie girl if Cod will help clergymen Messrs and Hicks were in daily attendance and night spent all the time with him The prisoner followed the Sheriff in a humble His face was close ly shaven excepting a black moustache which he still wore The j large and powerful figure which drew many admiring moved mechanically to the scaffold followed by tho clorgyrueu named At the scaffold ho knelt down and Rev Mr offered op a short prayer The pri soner then stood erect and looking upward prayed in a firm voice and in equally clear tones he repeated the prayer ami concluded with Rev Mr Hicks thin reciting the Lords prayer and at the words ua from evil the drop fell Simmons made no per ceptible strugylo beyond a twitching- of the mute At the end of nine the ceased to father and brother of con demned man the execution from the crowd in attendance The County Court- The docket for the county court sittings commencing last Tuesday cases and 3 nonjury contained cases tecnth successive ruler of the country since united the crowns of and Castile He was born only son of Queen Isabella dethroned in and tin cousin Francisco A prince he spent A large of his time in England takings till iiise of military in- initniclionSt 1 1 College at On Dec ha was called to the and was proclaim ed on January being ifc t years of age A grand entertainment took place in Public School on ilbodoy evening last At an early hour crowd began to assemble and by the time the curtain was rung up the building was literally packed Mr the chairman mailed the meeting to order and begun The music by out the with storms if applause Mr of Knox College ilits gave recitations Mr hraxerof Toronto and Mr A gave two capital songs The ing success was drama blunders than one Tbi ment was one of the best of tire teuxfj we they may seen favor as agreeable a one to that evening An awful funny joke on Tate comes from Lindsay at the as- sizes recently as counsel for the plain- a case where paternity of a child wai in question When about to appeal to the jury lie inked per mission of he Court to place the bale which was in its mothers arms opposite reputed father and bar- lug obtained permusiou the jury Ho printed out in telling language the in the color of the hair and eyes the nose and I he often turned her to heaven an J asked God to change her father Put her fattier went on old and young aitb severely but led her more nd more to he only Power to whom could go for help Oa the particular of which I was to in the doorway for father vent out listening to wind rain and to roar of tha that along under iron in valley- felt and ill There was couch that anight footpath the iron bridge heeding pot the rain noticing not tho water lis she passed them looking only ahead up tho road past station to fight of the head light that might at any instant around the comer thinking only of the work alio liuaUning to do and lives that meant under God to timbers of to How backward like a swift stream underneath her fly feet In al most a alio Kid reached end of the bridge and wag run ning along track Then her after October ha turned to gold and the changing have poured their through the valley Elsie is almost A woman and pplo whom In the storm and have all gone into unknown ways forgetting perhaps alike lie that saved and the of their de liverance A paragraph appeared in local pipers soon after deiit entitUI A Escape in which kindly mentioned which was read and soon forgotten will never lit golden key to door of Clods that prayer put in her hand through all ill number RUuirciAe AVmftft Au corn kaorlcUse crtOnctl the Ihe In Jfulil I bftTt do out tint you before A for to Jo wiiii I know vjio tha writer Is J I care to know Ttt I until In I say I am In inptby of IfovufaUtafrKticlally tut pait of IL Your very truly sessions the peace are he larceny of a watch from OConnor John stealing a wogoiS load of block stone belonging to the city Win Mullen larceny of two rings from Peter Donald feloniously re- ceivjpg gloves cap and gauntlets stolen from Thomas Gelding and George feloai- reviving cattle stolen from Al fred John high- way robbery of from Midiael Early Thomas Shea the bouse of I Rico Brown to the barn of Mrs Snider township of York highway Winter Fashions lady All green Are pop for street and house A novelty in hat trimmings is vel vet ornamented with nails made of jet having the points turned is ever popular for all kinds of garments and all kinds of borders are used Cinnamon Bear Is considered very elegant Crescent brooches retain their hold upon popular Some of newer style are birds and precious stones There is a growing irig up draperies with da silver or bronze in odd t richly closed Very old of jewelry arc be utilized for the Among novelties iii collars arc bands that do not lap but fire fastened with a narrow that drawn through two eye Wis an is in a little bow Many of winter hats and nets up in front and cut off at bad so as to make it cult to whether article a or bonnet until it is trimmed are not so much used on waists but the trim that there no room for them and the oldfashioned hooks and are coming into more general use for fastening dresses Cloak clasp are in wort flesigns being from the teeth of Four are reqlrfed for one tot they being about three inches long They art also mounted singly as lie fore you fill your celltra with potatoes caUages and other veg etables you should look to for thorough ventilation Do not such an arrangement that air cellar up into living of your Such between cellars and living rooms means sickness ex pense discomfort and probably death Kvery heap vegatablei in a cellar will give off exhalations that injurious to tut human health no risks Ventilate your cellars to tho air not through your tilting or deeping rooms last old fencer settlers of tins section has passed away in person of Mr Donald Sutherland of Scotch Settlement lie was one of the Old Selkirk emigrated from Scotland about the year and sojourning there a few years he In company with a number of others who have passed to majority to this part of the country nud set tled in Ho en dured privations and hard ships which his compinious in a of which has already several times in these attained a ripe age years and in the faith of Church of which ho was lor many years a staunch member The funeral took place and largely at tended Mr Bryant the last solemn and general contour existed be the anil child do convincing effect and when lie concluded vasu was all but won Cut McCarthy loomed up for the other aide and bis asked and obtained permit on court to place bo infant alongside Mr this a titter ran through the court and when P from Simeon on to point out the child had same wave of hair as George that it was in the middle with tlie mathematical ac curacy peculiar to George tbat eyes same color shape of the nose and the general uxprcssion of the face a resemblance to this was old in the stylo McCar thy can at times so well assume tbo whole audience went into convulsions judge jury and joined in a general roar while sat para lyzed with the poor baby ing up into his face in muto at general uproar Jury rouhl bring a- verdict of guilty against Nov aliicU ft Iutsliur veiling with numerous ii- in near this place at last steam a withsttivrs was to no signals display The struck her vide with ovciturning torn lloatc sluw olllwrs of the extent of injur to boat an to- tint captain then tiicl to leach the steamer tut hold iwd with waiter so rapidly ho found it to do and saiik in In feet of water mi board it was found tin was ainbiii Captain at Clerk stood insnfoUy at their posts ami it vas by nts and bravery fearful of life was At many in their about to jump into tho As it was of tleclc passengers were swept overboard into swift run iiiii water Tho fireiaen and second mate Pendleton and clung to it until upon end when It turned over its four oc cupants again into river Their heartrending ies for help attention froth parties on the shore who put out in skiffs rescued all but of them SKlo one loud cry ssko an hours all who were vet alive were to all that was possible was done for their comfort Cooper as yet the only one positive- to bo lost but It is suppos ed that several more of week- hands met with a similar as they are still missing the were burg this boat