Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1885, p. 1

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Every Friday Homing TO KNOW TO AT MA apart TO TO TO CONSCIENCE ONTARIO B AM NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Medium I lib rmD Id Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dee 11 London Mutual Insurance Co and Stone Nursery STORE MILLINERY J rf J i ii o farm it niKltl4TKIt mix Public WtKT A If At In Ac cent largo una Conveyancer Fie BANK fiT ALLAN A Kill lilocKUfoJictowiJ TO J A WcAuaibVf AHIUHTKItH Ae40- Toronto In of CtDlrtl lliikauitiuiutt J A MEDICAL HE NAMUi mi UBlaHtresl P A Mill EST Ah ISO fit I A HBO J A Life TO LOAN AT A til It WALTER ok ffTO My book for my Prop Mtiuloo AND Ac lo ndKaljoialulDjOurUio of Market Termii91 room Vti all mini gam AUCTIONEER flarttcoDdocUdfroro Two uoilob to Jo mD in county tor pay- For York Agent for toy Manufacturing Co Toronto will Newmarket tVa THE Head Office Montreal Amou Vlciofia Accident ibnuuDJiorcialroi to AH valid paid at one Com- put received In M1 1KB for Aurora and at loin and P J Notary Public Aurora AND HAVE New Hew Etc tod SPECIAL IN I not of but do cltlm to the the In TriJo I ilo it I dour Work s to keep tfae well uuttcd cod pride thttoor work no bat to be eu Pill on Collection of Work t tie TORONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION When W petit Sod largo in my work At The Great Northern Exhibition look At I took of A took itizet At all there of Good Work FULL of Work of all id If and White Wblteand Colored At Wool Crochet Work we do the trade We all of and Children a Wool to Order and bound to Come acd for hew lileit and do D BECKETT TO NORMS AT THE- BOOK DEPOT jd Kim x Work I Want I wont work a A at our be care the may be To earn my Can type or a For we were abort of help that day And ntedtd help blank the upy 111 or To ay dally tot ad Rot one thing I would hare done Into y garden go Clean op the weed and rake oil Ami track then hoe ffcrea do will But air to tell the bottom Or lh Ive my My lid Im raid are no good And In fare For Jobs are hard to fir J tight fewilockadowa Who to a hi Oh the youth wot work mighty tad- pTbeu hie thee aeck the with la hereto if I I be killed- Well then our cow Youll bare to rite at then And the team plough Itut Low am a tf yMlh To the all day I could Ji Nor I What would you do your job It wrath oat Ibe gSnx lilt need I did but Oh now yon rot Im Ah I bit ilBaya Ue Jiitel to o a dry albid That a just tbe way with half the youth Who to the city A portion of tbe baf Wind by rum If would their And teach wrnegooJ trade would be of tome Add of ti a Hot tilt to the Corner of Main thy In tba A Wowmatket all tlmea OF CANADA OFFICE TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED I ON DRAFTS- -ISSUED- ON Hit TAIN UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IN CANADA Notes Discounted Will make my headquarters with you as usual Signed Santa Cuius 1It1 arUrfia ii o iiiui Price ruo tt ran or Old FolhM wuoltnoui iou jer Cards Ranging from le to Apiece fun to wo pi Ibo Jieplfly la wall worth to or not but e no lion in w Fineit Auorlment u tabic for moat of any homo Town Dont OLD SANTAS BOOK STOKE ARCHITECT and IW1 SharoD York UQortHouiPTrnolo J a CHINA GLASSWARE CROCKERY PRICES ARE STILL LOWER L A te SI LAMPS LAMPS VERT CHEAP STARK NEWMARKET Hats Bonnets and upward alto PELT AirD JERSEY HATS of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Newmarket MARBLE WORKS I mawr and Good Assortment of or in oo anadoueiooyjer BAILEY Biscuit IS- Ml INERY a Lata hand the Cor lowt Northern N lo all Manitoba For aio to Charleys Case in an obscure country town but and I mention foctj not from any feeling of van ity but because it is to unfolding of my story bad acquired some repute for occult of maladies up to whose in all is to route next to strike at it One afternoon a Jady to my office bearing in her arms a wan sickly looking child Though accompanied by servant lath to the little fellow to any but her own motherly care I have come doctor the said to consult you about my little boy For some months he baa been declin ing gradually quivering lips and choked the depth of so licitude with which my decision was awaited I took little invalid hand He shrank back but after a little coaxing mo to on my knee and soon we were prat tling together the best bis which he said was Tarley age which he told me was year 1 felt the little fellows made such other a proper understanding of the co required looking up I found mothers gaze fixed anxiously on my face What do you think inquired tremulously an you give that little Charley was worse and a request from his mother to call with out delay I went at once to hotel at which lady stopping and to my surprise found the child in a of even greater prostration than that in which I bad first seen him lf When did this change begin I asked- Soon after he taking the last said his mother Your child inherits handtotnc fortune I believe lady looked surprised though wondering what that had to do with the question at hand May I ask to whom it would go in event of his death I continu ed To his uncle Mr Lander was reply It was provided in the will by which the property came to my husband that in case he died childless or of lived to come to ago the estate should go his brother Pardon my curiosity madam I said but every doctor is a bit of a you know By tho way I added ir there any of that vial of medi cine left The vial was placed in my hand About a third of its contents remain I will leave this in its place I said handing Charleys mother an other and putting first in pocket and with a words of en couragement I took my leave I met Mr Lander at the door of my and asked him in Inviting him to be seated and excusing my self moment passed into a rear room which I used as a sort of a laboratory How did you leave little Charley doctor enquired Mr Lander on lay reappearance I A well I could expect to timl one who had taking poison I I answered j Poison he gasped a deadly pallor overspreading his face Hero is the residue of physic which 1 sent by you yesterday I continued producing the vial have subjected it to a chemical test And find in it a strong tincture of certain vegetable poison which if ad- ministered in but repeated doses will in time product death and leave no trace of the means em ployed What do you mean cried len der springing to Ills feet and quaking with terror- BBATafWsPiU I Newmarket Allowed on drafts issued old Not Encourage Home Trade- A wellknown trade journal remark that no town can bo permanently prosperous in which and dependent upon each other do not each other The merchant harness for although his is a good and trades with him imagines that he cab cents by sending to another town for hji harness The harness alter In rn away for hoot and clothing The shoemaker sends away for his coat and the tailor for bis boots and to it goes tho fanners coming to town to trade sec all the tradesmen sending other towns for goods they they can save money by so doing come lo the conclusion that Miscellany TUB Polar Sea The polar current passing between libra- dor and Newfoundland appears to deflect Gulf Stream from shores of United States and British Provinces interposing a cold wall of water between the laud and the genial warmth of the current from the tho tropics By building a dam across the narrow Straights of Belle Isle about miles wide and averaging feet in depth Mr John jr suggest that the icy stream might be turned aside into mid ocean Then it is belie vl the Gulf Stream would the American materially change Its climate from Cape fitter to Newfoundland freeing of Lawrence from mildness of can do elsewhere and then every- 1 to Nova body growls about bad times and no Cape May sisotuk There wonder men abundant reson for the earths lb vary The turn the tide of for if they supply them selves no advantage by depriv ing neighbor of trade learn lo try the It a one to in- for even it a can be saved in of pair of boot a of a bat a barrel of flour or a yard of calico ten dolluru arc lost where one and the entire of place to decay Tho fact they gain ljut in sending away their from themselves Show us a town in which people make it a rate not to send away for anything they can get at home and wo will show you a town in lively and everybody and trade entering from abroad Prices low and patron other having no suspicion that will be it be that men of iOjp Arc in I for their pur and the luiiis of the town will languish Having no confidence in each other how can they expert to have in them way to liuild up a tow- Mr J and not that some ueana may be devised for the intense heat of molten below This io already being done in fact to some extent an welt having been bored at Perth to obtain warm water for public hatha etc Prom a depth of about feet a largo quantity of water heated to Far- ptouM forth and the boring ia to bo continual until water at degrees is yielded txperiincnU have been in join- tog and restoring the functions of di vided nerves even nerves of different function being to replace partially destroyed It is that even Bight and hearing may be restored after injury to nerves which by bringing other into service by union A Among the flints of the forma rioiu is occasionally found one which a sound when with another flint Titian each your at home and all r of a French inuti I a 5ctor of this I mean I that when gave you this vial yesterday there was no poison in it i3 now and you the only whom the childs death would bene lit am convinced of your guilt of attempted murder Whether you have not com mitted actual murder I leave to your own conscience for by your own your brother died in a manner indicating the the same foul means there was same motive for employing them Do you intend to denounce rae to the law he asked Such I deem to be my duty answered Borne are slow and some are quick he exclaimed and hasti ly taking from his pocket a vis of add he put it to bis lips and rained the contents falling dead al most instantly Sly little patient it is needle to say suffered no more relapses Sin Innis of Bradford baa just been relieved of fiaet wised from to S3 per term and under tho Scott Act WEDDING CAKES 1 A SPECIALTY HOOT fan AKl aw MiUrtL J at the AND NEWMARKET ONTARIO A BIG BONANZA YOUR Royal AND 8KB Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of Furniture IN NEWMARKET Pall of for for your to a r Undertaking Special Attention EVANS MONEY l lotofruodlQ Wo i be ana OR r col to YOUR A or ever uw la LIFE ItiV wo of Town Collar M Of Cherry Pectoral nd to by of en- or from iridlog or tut alelLACH vicb u A Cough In look I v terrible auOt tf tried tut tot P- tif of I iio bile KtO Croup A Mother l In country tut liil jerold HI croup it locEfiCd lie would die rooi iwiifU A tfAl irleJ Uri aiJ to an hour ibe Mule ait CllHtiliV la1 JOB if yooe Vfut Vtw wy for aod do to It fixe for Lire I fox debt W And oiiny lie lire from long trouble pa 0 eUtriof a- I do but tor aiwid ued a of the of loaf IM AT ad It Till alma ttt to ir4d of ixedifirt- FINE ion ftrjy hopef I detect no symptoms of organic I a general- of I trust will yield readily to careful nursing and tonics Then you think my child may- be saved J eagerly I hare certainly Qvery raa- Bless you doctor fiteeiclaitned tile welling up beyond control You e the brother of my who died six months ago opposed coining here We had already tried the of the city and thought it use less to go i I fim I Wok advantage absence and on my own accord- I for trim to join us hero on Ma retara and Im sure when he finds better he will approve my course He takes a great interest in Charley I prepared a via of medicine which I gave to Charleys who de parted with a much more cheerful look than that with which fihe had entered My expectations were not deceived for in few days much stronger that I began to think out of danger and his mother face looked so happy that I fihoutd scarcely have recognii it as the had greeted cue at our first meeting he end of a week I was waited a atiiiifer who introduced him self as Mr Lander little Charleys uncle Ilia and speech those of a gentleman hut thero something sinister ia hit expression not calculated to win at first sight I am glad to find my much improved he said and beg to accept toy thank I trust the change may be perma nent I feel every assurance it will I answered My preat feu that the disease is hereditary replied Mr The symptoms at tending my poor were exactly the same I set Mr- down for a er filling up vial of medicine for which he had come I got rid of doleful visitor as speedily iota received a A Mormon Outbreak Omaha Late Fri day night it became known that trioua orders boon received at military headquarters here General commanding was out of the city on a lecturing tour Gut was telegraphed for returned at on morning He refused to give on the It is learned that from Fort Oma ha was ordered to Fori Douglas Utah They left at two oclock in afternoon It understood that oil the troops in department of the Platte have Veen ordered to be held in for movement at moments notice From the fact that the troops bound for Utah the general impression prevails that Mor mon troubles ore expected but of ex nature ail have failed to disctnw Salt Lake Dec All is quiet here tonight and is no probability of trouble who it was supposed had been fatally Shot by Collins is recovering- KSu Bradford High School Head Master get another on his salary next year and the tuition fees Execution of Indiana The eight Indians to to death for the Frog Lake were hanged at at on the morning of the Of eight seven were ac tive participant in the horrible mas sacre at Frog Lake on April 3rd The bloody work was begun by Wan dering Spirit and carried on under direction Dill and were the victims of the along with and 4 The court sentenced eleven to death but on Saturday night a for- alias and Dressy Man who killed a crazy wo man in liars and Mongrain who a mounted police man at Pitt had his sentence corn- muted to imprisonment for life This was as killed Policeman under of cruelty and when the Utter was lying wounded on the ground him while the words dont brother were sound ing in Ilia luck it at tributed to thr that he notified Instructor and family of threatened at Fort Pitt and tbitii a place of authorities had from the fifteen to be pre sent at execution and all dual of braves hung about stores and camped out on the open ground in the vicinity of the barracks of the mounted police At oclock each roan guarded on either aide marched to the scaffold taking bis place on trap All the while the reciting prayers the men could chanting their death to that they did not death The chanting of lie wvai even after the whifc been adjured and in the of their bolt drawn and alt Cell dying instantly Dec An accident is reported on the Canadian Pacific rail road weit of a train from the west being ditched The post office car and ore reported turn ed and the mail clerk had a narrow escape Dec- Two trains on the Brooklyn bridge railroad into each other at quarter before nine oclock this morning in the persons were hadly in- jurc The failure of the grip to work on the cable is supposed have been tie cause of the accident On Sunday evening while Mr John Lawrence and family were at church some person or persons raited his place and carried off three geese and five ducts We believe there is considerable petty thieving in Aurora and neighborhood hence it would be wise for people to keep a lookout Banner partner the firm of broke of after defrauding foeotof between sixty and seventy thousand dollars by means of false entries has been arrested Montreal to which city he penniless a day or two ago having ill gotten gains during his wanderings in Southern States and with his partner fn fraud He has confessed his and given sufficeht enable the authorities to demand the Mexican Government Dec farmers here are generally engaged in plough ing has been town within the last day or two weather is remarkably fine and An earthquake has thrown down many at and and destroyed of town of Thirtytwo persons were killed twelve others injured Among tbe victims are several Europeans disastrous explosion of natural occurred on Friday after noon at Pittsburg Pa in several cellars Grant street by a domestic going into the cellar with a lighted candle Katie Griffin the fearfully burned and will die Mrs Phillips was also burned Haines set fire to the house and several buildings were burned the inmates barely escaping with their lives Texas Dec A west bound train on railroad was wrecked at a trestle work crossing a creek nine miles fast of here yesterday morning coach fell to the bottom of the creek which is dry and another was thrown turned over The steeper jumped the track but did not go down Only passenger was badly hurt hot fifty were more or less badly shook up- The accident due to a broken roil were hereon Wednesday by a mad dog A despatch was tent to the French Dr Pasteur asking whether he would take charge of the patients doctor replied if there was danger the children should be sent to They will by the steamer Canada on next and juat in unique from this instrument the are by wires aboti a sounding are played upon by two of the piano forming the two end were collected with much patient labor during a period of more than thirty years There Kerns to be no relation between the sites of the atones Corpses A French chemist propose coating bodies of the dead with a skin of cop per by means of the wellknown elec tro plating A second plating of gold or silver can be added if do This treatment which per manently preserves corpses has ready been applied to several subjects arid to many animals Indian Outrages Dec- Later patches state that the two men were killed by the Indians near were Wright brothers pioneers of Arizona living at San Jose on Gila river A despatch Wilcox confirms the report of killing of Sheriff Ben Crawford of county The murder has crated the wildest ex citement Women and children aw Seeing in all directions and couriers are being seat out to warn the set tiers The Apache Indians are divided into bands of fifteen to twenty ArU Dec- 3rd The Indians yesterday sacked the town of and killed one man They then cut the but the military telegraph at Grant warned the ranchers A courier scut warn near Stockton Pi was cliawd into Fort Grant It is feared all vicinity have been A Sight throughout School boys who complain of long hours severity of discipline and holidays should rad the follow ing rule and regulations for erhmeotof the schools in the tow totha accompany them yr Four go Article I attea- r dance in all the schools shall from the Bits day of April first day of October from to and from to from the first day of October to the first of April from a- to and from p to sunset Article It No bay be admitted into achool quarter of an hour after the bell has without a written apology from his parent or guardian III The holidays be vit the day the fourth of Thanksgiving day Christmas day Thursday noons Saturday afternoons and one week each year provided that no two schools be vacant at one and the Has having contact with the cur wf re found yesterday Dec -f- On Wednes day evening McLennan a lead ing member of the Metropolitan was 4teiabng law friends at dinner and after partaking of game soup three of the party became sud denly A was expressed that the must have been putrid- A analysis fir- Baker Edward however showed that soup con tained sufficient arsenic the whole party have the Two servants who partook of are danger- KTFolrjYcIjarged with the mur der of his twin at St John Mich has been found guilty of in the degree The map who went to tin- country for change the most of his change and the landlord the lest men blew open the safe in Oxs banking house at Erecdom and got away with in cash and securities Marshal Cements at Saguache Col Thursday for murder of his brother and sister in law last The prisoner mounted the without a ver confessed his guilt and said his punishment was wst g in the Yellow stone brings no terrors for it Is only to place the soiled clothing in with a proper amount of and suspending the whole upon a pole in a pool of boiling water leave the pole to literally wash itself The Canadian Pacific Railway breaking the record every day Shore Railway has been trahsferred to them their time bill has been arranged so that through connections to and Points In the Lower Provinces can bo from Ottawa Toronto Detroit and all via Martin l3mUeaKorftiofMoatrelthus avoiding tedious waiting at point and enabling to their in as short a time as have no hesita tion in saying that for comfort excel lence of politenw and attention of servant the preemi nent as the Model of Canada although one feel Inclined smile at their streamers the a trip will drejadiced mind that the road scenery puuctuaSty supcrUUvo woTtry the Eng Nov A hor rible and sihtwas to Jay at the hanging of market for murder of his wife at on Keptemlwr A liftmen stone weight was and the drop was six When the trap was sprung the rope rebounded violently and severed from his body the trunk and head falling to the ground thf head lying at the and oozing from both tody and head spectators were horror and An was held- The hangman tint head looked as though it had been cut with a knife He had a thin vertebra The that the hangman ami cool arid collected when sprung the trap death was instantaneous and was more inrrci- than by strangulation The jury riturrioda verdict ill facts Attaching ho blame to hangman nteen prisoners some of ronat notorious crimi nals escaped from the Beaver county jail near Pittsburg John the of King has so unfortunate to lose two children bold boys by diphtheria lately There have been a of cases reported Riding this fall Q It of Macon into saloon where he and fired fell with a bullet in his and died in half m hour Jnji fell into a friends arms had wounded Jameson says ho to lend the cause of the difficulty A dastardly attempt to wreck a awriisw train luunjin New York by placing a the track Tbe train l ho track but engineer and any of at the sacrifice of his own- ThMvrh has want of one thousand for in- trading to the conviction of A storm commenced at Colon on Wednesday continuing with great severity until Of vssels in the harbour only fifteen now to bo wn many of them having sunk with crews tea of life cannot at present be estimated Several docks wre also badly injured The gale yesterday was very caused serious damage Fourteen sailing vowels were The wharves The railway under water and there will bo no or perhaps All the steamers here put out to the of the storm fth ho alUanced husband of Bertha Duck- who found in yard iti front her home yesterday with her cut from ear to ear wis arrested today at Orion eleven miles north of The engagement which begave to Berths from fiuipn The iawriptlfe is engraved oh the side of A was also found in pocket walking railroad track iruulo a desperate struggle but toon overpowered At last account the prisoner insisted that his name was Wax He he on his way Windsor to and the the by ing that ho it tot tin a dogs tiiill the riiy a to iiarry shy tin ring Lack to

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