Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1885, p. 1

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NEW WABKBT Friday JACKSON PRINTING 11 r GIVE MS TOtTIBn AND TO TO SUBSCRIBERS rll la i J tit Clival I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER A Miill MJfi Vol NO Mil Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Dee 18 London Mutual Insurance Co and Stone Wellingtons Font HI Nursery IN J HARDWARE I NEWMARKET INSURANCE AGENCY A ROE Successor to P T LEE First Class Stock Co only Represented ONE DOOR SO O HODGES TIN i Am TO THE by having appointed Sir A I lo my for lbs donrrcd J Ac ijmK- K- Hold I llUIHrKKATLAW mid o p iKUMNiWPi lo Mrrj Ac percent for In Oiruivtrlliii Ktc Jill ioVlilNrAHJANK SKWMABKKT OFFICII- In flip A WJMITOlW MONK TO alt fliirrTiv- J tin is r 1II1k A A Court Cash In Advance within or at end of year ft3bertigheit8 CHRISTMAS AT LATEST IN FANCY WORK AND ALL r JHHUKIt of MARRIAGE GREAT REDUCTION AUHGHLL A J A mid rife LOAN JliHMlnsA IM Hill In of Central A- IWAMilSfclV MHO A j lilt Sttit nit IVmI A Tcrmv titinrAtitctd My tor hotel Prop tanhlon ANUOAIUtlAOE cj lo TORONTO tai fdr bed AccomintKiatVon lni1o parlor J Two up ac cording of urn nut to lie uoilfrrMil fcuuryotoo do us any man la county or liio tamo pay J TRIMMED MILLINERY VOll TUB Ol THIS SEASON CALL SEE E BECKETT TelephoneMessage TO NORMS la Coming coming Iho i go by Ifttlo t boat do Dot gam whit ft to til with itocklogltti Up dowo tb ud Tim Tor him Li a tir daily fill where the rich ire fed No mother to when fi No to bo fttul la mud fellow old Who ocrer Ho Is kept piling lain of girli ud Ixiyi No ho forget Into of poor lo fo Hut rich fcod poor H who too And do ire poor and aid aftne tod Will food frolic tod to will bring at all of aaghtAr Poor little Tun to your door may coraty are wmc bell will aireetlj The ilia lore to The aoog that came with the good will aod joy eartbj Dear tittle cbUdrtQ I pray Sweet belle 1q some locely heart that day From the Grave Father you cannot really mean Interest At fiatXA DRAFTS it TUB BOOK NEWS DEPOT Will my headquarters with you as usual Signed Santa Glazes int AC Mill 4T for will be kepi on where Newiodrfcel iiilco will be promptly at to pwU now nil la and I and tho Price Hint dodo the Folks Folk or Old year Cards Ranging from 1c to Apiece You never marry with my content answer- Then I filial marry her without old man Hut on this day that you marry of ilarshall will be closed you both- Not one penny of my money should buy bread for you if you were Will you jpvo mo your reasons the controlling himself by a strong Too much was at for him too the sick and choleric old mart liofl has been with for and you have twin that we loved each other 1 taw fcho loved you with a vin dictive gleam in dull old and I glad for I meant to luako her suffer It is retribution The old man railed himself slowly and painfully upon pillow I loved her mother and Nottingham threw me oyer who loved her for years to my haIfbrothcr For your own good yea 11 And you really suppose let got Yon could not help it You ace whether I can help It Burke clajipirig her passionately My little love you all world to roe and I will hold you fat against life and death It was the day after funeral Old Tom had gono to hie last- long home The will with bitter Injustice cruel boon opened and read at that window that opened out upon the lawn It will be a wild night cousin looking up from her knitting says the creek is rising wo may bo flooded morning Yon are afraid of it asked indifferently Lord I never saw anything fiabra to a little negro who stood staring staring eyes go and seo if Mmter come I think ho has said gig up time turned and looked out upon tho furious storm Outside storm raged with a wild and desperate fury Great trees were splintered arid uprooted as if a hand of Titans were at play- White gusts of rain swept along the leaden sky the lawn was one white sheet of water water that was steadily rising higher although it had already reached the second Step of tho did nob hear tho door open nor know until himself stood her that anyone had entered room was watching with curious focinationadarkohjoctthat fury of the wind propelled along through the water touching her shoulder as he spoke Parker is hero J turned with a little smile of welcome old doctor was one of her friends and she had a pitiful feeling of needing friend a now never before Confounded shame grumbled tho doctor however why could not Tom Marshall hare Acted decently Hero these two young things to be made unhappy because they loved each other and I that old pelican in wilderness Liza Marshall will get hall and the money in tho end Ho deserve to rest his grave J But nothing of all this said Ho only took hand and told her that she looked pale and that ho should have to prescribe for her then they all three stood within thai A Day In Town LIVELY AH Mr Id l omo of of I elite fow of I mhio a Ii id of was bobbing around hen ftnJ la fact bo wo v Jooklng walare of bis that ho time W op in fact if Im Dot be went the of Bob I waat to la that ft name gireo on of id to take place or la cams Bob bo beat I he was Lot If a man bo beard woold i- A so toilftOfe litile room back of the lot of ftonriibiog Owillioibory were little mm with to elegant Lamb Coat cm up the test of no Ho was a Stick Bob and ana to repent When they died child had to OLD SANTAS BOOK HA his Corner of and ma THE MOST DIRECT BEST EQUIPPED ROUTE BETWEEN MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA BOSTON ST THOMAS DETROIT CHICAGO ST LOUIS CITY MANITOBA PACIFIC COAST AND ALL FOISTS SOUTH AND WEST RATES LOWEST TIME QUICKEST Comfort your via In AT SON i Ticket Agent P market CIIAH A TRIIRT h oil BLOCK Is itiil corner ViiorlaOKl ftirecl Olf HEAD OFFICE TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS -DRAFTS- -ISSUED- ON CHEAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IN CANADA Notes Discounted B XT I litiissnUMlvlnlin Ail rtveyiniit il Agency and vicinity loan J pointy Avruiti BAILEY Biscuit AWEVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOR ojpo5tleltittitoyfll Hotel in- J YARKER Vegetable Sicilian- HAIR Northern to all East I For etc apply to lfT liUINN At CALL AT THE AND Ill Royal Hotel AND st and Best Selected Stock of Furniture IN NEWMARKET WEDDING CAES NEWMARKET ONTARIO A BIG BONANZA YOUR fiheape for quality for your to a new Fall Hull of MONEY Wo Ibo goiiou OR Work oil cot be excelled Undertaking Special Attention A lu ibUVwfiecl YOUR A lot of fitw rr Jo your LIFE 11 til call of ilic flnt prepiratlon to euro of llo wli lit of or gray loir to lu fully for the jrofr the hair Ju foToriul fanio to quarter lis be to bat flic proprietors at receipt orders front bad for n line of vonilcrfully fcDprorcalkaffCr appear oil all ftier and to piub a and growth of ibl article arc cot like of atcobollc a long linettblcli BUOKINHAMS DYE THE whiskers Will be to Cotjtfrcf a preraUoo it la applied PR BY P HALL CO fioldb all FOB AXt THE v V r JUood best remedy aod JAB BOND Feat Office AT Of KICK come hero or go to the And you have hated her for her mothers sake all these years ox Burke fiusbiDg hotly You have deliberately plotted to destroy the happiness of my life and hers be- of her mother6 Father I would never believed I didnt think of your caring for hen Shes a fllip of a girl and she has not the Nottingham beauty other women better worth loving roy boy Promise roe to give her up and the money is all yours Think of the difference between an income of twenty thousand and no income at all 1 can work for That is easily said What will become of you both you arc try ing to find work God knows said man soIeinnly but I shall marry my love saidA his father My wilt is signed When I die girl shall a homo here still but if you attempt to marry her you make her houseless no less than yourself You shall every thing Jaudhouse but she shall not bo your wife I will never give my consent You are determinedon this mis ery You would When I come out of my grave tabo that as a sign caidthooldman is in thowilh Perhaps you will look for grave open in order to give two idiots a doubtful happiness V forgive you Burke looked at his father with steady eyes Mir acles have iKHyi performed before now and you may live to repent of this injustice I shall not live but when I re pent will come from the grave to let you know it Go now and tell your love with a sneer what I told you In the deep of the win dew at the head of the stairway stood a white robed girlish figure Two held out to Burke two great dark eyes met his question ngly It is ho said prisoning the two little hands in one broad palm while the other arm en circled her slender unresisting figure- I am to be disinherited and you are to be homeless unless we give each Could you bear poverty for sake darling I could bear it with you but not for you she murmured How could endure to know bat you had given up birthright former Vj Of what value is it without you See here we love each other well to have any misunderstand I shall never give you up Heaven helping I am man enough to support my wife and Ill do it Let us wait patiently until the right time when it does our be loved cousins may have the money and the Hall in welcome I shall have you And do you think I will let you make such a sacrifice asked quietly I shall away of and by by you will forget all about this and be a happy man You would give me up then I reproaclifully curtained window while Co a in Martha 1 departed orr hospitable thoughts intent What can it asked pointing to the dark object had watched in its slow passage across the lawn It is a box of some sort said the doctor or is it only a tree trunk I There it is caught in boughs of tliat walnut tree A sudden and furious gust of wind shook the house to its very founda tions It swept across the face of the waters tossing the fallen branches and debris with which the house was surrounded One great wave broke against the corner of the house rolling with it the long dark object It struck heavily upon the brick work The bricks fell with crash and the water receding with an eddying swirl left its burden Good Dr Parker turning toward with sud den apprehension Tho girl bent forward with blanch ed face white quivering lips and di lating eyes He has come- from the grave she cried Ob Burke Burke 1 Burke Marshall caught the faint ing girl in his arms and pressed her to his heart Then he turned upon the doctor a glance in which horror and triumph were strangely mingled J The conditions of the will are fulfilled said Burke huskily When I come from the grave he said you may take it as a sign if word will do aire of for 1839 Thto may you will ye a mtjority od were a bee at a Plotter Show Ofceane chipped in did 1 betook Market tod now a group of R of tbo Iowa little into of at all treats Hat a be made ia tit of the That lit Newmarket of a lot of old tit while toother lint at least he liDHt whit lip of rank yi the Gorcriimia after and fur and votnl ibf public towo to fur atjare for In- of Win Cane bad ai of and that now to enable them to they bad tbtumlvea into a Stock taking all the fjoiog to put tip alto at ire three of the or altscbees of the at the Ik aid while a big fed- headed ia they coqM do that as the s the taking contract Sou the luucilmtDj yar Hie contract to took keeper who merely took at a for Cane Sou kind of tajk was too dry for Kettleby Jottings Special fa Era of towoiblp or those CtpiUl ftrtJufelUflt th Qietec They y John A Jong by ftiiUtftOM of the dUo hi t tbty do objection to try with the The OTHMrtaUrea bid their inooi met log hero the lit which u olrly fttttuderL o at A held 2od Weit who leeiifDtftlly leg brother while rabbit lut week frogieulog the topic of- cnTnwtioo raood hob roaotcd of Cooocil to retire They long fill well tod it would lo Dot allow them a few affjlra i majority Main flimeoo are expected be caididatu to fill la ft fatuar of wand and mike gwHotjoicipal and la all probability will bo opposed if be A or the acton called Mr Gib- biro to become ft candidate for the We he for a few to tho We hope will tee clear to accept a the of at the Board tod their caodidate will hardly be ate alio of bat a heard nothing deflolu yet for firat Who Wought itown K two dollar inioit notes of 0 in circulation the most certain thu that death in ho surprising to find how ootis their ftlTairs with refer ence to public meeting of Richmond ayp a resolution to Jwnusof for branch railway to con nect the village with the depot A in Mr liable look fright at cat and a boy in the knock ing him Tho father in rescuing ion waa kicked on arm Sutton Items Ittmt for ift Era The of Miss Wallace have been appreciated to such art ex tent that Trustees raised her salary for the coming year to being an of investigation into the poisoning case in a Montreal by which eleven persons were in of losing their Uvea has beta any result so far in author of the Ti anniversary of the Meth odist Sabbath School will be held on Friday Dec the A tea will be served in church from six oclock An earnest is being mode to have physical social intellectual and moral treat E3LBoys careful when firing the of iupil Iq ftnwliltsJ bright and inUlligut son of Mr iJalgleUJi of Tea of in oar public water die the other day from iie rich icIccts a blow he received Jut win of lurk at tJ hands of a oral ft A J flO Hill A XL llowird iL Bernard struck him on head a of ice while snowballing K9 A very cool robbery in Aurora last A thief entered the bedroom of had retired extracted between thirty and forty dollars from There of the guilty to he lit- tit mm Bob ud with Lid the time loom but time another to head the crowd enJ order of the ao bo a of iutfllcclotl laugher tad though i the hiatal ironed the bo Beer tbo big with a laid he the little nun with vis there u teemed as the the of woumfd through IU with fail little opponent bilf the leutrt io lapped the larger Nor to a man privileged lime or are all the related tixe Id my who were to trill nan a Great A get a cow Bat and they help ft not was op a and wtie for the to of whom jper a bat a voter the aid in I invited to take the a el tfla elector a I had fire Mr- akd if I would him J iofornirJ 3rd Clan 8cor KdtUt I one but were made fly- Hart J It is reported On good author Cuttle CO IK that a short lime ago the junior il Jim 3rd Junrltrtic teacher of public l J had her from to Mir Hughe Although it was on the sly we wish both her and bur pretty little man all comforts of it married life Williams Harold Mini Chatlit Voting lurch 2nd CUM Hawker A 7 Archie Ward 54 Ana atroDg 2nd 3 Cortu John 93 Brown A Foot Rail Hugh Morton J Willie Born- ham Hay 50 30 29 it- church on Wcdofsday morn- Disturbing News from the It was really so The wild rush of wind and waters hap robbed the grave of its dead Who shall Gay that the hand of the Lord was not in it When the waters subsided and the winds away old Tom Marshall wad buried more and Burke were married In the springtime and Dr Parker gave away the bonny bride Strangers sometimes ask why there a broken corner in the foundation of bo well kept a place as Marshall Hall Then they look again with they are told how the old Hall its mistress from the grave inisUVtOthat ray that 1 Ltd do be Dame Jvf Mle and if he call me id importer and me fire cent Lot his little heart be might as well hare mo for my character as lor a for Im had neither year And Mr Alitor if H I bare not true doat this blark- or ire cot by- Northwest Man Dec 11 The arrangements for Kiels funeral Boniface tomorrow ore about com pleted The Metis arc flocking far and near to vie the remains aid express sympathy for the disturbance is feared The body will bo removed from the old home to St early in the morning Grand requiem mats will bo by Andre on the arrival at the ca thedral The of this evening con tains the following Albert des patch Considerable excitement prevails in town today on account of the state of the Indians in the neighborhood It is feared trouble is Farm from Snake Plain north of arrived today and re ports the Indians in that quarter to he on the of a disturbance it is that Indians in district have lately visited by runners in Canada com- caused by cataract or injury such as small pox measles and whooping- cough are mare common than in Europe especially in winter when fuel is the expense of venti lation In the whole of Canada the proportion of the insane is one to hundred and twenty A was to have celebrated in the Roman Catholic her friendswere all prtsjnt The was ready to perform the Tut alas the bride groom filled to appear After await ing his arrival a reasonable length of time the meeting adjourned Suiu Six things aro requfcito to create a Happy home Integrity mutt be the architect and the up holsterer It must be warmed by affection lighted up with cheerful and industry must be the venti lator renewing the atmosphere and bringing in fresh salubrity day by day all as a protecting canopy and glory nothing except the blessing awerping rvinl in Night after the Methodist church is crowded with eager for way to The effects are even in the matter has soabirhed the of men that a customer has known to a from and the JpiedMk for an article several Indians have accepted presents them which means that have formed an trouble arise this place is poorly defended being only about police here no local and very few rifles It is the general feeling that troops should bo cent once The removal of battery to severely criticised It is rumored they been ordered back the J Pope is seriously ill and much anxiety is felt at the Vatican Norfolk County Council at closing session Friday passed a resolution strongly condemning Scott Act intensely cold weather that has teen experienced in five years is now prevailing through out England The County Council of Bruce has declined to appoint a police mag istrate to enforce the working of the Act that County I and a friend of which thought great store I lent my money to my friend took his word therefor I asked my money of my friend and but words I got I lost money and my friend for him would not If I had money and a friend as what I had before Id keep my money from my friend and play the fool no more Attained Its Majority To our readers who see in Agricul ture an to bo followed by the of intelligence rather than spec ulation we commend for their ap proval the farmers Advocate and Home Magazine This Journal has been established years is edited and owned by a practical farmer of years experience and as an edu cator of the farmers in matters per taining to agriculture stock dairy apiary ic Aft combined the Far Advocate stands without a peer It is got up in nest shape for bind ing neatly printed on fine paper and each number is wall illustrated with practical drawings fund of information for the farmer Magazine de partment pleases all the members of the family and old who find in it a large amount of profitable and entertaining reading This month sample copies are sent free to appli cants Owing to the and daily increasing strength of the rebel forces under the new the Im perial Government has decided to send a new expedition to the Soudan Photographic scenery of Oril- to bo sent to the Colonial Exhi bition in England 1F A number of merchants have agreed to close their respective places of business 6 p between Dec and April I EST Wo of Craig- hurst had a fine and costs imposed on violation of the Scott Act Mac levanted in July but returned the other day with the above result He could not furnish the money nor security and had to take alternative A few days ago three brothers named Goheen of Port were arrested at the instance of Knox their brotherinlaw who charg ed them with him with in tent to kill and robbing him of forty thousand dollars last Friday at the three prisoners were found guilty of common assault the story of the robbery being proved to be false There was bat one death from smallpox in the city of Montreal on Thursday compared with two on Wednesday and four in hospital In the suburbs there were five one more than the day before The num ber of infected houses in the city ha diminished to fiftysi and the pa tients in the hospitals aggregate two hundred and twenty six who are being reduced at the rale of fifteen to twenty a day without waited on while the talked on tlienllahsorb of revival- Sentinel far as we are on Lake quite unconcerned Our fishermen have discovered we that the law does not apply to them in fact wo have learned with some none of the Dominion can be enforced on this lake waters in dispute whatever this may mean Some time ago tho Fishery Inspector captured some par ties near here redhaiided fishing but when were brought to trial Inspector was confronted by a tele gram from AttorneyGeneral Moaat to the effect that the waters of Like were in dispute through which we believe he relinquished case A good deal of this about the teachers lack of gov ernment in district and primary schools would be avoided if the par- would lend a less willing ear to the complaints of their children The child arrives home at night when the mother immediately enquires How school go Hie child smarting under some J punishment which nine cases out of ten was that teacher whipped me when I didnt do anything whereupon the father tells the child that its mean and wouldnt stand it and mother says that the teacher ought not to be allowed to keep school another day and sho hopes the trustees wty get a new teacher The child being upheld at home goes to school the next day with the express purpose of adding a much to the burden of the teachers lifo and when not only one but fif teen or twenty mischievous boys start out with that purpose it requires a teacher with the head of an editor and the muicle of a blacksmith p subdue Ihem Wilson Star

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