Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1885, p. 2

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I NEWMARKET ERA DEC Now December Co J ft Cfartatoaj Goods Star A To Contractors A To tit Elector Wn Co Mot Arnold Dog D ttoom for Hoarder Cutler for Office tats for Bait J A Wanted- A I Ilradley Train una A asa a a Ilias a FRIDAY DEC Our Toronto Despatch lift lttt Uu Monday morning Jktfd ft notor ious lulu to and in penitentiary When ha nod Tien another prisoner Iho court room kicked lb aud the pair IkjU- their liberty till farrol ber and decided to Aboil oil and 9uufiULod only Avo r likely to forunlloti or cot only Toronto but for entire liciiin of Jar being a lutllortt Tito placed at Hit for ho iho Ma tod to DdIcnU rou ble ei tfltl A deputation will proceed from of Atrtculturo ad AdlAuffttcttU6AttliQCooDlalatidCAiJibllao A a raid en Hundley ud promptly Axrutcd by a peeler Our Territories- The ball rolling od from North York will put At North our Stilton iw that Township of will a lirdj pve- cot P UcCltlUa to tbe Mr J who lilt for a uodidle It at til likely Ibot will bo toy of we yet to DADta of settled Oar at bully la topic if Who will Aod JUmJin friend miking stir hid A to of tbo other bat It two foil will propel Id hero bat a number wm to which two out of be Mr Jour be a candidate for tbcofficoof lloird ill tbo bd bo A for And in hero Deputy now Alts Councillor Ifrflo bM beta it foot of clue toon of Jin ho will coo of elector of tbo Udder for next year will if you to preheat IV lht a crop ire ffJlllog of tbotowo- tod ballot box will I bo tho way tome aIrqa of according to our cone further will be by next There Is nothing bo far an we Jtiriip fa Aurora or liiadfnx Editorial Notes etate tbit mollpot yoder control for lime mi city It jio1tcted any far ther outbreak of the It the by the Council on tbo of Dominion Act lias been mailed to Ottawa And OIUwa eborlly yet been A to city tp with tie Huu to Id ihr London of Pore Powder of which wo lait week with of tod the proprietor a reward of for coo of tbo guilty the title of a wonderful picture by It of bewitching fall to describe It If by ibo AntfjP Mud- tad is of tbo by tod on oad of people bare deluged the nid A card to tbo will Ret termi ad particular Ink Drops- crowd on tbo pond Friday market tomorrow Now lelepbono girl Contra Daylight la Monday la Ibo day all talk next hero la booming Council Bight bill Personal Mention Mr Thou father of Mr Edwin to old country piper week A family took place At or Mr one lst week left week for Anuy work at baring homo or four wctW viilt- Mr Holland Kind togi in ho Method tat Church Sunday of Toronto la pected of si Iho a pie of and bare given ranch Mr and Mr Kenny rut Mlec Chant near Mr Hitachi d Rood Wrap will cheap at Appal- Ad A Owing to Ar tillery Bind Toronto the nguioroda church daring theTowu postponed Concert till the or third week In January Tho of the Church a happy at the of Mr John Brad another ox- preulooofettoem one former by a Albany remarkably at Ad- ptibe A lildofl from money now the coming pn ITT Ice For nil ftra to people who think that loe la beat and to the of tbe public Mr Jobn cleared a which be to keep Id good order for a email charge of fun now Do you in Toronto I If the of Co- q yoor and yon will bo adjoining on tbe North aud take on lit of March will giro firm thy cow bare and them to ACcomcuoJite their at It It took train South 16 later at the City Hell at the midday eight let Aud train it old time Going train errive till ho midday IOC end evening At Cat out the time It In bat mo coming La m ayertgo of W per baa been eight are catting the and packing down nee would to road the new ef Appelbe Cc oaring to firm baa displayed Ability ud oS remeQdoLJaiaoantof how to bay and to which he regard to question It It misinformed bat did the its re sorted Long before Iho an fact wo in of territories recall ho a blessing to part of tlio country to credit of Department the in tit light of events which since trans- and struggle row going on between two comprising or parliament of the Territories wo are more ever convinced- that Aooncr a is named to better for people over whom ho exercises authority and for tho future of country At present Council of North- West is composed of two classes of representatives vir ex officio men holding certain positions under Do- appointment and 2nd elected by people former naturally tako sides with the Lieut- Governor who is entrusted with al most autocratto authority while latter quite as naturally strike out boldly for popular and the grasping of and land grabbing It is quite possible at this distance from that remote district many of rumors reaching are without foundation tut when Council itself by resolution bold to doctor against policy by His Honor and those ap pointed official surrounding him who administer the affairs of district we are forced to the conviction that a change in Chief Executive has a necessity Perhaps Mr is more sinned against than but in the resolution referred to the Council expresses its regret that the representations on behalf of the half breads do not receive more attention than they do from Government of Canada- This Address Ik the r of and we read hat put which In l into the Mid thta a rule by Mm need it An sddresi by Hon Mr White Interior before the Literal Conurvotlvo Hon of one last week Sir White a good his uldresat I effctifo for honor fa To toolbars tailing addressed for the firat time to sadfleotle men It in In that city that the vomia vote will ha brought out largely to the cowing election Moid likely this mil determine the choice tor Mayoralty The rumored DC of the OtUwacorrejpondent to the eSect that Sir John A Mtcdoneld Wis on bock to Canada unexpectedly contra dieted by general press and the Ottfiwa of that Premier will not return till In next month from were Town tbo funeral of Mr Drown Mr Philip Martin through hii Mr on action for dawagw of Tor highway J of King those In Saturday who at tended inciting of the North York Re form Control new Voter Mat for Mr Mr MattheirJUddeo arrived in Town Jut dty from Western whero ho baa been the year ho everything many of Mrs Trent Farm will bo to hear alio f convalescent again and alio ban been put week with her brother IVfig Lodge A dtpnlation the and Maura and proceeded to Ottawa on Tuesday to andeavor to arrange a of the of differ the Dominion Gorernaient and County York Mr P J of Toronto in tofrn dropped into our and left for tuUcrifticr and the Oil Co would what do Our resEdenU bare not forgotten that out at the Itoyal a few ago hut that they will bo glad to hear of whereabouts and what ha a doing Tint of eek published fa Jatqrf of hoi appointed veterinarian The I well deerrcd Dr ability would have found ft hard to better selection and Mercer County way count fortunate in a veterinarian located in Weil Jimmy Flack Have you Mr Dry Howl Store I If not you go that at once and v the ho la In theuma la dry gooda Jit novel and tt abides doc buy in hut picking up beat ataolld a to all who call him try now Lit Society A lltno apent by tho in to Chiuoj Program That Iff each to if called for a c Tho willingly well end we may to that program most varied entertaining one of the quarter It of read lug Joke- fco io way and ft a will tried agnio Visit The eicoraion rata an on for the and Year lloll daya are both totetnm and fare and third for You can buy lwoprnU for the of at ihe Bankrupt Block Store Co in a advcrtUo- rehired too for are at price The HOUSE com- for Mr J It baa been by a liberal age to add new hot until now ha adrerlLaea assort la and Quota Wall the fall of dry He abo ahowa a variety of fancy obina and Now Gifts Now that in Town theold of of bagging upon be for lira by injurita from rfdlog upon ahould be as a person not know what will bo laid upw the of their hick by joiny tniicblevoui with a band altlgb following or En Monday flTenlngneiL There ahould bo a there are aereral fcatorca Kindergarten an entirely new 1 by School Header 6 6 Kindergarten Drill Sharon Tableau Mitt Recitation JJoa 12 School Tableau Reader IB Sharon lfl Wallace Bong 18 19 Claw Co arrira to the from tree Any JloicnDt or that for tiairara pain la tor all ana can bo Tome Toronto will It Sao Ha bean op by of Tears j for bo by cored rtfaoy yean claim Id Canada- If you well jour do call to treat wbo trying noicar ito ir Sale old retired from placed bands by a for and euro of and Lung alio a radical euro for and all trior toaied IU Iq felt it hie duty to It known to mi it Ac by to free or Jt reclie French or wiib tall roc by ad- W A millinery with tbo rteff accepting i will regret aha Bnttooi to the columns of tba will learned that of Mr A married week to Sir John Hindi of Toronto bride recipient of roaay rueful and which wo trait may lira to took upon crank Municipal are up We Mr the moTerornt will likely in troduce to all probability we will have Mr P owning up In premUea at occupied by by the recent Bra about Mr Fry eight or nine hundred We would that an be formed iu Tillage for the protecting aud jo of fin North York News Picked up iy of fofewri by el minJMcjj aud noTiriii or ha id irorn- the jf l a hurry by Icing new Id yea And through scan criUttea offend him hi ftafnl Dont be For the part of Whitchurch have tormented by whoafc at all welcome and we not be hear that North York Society bad a couple of A man on the Con lost a a few Town a turkey Mr on Con bad a couple of visitor on Monday night that lb beat out of his Hock at the barn worth at and off in cotter the Convention In the Town Hall text Tueiday the of the farming The to be discussed are I Weed and How to Kill Them St The Farmer J Valuiliou of in iho Domin ion of of Cultivation of the Soli Clover of Cattle Manuring- If tbero any article want In A few leat week a purchaser the choice of 0 ranging from to Krerybody looking forward to for happy of mother quota A Town Saturday things lively and laid up of is day of the an nual country diatricta three bo In conapicooui pliGa not later than Monday as to clear aire holiday of amooth- had an iutereatioff time of it lost Monday other dam- ft advisability of giving he a job How girl do spruce up to and how tender and ah yea loving they wilt ho with beat fellow in view of fact that Xtnu holiday of cheer etc almost at our authority for that there Ita rrovementou foot for the of a railroad to ruu from King Station through to lleeton Jonc- hofa that may hinder the bring Anic4 to an absent friend would be a to to High School Monday diyaod next week All wearing their holiday and it would greateat crit ic to which shall be glad if will forward u of who would be Wa will roail all audi freo Hither wind or a aly bill has brok en another of large pines of In Central Furoilura It to tell whether It is spring fall or win aa we have hod all lately It maid really be twbsd if we wtre to Iota our sleighing now especially Hit ao near citizens remember not only is potting tbe laftftt contrary to bylaw but it is annoying to people a The farm of Mr Ass King aold to Mr lait for thli year frills the date as ten Now will an sale or valuable etc at her rcildtnco booh Hate Joe Ueuri Lewis aud Widdineld bare a joint aloeki lot SO of over except at oclock sharp will of slock etc in lot In the 1st Cod or credit on and bay to commence at Kavanagh Auctioneer Business Notices one cent per for ittttAQntQccnU life of lawa Uurdock la a natural our Con- News 01 Farmers are busy marketinx produce is to more freely During laic cold weather all the rage but thaw put a atop it Mr Tbot Corner i yoiog to at in year at Mr Ceo the Mr in new incceaji Our law time and turning out Mount Albert Items to frq forahili lor It lo will Ktt I ilre full A or food and regular When the body tola heavy aod IflDgultfj and wuike lo a or buoyancy and men- vigor The Beat Cora beat remedy trouble one that Icoaena toogb mucous clean Irritation Is what Pectoral lu No or Med lei do for ltei such unlvtml 111 own city and and among all people Ban It of blood aod to tha public Impure sores bio Indications of Impure that bo or 111 perhaps tncurablo Ulnar by on ho four cardinal or eel EmDlalots By lea upon or digestion by lie powerfully tonic tbe from and increase bo Canker Blood fa that upon Glials csonaflmea Consumption la but Long of best to of having railway lino In J in is very mod bo always our grainbuyer Our Mr A Mount bcrtaeutvrprlilogUjJiorJalartltlifiaarlno the tvoy of his IHHe dollies be fulls bot to call to- Mr- It and Mr A have us Betty who rrni reported serious ly 111 a couple of mirk ago died on The raoelatlhc We are sorry her invrt out oyster hut ihriJibelvLa of tho wore well The tree the night great Keswick Items- Spitlul the J year they to aitarira then heretofore The union School has to hold Ihtir in the Hall on vlog dith re vorktra yet no it will bo furiuvt if superior Starr or pine Orchard had a escape Saturday from what fright have rtaultcd fatally As he aa retorting from at Franklin a the fell as thrown on poood on and hip report that to be with Mr St bis to Toroafj abc to it hi por IE doubtful if the I The in about from present th iiw building the Royal I Jons you forget the vnt a photo at a pne he hoy area if he has tbe As the I by Mr Sriiih tj at cylinder took a to pieua After it hid at J running at not full it to pieces a the feeder Mr knocked to the bun not tbe bit side atiutk him to away llif lilo of Make you life iirt And in tuny be in a lnj Ikcaitte ai in t- litinia ii Only n lav art d it- lay i tie ml i fruit I tTCl l Jti is it rfji J Nil r I by if- It il J Mr I IQfrjft m ft At Mount AlUit IlilylllbiM JcMptiftucwaiEtil jr lit J I In at at vClwk instant TMrfurnrir i fur I f lb 111 Iftjfc r on Kirch would hat Sir builder all a parti te tif aod at i to it Tbe0Jr4r in of i on further is of it IUi not of thov for justice and hat inrrcy all mere a who hive the account Hi by Katix inn an u -lyCar- ttUrj if vrLOi Mr I lib tit in lifJthlll prirji At nil I- Tii ii Hi I Justice The County Council of at IU late fall adopted a vote of to declaring against the Scott Act Norfolk one of the first counties to adopt it Oca of the during the declared it was the only book of the British which compelled a torn to convict himself program of Ball Jubilee Siaera In the Town Hall last Friday gave general but like all other enter market last Saturday nut extra The Hon to the He la aJtoapromiaentteoi fain and of office the fur or In that he fully endorse the aclionof mtnt in may be taken evident that is NorthWest question at least the appear to that notion Local and Other Items Fine and Shoos a at Co Solved Tito the the only pay to J the Heart fa to keep stock the goods It and sell them cheap be Co are doiog this Ad Bargains This ad vertisers everybody baa some special line of Bargain but the difficulty la that ttTeral leave change till last minute happens to be one this time to of He wye he has fancy as well as that be beat Id tinder auiplccs of the Institute of late it was sliiuly The music al voice of little Minnie Bill and the deep of Mr were admired The Jubilee Company remained In over rendering several the Church both and also delighting the Sabbath School hood Mr Bill always by relating circomstncea which gave rise to their Cotapocitioo The Com pany is eighth tour and deserved a reception than that last Friday The published a report to the that CauvlQ of Hull bad the for the of The ana alluded to Wo that Ibe to contradict report Him made of aw of the credited to re- Governor to or the Govern- active atrongth ens tho impression that he not discharged all tbo of high office faithfully as bo should by properly reprinting the fictual con dition of to head quarterselse fchould oppose views of ft of his Council From what during debates In on affairs In with Mr present action color is given to the truthfulness of remarks pre valent mouths ago thatthe actual state of popular ft district was being faithfully to the Department at Ottawa thing appears pretty evident the Halfbreeds entertain tbe notion that his sympathies are with the land apeoulators and appointed officials and so long as is the case more or of suspicion in their estima tion will attach to his actions a of not at all desirable and calculated to limit his well as create distrust Ax oil miny many The the course llieHel is to wreck of the Liberal It Ontario baa decided opinions on the executions of nd a victory iron at OlUtra by aid of vote would a Ontario there bo no y changes at Ottawa week Poster for Kings County as Afailne on the iDit before the at the same meeting of the Cabinet Mr UcLtdan appointed of nance to take pltce Mr ability then adds So good a Judge of menu Hon Joseph Hove mad a degree the genius for On other hand the Qti baa the moat atud notion of ub and most Coo terra lire cannot persuade bio that aoeh as those of Intellect in the party of new any for the office be baa Runaway belonging to tiberidnniraaitsnding at aide of Mill last Tuesday the lines iog futentd to a book in the trail a train came along and tbe toottoot of the en gine iso close tightened the horse Thtv gare a the Hue nak- tug tracks towards St Turning Mr there captured them nor rift the run The principal of town have to the requisition of their employees to close their A oclock night throughout the coming year Saturday excepted commencing 1st of January nest There is no why they do all there to be dona by ale oclock as veil as wren long as the public koovr hour of clue- fog and it he fifing the young men a chance to enjoy lb long winter to fullest The public should make a note of and not trespass on tVe v The entertain Id St Pauls School Jtoom last Monday was largely attended the being fiJleJ and the j to great all through auctioneering of the numer ous parcels and ait increased the laughter to its utmost Erary- body that went to an i tide the of and were sold by opened sell of the a parcel knocked down to Mr at 40c which when opened wu found to be thinga a brought A man nam ed Gould that a one rigi auipccted soma time of carrying rails and loose wood be longing to in this neighborhood hut ho one able to proro the charge till last week when went for Mm by the aid of a search warrant It seems that in imbury spent considerable time In se lecting elm- bolts for and these were taken home when he gut the mud on Town Line and dumped part of load by the fence of the Syka Farm Iq meantime Gould along and carries part of the bolts away afterward lonod ia bis tbr far fireirood the Monday boflU pleaded gnHtf was Sued with to for the stolen timber v School very sue- uteris foment i held in the School House fa this Town Ereniug gotten by the the of that institution The of and mental reading recitations etc were rendered in good style by all took part therein Her Father Toronto the pith much and a much predated both at the beginning and of program Ur Ryan and also In what male a enter Through the of of Dominion was placed at the disposal of School for the in strumental firat and the program by proceeds which will be demoted to the purchase of prises for the School children amounted a little asm when it is remember that the admission fee placed at the small sum of and the school children free Aa was Intimated by the Chairman dosing remarks another concert begotten up by acbool no doubt bouse would bo went pleaded ordinary for tbe got ell they could carry and big prices ruled to 10 The big crowd fieemed to remain all day in Town and did not dig out as oooa as the produce was disposed of Oar merchants most have bad a doth bay and be glad Once on his sled the con of holidays as pudding and Ssnta Clans make him feel a- though this little earth such a Bid place a lire Tin after iron handrail on the the leading to the Church is a great fur this slip Tte demand for licenses is so toady that the has uot any farther rbducLton beyond but we have a compile con on head Apply at theotodurjng the day at our residence at eight andiftfae front crowded come round to the clothes lints A sort bender lost some article Wednesday night Tha Tannery men offered to join the Factory Sick Benefit Society J A liquor beard in the Police Court Tuesday Mr Button of charged with telling liquor after hour- but the cose was dismissed as the ale Our farmer friends should not forget that if any thing in they will God it at Accomtucdstion Storr is cheap the atorea down Aor ad for Robertson toya and aHtmrat fth pwtry too lata for this are good bought at big and prices are tight too It wolf was shot the Western suburbs of Town fiundty Ontario Bank is now com fortably settled quarters The Cane ilfg Co now occupy their new the factory The Qoittit that dry sold for and 300 at the on Saturday Farmtra k as high i50 for dry Lew but we know a contract for 10 cords of wood wis made at new list of unclaimed iathe his and our read- era peruse it by calling at the office What beautiful night and mild wealLer to a The merry tingle of bells of laughter and anon from the delighted pleasure seekers as ihey glide the enjoying it Mr Lloyd Town CUrlriinowcomfitsby located fatsodufo Halt It is place all his Sutherland Bros are In and glance at and price Next ThuraJy night we shall up cur and trait drop usual grand country aide roads ar till rough a few more inches of snow will make them Dominion VoiKlf ibis will aa 2Mb A reduced to roay be bid Newmarket Tire flecret of reason why Yellow Oil Is poplar with the prop J a a a household remedy for is in the fact mat many liniments only relieve Oil both relieves and all aeon lameness auccas been In baa been attained by the treatment OBtof20C0pjtleutatrcstcJdur- Ing past six fully cent bate boon cored of mal ady Tbla none the less startling pa- regular are benefitted patent euros never now generally bettered by men dot to presence adapted his en re to their extermination tblsacobmrltsbedbactaimatboCatarTbla cores affected by bins four cures Jin one else has to euro norland treatment aver cured remedy la simple and can at borne and the presentaeasonoflbeyearUlbo most favor and permanent majority of cases cured at one with Klog street and tor their on fifontrttU Wo If WO An oner To all wanting Employment We want Energetic and Capable every county in United and article of great merit On Ah article having lares sate over percent baring no competi tion and la protected the exclusive sale by a deed for eseh county bo may to our agents the fact tuatltts on can bo sold to every It airy to make Extraordinary Offer to to make It not agent will energy- JogfromSlSitofSlOa and ibis otter to au who are of employment Any agent that trill giro business a thirty dayb trial and fait to clear at least time above Expanses all to and we money paid for item agent wbo would like tenor more work subagents for nine and fall to clear at least all can return all their money bark Wo othfr employer dared to nor wolf vadldnot know bare now more double amount w and a day a profit of a month order In one day Our circulars ex and those to send to of who will rend us three one or see and secure time for the boom and to srork no the named offer Wo to bar tbe address of all the ask any reader reads this offer to send at too name and know at one Or wilt to of to mxke r On rr root at Mr and Vouiu hi the a Mr Young mi of yiara Mr vJtbacetjHatc the preacher Ii ibe present lime ten lent Holiday Mr has been Jaratherpoor health a number of years agcol port of to work of very And kindly to give bis partner some proor of labors and received a very beany from Mr and Mrs Young and a I being In and toe I good provided by had dona intra IW to order and Mm Morton then loienoi our snoxonr blga wo prfsent this hoplnglbsut be received Jo the spirit that it Is We of blew tabor of love and that with you wo all meet we will forever more purse which contained was pre sented by Sirs Waller Mrs Morton Mr as bo chief promoters of laudable net deserves men etc- Mr made a reply In to token of esteem tloo with ihe by would endeavor to workroom In vice yard in future than be had fa the past then led In prayer followed tfTallfr after whrcb Mrs Young made some feeling remarks which brouxbt tears After short speeches by Mr and other Interspersed by the company of pieces rouble the company feeling that a and teen spent and that It Is to iban to receive- The anuual Keswick branch ofibe Upper Canada will bo held Id Church hero the evening of and of to It Is deep that we learn Miss our efficient teacher la to l a as pi sent year having erased for new year at an In- creased salary Our Io4 will be their gain Cooks lifts over for than a there Is sphndM ThO body Of the much report this week mixed AS ye Mr be trill pot your tut wimotslKOf of this village for Councilman piu and frthat iirHvontin Pill I and JMary hj the We hold and oil li red t Iim I Uilimt jtIJi Hit silt itl a i 111 Baldwin Items Ctmtmit Sowerhy the litic of of Lis Mr with all the of his Oiiotolheukof sntir has not been going tothe at as for err winters Tie bare to it aod it a ruth when the ft The wife car a ride from to on dy week The to a and aawt time in at wten let lor a hurry all the way the aoiuiil in the bit how she tenting and the on lit way ete on lie tajis Prof Kent ihtuh of by both the fir on a at a ljOfV of It maje lhtn Ob my A by V the pivrtJs jt pircu to tit or puipt getting a to the Tree an the iL fur th The will of and dtalogura a troupe fiom the sooth hare tost been that one of the boys Wads of wedlock f W g Council i ihe all present Minutes of prevluni j read communication wen sub mitted to the Council by Ilia Cbzk Old the Secretary of Agricultural Depart- In reference to the and to bo held in In from Mr from of North notifying appropriation of on IlnOS from Mr In reference to he basin on Mr from the Provincial Health In Terence and it opinion about tbd proper of Local from the Toronto with Spcclrnenfctoforru a Arch Mr Christopher horn appeared before Council aid jo send a blind man ci family home near James I Colo were with they on acdyohu and were al beard with reference to a similar grteraucr on Coo opposite their P Hazel ton made water 3rd Coo opposite tot Accounts Toronto from the Office for printing a number Of Vetera ComnjluJooert were also submitted and several ap- plication for dog lax Sir by Mr- moved that the Clerk be and it hereby to notify the pathmatter of road division to see that culvert la kept open acrosa road opposite of John Mr by moved that and that portion not paid bo Mm Morton and John each Carried Mr moved that It be refunded the being accrued tan from error of seconded by Mr Clerk be Is la- to notify It A to bbttructlons tbe ship of a dam upon thu west aide of and wheri the natural Carried Mr Kny seconded by Mr rnovt J that and d iCdCon the on the that the be Mr by Mr moved that accounts and that grant Mine and that seal of the Corporation to this via J repairs and material J Jones road repaIrfB Win w pairing pslrs ir- station- dlscoupt andexpenKS to Toronto for clearing tor two A planks A JllJJcl for gravel and repairing j Toronto re Draper Knight work on Townllne Of pairing scraper gravel T repairs to AoChrrk charges for 1SS stationery Ac- VMS Iridic Jones one sheep by dogs cue shftpklHtd a beep hilled John Kay and John Mr ItictUoor seconded by Mr till the AM It to rvfirn ltd- and Officers for Polling In after going through ordinary was by A for year was Mr soconJid by Sir snored Til- r 1 Ii r- iL it- I FURNITURE SSI VUnSTKORIH Bedroom Set at lowest FINE AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS HEARSE recrire and prompt TO LOAN At six DAVID LLOYDS lLi p i J Our Newmarket Markets Kail do i m ill Mr t do et lb a a a a a a IS it Leading Furniture I la or CHEAP J m- SIXTY YS JiOll caskets Ac wed j j in i iLLHU

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