Newmarket Era, 19 Feb 1886, p. 1

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BRA Friday Morning MAN Q JACKSON PICA M AT JfM HOUSE if lUV COO SUBSCRIBERS in Coontf i- i V ft Irf 1 Ft Vol Single Copies Each TO NORTH Newmarket Ont Friday 19 Terms Cash In Advance or at end of year A rt INSURA AGENCY ROE Successor to P T LEE Class Stock Co only Represented OFFICE ONE DOOR SOUTH OF HODGES TIN SAII0 TUB l run ir mo Mr A- iiit Wrltiiiiiirto for Pint I 1 If iK lllMi ETC A Ac- it -4- 4 oiftr itNtAl KNK fit iiwfitit V Aii ALIAS A I Aft Toronto iocloni jitnrux DA in MUM illullJinsAlcri 14 I A nit A- Civil York Court JMHUIili At tint J A Anurnnco MUNKV AT JUST RE CER A FULL OF COLORS IN DUnHli SILKS The But Knitting Bilk All Pure A Kino Stock of and FANCY I GOODS I MATERIALS MADEUP DECORATIVE GOODS to Order in Stylo REDUCTION -IN- J My for Irnp At my Notch insH IN and 1trcMTrhntnlatf Mm Hotel ANJ MAKTLK MAKING una MrirniimcuiMntcsl AMtfOV AYp rfe llhi- riKnin TRIMMED BALANCE OP S CALL AND SEE D BECKETT BOOK DEPOT SCHOOL BOOKS And all SCHOOL REQUISITES at RUCK BOTTOM Teachers and Trustees Liberally Dealt With NOR IS BOOK STORE Si i Hfl- Mm to Ilium i Nitrous Oxttlo nh Unlit i4MKICK In ioHion tit A BIG r iCKNHKUAUUTlUNCHH I J A York fccy lor on ijoiupjiltcd lately from loiiivlltc prompily attciiJcd W amkhica Victflit and hit- i nil to All valid ftt nolle Com- fur iivft la imi WiSII IhSI for Aurora it iiiu loon B NEWMARKET BAILEY Biscuit w- LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER I your for your FRUITS OYSTERS WEEDING CAKES I J A SPECIALTY NEWMARKET ONTARIO TICKETS to ell Rut and For ins Kuioveo ins NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY First Door North of i keeping with lb work tie Id keeping Tilth MONEY fkit Wo tin OR not to coring CANADA ItOJlT YOUR fritftVff A lot if New tflll cheap HOOKS AT TUB TORONTO ALLOWED STATES AM IK Notes Discounted Ids l c alio DR BENTLEY whip up wjd will devoid loOflJceaod Practice and Drag April background yintCJiu from a Ad Jady lb now to lorn Iho work and to vjy con to bit patrons AND SEE SPECIMENS AtOtltory entrant VliHors lo Town Welcome ffU A Vlcft WLttkokifor rule MARBLE WORKS MAIM IMNJ liniid tilmftlcclva Work the CASH AT- J AT THE MRS L R BONDS TO OF 1 AND Kwnikci WINTER MILLINERY MANTLES WOOLEN GOODS FOR MONTH Cheapest and Best Selected Stork of IN NEWMARKET ril Undertaking As a Clearing mafic to of Spring Gooda Urge Wool Shawls worth for Medium i Wool JacktU ii Woo Gaiurt ii Wool Cops Fur Capes i Vdvcloeiu all at I A lot of Ladies Undcrclotbing Very Cheap any of will mono by I J 30 100 ii i up to per yard 1 Never MInrX of At we Trarcl od mind Qui do liDKerlDg look At trails And if vL ycu Whom Lbc of bind to do their to lever ore llio tie for real IftU and biUn lower be wrabintd ii fcilmi He will Id never False Pretences Am I to go to London Weston of her io alter winter No you not said Papa ton trying to speak vory You are to if alio will consent to receive you I wont you to home with rounder rod- dor choolta Horo thochcolca to pinched And mind must bo of folly going out when next winter cornea Then if our homo is to lo con verted into a hcrmiUtgo laughed I mean to for it by learning cook so that may cheer my with clear and per fect only wish you were replied her father A few later instal led in homo of her old nurse Mrs Webb called her next morning after her arrival astonished Mrs Webb by enter ing at oclock arrayed in a cotton drets and apron laughed merrily at tho look of wonder on good womans faeoand won her reaped for ever by declaring I intend to I am your daughter while I am here and Icam to bread and wash clothes You may not get cm so nice tho first time but itll l0 wonderful pleas ant to you about the work with me And remoinber you not to address mo as Miss but only and I want to now with nlrout tho room of employment Itscttmti a pity to ipoil them pretty hands remember how I used to touch of em when you was ft an poor mother in her Hover mind my hands I fancy beautiful had they not been so useful Then you might peel these an cut cm up while I go out an milk When Mrs Webb returned witb her pail of foaming milk she remark- Theres a you looking fel ler coining this way with a valiso in his hand I wonder now if It aint the hew schoolmaster see tho scarlet broke out in our district last April an broke up school school miss us got married ah wo had to git a now teacher The youngiookin feller soon bis appearancO at the kitchen door Afy name is Harris said young man have engaged to teach jour school would like to board here I trust you will be able to me Come In on take a chair You can stay though tho last teacher did make a lot work what with pickln up things shed leave about an water up the steps to her room This is my daughter Krnia Mr Har ris And Mrs Webb gave a warning she her very daugh ter Mr Webb Will bo one of my pupils You would not thus insult me if with a in her brown eyes interrupted Mrs Webb And the girl smiled quietly and was silent If the fiy on window had sud denly about his face and shown a capacity for slinging Mr Harris would not been more as- thought people of liked plain speech was his mental com ment as bo gazed on flushed cheek and flashing eyes Forgive me Miss I been too frank fear said ho with grave sincerity hut with a suspicion of unconscious condescension that was now to our liero- ine who was to receive always Yes she replied I will forgive you if you will try to remember that roof sometimes a lady Her tones haughty that ho was startled taking another look at her face ho bod gazing past her out of the window and he an swered kindly with a halfformed hovering around his lips I have been very remiss not to have thought of that before I hope you will not take revenge on me by salting my coffee and serving up pebbles with my No I could not be content with so slight a vengeance And swept from the room A Mr watched her reced ing form ho only wondered whether her beautiful might not prove more torture to peace of mind than salt and pebbles to his stomach Why did you introduce mo as your daughter demanded when found herself alone with Mrs Webb I thought girls fond of such the good old Well perhaps I- enjoy a masquerade j but It Is surprising that you thought of it aboil soon be found out at any rate Mr Webb will bo sure to say Perhaps not Webb deaf you know an so taken up with bis sullen spells that bo dont take no of anything on around him Mrs Webb did not think it polite to tell that having failed to se cure a in tho matrimonial mar ket herself dreaded a similar for her favorite and doubted not that Mr Harris would bo after her fathers monoy should ho acquainted her position in So sho in own way to save her darling from a possible calamity Indeed Mrs Webb regarded marri age as a calamity under any stancea Day followed day week followed week and yet Mr Harris failed to bis friend Ho tried re peatedly to engage her in conversa tion but as often discovered that her floors wore or contrived some other Irival excuse for leaving him morning Mr Harris did not at the breakfasttable and Mrs Webb said that ho would not be able to teach that day as ho had been seized with a violent chill Ive a notion to substitute myself for J wonder if it wouldnt bo fun to teach school day said I wish you would poor old man cant afford to lose his situation Ho needs the money I believe It isnt I am very chari table or in least about pleasing him that I propose going My is entirely selfish It is the novelty of being a country school mistress that presents an irresistible charm to my mind Arrayed in a pretty walking cos tume knocked at the door of Mr Harris room to ask for the key to school He surveyed mute admiration tho only kind ho dared oflbr How tasteful is in her dress ho thought You ore very kind to take my place ho said at lost and Im deeply grateful- I shall not require your aid if is virtue in quinine You will End the key on the there under my hat I hope that my pupils will not give you any trouble Give yourself no uneasiness on my account might carry a bundle of rods with mo if you thought it I shall need to defend my self said with an annihilating glance as hurried away I fervently I shall hear or sec something today that will make me hate that man remarked to herself as moved leisurely along road The idea of allow ing myself to fall in love with a poor It makes mo angrier with myself than I am always pretending to bo with poor Sir Harris There she exclaimed as she school grounds j I see something already I Theres a pond of stagnant water behind the house Ho oiAf to have the 1 And has no more sense than to bo dosing himself with quinine Hut after all it is his business to teach not to drain marshes Ill make him some hop- tea tonight I wont How anxious and sad the children seemed to learn their teacher was not well and how all seemed to love I thought she should feel almost guilty if she could not him to His solicitude for the welfare of his led Air Harris to in afternoon when the fever had left and walk with slow painful steps towards scene of temporary sovereignty Ho reached his destination in a state of great weariness and sat to rest be fore going the schoolroom A recitation was in progress and he had not listened long to the sounds that were through open doorway before he discovered that his were being taught by a master- iaud To say that ho was surprised give but a tame idea of his emotions Absorbed and delighted forgetful of himself ho remained a I I mo he said if it had been a sweetheart instead of a sister should you havo cared Ko What are to mo said withdrawing her hand and making a desperate effort to took out of window but somehow bis gaze compelled her own end foond herself lifting eyes to his face and dropping them In bewilder ed confusion before the light hat met them bo said I feel that I must toll yoo what is in my heart Nay my darling you shall listen seizing her hands for she was rising and taming from him I am too poor to marry poverty has not prevented from loving ay wor shipping me is there any you over learn to No she replied a quiver of happy excitement in her voiccc shall never learn to you for lore you already His arms were about her ia an in stant Bless you my love my lovo I Do you think wo could live on a very small salary I was wrong to ask it I must wait for you until I obtain a better position I am sure sure we could live on a small salary Let us try it If it becomes necessary I mijht too she added mischievously When reached homo Mr Harris said Mrs Webb and I betrothed Will you accord your consent and blessing Blessing No I Krma Weston what father say To think of my poor motherless marry in a man Motherless interrupted as tonished Mr Harris Yes said Mrs Webb was my not my mother Wo have deceived you but you will for give us with a confident smile am sure my will consent to the maniago when he knows you He did consent and even seemed with Mr Harris for having wooed Erma without knowing she would come into possession of a for on her twentyfirst birthday Mr Harris would not marry until bo had a better position but Mr Wes tons influence helped him to obtain one and his own industry enabled him to keep it The latest Invention Who Are the Metto Kiel explains in bis lately publish ed paper that the paternal ancestors of Motis were former employ ees of the Hudson Bay and West Companies and their maternal ancestors were Indian women of va rious tribes The French word Mo is derived from the parti cle which means mixed in Prendre it expresses well the Idea that it sought to bo convey ed However appropriate the corres ponding English Half- breed might have boon for the flat generation of mixture of blood now that European blood and Indian blood mixed in every degree is no longer general enough The French word metis express the idea of this mixture in the most factory manner possible and thus be comes a proper raco name An electric light system is about to be established in The rebels were defeattd in a skirmish on Wednesday of Bulgaria says shn is forced to her army in consequence of Servias warlike preparations The State Senate of Kentucky has passed a bill establishing the whippingpost for wife beaters It is said that notwithstand ing the recent severe cold Florida promise to have a fair orange crop thii year There is a chance that the London Field Battery will cross Atlantic to attend Ihe Queens Jubilee to on Feb Isi and has conducting revival that date with gratifying Young lady renum ber that a beautiful form better than a beautiful face and that liful behavior is tatter than a beauti ful form It is the of Pure and good cannot be from cows which arc compelled to drink foul water- They pure as clear as crystal They should always breathe pore air Dairy houses should bo placed far away from foul odors Sickness doubtless often caused without suspicion the in iV Yet another great invention has to bo credited to this On several occasions while Mr Smith was sending messages through tele phone ho noticed that bo could hear messages sent other wires in proximity to one over which his message was coming This set Mr Smith to thinking and the result was a method of sending messages to and from trains in motion by an extra wire The invention was shown to Edison th famous electrician who engaged witb Mr Smith in a series of experiments and anally a system demonstrated on the Island railway the other day by which messages con bo sent and received on a train in motion a of to BOO feet from the ordinary telegraph wires without the aid of any extra wire and without interfering in any way with tho ordi nary pasiiij over the wires he The keynote of whole situation that the air for a short distance does not make any per- ceptiblo resistance to the transmission of an electrical current The train on the experiments were made left Clifton a and the experiments were while it ran to Tortenville and back Many mesages that had been delivered sealed to the operator at Clifton were received and written on moving train on the re turn trip despatches were sent from the train to all parts of the country One was in Latin but it was correctly transmitted Mr Henry Seligman telegraphed to his banking house for lake shore quotations and got an answer within an hour train consisted of five cars metal roofs which were made continuous with pieces of insulated copper wire were connected also with a tele graphers outfit in the front car con of a Morse key a phonetic ceiver an electro magnate and a ho startled by hear- Tho differed from ing preiarations for dismission He telephone founding entered just the pupils were pass- wn a rubber band passing over head They gathered around him eager to hear him sayjho was better and as impurities which cows partake of dnnk food and bad air The most important of all things In management of a dairy is cleanliness in cows in their food And water milking in handling the in fact in every department it is essential next thing after cleanliness Is to dispose of unprofit able cows at the end of each season and replace thero with good ones which always Tone by intelligent dairymen who keep milk records It is a risky experiment to hire a now man for the farm every season Half of the men who offer their services in the spring of the year are men who could keep a place permanently if they would and the farmer who does not hire until ho is obliged to is almost certain to get one of these A permanent labourer who is given a cottage and a garden soon begins to feel an interest in work and business of the farm only second to that of the owner and becoming attached to bt home he will naturally seek to kcl his place by the rendering of faithful service Rural Canadian The cheap dime novel and Jessie James story books are surely if not slowly doing their work aroong the youth of the land When school boys of twenty years ago had a little difficulty to settle the merits of their respective allies settled it after four in a rough but harmless war Now things are j different On Friday morning at North Ward school a little fellow named Johnnie was stabbed by a vicious little plsymsto named Alfred Story The boys were out side school and had had some trilling dispute when young Story pen ko if a from another lad deliberately opened the knife and stabbed He a second last left him was about to go too with only a word or two aliout tho Ley Wait a moment can you not I to consult you record said he When they were alone ho said to her You have taught Never Then you are a genius But if you ore you did not receive your edu cation at a country school did you f No reply turned with ner vous to the register and com menced talking about the days and punctuality As turned leaves together they came upon tho photograph of a sweetfaced and a sheet of paper upon which was written a poem with tha title staring out in hold letters To my love Mr Harris murmured something about his carelessness in leaving such things in such a place and proceeded to them in his coatpocket but held out her hand May I gee tho portrait she ask ed in a very faint voice Certainly he replied handing it to her Ho noticed that her fingers shook as they closed It and that her face was a trifle pale That is my sisters picture said schoolmaster after she had ex amined it carefully watching her face intently as ho spoke He saw a gleam of light leap into her and an expression of relief soften all linos about mouth he took tho hand that was still trembling in own and into The waves of electricity passed frew the roofs of the car thence jump ed to the telegraph wires op either side of tho track Thcnco they passed to fixed stations and were gather ed into focus from various wires and again stab SelfMade Poverty I would not say hard against poverty wherever it comes it is bit ter to all but you will mark as you notice carefully that while a few are poor because of unavoidable circum stances a very largo mass of the pov erty of London is the sheer and clear of profuseness want of fore thought idleness and worst of all drunkenness Ah that drunkenness that is the master of evil If you could look at homes to night the wretched homes women will at the sound of their bus- hands font when be comes home where little children will crouch down with upon their little heap of straw because the human brute who calli himself a man will come reeling home from place where he has Win indulging this appetite If look at such a sight and inenler it will he seen ten thousand time tonight I think you will say God help us by all means to save some Since the great to lay at the of this deadly upas is the Gospel of Christ may God help us to hold that axe there and to work constantly with it till the huge trunk to and fro and wo get it down and London Is saved from and misery cow drops every S Travelling troupes pay ft eight tor the Town was taken after his wounds had been tied up Lindsay Pott The number of sadden deaths in this neighborhood during the pres ent winter is somewhat remarkable Scarcely a week passes without a death being chronicled This week we arc called upon to About eleven months ago Mr Wo who for several years was foreman of the woodwork department A the Agricultural Works bad aa apoplectic stroke but in a short time he rallied sufficiently to be able to walk around and do some light work About three months ago another stroke but again re covered so as to be able to walk around On afternoon how- tver he was attacked with a third and expired about midnight Mr was bom In neighbor hood Newmarket and has almost his entire life in that vicinity and this place Ho was In em ploy of Agricultural works about fifteen years He leaves a wife and one married daughter to mourn bis loss The- funeral took place on Monday afternoon re mains being conveyed to the Metho dist Church where an appropriate sermon was delivered by Rev Mr after which they wen taken to the cemetery for His fellow workmen in the Agricultural Works paid their last tribute of rca- by to number of over sixty marching In a body to late residence following the re mains to tfielr last resting place A beautiful floral wreath of everlasting flowers In which were words si Our Fellow Worker was also laid on coffin by the men of the Work saner How Boys are Spoiled As a rule the causo of tho vicious or deatructivo of boys whoso points in comfortable or circumstances is a fundamental one The primary and painfully fruitful error common teaching in inch families either by preceptor example or both that industry is discredit- hie Boys are not trained or taught the necessity of they are trained and taught only to enjoy the luxury of idleness aod vice comes as naturally as night succeeds the day boys if happen to worry through cigarette and other enervate ing indulgences to manhood are ever distanced in the race for honor and usefulness by alley boys or the moun tain boys whoso physical vigor is not destroyed by luxury and indulgence They force to front while city cigarette hoy must bo supported by bis friend or the rear of race for dependent own effort Philadelphia Timet t3T A bill poster more than any other man sticks up for his business Five burglaries in Uxbridgo all on one night last week Not much booty obtained Port Ontario has found enough natural gas to light place and the drill was broken A surprise party was held at Mr Temperance villi last week CO of his friends from the of King were present T Ml between the cars as the Hamilton train was leav ing Monday but mar vellous to relate ho escaped unhurt of Mark ham served with a writ Satur day at the instance of Rev Smith Some one has figured out that is like a because it con tains traces of care lines of trouble of breeches of good manners and bridled tongues and every has a tug to pull through The residents of vicinity have a committee to endeavour to unravel the mystery surrounding murder of and Mrs list The County Council have added to too re ward offered for discovery of the making with the thousand dollars offered by the Government a total of breeds of divid ed into three classes long wools middle wools and One wools The tint comprises the Lin- and The wools comprise the Downs such as Oxford Hampshire and Shropshire while the Merinos are tho fine wools farmer who keeps a few sheep can give them attention than where large flocks are kept and per haps those farmers who cannot well keep numbers could handle the mutton breeds to better ftdvantage They require just such treatment as these farmers are best prepared to them A printer is the most curious being living He may have a bank and coins and not be worth a penny have steal caps and have neither nor children Others may run hut ho gets along best by setting fast He may he making impressions without eloquence may use the without offending and be telling truth While others cannot stand they set standing and even do both at the same time use furniture and yet have no dwelling may make and put away a pie and never see a pie much less eat one bo a human being and a rat at same time may press a great deal and never ask a favor may handle a shooting iron and knew nothing of a gun or He may the lever that moves the world and yet bo as far from moving tbe globe as a hog with his nose under a mole Ho can spread sheets without being a housewife He may lay bis form on a bed and jet be obliged to sleep on the floor He may use t without shedding blood and from the earth may handle He may hive a sheeps foot not bo de formed never be without a case and knows nothing of law or physic be correcting his errors and growing worse day have em without ever having the arms of a lass around him hare his form lock ed up and at the time be from jail watch house or any other confinement We suppose there it not an individual in Newmarket who has not some personal eccentricity some peculiar mode of speaking gesturing standing or walking that is all Ms own People speak of these habits as characteristics Perhaps they are yet it seems to us they are more the result of habit than of character Dozens of persons respond to any trifling bit of information with Is that so a remark which seems to impeach the veracity of the previous speaker but Is in fact only an excla mation Many elderly gentlemen off their glasses when talking or listening play them and others polish them with their hand kerchiefs A wellknown of this town a habit when speak- of striking the of his right hand the palm of his left time ho makes a point or thinks he does Another Is accustomed to scratch his head gently with a lead pencil when Interested in another ruU his nose Many men chew the ends of their moustaches especially when angry and many run their fingers through their lent locks the which has a Pompadourtngeffcotthal is frequently snytalog but becoming A certain business twists a lock of hair when busily engaged to fifty Women fewer of tiA ft than ijo W care to be ao4 want to attention zstzr i f L J

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