DIRECT IMPORTERS OF BIT GOODS MILLINERY ill HOME OFFICE 16 Silver St Wood St London Eng 200 St Toronto Telephone No 1170 E Leading House TO ROCHE COMPY in announcing hut in tlio course of a low weeks Jie will open a IT of a Competent and Obliging Milliner with complete New Spring Stock Mi WILL UK OP THE OPENING JULIUS PRIN6 y i OODSCAPTURE NEW PRINTS NEW DRESS GOODS Big Drive in Cashmeres Buy Your Cottons Till You See Ours Our Prices Capture Everyone fc i All WINTER GOODS INCLUDING OUR GOODS AT NET WHOLESALE PRICES Besides we arc jobbing off many FAR BELOW WHOLESALE Overcoat- for worth Fur 00 10 Cornels Minse Fine Boots for worth Hoys Long Boot Kid Mitts And so on all through our Stock GOODS I BOOTS SHOES Stock tow Fine Shoe for Children Lad icy Genu A of Tweeds for Gents Suits we will Make to Order for regular and you can have your choice of the Tailor in Town to make them Width Cotton Sheetings Grey and While included in the Big Reductions GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES Terms Strictly Cash Call Early and Get First Choice French authorities have Kinuston Mr David to ex- liftmi from TOWKUHIIUl in I mil At I work in his i j KS By fire on Monday in J ft block of the I I V i 1mlHiijp at l J im woodwork in corridor valu- V in L u were umiuurcd and Col A 9 tie The Era AT WOOD WANTED ifKtCK YARD to HEMLOCK PINE J SJroarkf lilt Id approval of a Bclinuioof PA KM or to a in coiuwvliQii id mill Dominion lopj yoOTSX fell down in hint a at St and Wirt to a mwVlvi M in a state of coma for hours when life ifriw flupposcd to Ixi extinct ami iimy voro for her flif body rtiiii8 a lifelike find fiiipjiosi she in in a PO trance is fiusrinJcil for hotly lies in the dead a ME tie- am mamma Albert in full tic it ftlll Hour per SI toil Ml Wi W For rer do fc ijuOivi Mi do ti Lr W lb 1 tuu IP I sz w New Swiss Embroideries at and 10 Cents New New Oriental Laces Hew Plaid Dress Ginghams at 121- 15 Cents with Plain Goods to Match yardwide White Cotton at 8c New Prints and Sateens WETLAND VaiiKV P I Purchased Tailoring of tin 1opular is v- J IJ OPENING OUT PARTNERSHIP NOTICE PIIK Intel on A In ivjo of A lti u he In of film will titter at Late Cutter for Mr A Qnibell nifkirtr l to Notice to COKTnACTons 1IK I rtHUntlCiiijIWHi f nuuinTucMlny JmiK wire of W I an J A The Winter and Overcoats HOSIERY AND FLANNELS a AT m Jit lie fan GOOD BARGAINS as ate VERY CHEAP for CASH SIXTY DAYS I j j Undertaking a Specialty on a Mltncd of iroioHy in ID A rfirtitcnl ftffiii wbtfti follefiMclJbotnlnl A will loliJoneicuJcr of of sc wilt W bbltfft of Of h Jmi further ft fotut of TV lite the iiniitlinT- llttU to fctii IU or A IMJCAOJKV L A RANGE OF CANADIAN SCOTCH TWEEDS of Coating wo will loakt- Styles At Closest Cash Prices Only J Out Workmanship is FirstClass We Guarantee a Perfect Fife And have Only One Price SOLICITED w MUTCH Next to Atkinsons Jewellery Store FOR Will give from to per cent Discount Off ALL WINTER GOODS To Clear Out Stock Come One All for Bargains BLOCK TO E B CROMPTON CO foe Leaders Low Prices STORE ROCHES OLD STAND Abstract of Accounts NEWMARKET w op for GEORGE JR a fa a TICKETS TICKETS lviiil 1 i I ftj Ma JO a Watchmaker Jewelwi LIORN CHEAP RAILWAY TICKETS IK WTEO STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO SCOTLAND of Tor Mil Fold fcc to To from cn year I t tf mmi of Store bitten KlUcl by I- ULQ no a r No No I JH HI v I a Dot ilAdHconMl the Voadwr r Jf I Of IbTp ftribB Hit AcMi j Si- ALB a J G2S MA OF EMllItOIDKSlY JUST it BOUGHT A JOB FROM t JAMBS i 1 PROPRIETOR MANUFACTUREBS ALL WIDTHS AND PRICES Co Wood or Stave Bolts Ranted irrr i4i OH PIKE- tMoff