Kg Every AT Bit WJ MA iHSf- I COO SUBSCRIBERS I da Medium in SLd adeitU8ttiftUU f- r u 1 ivJi lt I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Copies 3 Cents Each i Newmarket Ont Friday Mar 12 1866 vVHARKET AGENCY E ROE Successor to P LEE First Class Stock Companies only Represented DOOR O TIN TO THE mini rcooramcDd hi lo In ffnl and fur by do Iublle lu on it 1 LI public C A J Is Notaries Man I AUKS I Public MUSKY A At Tooclo di J I- a TO AT fl on ASb J WALTKBUUHTIIWAITBt A OF Mfiflvrncilou My book tor bold Jorrtt per United by roomi for All billiard M r For County of York for Imrlimenumil llmdwaro my a can be NowJDftrbft to THE TMtfUHANUK OF Vlciormaud Accldcut mid claim- to AH vnlld dIosico ruhy for Ifemlunib in Terms 25 Cash Advance within or end of year DRAFTS fSgn ED eld A FULL OF IN SILKS Beat Knitting Silk Mode All Silk A Stock of Wool and FANCY 1 GOODS I MATERIALS -ALSO- MADEUP DECORATIVE GOODS to Order in Claw Style REDUCTION IN- LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER I in NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY Flrut Door North of Royal wJHi excellent ho lurmuuL A rat- oor Whit mrim hi tramping of And horror And Now overflow ltr All I iad bated At word out to in death I ihi Ktrikn art with bit I Mi a J- inR Why ftttond property buintr At tblt bo opened tbe looked out and calling to toe Mid Wi ho father baa it and ho holding it down tall dark roan was up and carryings and at that child who appeared to bo about two years old and who beat htm with her little and struggled to get on the floor all crying luttily The dork gen tleman was perfectly unmoved He paced car in a mechanical way paying not tbo heed either to the baby or the many uncharitable remarks ho could not fail to overhear An hour putted and itUI night made by those piercing screams will have Ktiritiinly not for at that very mo i wit fchc burst into and more I TRIMMED FOR BALANCE OP THIS SEASON 9SE CALL AND SEE BECKETT oil of from Uiui jfjiFH JMy nut at utter CALL AND SEE AtUftlteryand Lot VUJtortf ffCT A Vlai acid for a to A BIG BONANZA Almeit I Hit boy to lov Mice one of Aadcre Whin IU HuaugUl lie know Alia HOD ion Jird hi liro II my tuld he for her giif a We to llicia fjfc l a he God to YOUR to ijtt now Fill Halt aow of Tweeds for piJty vilun fur IP J Uciuiua mil rear Central IMV1UV A J AUOANVJtllW f AAIBEEM hutcun Mount Albert faro yhCrciii in Alum from till 1iAN ON city itKDSQAL UK Kto- ittoniciiuur8lol08m rtUYHKJIANHuluJKVN Ac tllpornpiof at Mill frf218 for Aurora viciauy loon JKM0NAMV fc Aurora IS OF CANADA OFFICE TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED ON -DRAFTS- -ISSUED- ON UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IN CANADA MONEY found In Wo make forttiyle OR cot to be icputatlon YOUR a plMilJlql of Nut LIFE a caiioci Of Town IAH llio IoitOfilcf Jt was a night and wind bleu i gale I In lie ttA express for New York at and were in bin Ha had fallen asleep and I busily in my own reflect i I glanced casual- and with Jitt through which lining whirled It s only when twilight shut out visible objects and the lower- inu clouds head grew black J awakened to tl coiutciousiKs that it was night and that Hal had been sleeping on lion old low said shaking up I el Id he claimed rousing him self and look in lititn stupid social chap for a compan ion must say How long been asleep sitting upright looking all around him About I I should Well you and me Will I needed it go to bed at all lost night i to be done all at last Tii a a in dry to I said dryly laughed lie was the best chap in the orld A big strappi fellow standing six feet high with nerry blue eyes dear cut fair almost to woman liness Ho wit a great swell a universal night he muttered a little irritably for him and con foundedly cold to I had just about half enough Will and If you Pitch her out at the window suggested the stout gentleman Do something murmured the commercial traveller Let her cry its likely to kill her put in the spinster complacent in the name of Hal springing out of lcd in des peration and intercepting tho dark gin I bin an in his march Why dont you give that child to her mother That is what she wants Give her to her mother and be done with it Sir said dark gentleman stopping and speaking deliberately and you all ladies and gentlemen turning and addressing the heads bob bing from behind the curtains I to for the my little one caused and the great annoyance you have forced to endure Jtelievo me I would done any thing in my power to prevent it You to J suggest I give Iter lo her mother Sir her mother is in the front car in her colliiL I tnuKt do the best can one a word and every head disappeared in his or her curtain in a trice Hal stood dura founded for a moment then drawing himself up and speaking manfully said I humbly beg your pardon ought to of myself and I am to and give this young ii you think you could- if I you A rest will be a boon Gome Miss Hal out his arms Come along or 111 take you anyhow To Ins utter amazement the tiny were immediately outstretched Farm Notes Kmat month of March is the time to get ready for spring campaign All the teed grain likely to be reqalred should lo carefully cleaned up and pot in bios bar rels or bag The latter is the handi est way and if bogs left untied and mouths open the mice or rat will rarely touch them For ourselves wo are fortunate to hare a grand po liceman which is at least fiva dollars a year besides its board we mean our cot If you have not really firstclass grain it will pay you to get good teed from sooio of your neigh- bora It pays to a change of seed even if your We make a point to two or three years no mutter how good our own may Seed grain should always bo put twice through a Give little shake as you like but spare the wind In purchasiig oats everything else being equal we a stiff strawed variety as the hinder makes much nicer work when the crop is standing up stiff Timothy and clov er seed should alto be secured this month and had in readiness Dont be in too great a hurry to set biddy Early hatched chickens unless the house in comfortable do thrive well as those brought out when the weather is dry and warm Young chickens new pros per it is at all damp and be ing so close to the ground the damp naturally easily affects them There is nothing actually gained by trying to raise very early birds Horses are nervous creatures His Excellency gave a Hall lost week J It is asserted that on the Panama canal are dying at the rate of a day aa The Imperial Government has telegraphed authority to Lord to definitely annex a Bradford Company of Cincinnati manufacturers of mill ing machinery hovo assigned Lia bilities wellknown A Wayne in County W as an orator politician has been lynched for murder his wife A farmer named was killed by an express train on the Michigan Central Railway at Thomas on Saturday ovening An attempt was on Monday night in Paris to assassinate Dr correspondent in that city of London fimu VST recent snow storms and cold weather in England have more severe than anything experienc ed there since the War William Monks who shot and killed William London a few days ago has Iwencom milted for trial on the charge of man slaughter bail being accepted Mormons were on Monday at Salt Lake City to sis for unlaw cohabitation were and will be tentenced at a future dav One hundred and triiivi Chinamen working near Mount Tabor I I iiriven into the city by a masked of white Saturday morning violence was done startled Hence it well to speak miles from Portland Ore in to them when you near them in the stable and this should always he done in kindly gentle tones Many have a bad habit of shouting at horses and commanding them whenever they address them Utter far to rule by than fear Indted you can not rule by fear You may secure a temporary obedience in this way hut the spirit of obedience is created love brute creation understands tones though they may not be able to interpret words What is good in the liable is equally good on the road You may calm a frightened more quickly by soothing tones by any other means known to the art verily believe that as anil- the in Washington richest men are the stingiest s ih- ViiM tt ihei June I The preliminary examination of the ringleaders in M was tfcn eluded at New Carlisle on Friday were all for trial the Criminal Court October and are now out on bail Gorman introduced bill provide for a joint by republics on tint of March in honour Ifi of of parent republic i llu- Initod The fuller the mouth it io out a coin for any useful purpus Still and St Call NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE J A I to Time Notes Discounted ait J Maitcr CHAN A Mijiro Out On at II B Y have now fettled for an- patronage and wishing of the Holidays over have other business thanking you for past a Happy and Prosperous Now Year IN WHISKEYS WINES FINE LIQUORS ALES AND PORTERS Our Stock Will l found Complete as usual -ANJJ- LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY T Largest Best Stock or VERY LOW FIGURES It will to Urn parties with- JOHN dont mind totted TlialBuiU I replied lam with you We crossed platform and step ped into the car- A of wind and snow whizzed passed us have for money it is a nan and little sigh K0 Ins should fcome fc j nestled against his shoulder nil thats Will look this it arms were tight around his neck Miss babys cheek was press ed against his own I caw Hal start and then ho clasped little turo closer find kissed her dimpled hands anil face and hold her tenderly in his strong arm Will and see her he wo opened the or which called forth prettier than a picture C And when I crept I vta-r- Civil IvwiirrCo Voik Biscuit Manufacturer IK FRUITS x JAtUKON ii rkcl Ontario WEDDING CAKES NEWMARKET ONTARIO FAMILY Weekly and all Nought for Cash which us jChcdp a the Cheapest lltu J TKCTKOlTl NOTICE Wrn Cane lumber day been ftOtd Win A of who will on nil and whom III Me fltm to all to tie Lite If in arc to be Mid THE CANE duller DR after fill Dp will I If no Practice and Drug Store AT THE MRSL R BONDS THE OF AND- I Royal ftTeWwinrbcl ANDSEBTnK Cheapest and Best Stock of Furniture WINTER MANTLES if IN NEWMARKET Undertaking mm Urge Wool Shawls Wool Jacket Woo i Wool Caps Indies Fur Embroideries Velveteens sll colore at A lot of Indies Undcrclothin FOR DUNN THE COO BEST F WARBLE WORKS I WAIN MlLLGTj J WorUvbeit As ft Clearing mutt rade to Imit of Spring Goods it worth for p ys i 00 50 up to per yard Very People requiring any of the will save money by MONEY TO LOAN ft ijowtu to borrow raont call another grumllng imprecation relative WAatlier Decidedly lib was sleepy There were not many passengers on and these invariable iters one is toon counter a garrulous old gent cm vol with white hair who occupied cats and essayed to read by the uncertain light of the railroad lamp which was of no more use than those lamps ore and quite as ornamental Then cam the com mercial travel who was disposed to take things ho found and wore and rather bland than otherwise A portly oh with a bird cage and several my attention spinster who Kit upright in a rigid position and insipid of or thereabout travelling of conductor together with short thick man of ago and up list of No there j another I had quite overlook him on train wo were in or man of yeart with a haggard and hollow eye His berth had made up was seated on the of it his id resting on his Hal and I entered the car A thrill tho silent car every to turn round in he direction whence it came nil unlucky groaned Not a of it agreed And good lungs it has too he went on I wish it would bo But the hadnt tlihlet notion of this To it had not be yet The shrill co- continued louderand louder staring hard th and harder at one another Tho garni old gentleman laid his mag ino and remarked The portly opened her watery eyes i could and exclaim ed Dear spinster an air of virtuous triumph and nothin I dare herself upon her lucky escape traveller looked Hal I am to say and tumbled into bed no enviable frame of niitiil everyone his or lampj were lowered and comfortable as he of the company But through it all that cried raging mild in aon with tho orw raging within Ha bed is a mockery Of nuisances this tAkes whatever To hoard and Miipltmun loci I hoards of health hat With miserly alt the many i ami are doing has made its a and reported to be in St burg and St tt A snowplow being of the Montreal express for Pond one day last wt struck obstruction and turned upside Eight men were in plow at every farmyard bo a scene of wntentr such as softener in pic ture of niral life that in the actual experience of it A truly man the of Ms beast and will as far as in him lies make lt it a happy and a long one Too many xhmd crept out end stole look at fairy there she lay in nil her baby beauty with a sweet smile curving her rosy Jips and her golden falling tangled curls over her little forehead She is pretty I ad mil ted Pretty Well I should think to Will yon may not it hut Id give a good round sum if she I would upon my word And when up there was such in bis faco I knew he it Mo held her so nil night scarcely breathing lest ho disturb her and when he parted with her in the morning there was a tear glistening on babys white hand and it ws on Hal had kissed before giving her hack to her father an unhappy brute though fed the crib of wealth and surrounded by tokens of abundance might be par doned if possessed reason enough to do so for asking the question life worth Better ft speed and merciful death than a life pro tracted through of suffering caused by the cruelty of that rerapne- tyrant man A fanner named Win Burr- ell was of S0 on his way to Toronto last week stream of stone sand and other building material still continues to pour into Rumor lias it that over houses will be erected here m summer Among them tome are expected to exceed in taste and finish anything hitherto built particularly Dr who is preparing to build on that beautiful lot known tfs the Saunders also contemplates tho erection of a block of that for design will even the celebrated the notorious bandit known as the has been killed BtMajagual He had a list on his containing the names of fifteen rich sugar planters whom it is supposed he intended to bold for Eightyfive of the one hun dred retail and tinware dealers in St an and adopted the boycott as a means of protecting business from the the largo mercan tile houses who beginning to in clude stoves and tinware id their large stocks J Ki Near Port recently attacked on his head fear fully him theyor6 his out roots and him or dead citizens greatly enraged are the perpetrators KSu A rather bad accident occur red on Friday afternoon on tho P at A heavy freight train which was not manned by cient men to keep it under control when coming down the steep grade above the town tan into an engine tho siding Both engines Fond had an inch driven hi I forehead killing dim J of Island was injured and lied shrtly Two threo others wens seriously injur- hut will recover K- There is no in minds of that the publication of all tho minor details minutpi of crime both great a small has a tendency to make pco have less regard for life for for law not a who bos attained mature years does not recall the borrows with whi he read the first account of a Ho recalls tho horror with which regarded tho man who could coot such a In imagination he feels shivers chasing each tip his spinal column and for and weeks was fresh in mind and was over companions this filing yra ally wore away wro too The shivers no longer reads details with horror lias become used to it and of human life no longer upon Neither any thai the of horrid del ifitds to excite in tho minds of 1 Daley front On Friday ult badly and I barrow w came in contact this the to conBoe persons James Jenkins oldest and most impeded quietly pisl away with the nil would well with lum in iu- at was State in and re moved to with his father Rev William Jenkins tho first or- minister in York County Ho was married in to Miss and came to King in 1857 where he followed occupation of fanning rcttret in He was nrdcut worker all his life and a firm church ineuiber for over forty years being connected with the Presbyterian Church of Canada during that time 13 At the held at St Catharines on the murder of Mrs TYrrell by her insane brother- inlaw the returned the follow- lag verdicts That the deceased Mrs Lewis Tyrrell came to her death on Monday evening March 1st on the premises of Lewis Tyrrell her nusbano from inflicted upon sic all with a club in the hands of Kelson Terrell jury further Cad in their opinion said Kelson Tyrrell was deranged in his mind at the time ho committed crime We would also hope and de sire that some simpler more direct and more methods than those now in vogue should be davlsM to con6oe persons who are supposed broken and thrown around indiscrim freight was ruined but fortunately no person was injured March Ernest Rob erts who with was charged before Judge of robbery and was discharged for want of evidence for slealing and tried here before Squire and whocommUttd to his trial and give him in charge of a constable to take Mm to gaol The train In- late Roberts requested the con stable to return Home with him to allow him to letter and while in an open door and escape and Is still at large Petrol March A daring robbery was committed between Boring and Oil last night be tween and oclock Mr I of selling goods for George A Co To ronto was on the a It trick from Oil OU City and half way vaa mat by masked men one whom covered him with a revolver- requesting him to put up his hands or he would shoot him Of course he compiled and the other two went through pockets They In getting in cash watches and too plated evenly balanced men and longing desire to do some deed I will exceed in atrocity and lend one just narrated The peruser of daily events cat fuil to the frequency with ono directly folio by another yet more revolting or in some other portion of the It at times seems to be epidemic day in Wilson tomorrow car by wing of the press it is led in Buffalo And thus it Call it what you may a depn appetite or whatever you please fact to remain that mind long to be fed upon out of the beaten of every It pays no heed to that has passed it looks eager the water that is to come It I in every walk in life The W ii it have Its because makes It talked about The from bis bis and far v- i langu- the beaten path may excite lie The and Into his out those that ha will best strike the popular meet the popular approval far than he to gam rrnown or by advocating what Is right or best Wo ar all more or l the order and WO sun we can fence and make mouths and as best we can Bo long the pie sanction those thing thr doubtless The tide will by and no doubt but yet hi some degree W I A to t Mk sens a I Ml