Bad Lapse of Memory A worthy of a pity had out nuU with con rial companion It not exactly dry locality that ho bid and ho arrived homo exhilarated Ho m describing erratic rather than geometrical llnti to got to bedroom and a chair Then ho called to bU In a rtagf cwt got off Iho matter with in a tent matter with four Why dont you pull your boot off thou Murii forgot combine Not ho Looked York tooVod right thing as bo Park with Inn Ml ton year hut of a young who up to and said flow Mr Wilton this of tor- My is not Wikon sir it All your Two country ma by imcitlKr young roan ho My natiiO in not tint countryman only other follow it was Ah how It work nowaday litis countryman This young was not giving and ho abruptly to friend around nice Mr was told tho An Boy About Lent Pennsylvania Gas zpoiIo March tonight report a of flvo all to mains of which remit is that goea Into open air and spreads through wotl which Is on firo is a big and flamo Is shooting up fact Tho wo moving their goods their along lino leak Two of Taylor family who dead and three other arc pec tod to from March At night the flames wore thin ever before cut J thousands of flocking town from all porta Jiving within two hundred yards of tho burning gas been by air from gae roar of bo gas can bo heard miles away No person in the town has gooo to tonight The streets throng Id with people and the hotels ore crowded with death Fridays explosion bis ait occurred IB live old Charley bis ov would be I Well my it lime wmii go to church a great deal nud In not mid our tor forty days Jil jo to club to tliudaysliofoits uii you and no I What wry juration you loldiuo but Mary Ann mo that Jin to little boys and when they tired day thirju up in 1 with He day wlnn you and pap fur I girl tirrdp and Mary Ann up ho has to hold baby ho I too And showed pic- tun in tin where ltti tola cat on till And Ho opened a mans Cook wouldnt Jot a iwr blind man come into kit- get warm diiy I tun gno ttho sup and It was o iu to and I was an old- child Was old- mamma far lie was kind to Anyway when I am J will up tired and bold end I will give hungry enough to if it is or if for that blind man Owl little boy 1 you will never know bow awful it fecli to bo hun gry Jlridgetnot to givo blind man food did you said you did but you rather an for your years but dont bother mo now with asking for must get ready to go Mrs reception Good night my darling Now play nicely with worry your littlo head about things you can not understand little Hoy turned away from Ins mother with tears in ins grvat brown eyes and Cook- soy up before squirt on Thursday for using pro- and creating a in A barracks and fined- J uitlcS cautioned them that if them again llioy would jtnpoeo heaviest fine tin allowed not only on them but any others who might do o This rowdyism has been going on for sumo in barracks and glad to that be Army deter mined to stop it Among when ono a heltlo from it is expected that when he Is returned portion of the food that ban been cooked it will bo loft in bottom- custom bo by nny that person would never be able to tho owner must always know was in her A while women on returned a scoured in tending to teach a in but it thrown her act of a fresh of of whites is vain than for a woman to deny age for the only person who cure about If man dislikes a woman ho thinks to old alio really is bo will disliko her more for being in formed by her she younger than she seems to bo and ly looks older than sho should In false regarding practice deception which injures Iter reputation for truth of face her genial diipofaitionj and uprightness of charac ter will have greater weight with mute sex than dato of her birth negro fxna vorkCU if known r mm Snd the Una kd At end of crop laborer Ihlrd of the corn A firmer in Bualowor MIm in the first of pres ent with for found sorer of them who vera un willing to with him for of the Ho loach do you want Inquir ed Wo a what Milter to gib and calling to uVod her to bring out of apple pies I juit bale- and when produced ho cut ono of them into equal porta and other into four and id vited the darkies to to a It is to that tho which hod boon cut Into three pieces was first attack ed How said pointing to thirds tfiat Is what I togivo you and that pointing to fourths Is what you say Mr Mitcholl hi going to you which would you rethor drklcs opened their and at another when tho spokesman Well dat business do prove a is a fo contract Bob Tho was produced and last one of signed it Where Originated aro of Egyptian origin Celery originated in Germany The chestnut from flio union originated in The ncttlo from Tobacco is of Virginia citron is a of The is a of originated in North Africa Ryu Siberia poppy originated in The mulberry in Persia was firettiiiown in Sardin Spinach was first cultivated Arabia sunflower was first brought from Peru originated in China and Japan walnut and peach from Purvis The chestnut is a of Thibet Tho from Indies no count tlionumWof till in the fciovo of own adrorsity for much bran in friendship Wednesday March for six weeks to come a of thu Christian world will bo called to foaling and prayer need not bo Accounis is FOB THE l ift Hobooi I MOO tat Km 7B WW Sit IWi filr and flM that cou n od nTrruaptitramnB or or ad JOUM JOHN A- prosperous A and dumb person iited to jjivo his of forgivc- 1A OlO It I hi which yield preacher tooV for his hi beloved And then ho laid ad he I IT i ir A meeting of subscribers Church fund to bonus a I ioihebeiitliUtbatinay at Markham Vlllogo was hold in council on Tuesday Mr Joseph Wales who occupied tho chair stated that was subscrib ed and that balance to mate it would bo cosily Mr Campbell was present and stated that ho require a building two stories high besides a small dye- Ho would put in twontyono looms and guaranteo to employ men An executive was to creeling tlio building and other details Rite selected is Mr James obi won- agreeing to ground for per year The factory to bo ready and running by tho first of June Economist The has placed a lit Mr faia work of the west ern off Gull way who IxiJcs having hardly Out to without ire and without fihd- or clothing It is not rare to find years of ago hopl id on forced hiding during the day lihiO because of every long for or rooty with which to ho It ho from coMciuiitiouii oUcrvaiico of fiCOBoiis It iu very true as ranny that is always order hut human nature its con that what can be any time or ono time ax not to ho dono at all and and any would be bettor for Lent in truth moreover and social as well as its on- is good for health and the votaries of society glad enough to find Lento period of rest Wil son Star AnOKwdsitUiUOnic SO cos in floe UoDdijt mails Vts Hew mad WD QqaTllft KM to JO I tor or thereof ic UrJLIa6cnUoi or Don thereof Ibb bo it fd reply it dod in Office nor tan to a DROP Town cool ACb or ibertof tori rates 6rycAio be pOslflgqllAnip- Mid boy win jnurn- paid full rite double Lboamofjiit of pcUo Id- IflDdedlObe to la be pre its to fa to ration mail be Jttf StUtrTbSc Lore of AH letter be It u1qqIm before NORTH STORE iry- TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AM OCEAN STEAMSHIPS TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OP New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran Cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J NEWMARKET B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever jiewipaoen ffod jrjuippmpi iMoooee ft onir thin i pobKeitloo lo- perlodidtj lb toot by to to the United be prepaid by or or t tor Book Packet Jog in Illicit tor to cod or pot MLtd ramt be prepaid by rUio at ibe i lOd exoeolton of order or tent by to not Miaaiy trade or liable u ioeb of jui for lo to b exceed E to nor to Col- the OK GLASSWARE MEATS AND PROVISIONS AND FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES To room for A SMITH- by attends A LOTS- of Apply E TO bd limit of tdlbctioriUoi1ie3eeilaftotbiiii J of wrU root notes wwbich A for tale cbCopcr for J A VI NO purchased stock and oodwill of Messrs JJros I now prepared to supply THE STAFF OF LIFE O POIi fiALR- rust fur ihe Jirabiciouun rears old Jet by JOHN imported Holler Flour really a at tho usual price Having bud YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE of which been in this Town I know something of of tho no in laying that lobritdlb iot Moae Orders betn o the tot Up Hit up to flreceouaodoo rUyibfolb ire lto u tVaJei libioJU Volt from on per allow ri bo Jiaok Mui arc bivlou See had worked into of was truly ftlrcet car few days July to Another Mm recently had con loft to her To other never truer thing than Mi hue wW a to it wibh you vouldstop over ait I i hu Mrs thifc this infotmAhfi liAt Mi two twenty diy ii living in in county Hiart fanner who hug wit in tin idled in connection with hotel in Luck now for a lung tiujo as iln for his when in the village Tin day ho to for and delivered him wood man right of a It you cimiiot well of your do nut of A cross may bo jnviu a kind one by kind treatment way to ho is to other happy To do a lux ury If you are not wiser at end of day that day is lost I oven if it bo hut littlo each day Hay nothing that unless prompt relief scores of these poor I back you would not Bay to face a better journal than a people whoso heavy on this country of gent man carrier a in pocket to handy to read on tlio waiting the barber ipg hit blacked waiting for after tea between at people will dte March Cora a carold girl wJto lost Sunday from a and Ida two female companion rotates a horriblo story of her treairisOnt fitatca that was from her home Dil over a year and couipcllul to Country with the tho hot in head kicked her tut her on the with a hat- diet befit her with club Jier with buggy whip and otherwise iiifninoiily her drove a nail through foot nig her to board and up to Ida wagon tows Marks of the wound are still plainly visible and his companions decamprj s toon as learned cope A numlier of citircnt hunting for party if they captured lynching will probably follow March Two arrival hero and proceeded to hotel in city registered as and two of The older of the two went out and secured several pupils for a French class which ho proposed getting up getting part jKiymnut in advance stayed until when they asked for liquor and wore refused left and wont to several other and failed to obtain any liquor but Were arretted for trying obtain prohibited hours let of by magistrate and skipped to Woodstock having their bill unpaid Their next stand was at where by a plaus ible tale of distress they Father Brady to go security for their hoard at Neil from they shipped in a similar leaving aympathctio priest in for the hotel at present working game other parts of Pro vince hotel men and DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COP WEST FRIEND Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED will ray cub for cut from either OR PIKE Factory or on A For apply to CO Mttf flHPX fMX m m Will suit the of the A complete of FRSH GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS Will bo kept stock and sold Any in Town A Trial of and Cakes Solicited ALEX SIMPSON North End Bakery NEWMARKET Hardware Store WORM POWDERS ArorloateJittola a aofo the fact whenever ft French had better be on their preteuU I guard KSI T ftuoliliid Best Moulding Materials now to locate Uicfaluvr Oh Shortest uic ioUjIkmmmu up 10 aoMMtlouiioa of lo JAMES GO SHOT ELS PICES PAINTS AND OILS BUILDERS MATERIALS FULL LINKS AT fcOW BAR I HON AND TERMS CASH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL WAY DIVISION AH j ilQnijj far ai pm Kst pre aj from To Stja mm Kj5 pro G0t7m At ilSA t Sit Toronto Depart p SHAATH CPUS lUUfl-Qx- UUVCO TrlimjrJtJuDljiilyJocacJDijQOiLi ill Of VAHHorytfiprtc J ft t MAXUtlAGB SKI lbs fTUiMp lrod4riil of ABLE -AM- LEADING HOUSE OVEIl T Rest Stock 01HTJjTni73reKto of York Will At VERY LOW of la to to rac a till OR SALE W cat TO BENT VfL J PHARMACY 1851 BRICK STORE by i Apply MRS ft KENT- County of York- Jfconlroo W Wowmartci- ARM TO RUiYJ ttcir SO of which art coo of X I j MATT For iorlicurura JfOMKU or A CHEMICALS AND Large Stock of Toilet Articles PHYSICIANS OPEN to a pry to NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE OH SALE Now flCr one Will Ibi u t If llillir a tp on war uitowjr i fl j- 5 1 a vv j jiirs you for put down and wuli Farm For Sale i vl about to hi good JOHN IfT Huron ABM FOR SALli drive ibid a I otter flee- w iouoooIu psrilcolar On to jkoj JIirABMP FOR SALE A UK RAT tor llror Tbo TUB la or In to cull property of tttcwarv Wriniivppsy to JAMES AL1AS At vaitiablsTfarm FOR OK TO BEST j tat about jojeaicu- of AJquntity lirfrffrIi or alkv good aul net tool two two Ad old A pi I to FOR SALE cd lie filntbtSlUCoo 4 fir lb to noooKrrHfiiitJr bjp Alt fflci to Sir ALES AND PORTERS Our Stock will torn J ft- FAMILY GROCERIES and iie P J main THE MFG CO OF LUMBER LATH I WE NOW TO SUPPLY OUH WITH DOORS sash Blood 13 WEEKS 13 or BnjOUSKESS HEADACHE dropsy iuiI or D n to of W World moult a DOLLAR to pMliuMtfrt to- World ti I loty of ioWj Vnausi time with THANKFUL FOB OK PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAUK AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK r -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO NOTICE VKlLftVvlvUtrit1nVfl cldMltmlo tnxu- Co Win can flu lh ftnslilr cur In slltlU I vUorcttiiVi to dank mpUtfWpMloo Ml m ill tfjb aw hl ttuiv liff i