r ta Wall A loo Cream Ice Cream Robertson Bros Wall Papers KStarr Dramatic Entertainment Judicial Notice Net McLean Hats Mrs Bond Judicial Notice Neil Card of Thanks John Pollock Potatoes John Co Train limn 1 nil to sr Bra fliTin I FRIDAY MAY 21 Our Toronto Despatch Toao UH7 A wilii lor trip to Country or Jnirt A filMdunftld and or and on Council it ft of not 1jw car a off Court Wort work Will A Uoun- CM JtiiinUltt 1 Wtdiiwdny J A Icmuw A Hall It Jtfi no itv to ImI II Mr Mr tor In ittuijubJltbii to Mr JVAltoriMcCurtliy- vim Australian for out bo or pretext or IL ThVidhrgo uid in and report Dp before or Id supported injf of or within tho of to deal or in any way affecting the honor of members finally concluded by finding fault with Mr tor to name or name of the whom ha were nd from bo got hit in- The party It was party which dictated Party had to do with giving to Coding of com- and will Editorial Notes Till Qonnwtl will relief of ff Tut of Vork bftogfiDted about forltmcumot Aitbar Lot ffarpr of of lb of Mr bai a9glncd of with object of to To It It Co foe the it to Uontttil tod Tux fau rliiriLuiiooofiU foftUt luce It to tb Local from thirty to A from Sir that a of raplottyai tabiiJ on to buds of each of Ink Drops rVhcrt WIjilaiod North Had TajKaq Ha will North York Voters List officer for Ural District of Korth York for Dominion under total Actj till Voter addition mad at Preliminary Court hold at QuLeutvilla and fiiUioa for the final as follows at on 3rd on landing at oh the Gth at Hull on the at the Hall Bond Head on for Polling Hall Kot- Hob on tho and for Foiling 3 Hall Jsprlnghill on the Aurora at the must to or hi days pro vioua to holding of tha Courts Court is announced to open each at it to and Polling will be taken up in rotation and finally dealt with All at Courts will ho that In bo of by tbi of Albert for III lid legion of our of to lotik flgo They will 9fi trill fuller fioi horns In dmiud tu on Brit- War it mid of fttotfitl that fifvcti liuuld eujttblo for IK be In Coo- at from Great expected fa near future It tow reported the lUilwy Coaj4Uty are In with ilia Union Telegraph Com lany for traotfer by the of tho Itawof dominion Tole graph which will work by Canadian in wlthtbtlroffiityaterjj to bo opened f la km brief and da into It look York city oq held the and aftorirardv hit of the Ho Solicitor In AdojIublraUon faux- Rofat of Toronto to Ills of lira on from a at Starlit to tbo Bakery Not for Soya of Toronto baa put of lata of tba of re after log with faar daughter Toronto flblalda Evj of Albert In Town on and gave a out are and Iter of Aurora pulpit here log lttv at Fetch a Cora en the Aurora by Mr Fred who lag at for put two years ami to a Till to open a Denial Tailor la lb Office block H wko 111 la Toronto tail woik to brought htm en Friday and la now around una al though A QutWIl Saul at oclock and at on US Ho 1 delighted lie baa to iho vuntmer and The of laat week of Mr of a plcialog event on Jay whin about thirty FafiUd toiewbled iho of two to tfldeat daugh ter of our townii4ti Mr II of tSlcUtcd Sir It MM of hrtfttiotld wn which company of a sump- tuouabreabf4aL The then lulu other with them the of a- hut of frfeodi for folure were both numerous and Sharon Jottings folka genera art taking of warm weather la Si lion li locking la tko ftbluRlItg liar patched and lit Thotoptoo new coat of faint and Mr baa a bar of workmen lmprorUig wtn bad day while ting out a partition Ur Ira Bella tod Ma ton Will left for Jot Ukn there of bar- tog a grand party about the of a a a Union Street Items fijx Hat io- are op When the day one Mr got Into a holt and bad Id It Ur l bit fitting out to water other day and whtu Into liable of them la jam which followed lta leg broken and the animal bad to colt from A J of from Wo la about a new fence to front of Oar little brick quilt Iht yard up and By way t log tho wo may tipiet a Town cvacir jiccttif Mtrntm qajoolt4 TtRjttd Jg of fcrttw tola field J to L Water In relation to JDjurlQlrDMlTedbyAle UolTott and at Hi a to Street on adJtlandnob- on woe Androw irui appointed for Ward at to or Itoad A Commttco a and tho and Court Fyao and Ttmotby of report bat re for for loytn port to bill of It toFinaoco Com Mr don to amtnotnmaao com plaints of Treasurer to pay tbooamo by Ur SI- that paid to tho recognition of la out Orel- Council Bargains This Week LADIES STRAW HATS mod and rim mad A Mate from to and Of op it- to 1 from So Hot of the Qld of we And the losing What a It Kill lo to the taxpayeid when the children dyUg of to reflect that be It joint owner of the toll tower on tho new Court golmll out of tbta now court To ronto If cor future Comity dont allow tnagaot draw their to a lathe Jloucof Mr Cook Ja loduclug Sir thtio ront lo of on limit ho Mr Cook from to 1678 when made To the pure all to the many actloot hive a i appearance of time the M for West Mr in against Hon- JfftWdl Mr John P- for l in com tec- with Colon- Of iit view of the played ly Mr Edgar fostering the sub the of of on the part of political violation of Independence of Act very However the to on aad where mutations were indulgod in and anything but parlia mentary of At tho of tba enquiry a report prepared for to the House embracing the findinga of the Com- That report before and wbicli fcti let That the charge that White obtained Government an a favorable exchange or any of part of their land to wholly unfounded That he did not procuroaa agreement from the Government a choice of any of Had for the Shell arid wm no to the the charge In on Fruity night last la tlon calling upon A Hon Fiaflk fetnlth front the of cat people if country Whan of Labor enter domain of politic carry out the of their by the Notices a ituerttti Great ortonaumplttn And many woallog forme of It lurking In ayettnii true or loliurdoci onion ibni Hie blood frame A VntVl It may bo red6r tbal popular fcuowa Hag Yellow Oil prove rem on Jlagynrtia Oil IntemU a i ell at outward ante and Pectoral utn and reliable In Ha effect threat and lung complaints neglected In A Cyrna what wa to to a cancer on about to a career to iry Utood and tolcru of wbich entirely To Toronto will fla il Hotel on 2nd Thursday for Hie Ho lorjylnTliofalicoitiiat moo given up by phcUo of for bo J Lured many lngtheputlyar lr In Canada ir you doing well under your owr do It la treat been given who long trylnr have rial- Holland Landing Items MuwwrAeuJ of Toronto with Mr Hoi Chapman and left Ihle for Mai JI- Hannah the Hen Hill Mr tftnhan rented ibo placo formerly by Kenrte Dont keep batch gone tallying Inlet loapesd the running full and wo nuitatetind tiny tit loth by fill Mr cittern tatwufcjcitd by timely old of r Sutton Items event of the neck the Jumping Joe a brought over from Scotland direct Mr John of The article at en but from by ho rumen he uul good three jtmw old wy the of Rob the Ranter who one boa lota of bono And not much hair when loaded no doubt there Jong voyage haying It together From ell op he the trip very well and when leaded as a cricket I am fold Mr for him but vouch for the truth of organized a McDonald tory On Monday a ByJaw for tho of for the erection new in voted on and by a majority of voice The l A lynx by a year old Mr of laat week and brought down to town to ho animal was a very largo one woolen at about two from Georgetown voro almost totally by flro on Monday night- low will exceed 300000 being and office of Mr police roagistrato at were badly wrecked by two explosion of dynamite night fhia the third outrage of tho kind in Act coma into force and inconRed at recurrenc Tbo result the recent fcirikch in to bo far and terrible of in with their to t1ebtftuUofi in city involving on out of been abandoned the an idleness for thu teat of the year JUDICIAL T0CHEOIlOR8OFWICHAEtM1iCABY filjh Court of made 3d mailer of wuto of Wotconoy Allan any JIao enlarge or Michael of tboTovoof In York or about or of June to by to Allan Soil Kail Toronto cbrljHai and do tcJotloua tot full of tber and by or tberof will any in City of To- being lima tor ibooUlma Of i 198 200 202 PAGES BLOCK 204 Street Toronto JUDICIAL NOTICE to or DAVID HOME OFFICE 16 Silver St Wood St London England Telephone No 1170 lo or Court or tnadaio matter v having lieu lb thereon David County of Turk or about to e by to J Wowmarkat roll clalmv iiku an befj by them In JvNoli iby bo eluded tboboneflt of tbo iaVd creditor accurny Ji to ears fjier of Court of at the City of iBa on losa- Clti day of May THE SUCCESSOR TO DANFORD ROCHE Nov on at the Leading House Every Customer Delighted Stylish Combinations in all the Newest Colorings Designs w All fresh goods Hundreds of pieces to chose from kinds of Trimming to Match MILLINERY JK UK on- oh I ttroj Cava In Town- air of coo on May tbo of a daughter On Wburbarcb0o April tb I Albert of a too- May Ibo the Leading House no matter what any other House says or advertises We are always ready to Do Better Or ASvonh It if lout I- joih iA I J rf f J Jr Morgan Save Time Money and by going to and getting Elegant and ovel Millinery Ox a fifty ELlUii Ins to our tvttofiMvouil Senate to A molten iuj Hep Mr Mill with Mr bal to th that vlteala i boMiug a La did cot KOTO lo latter Very who tcoV part of A for the of a para bVod Erotfioui and all that bo tared by Of oorttflos tbtonmedy ttcrauTcrocrrtwoyMrf la probably no J Utyorda OIK It Mr- moduli for of It groat remedy Toronto baa got railuay clatter at time oecored a reputaUou ibat did attach to blm be fitat elected flow Boy will be COC0C4 to and will re- reculn to be he did be Treat Id Hut fioely ft Lard to decide bounty Tee Senate baa by ft ybo who xpetiJaCbtuniortfoHoaadmai it wait on but got it litUe 4 op a It i from Hon Senator StoltVa pat an for a aeat tby oarer port to of men 0lttW to of tbeb a liiiyrlcTiiUi retire J bavins Ms rut India tot tbo and of Catarrh and all throat Lung aUoaiittKoacO radical euro tor Nervous Debility nod all Mtrvooa after tealfdIU wonderful to It known to Ac touted by not tvo and a to raller human I or charter id wtb for m by ad witb etamp W A Chw Sinclair la audObarlle li touch tickled with Our people out eft to new and the roea bo bed pluck to go Into venture One after another to the front Mr bad of another entire bono be lo landing at Toronto where wo took charge of to Bow home on from Scotland tic ittag bet father for nearly a The a car of one day kit weak j wine very Poo Hamilton olio sent away a catload of all tort on morning cow Co been muring purchased by Sutton thirty wre febljipcd Tilt i5 wm tried Judge In Toronto on week In a verdict of Mr is naturally to expected over acquittal and Ms re turn op for the ills to atrtugtb Un- defttaodbe otvM with a writ for one tbouiand Heavy Sunday night reported thick but I did not li fiomo recited ear gar of flowers and other pleuta dally and Pott OS turned lot of arrived from Port Hup old are hopeful Ufa of arrival at Heal of the from this Mr on the other of Herring Pond tut the roucli troubled Ob my I John erecting anew on comer of the which La tuba called lbejueeDa Arcade recently formed a big for public favor giro an drill abed which buboes refitted new scenery Birthday For tare on Jaati con Hilt DBOVJf On of May Wbotrjihoia of Mr S3 UAh Ion Andrew at Hi Seats FURNITURE AMI J MAIN UPMARKET I Parlor Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PRICES m PINE PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS HEARSE faAltorder Bete crowded in order to room we at THE STORE JULIUS LOW PRICES One Month Only ffhicif AT COST COST PHOTO MJiU23 ftvn up Call If civ not lo Rolls of Wall Now Clearing at a Discount of mo OFF And do not forte I our or AND FANCY GLASSWARE Our J0Wrm win to fcuou icjvioief lo filONE HITTER- than Regular Prices at B greater of hat have Lough and arc very AVlM Colorings and Economical call make your selection early the above fa is clearing tlie Lot Very Rapidly Special Value during this Hemp Wool Tapestry Curtains Curtain Nets Cretonnes Furnishings The Largest and Stccft now In to select from- Barren and Baits Our Toronto May IK- i tt a wiicat a a do a loo SO a ttutUrtiub Oil a Applet a t f v a uorcraicaierLikhirr us rjbinx in W to ry v SKRYAST vautal Artya jtAJFic VoopcrpoQQd- tiro It CIO and Goods our to Wand Our is fo much Larger our Convince the ry end Scfpticat tin Yorr and our so Cftwr thin will seen lUat rtwi Tiat is wholly is ODSI fart jfUSlC HOOKS the fVKila jAcfCsoiJ in low prices FOR SALE- AND While CO Hon Mr with- MUoaUIty t tit 1 Items to Bra Mr fiatfpsrd fau p for tie toto ttJl not qantloa 1t to iny Mr a of sporU to draw a crovd od who mo Tommy will aire For refunngtocle Ms tick a W20 J ftagaged in mating im provements to his Mr J a runaway in which received an ugly acApwound and several severe bruis es on Ins side horses created a great ruction on street who has been in ficpiciof time past hid Ration Sunday to Thornton Wjifrf there- TeEawATEB May lector amd arrested An Mohan arid bad to a penalty to a month for working- illicit In of CO or cX JOiacireUlVbUkCowtocaA in in J OP Jro auli IIODO tmwtriifptFrtraLVa from rfaoio A ftrrnoro of writ frtir to flrrai bo to mi floa will oar ii m Ulireaoiemucii fro War Id l ppj JHAVAU CoiirKcfiiir Has Alt In roy from lLj ttry to TOE CO PAID Canadian Polity era For tJh tliWi at Otttw for fit AftDl ffapaarkfL R WALKER SONS Are Twto Hundred Thousand Dollar Having the at a Towels Cottons Coalings and Fancy Trouwrings all scared the of the Bank a Wholesale stock of REWARD torn era iho W toiho froaqlOtt la WANTED Apply si was NEW PIECES REGULAR WHOLESALE STOCK are Selling THIS PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS ARE StlLlXU A Good at Sew it Stjlei CWtoWr 10c of J We foe J a Rich Brocade 1Mb eel WlU This entire Stock offers can only held oat for a FEW WEEKS THOUGH LARGE FOR MOST HOUSES is only limited with immense business Every Goods and before THE GOLDEN LION A King ft- East 5 mm