vi NEWMARKET ERAMAY 1886 J Central Park York Vtrj of uy If jTartTjjiKd win of ijJ To of itiUvgtbl during Ita wi e lik ejro- Ifcry ho n itiffcAJl llii Ml I ft t flirt Of of iv iirl tab it lb Hi ill I iIiiii lift I Mum JitL in of Litter iftiftil I hi J- ii III- itaftitfAlMii lb I- pi si llit fc Mil ill IM I VtlMlT lb- bin I ipJiini1lrt mi Cm fttuMiiiU I ill j l wl fa III Mi ililrli Uli It II il iMiticv I ln fcn1 ilpfii irf IrSiitijiiitSy- vlin vt mnl I 1rjifa ml ll4 Mr Ml liwli imiirir j- kii tffl Co inirKi In irhi it iff fjtfltf lh4M IiGf Jid frTi ftf fci tut ftMr of On ll in to of il ftf ork it vlmired of UbjT4mitfil of In to city sod N ftt ftt ft If ml I of e to jV ftT the wlif ftrfj i In itrjc V ro- fc III Ail 1L1 ifl- irit iir in jp- I In ttHh Hie it I b iiUl4tMviiK llini y -IfiiN- I Mi ffvMil unir IM in l I l iSi I- Mi itllyiiMM lMf 1 11lt I ol ill I opi hi It of Illinois through and Ohio at HI At p en villi brick Mock waro a bold Masonic ncf four of the completely dttfoycd lon injury foot in wire turned only fiv minute in Ten the jrncd to got wu fruffi one tin which river own mount roua whirl wind leu yearold girl two Ml railroad track lnr mid J liviry meu Coin wjms ittid two cluldrcn of John were hurt The struck thin lust overling in track in tin of town SPRING goods A Terrible Tornadoes in Both IV ASUitm 1 I l ftul a in r llij I I o van And jlt Ln I I- v I Mb fcudl utii I I Mill lili bili ftrjuwiilq lih you 4 yon M fl I- J iltrt I by mi Jiii IVrt j a irtr oft jnl of iu lb aj t lb- Imiim Shi Sii Wiftllfrp fciiil iiiil oot jsjifiit ibft Uthfcrit oriil a lb their ftcttrblic Hot lbvr liiVt trill Jiut hue to II rfucol ij of it l it Iv if bout iualllMt in 4 mill- obJl iota in ihx fttiitplaMAfhDtilii Nifty A mid of In litis ruH1 killed ly wind struck city f lihtOilijf A liatM if wan into KM ami irJitfpi in illy wen in lowir And of lioutta tfwkdi on In- Mown from heir foundation wrecked Homo and up mill iily hi will to simply ill Ml- m cut it i to obtain from the ft wrought riviiQ lire drtnmgi will Tin Knit a gin it of money to li iipjilif relief of ho the wildcat during were in tin rauittry f it the lln variety of many of Itivlvi lOtbiiy oil ij lain ftf- l by iMr fitar ftigbi to jay jIm oil iu AhcriiAH fci- lK i J J iff by WO lb- fti a lion lJic Mil til lilt- in lbt nit tt I a i itb by ud ytutib Auibi ii aln lb luffnv lyt uivui j a t Jul rv rfcliilinj iijiiy in vahr nl fut of a hill ftiiinK ihrir lAitdo for uui of five n Afc Of i a IojJ MinttimiJ j tap rnir- 1 bane viy by to ftul diitt by a Icy jroUbly a Ii lU ill otJj brWtl tip it are fcooao Dutch Wi a hate tbir driok to Vc fici a ItlHp rrnry me ftl t Hi lre lirwhlt at all pm- rani VoA ivry vUiils of tfU i Kbvlir of hvuxM It UU bur ttfJy ii I IhlW If iibbv lJ tbeUrt Wiwll left working arc the Many into River drowned in Madrid which in of down crowded The storm ly of hot weather onto Dayton Ohio May in isolated No or mails have piseil In or out mid id lrfcjhoi tra nil down A wind mil rain ami vicinity at oclock nijjliL Mm fiiul ilia feet in thriii mid of in Urn fourth ttnnl and drowning and cowa in the cellar been in all were and farm and All of crops am totally mimed The lviioii whom a tfM in vgi dcinol- hut of lint seriously hurt J riling wcio from At- Shaker Vil- mill runny buildings blown down and injured A train with on wit witvkid tli- ijijtuviL A train on ilton A Jtuifrond A tVAHirOLr at Hun touth of Dayton mid the 10ton locomotive was carried lf0 torrent At dayjilit a fnruicr a wile intiring signals of distrr from he treetops May A special from The principal fitreaui Owing is ft small Iowa through a culvert Cinder the depot a storm from till after The atrtam greatly awotlcn on count of the ratal When the driftwood commenced coming down Urn it caught at culvert until a perfect The hacked up and ex which toon broke rushed through town tearing down trees and washing away More than Were swept away Many residences down the current with tin of that of Aaron contained nine per cons of hit own family and thiee of John who fled there for protection The next was at the coal yard of Samuel in a tenement house occupied by a family named Powell nine in them ftvl Wn lizard from A by colored cro here away wuithe sHvpt away that it imyjvuhetolirarfmmoutiide The Mayors office has Ijcoii turned into mid tiro acenea Whole lyindiifiioivjl on coin com number of bodies found la loss of property it Whole lumber yards and the completely The scenes in the de vastated 13 The of night which did such fearful work at About On Friday fright cyclone through Western extending from to icons of people were killed mid in and on of propefty deilruycd Much was in Frovineo by a violent thundonitorinoii Methodist church at by light- lory and were by lightning to the ground ham fired- by lightning dwlrjed with iUcouteatff including i calf and confined in tho Kingston lock employ men tailor paint and tin shop and shop stonecutter hed men were employed a mnion general jobbing in in IS in dining ball and kitchen keeping whig in order bakery con in in farm and gar- don At Central before Morgan Thursday Till a farmer residing tried on of unlawful wounding It appears ho had a disagreement some time ago she left him month hi motherin paid him a visit in to up She a warm was ejected from prosecution abandoned of unlawful wounding endeavored to prove by of fering evidence to the effect that Till he bad jiut her out of tin The jury brought in a verdict of Will a burglar and Jiorsatliirf who broke out of the lockup month ban captured by constable Greer I laving got into the where ho was to be Greer then proceeded to go up fltirs to search and just as he got up few fitops appeared at the head of stairs with a revolver in his baud and threatened to If he attempted to advance any at time remarking that ho would soon hang as go to pern- for a few years Greer cau tiously on toting tint tho re volver nut cocked ho got closer warnetl him for last that if he advanced a Atop ho would shoot hint when immediately from hi his which was cocked and ordered him to drop revolver or ho would ahoot him see ing that had luxomo master of situation slowly dropped look the revolver from him and made him his prisoner He was then taken to in it inland conveyed to Itanloaol has sinco admit ted the charge Tina is on all hinds to Into hi en thr most aueceisful in parts for time at tin risk of life ami in constable deserves much credit for his pluck nnd such a desperado PLAYTERS mm Newmarket SOT for Denfintcti W OJ irMmuiMjKvirKiwrlf iJflltrivrrt Aailtliyjrjelnif J Via rljfh If i MAIN At lfplbOAJt4 MrIJvAi wen ail Auriirn -iiiin- It Jilfii wick Hi AND tpm49 J tit In all the latest wlnrx and Jitfctiii- Ac I PRINTS I In nil the Toweling cheap 4 the WITH GAP FOR BOYS IU nl ft or Nan liuJiinliriMi inch llwriff i Ml VuoIaiiimJ t- iij injij i ivturfi t im In if lo ltilor inc iiiutni be or curd jy i itMMr muni i wpii itt hi rltij will iiwi Inn i Clilif Jrr In lJJ illiiriljkJfJii be i IJItltfi loOti iirii i ii it j V Tt I 1rittl4itruiili Hi 14IJ it f i niiirpHiv i till ElihlipjUrol I KfnNiiriirHiiHl On IIH imtiiii li in rr Niwjih i if in rent iter it w Iifl JjH AL tni I lnCtoCtJimli hlltv hi lorymiij VkLolii tliiiJlw i- In ElUii ff hi iijv if I jnifjA uiiO UCli OjiiHUi ruirn if a liu by to or iOutiUmlltiitHiJ4i Of jIxrc United I iUv ny tin ij if ii ibco liOtlnHHrr con any J in vn tli- limn It TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OCEAN STEAMSHIPS TICKETS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian Worth West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J NEWMARKET Fares to Manitoba lower than ever mi IM C E frMoRRis Double DressIbr Managed uxlinL uxiblo Cicaa PERFECTLY BARLEY White Cap froWhwt CLEANS FIT FOR MARKET ft hat a ana MILL m J Us 1st- P 5 i THE Write post for Paopbiet MORRIS WATTS 0NT Jt AJittr Terms I si IS to tr TO RENT BRICK lately occupied y Mr iq il NEWMARKET aoroicoit i wlkttiic I BOOTS AND SHOES Mens ladies Kisses- Infants mi into four A lilli Hit for Up to i iTf Itfull Afl In- of Inn to JMdcuciKl TXcOfMClnnvS JilMCMKhct llCilUC Oft IXjHeilj J I A ftiablt to Hardware p will i At It ijiiU vc ji to u Store JAMES IMIA4 IW j a v SALT S BARREL CHEAP GASH Co I fixf B Bakery la slock from time Best Goods in his Line AS Latest Novelties A WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed to WRiaHT infvfAiuJc WW rt jrxoiiJ torrd- lArrliA4tttiUUiv iiUllriu Dm A rKe4uirkci it- rt in rtc iitiO Wf MfOWDj Flour Vegetables Stock Garden Plants sis Cheap CANADIAN KAIL- WAY tost Ml fnmi vVil-M- I l iii4 KB AtlJ tol8louVKt sic roi ftiri l in Toronto Farm For Salo- Lot Con 9 ctir And in JOHN run lot Con uv-y- luW Mill for on to ltd Up itun very in FRESH FAMILY ALL IX CBINA AND GLASSWARE Jl 1 00l ly I- how A SMITH rf- if lfin I J ftt Mull fit Arrive- tNii I4 in I DcmiI Tllrt1p iiitM- or l infwniiittMi to Hi HCJrtr Hi t ticket ftiati Vp Moiila Jltncvx A I- Ill Alt ATKINSON JCcwmarkit FOR SALE J ft AT In or ttorjt or I- to JAU Al SPADES SIMMS PICKS OILS BUILDERS MATERIALS low FULL LINKS AT VH iim Jll ttliMl Hip A taiga and ftVctal Stock of Garden In Hulk mid at and to nam WORM Is Vjfonrra J- rpii p4AiriM loo Arc Ci FOR SAXiu TllCMlloJrlDi ryianJ tttAitttAt HO j Hd Sill f i J I Alt iUc very low ltftelveo kl to IRON STEEL WOOBSNWARIS AND CASH LDMBtRI LATH doors ffAISCT MRS HAMMOND DRESS and MANTLE tfxxttA every AH Nni VIM EVERY VARIETY KEPT IN STOCK The will our Stok lie Most in Town Elliot Ground Oil Cake Cattle Food Bentlmym Pharmacy MAIN Si iV I It- rtfffviiii TifmeiiimvrNiwivi7M3 Alt vj nil lit ASJUIKWH AT7MJ8 ASlJi LEADING- HOUSE FOP faaaJbyririt Largest lies In or VERY LOW FIGURES tin AC- lITi col fill toi to Best Materials AiuH0tpcv Tin iatjovak optiik WIS A Of AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO VKW3iAKKbT SASvmVi It the Shortest Notice- u Unfit northern N- TICK U I JAUNOiCE SAlTftilUH HEARTBURN HEADACHE Ana rrf UVEA OK OF THE OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOrSBESTFRIENi Wood or Stave Bolts I WANTED iiw or the MHuAciujiJa 4- J