f mw Lively Local Laconics WHAT I ON IK TOWN lti the lhr a of Ihb J A to Underlet hi titf aUiythlbg lb ttill of NEWMAR J rarseq -iiJ-Vf- if v -V- f Uii l4 I Ami I A of Lhu iil Society will Wo I il alio r lis who lb luck ONI till It I li-V- yiUII rolling Low entire it ilw- miiS A of Jluuie It- fttUhJitKg jf to itlitr Tim HO Mm llVi J I IKtltnl rl of To- tutu mill I To- W ritrii l tirji i I lo itjiul lo tbc Tin iiMi ill 1 1 ktUftCliVCOCU tie I tbc of by A meet- 1 biji ful UtAC 4 lit fuiloniij were I J litBM J A C U JVHalcliir IS Amative J i IiJ ttuc 1 Holier ah in on iroz Itll Tin ill fc mi of ttid JCrvifkt full ilttrbr by Itrga in thrtft 4 u fill iJ- JjHihiuFti il wu at Junug of Jul Mi llruuIiton ut two bill II- bi Mr Win Tut Tim iixtysovftnih on- invhJjy il If tally vji iiiiiutw- it ad itlj1j j Qui no Mlllhtf in fr ile loyal early w cheerful ipcntiM it a crowd lui il toaoy Irft fcr Iriiii ftbd J ry ht i the outfit Cue Sufi by Ctjit not be ibfy rale wtWd forage tit yl fottvU of be Jit od mil look ihtlr auia COD tbat word of ill Major to CoK of York lie to Ibo lb Mis Lloyd vill Juolor Stoior yd will for uooftl ii to The city and iyjitiCotiiitiuttfiiicoiitVHueiJ9y to ft J ivJiity for otUi be o jollier jut tebkb was of ud od Ibo the of Litivg web to t for tie lie be a iirbfoi Lut willing to compromise iditiiog differ etujiuilUt fluall tod fit Oviagtotli6mcwro ftttooduta the uooaI of fi it oclock It rcaUn will forgot the Town pot of are from be ud it will be for U beta reduced to and are on at Book lore of benzine out of at Jut Fred too bid Ma teg by the barrel It Fred be Dot badly hurl and till and Mod J ay bo with It a little with Ibt ft be all right Co but It much and eery It better ha to be la a day Or or at who were about on to Mr kindly acut to for tbc of It It not to add that ru of the lucky If any double to the Juat itrpiutoMr do be will bo jEpexvi for of flea to auUtaotlato what hare here retuuked- At the call of the Chief at the reqttttt of a of the a Fire Hall utt for the of dUcuailog wei a to a com of a til make Goal for holding Committee of Allao A It Walton It A Potter Ted tiuthcrfaodi If Mr- wl- for that away from The waa Saturday day but Dot much of attraction The wbul become of Club North over a cow pound but luckily for the owner ft allpped away Heat It regular A fa bo the Market Square Formers from that tharo do frost there yet to the fruit Dr by taking he Lam of There Ee clue of people that will iiiiLiiaio grip through the to the traeolliug joqo or dtummcre may go all to piece but travelling mafQ- hi bit good How that mike you Mr corporation pun Niagara tteek ami Ihls week they ere improving and A pit on Utter which fa for toad The and Board of Audit at the Home on the Congregational Chotch going on elgocouily week Two more care of Don J on who quite pUutd with the for are freely at Factory mv pell this week wore sold at Depot OQ the QotQe Birth- day and CO on Friday tnd bead of cattle iu No fflllb sold on Monday redeemed accommodation to people the North End and hi are that many from all lrt4 of the Torn go thereto trade of New market Bicycle Club took a to Sharon on The brorcl by a Aurora on held an open air tbe of New Harry Town two week- hid poor but who attended it wu a good show They couldnt expect a better crowd without tit local j Mr residence the Old Surrey of King had a narrow from being ftueenavllle Items Special I Bra the wcalber lot in home for her hall rathar cold Moon borne last week haw atrip to the Old Com try mad mom are expecting to go la the and now it Toronto Sunday at at Mr John A bald at the on the at which qolte a nt A pleaeanl time On Monday lut of our clerical gentle men hut to the City bo to lrft hie charge of Mr St and look the morning trelu return in tin evening be eurpriaed to that a bid Mr during day nod lekco a pleaauie drive of and in of returning rig to Mr Lehman it wia Id charge of Mr John Millard a old friend of the ImUi Sutton Items Hum Tho of our Queer celebrated by tbu Iu right loyal although one feature of pre wa year tbc practice of firing elf caunoni or would a loud report com at to taking kart but for par who bad nicely got to to be by what if place had blown oto of our took 9 trip to to there lug by about a ml from the began to pour in ten oclock and when the Hand from about noon they headed the of who hod come down from end inarched through principal taking I were not but a creditable Mr took the for being the beat attired and a charger very much resembled Chief The beat to my how wu gotten op by I end Geo Taylor it a large wheel faatud on a pivot one edge of the wheel touching ground and when drawn along by the I made to the were fcatd wheel one a the as moved tbc way they ciutJ no of olhcra very creditably up hut lock of imu prevent my giving you any further A ejcijl awarded lhli part the programme but I have not ltumed how much it the athletic In tilth by end proceeding terminated with a grand Ixrtweeu aMvaehoseo from North which iu1tul in victory for former which greeted with cheering by thott tokirj pott and their aoundduuged frleudr entertainment Riven In the Drill Shed at night hy Sutton Dramatic Club a grand both attendance end the tray in which the differ eat their port new on the for time and are to bo their Mr Henry Young new on River the frame II already up and completed trill add much to the of that part of the Tillage I iru told tha of North bury are not with the of tbe tugoft vrir tod that pull will on of July ihd teams having been matched for OODS GREAT ATTRACTIONS NEW PRINTS NEW DRESS GOODS Drive in Cashmeres Dont Buy Tour Cottons Till You See Ours i p m Ail- Wool In Ho A Splendid Job Lot of at 10a worth 20c for 16b Kino Scotch for a for a for yard low in Splendid and fcHOrtmoiit in Hosiery SPRIN CD Nobby 8uitlogy aid In Black end Colored verylateat London and Nov York BOOTS AND SHOES ImmcnHO Stock at Low Fine for Children Ladies Gents Bro ft3bertseljenis An extensive Block of Tapestry Wool for Hemp woa year Our Wall Paper has grown to inch that It to double of buy iomr and alic TKI3S3iIrC3- prove a great boon to our we will trim all paper f Fine in Tea we excelling any retail or pJlar county and Garden carefully selected from house We old of any kind R J DAVISON Important PUT IN BY HAND PUT MAGNIFICENT OPPORTUNITY TO BUY CHEAP GOODS TO THE PUBLIC opening our new business at Mario Out we find that our whole and attention will have to be devoted to it That moans that our business in will have to bo disposed of for Solo therefore whole of our Excellent contained in premises Newmarket Mock is without exception ho and Cleanest in Town no Millinery nor Stock and lias lccn Ivxccptionally Well Fixtures oil in Condition arrangements could be to lease the premises the in Town for a term of yean Further particulars can bo ascertained on application to A P Box Newmarket PUT IN BY HAND IN BY HAND AT- A million dollar fire at Chicago Wednesday Several firemen hurt grasshoppers have appeared in Decatur county In meantime wo have decided to people a grand opportunity to purchase at SHARP WHOLESALE PRICES For a Limited Only Dont Foil to of GREAT OFFER SECURE BARGAINS Please Bear in Mind And that Boot Accounts and Overduo Notes mast Settled at to savo with the Judge 1 That tho Halo will Continue for a Short Only That Prices will bo Lowest you Ever Saw That All will Cost Only N NEWS CABLE Greeks and Turks at Again it HOW On lie tannery and jt en a i illiU0D Soma as wjVy ff iTkftivta oat of it an J at tig of rf Part iU of Mr but of A of ridesralk to Jti to weu certainly flU tint out yarfia Wai4Waphptb of atata no travel The JJ Jf W iht biro a hoi ly fa It la w lioa vu t anUiority May It la reported lile fired At the the ggriit cacti from hood out The Turks ore to occupy They beta repulsed ot ter figlittDg The htm ibtirpaatiioai Their ry ere d The Cicek irtillery Turk ish ii now IowbjJj The litre The ISO on fielurdty killed eud wounded fodudfajt six Anitas Both Greek Me the to from the KSu Half a of lumber round tank freight and buildings on with a loss of Cotton crop reports received from all parts arc wott And most alarming many years condition of is ho bad that unless rain seta jn within a week not a third of a crop v ill bo raised drillshed at Hamilton was burned to ground on Satur day evening All the uniforms arm and accoutrements of the together with the tools and belonging to the Field destroyed- A Trunk freight train badly wrecked on Monday night near Brant ford by a drunken farmer team won cut to pieces by the engine sound asleep under a time totally of what bad occurred usual Queens Birthday Exhibition of implements was than ordinarily successful All local manufacturers and several from a distance represented fchow of cattle was poor but very foff specimens of each breed being Rented Hie were out in great fores and tho imported were very good THE POPULAR HOUSE Newmarket and Wilson Carries Most Complete and Best Assorted of Boots and Shoes in the Town of Newmarket embracing Menfe Ladies Mioses and Child- in all the various Qualities Prices A AND STOCK OF TRUNKS AND VALISES ALWAYS ON HAND REPAIRS all work giving out in a timo FREE OF CHARGE Custom Work a New DRESS SIXTY AYS TJIE Our Newmarket Markets May St a alt do do w- tju do Pat do Clover do J a a a per do to a osa a DO TWO a am SO io a to to a a is ID a Leading Furniture i HOUSE II tocODliauoUwlBjirMlD I OWULUOtlOJ4tOCuroffJ THY THEM We are showing a magnificent as of dress fabrics this season all specially bought The newest designs and latest shades comprising Crepe Tricatim Jersey Cord Nuns Veiling Cut Cashmeres Ottomans Serges and many other Exclusively New Materials These goods are marked away dorn in price and are moving off very rapidly We therefore advise our many customers to and make an Early selection Trimmings to match the materials GO TO- i you will find POLL LINES in Ion I a 18 a Wa a I per pair JU poo S a Specialty rlmwl will ft Iwtfr and to ocd at- AH order toal4 CO BRUNT0NSUTHERUND1G0 Cottony Cantdian and Straw and Felt Boots and Shoes and Earthenware A a OUR PRICES ABE VEBY J A PARLOR OPEN I yon would a of Beit made from call and i Alio tbe of I CAKES c Wo alio offer teBE8T IN BBEABt with Quality will 6 A BONDS OLD STAND of the wont Qros over vUiUxl town hero today completely At the res ft ra A- grocery Stearns tin shop Andrews shop and Utiles harness The loss will be considerable- The origin of the fire is unknown COW- auod n5 Co to Ft P- BOOKS TO LOAN Al its par MrtYoa DAVID LLOYD ABd4Tt1i of ia7fwaiiaV JajtutJUKij Apply at iba FOR J A May Bargain JThis Week LADIES SW HATS rowl dairWftfIlA It loFstv BEWARE OP WORTHL IMITATIONS Utri of -V- CORSET Apply as rf