NEWMARKET ERA Friday J NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER in Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July INSURANCE AGENCY A E ROE Successor lo P LEE First Class Stock Co only Represented ONE SOOTH OF TIB SHOP Cash in Advance within or at end of year e Allowed on at DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALLtQURm promptly CARD TO PUBLIC roritl by Mr A It If ftim ray Rail Id north iff I- J P fOOlARV tod of It lilt- SJ IN ESTATE Jurcbutf t Hftr A I S x A Had Capftnln TO At MA CANT lb A Toll MaluI Co ft ion A J Kevin OK for my bout Ale Porter 150 per THE FOLLOWING BRANDS Toronto Browing A Malting Co Davis M Co Ontario a Co Co and John Basses Ale and Gunnies Stout- per A in PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES IN P J 0MALLES Lively Local km what in a town Mr Glover of lUxutiM Jut week moo- llonwl Mr Wright rue preliciiilicig is In ad till it will ry a vvujla of Court at 10 Morgw to IM PIT kd llllsau A 1au tttitMll I a a H 1INDERTAKINB HOUSE or During July id to beat lighting flffoiTl flf I Orta- of Kin let Jut trial MiiitauAAA of of held a ilAifctam Thar about And it of areolog to Atari Ideal tiardrn Public ton ud ouut Git irKiTo tvj AlbrM Ml 1uatitUavrjr irv i JS jjiioatti ijjUfcttolQAjo TOUOKTO Ui UarkfL ICObd AccotooAtWu or all taut J Prop THE AT A CO Poller u For lit pulled at I A THE JlAAd Officii Managing Agency for Aurora J Public Aurora COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF At Cull Undertaking Receives Special Attention A W SEASON OF i AfUOIMIOHIIFAil a4 A AN will prompt may he at tfoodalllJIJaery blot at Mr tfTAtrr 11 For the Co yroronto r Wat will time- will bo prom to OUR IS OPEN And if you would a of the licet made from pure cream call and tee us I OF THANKS li CHAN A TCitnr iron a mart or of tbaokio Lava iilhUDro tilt A CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company Also largest of CAKES FRUIT FLOWERS c We also offer BEST BKEADSf Quantity with Quality will tell BROS Saturday a la raaojr ptopla till of the coming at oclock The Tovu Ha air cooccf on 11 J aod at- a nlijj iccJiDgy fcutjckd bt to or with tttjoritjr of ruuic to Our in Bradford a ftarfaU fatal Jist aw known It baa Ikcii fall it It not until doit bit realized j0fddfnic A of farm- era potatoes to fill aod of WW to Iwugbt fort bogt And mora they third tut that will liketrfaaoccotnb lo the faul milady Mr seat for mike and he it bog cholera- that It that It fa to to a year when ha with of the for the of the tbia we that it will be dan to for from aod fartoera a ibis a neighborhood For Childhood AS Jo life the pom It red a flower Tbit Id a goldaa It a bowro Aod Put no lo com It lliee PitAeat hoar ihe ioceaae Pint there by fie the prattling Of like a brook The lo lit look The aoola la not throngs laid ailda each pencil took Aod Id tippy fa heart Id Ob write jo I Fur all too woo faappioeu N kindled cold alum bora aacred Aadlbitcbute of be bold The of While memory Id of flttolog Are The losi of of Joof AT ST LAWRENCE HOUSE MT ALBERT A in i CM ft Vrt ASSETS JSoltdlDft Tea out ryvvo or Moat reoblvHl a fixed with litifietrty Ufrfuya ra uiborisd by to Inveat tola Tbf f the d ibyarccelftfl Vrtl ftbanSa It at ffalo to Real 1 lane at mem MapqlDiillractor TUB MITCHELL SHOWS A ASS OF Dress Goods and trimmings to match Prints in endless variety Lace Curtains Madras Curtaining Cretonnes and Goods In Hats and Caps Wools and family Grocer ies Crockery and WW I Paper and Highest Price Given for Kinds of Produce Short sermons the rule of tie time or of La I tbs A pond of We emitted to make of ae tad ettnctlTo fa front of Mr inTfd into 8mfti fitv lut ek fire lt from the time coTcmcoctd quick wort Wheo I root under ad gate tied tilth piece of led cord jou stay tbe family off ring the bay only Crop old poorly no owing to dry The contractor for atrtet not making fortoceont of job inn at per lion and I hi pay than any yar so can are we bate u early year ml if dry hot longer a light crop will bo reaped The of Confereoce ire at office and for dittnbutioa oa Monday for the final of Voera for the rioininion place at Friday A little fire is quite comfortabe the day time tame one enoogb to be in the A Trick When Robin went down to to preach he bad only one old friend tliere but he a great impression on the that followed bis arrival a great many very singular things were reported to him among other that he had driven the devil out of old James Burrow notorious drunk ard of the place and that people had teen- tho devil down hill and jump tit lake Walking home in the morning after one of brightest meetings in the course arm in arm with his college Silas Robin heard of what was reported of than he had heard before I am sorry ho said I think such things hurt religion and also hurt preacher of whom they said You not hurt by it yet any how aoid Silas does not in this nonsense but calls you the best preacher over heard is verv bind Im said tbe young minister Who the Shes the girl I am engaged to Robin said Silas We ore vary fond of each other but her father and I arc not food I am going to there evening Will you go tbero with I Its late tor a callhalf past nine said Robin me if you think best or leave me if you think better when we get to the door We been friends too long not to be quite frank with each other 1 think its likely shes in sit ting room said Silas a gate which ted through the orchard and making his way to a low door shaded by a porch at which he knocked in rather peculiar manner- and in an Instant the door flew open and there with the lamp light glinting on her golden hair young man I have brought Robin to see you Miss Grant Mr Sperry Said Very glad Walk in please Silas Im glad to see you you know but pa will not be late he said so Pa is a tittle peculiar you know Mr He a tea captain once and I think that makes him so and he very friendly yet to Silas They sat together around the fire first of the season and talked pleasantly was hos pitable and cider and doughnuts which neither of the young men were yet fastidious enough to despise were brought from the store room In the midst of this a slow clumping on the broad path became audible clasped her plump and turned red What kind of asked Mr Grant in a thick tipsy Many Murder theft lying and among others said Robin Look here young man said Mr Grant trying to Ive got plenty of hard cider aboard J know Now if Satan is in mo him out want to him Come now go at it Im a good Methodist I think I had better take my leave said But before the words were out of his lips the door of the store closet opened softly The samp was sud denly blown out and smell of filled the room an object stood before them Silas Iwl posseuod himself of a box of dampened the ends and rubbed them over his band and with two more bunches biasing In his hands stood Mr Grant head tied up in a silk handkerchief a tablecloth drap ing bis shoulders You want to see me here am he said in hollow tones You rep robate look at me shrieked Robin stood bewildered Old Mr Grant sauk on bis knees dominie Veep him away he cried Oh what am I to do Soften your bard heart said Silas Dont drink so much cider and let your daughter marry the man of her choice at Ill and fetch you and flourishing the flaming matches he dashed out of the door Get up Mr Grant said Robin Get up sir sit in this chair Miss Grant will you light the Be calm and he held the old mans hand in his Dominie gasped Mr Grant you wont him again There dont speak listen Why do you suppose Robin was very wrong he con fessed afterward but he was very young also and in love himself with far away and ilaa was his friend and instead of mak ing an explanation of the facta he merely answered I think he you himself why ho came I know it isnt right to drink too much Ill swear said Mr Grant about letting have Silas Weld why his grandfather my father they went to law about a three acre meadow and my mother used to say shed no opinion at all of Mrs Weld his ma They are all dead I believe Robin all gone to their account Yes said Mr Grant yea thats true A year the old boy said hed fetch mo in year if I didnt let Silas bare Dominie whats your opinion of will be good to your daughter I I Oh how wrong bo was again He repented It afterwards in sackcloth and but be finished sentence with If I were you Mr Grant after what you have seen I would not tempt Satan A week from that day Mr Grant surprised the temperance lodge by taking the pledge and after Marcorie and Silas were married Silas and happy and old Mr Grant was a temperance man and Robin never made con fession HONEY sxcnaxou THIS at The J2th was celebrated last Monday Hon caught a four foot at the other day A and Batteries sta tioned at Port aid Jaw ordered to return to Kingston Quebec will start as soon as the necessary arrangements for jour ney are made Aurora take its civic holiday the and the to fit Catharines At a dance near last week the girls were taken home with oxen and stone boats The Scott Act is declared in force in the county and city of Portland Brunswick Carpets are than ever They wore on the floor before The for the Province of Manitoba will be taken on Satur day the under the jure system One hundred pounds sterling were cabled from yesterday to Mr for tba Irish fond LyH4aJo MHIAOE StiSvfaottco MONEY TO LOAN I Hi will 9thUlMsTr It vinruupa DUNNS BAKING OF CANADA OFFICE TORONTO INTEREST ALLOWED -DRAFTS- ISSUED GREAT UNITED STATES AKDAU CANADA Notes i NEWMARKET Y FRESH GROCERIES LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER I All Kinds of Fruit ICECREAM try i Vicllor to HA TO ART GALLERY Door North of Royal Hotel rUh it WOT be Gallery to ff iUrikrrlihU new post office at Barrio was opened last week of on Dominion colt stands jupUf inches and five Soda Water and see Supplied With All weighs It less than any other colt bat faos been beard of yet ia Toronto July A disastrous conflagration took place at To ronto Junction between and last night A stationary lamp in centre of coal the company exploded Mattering oil in directions and Igniting the to the can loaded with coal of which were destroyed and the other great ly The shed which al most new and burned the It contained over tons of coal which is still burning roundhouse had a nar row from The loss to the company it at from to covered by insurance Two of company Ward and TVnM bid much difficult escap ing burning building It pa whispered yon bo early Hide yourselt Run into store closet poor pa baa been tak ing too much hard cider I know it hy bit walk Hell at You see Robin explained doubtfully be promised kill me if be ever found mo in his house again and is nervous about it come Thank Mid Robin go yourself if you like And who had never ceased wringing and clasping her hands pushed Silas into the closet and turned to face her father who now in with rather tor steps bis face as red as one of his after a good bolting pa she hypocritically how nice and early you art I And here is minister waiting to see you do do said Mr Grant Proud Im sure- Fill Get out something to eat and drink pa Dont you see pitcher she band him a cider said Mr Grant contemptuously Well boys and women dominies like it I suppose religion on I brisk Robin as but bo could and cast an anxious glance towards the store closet Bit down Bit dominie said Mr Grant Make yoarseU at borne wanted to talk to you this good while- They the deri out of folk Now tell me how does ho get into em Tell ma hat Mr was very far from sober and Robin thought It best Urn enters a man war Hog Cholera of Sib Will kindly to a io to thst is to in iottifl of fiimc I on Friday of a fioe sod I hogchrfen sod lbs then the on- to in parti of body Symptoms or more pig direct the penontto the ibo itixlrr wet not to wtk for feed the fctsd is held low with can 4gcs of Ji sad as a ihttt a to Us on the sores Is cerebral sod otbrn stopor is so fcrtatbiog Id ill Ibecsse by of tho froitt of limb cross other vslkio sod It sod rabdaM dees not flow If a it body Ike skin which be fore and on tie belly od tie of ss the more rtpid of a color In a dirty yellow The body si flrt otrd lbs fates are of sad nrtns pais wrxefidisrrtott fatsia sod the i then Juk fetid The to or 124 ere perceptible Nov I Cooty be try SO It tO SO dUesse to pt stock as ft will to get rid tosses ftc a id a Sutton a retired ma chinist residing in commit ted suicide Rut Monday evening by shooting himself in the head with a 3 lver Button a JET incurable di last week one a son of the ewe Mayor of that town hot weather pre iiliburg near u W throughout Dakota At have a frog farm The hind quarters point tbe ibermometer marked are worth a in the on Monday and on Hon- A officer in M to get Montreal died on Monday from ft J eel to avoid sunstroke on wharf roro hot wind Last week no fewer than ra The income of the Methodist deaths of children five Homely for the year just old occurred in Montreal dosing will be about an increase Of on of the previous year Of this icMe Toronto district baa contributed July Oqh million bushels of wheat thrown on the market early today one firm un able to meet a call for margins and under this pressure August delivery dropped off io but rallied under good buying to sayaanadverticr How can that Scotia i suffering ter- Wy fm drought is parched and crops are being seriously injured forest Ores are raging in Colcheter and Kings counties and a large area of of valuable timber lands lias been Ottawa and who fonmd the Halfbreed Commission are in the city to Mr work The her TOO The Hudson Hay not yet ken adjusted A pair of rilvercake and fruit pickle cruet and a deirt vere presented to John of Bradford before taking departure- Rev Mr Liddy of the village received a set of diver mounted and in money The through from Montreal to Pacific has its journey tuccesafuily It Port inifes of Vancouver on Hun morning and was greeted with enthusiasm train ran right on time all way from Montreal to its destination An unusually large number of fires have occurred in various parts of Ontario between Saturday night and Tuesday morning- none of them were extensive most being at Florence West Middlesex were property val ued at between five and six thousand dollirs was Ki Did you the of permits money to loan One person represents a mil lion and others any sum desired Mom borrowing has been cure of hundreds of county people specially ilor than one man has cat acres already paid for in his efforts to secure another is nothing draw so per sistently or so as a gage It never take a vacation it never lays a day on account of ill- It no deductions because of failure of It not given to making donations Small farms paid for and well cultivated will yield a larger return of cash and A greater amount of happiness than a large farms with blanket mortgages ujxjn This not sound very poetical and it certainly is not rofnwtic but a thourjand men in this county ft ill make oath that it is a fact Wilson the Village Church having been appointed to a large number of hit in decided to before his depart- ure Tuesday morning teams Wtched np and loaded Archbishop Lynch will place the on the hud of Cardinal at tho installation on the J st lost Excellent counterfeit tendol lar of the Commerce are in circulation in the leading cities of tbe Dominion Ryan of Kinghorn Bailiff of at the day TJe putup6 to The Senora wreck ed ID a fog on Saturday at midnight at Bay will be a tout lotis were saved K Anarchists in Chicago on Monday find in American flay carried by a procession of Norwegians wounding one of Live on what you have live ceo on Do not borrow either for vanity or pleasure the vanity will end in shame and the pleasure in regret The buildings and machinery belonging to Newton brick were destroyed by fire on Monday The will be about with no insurance Arrangements are being made by the St Catharine Street Railway Company to their cars between that city and and by electricity instead of hordes Midsummer motto for preach ers and barbers Cut it short In the case of the latter this- applies to both their customers hair and their own remarks World At Duncan new Thombory legal measures are to be taken to swearing the church Sunday orchards are often brought in state of by generous manuring and cultivation- Bare all the upon premise and lay in a yoa can them They are Utter aay patent manure them with a and rat them If we would give ourselves half an hours serious reflection at the close of every day we would even week preach to seven of the best sermons that could A fine of on the tlirce Portland seized at for infraction of the Customs law vessels will bo till tbe Gnu paid A young roan of whoso name we not able to discover died Wednesday from effects of four at the Whitby Sir A Gait Mesirs and hare been gazetted Royal Commissioners investigate the question of establishing a Court of Roil way Commissioners CJP bylaws one grauting a year for ten to Crompton Corset Company Toron to and the other for of debenture cor ned in the town of Berlin s23 King Council met SUN Sprinfihilj on the all members present Bills amount to paid for killed by dogs of GO made on road improvements treasurer was instructed to re lieve certain lots of arrears of taxes and the Council adjourned till the of July then to meet at hotel it strange man who manage bis own Is the who can tell else how to run theirs In such a mans estimation the letter four tiroes as Urge as the letter They seem to be liberally supplied by Providence to give advice and counsel to their less knowing brethren The strangest thing tbat they do not get rich in- But such is the and many of die poor It must be that they are so much taken up with others affairs that hare no time to attend their own Wilson Star Mi teacher a of the ward schools was found drowned in mill pood on Wednesday The young lady has beep to fits of melancholy for some time but nothing serious was apprehended On Tuesday she attended party given by Rao left the party about and a- she was missed from her room Alter a two- hours search the bonnet found the banks of the pond water was lot off and the body congregatior with trip made to Sir when the party sixty number arrived at a in Well loaded basket produced a sumptuous dinner partaken of The afternoon was spent in swinging croquet tic until oclock when the cloths were laid on the lawn in front of the house and a regular pie- indulged In After to several appropriate speeches made with singing About eight oclock after wishing Mr success in his new field of Thus ended a very pleasant day which shows the esteem congregation of ham hold their pastor Jons Alter three weeks hard work Government Joseph Rogers has succeed d in running down as bold a gang of counterfeiters has operated in the Dominion torftm The of the gang was at Brighton vil lage miles east of here and they circulated the bogus work of their handicraft in the neighboring towns They manufactured denomination from down A fifty on a Province of Quebec bonk was at Kingston and a on the chants Bank was pot through Standard Bank at Brighton all right ft was latter bill that arousd as the locality of counterfeiters and of the was immediately invoked to help to The got wind of this and kept work scarce When Roger a ho never leave it till he get lie got a clue In this case and worked- traced to Oat where he him on last sj prisoner I a Dana Abel tmsen by name He h photo and aVontiih4allr f