Newmarket Era, 16 Jul 1886, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA I h31 Now Advfti Conundrum MimIw IS A Jywii- d huh- WW MihlWJI A JJiirii Milt Kir hi J II FT Era Us Editor WHAT TO WWT I Km it of J KM aw J ljJ Ill WrSfS in y l in ij in l- I- p i I IN iJ1 tti It Il lh Pill wilt Ibo of reeling Toronto mi A lrtAfCcjiuiiimijb jjixjld iiiVMtitirlLt ijttou ttitlnj i ourl Mr iMe Tim J iIijiI ilr liikini lLdy l Kcuifvi Mr In vljkh lrfwutff I I I Hi- in if it I 4 I i b A I i in ft I F1 I I I In 1 I I lnvi lu ijji In Pi i it it win- ifc lit 3rJ iut 1 ii Li IJ iH I ill j hi i i IP ml M- IJIM UcmlDg f I- INpjiiI of Trtnjirncj tfill Una Iioed 1 tjtitiiHiii I ttod nrj win rtil oJ bo w0 A- lllilsclfX lUo of ijwr gi ft J iii will to II flfitfcK liUrUU UI If Vnii of I to lara Aboot la AUciVOtthM A PJTfiL DerrjptDf ill Life Jjijntih Ij4I III- V llOlii If in i ifpiiilinnn nil Hoe 1 Tin i 1 ipj f 1 J of jiruijH for ibo it jl Hi in ll -it- Jvliii incl iJk tI j tin r vniJAtonv flic liv jiarly Ac- loikl 111 I I Jit iile pirn It iifl 1 Ihi inn flu I I dm Tp Mil bill LI a nil I iiAin- IP If 11 Vp I I 1 Mi It kill it- lb mil Jiiiijitiii 4UI On it- I 11 I it tun I iily I lit Avfi4lH of llie Albeil 1owell llie it in Riot for be of It i ravt rind ct I ritljy4l lo ft Ill 1 I- Mil I lift fJ I iiti l Iru lifil iSiVpTtMl I J lrtj1iff It This in of lfiuitbJiiuiGU million of Oil ho 1 1 fur lo ibv bffrttR jtf frtkJ new and lo iKc of llifi JiO ivoulj ii-t- nil alike V1TI1 tilth hI linl ILi large J a ji v tin lo In- y hi With l n 1 I tfoil liilJjii lint I no vl jpftMiil it 1 in tluiittf il Jcwir6ui laws iirK ItiliOla MM ho pEtpJi to lL i veto ll I of ii tin I lvl v hi irtt iit 4 iry tin- piiluoJ to an I ft I In- I ltt I tlij44 fc-si- lit- ilk III Jirnl 11 iijfj In AS at Si i- Hi ih- tint il will it IiImi- jn ifiiiXin Ijo lUvtiw at rttion loci round mi find it with great relict of ho Reform party ftUudowd principle ax iLe for life appointments It ihjuriom to the in- for Iwd of j or yetn Tin of Imperii July by of lv Atjc to Villi by or of iv Iilt ft wtiiclt on Ibottobit wttctitd Hook lliu mil flow Wok ttltfb crate ilia Id at be tllico at Id it ajucatl out to dry of Her at of it lha It no of jiiludor vu to lutuucotbc iiiUriloa liir wat lo A pptcl took be London to will alio do ftsttd Tin in llic fiHiury fiAtwn and finLerrocn at bit by fctt ie and bat they fcwaawiy thing by ftt Kith of it rtd ftlf- and Jiogo jimu 1id W be o new by MAKrKO of Hi S Autou I fa wH to cut It ifuici did iiiiw irtbTa bit I lit Aurora and lb and crp nan in voting to Aurora la Sift or nil did for the liilVif tpfodlo this week to Detroit HanJay Hits la it Urt of with iTioford Roche of Toronto la our of Toronto la it iome- Albert la at Mr Mr ttidtfmt liiloD Town Mint J hft for a couple of wuk el Toronto Mr If of fluodty Town at ate a Ulu of Toronto ol but bun Flo flat- bom ilkbWidowUy e Jok of Auicre daya at Mr Mr of Klotod Hit the Federal beco a few dtyt In Town Mr Rvm of Mr J- eud old a fiat Mm and tinea child- ire ioy wcol ber ibtor near Mr frailoTowalut and Saturday and of are up for and town Mr of John IIifiryandiD old rtalOent of Hew luoiket a Elite of Toronto of is a of of ber Iiotldayi bore btr Mr Hoig bride in town Wedntiday and will lime J- Mr of Lodge la atUndlng Lodgo of A A at WJodwr week and Willie are a of vacation wild Dr y Begirt and wife of Ohio and are Villi Ma Ho- dtr lla walla of ago on Ei While ting tut lo by a toft wMcb laid few baa been attending at pait two town calling tab and on K- J of of Ilia and found ha la io good working order Either tack of apoplexy evening bla Ufa almost of lie rap idly week of Ft Wayne arrived In town Monday lit grand of and graduated In tbU at Ft Wayne of Cole of bew and left for Port on Tuesday will return two to but Hit Cole to there or Mr Toronto on the of On wt borne on but J eft According to all pyr antel A filloger ma formerly of a copy tbo Bog a of Mr in city and great ipeMb la Mr Joseph bury bating a few On Mon day afternoon coining down a Co 00 Ide of and felt to tba ground potting tllw out of joint Mr of of Mr Jobn lying low Her brother Albeit J Ver non of Iflbrldge and Timothy Rogers left Monday morning to until a occur Al though at fed Lion Hotel Mr Gould nitkt at a I end the pub that ptiixlUead And groDod the Into dwelllog A la jut flnlihing a fine large Ota Fogg aim been to Mi and tfr dwelling ill on to the tblillea on which the fence totter oar Mr been wry low hot that la odey Mr again paying alioMluil Vivian Heme party and dance Uka place M loaf at for of to and aa andi leg Mr la a at well of ffhJUhareh- Hi been offering a a leg by of to have taking The rf9rmtd by mud Albert on May held fa IbaMotnalBlreetBlDk when of made on of city and order wore bj Van Valkenburg wad Ten todk for ft moonlight tonight Chicago Li favored tho for aceaion but many Tbo TODgTttlon hare given their woekaholidaya lupplying time the patient baa Who pulpit to enable to viaib from Mr John Moore a on Brown Hill Items Hot here the week greatly fa need rein all put lite flub which a great to In tbb among I ho are J Smith Toronto cwdtof wood Railway buodrcd tien alio a quantity of track with hut end a of Mr proprietor of and pldQlag factory compelled to re- more of ptnot- doora tic- he bad it the eta- to Had depot Mr Knight would a heavy Icear tho checked Io bat it only appeared to be going from bad to ll the factory and factory alio a of lumber In with a rut Tain able Men with turned out and worked with a will la to of Luck to be atom for Mr at up to be fall are all cafe are now coding from all direction In of material which had ordered firo it would been a to the people for around nothing of Mr utter who had done eo to build op little apot Brown Iftheao ohopi had by derouriog and all of a careless lodtvldaal la patting oat fire at dry of year The Grit of fire at Brown Hill about oclock pm on the about da from Mr Mr Knight loa completed quite a nobby Utile here be an office for own accommodation Our Mr- In and Jo tolerably good humor with an letter We were sorry to lose oar Mr who took d psrtnreby Mm J Roiltli of Mr and itUi Fettle left here morning for Mr bare taken up their coder aland they coma from Point Mr baa made an Improvement to the by a new fence In front of St Mr Stephen put stable end which to tbo apjamnce of hla weU now able to fiiende can him artifice limb Jo place the one be baa been obliged to loa a we feci are aome kind who will be recited by Mr J Wood Treasurer Moant Albert Items Girdeo held at Mr ailTeri en tbo lit of July waj a grand pro amounilnK about There wa5 a at Mr Kitchen Tenyi two or 3D Therttsaini of Mr Hubert Hauler coin from Toronto lait Monday evening and wart Interred Jo tbo burying An reacted by the Mr the lcU4 In be employ of Macdoold Co- and wta Montreal bo taken He held In by firm and tbo who acquainted with him while on road Mr Hunter lato of only of tit mow living Our new iter Mr Harris 1 were for Jul but did not reach no father Manitoba who Li health poor the laaL Mr J wo lnal Mr itoTafieu of theetb the wife 0 or Mr Curry of a el air or of Ufa town to omb- bur on Wiir Of Ur blur fin Funeral Friday afternoon to g House FURNITURE AND TO NVi Items fro J wtlr prophet again Into It ft- now lb- great be predict for fall will hard He not anticipate further In the until the fill lie open cold atoiiny great on the afternoon of September it the great war of the element whUh aill It will be a of unparalleled and after the 4tlantloaud Irarmbg rill en the rogged front offered th Rocky of and Jfewfoodld bare not been lo my that port on Ibaditanf the dLnKUTiftnB The of the Icok plica school gronadi ut Friday and a enjoyable of were JOO of whom parental The provided tea from Jtat to oclock folio wad by lemon and Viriooa Were entered Into a more pleasant lima at gathering the Baker ffUlpaptUi Church School bad thelreooual on Mr lmoo on July The that could pleasant There wee a targe number of people who if ler feattleg on be by he a pel able fro bmonade and other LemonrUla bud torn which added much to areata Total were Uroar baa It that Franco of an alliance lih to ft P nor Mouther fflWl Sutton MwmarMSra The public meeting held for the of connidertog the for foroatloo of a Joint Slock Company for the importation of fairly well attended of our principal were and in addition from amoogit whom were Jacob Smith of Qneena Recto of Hill the Keme and their to help other wayawltb the were formed for pnrpoae of Tbe committee for North called a to be held at Tueaday evening and all in the of to be The under of the fiultoa Lodge A came off Sorry lo cay it wai no dooW owing to tbo tatu of ime to It too bad mora were not for a Boer day more not hare been got together The left Point at calling at and Bell at Big Bay Point noon Several famlllea got off at iblf piece by the way log a popular retort and for the proprietor Mr a jolly good fellow and all a power to make hit ton comfortable and after thing by the the ode kind and another were entered Into and a very ant till the of the which hid gone to Barrio with the At all were again on and Point reached at the only being bat boma was attired at On Tuesday of Crick Club took a trip by water to Bradford for bo of a friendly with dob at bat place They arrived back morning bar leg bad a jolly time and coming off by fire the match Mr P Jut to attend the meeting it would be well for ill witting our Society their at hare to be roade Tore the lit rf to Rafn Wllcg at wiomlng and at the time of writing It alill Will do an for It If a long bed any hire M7- of famlllee are at Bar Mr All of oar and are from Homo of them ere George Arnold Prank Forfeit Cora Long and JeDalni aro log bale returned her Hi and Join are in and around Ihp tillage Mr A- Mr Hogarth at Hew A- There waa a watch en Tburaday hot left Saturday night l fibattliwortb who been ait A buvfromAuron in towa with twenty people la it liar Mr got up about Inadi congregation hut and them at and all to mioo Lake enjoyed a day boat riding did not altogether iog friend ticlnlty Mr home Muter J frotfr Waiting with uncle Mr and Carrie Dig mo on ap between Mr A flrojeoseombe bit excuse IbKorreePondent if lie la not prompt writing week It It and oil aha are taking faolilaya East ffUAwoWt July iffifl nuance Hoi borne toady from of Town Una South Co bill for a Cody toll Corn A on Hi of Jcnklna and thelddy pdrtofB- union Willi The order on ltoTrcanrer In favor of following Terry Andrew fled of a la jo Union On motion Hood and tcowaa to take action as bo opening op of coo and if deemed to procure S J ROAUHOUSE MAIN Bedroom Sets AT FKICES AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTGLASS HEARSE win prompt attention Our Toronto Markets RUM Why do so many people have such happy faces around town HAVE BEEN ATTENDING THE Sale July PouratelJllJ per barrel S3 SO rt Kail do Wlicat do do a Co a 0 a iCkU do A do U CO a U Hay per II CO a 15 do It a per bnjf a J a TOO a W pella OK a a Wooinoroouud from Now going on at The Leading House where is to be fonnd Piles upon Piles of the Newest Goods which are rushed out at astonishinglylowprices this is a Genuine Clearing Sale with Greatly Prices in every Department at the CHEAP DRY GOODS HOUSE north store J ULITJS on a and from Orataij leather Head paid for Uepikoi tbo outJKodlaDaery tbo SPECIAL NOTICE A yariua Indebted of the make fo InCourofortolifctipy JaffleiFartrM are in We pay moot placed for of a bJdge Mill Tto to employ tomnko a of the village or Mount Albert for of and of iiieaamD to on pro IfcwproyldtdlnSectiouof or cite lit Deputy and Mr to meet a of tUe Holland Into all and to report of Council to meet BatnrdaySBltjcf SIRS Voters North OF ist OF u VotenMit Keller mem that I red wriooinba llooa by or to by Hat at 1 ft a at tielbTerj On or ltd rutnalna for to raid If any or roraftrofocd to take immediate da or GREAT SEMIANNUAL Sale NOW GOING ON EBCR0MPTONG0S Into Wwa to art beat looking ami Knights of July Knights of thin and ox- Mill The Lodgo opened this rooming An of welcome delivered by Aid on be half of the Mayor and Grand Chan cellor of Ontario wmces held in St James Cathedral Whit marsh chaplain of the Illinois hrigade officiating One of the grandest sights ever in Toronto of of Pythias this afternoon They mustered in Clar- square where at aa immense crowd hid and at sharp headed by Call Adjutant General Boh Newell and a commenced its grand march through the There- were from as far away as Florida end Orleans and it la estimated that between and Knight line All along the route the packed with and the win dow of dwelling and were crowded a perfect oration from the the finish At Queen Park a halt made for minutes ad hero people had congregated Tho wellexecuted of several while marching ware received with rousing cheer The column took half A indebted to A are hereby that all accounts and notes BARGAINS TO BE HAD IN EVERY DEPARTMerT B The Leaders in low Prices NOT T half nation wm JULY After that date all accounts not pro vided for will bo placed in the hands of my Solicitors for Collection with Costs We hope all interested will attend to this matter we leave for Marie before Aug end it be impossible to extend time any further A THE POPULAR HOUSE s AA AAA i yp- Dry Goods Shoes Millinery Wall Paper T MITCHELLS MOUNT ALBERT We have a Large Assortment of Every Kind of All New Stock and such prices never offered in Mount Albert Our Motto is to NORTH BSD I Best Moulding Materials 1 or CASTS was to On the Shortest GARRY NO STOCK OVER FROfi ONE SEASON TO ANOTHER ftUtit Therefore wo offer which any requiring take advantage of without delay going The Sale to Continue Days from July PRIME AND EGOS WASTED AT HIGHEST PRICES ALBERT buck alaalBat

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