Newmarket Era, 30 Jul 1886, p. 3

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at rrrvj local IB IV A TOWN fiUH My lintlog and lild V Kir All if I I jj l Aft l4tlllllfttl I J fill ii- in A- lIlMl id -Vi-unariiBf-ow- lliwi plwo in llf Sir J mo A Kim i liilHD W It iivi wild iy I ifi fit Hill A j i till I I In in I Jin- ah liuial Kill Id IUjfiU At i ii i Foil Kip Bool at good llifl lU Air two mi- aod In to bo hoiked Id lion Wholl lto Drat try It Mr on of In or Iht prod r hi wblcb our fik of Ml and following VlHifUcd to wflKl flrlHul Sirtieon Itojiloo J do I Win Irwin Jaa Jatrlck Wiu- A Win Jilmn Mb hill Una Wellf Ad Mary One or bo redit la bam from drill night l 3rd C He tot MgbUpfid cut- Out for nth luh tot and ADv iiop will col t Mr SIiiju ill blh in it Ill A i Vint ju tin of Avirfn iu Hi in hhond ltj he vol Iu lll rtli Tho Vll Mr- I lliiilijllWiW Mi Vffa ME urn I iH a I ifiiil Cm- At ij i arid lr IJ ilf litaii ailJ lb Hi I Milt it i luo Iliiy ijid In jiloiit ittr yiv l lJU llirLfrJf Will III Mr- liltitiit Jf llj ftfiii JMvcVriiigc J I nut 111141 Ji til Hi bAL u tint a v limn fr lit pat fciii niu kindly ui bud WaltioiJy ILEiiIIa Illy aiUEJilkCihui 4 Mr ljf ill If- li f r fb I My fct- if I- liiii IK ft I- Miy Wife cm UlSMkIUl In fi3frtLU lifvat toWtwv J lliu Abb ike- A II lb ill ai jujuurr He llil lit Mit li vr tin- it- fci in ihit Ms iriyid full A Wfj liy nil Tile Ale od fifli lime tta a vital Art i4tatirijbcff W a JisdTLrUvtv liutib -UirfiL- A Sl Monday ib ftfvr dUdMlvu will I frjitixovty IUkgk drr Jliridf vii wjMw JVc J b i4 A jiil will t at lfiK aloat ftud in- iTn when MoUtrato Villi tvU lit all the iMitrji in ftbd ii Km if liiji Mm ly liny nut Ibelr ilni li iiiuuuluiiy ltt and a it at ilitIUJ to lt I fir jllyftt Ijiifiiu iif bwtit to Mr riot u hiJ in out resile- lilt- dm l ell a lliv ftiigbly jltlL Tin luiUTil tufa yeilidAy liy I or Irfist h4illf Allditlt HtiFii Ml lo Nivrkt tW Liiiii rril i- 1 if Injured by a ami ftttiit assay futniltirc- aShc urruiuuati in in which tf I iUitiinrai lrtilmrut jo I ji itll all Mirfijd it Hat not many tiny f In ih of liii lain It Ihat lliccb id In lift a luU of lliib oil by but alia Vila too d4ll Iitrr ra mote ihji the filit veil lor of tin drfi3iii3kiij for Jt Jiii itvebty year a ftw fully bflifig ibiiiljuri ivablwyj kind and full lift will At To tout a idkrnoou At Hit of Mr J bud of at lliid to by Itpitt lUo Irmla number of got car tuck lq fence Jowo two of no to Mr and lo It lrg bid bo Vq damigo fru to Lost room- H ltvea Leo oclock lhexcl4tac of lb u rug lb float door bell be til- do vt in He back door filling lo got a lo bit knock be Iritd Ibo door It Hat log iviitludtd ilial no be woodabed door by Koodoo uUr table Mies wu IbtbotUo and lift did ell vrcI Jilt core for bit wlicu film to toewor be tod Ibet be kuo of a concealed her from decided out to let Ibtt vjtf bl l of the wtii him hat to off bat vbtu tbe asked be ioleodtd Willi a ry remark Hie youony to frit lolnnlcr wet out of the boUba and doove for bourn ilr would bate bid wit very easily for the j AT THE a BIO A L SPRING A N Grain SUMMER FRESH LOTS PRICES Cheaper Cheapest Suther VWVy7 were tickets wlJ at bVwnatkvl l4ht ItUiy fvr St The team in ft with by to tin Cana dians tin- Hill acme very Hue Mr tailor majority by a thw ign- of jiroptty in bury we advirtil IurVlou Win le liaving It we mil out a lot aid on pilars oil one all ww no urd of llic Inf iLi jUsnl ua ftiswy arly lt Steam fifriDgi Iteltir dtra Vf a of tttafti WliMtkn Tfce ail the of rto Wig rfgtttfclock ti to at it will WnAKa to be JR 5e Ufa luffidtDt JJW utnOkt WortUj J W tba aWat j j tit a bind t A of com all ill Iu iouio bug opffUbatk It Ufa favorite I not is iviuto but Itiih If M lilnjoly will a will from Sir for the A load for Ink and rt- inrnedon3l6nJav joyed fink air Ittd rtftll atTw Art nit benlH in good bllb imudout Ajiyonn hying to Irrll bet to alley a is lately Tin of len street bridge Jooe Ifava ticket for nulaiUnblp not alter low it away from daylight irJer Up to baa been cud toon ntofo croitab1e tod new vbo vKl doubt 10 Mr bticg by cent of iiIuU iJ WtfTO leblifoi Jat aomewbat Iuwkcu of our wuttUs or jut now and loo tired to write up A will uo doubt from baa jrfioui and mrt W aoderorda WaUMt bridji as It was do pomefi- out of bit week for Toronto at a COT baa been by in Monico to Mi voted in favor of til proposed It hop crop in of Now is to utterly At the of a on in India on lives wore last The iu Colorado broken to crops in now HI footing hi Mexico United iSUteft war ia of It la persons were fctlcl and eighty wounded in tho on and Monday in Ka Spanish Chamber of jiiif3 treaty with and prolongation of exist treats with other While three tramps a car near Windsor Monday one of them fell beneath cam and was crushed to death Portugal has annexed gold territory between Manic and on Zambesi river that was discovered by explored Witnesses who were refused fees in a Act case in filtered suit and recovered ten cents wife ftiwl seventyfive cents per day At championship lacrosse series of games continued on Satur day the Torontos defeated the Sham rocks of Montreal In straight The Department Public lias been notified by contracture that tho graying dock bus been com- pitted Sir John arrived in Victoria IS Saturday and was by Mayor the mem- beta of thi Legislature city council fuly A fire broke out A Codes knitting and carding mill this afternoon The stock mostly saved and the fire confined to Clip upper July John n crzod by the bad temper of his wife who was separat ing not fatal then hilled July was erected on Cardinal fell late this afternoon killing tody named Mrs Vanncsse years and seriously injuring her granddaughter On Mr SVvv the Army arc now in this country for pur of hones for the army At Fort Mont on Tuesday a terrible storm blew tho garter down loss is rocked as if by an earthquake Man July Wheat cutting on farm commences to-morrow- eomo fields are not worth twothirds crop is expected on whole A sloop laden with tons of dynamite at Havre fit mid night and did a great amount of damage in way of wrecking eg and breaking General has ar ranged to visit Toronto in the latter part of September when a series of most demonstrations over known in the Canadian Army place A Canadian special freight train ran off the track at an early hour yesterday about miles from Orangey ill a Ten cars rolled over an hut fortunately w were steamer while on Her way Halifax Johns- struck and sank French schooner at anchor off during a fog The crew of the schooner were saved with the exception Of one nian The match lot the Kolapor was shot at Wimbledon last England wot victorious with a score of points Canada Brandon shot an that was prowling around in the neighborhood of his farm After considerable fighting Bruin was over powered and killed was about seven from tip to tip Post following Tltoy for lime juice badge dynamite Scott Act coal oil Wisher and even nothing said a downheart ed temperance wan the other night and he added mournfully all seen with what Ahoy get t3T- An attempt was made to blow up a pleasure steamer having on board Prince Leopold of Brazil end members of Brazilian legation who were on a trip to Coney Island A dynamite bomb ignited was found by a deck band and was thrown overboard Advices from Is land state that bush fires to rago in many parte of island par ticularly on shore in Michaels Bay and Providence Bay losses in many cases are serious some farmers losing every thing of Nile Bruce lawyers Wall street recent ly left the city suddenly for Montreal It is alleged that ho has misappropri ated about DO000 belonging to clinnts of the firm and winch was held in trust Bruce is years old and a native of Distressing accounts come from rice fields along the Santo River in South Carolina The coun try for miles on each side of river in Willi Georgetown and Berkeley counties is covered with water The rice in most cases is totally destroyed KS- Arrangements have been made by tbe Canadian Pacific Roil- way Company for a through tinential route from St Paul to Pacific coast via the Canadian sys tem The necessary have been made with St Paul Minn eapolis and Manitoba Railway Com- Monday afternoon two men while out rowing on Niagara River between Niagara and found tbo body of a middleaged man badly decomposed floating in river Parties from Holly have to Queenston to see if it lias any re semblance to man from who jumped from Goat Island bridge On Saturday last a farmer in county of Peterborough named Lewis committed suicide by cutting his throat with his pocket- knife lie left home in to go about mile distant to one of his sons and not returning with whom he was living went in carch of him but did not succeed in finding him I Sunday morning There in no trying lo dis guise the fael that as far as is concerned Act a lament a Wo failure ii openly sold here on the dozens of men were drunk and any amount of fighting indulged in A number of drunken were lodged in Mr J- Daley of Stouffvillo purchased lirgo at which he baa presented to the village to be used as a fire bell This denotes and public spirit on the part of Mr Daley and if fortunate in having such resident Prince Albert mounted police have been inspected by Sir John at TKe lockup and on Tuesday morning were premier expressed pleasure at brought up arid the of tho force It is re- Muslins lints and Seersuckers Ladies Belts a Great Variety Gloves and Hosiery Great Bargains In Lace Ladies Brocade Canvas Cloth and other Lines in Every -IN- We Nice New Fresh Goods The Purity Fine Flavor and Cheapness of Teas in Japans Black and Young also Coffees and Spices has given a repu tation and demand for these that proves the greatest care and in making our selections SelfSealing Glass Preserve Jars of every size Butter in Stone aud Earthenware Lot of Stone Milk Crocks each splendid Clothing- Straw Hats Fait Hats and Shoes Inspection cordially R J DAVISON HOSE FIJI TOMATOES AM tried ULrdtiiordtllYertd end be Hold lit lrougbt up fined- fall During a Monday lightning struck a fanner house three mile from Marquette injuring the entire family five boy being killed struck the roof and wrecked it down side of house and shivering a win near by which a liltle boy was killed was seated m a chair of salmon trout fry now developing Into fish of a pound weight put into and about two by Government Officer Mr are being caught In nets and hawked for tale wo again ask oft When it an er- of fiiheriee going to Packet At Mount week a party of arch when suddenly fell with a jurying a boy of yean deep which packed as ice A largo hotel employee service men went down with axes shovel and blanket- After fcalf work form was taken death Ottawa July At the Little a heavy thunder struck a where of persons were sitting watching the body of a woman who had died- The down and struck coffin and shattered it to piece Four seated round the coifin nt the time OxiO and a child injured and have since died Two others were On Saturday a merry party of one hundred ladica and gcntleracn picnicked at Lome and themselves greatly Just to start for tho boat was Oiled for time and was running at full speed- witch it ran track of those on it thrown off filiss was ficnse- less for from a wopnd and various cuts and May was cut on shoulder and bruised on head- Two Thompson and other ladies also injured Kingston July In Sep last a colored man earned of Windsor came to to serve a of fivo years for cattle stealing was in health when ho arrived and becoming worse ho sent- to the hospital a few days ago was pardoned His father to Kingston to be present at bis tons release and to escort him home Yesterday arose ap peared to be cheerful in disposition dressed in lie presence of his father storied for the Wardens to receive his discharge but before ho reached it ho faltered and fell scene was cad one and dead mans father is Inwed grief broken hear week iff It Mann of had a capias for tho apprehension of an Italian who supplies board for a gang of his coun try men working about miles above Accordingly a of ficer Fax ton proceeded to and arrest The prisoner took his and declared that if officer would accompany him to camp ho would raise the amount to Manns claim night The how- over thought it prudent to wait until next day On arrival next morning ten Italians surrounded the officer and pleaded for the of their countryman Be ing refused and unable- to raise money an attack was made on with object of releasing the prisoner But as officer was accompanied by P J King solicitor of and as both were sup plied with revolvers enemy was Oon pot to rout prisoner taken hack to the railway and in due time deposited in goal at Niagara Falls July Graham said yesterday he bad begun his experiment for going over the Shoo Falls He ban finished plans for barrel It will bo built of two inch staves with a cork covering two inches thick inside will be shaped more like a ball and bo more elastic and stronger than other hammock Graham proposes to get into his barrel and be shoved of bridges across gore before going oyer falls would like to jump from the railway suspension bridge into the Rapids be said But should bo killed thepeo pie would never know whether the fall or rapids had killed rue If I go off the bridge at ray barrel can caught by a boat and I could be rescued if it were found that the fall had stunned me cask in which ho went through iciiry ported that he promised medals to those who were engaged in suppress ing Northwest rising tf A Fort man who has an undesirable tenant applied to the Hoard of Health to declare sani tary condition of bad and ham the tenant ejected The Board declined responsibility but stated they would cause ho bouse to bo overhauled and charge landlord with the cost t Johns July The schooner Baron has arrived bringing latest ricwa from the Labrador Coast For nearly two weeks she was blocked in York harbor by a field of ice- She brings five families who had reached that point from Sandwich inland on sledges drawn by ponies which they subsisted upon after their arrival York harbor is crowded with fugi tives but these from the south ern coast and know nothing of their northern neighbors On July a two days snowstorm set in oft all communication ha closed all trails The relief ves sels will now go direct to York bay to first relieve the there report state that Hud eon straits are again over which is on unprecedented occurrence at this season The temperature has not lower than degrees above cold results from immense masses of Arctic ico along coast Up date fcurvivora have arrived here Tho number that died esti mated at Considerable excitement was caused last week at and in country round about when it became known that Jos Williams merchant miller of that place had fail ed with heavy liabilities Mr Hams did tbe most of Jus banking with the Georgetown branch of the Bank of Hamilton Ho owed the hank for which ho put upas security warehouse receipts for wheat The bank officials never suspected that tho receipts not aa good as gold until quite recently when tho wheat was looked for and found wanting Ho had skipped across border Two or three days ago bank officials were informed that he was in Rochester and the banks solicitors in that city were instructed to have him arrested This dona on Thursday evening and Mr Williams is now in jail It is said that tho arrested merely the first step a civil action begun by bank to re cover amount of its claim The case however is hardly likely to end in a civil action for it is true al leged that securities deposited by MB JACKSON 18gUlDj to lot of old Xtn from a or will oof of but virtue a day Mr- Ma Hoy bo oa I claim mm TolttixawlioUxv6kndlyMtUltbe1r Jwimq Juir I I We Move the first week in August to the store now occupied by A In the meantime the Whitchurch Council PUBLIC NOTICE Council of will at it iabie i the La laYT mini pot id ihMrajplfcatlori otlald If 111 of An- pjitf wlllbJgor MORTGAGE In or tt or uta I Jibe of win by tuvtoo at On day of GREAT REDUCTION In Still Continues of ib tct or wen of in of wel Bib d1d a part ibTof for aoa urcitaoiali from Albert UUlial 90d bit ihreoQ a El a ficrci rear or lot told object rtrve to SUTHERLAND SjrCO Will sell the Balance of Spring and Summer Millinery -AT- PRESERVE FRANK LAZARUS of lb of A Spectacles and EyeGlasses tod lo part tt run and fTn in DDbooaJH tor ihi ilui world iMt For by lAlsLinniiA No connection wlthioy in tbo POM Mr Williams were fraudulent ho guilty of a felony A largo number of the farmer in township had wheat stored in Mr Williams ele vator waiting for a rise in price and it u believed that about duo them ga SIXTY DAYS Umbtiry of York- la a itOpftlai it lbe rural by jxibiio ocJjop or P boor Of two oclock la PER DISCOUNT cash NEWMARKET Hardware t v ut tiw India 1 in the whirlpool will bo used in r ud won w firt fop many yeralupreHmbiry The ham- I to Deration of I in bo taprorecL -7JJE- Ihtirftaloi lb it Now iba THEM a elected or cam to Cord order A ialuy a wo CTWg Wednesday the day of of or of North property loc4tfoQoqQ1r ibo of Lake mcoo yfAQfji a 11 or tit norc on or WW ob- I to rt But of Store HARVEST COVERED BOGGY a it WANTED Apply at mm Iron Gain I- MBm ALL

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