Newmarket Era, 13 Aug 1886, p. 2

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tv V- v i mn rfW aatwaajaaaaMaaaawg vA3 -I- gSJ0 Now To Op Win Fair It J Hill Ho Farm for or Wo Pound Bra Of OH HTM with each AUG Our Despatch Mr bill WO ttutyt vim of 1 ol tad by mcti to- iW fail rJ IiAhp iU Hip III It fel Mo romp Jlliftti M lbo loeloJI I Ji Jiyiitihtfifill4 oil for Hull liJil frrj A iriiuit to iIa AiiiMy lo J OB hud ku irlli J vib 0 fit til fclrl ft ukg liilUdHitrfjfrftail I be Moving In tf nut cinvMaiunn wild jufiti lVrnjijriil llt- iiitlicf jxdni Jul in of in il of I til tin district Oik und ArgHiiiMijouv for I ho mid jetton iJkj and j yjilr iu liirvtM it would call lit ihi of ill in Jtidii initiatory to to really early day I In Ontario of Mr l01rdi it llin ycur to ill- and llms pro fur future action Should thy oft this fall of he the sooner an- the better will thru Ije Mi Hid and a influent fcuJ direct of If the men be natal it will for tho party mid IiPUt fur the to know it and if a tall all the the In vs do not tfiili to under any way duiai or wild ii at tin wju active of the party who that i future 4 to JiLVtihfijuifttioaof ly After of the Couniy and W wort or attention til the of October and it all that pfvlininnicfwhod Convention the party the with with tfuMf an tilt mm J i i to Cowboy coder ibf oil A grtoUd iLf a BO of A- to Iron or to KfttUford capful w 4 to 0d for of fiitlwiy xd IK KKhy TfatCocojuy to bin it fit mm ibiici of Editor what 1atrl ioppow m tod dories Ibt put 10m A Mr K- bit lMllh 4oils Am driU i if Art ruiU lad Micntfiic Jv- ft lift tf It 11 to Tin AtufWci f far JitttdlUoq w1ti lb hit MaVs it l toltt offiiMUt by lir 1 to oinr- at f by J llo nittMtor dan 1 iiiAi viffd llwm to in Acttitly ibt of ol o bout of to llir tfnylHi f It- voifcKit til titled ilinc A tod If brio lb Tin ill if lor J f Im mpfiflHl lb out I pah iciiii of ti ill lljfI 10 fvt b ft il fi- of lit- tflitt 4 jaiiiiiliqi fiK cm i foul dour jh It J Iu our A Tin It Or of Mr from ll1ft for ill of ihU ldif pint I iiiiiciJil IfrfJUJf Ill Ireland M A hill IJiiik hi riitiaiaii It Of itifrlfer ipulilV id it will 1 1 lb it the par lull if id- ring on ill- fin ju lb- tuiur L In y I ml hi iht- J Smith UlIi Moiafocl lit urlvwajpbtHrnlkfuyof Jrtflng toiiivr4tT dm rtli4fjd or PorNiiiiibrur by ti Ijriy ft f IWlur Ijt inornln Utl gf id Pi until ill Mr ih JUMIVo ibr wlWt a ftf I ifif izrityl lit tilth lb y JffUfO brfrhUfreib K NRJnln nMU If lit- p MMIM if th- fan- vt at 7 by flar Ctibolicrht4ib44ib lt ftn lVfnidpy I diftt Amt faiflM i irtia Dll II lit- b- A hi 1 by rbi ol fat nil ivr iiilritu ullfri jo ibr lift lt Air src or ttiionlbo fr M the nM1 TbtCju- 1 jJIJ- It bilMx rjot rtli I UooJy lit bbypinr ful III ibi iu wl fed ITU is Mkftb itfttrii d lb ftboU ud tU bill pot only til hot oiberiijr will like to I It fill i ibc it In ibii QriplQQv bit apoy to U to lb for ols to SI ud JlpoaT rf Ja jtmol tootbtr f ol a tut to tad Ur It to it Mr a via foe Till of ployed iboditpHtlof Hit Ud iorAKNJ ot to oo JO torn llcne tlona It for Pltbtr of Urns of frU Aug tod Oil 5ib- Vbkb it IncOt dcofllbof put w he by bill ted bitty A ixcplai bantam will lll bo totiml lllloolt How ad tod will Jiugcr ptlk too tpOU to Wti Ink Drops foil I but I imbotiiidtiiqoUotttOohot rolutbt Eton J tt OtO teliouU will of Mlait opt Torooto I onto of Li 1 1 What the Era Foresees A crowd lit loIiy A luurd llu or tut to without A full ocd ot retain bluoUvcU nod bluer for a con Hobo rniiUimct hit by ll AbfKnUualiMo to- mo crow dInroy of Bod our brxtluor fall of flib A of ititbmoad mil tod Tito Hb a of bio Mix What is Hit 1 lr Mr A But will learner n In fl llUI this week Sir P fotwoio lovklUX jlliJiT P from Hirgio St- Cboieh Mr fan city for put r Vti 3 io null- Id put Hiu liu loffodor lb t JoiSuiitU of Ho Mr i1ji of J Mr A Hood at ubld fcy ftilll i o laorffcj fir ikIiX l po4lig iHi with frit ad lo HirtfimWbpiWjorUr Jot left oil for coajiU of Clui of fUihg Ijcf bMbr Mr tiwvNUff of of ft J moJ for of lit Albeit Slrt oojpwW by iifrct i1Uofitib was mad lb la Tilt of lit lowo Ura of town la family of Hr ttdiby of WtV Bitordty At to toot bo bin Mr of of of tod to It Ho onipttU4 by Irif ij raorolog It wftb of to doctor Bar r lady of dot- fa id Oof of tola aia logfrtroda la v tf 1- bono rf J- a fcyt from Wr of fcU CIdwrti of tbt Sid HA I- P lie Mr baa railrrf frooi Iib La ml toil looatod at aUiato and op Wo ftlm buk to till u Un ud Mra of lo loon for put worka rtftooTooadaylut for hot ttofpf Ilaodooibl Bond who baa to Old for of health raloraod bontoa tut par Ho mask afur water trip oririae all wkm to g do North York Prize will of aod will out weak With Jo4beatV J10KBE8 lioporlad a by Pybni of 2nd a by of a at- beat by 3rd Draod oltb foil by aid or of bid Kotlia two yparo brat br Keot hour at 2nd by Bwlaty 3rd or two yrara 3rd Enur Uai 2nd boat 3rd n YeaHog or Pilly aprdal by ixl Yuix a of 1in I tjlord at beat by Society 3 id 2nd beat Buffo but 3rd a by J C Senior by 3rd lUrtwa beat X Sod boat by lliood with foal by be aid it bad foal a by City Oil Toronto 2nd brat by Buddy Colt old a by J of i of D abltirrtty Tilled at Wat by Society 3rd Pllly a by Oak lloov KIob at Toronto at Ytullta a oft of vol- at 2nd brat aid Yeirlfn or Kilty 2nd but 3rd ii but 2d tut 3rd Filly but odbr CO at 3rd pari TOO Ou 00 OO CO M W 00 a too 1 00 1 00 uu 2 OX 2 00 CO 2 I AND lloru irlw by 2nd Spaa Carriage Iu- baud la by Mr J flcbHkr of Street 2nd brat by 3rd a adl by Air J JdiJ 2od by Society baodr by the Pluw of a dtiltf 2nd II of a vju ad at- 3rd IwatV birii ami under War by Hotel In 3 wi 3rd a i cut by by Sir A a by or basing bad a It to by air Wtataao Jidbt is a log at 3rd by a by Co onl a Stallion IMdlt but ly 3rd or Fill two year 2nd beat Yearling Coir by Mr fitllloo 00 i tO dio 00 I by Society id or Sod beat Sod bctt 3rd 00 00 oo SPECIAL PRIZES To for flnt day of Show at oclock Hog both Beat Teata of atjla by Cap Cooper wyBirrat Ctfvvajaedtt tod beat aprdal by Mr St But To- boa of at Id baioraa glrro by Toron to tfoo I bet kU1 ib fif In t tfci br a ir t liVtvlUi d Urot Prom 10 Ixtt I Mr Haw 8IhU or rtNJ To- yfnm lyAbidd4 J by tiftiri Dull Boo 81 HI But Lidcw IS iDd r But Lvly by Col- 2nd AJwtni A unci Tiooto wti a llfrorlui Co Aifociil by Co Toioa- tiatllU JluLtt totikci ly 4rrin or vil li eft Itll- llwfAd Iff of alptalM y Mr Illli ttl aSjjjjr fit J not Ik to tut AiJ Dull iMijl ftOaJtUt I jit bctt aadtt by ttiistv4i ell a J- Or t I Mr- ixh 10 ftiiil by Siatnly by in by rcil J Albino Hotel by irjo llritri Calif by Mr J ft TvniUW 2td by d by o Mvld of Shalt of Hull foul 1Kb Klugrtta i ttdiciy J j ljfK pill j4rli by Si by t a by It lJo Start fixiay rt I jjivtn by vjIu- ill iTtil Mr by two HJ St bO 8 to 2 1 to ii On OH J 3 0 1 1 00 3rd 2nd 2nd Drjt f a Mr luipw if- 5 OK fiUKKSRV Hull a in Ouli 00 2nd if it rd or a rfl y of Mr juiuwl tlO Com in city dot been in with Homier npratl of Ihirs I n an inter he the will couple of ike mail About ft oclock morning a firn nroVc out in the of A a liulldinx on coiner of boo communicated with a tlahlo close own tn by TtdiM tnd both The wo to that lit John Comer- fords caught hot tlio the firemen were Mvcdj though badly by The of unknown Jlr on tho in Hie and for C00 On the furniture hi r tod Mr low it both covered by A occurred at the of ft meteor mtktng a The meteor probably feet in touching partly emitted ft nose of pictured infernal The tight worked on the roindt of the people up and forward to a speedy of What moot enhanced fat to the tho tky iowercd the Iwnata of rJclrJt tent up unearthly and bringing to knee Within the put few been irtj tevero and earth quake have been frequeoU SALE TO THIS IS THE CHEAPEST HOUSE NORTH STORE JULIUS MADER Sutton Items- Jrjliab1laiiUoribUv2IiaV6rortht Dig fur A Cole of Coir iiOi fialtoo HVtW- A slilcli Hit brIJtntfeora Rev of atrul decoration of IjUhIi of I It a J aVii iU LlUiD cnct cut MalvlbUttd iHrstquaiDlllrofcbolcellowtaAfor lhefe- very Jrcfralcd with ic rnont III very prominently At of by nd Colo Mr Job Kitlc Mr brcatlbcd Rico Vlctr flru portion by French btppy by he VlCatr AC be tut I tow letn tj j t fr tH tt fi Still further REDUCTIONS department to dear a few small loto of The balance of our Iluiim Trimmed Hate Hat and Bob- net Shapes Feather Aigrette c at your own price The Balance of our Ginghams Parasols AT A mnELnnni In and Varied and will Deal Very Liberal Teacher and Large Dont forget the place Office STARR Mount Albert A- Hector of t Iter- of Vrtff to iff Rill Ij r Itfl Of odarJ by HI ton Mini a cburcb not frpirbclozvaciDt Wlib we bad ihlf Vtcori ivfihoUo vble Hie of ftDd veil of Jre In ollk rllU lace viiictcU bou quet Mill fcocb score Tho piny then mUit la ho p Bui Dr Wlddlatftd J J Iter fell mud Mr- Sir and WOUDrjlllOp EJc Mr- Bit tad Dr od Mm Mr- J A- John tedy Mr Mr It tico mud Aohb Wlddiflrld oetlriiHitf AtvJ coicwHTurmouottd Mr odtro- piotrcMfork Mr tod Mr hoJ t- bici ore Willi rol Mr aUi Iter md Mr Mini Vcb Oliver A and ftmlJy nil a3Jd ftney ct Tlrr Mm i toed Mr VrtMrniu fcllcrrttnd And 0l4 UbiU Hill Vn- or Mr MLis loltcf if ill CI rtrptebiirtoltU Iter QiDrnieiomtboWidrtHtltrbaid- Mr prccoti of brtdejtDKUi will A beaoUfol After ooopte left epoiotca On At tuorotloo iforJhilrfcptIoflrlh1oDidtritiDd ibokiad wort Im pKunUtlibobrldo bukiioboiitu flow to u to ihy lb HU only reply no bOAt left omUlttbochcrt Of ad hft 9t oil for ihlf but to of wo iiu Tbo of villi Or J Milter and daughter of r rj Khutttcworib Mite Suite Vv water fo tbt If tic P by fmed Ifi Any fa J of Ho nil CAAld lie bit ill well thit from be of ud ritA fros fogbod bit the set to fAkon for He log for of wctltt end mill vhlifoj heft torucO on Tuody private from village ptcDkkid t He i irtD AOtl of J Jl Hood Ay of la I her Mr J trip to Ton dor Iter Mr and Iter Mr fiunday Utter wot to and I former litre Jailor co raid urn flrllirfj MORdnyAftrraoon to play a with in team In ihli vtllgr we bore badly I a ilxy J bad home victory by itrtogiheoitg tlte North eta vjoidrcDa will of GoTtroDttol to far to of Woo fill lea aama al 1 1 lb Why We are offering lot of regular and 10c print and American Cam brics at prices ranging lot per yard In sheetings Table Towels Lace Cur tainsScrim tons Cotton Shirtmgi and Quilts Dlseountfrmnis Off the- Dollar in Hosier Glove Embroideries ltca Collarettes Dress Buttons Laces and to tt40A ijf A fco i At of no the J to rnAMriiwti mi MM Slrqp- FOR SALE- f Lot In aVt COO llflHlarJ0Vtn ia IWA vifaf Tin t tT I fltfjr ef For pa rtlcoUrt p to We are offering a lot of Shirts Collar Tie Straw and Felt Hate it Prices that will Surprise yon CAMADAS INDUSTRIAL FAIR An Mi itr If tOi id ft Ani nrA the Mr KoncLiitdy 4 Mr ftb1iowiitwfiiWtoraV lUJiriVAtlhrMtaVnrtr JJ In At Hit Hie V4f aAgriculturol TORONTO SEPTEMBER TO Ac GfiiT It eft V IS litnJt J TOiuctO HO FOB THE LAKE J CbofrAndOAjfTCiptEooof I w- noted form ACT FURNITURE AND I lit- Aug While the fa the KtiikaVd la- r the pa- ILtdU to an cntaruioment fiat a at Mm Cooper to a gat jet lit a let ter drawn pocket act to her clothing burned to death ail to tare si ii-r- Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS Mitt FIRSTCLASS HEARST and couchlcltine Park OK Slit of ft fti tho Adults Farther week Ctattw of to MRS IVAwrMt til u4taoaqtai to It will rtrDl tod VtW All tut vtihooavu lba or We a good AllWool Canadian for per yard Boots and Shoes thisidepartmont you are sure you want and be unr sold Many lines clearing laboiit their regultf valul We can sell per pair up v now in Sugar Wi few Canned Goods Fruit act every- thw raent is marked at quirt Belling This Great thia month and wo invite all clow buyer and customer ally to visit our More ex amine at the South Store Boole a Old v Stand HASHS

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