i i iirLLsssssssMsssssssrr i ssssssssssssssssssas TrailJTaMMMaaMiiM NEWMARKET ERA if f Thompson Dr J Kennedy Residence for J- J Pearson High School J Horn for If Book No Attention Card of Roger Cutter for Halo Wanted Buggy for Hale Era fEln CI WITH AUG Our Toronto Despatch A JTr j Jtvh but Their luVilUn I ut4 it lie if Ho ll tut fcifclliw t to l It ji Malt of Hill it by li a f lb A lillebur Irt by Ifcr tie lit fur fviridiox I lUiitcnl of fa lU l lt lvc 1Mb Tour of Lakes- not lhw it Jjno liuill IJWM lrlli ply lh of our od iron Our through Wfcique Or liy night And blinding of firHi out hut excluded light of the our vessel about wot equal to iu for roughs and quite a dvuIW who of day tin miftiit inlhnnrr nutty lit tin on AM lh Toronto JW W pajinjjm mlirncd an army of lalm may iiitpnikiiivt vrrj tin A ud- lo l4viMili ill tin- tJuiilph ihatihm for kind hiiHlf during iho IJOH ftiid pr ir in dwehargu of of lrliit city bjinurarnc we tint of the J wan 1 1 Ihi- on of lli- on with oil for All hudity employ d in vivwingihit of of lh d of wen tin wilni- it thinly rations pillow of viaiicd such of Fair of Manhull which J tic Any drivtf through he nrit It car J P for hi of of Boy bo o Mr iht timid bo lb Wi lot votU What is Doing North York Prize tut mok Sod Nortittro bait Sod PAA- Mollify I ftiid Chicago 1 of WO at bus the round iripinthnowwka J tiny trip ty way of front act that li tilibful hi wit Ji ami lh Hoard thorn hi J Chicago left shortly on f on the profiler lio during tin trip delightful ttiid till tin invigor Hilt WAV the pitted Jxifcu Out Dm- occuphJ puna- ing through public a extending for a and provided with of which ho but partially by Whilf thu through I and Ontario of WW BO iaard visited Ml rl Our our Till of indebted jkivk iruin a ihtp in from ivuipi through lh lock ukk iad an hour a 10 viow OKI for for JAnX of not only of overall hioitchra thui will to inter One word found and pu5ariyTh In so Jong do not All wok of llm and with I hot and formed will he lor what In but l Kill t Urn ma a ptcijfUy Tub new hi- tgiJ to hi tight J idh iLt City I 1I1U tyjJvuv a quiet looking flouAinix ttb 20 inhahilaiit port at oclock arrival in city of about Saturday boat left about our hut the lowing points of Jrivu on noted at of the lineal in world he honor of President lingconrtrucUd and alio tomb hi ore now port at which we called loutBoctockStiadfty morn- A hour a walk to that it a of a and long port while with the of tin complete ferry a lwiyd th or til J on day across thu border and Jolroit is no poph lo Hi a end wis d up of chilli veil having board l American point up rivr this flo9jiixnirutitiiuitocharui while fit- Clair with and shooting boxes odd to lxtb shorn was reached oclock alnl a crowd wharf Oar stay short only liuif to allow wo art not w a stroll through its or any of or activity At on of Sunday the light and of wng in the cabin of inning loooioK very on oclock to a general low of jaaeafWoitfc8 It Thernu Topi- hat K of ftUd to tbrttffilb for iofiCcJ pltJnowtvUaUtuat frlhi uJion artuby To New we imp rtit aUipVjr is Apuhixiiv Kill on IttaaofihMby the 3rd of first at by A 9iCcpaft el nioru to Mr and Hon Mr the am choice drpAttuiMils hate to it lulh of f out tikc in 0Mtinu In riwv lQiUot frVAl vi tliAt a J Mi I to irj to tct thitjtiif to the Il J i Simc iiich a the rJinhAt falf ate ftr1irgi will I lo f lifer ait hy hi Mr Waaif of on tho IliJiif ii to lb I P am Arui ttlltl dhUie dtjrfjb of biro Moaat la Mr of at rAlfavrfDlawa k WJm bio city allh a lot Toronto lo Who City If I of fatbtf Sir J Id town lira fioUfurd it on from a III or Toronto lota oEBu of t a of to with old My tod Mr t at of North QirUllaiba Tom Mia of Bunt it H parental htJ J Hoc to of tut John of Id io la Una acdy and kit Friday for to tud a of lib Mil tod lo Teacher ftptdlof part fiti in If Friday a nip f jo Mr and of iu lotto Mr Lin of livuilluKwilh lift- Lj for a of tk J A have from look tho Ihtfr Aid tod child wont to the 8oaod camp- wick Toi tVtdur9day the Out fur day or aod he looks poorly Ho lad a of lira OvillEmbary at Da of for odo of UfvCbka ihiplr liuVttg tuinor has It that ho lo old to fiiatkt Mr Un fimlth of to to If hit oow at Mr it poorly for Pro- JtcVvio itfei and trill odI a week oraovrilbrr- the Royal City of fcer now of OfaoKrHtt- tfa la oa Wo at I Mr poor lines thflr to of of hu old boms at Mr Frsaeltoobai L a of Brand army profouly of add wife of me their Mr If Bmilli Mf4riHrraainpojopf tbt old sod Is at In Da limits of iaccu- oHavund wo to fci ihe log vntS Ilr Jacob Taylor waifo ffth to Toronto ff-vk- liaaooof bit plies for a of twenty by Sho lottoJi fcrr and will a Urn df wilb Or Pernor St iSoodiy En pulpit id iUro from uf Ei now at aod prohibit ho will lulie of the lbs from acaAJtf kuliog col to of return fftaiw otbir Applra Sod peat Sod ben boil lod of rUly a 2nd Uil rd Crab beat Sod Hit Fill beat A beat by of oat ihio by Kir Had Wbftt w 0 fin brat tbrt Ova Sod ColJwltooof bait Sod belt Beat IS Pa Ilea Hi S3 KiDKfimal Tutoolo iha Honey iroucrt fillrtrwiroor to tt fir a by J Sod by bit firr Sod Sod ffiflfij but plot but bait plot Sod Wit I- Wit Wine plot 2nd beat pint Sod afllJ Sod 11 but Ginned Sud red vol f urraott 2oJ aoyolbtr toy otbtr kind Ciah liil 2nd a a a a 2nd toy any 2od but Wit of a by Hr It A- a Silver lift Dread I a aft Vilttld at lit fideobr Mr but I Slit I i Sod made with Pare filing a Gold G0l ill CD OU CO 0 79 to SO So CO CO CO CO so so CO TUB afthr Mr It of itAUd fill lb- by will lIJIc of I he will fetor I if a if ilylrr On at tan a I br fatly diMicciioo a a ari flibtul Mr IabQt acre out of lb p i fat all ribt and Tab or Crock of a Mr of a Coil Oil at lt a of of lb it 3rd a by Mr J aBuUtr at a by J P If P 2nd a br Bid brat a b Krot Hie fit Toronto a ir Spcttaclta to gbt valud a Vet mm Chttte Dot brat brit SPECIAL PrfraQlNf to be doo Hut to to Tub or of cot lb by Mr ft of 1aor of Hone To Id JO a room She Co Ill to a part CO CO 6 00 6 is for a and next month fc- fbrj roan drum for the wit in jail on night default of bia drum on Sunday tan of moat of the of enforcing the Act if of it to on many good judge of take the the to from ginger beer St i y Rut To- of dro Kulfrf od fl tti- Bon IHIIH Mr eon of a tt Walter prn Mr of JlQDe St Era Perm a Ron Cot Km Six W frxeiy Bon q Evf at a a a Wit any 1 J iti a Sod a a a a a r a a A eV Driver aoy odur DM I mm p oo 200 lit brt I bat At Sot fllibi for Near Bradford Aug night at oclock on of the moat of Audit Imug this ro fatal jniuriu of It man Alfred Kelly it u out id tin a contrary to Mr out raid to put the oat A after Kelly entered ami told errant to her to go out to at aatoe lie wont trouble any On going out found at door tho Urn on hit and try to get up tbo yutbing out of or and girl carried hint into Ho bad Wen so it on the right this lie only about two dur ing which lirno lo who Dr of this at once wot but lit arrived brought to Mngiatrato Umdfoif lust night that had been commitivd at lot for thr of the UK tftlcing with Julius Mftclio Search by for Kelly but JowutiT lby a lad Craig ton of of Of having liadfiOIfiCLliiJIft to do with be known to have with wont to iJwton fourutn lo tut oil route bo have tiikcn that route and to wut to Kctly Ilia howovnr were inclined to JiadnQt though be plenty timo In for were bit had on at It proved for oclock jjiighlpor4 were Kelly up to two of find It the place un til up mid took him in at by w JiTayJur of Bradford coroner made by Dr Many puthiiin pirttnt in a pcwrful and community The a ont farm garden to and with a to tidu and about fifty away i the barn with tbo at cittern end tmtl it a few from en trance fell mortally told by while for Jegil not quite complete in some drttaili Kel ly or by Craig nil Aunt Sally with which he to fall fairs Moan objected to working ablins in barn by lamp light imd it is had to Kelly once a nillOlvh Sloan in her that Kelly in and took a lantern out to part of thi barn used sonic a carpenter chop bus band that it was to be- arounrfko with a and would pti a stop to it went out and into tiro bed room to put children to was nine oclock Boon after Kelly in and You had and look after your man- went out foond her husband Kins on the ground Me- With of tin into bouse She Kelly but ho did not answer husband died between Clevel and twelve oclock servant referred to alatcd that Sloan referring to work in the shop said bo wat not going to have oil wasted that if it was any food ho was at ho would not When Kelly come back hu had a Mick in his band A stick was pro which was found at the gar den gate and which is to have been weapon it dry while evvytbiog wet with ft 1 of oak almost three iuchra and two It part of a of a salty rake A that Kelly admit ted that ha bad this atck jo bis fcartd when he entered J by woman Miss Parks that the stick pro duced her like had in Mi hand when bo nothing of any quarrel but Sloan tell to go home EVIDENCE wore directly upon main jettton than any other Ho stated that while at work Sloan and asked what ho Kelly was at and on being told ordered to tiling oif place or ho would burn it in five minutes said all right and bended htm the lantern but Sloan would not take it telling him with an to put it where he got He then place to go walking quickly that was going at him Just as ha got to a few yards distant be heard You liketbat- then turned round and saw Sloan lying on the ground but did not bear or see aoy blow ran homo and people that ttloan and Kelly went- having a racket His father to go to bed not make any ta did Tiff testified suit flodJog fracture of skull measuring by iiieliea from alfghily TO SALE I Still further REDUCTIONS In every depBrtment to clear few lota THIS THE NORTH STORE JULIUS MADER The baleoce of our Trimmed Hats Hat and Bod- net Shapes Flowera AigrelUe c at your own price with clot of blood Uncut the and under a larji quantity of ctotud the brain slight ly Wound could not in hit Won with tin- fiat but might have len inflict- Ihf club produced if etnick a man The Wow from The jury after a verdict of The taken to by and In lockup He will be taken to tomorrow there to await bit trial at tba next assizor Ho is a man of a little over twenty- one of average height stoutly built and nothing in hie face murderer Ho had been employed with for about months and bis record up to this limo has been good Ho was bom and bred in Clark Township mother having died while he via he been working on a farm since ho able to work at all It is stated that from hit form or employ ers he can bring certificates of beat character He is a teetotaller and has always been so There those who say he had a violent temper a malicious disposition but here are evidences of bis having at tempted violence before ilia VtCflU was but years of nge Tie was born and railed in Kio Town ship but Jived here years Ho rented his form He leaves a widow two children He was highly respected by all was bard working honorable and said to be of a gentle General sur prise is fxpraued the assertion by tho that used pro- expressions in speaking to Kelly for several who were intimate with bin say they never heard such ex pressions pass bis Kelly el bis position keenly Today he wept bitterly Ho maintains that he fctruck Sloan with his fist not with club A couple of Solvation Jf arr wrrvmg for rfuwne to int the villa of PRIVATE had no right to and were willing jpirforni atalutj II T I inijor arid to pay it wap t Par- A Wrl1p M I io- ii to faij t lie ot At f iOiim on Hie ij- firm Or biker of SI JUb of Win if J tfajAJl itch Mr li irJ rvo lltlti Ml At oft ofil In I J by AQCdoal ON BAT0KDAY tfrlct lb5 ID1 rOOni I- ivriuer In pjrii irpafr lb W ltt ft Troit mule bob The Balance of our Prints Mnsliiis Sateens ATA -THE- the of Era lent of lth o IficO IUt- pr in ho odviTon to hold He la icof for I do ttmliUkolQ cot a Hoc to Mr I have lb error do I like ibeTato tovrifctlcally tVa Ineipcrttoctd not write or hare of rail the what way am to prove member of ibe Couocll mono a will Had member or eras m at dolt at time In cot toward- If real of to be Yon Gleanings or from KTTtierehaTobeenftirthershocVa of earthquake ilalta furious wind storm night at and the Islands lThe steamer ifrtuh lias by collector at Mackinaw tor an alleged infraction of tha Unit ed Statu Jaw A circas den containing four was capsicd and wrecked Monday night the tierce rearing- of the frightened animals waking the whole neighborhood Jions bow over made no attamp to escape and after fifty men ltatt extricate the cage Wing I lifted to the by two FURNITURE AMI UNDERTAKING S R J Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND FUNERAL GOODS AEOPEN Monday August WHEN will be WuUrfn wild Ii to be l r of ifuiiy flny Cnt Of lh mo I per J cd For lime rriir of Hi or JpiilfM Artie Cot fckerd of or HEARSE and prompt ANTED- i Applet HUoJBce bj a Off Apply at CUTTER Only mo for LOST- A mi my rryint KJJr oiiffllfrfrteiaet owo of jti end core irrniotni or Or tlm WronchHU d blood Bit or firelu an to ftr irtcTmret dUii- win of A- fctwio a IU We are offering a Jot of regular prints Muslins and American Cam at prices ranging low a per yard SALE fJEnflOE A rd he fat 2dr Arm luye apply to it if BYLAW ISO I of OF THAN JfJdr v or Alt bit lo end J- J I od of Von la IOmi it et WQtbdla oOYtiDff vhtrfiMn Kl fimnhfiodiKii Mr PI elf hi bditOOt ell roar eo1 lb Wallace Half recaatlp a In ha of tbo United titatea No was shot and ahu this j 0 the Bred from lowcimpfjwwr hi ta for with his wife Mr Hall who is op woman claims the m Gall recently his took to rink and laanfilttJ wi Miwtf by lb p urrar in una AND AS fci Ma AUUWOKTH Cot Vlbe j J fcmi or if the lb of by- tit- a- tb rH ifr he Vlltc ibrCtwTiiiaaVn IccorpflftiiI Ard v It rrKiful il VMnt frvibelracrrorel VlilHa Urdu HP lb will be lLi ViJUieO V ini in I en I W in me la number VlUeot Tret the VIUff In flheetingBy Towels Cotton and Quilts Off the Dollar in Hosiery Gloves Collars Collarettes CoraeU Linen Laces and We are offering a of Mens Shirts Collar Ties Straw ami Huts at Inces that will iSurprise you We sell a good AIIAVool Canadian Tweed regular price for per yard Boots and Shoes you are sure what you want and si prices that be under- Many lines clearing at about onehalf their regular value We can cell you from cenli per pair Great Clearing this month and we invite all close buyers our and customer u tf ally to visit our efr amine the Inducements now offered at the W just now in Sugars Tea Co fees Canned Goods Soap Glnas Fruit JaT in fact every thing throughout this meut is marked at quia selling Prices I- mo to op to Pirnd al pJ ih in lbs or Its VUUia loiir i IS oroftifsoVriHi J lSSioijiaplh ajSuattaJa My- WOTXOO Maty I of Maui or i tar flai IS erf of I- j