Newmarket Era, 27 Aug 1886, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA I How ftftK A Wright Hillary John foriit Taylor Mm J Bra Mini FRIDAY AUG i J Our Toronto the Editor WHAT TO Tnr ii en of I Hi trad on vttw for by inj I M4 Jhr h fill I ill ll ilr i i 4 fif 11 iu Jmol Hi- Hi I the Juyi Id lit I 4jlitft1Hrf for Hit Itall ll to Hill aity J Artel in mill to A fslf tin ftrf Aim f A tell4 Jlftrt I I- if lit tin rf jh Hi lit ilJ tj ViW jiw fibril I- Mil I hi hi 1FjRt I lift 1 i I till t I v ilt J b I HiIi bf fpvetumbt liu If Ilia io f lie tiSJvif wm Loot il UartcIiMu tot nIuJ to of bTCuufcli vr w- Aoiir ftO iL i I J llwt if rt Ihr for fFkbbi wirt fill 111 IIju 4ri vktiutiir if it LrlI by nil Lr JT Mil JiQIMty Jul- onilUtfcAiil by llio riir Jirwlfairml KiifiiMrn iroiuJ JbHilraUK iim by the nujtut icufhIqL ml Jjiciirt vf toirt it ifff of uidtbiprw Tin of live block are Mft Dumber of In of io wool i of four Tbi of firm fir tod ud with iod of tod figorw r lino Tbj jriirsrttt Drops EiitliwIIJItoturT Council Council JlojiIArOroponiiiMl Ufted Jowd to tbU Vjo week- I in 1 u lti j1 Itwi vicwtiu of elwtoiil jlnLiuooiiit MCibdt- for Wis 4b with JuiLiliuu lttifc Charles and Colonial Hit to to In- but of ihnTvry or jikwjhI of a orn of of hit to future ilirtColiiitiHl a Nearly vhiM arid of it in iv jriil lluil it in leu Of lift -Oin- or the now to ill fjuaratiti-t- arid to fur- tlKriiittoardftituremairitoiiiiitcc Jpoiu ntTnct to ihcHOVfl future jiu to I Lilly oritamtiiut in iaU ftc liuii lulu null in winter ilm day- only To tlic Can inn MltcU Ltit lU Ik fcMiv At to a iiittJiiuuio- of tin would llh of man- ttjgcliHil Mill I by lint A any by tin Dominion would an ihui till tivMoiy w country continuing llic in tciiiyiiiifn well lid mid men when koipi Ih tiKriistou of an will tlii without larger Already two million Or of ioaiiufattarc- vuUots will Id more wlwt lilt it of now wait to remit of further finuin to vorttw a a of is the way it ap pear to our present fttton Canadas High not by us hut if not trust the will twice before to a per- VukVCMQ Aug ateamer City arrived late Friday with Hong Kong newt to July and new to 5 is raging in thou deaths reported In aloue Tito call It a divine visitation and to give medical to farmer named of a victim of the W bushel wheat last week lie however in sdve chase to the sharper who hauled up before at the matter was by 1 11L the ii aNiltd to In nJ vuUfi tun ltMJM l tvl me In in ut4i last owl wtMtilglily lit JI1CI Jnlifftwdjaitat let a itiiuui Ills once liwunig iiw to of ixuntiy now the j1let tlii landlords to A Hut iLc of Ickg la to ad four ftdditigual of to ktciiQCiltrlti of y by if f jh ly oudt to ooyM t the totally CM loir oy all iivf Live all at Mitt a to it i not It MbawaKlitlojf dirt to I wliitlilr it iMi The- fcr irulllaof A if to Lie Atvud In ftf ifiiln rJ It rifrruja Hi o Ilia llii a t4W nct M I thv trt of of liieMjtfafll ill Sea llutc Dlft fatlMWl h by tl l rtwa wit it ilia an 02 la for I a ict w dpflnahl In July wbat liiirl f bat lb- ivv filtwl I ilw 4slily ki lW Of 0t sad sy tfat anritcd V bat sbovrfs in I fa July lie la lb vhA- lbt ij of n soy Ii ci we mi of it in the St bis jf 1 r of nut Io localities barley crop is at crops pmtotcd title Jim Wl f Oil llWl firaj ltb fVf rtjj lf lbs l I if rfpg liritiU9 owl 9Ut she d4 Iwsbtls and Hit 70S fttfS sod mm- la and clover sod lb Jirld lid ISO per 7b foor yean I HO sere tool or TO mi beus ocrr liesbla J WPtTliiHIkwih i Ha lit of this Ml wick to Mr Woo f Toronto u la Hit it air Knob but vJiIt to for a Mm UUr of is a The of of Tall s on a air- Will Jay to old at il ii llstllo Carson bi fees a Jvmu la Mrs SuiLriod to nbl to ItaHBt on lurb bat jog tiro weeks will of Toron to Mrs Actob Borrow of is ijfndlg Mr J Ilobtrl- in Kvs Carry of vu fa week Mr bat J- tors ess fat of afe4 from err Mr sad of To onto oi sird at Mrs Wood for visit of two fritndi a A of Is a visit St fctrfstbrrsv Mr Atcblbild of of was friends kit Mist srctlco 1 sreoVs of Toronto at Mr Partridges for- its lost two Miss of Town and a day In tbs Miss tod couln Mil of bays been la sad am Too Mr p of Toronto sjstfonrorfivdsys to Town Mr J A Friday Mr sod of an spaodiag with Mr and two gen- were Ayr call tag J snd Waldo of beta spending a few day at Mr Fishers Prospect Mr Toronto took op a but Wednesday to enjoy- the afro of Mr A bas to folks la fat a of works vUIt Mr Km of Subtitle of Mi with bis wife rUiLag rtriiirn day- Miss left for Toronto yes- for a of hat beta during six Mr filicltoo iug inieninjuJiuga few lyija Mis of Ktle Peon and Mia rjrre En llslley let the of Hide Association la ToronW Messrs J J from in Monday after a pleasant iilp lr for regular to bis New market Hours lo to Also such limes as ore of Mr J Sonet wife of fioKmsorlllr alio of Perry nia of Mrs and her ILtiU who been viiltlog hers for inoni put aw spending of Isad Partn of The baa another Tain- able week Mr Will laving fitratbroy log where ho accepted Cadet ladies lbs new Army offiivrf principal In lb show t Mr Jehsj Mutpby of of overly of speot with bis brother here the Great to grand this jear Esq of District of Iowa Ibis week father from sevtr Uaaaa Jfrveaarkef aod smart soma of strip to tie QaHU follow log puioripb bttb will bo by nir Ullru Dr J Mr to CructDt ho to wife 10 home Tor ihUrntt follow log from Mi OrltiQi id ifiooDDOtmtol hit ud to Mr lut of of Mrs JlrrDinlrr Dr J A- Hooter of ClocloQitl Jot iod on gg vended to Wbrt of follow by rfttlh oriogi bud lut be kuijtwdrrl by of of of tie ftcrs to Mr from Hut- lgfattdwilhblMuit lowo love Mr lleojiCDlD titr ibit biro coil for iiitKfi Idx m under u victim of i joke put fire fau ud lift him it tint iaoiiDtr liri of bo toiij Mi fint bo to 1 1 rdti oJ u In to to la ju lop ud I iHnoed Joke iOEKoJiJ Ibit tbo afar ab a hug llity onlrcd Mr it intbiyitda M of jour ill will you fahn 0dIrM you J will Mr Mud Icy looked ibililyiL iJie iiil to him lit how ft km Lilo 0 of be brotberlifrltoroTiilblmsvtll Ibil wo will be to to We bid ft IuUjtM- iugebit kit kJiL KV of who fifty a of dolog buauen yean Li bit to by bit wife a Joy hfRsinifhltfiftw old Jo very IU fiut la but too of to rtmaip of ire u frfih la bU iUvmaij lhy occurred Mo of MHhli of firickCbuicli oo Ho it- littjiUo of duty drifting of tbi followo to oipcctcd no doubt of our miner I will on of ft fs ftluco Mrs tired nod building fie butlotii it tbe foot of fltuet lolo Iron Mr Muter jr The bo now end oco ocio Sir ortr jiutlog on arctic tbeu tip of tbt lite lVttr of Goto tier oo Street i ie going oii in Now York A Russian stCAmcr on two hundred live ptjntons billed in Monday of a wall by recent floods Material needed the repair of the Suspension will to ad free of duty on both of Tho Canadian Am companies winning at on day were ville and Falls Bradford night Several and he Bingham were broken other night JES- Kt plenty grc4n Watermelons and you will soon ccaso with he heat at in world Crawford a farmer aged SO from crowing was struck by a train at tijnstfiUon Friday morning and had his right leg eut off ho preliminary nation iu the charge of attempting to officer to give the books in connection with the frauds was concluded yes terday judgement being reserved a KSiw Stewart formerly for Western Union Telegraph Company at Wichita Kan sas has been arrested at Winnipeg on upwards are being to Later advices burg the steamer which was burned on the Volga on Friday was the to tho and bound from up The firo was caused by the fall of a banging lamp in the saloon woodwork was ignited and all efforts to quench tho flame were unavailing passengers all of were in bed at tho fire broke out rallied to the deck as soon as the alarm and many panic stricken sprang over board Captain ordered the vessel to bo ashore This was done but while the bow became im bedded the hank the steamer re mained In deep pas were still obliged to swim ashore- persons lost their by being struck by tables and chairs which were thrown from vessel to aid the Straggling swimmers water Owing to a failure to stop the engines the water wis churned up by the wheels rendering more difficult of the who at out from shore to the drown- Shall Holland Landing Ezlatt A TDK The obi piece Jo ofKsUt tbit to tbe of of Street titr fion Torooto first cJ hire or xJ for rifrrsfiob- lo tbt it or a of eel of fort it Don pUce of ij will It Jl iace it being Mr A ov on foot to tbe village tbe of A to ike before d ito to Moooiute fur igint J ecu Iq order tbit the be falj ill bj Mr other a uljlic bo cUtl lor tbU jioi7oie f itb of to it Co ore hot ifib- sod iUt object to bo to the Br- and could to derived lo lut filbt tbo the st tits wets emw4ilil the labor In tiny jit u raitrb or ett iiiotbtc jtUUgfi a tow fit uil 12 J mill Oil kit rate a ortr I Uiill Jt aiMU for Dl00itiil If ire ft lutk to rate not be Kin tiny law tu pggJy tot UmiI our to gel aiIi after down our knee 1W ft would totally our tic I weal a tri inntiko fa btiajiiix be tbufsvuorit at ell- lio vole I alalia awry a vote and the Mil wed to c1 both would bo a ere tho thertijty Mr JJtvid to lie tioo of oat of the the ibluiM It ii be tides iii not and ask t lie alio added Tbe should and ft a in it the next of the We otto a wonderful ioebor loekopiod give ell get Would villus bell for you Is not ex- lor clerk geti sod tor I am with ell ud tben to accent say we bo lefjpoRfor wo soy few an a year but can have sod other we cur without of the Mr Line neat He arid trill the dy if tbe He of J to tbe law statute would be great If Included ami labltt blghtf bid tint thlox would bi catling tlu timber lo lap bridge at 1m Lockup an J wwld be taken to sad Anchor to Temple of they will there end ibovlogtb Thorns to here to en fctltlon Sir for bad not a before had to fir Id Called Ibe I tie to tbt Council to will com ire Phli Ibo Here Mr Wlllctigbby not in to sty be IbrlircjabWalJ cot rtMlutfoo by Mr- not coatlder It adviab to uniuecteor4to be Viltage to do all they Celt frit to bo tid da Coquet bsily facta left to at the and trouble of this wee by cirrlol A sole of ibiafcf to the Jrty hid broke cbeere for fmt 7 St Stevens for years by dropped dead in Boston was found sew ed up in ber clothing wnieuence of the oat break of pleuro-aeuraonUoJiaOnffcat- in at Quebec an order- has been passed prohibiting the Importation of cattle from Infected England K An American done by chancy what Webb the the world probably failed to do by strength skill through the lower Niagara rapids and the lie at times ir play thing of the waters A nun named Michael who was refuted permission to cross a swing on the canal at Montreal by caretaker jumped into tho canal to across sink into of and was drowned before he could be rescued He was under the influence of liquor he jumped In a Honorary is a Hit of of at York Toronto W Plow Aurora Captala Cooper 10 Brewing a n a Co 10 Co Toroito Dominion J Oxford Booaer J sUsudooild 10 10 J Elite Co 10 Dr 10 10 John Bradford CO Globe Piloting Co OS Toronto Cindlan 8w J Keot Toronto Kite ft Toronto Homo Mr J K Ktn Ssesael Rogers JCSehmer J At Co Itoebs Co J Dlala Coi Jus Co Joe Co tttofsmetC C A Co J It Co Hugh a Co Pan Gold Co Mill Oak Hall J KM Co A Co If f JLgh am Kills foroolo Co Kerr Salherlaod 1 Co J Ah 1 James Allan J Co a A J Kiog J Dr J J J Jt P it Co R Boll Co ir A Kfrrtriek J Atkinson George Kttlb Chop J A a 200 200 200 200 1 0 I I is fiOO C CO 1 CO SO 00 5 00 00 CO 5 5 t 1 1 I 9 I a CO 500 CO 00 00 50 3 5 3 3 3 2 50 200 2 2 tin roe r It a It I I J J A- t TJ Ha l John pi A It J Dub Ten attend ed at Park on Sunday A accident happened on board a steamer to Mrs Saw- era of at Nar row on Stone lake Friday after- noon She into the engine room to get clothing of her little ton bid fallen into the water at and which drying when fler skirt caught in the ma chinery of the engine Her clothing wo completely stripped from she sustained a compound taroof both lege FURNITURE ain J bedroom Sots AT LOWEST PRICED AMD FUNERAL GOODS HEARST UI pronptelWtloa TO THIS IS THE NORTH STORK JULIUS Cleaning Up Sale FOR THE NEXT A -AT- v Ten Days of Solid Bargains OUR CUSTOMERS ON- SATURDAY THE 28TH AUGUSTI And Ten following Days we will offer on Table down the our Store all the REMNANTS AND ODDS END Of our Stock from Every Department in the AH in Very Useful Length end Marked at wo fool sore will MAKE THEM GO GUT LIVELY E CROMPTON CO The Leaders in Low Prices A large dynamite bomb wan found on Monday in Chicago under kitchen window of residence of Mr a member of the Board of Trade Hie Wlb wife of A- a A Vw4ce Mr ll Orauitn totb of TV- Slje Comb killed at of Terry of nine if imchx- At Of on jwlfo WRIGHTS WE OAK SHOW YOU Of and of Mr- Of I Toronto XJcU of he ConOcctor rim svj one year J eleven widow of PoWclt jear New For and In the Dominion lor Cool or Wltboot ioree Box Stoves All Sizes OR SALE tool STOVE reDsett toc New Enamel Pols For Cook Biota u glRAY la Id 3rd of tut Hi boot flea of Jay A DARK RED HEIFER cos pn la io wots aju GAZETTEER HISTORY or OF IS VOUJMH T COM sins I or otrtertoafi to taaCoaaWa6ioPrtiKdal IsUb w loKor iawatVTMrtiortaw a Map Pioa- aod aod all of eWRiuBT Iuad lo by a it y li jisd OS w J BUM CO f Ki a fUwl BUM in lea put tip Iocs fcjl MmVJZS fcoeo Halo a lotoi bs fo WIS aVOO vorkatfxeu SONS tdj or CANADAS INDUSTRIAL FAIR Exposition TORONTO TO Am i ffy J MITTS- a jjU hot SOS fox cash tn waaoo CU Asc PtoirpMbarrfl a CO a do a do a Pros do a do J do loo a 10 do toco a lsco pot fa Potato par sir aaxna V Plflfl Dill W sarrtos to Iks w i

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