WA I ft av NEWMARKET ERA ii V i No and Tile Tumor Bern Wanted Bees For Sale Terry Dr Tender A for BaleAlt Boarders Mn Canon to Lot J- Raima Boggy for Leak for J Pollock llHIfllJISTt kd BH iii SEPT 3 Our Despatch J fcu WO will far lb of up J tad lit rttloirv eoiiK bit lo y to If on Lou Vbt city to Li iLipkibjt Tot ft bu w ThoMi if A Mi Mr- in Af to vicinity of of uJ J itiiioo in Al Court J JoIjo flfc tiled on if of ii of Hi Mid to wr or a whom lh park and hot coal hi that coal mining In the Bow to Us thmi to bo a of or J P the carried being entered four iboffa- in from Montana aro to ho a large of thatdoNoin from the to with branch in Fori Arthur a Jo a town Mario Mat he main of railway roai to Montreal On of yta Mario and AUantk from cut havu add are in operation and rata lb Canadian Pacific mi I way lino to SatJl rapidly forward In ilUtrict the railway inw lumber- lug region Two foot of liar lift out tliia Canadian Pacific railway Now have opened hundred for xnplt and Carter lino of railway htm of diana from and Now A at Km BUk Rom AoffMa At wo op rtg4i of of pu- rtg for a la Brftato Id of or hi mi IhU thoSoott ActUfioprtreot- or dmoka dmaka Show bo J Thro 1 a though pftcripb lb largo crowd oad of ooco for ibarc figblLagailo of tap of Toronto a with J 4oa oar Mr tho utro held to local At of Aitb Uuodi lit A of Veil sod Coup mm Joolor of UoosUd who to J of oao of to tho CABLE for War A Earthquake 600 People Killed and M iprou to Ibtl It win lew baa away down bat it t by dotal all Ontario aa a Brit f an aad the auaeouiual to bao on 1 a Wo mads flpjuiff from and Kfotrfi lea la Ibi adraac lloy wlU nail of Kama Ilka tbo Tho Canadian Tin- rapid of tkn P It waking uji to tin lien of tradv of divert ed it ron- a of acting iiiUuii arid not to acUaliil trin KtuCck tilt in ia In fact our mam- on tbjocf calling forth of praise even parti- Un it fa only few weeks uco left chip Japan Ha way of Canadian Pacific railway of thu us Is given autCafaetion that and Japan to atd to lictwoen and via Vancouver even New York firuii preferring P to the route The development of the upon Hie comple tion of enormous picturcvucly in an in Mad been opened in IJrilhh Colombia the When railway which to bo wishilin will made tiitlc from tin- now la for and load of cattle bus been brought from the mountains lo Calgary wade Calgary now a population of two thou aand a euttle for North- A gentleman from lltere aiyi houses in of erection with in the city A trade in froth Columbia and he opened putting on refrigerator cars carry the five pounds of already been to Toronto and case of canned tabuon am mentioned having been taken froui can Mry for Kfttt lumber is now taken out lu largo places where it was formerly for market able purpoics valueless Whit coast is largely the east East is also shipping Wet The town of fcstia studs sugar the foot of and it has forwarded forty car loads of binding twine to the West and Oregon Kour exclusively Manitoba is now becom ing source of supply A week 20000 pounds of butler were sapped to Vancouver oil was sent from via Ban Prancisoo to gallons were ordered from Montreal to pus west by Pacific the coast Vancouver new city withstanding lire MtMNMw are going up in all yooUoft and near Turtle people from nnd north of the been located Thriving of Hun garians been planted on river Calgary dis trict baa received large influx and at for at Golden City on Columbia river work colonisa tion In proceeding P such wonderful ability and that should not at alt surprised if Ibo rumor prove tliAt no going for pur- chuso of eight fast so as sfcuro mail con Tlw of the company so far a formidable reply to objections y S railway would underbtking and tlial it- would repay country for tint It Involved inking record it really look as if the road doing something for the country end a A of tba BeoU Act coma to in A lit was op a If ado in by to til who would tbertfor a fUak of liquor a of root would cbarg lo doctor lbs he bo and but lbs fwoad bin violation of lbs Canada Act sod fined sad or silly la fill com Ann know public Id roaod ill pro njcanmaa out sod fliraly of law and order It ft this cart will a warnfog to all who tbiok by oelllag whiskey ton ubtige bow lby rosy to joia ibe of York la Ibttr for their iJnlh of daughter occurred to tut W Ad Oiltry it Jig to Town lo ninth Ho bio did to add to uagolrJceat lioo letter- If al ways to Mr J la away a TbU hy when be Is Irtp M la direction strays wir of from Old Country hut week by trip Wo are our to cbrootclo riturn to weeks Mrs of Albert with tier at for a week ted on way borne was aeriooily III at Hotel Aba to of la towo was eared ofllcivmly to of liVtu day Life Around lie WHAT Ink Drops- fur now N V Town Council Monday Hey ruloropen4 AW Tim Ago will Knit filiov ihc oJ it J Hit or MOM of wbo to by a bone A ftff It DOW W Aug It tOi I til ttlll ftOTfmiot lowudi tbt Un ibtl VeoaV to from Turkey i froolirr jrce ti It iliOMt from filibt Id lb of n Jd town of duo fled to Ad ijt intfjcfl t Atlitoi it to I vi it of It upjr0 til bo of o bo it Jtitcojod jW TUo of Clique lkltrdy ait itiiigt 1110 lift Co it ud l itloal to in of the lttilTj dtliyodetauH it relief iiitauutcv A food loctor o icktft 00 rix Aug Vfittflui io a oc Itjri tee lleeiujc t tod theftux to tbc v- lo At jiccltiui ibe of jfioiii Hue killed it lolhtoitLi in Wongffljrto near rtraok daring rtonn iflmAlji on loctria fluid down pi ibtuertng ft bo of tho InAtwiU- other and then tor Mr will bo About Lb A to Of nth a ikonJ iop- St- ortDlDf wife or Mr J or Of ibi uL J iho A A Duff Low- Low- Hop -ttflQlro- lbt2adlotbjIUv Mr to beiBbiWbotbofEcAtawllllifibury At J- A Mr of Mr KM- to Jco on imb bj Webber Mr Wot to A or ilulocJt for Art Lbt JL0JitK7WXAl Wlodtor Sou retl iwlof of J too editor Of Ibi tod of Hants JlMtM Jotot ion or Aottnoriitootiloof oUavrooKAt Tbattdty of of ibirijrjreu were la TO Hie fc ftECit TO a to to Steel dulUr ys ii Kmt to a debt t dl090 bin of ike ltd I in bowo it til in JawMMlfM IVmWlltroVl llrf rtlo-jlT- for of boiled the Into jMiiv now GtfnKty irtpJreovr m Tin hit to by the of wintMWoJeJ by Wt SUlllurf vldiiif on ijatloot by ir Hvforu In bleu ujoymcuj j by it tie of fit pot i00 ittted to bo of Ivtoty to I It bSHtfeilottf hence la iKjjPijtiiiob but how Moor u on it vb4tCtHln4 rebdin I dor mtibet tbtii but 1 iVota It tOl tbf o lu tbc ojurCtlooUy oabUojifooCrtiti ami lie id to Sir bt be to ltt a tbwt Ltiaaj- bit of Mkuiis i W a warm Mb log lo amivtry tfjad will Li read who vat wuUIWd or order by toy of lb and wtilrajtor erlookj I he for iiKuttJv lrialSciif iKfortt bat of fittote la tbe or tod d Dot to IH of that nitftbt t44 T0Cf tod toy be If lo virftX of Is hen for bcr Mr- of Toronto wa Id Town Sua Jty of StoafTrllls Mr sod Sirs Toronto rs to fioodsy Web Claras to join at Winnipeg lirs or Mill Allen Is boms a kit for a few vtska O a Sir and Mr left for Ibe leal spend a wretk A ocd tbe city at Mi lor over f Toronto been vltllldg Id dcefog put Mw for Mr J It relumed after eajoylDjE her w to of Win of Mr SmiJiy J Ob for of a couple lo 0 week tier Suit of A Bud ford last fiaudiy of a Mr ogr haa from ber our Mr or Tojooto left for Mr ft J from hit rtalt rooeb Improved lo Mr of Mfas lolly it wa topple lovifi I other Barry leee of who wot to of bet 111 to- returned of baa fitftet home Mr hit lilted to At bit tbt at tbo holder of a Civ Certtntate Me Voogt Stbit a month of III to trip Her Webber to at pipit will bo well bit Mia rtoh Eo very health for llotp4t to veek it lit Mr Win- Detroit brother- Mr J A arrived to lut week and for with bit Her d art a Hit w News Mr Davit King leg tho rf IttToroulo Mug one of peopled at ho of Toronto CoZffefecp Mr Ibeir at Mr and J away a of Mr- 111 health loll of jovial vigor Mr- fcls Itoeei to be of Mr It nearly A new flUa of oily In Dr hi finally tod oil In bit Ho Mr Steel who met at day week bad a from 1poB a tap feed pipe at back of boiler tap blew out hot ood all fillDK lb with It with Mr with to Cod and hit poiElfoo Council ELu took teal log all pi reulvcO from of Whitchurch on nod From IV Jobnouredalna From Allan A plank Mr by doji On Win road to hit Hit till lit A oho oprtotlng A fro Council rjoomed lomtetdtaUt rt FURNITURE AMD THIS IS THE CHEAPEST DRYGOODS HOUSE NORTH STORK JULIUS J MIH Bedroomots AT LOWEST AND FUNERAL GOODS HEARSE era itiDll0aT Cleaning Up Sale FOR THE NEXT A AT Our Newmarket lurrsl u a per OH C0S Ten Days of Solid Bargains a a a a OK a if a 6 CO a a a a a Hems bum of Iho Ii by report iho liar Icy yield If for belter amount of rain In ma Rarity And It which to duo on loat boll forenoon and alter very In leretUofaodprontabtoatUt Black Sun day In fun silver the id Hie in inuil lxl tuck formerly of vltttt will bit friends on Moo ibloks ho feci OtboJiiOhtrolbaiilnNLWirritrkr Umltlorlrj elation met Id laaWa very ei day einicuenlly A aJter Sroitb flitch of AcraUlt from Weal David tod J Tomer week homo J William Turner At bey Dad In Sweet too bind raalatoln loxWi ood kept from place wai on all ood by walk aowUeoytjuemeto yen do cUTccu of Ireland all tUvoonTorada lolUecburcb W Aon Alfred and Wlu M of mom bud to bo carried In The aervlco took aboui by lien Mr or the Bradford by Mr and Mr iou of Toronto and Mitt ii win tuti una at Urc Widow Hill fall it door day aod taken to tbo of ton Wot it Harlan teat Wed ten length at Mi iM A fatal accident by which vcro lost has oc curred nt Pa and wounded by a rail way accident an Austria A of Belfast rioters have sentenced to terms varying from two nineteen months British troops aro to to cent to to the as soon as the season seta in The Methodists at Zephyr arranging for a grand Harvest Homo Festival on Wednesday evening next the murderer who was to have hanged last secured a stay of proceed ings until Nov 16 JicrOio and baseball match es and Social arc to place at the Public School this afternoon evening There wis on Sunday and Monday night in parts of and DJitcots and Wisconsin damaging garden truck and Prizes to amount of will he given at the Provincial bit ion for riding horses and artillery or draught s lira prizes for former and five for the prize in each 18 30 About night the barn of about miles here was struck by lightning and burned to- tho ground Tap and cattle all but tho seasons grain etc was destroyed heavy and no insurance Aug A firo last at in Iho of Sydenham ten mites here rviulting in total de struction of Mr Hills barn and contents The lire was by liftbtuinjj Insured in Agricultural Aug At a and half from about eight oclock last a barn on tho south Mr- Taylors fisx mil containing a largo quantity of by lire mill was saved by on part of the Mr Taylors loss will be about no The building was owned by another party who had small insurance Sept An suh aa has never before been known in history of this city swept last night after oclock loss and injury to- property and far more los of clono year before city is wrecked the street are encum bered with mas of fallen bricks and tangled telegraph and telephone wires More than sixty persons were J tin Jo it JO loo O IO a do CO a Co J itoiur Jo itMp W w otatottptr Wool per Hay CO V tf uU a OSS a 0 SCO a W SCO a to to FOR CUSTOMERS ON- SATURDAY THE AUGUST AndTen following Days wo will offer on Tables down Centre of our Store all Toronto Markets a U0 Wbtt Mrbuibe1wa Jo a JomvWbc4l do a oil a a tfo a Jl w a iy II a do a w a lrVuaai a a a o a TO DAVID LLOYD for of in youoof A tilllrtiii Toronto OmcOa Halo ftpplj- 10 J OH BAP A f Top vfrJ for of k J0IEfK Aiurl Of our Stock from Every Department in AH are in Yew Useful and will be Morkod at prices wo feel Led MAKE THEMGO OUT LIVELY E CROMPTON CO The Leaders in Low Prices RAILWAY YOU CAN SAVE MONEY UY YOUR RAILWAY TICKETS Canada United States Manitoba WRIGHTS WE OAK Be rot of to or aCikUiut lrriiLoi-jfctwff- J- POLLOCK No Battalion York FtOSi All Information can bo bad on application at Ticket Passenger Ticket lb IowBJiiofOffl to wVlaKlwicrm pirDffmnl ICYfO fflfO io to lOlBepMb tft- Too cow una itf i JAHUVORTH FOE A Splendid for Brick Yard Acres of Load I too Of of AO tfriWiUFpM Brick Yard TfKbiitt polio a ilMtlot PRESSED BRICK AND TILE nidi a Million Bricks on Hand St BOSS nilcaaodTljtMt FOR j i ft WANTED IMMEDIATELY TBINItY rabc 1 1 limrfrtoDj lo Jf fi k iicr rJTpdpUo op STOKE po in NEW HOME BIBLE I Stilted vl I of IbtUloOl lb to It fj fcLxlwFJo our lrXJIllclrUOiiL PTtf 4fH3PD4 prfOQ ft copy from lo VDtk oid to lb to icy ArEllc fJUolifd Ifcoo ttooktmoJ a a a0 Box Sise STOVE JFUIWiTUBBI w New Enamel Pots issumssssssts BapOlaMt 1 f Jbto J W J Fore Apdratlba POH SALE I It J WWW MITTS- OGibKQdTaiur p I A DARK 10 lr all