ifii ilk p v ERA Mil Ann a election Wring J If us t WWt a- Itlitltir Mli ttl am ibjr I ill lb jjtf SonJaj A ytfjylKW ttJ lM t ill f4 iunntf CMVJkULK or tit jti I 1 flVUl llii TIM I iij Am jjclitdwrrf Jfiiwli iiilMt RMw l lb ltr ptimwi aKV i rfUli Atllvia jain I AC ly ililKi iUlnl nil- iiuly rl J iui4tih iVji Iliillvtik An neurit Jti U- IVlAlOKK Mitt It in tin ULt fuiVH tfibrf ftiil It v- ij fll tI of ihu Id tff in lUtitltii A of to fcqi vni Wj rep a No will Din oclock for drill at Niagara tod by A Ji maqouuc- J to lor Id Churc Alt a and aa ojood TboMrrluiof Mr Oliver ircarcMl for durioR ftlllto regular of Court County of York art forlyarcA hot Ilia Honor JuJa All I An lj filing no ihqjIu fitirg a youth If j lliMltukt let aiiJittFf ltliytl to ii- iLc Ad ttbt Lack Hi ara Jl ai Mi ill kfjrt ma he a ml tilHi K Aoroia Ilia rnMtb lrtlti J at iif4o J l J fur aJ W J m4 If M line at no at illi fat Ilia lor Ilia to ou hi beautiful Into beta iibitu by AW ic Ike to Iiii con ftrrtfOR aculaon of 1 ill arm Jliinl lll7- add will Uiu to fM frJ all of mlc a lime A widow of J4Lu wikj iMiflva jnt of ftllli or of ibltMvJ Oil mailer and raited vtr nli ibltrrat Will pp aiily a I fcOlSnllM Wl lit iIoiihtV tll kxv itni in Riving At Ilia of III to the I I l Cad ibi ik- 4 llict iiFtrl iljf It fmt f Oct It o ilcjj a InUr- ani tiir InivuHo ttV Up lift to 0J Virwi It lajfW fit SVtrtntiibrt to lMMMiVi4 ml ililUiit li Jy IfiJhy rfllx m a SjJ titi mi Or infill M i to m iift All iu41uilii till ilguJjy ivu regular an- br Wmiofiib In villi bftrfill MM at ftt 4 baAlla V n J lWaitoCi- IVcfnpviitop J tt J 4LNm Mm and Ax pro ill a Jntljan Viciit to irtaiH aiij4aivtl In of Ml kait rrofQ Iha luttket for for id- inland aud It It at trail librjlly Mr through any of the op hid at for iltfi or any purpota that Mi Dim train jiopoter togia villi bad K A of VuikTeitkr AvcjciatEu tk of Ike formal fit Ike Aorotm for holding Ike too rUta- Yhnuiay thoSOik and till ike fotirett of uttlUy to altniiooDaiWuntlyaqd J Mr i1ia wiJl Work atMoog the Indian riH git In of Inching to Juoa a Mr A will How a in flohooti will Ut- give to Junior Claim ilr A ftill rf Of With their hat a lino of fall ma vert Jn mod ibtlr will of In of from JaHD fa Id a of iblpmrot two or ago been cored by tbo aad ire to bo way to by di rect the fiftD for Lait week now for brick ud al and it now la order at tba brick fc alota to aad thacomniUoily but glra a beat Id aud of out day It a compact iloel two tod by a Mr thirty yean at It thoroughly of till a ureal any afro two to ta far- ft at brick a the yard ready for mod awlbcr kilo brick and a vf tile will foar wki count oa ftiatclmti at any will A car load of for Sir arriTod at lho cniOpi how I to lutUtula ticket and retd or the of thaaonlaat Much of ha k- at children la lotillug heifer iwuodcdat the cud wai for Hit other Mr of North by of a four lota of uoiota town for and ttaadagood for taking the and hova tut in other Mr tbU of au lea One got In hid a big at The hid a ood JaipIi the joke It got town Tender arc via led for Church The Hew- irlcrt to Hook adder race at Aurora Unity The alto to enter hut of Union All ftciid of Sit lint the jttor Iter KiiKincd linn- io time the holding the however finally and aill ottracliv- for Septan of York town Deal of will toko ore wo matcher which will largo of people out of and other Aurora leama of North am tho Voting of Mill have held foil agaluit he rb for time cojifeijocally a exhttltloA jy be torn to white on lined from likawlto very otto- ami a hot taut will mane A will agiiMatrfuglrd Ticket Induilifig togrnuddtaDiS Ucdat child ren halt Ikv who la of father abseoce and who undertaken tbfa ruber task of getting up on tuch notice In to attar the Pali hlbitfot reaioathly fine weather trill do doubt offer all It a ha hilt the reputation of befog a grvat tjiorllflg and w dewrved ly a a will be fal paying off hi exifrffog debt Cemetery and helping fl3beMiseif3- JW j To Pick Up Bargaili GO TO- NEW DRESS GOODS NEW PLUSHES NEW VELVETS NEW NEW CASHMERES AT THE- These Goods were all purchased before the recent advance and will be Sold at Old Prices Sutheria Dress Goods Prints Parasols Gloves Hosiery Muslins Straw Hats Felt Hats Tweeds ReadyMade Clothing ETC WILL BE CLEARED OUT AT TO MAKE ROOM FOR A VERY EXTENSILE but Wort bit a by Mr Jan Km bat beat J J 1 NOW ON THE WAY RJ DAVISON SO to 601 1 2 I 1 Wi CO GO to to I U Mr A K tt PWMaB WH left ail ictf An Stlt Silb JJ bid gCJ S it iVnt fc If io1 fei W i Wl abi ok in Wpg im Eft fc SMkH T7rrv fW iaub my in AtonlTrr to Nljcct Sir J It IkAbWMfrtilct ftc4iiC to If Hit firm of l Trchif A f the Juriil of Mtloi of will idJfi WOTCttikfij WJty Wc School ever V if mutt ft for go kit- 1 1 ool The ft- t rd MtttlrJ to who York of the took Wtwojir when mi or the to At ft Depart- MfAtp that portion of the lUt uoAln ml io ft w woik M1111I io Iowa dor the lo out the hue the they a to a ifoo for this oil Toronto moved en the Kith for inrJober lh of pr it only hit locoroto for tonwoeotly the lime tfxUoJtd d J3iirctorivtU t the il Hit It in ibU will bo or Oil lie kclmeo by dif Oil Zephyr 2nd belt Work but but Sod Hi if 2nd Allk oitclol by Mr Lloyd Sad Sllteh but l4clun 2nd but flcilui Work by Us If of AILuid if a Cotton 2nd but Mala Wool Work 2od IMt Iktlin Wool Work but a apeclol by Mr Jjko Jar St Toronto a Reek ing 2nd by Society Wool Motto Wool Crochet Work but Crochet Work L JflCt uejf pi in othr kiml 2nd belt Fancy iUl by Mr the 5m for one yen hut CO Titling Pillow braided belt 60 kind Sod olhtr kind 2nd but 2nd but of Work 2nd but by Society Spfdotn 2nd bub Ribbon Embroidery iOO aaa Cbeollle Work bin 2nd bind beat a Eaton m to 2od but by Sod but 2nd Veil Work 2nd but Toilet Malik t- bub- Wool Maw a Mr KiDRStrttt Toronto ofbOoldKiog at 2nd but best col- a by a of Nolo valued at 2nd but d 2ad but- So J but of ffi400l1 2nd but of Hour Ami- a BYLAW NO Kit Cor- Mint Act And tfhrri VflUtOorllolMnd DR Newmarket Office UN Every Tuesday ON in fclkritfAlWo SIKCIALTIKS Affections of tho Nervous System Wool- ndlnif hV lowing ruTiittori ton It Vl- milled thoelietorn Mir VlUveof Hoi- tit opt Hi VllUr that the I It ahiit to IhcCoine voliof clef Chi iJd hit In t the Village eitilut torporatlfn mo of WeJntavJaylDa and at click tre I mil in tr the Council t In BRUNTON SUTHERLAND Council iy iwf Up one ember Vlllbjee toll Vtlilltg to end Im itt atltod Jo tnii and me That the tho t nun ud cony which lkn Into nod 1 l i 1 a a 1 CO 1 fiO 60 CO I 00 GREAT BIS BARGAINS the Vltoist iwfUoVl rtokinbi I win if in the c1CUi the flrn fu me tta Hie or flrt of Ausokt A dap Olio toll will bo held Hollaed UDdlo VJIlaio Clerk THIS MONTI 12Jc Ginghams for 8 c Ladies Hem stitched Handkerchiefs cts Ladies Heavy Cotton Hose 10 cents Woods Electric Soap cts a bar Ladies Kid Button Boots Worked Hutton Holes per pair worth 200 These are only a few of the bargains we are offering at our New Store next door to Millards Furniture Shop THE OLD -AND- LEADING HOUSE OVER During Ibis month wc arc Offering DIG DRIVES Dress Goods and Ginghams Prints and Muslins Hosiery and Gloves Parasols and Laces Table Linens and Towels Groceries Very Cheap w slIttbb ttBFOKJIBR NEWMARKET I no 00 BRUNTON SUTHERLAND CO iggj T Largest Host Stock VERY LOW- FIGURES It ANOTHER SIXTY DAYS a a- iu hcUI X Mr f for op In 4 Apr I a I TBI- Leading Furniture I I for Cub J a III rrd OU A J ViUARU CO HURRAH FOR ANU THY AT TEN CENTS PER LOAF CAKES CONFECTIONERY With Kinds of Fruit in You Will find Our Prices Right PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR HALE AUCTION nil from the J J- by aAuIo ON SATURDAY SEPT Auto Fort lb OOmi torcQmfMlft a m loMher I fcflUretnd on Few properly- TLe im Dry Goods Groceries- Boots Shoes Millinery WaH paper Blinds c AT MITCHELLS MjjUN Wo have Large Kind All New Stock and at ucli never before offered in Mount Our Motto is to GARRY NO STOCK OVER ONE SEftSOH TO Therefore wo offer such any take of without delay ate going to and feces wanted at highest IN LOW ALBERT Our is made from enjoy treat pure Season closes BEOS I iTTTiiPffiStteSg v MB JACKSON boo beta in nit lra T loUocjbowUlCMHJownn or oilier Hioi ft Mr win bo ktKCkloi lticMm fcioy A3 ANOTHER LOT OF -AND- l- out fcr W Sailor Hate IN AKU COCORED STRAW t NEW DELUSION WOOLS IK ALL 1