Newmarket Era, 3 Sep 1886, p. 4

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f r n vr srfL NEWMARKET ERA V Train it i i What Folk Say About Money It it Hew lb moorti in Ad J 1 W WHICH UK Kioto ill logo Jijco only Ihnf firlt It In 4ilfiiiliy fulfill Mr it ili j if i no llnl llfcti Out from jut rain Unites Win Bug MJtdriuliik water III too utterly A man lough- ftt l on lion of llio Ad mill fun of hi wtm with two duo I on up mile out two mm liu took nil lolloni A llt to work of fifUifU in iritd in a in Jtositotii thu td i out A in at Out h Hooting in joil a flung log and boy on the down on the cruibinx oil otJior otCJ will to Hid by OnUrio and they can in and not a dflMind without it A going down bill with a J of of the wheels of wagOK PIjo friction of upon which ignited hay and atartcd firo that requir ed to A tittle tornado whirled through day and finding the from door of a into gathered up a lot of furniture bunt open a door Hung whole tot In a in yard A Jtiptcli received in on from thai revolution taken Prince boa been compelled to bdicftUi and llw baa to extend friendship to J tan a circular note to inviting llclr on the titration Two young men Milt of Mr Michael Picket concession Proton while in hay were caught by means under the wagon tack and very injure One of hid bone and other had of ribs badly fractured and injured that bis in danger for come Mr Hector of has been forced to Inko ft brief holiday to foot Nearly two weekaago Mis tered foot by a now lt the foot coloring of bit to out nnd enter wound causing a poisoning of the foot resulting in that member A rottlonake got into a ho other found and a wallowed 1 partly through of jug a wallowed and vs a prisoner the aide of too large to ibrouph efforts to ho knocked the right And left tint of met death A tubjeriWr re marks he found it to for his paper in advance at end of the year answer lo inquiry he gave racon that when paid in lie getting ne for hit money but to do aoal the end of the wo paying for worn out clothes bar vu of of in the Hut man is of philosopher a level lain TUl til Mil Aod flli Till jiid lint file iiKr IM f world think f J llyornUjiftuf fliK in t Jlir on J aiLliiK our To ftty litu W rail lh hum lodJUri gJ CIO AH About Women A nor for the can rule vrqiMBh can kwj whole in hut water A woman who in not jealous of her is not in world in full of beautiful men but truly good woman it Two thing titiined for woman tongue a Nine out of ion a saya a it in with him Woman ja awcetrfcl and gift of God to man woman will any thing but fact tho it growing old and ugly is a black he in painted and a woman aa innocent appear a woman you her Jovo dont Jay it Awy on ice keep in corner of your Notices A Fruitful hullfol year iaaay Muriiur at a and Fowler of WtfifHaf In a Jit I J or not for JllVtl Hill em coy Ji liter e7i tint if hi liHd Ac Or Will wioy ollii mil Mi A ojij J J well lirtn with When Bniv heuu have tbUrortliolcnatolitllulUr1flajit JM A tun- Or lOdlKrlliEiP liilivCfoitrMorbA l iwt A icrtc tn4lh it whAvcr in nJftjpkliruayfpuriitflRthjiitMl ami Erery la a That l gold that worth A tin it ball Every want to adrfco- There All are go to church fa than at Hear the other and do that good of it Think much littla and writo lea it no a bod book What tho ot nip not Lip little No one over became poor through giving alma fool fas hold bit longuo No repented tongue Nothing can out of a tack but what in it co and uy nothing if you would in pcaca Educate your children your moan will permit Dont bo a hermit fanner to bo moat aooial of not allow the UQ of any of intoxicating drink on your farm with a of raw to remove vegetable Dont your tbat will follow load of bay out of town- your wife queen of your homo and tbat homo an earthly Dont bo gulbn by barpera When you need an buy it of dealer Eicourago tilt an occasional with tbo children and them practical botany courago to provide for tbo of your friend within your not it Have to acknowledge four rather than to credit for knowledge under pre tences ICE CREAM PARLOR NORTH HARDWARE AND AND SUMMER DRINKS TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AMD OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J N B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever nV iii FOR pJkBM TO ui or and Paltry promptly lo ALEX SIMPSON North End Bakery SIMPSONS Farm For Sale tfU resident of on bit grape iiics a to Ik irifvcts Iht wind Mew powder r Alii who of the flying was ill fouuj who was- but twenty old died jtxt day w a SOS All arrangement we now for And held next 3rd from what loam it is likely to be ten or twelve of firemen have enter d and lx or eight and time for entering not ex pire until Saturday ing It If like will ba Some of made entry tocwdtrcd among ill bands In country ve may to a A grand lacrosse will aUo In the in forenoon bail to be faced ftt 1 1 tfrfoek Altogether ft tut to be greatest demonstrations vtir held Aurora and no doubt a Urge roUd to the Mr Tin win ynd ili lis jinn Ijij Hi hi J wif r ym en i It ft i iioi liven Wrtl An J Kill M nnilc We f uli in I svnpiivtttJ lifter Ms In livni It to WWfraNlft AC imh icTro it I tfltiMiiJ for irvsiiouu4uiij by nUby Pickings The ears of civilization pion eer e good servant but a should rubbed with hLCfiWfii- accounts as short once best A little sulphur carefully burned in cellar will destroy diaeaso gonna A fcror can bo cool with soda is for cleaning small articles such as jowollery buckles and like When woolens try a small quantity of borax m tho water fico how it will help she on furniture rubbing on linseed oil and then following with a in alcohol water Water that has stood in an open orcr night should not bo for or drinking many foul grais man is most when tho greenest- moon unlike man Is tho most bril liant when fullest Doing not is secret of success Thinking out plans will not amount to anything unless they bo followed by a will to execute- true physiological way of treat ing burns scalds is to at once ex clude the with cotton batting Hour scraped or anything that is handiest Mix a carbonate of soda with water in which floors and it will preserve them for a fortnight saltpeter is a very good preservative Common soda is excellent for scour tin it not ft crotch the tin and will make it look like new Ap ply with a piece of moistened news- paper and polish with dry Wood a good substitute Hub tho briskly tines piece of old newspaper and St will remove the spots and give it a good polish or quince trco in th backyard that can the advan tage of the will moil like ly good account of itself A bushel of lump lime in cellar will absorb much of its dampness and a of powdered charcoal in shal low dishes much of bad smell of good to put on to relievo soreness and lo keep them forming if put on in time If you scorch clothes in ironing place them Jo the sun lo draw the mark out- Chopped Feed FOR SALE CHEAP BEST FAMILY FLOUR 4 PEE BARREL AT- REE SOB BROS NEWMARKET Hardware HAVING will LOW FIGURES our old drop White Paris Green Chloride of Lime Insect Powder oilier stock rant Patent and Proprietary Medicine Herbs Roots and Toilet Conn fiicnif- He Halt good meet Albums Pocket Purees Garden Tools for Chinese and thlsge to Rive a of MRS a The Newmarket Era tore at FOR CHEAP GOOD AND DURABLE GOODS 00 NORTH END III ill U A I 14 you will find FOLD LINES in PRIHTSL GIRGiUMS and Scotch and Felt and GROCER IES Gists and Earthenware PRICES ARE CLOSE J A DALES FOR fcijnr W Jot busdian Portlur it ih ARM FOR of Lot If In On bit waM4iiofwaiiaiwib lb ao or FOB SALE for OLD one Lot or to lot to nit eoiwiiu JAKB5 tf At FOB SALE Moriblialfor tot gin ICO fill ICO Ural All I kL T M OILS MR will SGR -HELIBORE- ALSO NOVELLS GAZETTEER HISTORY or OP CANADA lie asm royal of IbeDlnooiQmcnf to 10 Of Nov MDHi0tn or ALL COLORS JAMES INSECT POWDER I AT SOUTH WORM farttlT It Wo have md no less than fourteen sent in tins Week to be inserted they were Absolutely but advertising notice most of Client as a matter of were con signed to wo go to the grocer Laker to wo notice tender witlt a ltll mid in fu ture everything of of an advertisement will lis treated like- m END ARRET A- Ms K Are you with Bpriiil J to Mm- at Well made taut I v in lhoir for fib I of pit in mouths A Is of a little old child ft by recently She picked up a piece of mOl which had off the wall previous to re It and com- chawing it Shortly after mouth noticed to and abo taken with a vomiting A called at who pronounced one of arnIo poisoning child eventu ally but bo Sunflowers are used in for fuel The stnlta when v arc hard as maple wood a hot lire and seed heads with in burn thnii hard coal An aero of will furnish fuel stove a year Scientific American A successful trial of a petro leum burning locomotive was made on the Washington Ohio railroad recently A speed of forty an hour waft attained by the burn ing of thirty gallons of oil per hour oil vepoiftcd by superheated and burn with a flame that of a gasolene stove Tito fact I that it burnt without smoke will pop invention with the travel ling public A quantity of carriage paint valued shipped by the De troit Whit Works has been by Customs at Windsor clerk making stated it was plain paint not mixed with drier but en examination showed that ft nixed in which state the duty 10 per cent higher thai on unmixed article company claims that the entry was made by mistake The case has referred to authorities at Ottawa It wife Best Moulding Materials I of J la jiff vI On the Shortest Notice itfjct won to ho to en nil At on an woman with drpvo into town from their in J boy had and while coining froiutlie direction of circus grounds were met by a carry Jot of small colored balloons which their horse a young took fright around suddenly to vrry that end oc cupant all thrown into ditch womans head was dash ed against a telegraph pole the wan against crossing and a child without a scratch iiad JJJf neck and considerably torn and old lady was taken into doctors close b survive about LAZARUS Spectacles uktaJ for me tod every me irotia lira by JtcVfroir A villi flru ia DUNNS BAKING POWDER COOKS BEST FRIEHO AGENTS WANTED None Need be Idle LIMIT LUMBERI LATH SHINGLES CANADIAN WAY pffjlS19mi if fVaelae UAH IbuWJ oUftorflu From ID L Si JEEipreiip fc ftartTcobX HOD floe in Hi In intiauiNR About rtta ID hit vhi to mi tit ana Of lit Wu hit which WE ARK NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SASH BUNDS THANKFUL PATRONAGE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WEIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK Depart ttSpm wu J re- 1 Kfvl P V -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES minutes EVANS In Wis the other day parado of was to start event occurred Mrs of this city aa near the contained four Animals mid Mown under cage a sudden of id and stooped to it As she did a panther put out few and caught her by hair and with the other paw in her face lilted her from ground The keeper lushed upon the furious Wast and beat him severely and this enraged the other animals greatly To about it itemed as if the keeper would bo cot upon killed but he was oarage- out Ho fceAt the animals right and a powerful and so cowed them that they ctto up the Mr Rett was bad I ftboot the face and weV an I her out ibop to aro WILSONS HOOT AND iSBOB Market TO GOOD MEN THE CANE SONS CO GIVE HIM ATRIAL ivcUrtaoatMttutli fi GUI MIS CHOPPING DONE injured had Experience Not Essential I WE PAY EITHER Salary or Commission SMART to tor NOTICE urn to work room fur tttB Q plo nat wort A I At fiifctWoriUtlD lb fln beta 10 LlaalctJ win carry lEj4lIrllj rtoo itf Jl- tod to W Northern to tet rIM Via rasa CHOLERA INFANTUM a BEWARE OF WORTHLESS oar CORSET aw sU wata W Wood or Stave 7 COMPLAINTS Wt oqiki J e u

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