Newmarket Era, 17 Sep 1886, p. 4

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v ri era Time lb i Affair in to thkt it heading ro- iheir ilu public am J of tire Ion in and in or Average fir oclock nihil found lunging to It down found would tlun to uun or for deed lira Urn of Mr I rack- of Co WW liurnl will nil A mi for few iiiiniiiMh illHiL- The Horror 0 received more of tbo which half of on New York ClnvclmndJanDlih Chi- and of country iodicfttod by felt trembling of earth In building tumbled and house- old to the but no lire hfMicit The hock GO and vtiy jnotfu could reallw what trail found to the ground and Into Ml lli mad to or rocn wildly for help Thff wry on which ndl In billed Until aljockt ww pt lw fclibt in in fctack at Out Aurora Mr had by Tim follow- n of badly Muldt in ttio face client by of boiling cataup of absconding Montreal to will irxwd it It fctuOd and fcwindling been brought to tight and that will probably taken to ox- trad it ion At Montreal two in working on ctf- of a new in of way and thrown to tho ground One of men named wax picked up died in about utinutea Tim man to ttm wlieioho doing fairly A battle fought on about twruty Now Mexico between tin from tho latter city and a force of under El troop It reinforced by Intent excitement an attack on Tin that ixgulur infants at carried on ill that A and tin murder of a a iid it of hvw now When man a lor and i for it when a in church tin- contribution box him Sunday Sunday with out iriTcltaiii or nil in thcso hi and homily wjiy to CAtorr it to up for frCOOUUtfi mi dial One can yuan I ihirf tongue of alaiidrr to but a Wat la in Quo A ft at railway South it mix to until rfjisMi d throughout main tangbt limps and ahtd in hi ruction which leonwl than Tim the ami an Jilt in In fronrUii PiJlrnnf hppmtch of the a gradually quivered or of up in In of Tim city ia a wreck and a rfijilorablu St St church JJihiTiiiiiii hall the jiolico and many other build- which wen- pridw of city now nothing hut huge of in lilling the fcirNlft til tin almllnr third arc many lurribln of night enter- id a building do remain in lota or in the Much buf fering rculU from hunger afraid to enter tho wricked fttorea for Half the In city totally ruined end twthirds of the will to rhuilt There dutinct the trembling of the Will of the city to ring almost constantly Tlw dcp of the of buildings lurid of flAiiifj of huge tries groan of dying lb of the wounded prayers the of the the eric of women and the of the Wealing forum and of of all to the of In wild and uncertain to of safety make up srnt can only bo by iainginstiou of dead iHui ruined fnwW with form li an and simply grants for iWrtK TV ilii poor in various thu Wi- oil nil Hon Ik- Avihl wire have hurried to mil ore camping waiting running of in city are driven o obtain tor using bJ hroUnnd other clothing tin ftirp fiituu it this iful it pat Six IkMi in tin by itio forces Hut wforu in Jut and history baa tin city audi an of wreck won and terror during trembling at if tho destruction of world clinging each in terror tin filling air mournful rounds I tropin of women bewailing lost of of of ml ogled prayer and from far along street and op from allora that lead either aide is of and though ft had Dot ftsnomaot It La a dreadful tlio and young the and feeble alike all ao calling for help from their fellow creature and their angulihcd In petition to heaven for mercy where no human aid could avail ihtnx It not a to bo by any mortal tongue or It not a to bo forgotten when one it baa and boa all and fell agony Wo one the rudy or pillar of cloud rising high Into night air loo intent on lUtnlng with arnica for dreaded of tlmt horrible growl or grcan of under and land to a thought to new terror of Arc though it had bit own homo and many in thai colored people where were Inud and undoing In limrt of alarum in the in fervent appmla for Huds in which many a proud heart who them the night and in Urn hour of might and all of to On of the aald to havo covered a larger ftiei than ever bo- fan- known in history of tho world State Geological an extend article on lurtliquakcf and their causr but to poor of Booth Carolina there ia small comfort in that know moat that there Jim an earthquake So Tim no a A collar while Iniinuif a liay A lhtt4 Hi pttiin my I thy m aiJu That it ilulmt- a J A Ugh A tall hit with ftatlif hair cut bright I a gillaot light If to to Ufa two to neat bo invkr And would you you cm bet ICE DIM JDil EITMYBjDY PILASSBSATISFIBB CI0AR8 AND SUMMER DRINKS for and Poetry promptly to ALEX 8IWP80N End Bakery Feed FOR SALE CHEAP BEST FAMILY FLOUR PER BARREL AT- BROS 9 While K- of waa engaged ironing on Wednesday an inject which ia to have Won hornet on In Iota than hour aim waacomplelly rated awolling to an enormous in and couren in At present writing ia unablo to accident on Monday near Whik A number of men in cutting belt IV oil Mr J Park picked up a of board to win el and ft Mr at Mr- Cohmana up ptirpASA Utter allowing Ida to fad the floor tlm tviml of the flitting them Mil- ia severely injured on head Pari an arm broke in four The Vindicator cays Act and operation We do nut find fault with Act ihir iiall if itrtly Of places of liquor on and drunken men almost dully and fivo or ate to gether reeling along our it time vomMbing to trv end discover the who contrary to law It appears that the whose tbrty is Act property en- to act and it vii a letter- Hornet iig must be done of liquor on In Oabawn KEWMAEKET Hardware Store x HARVEST TOO MACHINE OILS I ALL COLORS JAMES wrrr lo stop headway the tram went on the and livo which tfiw On thi through the mum road The ear a live foot ditch awl then went right a wooden occupied by two burying tho five of llniu were got out only alight injured and after bard work tlfth four old found burial under I be ruin- Tim dead child eon of Arthur tor of An old woman will probably die from eflVcta of which due to of Hie road leaving a car and lii to drad and lost- 111 frowd which poured from ho a wIihi the first abode an excited from dwelling Picture bin of utter ilurtsues made only more viaible by solitary I every aw of lliMA trim ami andtlnMi only and of liar fair An tin Out in street air was Illicit to llMMMitbtf tho with a whilst cloud dry stilling dual from ami nml fjlliiv upon pavement ixrtdway bad I reduced to till cloud it fa- a so yon at every attp tb- of brick or in the of in having tlm clock in the vorld dial will twentylive in canter the dial will bun and alatvone feet ftliove the The dial will illuminated by and it calculated that the time can Km ataii at from bioken from any point hi the city and with every of a ld ili of litndi mile will twelve in length and hoot hand The Jiori on lie Jill wilt two Iodic long A will in tin tower to up every Any pit who Invited to give rfowi concerning of tic all no- body in iiujipifrce- It to iho clock the tower The bell for clock to twenty lwty6v cd to io be liVrd Jo pert I mm and partly mid ititJ of whom Hen fear or fBpitiiSVw Ml w a overlmid ii pro again mistaken nearer wild INf Ida prey and in he for wierclnii though it be The tremor roverberattona and roll along like infernal aummon- them and it and again the of Impending calamity which It may bat offering Business Notices Care for A lll a ad m ciiroole farOm of Com- I In of from any J II Jut human body nave pure oa a or jii4nouMhjraaptonmirIbanifuWar- all oar IIU nno1 flit life end ml Ebt mo work e iiikI can or i lr vi i to nwl mid rttimuicV J itftul ABkOlluUal lim UAllol dldock ton In to our ftndVoaDailiivartuutttowfllCompuiPU to of or WW for tea ruin wont off florift but wont tilt cats object o waiting while they being boiled J KTTlie Niagara River Tunnel company bo arc open for tho addition aobscriptiona to the extent of million dollar the mat ter to bo to a It fsnowaupposcdtliat work on the will Ik in the fall Surely tbero can no sharp er pan lo a loving wife than to n husband staggering the weight of life worked to death in order to wolf at door j in at tho future and vft litis Ml might been if wife had only known tho valuo of money and to what her hflrblnil to cut her coat cording to cloth for any income limited you teach your- to within it to waste not and therefore to want not Signs- First When icinpeniture suddenly there La ttonn forming you When the storm forming of you Third wind Hows from of fair weather toward a region where atorm is forming Fourth clouds always mo Preserve or rT FRANK LAZARUS bat m a Morn Spectacles and EyeGlasses in i nt inLtio Trer ani in for sale AYNB HI arroir eta fflS W fc x AND ftBAWD RAILWAY AND SHIPS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J N B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever 1 SIMPSONS too will Mid LOW FIGURES Oar la tobava our old Mefltfj la- White Paris Green Chloride of Lime Insect Powder at j other la Block nod Proprietary Medicines toots and Powders Alia ft other Hammocks School Bags Pan Albums Pocket Looking Wallets Tools for Chinese and other things your patroaitft MRS DUNNS BAKING POWDER SBEST FRIEND FOE CHEAP GO TO- THE N OUT END Where you will FULL LINES in Shirting Canadian and Scotch Straw and and Shoe GROCERI AUK VlJlV J A DALES a -HELIBORE- Mull for Aurora riouih- fifpc CO a is Pine Via York ALSO- Touryfava p INSECT POWDER I AT Era A of ilvl MClitf Ufa urn lo off vbUt jIockJ ibe fel9natlfHll Jul Or itif yix thfv jo pQjQri tup of from I lie lion pr W via Jloioa bo tod aah foribr iraibxtDt beta or i i3 HdottpolrtJaf jf rrttiboiWlor ftfitavoflrMtaiDt If jv rfo Jbjr do vh a lM if an opt who Wh rtalSTborxj in a region of fair move from region of fair weather to wlipro a is Where clouds from to no boast llieri ho lain iwemy four hour no it cirlu are moving rapidly from wOlh to wulh- a raiu on morrow if in and in winter in your bat In tit DIRECTOR am am V to W p to j4 Id 3 or lo Ktwfoood- MulurfJ Hump it prepaid reply terra com an extra mdI vtitnp Of ivrwoeotA Dead Dor ntblatbopaitedor to a card PRO for Town or or or bormuniuiJo by ifttnp pelted vboHv be tot will Up cDtlr ibinOLo foil to be In J io iij Kingdom The It llnifo mini ji- fuYiocnt of rtrvnn4iv All 16 be mil- St other mi ibe per lo be mutt be by or of BOOK fr It to lpttObi Iacke pa I loy to VKtOflij Of excfllM At fFUtn v b prepaid by at the frejfjbl and f -r- a Ma or or or rare a r tah be pafctl I jo lnlirt Mfis b eiillo labnmu MAIN ST SOUTH NEWMARKET ElUkSKIR I OF LIMITED LUMBER I LATH SHINGLES AUK TO OUR CUSTOMEna WITH DOORS sash FOR PATRONAGE SOLICIT A COXIIXUANCE UK OF PAST WE AIM TO TURNOUT GOOD WORK AT- of LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO NOTICE will rtcUt j j JACKAOKl la IU- Or I over I are 0effiuin Vol Ifgjwa y r aay Br i iBUrau iff Ibf firtioiorexUjliwrc envarct jioC- eovarelaMbUdi M Waa fluaMiiracrlDt flrnoTWca u- aid W acooooiadoa lo fl ro araly HANK U STORE lattly fob OB -MMF0U1AU- Or Rial ffrt i of w tew SPqSSW Farm For noaBalaoDCermi to nit P aim to in PARE ted lolMie J FOB J Id leu tto II a v JAkH ALU A for a Bride for Acres of Land IhACcrtortWoof Wtirrork4 is ibik of Tb free FOR ntbiM OaartiplLoi AlotbfStDCcs ICO tb IM 100 baroaDdafirrfiaracied All lacdi AiioHevrallxtalDibeToiTnorNtBir kac UOAWCBU5a GAZETTEER HISTORY Of THE DOMINION OK CANADA IK VOLUME aT mo i of la to lbs or to new or a to to J Eadfro- Jlcaiaaed fo Acroat CURESSRHEUWA yBKEMANS WORM POWDERS CtoUioibfeo CANADIAN PAOIPIO RAIL- WAT All irtloi WMtt5l a KjpM lcl WO J Mfirr4 for sd Wpmi HoBlrc cr Jitm 0J I Spm fci P m jcwiJ J CURES re etvallftOaC8 JlaA at co OBAbOtTJLLK a a a fHt ro ArrlTtirriir p in all anj itr VAKHvaVirarra J a phot ft V ftfo ATKINSON Put pj BEWARE OF WORTHLESS AihAc7 Si- AMU CHOLERA INFANTUM Tl SUMMER COMPLAIN IS it in CORSET CO Wood or Stave WANTED j via MB Ml Oft

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