Newmarket Era, 24 Sep 1886, p. 1

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flTK rfr to in Vol 35 Single Copies Cents Each NORTH INTELLIGENCER AN IT ADVERTISER Newmarket Onb Sept Cash in Advance within or at end of year pre w INSURANCE AGENCY A ROE Successor to P T LEE prat Companies only Represented Tin TO A- ft and in fur bitliKM by KB i j 4 of Op- OUT- IN lilt M or gage lite flUl A VotarlM Ktc Ho Ml Urn If V A MUCriUH Mobile AILAK A run A- J AaIIAMTEDO AftiirAQCf MAM At J Aardvirc A UK MUCK and perdu bed AC40UIOJi11jM WJ WDAT IB OH IK A TOWN to in fur to rn ano liludi Ticket isitcrlihtAimprfeMi it to od icloro toy CM- 111 to till Mr J lo Toronto Browing ft Malting Co Ac Oct fi ft Co to to nu cd urns tbe Bottled Ale Porter per THE FOLLOWING ft Ad Jptn Bassos Ale and Stout 3 per PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES ALWAYS IN P J OMALLEY Main North- NEWMARKET Koop Oct 10 a Jo i Jo M tttti a run j In Largo and will Deal Very Liberal and Largo forgot STARR fill A7KA 1 Policy Iilki icr t lUiN Mini l JKii 15 KCIIIV A I Ascot ttowmutu HIE ATOAtr for Aorom vlctoUy Itii luorvncd J fflyrM Aurri I SALT I BARREL CHEAP CASH Meats Flour Vegetables and Provisions Always in Garden Seeds Flower and fomatoe Plants as pa the Cheapest flollrltof Iubllc IflJJlNUHTKAHTrOUONTO J I 11 3lH iy At Rock a Toronto Bad So l HIV civil k A specialty All if III receive mud Mi at my Wcw VLctoihi AtODiforihoUu iiMcy Iriplorocut wH bo At toy tor lot bo ALL THE NOVELTIES IK AND GLASSWARE titcd OH by No trouble to good A SBIJTH The Hat clip from Uoadiy ft plcuuie of ttroogli toy uririicJ the Lhtrc carried b sol in roctt through raw ol a ill of tod xujwt Ox Any tli iiort io- town lb of the Witty it 1 fij 4o you your iMbotot u to fUooti til you Jik Ablet If you uoibti ttiu It loioj you dont a It- ftilifuloeccnjietttor Itcdute lire iho to Bun J for your la Ik O a that It if cry and upon OumtritlQ ITO lit to from ft km ftt tt the i tbe Utters of If I J giro ti the of 54 d bat For Heights Upon October Id Ytokcw welt ity Too otloir iUt right box left look Bat be It tut Anil tboT Hot it HI UDihuoted by TlialrvilriVlio A ad led iboeb la loot VI but up bill liul ipflt till To of Clo Aide In A tbeir up lbs out loud triu0ibiot od tiigbi All bail to jcd firt bell Up battltbvixbt iiiil to tbeetbou patriot tool ffliutt dtcda hunt from booor roll ofobtuio me fought or not for fame coo loToabill AfouoJ to of Bitot of love fortttr Id oor ready by hUliDg bid laved by dint hard work and mall bad left Tom a man bad token of the bloom reahneii from hit wifes On the day of year Tom wrote to creditor DuiUr will being lb of with to I glad at I it Your otrTut P to my word Bella looking came clatter of be hind Tho of bothy was on accomplice of the robber had a already aaddlcd put to d called to him patted neck Ho know and seemed to he race was for life or The would never for give the that bad been played him Turning a aborp corner Tom for moment out of lie jerked the from burl edit into Ice blight in the of Ireland Sixteen are In at Bradford Bandera grain elevator at down the other morning near he noticed to a dead and laughed aloud at this Hut the tears at the lime ran down her mad race the cheeks behind yelling Never little woman he bycablew Half an hoar later I said kissing her It baa teen Tom into the town of Don- sleep hill to climb but we are on erailw drew rein out- top now After this we will stand not during to as it on our own feet and owq not far- still daylight thing to anybody We aboil live- in Tom with a cotnfort and couple of Ills uoii found the canvas sat late that evening over I ball buried in the bog paid his fire planning in and went home to hia wife house and little comfort which they lighter in pocket but the richer by a had never before been able to afford good story which be delighted to tell The next morning there was a flutter to the day of bis death of excitement all through farm Davis Even the henwife know that Another Railway Horror- master was going on a journey of importance It was a ride of thirty miles through Pa Sept An appalinc pirt of the road running along the accident happened Tuesday on the ndge of an of Now York and which were infested by railway at Silver Creek An highwaymen Chief these was one known as the White from fact that he rodo a grey mare wore a excursion train left Erie with up wards of people on board for Niagara Falls under the auspices of u Episcopal church the white great coat and carried a knap The train passed over tho sack shape like pdlira pack at Silver Creek nil right and Scarcely a week posted which did jjuit entering the cut en a curve be not bring tidings of traveller when Engineer and bis who had fallen a victim to ibis rob- Harris dweried a train Several German spies disguis ed as have been arrested near Cherbourg in France One of the Keepers at Kingston nearly to death the other day by an inmate The girt of the generally cuts a and occasionally beau to her if ho owns a or two 13 Emperor William was pre vented attending the German mill- at by to The White The story of the White which is a family tradition has at least two It true and it illustrates a of life now for gotten and aluiont incredible these more orderly times Thomas Hardy about hundred years ego was a younger son in a Protestant family of prominence in the south of Ireland however ho knew that the estate of the family would go to his eldest brother income would bo heavily taxed to give dowers to lib Ho was destined to seek bis in some under government or in India But Tom vos in no to seek a lie was young fellow and it was very agreeable to lounge away life home on hunt ing Cold or in ballrooms Popular opinion had begun a goodfornothing fellow when his elder brother married a neighbour bridegroom was heir the bride had beauty and a fortune Hence county joined in festivities which were splendid Tom continued to himself to top of his auirXct itOncclKunMulitm AI r MONEY TO LOAN 1 JAUK Co stHJUprc lo ivttudOB estate borrow dud II lolliflfiuUfieL a cut horror for tcck Liverpool CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company A a- If v PHYSICIAN For Toronto leal ftt AuJilQt of Anatomy ArltStrx tt0ua Euiocr or of for PHOTOGRAPHER I lly WITH IsOUKVH HAS A a nil swOl i an market A of lb who TV for of or tiof Lui impU7ui or of filiOntuogcJi lo an Dr J- Kenned in in HO office TO SEW NEAT ART GALLERY Door North of in from a firmer Id Iu Jtit to jean lQtkenlrDtutj Wf r up o the We are lorry to Me martlet nil I family to in be MdflpM Bret ciime aty be btotooa light lair or to ay not the of fuy bat candid bat tbe of bate cot hue and much JftlUitlon aad ilb twu 0Q4 of A lUtB Toronto at Tariota or half- nacje coupon ulUCbff are Mm- a acu iho Com- made 1 relet on lout to J to foi table for at wib many from ibo f cow iiOfe lorn out IhoUit ooifr patron SEE At Hard to A of Vlo B NEWMARKET Y The Newmarket Era BBS OF CANADA HEAD TOKOKTO INTEREST ALLOWED ok WANTED IMMEDIATELY 1AKVASiik ILI for ibe BIBIii -DttAFTS- US Ms torLU of fMUlca Mkddiilo swra4 WfHsUiJi I w0 OH UNITED STATIC AHf AM POINTS IN Notes Discounted FRESH GROCERIES All Kinds of Fruit Soda Fountain fiapi1ied Willi All BAILEY I BY to wwubtr for ri woke W J aiauafer MB JACKSON lot of iiiUftii of other now to o a e will tb llr Motley cecal Dial lbfidr Jo la- J MR to tux WK bate Jilt pot forcaakJof PRESSED TILE 1 to la fl itry Id A are itei in JiriJtD or of the at Ibe but Any bis or fcw toil w of ibe io ease or tiro by or a dollar Tbtre are too oa the at olbti if Iba dotation your ate you cjM be In is aUt libit all the at ul wortby JitlU for It up frrtrfor tome oil J fa Well for good bread No are botb ere id ft good At bad to wait ft Tbe end bailees all titbit from a dUUoco deal here on ere tbey aUayi up tbtlr roltidi to warn loyiogtoaoy lp The Choir a 7 iq Tby oarer bate The root tbU for upboou end xtttog Ibe 6odbtd for aciico It com tog y TLc doty acd It Mil W Icccrcam to A aod Ijne until he suddenly discovered that ho bad fallen in love with Isabel younger who was Just out of school room wont to her father with his story and then to own by both with con but schoolgirl and some day to marry rank title He tegs a featherheaded as It never to family bidden to prepare India in a week never to return under the not that wo Should before our readers as wis or right But facts must bo told Remar ried Isabel next day Then he went to an old friend of the family and told what bo had done am going to work for my wife he said I know no or business but and not very much of that J want yob to lend me money enough to rent a dairy to stock It In four year I will pay you principal and interest England ud Italy M1iiaaUan What have you father Tom shook his head father No sir If would not how should It laughed Ho would bare laughed probably if death had faced I you will Mr I have no security to offer Day own will and strength But 111 pay you in four to the last peony The old gentleman pushed up his spectacles and scanned the Hushed resolute face I risk it Tom he said at last this is a strict bail- transaction Not Tom proceeded after with a caution and goodsense which He sought the advice of killed farmers in choosing Ms and in stocking It There a com fortable little farmhouse on It in which ho settled his wife At they gave up society and took their position as dairy farmers who meant to cam their living by hard work Tom studied hard to master every detail bis like other matrons of that day was with her maids spinning weaving laying down Jetties wines and herbs Unlike the stores of other proud young housewives however stores were not for Old of the farm carried them with terand cheese to l sold Every that could by to to meet yearly to Mr J Ttey were and at end of the fourth year the payment about two thousand dollars who was as expert and polite in his calling as Dick Tow to start hid the bag of coin under the capes of hit greatcoat and put his pistols the Belle clung the men with kill you Tom if you meet hi en Nonsense kill a poor dairy far lie may take the money and shall have to begin all over again For Belle No White shall have the money if bo any such which I very doubt It wax a cold gray day in Decem ber A snow lay on ground Toms road led him us firtt through tbe villages and farms he wan well known Friends and neighbor rAn out to stopping to have a chat each the morning slipped by It was hour put midday he struck the lonely road which led up to mountains Near tho foot range of hills was a bothy or cabin dismounted tied his to fence went in to warm When he came out he noticed gray mare was Mending at the the bothy Some cotter on his to thought Tom as he mounted rode oil It was an hour he reached tbe top of the hillrange The on tho ground was unbroken except by his own horses feck He had not passed a single This is hunting ground thought mechanically taking out Ids examine then- again The load drawn and were wet which like sour beer This was at the hot by I am to a fight for it Hashed through Ms just as Up heard soft footfalls of a in the snow coming up a He scarcely time to thrust the unloaded pistols back when a man mounted a grey iuaroqoietly joined him Ho was a short powerfully built fellow dressed in white great coat and low gray hat beneath which looked out a pleasant ruddy face and humorous blue eyes- Good morning Mr Hardy Tom heart He took in situation at a glance The man was armed ho tin a stronger man than he Sly only chance is to try my Ho looked forward The road for or two wide narrowed going down bill so they must ride singly He will attack me there thought Tom while he ex changed the of the -market- day appeared to be as much In need of society as money He soon made a joke after the usual Irish fashion of days Tom re plied With of his best stories and nobody tradition statta could a better story The enjoyed it and retorted with another until their shouts of laughter rang through the Never at any state dinner bad Tom Hardy so exerted himself as now anecdote followed anecdote and retort followed repartee Never too bid bo found a more appreciative companion tho face was flushed and his eyes twinkled with enjoyment They had pearly reached the tun where the road suddenly In a field some twenty rods from road stood another bothy The highwayman drew rein Im chilled to marrow fellow has excellent wbUVey Mr Hardy What do you say Im ready to dismount said Tom dismounting quickly without a nee of hesitation threw himself from his mare and starting fcpikly to bothy Tom fumbtedaa if tyinx his until the highwaymans back coming on them from the east The engine was reversed the engin eer fircaaari and the baggage jumped In another instant the on- lines came together completely and tbe baggage car on the excursion train went crashing through the telescoping it from the fumt to within a few feet of the end There were about people in the car the were caught crushed in their The men among whom were Mayor of Pa Deputy of Dunkirk number injured The firt to cot out aide of the car and relieve those iitarHst at baggage car was also jackid and by which thin iurgrus had arrived from An gola The and wounded were removed with wonderful alacrity and in thirty everybody was ly ing at the top of the hill SCENES OP irCHItOIL The scene deicription Two or wen had apparently an to escape by tho win dow were there crushed out of all semblance Win a and Deputy was cut in twain and half his the shreds outside was cut of and fell from the car window The interior of the sleeper was a mass of brainy and dismembered most sight and one i was most ghastly was the embrace of John of PilUburg They together hear the middle of the car in others arms their were into one and wore with much Four 0all boys in stinctively dropped down to and when released were found to be comparatively uninjured Stephen Mayor and a merchant of hod his brains dashed out nod thrown over on lap of P manager of Erie Forgo Works who had his arms and leg a cripple and his son Willie were mangled and was turned leaping into his he the down the ihu until when Ml wild with He volley of curses from several voices near A bullet past Ms ear another tore the cloth from his TKo was a out of human Some of the dead gasped a few after being brought to the air heads chests and teg of all dead terribly crushed and mangled a number of severed feet found the was carried into freight house where an inquest was The scene a most log one and tho wails and shrieks of relatives were heartrending was due to mistaken commencement of the year there were cholera cases in Japsn of which prov ed fauL tThe Paris bat England meditates a grand coup and will claim Egypt as a British poasioiL are a coaling station on Island of in the sen and will probably the government of the offers a raward of 500 for the iho who have that and peo ple witnessed of memorial by GcDeral Sir A smart Aleck says that alt the modem iiunu of husbandry tbe harvest is still gathered with cradle threshed by hand l Pacific which at present reaches over the Michigan Central is report ed to be for an line of its own into that city The herring fishery at Labra dor is very abundant several schoon ers having been filled at and at Red bay by a single cait of the eeine The fish is of a superior quality The cod fiihiog on other haiid is poor there anything a mans conversation erratic and jum bles up bis ideas that he doesnt know a hole in the fence from a chunk of beeswax it is to have a climb up the bis pants while he is out walking with his best girl PS On Tuesday of last week Mr Thomas Campbell of Peel tost a val uable While at work on the farm the animal stefed on a piece of board with foot throwing the rear end her flank where it entered the body and severed sev eral leading arteries rsd ays cyclone in Michi gan proved widely disastrous At Howell four buildings and a Fred kilkd Brighton St tKc and r points deseriUi the to barns school churches and property in general as very heavy For twice a week for the last and a half years Mr Lloyd the mail between White Rose and Aurora and never failed to be on time- mile total distance travelled occupying days of hours each the work Mr swan postmaster of Aurora has se cured the contract for four years l An cashier applied for a position a Canadian news- psper The editor looked him over dont know do style have I write well- con an accoont of things responded cashier I should say so If there is anything in which I show up bril liantly is in the shortnessol fanners en the struts are selling at from cents to per basket Oft Saturday night soma ma licious miscreant entered the pasture of Mr K Morris and rippf th- breast of a valuable year old mare worth at least The cut is eight inches long and inch a half deep It would be a satisfaction to know that tho community was rid of sach a cruel villitit Mr Morris would give for apprehension ftod convictjon of the culprit Tho should offer at least a similar reward Death of Sister Friday last Darlings only in faer little home rindoV of castle sound of wild waves that beat Holy Island and rock that wrecked the The simple and pious old lady to the last liko tho herself could not why so much had been said about tin plain act of doty which made the family name immortal She has en bid in the church- to the who died so young forty years ago and whose marble effigy Iks in these wind and sun oar upon the folded strut A grey atone diodes the thin grass of the holy ground from and pallid growth of tits aand dunes For the dark strong of Northumbrian coast Into which is built the tremen dous pile of the castle where heaped with the sands of man storms An eastern peper says barn sheet is something that to be found on every farm but seldom is It is simply- large sheet of heavy cotton sheeting sixteen yards being sufficient to make a gooa sired one to be spread on the waggon bottom whtn buckwheat oats or wheat which is too ripe is being drawn saving of the shelled groin which would otherwise be tost it not Incon siderable It serves another pa rpoee also as It may be spread over an un finished stack during a sudden storm or over e load of grain tn bags in the field or on the way to Iowa An to do their best work be taken on an empty alinplf with bread never with vegetable In the morning before the fast Of the night been broken they are no only refreshing as natural aUmulotuj to the digestive organs And to their finest fullest effect they should be ripe sound and Jn every W quslitymofeoTtheyshonldU eaten What Is better a bunch grapes or a Of berries or cherries log the first thing sUUfl0rdon to atvrleh and eaten Af In out apples finishing but Ova of the fasl for at least few montiui lAith ye i the fivJt Of cooks make norftIaf or jtsfral provided ere eaten nit T I during the entire year 9

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