Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1886, p. 1

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SUBSCRIBERS III ioo NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND 36 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Oct Cash In Advance 60 within mos or at end of year y drafts INSURANCE AGENCY Successor to P T LEE Class Stock Companies only Represented Laconics I office OKB DOOR BOOTH OF HODGES TIN I TO THE Mr A In tot J Bottled Ale Porter per THE FOLLOWING BRANDS Toronto Browing Go Ontario Co ud John pi- it Of Up it IN J Jro MO I A I J imcijtllIwlOtl A Basses Ale and Stout per is PRIME FAMILY GROCERIES ALWAYS STOCK P J OMALLEY Main St North- OH IN A of out beet bit hcb It roy be to per to I ted of work MrOinJocr l of j-JIt- NEWMARKET mm or ItlllUI lilt an JImuU en u ftbJ i- A follow feloltDj low a lit two me frci uli ay to Ibtat 0liit ftoil buy Mchrijl l eir wruooifjrollho lo foil THy Care and Keeping LOW IB MA Id Thy art 4 lucpfp dtrksui to All the weary AH bt toil Of Id d ligbl rJ 11 lo J boar Wbflbtr joy or Coat Ho to follow Spirit Judf AH toy ud del I A I Co I AN imkv I WcIlliitftoitH Sunt AC fclld r Aft wAVirmnoHruwAtrv A UK inn Kite boot for my A I Ill ON Jurtti fit it aw imiii lodor J i a a i In and Varied and will Deal Very Liberal With Tmslcea and LargO Buyer forgot- Wm STARR Auction rc IVrJ IKO fbtrvcJ by bote tod the lo To be wo would to lo at ho Ret of lite In if 1 oil Aboot eUt The t of North Hill tig Vuitc Aud I- intoy l0jc In own Will if Jo cc tiler Fur Joy lift Home AH A WW A Detective Story ttv I res J tfPrttttK luiwllM luiilM A Mr 1AI VflU fur courtly t J AN A fcwjooi vtntod- ACCtDENV KUblulitd Iliad Hilt AI- Aoncy for Hit loan J SOS who took charge of their one girl And to it on be of it They well a and ft A followed daring which looked into the for All in won born of who been for gcnorationt on idea of aaapcctiog any of them way too painful Taylor the 6nly ex ception and bad been with Lady Hay ward I begin lo Hut it one of our Oood Kate what an idea- Can you anything cant There in fernal deviltry at work but my brain bow I wilt 1 cant where it com from I tell you what wo do Vernon said Lady Wo matt very not frighten anyone and oar own counsel Hide to the town early tomorrow morning and to Scotland Yard for a detec tive to coma down lo ball will bo to many people wont have him Ho mnit atop on a viaitor till bo oat That will do exclaimed lord Now go Lady rinjpng bell for Taylor I ho went out bo met maid in doorway and a rooro curious look than ever The result only to up as had a very gentle came In and the door waa remained At the Lady had aoen a carious look on the one never there before immediately she was herself again and now she Lord and and detective perfectly quiet without a on face John said Mr Hawk this is really very wrong of you It Is aa trick to For two yean youve been wanted and I knew werent out of country but I had no idea yon could be doing a thing aa thin White Mr Hawk had Taylor and pot a pair on her There had beep a little byplay first Taylor had scan ned the windows and instantly they guarded Bo the games up she said only TOOK popularity of cremation la steadily increasing la Germany forest fires started by lightning are raging in Yellow- Park It is reported that the P control of Railway- Foil apples aravery generally damaged by black around Oril- lia and Bradford King Charles of is mentioned as a probable sDCceuor to Prince Alexander of Bulgaria Lady was expected every Cattle and entrance doors stood wide open There were luroe or four men servants standing in the good face her soft brown hair Yes my ladys maid to the tune count of fourteen yean answered Mr Hawk What does it mean cried Lady Hayward I cant understand Mr Hawk snatched dainty little Parisian cap and smooth brown wig Taylors bead and flung them on floor In as gentle face a maOa smooth and malleable wax It was not nice to look at just now The bead was covered with a dark very very short growth of hair lady uttered a shriek and fell back into her chair 111 take him off said Mr Hawk Its too much for ladyship Mr Hawk Mr Hawk cried poor Lady put on his wig and take away as a woman Ill give you anything anything If youll do that baa ap peared prohibiting the importation of neat into Canada from eleven A young man named Simpson twice shot and dangerously wounded during a tavern row at Alexandria The Puke of Edinburgh and Prince of Wales were enter tained by On Saturday night at a grand fete The new at Orange Wile is completed Twentyfive thou- aand dollars were spent on it by Dominion Government HAYING is prepared to attend promptly to all to care Her stock of MILLINERY iiwmotiaw V I- CmJiA ai nnvr a SPECIALTY nut AllortJcn Will receive my control New Vlolorlt I lOkirXtl JIUENBKDAUOTIOMKKK toy AH USUAL S AND ff Front in Dominion WANTED TO THE MILLINERY civil DR I jalrfoT Mmwv Ifurdwuro to opiiLl iy MONEY TO LOAN A SURGEOH K JirlVAi laWrofTrloH fit wuolof oi for for LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER I aDd of of for tauOJlfHvJibixulOiiUi i jUUof to borrow will flnU It a call for fluVcl4M Hock namely VlrlDlftp nuas Villi for f So Or JUckeH of itoruNCisn Mm PERMANENT and Savings Company or How Jltinoi of turn to ordeca if Heart fiooLKlC UUtLva tUndd La OH- HAH TO NEW HEAT ART GALLERY Door North of Royal kelpies J T j on Ill AH A IHT rati inok- CAPITAL TOTAL Toronto HANK I coittrawud if year for or uul by piny rtil Coin W Wiiitf pUdgis M at correct I ilBDlilot KFIOBi Is in of ICC not lo itiootuw i of Any and from Ibo aantaBtat lOLornOOt fork AND BEE At do VUlton AMoaCaiooorUraplVUw for at bead Woolen a Tbry all be tolcrtnlog of Jcnittl from iialtad ipirtha lOafa a itnftculw lite from keep ftr otter are all exilement Coma to Fair Writ eJy It Unit a hoi May lo a iIjuvt fnegDeally ioglolbetcolb of October tbaaelecllagof I lth of October a goal for nuke 00 At a renleoolba about oVer ooo mote An uuiuuil Ibi icopldhawbid At very local are the etc Cluka playlet aa4 hire a cat vbo Mffietbiog and iriliticln ami It to folmt to At the Prayer was atUcdtd TbnnIy tun Keek Sir Webber a loKftjUog and rtn of the The Newmarket Era at S liHON taiAH mater by BHE OK CANADA ALLOWED ON MR to iUcrlpuoM A etc WANTED IMMEDIATELY flit HEW HOME BIBLE I DRAFTS iltDIB bin reeeUa limtUto odtie d ad- I 1 to bet 1 at paper fiOCUESTitt Aid IK i iit- SHSifNotes Discounted OlOO Ki over COLE A new Italian direction of engineers and has started for Africa MP JACKSON rrj v to lb Mi let W been in frUndtblp and 4 win reorder of Oar wr- iUlo Ihp will In If of which trip It electricity likely to motor on la Ho important that atort4 avfficiaot vewl from to act coat two dollars Into iv no for for power bo ta tended Oh men are way to vith rifofogfrallf lioti foliage coil giro way to deadly a for to belle bo haint Ahutbudj will tome fatlrelfiBp will bay for palled elation faded a tray from tho am all boy before of orchard fall mother will pat op Mode aiM is eeliKd by coil the of exeunko It bo of li tittle a The la We are tbiD we were mtr who have tut alcudy of ItfVe We may to our aee of a is lie oMwiuUr J vflbprideOQ full cd toroi with cljbt of tnUQ Thepmdat with uKifutloobtr jut of lactone froUaoltrilb its Bat do we all fiod aoziicaer life When weather oar bar trail to rtowibit lEoae be follow by the hot era nay mo It It veil for to atora fth grata f pitting by mora fltctlo a old ihtr t niiDj It eoijomer like aod peanut the be that at bud The pro- foan tor MU it MJ v hall Old but ler look up Ins position on the steps Hay ward catno by him a lew sounds at a tiioe and lis tened for ho wheels then went back fidgeted hall whistling to Evidently he very uneasy about something or other Nobody supposed for a mo ment that that or other was connected with Lady never given a moments uneasiness was most Ivo perfect women always in tho right and fully of fact and who was a fellow to regard as not overburdened with brains was very anxious to talk to her about something that worried Jho party was in fact was full But everybody upstairs first dressingbell having rung If Lady was much longer 1k no to speak to her be fore dinner Why queried crossly tho down trains on that confounded line al ways la tot Lady had been to Lon don to her lawyers about some urgent business and lea ring to entertain thoguta had alone or rather with maid had stayed night In town in order to bring with her a new dress for n ball which was to bo given at the castle following evening At last the dashed up to the door driven very fast for the coachman know it was late The Erst person that emerged from it was an exceedingly quietlooking well- dressed young maid evidently disappeared and followed by Lady who seized her husbands and be gan to scold no matter about what probably the train was late She scolded in tho most way her vote was clear and slightly shrill herself was like a pretty doll just of a band- box- always dressed according to the latest Paris fashion always perfectly neat and in order and quite aware of her own good looks in manners and morals absolute perfection and aware of that too I want to speak to yon said Lord you dress j theres just time Ho followed her op to her dressing room tea was served On a by Idy Hay- wards maid bad just put an easy wrapper temptingly ready and was busy getting out a dinner dress for her mistress 11 1 will ring for you in a few min utes Taylor said lady and perfectly trained servant van ished at once Ivouder whether Its that girl after oil I exclaimed ward impossible Dont talk enigmas said Lodr imperiously Isnt time What is the matter She was pouring out tea as she spoke and now began to sip it things have disappeared said low voice it worse The old Dutchess has lost a big diamond ring and your sisters diamond gone pat down hit tea Vernon this is awful said What wo to Who can It bo Its absurd to talk about Ty- lor was with me in town Ah but wo tell what time things were taken she have got rid of them in Lon don It was when you her to town with you last that your diamond brooch went Bo it was said But that makes no difference The brooch waa taken wo were Besides things absurd Taylor is suspicion I know girt so well Why Vernon she with me all through Prince and Italy when joined you in we were and used to talk to her a great deal is a very superior girl it would bo most unjust to suspect Taylor tberes no one else dejectedly poor Rosa llUlo brushed smoothly over her cars gave it an a I meet look Lady made something of a friend of her and girl bad nnver presumed in he least upon it but had always retained her subdued sweet manner scrutinized during process of but sho shrank from tho thoughts in own mind She bad grown fond of her of a and felt ashamed of herself for her quickly retted suspicions next morning the telegram tent to Yard Lord who rode over to send it and waited for answer The reply seemed to please and ho back in good spirits to a breakfast Ho even faced with mod cheerfulness eldest sister who was in a frightful stato about her This was one or his pet aversions was not pretty or clover his wife but was irreproachable moral perfect and an old maid Probably was only person in world of whom Lady was afraid Miss was a severe censor in all things and kept her well fix ed on her younger sHtcr who had an important position to ill before world At present Miss was very angry did not know what was being done about the thefts and she held that she ought to bo one of council But Lady was bad found out be fore that the exemplary Cecilia could not hold her tongue This extreme discretion having been observed Scotland Yard arrived as a visitor and no one paid any to him Ho was very quiet find adopted character of a man who does not dance or talk or do anything and it admirably A number of other men with superb shirtfronts hung about the doorways looked bored Mr Hawk was admirably gotten up for the purpose and had to mingle with these others and look as bored as they tody Hay- ward was at this excellent of himself and kept her on with great Interest She managed to speak to Mm very late when the party was breaking op no had discovered nothing so far not oven a cluo and went to bed dissppointed Visitor break fasted of course at any time during morning bat the family and household always assembled to morn ing prayers at and breakfast formally began directly afterward Mr Hawk had learned this and was in break early the only guest present one else turned up but Lord and themselves Rose- who always appeared with tier charge at tbis time and the servants Even too tired to coma though no one was stricter theoretically on subject of family How grateful was lady lay ward that sister had beep lato that morning My Lord he said may the servants the windows of tots room outsldo for a few minutest me to explain theres no to The old butter cams in at that mo ment carrying a silver coffeepot Lord the order tell them to keep their eye open added Mr Hawk Weve got to with the lightest pair of heels kingdom listened and look ed heart in her mouth What was coming next Your ladyship said Mr Hawk may send for your maid Lord rang instantly Why should you suspect Sbeis almost superior girl has travel- Jed with me and I know her well No suspicion fall on her you have proof Mr Hawk and went to the door order bad given bat scarcely a moment bid elapsed you spec to come in less than a moment a Utile crossly Just then Taylor appeared at i waa Mr Hawk seemed suddenly to un derstand Your ladyship may depend on me he said solemnly bo put the wig and cap on again with the greatest solemnity Vernon exclaimed Lady hysterically moment the door was shut promise youll keep the secret dont tell anyone dont tell Cecilia Vernon are you a brute I believe you arc laughing Two or three with the usual handorgan attachment have broken tbestiltneas in the quaint hamlet of Rich mood Hill While oiling the gearing of a threshing machine at farm con Whitby Coffee jr caught his smock sleeve in machi nery and injured his arm so severely that amputation was necessary Donald of worked up a fight in order to bo able to bring into play two revolver of and the boys turn pale Yhe said his for the period of thirty days grace from date would lie and costs for fighting and and costs for using bis re volvers paint the boys white in all He had a splendid time Between 12 and oclock Friday morning a barn containing a large quantity of hay valued at on the road township of was burned to the ground building was owned by John Russell who bad leased it to George Manning and valued it at The building and content wore partially Insured It is opinion tint the tire was the work of an incendiary as tho building was about one quarter of a milo from the main road Bingham House chimney gave the people of Bradford another scare about eight oclock Sunday even ing No damage done Hand who on Friday in connection with the dynamite outrages in June on Saturday committed for trial on two charges bail being refused Mayor Wilson of and Dr of Odeasa are nominated by the tlves of Lennox as their for the Dominion and Ontario Legis lature respectively Wis Sept severest hailstorm ever experienced in city occurred this morning The was accompanied by heavy thunder and lightning An enor mous amount of glass was broken but no other damage was done ex cept to trees and late tobacco Lumbermen twenty cents a log at wis for raising dead or watersoaked logs from tho bottom of the Wisconsin River They have already raised about feet and log that have been dead for twenty years said to bo sound as day on which they were cut Sept elec tric and wind storm which was cen tral over Lima Ohio this rooming seems to have extended over the counties of Wyandotte and Allen A special from Urbana says wind last blew thereof convent and did considerable damage to shade trees- The railway Sta tion at and at least a dozen barns different parts of the coun ties above named were truck by lightnlog and destroyed by fire John Point Oct reached Detroit Monday night en route for Montreal and put up at Dornillarda saloon 1 Detroit On Wednesday he went to Windsor to a railroad ticket In the afternoon a young man met htm in Windsor and told him there was a telegram for at lards JSoucher went across with the young man later in evening and was on bis way to saloon when he was waylaid by on street near and robbed of 91 and bis railroad ticket Thursday afternoon Detectives Manning and McDonnell arrested who live at the saloon of East Lafayette at and Arthur of 315 avenue on suspicion of robbery police call the prisoners professional thieves the packet of West- ray in the Orkney Islands re turning yesterd ay to that place from the Kirkwall market and passing through the waters of West- ray Firth crew described a shoal of Whales disporting themselves in the eddy of the Firth The boat shortened sail and some the pas senger took tbo small boat and both tried to keep them in toward land number of came from At a the first boat came to- taken hold of despite launch ed and manned every useful weapon is Instantly secured a knives spears etc The shoal is cautiously approached and when crews by Iced drive the whales ashore A containing some English tourist who bad been out seal shooting came on scene and with their guns woo some of monster who ran straight tha whole following As point of dying a to the scene Ropes produced and monster all near ly or twenty feet were dragged above high water found to be landed ISO are to be sold at Auction today the London Green briskly rub bed on the neck sides other ex posed parts of cow or horses will keep flies from attacking them To bo effectual the rubbing should bo given twice a day but It will repay can be found on most farms and for purpose to claim the room it occupies I- United States Department continue to destroy nil and treasury that In They be redeemed only in note of larger denomination until silver certificates are ready to be used ft expected that or of silver will bo put in circulation through medium Several dogs three in number having a sort of a hankering after mutton attacked thosbeepfold of ifr Wilson on Sunday night and destroyed from eight to a dozen fine sheep besides very badly worrying a number of other Tbo of Mr Day and Mr James Lawrence were at the festival Bradford Witness A man bad a of his potatoes dug upland earned away to catch thief and laid out in field seven night oil night thief He have a night in bed More potatoes lan guage dont at such times the first haul lutecTleven days A named Win Gordon twelve years or age was ar rested five boys on a charge of hens After two days imprisonment trial came on and he was Being of a sensitive nature he felt disgrace of his arrest keenly end finding the jibes of his componions unendurable ho determined to com mit suicide He did not like to die alone and first tried to in duce a companion to take Paris with him Thecomponion de clined and he then tempted another boy with strychnine This offer also refused and the boy therefore determined to die alone accord ingly he took a portion of fifteen worth of strychnine which no had purchased and died before medical aid could be procured On Saturday afternoon annual meeting the Farmers Club took place at Mr Win Ronnie seed farm In second of the township of Mark- ham For year It has been the cus tom of this club to meet at Mr Ren- nleafarm on the last In September These pleasant reunion have to be looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure not only by a tar portion of iUrkUm some adoinkg townships but the city wbo account of their esteem for Mr or their Interest In agricultural have become accustomed to then Tno meeting of Saturday afUruoon was a successful and greatly four or fiv honored genua- man and ladiatwao ware a

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