Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1886, p. 3

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iv NEWMARKET ERA OCT 81 18861 of a jilwilin in A lw as J- s- u hat Open meeting of MapaaU ib lomcT Plow Tour flu at told Ulhrr Kir Ur or fUr u to addicts AMI A Items lot e a tad from Gilford uad a for to rDl flMl uid to ban in ocorrd on rac afar of I real oclock bat so A My IM her pane boal WJorIy it fa tod know u atlkle for Vuifa Pair en after arc crow J at abwir i ifrt bay Soii1- Stfl 14 Mi lll Wrlinltjr llumilM of Mil iliucirtrtlMt IU I Iw it rift I Ifolll- MlUHi mi it lb lw luU- IIfcO x Ml fircmWf IU ttl VtiviA rJj III nl J J limy SUrub ll of for i llr j la jii I- 4 ttD-tr- for Knit frttt ilic lb Iy during ii ihp lb Ly fiy te fur liQf oUl lodieor If- low lb 417 v it tun for ImI lif and JUtiUm full djyiuiitbr 171b Xlil web ottdUig day- o fcolictd la for kl on oliiiOil of lllcirrtixfor ll logifOofcitr- of dlrteUQD of wind on of wo tony that bu of it U1 by who Id Wosm or about bit will 4Irocll fortbaeitqauttr for ifav duritig to afufi in iiod w J rfn not ibcludlug it iv on o in lllftvit on loch or litfiutrtdjb ww u on bo of IStli ill it iliu of Total tor C inonVi and Mh- I ooi- Molrtrury ibt to toko of October of the on leiiauiloo for udoaJ jnogrAQi aro do tbonctfd TftaMKBoaM on will by Hot nod 1 ond by JUn of TuMctUoglito ovtolDfb to bti Ago Lit a to of tbU fffbtltiiita will bo to Jckitoo of to occupy and attend invito to bo look to an i IS completp and TO NEWMARKET 1 invited to visit my Extensive at the UNUSUAL WHERE THKY WILL FIND PILES OK Sale Registers MANY ESGRIPTION will of ml Jatnta will as or Karen Muck mid loth Koto at oclock KftVbObiAvKi Oct ItMr of lotolo TVrmttrlro tor al 1 Kayanaaltt Autl AH bought at such Low Figures may not touched again in many is the time to lay in your suppliers to the best odvanUge CONFINED TO WE SELL AS CHEAP I USE A DoydwJU cod or fur kwown 11 imo of at will bayon tula or will bavon tuts or 4iu flit on balfof raaroMhotih Con of LemoDVldo- JMUIvoly no at oat sbsrp- TunuAYt pet- MHiii Turnor bit oil on tbo ground an lot 2nd Suther T1 Cod potter ttfllo mi will ad THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT all lb Most Fashionable Designs in Mantle Fancy and thing to iDbte up a fiUjuk In the Woolen you will NOBBIEST GOODS IN SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS 9 In Hats Caps Fur The Latest fill new this Jn and Shoes Heady Made Clothing Indfrwer in and a grot variety Groceries New Teas New Fruits Flavoring Ktc Every Line of Goods will be found down to the Lowest Cash Cut Prices as our System is now accepted the Golden in buying and selling a J DAVISON K yy J WWPTSt NO TKOCKLR TO SHOW TIIROLOlt aUKli q lot lULiktfCanoryorlUUwIllTi n rt ton oo over over lunch M noon nock DJ Ira lal or credit wood will on olber it41 i The I lo Itift till I J tLrliWf artful i at I Vi IvHlii Mi ivktrtb 6fbi1 II ii niiiy- I kit lilkb Clitic win III i A On and ft- jolat 1Ulv TvMfavfi In lima J he VtfM iUiutibX lly4Uua lie iftJ i a In lie Kail ait iv Ifctui be fat by at al fiUvi cm iuvl THtog wit ottrtiog lh alwa fctniiJuiiM Ibc Awociitlva ipraTAi filtLtHbtUitauboiittd to AuuUliou juAunct iV I vaa IV v jiol ok in 1 ji by no feet tint from Of liie fllkbWtt f A s iil AtR M ItiftCrialc- AHl of or It to Witt Ml- iwubtif Wall a A od tyli lifuvl fljjto alula I a potter AiS b- l J dncr I- Jickos It ropm ff at oap Lava ti la y a itttfnl a fMtiLt fa oli at Jli r A A iaHAtaaJ BEAR AVmwricf Av Mount Pleasant tail Mr flnlilicd brick- Mr WoifU daughter of Holt Hundfty with Mr Jftmct with Ids Mil D- wruf by jQbuiiclormo Mm J of ftMompanled vltltluf relative wick or of School Sun with Km Mount Albertitems A vcr flccldout n tfuturtlny Mr- when clJDln luujt Ho Mr Jnalla to vUUIdk with rrRjuli In 1 with fit r iWfiinrhci Mra r com traveller for fifrn culllus hit I hi AlwMrl J tlo firm of fJniHl Toronto from her vlnltutZcpiT to commence at oclock KJ Town Council After Mayor Jttputy Utility sod After laouncH ffenllntocommltlco follow 1- St do North end on do extra waterlog on July a Wright repairs to lauiriff wood for That bills of J ftnJ llhlotbtrt referred to Water Committee and that the bill of bo to And If Mturactory to bo paid Hem referring loWotcrlog North bavo been a the pant fooU up to of by levy an of been by lovardt tod during rtvo itt mm wm grouted for ID on New Street and one ford placing tbo of and tender of at per night accept being ilivlowut Two lender wcrcrecelyedorlheconitruc- corner of And Rtrt4l but were not to Fire and Water Com- You can buy anything you want at BRUNTO SATE ON EVERY YOU SPEND SIMPSONS l- Mir h i ia ft a 1 4 GRAND mm OPENING OK FALL STOCK COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT in Ladies unci Childrens Cloaking in all Varieties of Colors and Qualities A Tremendous Line of Blankets and Comforters FLANNELS These Goods have advanced Three Cents per yard at the mill but we are still selling them at Less Than Old Prices having bought them for cash months ago Silk Handkerchiefs no two alike and a Big mid at siicli Low Prices that SHIRTS AND DRAWBRSIn Endless would raise it the average dry goods hair to A puty reel licnw whobii and lie about oil M rtjoyiim a cup of a display of which a to the Deep- rote of Circuit the jfiuv I -Miftir- iU aiUKs Hie wrtcoruo was bat topartwith Iter who with in the ciUeJailieKev and forth or and he a of Mi old bat home choir pav of their choice eta The called the Iter who giro a tldri by tailed who fce glad It waa bta lot to with of viva here ho and to riglii in be with au He wi go to to Mr who a or Iter Mr u jit a rework The Iter called to it Aid It it a tin day of Hot v an fill 3 of the Church JjrloriUd We bad a tut for t vill Jill bit for The of at Monday Alfred a for Juva it Willi wive la to tbc tbuy teal and report at next of Clerk a alate of Oil Woollen Mill not for On Mnyor Mr to roalUr of arrears of ana toko ilepi a report tUcrcoa jit Uovttl by Mr- to Juivu by of with Ura Carried Mr at Council bo would fOiWlD lrtiii under one find Uftl and Council till 104 Daring Dash for Freedom Sept Two convicts thriipoiiittnttarynauicdFraik and Charles Havens from for ye- for street car made third attempt to escape today They shoo shop on tho third floor of the building both of carried ball and chain but they managed to tile these and at morning a switch engine which had been at work Inside the vails started to full North gate wo men suddenly broke from their work benches knives and faamaers in Hind and ran down stairs reach ing ho yard just as engine fireman was In the cab Whiting jumped TUB V fill TDB04T threw to one side while he pull ed the throttle open crowded into the cab In the mean- and the fireman jumped off When engine was within ten feet of and running at a rapid rato of speed guard stationed on wall shot Whiting through the heart killing him instantly Havens clung to engine until well outside when and started for a cornGeld with a guard Havens ankle had been sprained In jumping and finding himself unable to get away be turned fiercly on the and was In the head the bullet glapcing his skull and only slightly stunning him was lock ed up engine was caught by a yardman and stopped Whitney and Havens although both under years of age were the most deeper characters In COME AND BE CONVINCED FALLGOO J soaps AM GOODS I laiioaonrotiit in PLUSH STIIKU vim CASKS HAH and eitablc tit US 5l5IPaON That what we say is fcrue BRUNTON BROS I- Formerly of Old Stand We arc an VtMety el r u ah Cashmeres New Dress Goods St tied Velvets New Prints Table Linens Table Napkins Sheetings Pillow Cottons Cottons Lace We are Vtriety efXEW COODS io all New Buttons ings Pillow Cottons Cottons Curtains Hosiery Gloves Corsets and we would call SPECIAL ATTEN TION to our Stock of New Teas and Fresh Groceries NO TROUBLE TO SHOW OUB GOODS Cared An retire from a elite to nu or u vsU- for the and euro of radical for baa felt I North End Bakery knotrotobtaauirtilnfdlowi by to buinarnufTrlnjf of to In FrtDnlior foil illrictlnfs Cur laail by vltb atatop A Rich tier A to North York Industrial Exhibition requiring for Medicinal or any firstclais There another outbreak of noting in Belfast Saturday and three injured and thirteen others who took part in recent rising Madrid have been sentenc ed to death The has present- chief with sixty sheep as a reward for his traJtty during NorthWest rising BflQHDlEt PORTERS In Wood or make it a point of their visit to call OLD PORT WINE FOR INVALID Stands the Test- Sales Increasing Daily STORE IN CONNECTION Fro Firmly Received Weekly all bought for spot which TO SUIT THE MOST AND LEADING HOUSE TJUCTV vitis a Host Slock a In Of VERY LOW i j I till rim GOODS AT COST lrtrcrtltv DAYS Hera W TlfC Leading Furniture housed ray P J Main St North railway Private on FAMILY A FULL LIKE JUST OPEKKU Cigars in Town ALEX MORTON CO in Connection Our Toronto Markets Oct done great a a lbta4prt map Will lttofrkw YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY RAILWAY and wall 1 or lord sV iiruaau i United States Manitoba mi t firsts a lUU do ton if lob do pel a I Ticket Agent feefpef cat a i a 0 a a a a a IS a a A a a j a a J IS W an IT CAUTION Jaclalaajv M rf ARMAGH LI0KN8R8- so Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED Wk OR notice I fiErSoU Kit a n I

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