Newmarket Era, 15 Oct 1886, p. 1

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Friday Morning Jit JACKSON I5 above SUBSCRIBERS plKM in NORTH YOKE INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol 38 Single Copies Each Newmarket Friday Oct IB 188 Terms Cash in Advance within 6 or at end of year Newmarket Branch A Internet Allowed on if U DRAFTS ISSUED AT ILL ApairlcanDimfit lloajprompiij to INSURANCE AGENCY a ROE Successor to P T First Class Companies only ONE DOOR SO O TIN HQP CAM TO TUE ravliavlnf Mr A Wo NEWMARKET mm km p jli rtX iairou in ild btlJWM wt ftttiittttiitittiittttiittniittttiitttiiirtttii til A I- I iiamitTNov v uii UN JSJOTAKV lor of OP- ffB J liKfirilii IN ItKAl 10 fflUrU ill- I J A- 1 1 J Aniiff in AT flnLcltiFcutlty w wild A J UK KTO MitllifAcllun My book WALT til M0OOU HUllOffi In Largo uid Varied will Deal Very Liberal With Tniatos and Dont forgot VVIfla STARR- HAVING to attend promptly all stock MILL Id Lint nib by ma u CbrUtlatt j Me- Hill a AC JUUV A Mriltrr4 if loiiuM of Tenon fcicyin Tffcnfof All STYLISH AND WE from APPttENTWE WANTED l Out MM mi IJailJ IWIUbQlderiffliaA I Atcul few wanteds vrlf TIIEAitinrfT J lead Office MoolruK Hilt ARocy for Aurora n cite Iniuranco J K to Influeall A brother f4f wick by If- Moor of At ibo of bis ihb Icoao i ADd old I Ibe lotf J jcotbr la sod chit No thought of Ittt bli Joor oeo Oh I b at 10 rile lib ftocy Utd will hum but ho liftnletax of will powerful Ho now too tod ihto tji1 f J in liff fpnjiY filcad kill you lk if rido u the can ma THE NORTH END 19 UP WITH- IJUUHB AUd A a ho and fill receive jtfompt ntlrnlldo be At my corner of VicloilA SUITABLE FOR THE TRADE OF 1880 Dress Goods Shirting Cottons Tweeds Wool Shawls Hats and Caps Boots and Shoes Glassware Earthenware and faiu till be out of ihi Bo and cow ht fright f flying Air cluck Willi fiba quickly iuk lib J pruod A All A I ill Aid No fftOK A It quickly tod W tell A a rkn At Ml It my toot Ago lift brie flL Ti tiu aIaa to I lt be a by dnvtrg Ob etib J j3rfnDt grid I the Her to jio fir near To jay tribute of drop her All through bit bile J log Icaia word of comfort to from Word tbU4uton How Inn I jet to A liUAbft4 iKw A a J A brother from tho With now May and And All cur AMti4 To fit for tod mho read think of life we death A Medical Students Ghost Vflifci Cotri llouiToroSO of li Chan a oil For County of York jr for bo kepi on uttoajerccaU0uppHci Unto lAtlyrcmoveJfrom to MONEY LOAN J l ITAlflfl -AND- THOUSANDS OF OTHER NOTIONS NO TROUBLE SHOW GOODS J A SALES A tflAblnif to borrow money will ft a call Wrowinx JohtlfocA of Atomic IOjaI of virmuia FARMERS TAKE NOTICE B NEWMARKET LEADING O Y PHOTOGRAPHER WE ARK TO t a 1rJiciMiMontu order lo tiidi blot T77 WhCBtfw at J FRESH GROCERIES SPICES CONFECTIONERY At the Lowest Cash Prices V J I Alt Hi Ail l of wanted immediately bit County HOME BIBLE tiibtr fer tw or Pe HEAD Fresh Bread OS A SPECIALTY AH Kinds of Fruit BAILEY INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS DRA1TS ON BRITAIN UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IN CANADA The Newmarket Era TO NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY First Door North of Royal Hotel mo orient from the i wo now to turn out ibbfi work ftod CALL AND SEE At otrf ttiro pi Vliltors to Town Welcome rX of AT y Notes Discounted W a cow COLKi Northern EVANS FUNERAL DIRECTOR OppoUtbftKolliGtTNittiki MifbtCttii MISS HE on ffi MR etc will reoiT Tititi W t cotQpiv cool evening In October ing of to my pipe end seek a low quiet reflection within my room the door opened and Ralph a fellow modi student came rushing in without ceremony Ah hero you aro Walter I thought Id catch you before you started out for a stroll you doner Dont you am I replied good I cacao to ascertain If you In a little scheme of mine which I am going to put Into execution tonight Tonight this very night IT Well you thing for But will you assist me Welt he persisted Depends on return lighting and puffing away at my pipe Well this know Mr very sud denly last Sunday and was to day Yes what of it What of deal should think you not aware that his is regarded with majority of the people No why bo Well he was apparently in good health at coon on Sunday and at oclock that night ho died suddenly I hadnt heard particulars dont as they arc such as to occasion alarm his death was from natural cause least wis so it appears if ho result of autopsy is to bo believed Ah but theres the pinch is it to be believed Why not I am sure I had no suspicion that there was anything ir regular practiced in connection with it Item all right we shall studied enough medical to that Mr Simpson did riot come lo his death by natural causes- on the contrary I am inclined to bo tic that there has been some under hand work going on and that ho has met with foul play how you startle me explain yourself I I rising from my seat and regarding him with surprise Do you know who conducted the autopsy Well It was and if I mistake not that shrewd old duffer has been a part Wha what do you I Just this Silas Simpson has young she pretty and frive loosfood of admiration and did young woman of say fireandtwenty marry him a man of for lore I Well hardly he added she thought ho wealthier than he lwppointixl and despondent when found ho was not nearly rich alto hud Id order to pacify ho injured life of of premium on at ftdvadcd in two lending and her six after wore to No aooncr did got of papers than grew with her lot for her to quit tboatagc of life and free her from an which had como How do you know I Ralph harder than over I dont know it but it I am weighing feat- id cue careful my mind and my Ob- thats it go on Dr it aecipav ho was an of hut through some trivial put- thuy had ailing out and bo- and saw Mm until had married and came to I know to be a One night she was taken ill and a servant for a was the on one who happened to bo in at and ho to go As you way surmise thesurpriae of both mutually when they day forwurd I am con- to believe that the two their i Iter as a Crowley to visit her frequently end mo if venture to my belief between two- they in way to death of old Stmpsoii- Crawley presided at au topsy- end Warner to fnvrttigato cautc of death thoroughly but would not hear to it Im the verdict that deceased to death by natural What of that 1 whole thing was ar ranged by who in my opin ion is capable of almost any deed What in world you driv ing atf my now to highest pitch Wait and I will sum up ftffhlf in a nutshell Mrs- young and beauti ful was to from ditrcuful union wftli a man old enough to bo her father assisting his removal not only disposed of an odious fitructtoo but furthered his own interest ho having an un derstanding with him to effect that in tho event of success of their plot she would him after a reasonable period had Then ho would not only get her but alto her snug little fortune I begin to see through thing now but do you really believe Why certainly I do or I would not have taken the trouble to explain the details to you What Jo you propose to dot Just provided you agree to assist Very good I agree with me to the Tillage cemetery It Is already dark enough to start Wo the and reached the deal cue that cover ed the casket Ralph then removed lid with a stone and after which ho fastened a the body wo drew it forth from its narrow resting place wo refilled the carefully replacing every spec of and it now J saw wis dom of in placing the rubber blanket upon grass for it was removed there was not the alight est of our work which would otherwise have been made apparent by the atouu of earth adhering to the groen sods determined to make known at once and accordingly at my suggestion went to Havens President of allege to whom be confessed whole adventure Dr Harem from rebuking him he bestowed great praise Affirmations but coLLrcT- people attended flarr is for bis sagicity on of made mould took nine fonnd in Simpsons stomach lo same before it bad been kill three men we sarreyed our work with j It transpired that Ralph had after which we wrapped the rub Playing the part of detective blanket around the rigid body lor some time and through an J scheme out successfully lie had the remains privately con veyed to the dissecting room of college them to a deliberate personal investigation he folly concurred in be lief man had met with foul for there was enough The was burnt to the ground early Sunday morning The drunks at Tottenham last week contributed to the village treasury fifty horses for the Imperial Government were at Co- body and it to a careful exam ination tf But that would bo serious of fence I hastened to object Not in this case forces you will readily admit tho end justifies the mesas f I could rjot help the force of his end thereupon yielded my we bad secured a bone and box buggy only ve hicle available under tho teat of which wo placed digging etc and by the time twilight had deepened and the shades of night be gan to descend the autumnal landscape wo way to the cemetery which was at foot of a mountain and distant about four miles from centre of tho village of A ride of an hour at n brought us to the gate of Bl ent city of the dead The of night now enfolded be sleeping hills and night dark enough it appeared to me further an schcioe of Not a sound assailed our ears save tho lonesome chirp of the cricket tied our horse to tree in a con venient grove and shovel in hand bent our steps toward burial ground Passing the we enter ed the domain the dead and our way up a hoi wood horde red path toward the spot wbereold Simp son had buried with which place Ralph was perfectly familiar Hero and there a lonely pine moan ed sighing mournfully as it swayed On on through the gloom and amidst the ghostly marble headstones and monuments we pushed until fi nally Ralph paused a new- made grave Hero ir6areie ping his and proceeding to spread a gumblanket over toe grass with a careful forethought that be tokened a familiarity the details of in band there was or noth ing to fear to being detect ed in oar work but still felt ft to be cautious for Peter Hay old soston who had charge of place bad been known to some of students before and had made it hot for them bat Ralph had ascertained on this occasion that Hays was not well be had no feet that he be interrupted At the end of an hour wo bad all fro A vVl a r i which we thrust into a burlap- bag at the success of our questionable enterprise as we re moved tho corpse to our carriage which we rewhed without adventore As there no room in tbe bot tom of the buggy we were obliged lo place the leaning against seat between us after which wo whipped up the and drove rap idly away On our way back toward col- lege however suddenly de clared that he was very thirsty so we drew up before an looking tavern at tho junction of the two roads and went in to toko something for although to tell truth I sel dom felt that some stimulant to brace me up experience of the evening was so elated with tho suc- of his enterprise that bo drank rather than was good for him it was with difficulty that I final persuaded him to leave the place We length however returned to our carrinxe and started the horse with a cut of bis whip As raced over road li quor ho had imbibed began to have an exhilarating effect upon him He shouted and sang boisterously by turns I endeavored to restrain but without avail Suddenly I heard sound caused a cold chill to creep up my back Thunderation What was that gasped turning ghastly pale while his eyes with affright A deep groan apparently proceed ing from the corpse what had us My blood seemed to stand still an chill vibrated through my framo and a deadly paralyzing feelinga over mo Great Heaven I cried Ralph his teeth chattering with terror Oh horror J sound repeat ed with startling intensity and we distinctly felt bag move Then suddenly it was torn open and a ghostly appeared white as marble That was Ralph gave wild shriek and faint ed away My stood on end and great cold perspiration started from toy forehead scream frightened tho horse and before could clutch tho reins from tho hand of my comrade the- animal with a wild snort of terror and dashing down he road was soon beyond control I desperately to the Seat as the vehicle bounded from side to side in mad plunges of terrified brute the carriage in con tact with obstruction by the roadside and instantly overturn ed My head struck a stone A my riad of bright slurs danced before my eyes and I sank into a state of in sensibility When- 1 recovered I found myself lying irt bed In toy room at the Col lege Mock where wo lodged was the Where mil If I asked of Ralph who was seated near me hit arm in a sling and a rueful look depleted on his saturine countenance Back at he J10 grunt- Ah tell mo what his happened arni how about ghost I asked with a sickly sutile Ghost oe hanged exclaimed Ralph impatiently it was only a an infernal hostler at the tavern Whati I ejaculated opening wide my eyes in astonishment Well Waiter you see It was just way While we were inside young- he would play a joke on He knew we were medical students and once suspected the contents of our bag After awhile ho bold enough to assure himself of the truth convictions when suddenly occurred to a flne to perpetrate a practical at our He accordingly removed the body from the bag dragged it to the stable where ho concealed it among the hay after which he rubbed flour on his face got into bag himself and took the place of corpse in the carriage Ho only Intended give us a good scare but when we were all brown out and you were halfkilled he came forth from the bag and ac knowledged nil so I think he was as much frightened as we were How have I been beret I asked- after Ralph had explained matters About two hours or so comr try and brace up well have to go end get that body before day light Dot Ralph was obliged to go with out ma Ho took a named Meeker Into his confidence after which they got another and returned to the tavern where the Joc ular Irishman helped theto toarTange matters for a ovtful autopsy in bam was clever eoough to In vestigate the and found evidence of poison In the of with a young man Simpsons house had gotten the points which aroused his suspicion- He went and saw George the Sheriff to whom ho stated his discovery and after a conference with Havens OiGeld decided that he would be justified in arresting both Mrs Simpson and Dr Crawley on suspicion The utraostconstcmation prevailed when it became known to the villag ers that the arrest had been made The insurance companies had been notified of the affair and sent men to represent at the preliminary examination of the suspected murder er it to say that after a care ful investigation they found probably and remanded to jail for a further trial In the meantime over evidence against them was rapidly ac cumulating vial that had con tained the poison was identified by a druggist of a neighboring town who subsequently recognized the who had purchased the compound from him At this Mrs down and confessed whole affair The guilty couple were sentenced to the penitentiary for barely es caping the hangmans noose Ralph is to day a prom inent physician in a leading Westers city Excessively warm weather prevails in and all the continent of Europe Victoria and raifaay was formally opened to public on the Luke was sentenced to live penitentiary at recent tt All the Madrid who were sentenced to have had their seiiteaces commoted The says that six deaths from diphtheria have occurred in that city since Friday A fatal cue of stabbing tlur- a tavern row is rcjorted from Notre Dame Laos Ottawa Coun ty is considerable desti tution the shores est thn Culf of St Lawrence to the failure of the fisheries The Fall of the Year Sweet peruser dont from tbo above caption that old has tripped over a broken plank in sidewalk or been guilty of pro fanity consequent upon stepping on a bar of soap at tho head of the stairs this thrilling article refers to the sea son of the annual cycle sweet summer having sung her song bows to and is gone positively refuting to answer of crowd These are tho days when a roan dons his thick underclothing in morning at noon he is sweltered by tho heat and uncomfortable sinks glorious west he feels as though lie did right after all to wear them small hoy now hunts up the he laid nway about May only to find thero a sire too small The family wan who has been sav ing all summer for a pair woolen mitts for winter now ha to to dis gorge piln for food for anti- clinker baseburner at which his daughters beau will bis shins each winter eve The sap headed youth who spent his colossal income of a week on icecream and liveries for bis gar- re now wishes ho had for an overcoat j white headed oldest inhabitant begins to prophecy an early and a hard winter and the dry goods roan marks an overcoat that would last April The farmer fays his monstrous apples and mammoth vegetables on editors table and the man who sold the seeds expects a puff free gratis and for nothing Raisers of garden truck now pais sleepless nights and tie dorf in the melon patch or orchard only to find next that dog Is tied ii another place and the fruit cone The fall fair brings out the hired matin bis new red too boots the leg cabin quilts and the frisky colt whilst holders of rod tickets look happy con tented and willing to die Is the season whenthe mancleani bis gun invests half a dollar in powder and shot and goes to the wild woods all day whilst his wife croons the baby to sleep by singing bunting Daddys gone a hunting Hell shoot At And never kill a single thing summer ended the har vest is past and this Is employees In the Chicago porkpacking have struck against a return to the tenhoar system was on Saturday sentenced to in for Al bert Sloan of West An important seizure cry undervaluation has at Victoria IS and has referred to Ottawa for a house the largest hotel in Jtelttvillc was destroyed by lire early Monday morning together with nearly nil the entail ing a total loss of about entered the store off Why t at limy ton en Saturday night or Sunday morn ing broke open the safe and tarried off about in cash No clue Judgement has given at refusing a new trial and confirming the the jury of them will therefore be hanged and the eighth imprisoned for fifteen years The Orillia Packet publishes of a gentleman who lias travelled extensively in counties under the Scott Act to the effect that lias lie seen with such unblushing disregard to law as in A terrible explosion occurred on Saturday at colliery near Wakefield Yorkshire Seven men have been found dead tight rescued find miss- lag In all probability ho seventeen hive their lives netterly of Can- train that was Portage Sun day in the Winnipeg hospital If lie other injured person are doing welt Nearly oil the mail matter illfated train was burn ed potato rot so serious in vicinity of East Que that many fields will be left sf An destroy Vienna and assassinate is said to have been A nurse girl living near France in re venge for a punishment indicted upon her her mistress hanged the three children commuted to her charge A wealthy bachelor has just died in St Petersburg bequeathing his property in Petersburg and as as bis stock and in vestments to his nephew though with curious provisos he inherits any of tfa property he must give bis word of honor that he will not smoke any longer either cigar or pipe that never pla cards and within sis months- the the will he will not die an old bachelor like the Three have been appointed and in csse the refuses 10 comply with the they have right to the pro and It among tbeir have been into by with but the third to fc The members of Presby terian Church Aurora pi Mr P with dock set in Mrs with a Silver Water Pitcher as alight tokens of esteem on the their departure to reside in Toronto fcS Hero is an of interest o the ladies If white clothing say a dress put away in a dark closet or drawer it will in timebecomoyellow Rut if it be placed inn box lined with blue jsspcr or even wrajiped in dark cloth will come out as white as it ever was no matter bow long It lies week a large quan tity of were stolen from the graves in the cemetery at east end of StouffriHe time cob caught in the wry They arc two married end welltodo ffonicJi not children many suppos ed who live at west end and are well Two boys named respective ly George Green and McDonald amusing on Saturday afternoon on Shunting cars at the It station at when two cars together immediately killing Green who was aged and seriously injuring This be a warning to hoys who frequent cars at Newmarket station The St Marys sings he following solemn refrain Oh the cow beautiful cow raising tail as she watches the defy ing the law for her bread and meat roaming at large through every street bunting bawling til the open gate is sure to be found with the hinges ruined and broken quite by the lovers who there Sunday night it wont stay shut It wont hang level In and the very with the garden floers and other la a recent Issue the A warning it contained in recent judgemtnt of court of Quelle A was On claim for the insurance money was put in Tie company bow r de clined to pay on the that tie terms his policy become a drunkard Bring thereby shortening We- Supreme Court decided in fsvoj of the and now tha of Appeal has sustained of -v- St I it

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