ipjtwr WMARKET ERA OCT Qaesllorut Lend mo all 1 JlUl market Post Office to ill flu question Xbc- you The dollar Th6UborqBMtIon politic J got Ho Who a your tali liner fidiory in that jug Think itllnjiir Bam Jones Aphorisms- timet in wo get la credit for being A iail do then- They will put you in for mo107 J member and church a man not God by ft good half ounce in VAIM too 44 Knt or Ml Ml holt in lm1 laid up a bono to of ftod lilt into tnr hi lie Nebraska ftgaiiul ftllorney of tad playing of right in the of On- found gold- Wry rich in the and now the of the In- if Lity Ho the Jlnitmi ox hi bit ion that the to bo thinking of park building and off all only on of the aprdving for lunch ticket on the day of the fair f hit kit far tl Itttt Mr J J rock of North a valuablo of a few Dgo under the following liUtoo who n- gRgitd in a lumber camp had left and bringing hie atone near Parry Sound a raft when up they got across and the collapsed precipitating into the but borate were drowned- A gentleman living within of lost a largo quantity of wood from a pile at the back of hie house- and although he one of hit neighbors he could not anything to justify auspicious wood continued to go in a mysterious fashion and at bo took of pieces from the top of the pile bored number of holes in holes filled with gunpowder The following night while in bed heard a terrific ex plosion which shook the whole house and brought all neighbors to their doors evidently under the that the of Charleston was being on a smell scale in Ihtir neighborhood An investigation revealed- the fact that the person originally suspected tbief had taken some of wood which had been loaded When bo placed it on the fire of con tint powder made its presence felt to the of blowing stove to pieces and playing general ly Notes From fat 200 Wont count a cafes pity wife that got an aid bear of a to live with What a bleated family that is where each member is and kind to the other fa the woman lhatcan stand up and lay never said an un kind word to my sister hers tonight but the has no sister fool over looked upon woman that Mir toddy for her husband and helps to man At a world mans in the Our children cry for bread and on the grounds kegs beer were drunk if theres but ono way to meet a debt and thats by paying Cents on the dollar or die trying to do it wouldnt like to he in heaven with a lot of fellows who swindled me here Business Notices pit tmet roar Cardinal ate iti ItffftaTtttl J DOnmnotLWetjuni istit ibtlr JJHUr to if ate yItoir curu tumftia Mro ibKwt ail It l fgrMidyui It- of bo bo hat Ld whena blm irld Mi of A lbs lOrlurlf bunl but IliiryirOi wrt Jojfully It Mr- lba Jli rirtlV In Iorhenvj oia iu rflal tier TWa1twbttfcODij a a wall docionobiodootJbopa forue to bare I y lbtfortboUiUolalUijiTiIOat Afllcrtd lba Sad of for ba of aceb dor- ftflffHoriltlibijtfoiwaapatiol cnHrtly arc frbobavcbKD ad to ki cored A young man Henry MeAvoy kicked by a oolt In jaw on Die forcltad near vil probacy tight ilm around ibe now It is go ing to be a lino job and i a admired by all Mr McCarthy to llic febUkt in front of block and alwMveralotber prom fall Chancery ard on now Justice Boyd prldea will a Utter day iSsilvatiou Army will bo and a i reception will be tendered Mm far can be had at all tho and All officer tho Sun to remark boll bad it aud little riiijj cauonty in the rural where it yet a novelty the cheat nut bell Into oblivion something had it and bad aome card with lions am they to upon the apot to recently va by chestnut bell and when a friend started to ell a story they would throw back their and their Ob how they did enjoy their It a joke and the expia tion upon the face of enough to a Well St happened that the Gut upon whom they their for the bell was convinced of a truth so he went and had a card which read I have alwy mi The next time that be mot friends he made it a point to tell the that ha think of and Immediately they their Ha to ton Ma hand and read the etwtHng Ms card but a impervious to all life germs and if drawn tightly jar of fruit will prevent mould and fermentation perfectly if the jar d The use of batting being adopted in California Union When a man has drunk his and furniture when he ruined wife beggared child and lost when he too ditiipatad to Cud employ men to ft situation when no can trust him when credit ia gone end cent spent when no man a wilting to treat him or give him penny on which to obtain a drink he begins to that ho had enough but that not often produce re form If you are in the habit Of drinking liquor atop now or theo realities may be your experiences tit Hub WHAT Items ptiUfe by af Wit In the vicinity a to lbs on Oct 6tb the weather was a crowd all went awa thai they for col such a scccuot of the which pitieoted from com who to he will girca News A in of a well known ibis eixbborhooJ of Scotch sod as sod old as ever took ill sod llcr followfog day w cold He yetrs of of a acid and his lifetime father tit The of hit week rets off fob lowfog city lut Woodsy at the court home at the hour of JO oclock a in Tbir J Stokes occupied testa on lbs After due form of the first by cltt crier The Shsw lie that ho did of October John of Kiog by Hug the said Harrows aad the end of bis ftiasl to hurt sod thsasid who appeared thin a yard of courtplatter fact There were tit wltoews to prove or charge They all It but it rolgbt like tbo boys slid frogs funfortbeui but moth for him- The wis far four hours him guilty sod eu follow That you James be No Use for Bustles To know how a is rig out atylo of Wo look with acorn no breath of worn twenty yearn Hut pity will to scorn a few yr from now when finds in the garret How elite- the woman will if didnt know a perfect form ought to bo without Sticking at tho end of tho spine and us she will be in all of hygiene die will have profound pity for the ijrnorarico that would submit to wear anything so the of rags wire and wads of paper now to goodsixcd bustle All the dry good stores display them to unblushing of that enter store And a young girl will buy one from gentlemanly clerk as calmly if it wan a pocket hand And now bustles adver tised with travelling bag attachment A woman can pack away her night dress brush comb powder box and switch also a and a book or two A woman was arrested for smuggling not long ago and her heavy was taken tightly fitting cork pulled out and nearly a gallon of best brandy poured out much to her chagrin and mortification tost well for salt in Mid now down about ft Kw Machinery is not labor sav ing man- who works with a threshing machine works hard as his grandfather did with a flail but he produces greater results To those who think only of of wages machinery is a fraud but to con sumer of manufactured articles it is a boom Our mothers used to card their wool spin and weave it and wear it end it Is disparagement to our wives and sweethearts that they do not- They cant afford to Machinery has not obviated necessity of work it has only given ita now direction Good machinery is ft good thing but the man who ex pects it to do his work will bo fooled it only helps him to do work There women who ft fiwl dolight in spreading tba to be forthwith or io default that you be to the MGimep gaol of the for ten After was over lodged Infer mat tea Burrows for using aad while chew upon it u lovingly as a ruminating animal chowa Us cud and to obtain an enormous of from ft If a kindly thing is said they are listless and t interested but the moment a piece bare a with village of io I Joy While you tonn Qui -w- allowed a in or fi v Standards print grain stand ards adopted by Ontario markets arc as last standards No barley shall lw plump bright sound grain No clean and but not bright and enough to be graded and reasonably from other weighing not less than lbs to bushel- No x in all same when your is turned they sud denly remember very thing which told them on tho authority of ono A short memory lot good things and a long memory for things is their peculiarity Such people have large appetites there is a Rood deal food for them in this world If as Smith they bail no teeth do roof to their mouths no no larynx no no epiglottis no anything they would nevertheless gurgle scan dal and make society miserable- Un fortunately we have of this breed of cur in Wilson some whom like to bo considered We measure lifa much by length by breadth A man who born at the of present century and kept Ms eyes open has realty lived as long as Me- Such a man has seen nearly all of worlds in ventions corns into use Ho would have been old enough to when trial trip of steam boat was made He would have been a young man when the first iron plow was made would have been a man of thirty when the first steam car started and during life tituo enough iron rails have been down to form a belt nearly twenty times the globe lie would have seen the invention of tho tele graph and of line laid The government issued more patents during the twenty pro ceeding than during the two and years previous Such a man wo mentioned would not only have seen these ma improvements but he would have teen the introduction of new idea of liberty the abolition of slavery the elevation of woman the enhanced of human wonderful ration given lo and the consideration now paid to labor Any man who the world Isgetunir worse had better read history will open eves and find out what is actually taking plsoe as No excepting in cofor weigh- respectable but are tolerated because not less than ttistothebushelltheir acquaintances as afraid of well not less than flO the bushel sound and rson- W ably clean weighing not less than lbs to the No comprises wheat for not good enouiih for No weight not less than measured bushel spring wheat wheat not for warehousing too low unfit to be graded as No Extra white winter to be pure white winter wheat choice in color sound plump and welt cleaned weighing not teas than lbs to the No I white winter pure white winter wheat plump and well cleaned weigh ing not leas No white winter wheat pure white winter wheat sound and reasonably well cleaned weighing not than Us No shall be pure red winter wheat sound THE Ob LEADING HOUSE FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS StSVriSrgcst Best red winter wheat sound and Yorxwblcblwulla weighing not less than lbs 3 winter wheat shall delude winter wheat not clean enough to be graded as No weighing not leas than lbs Re jected winter wheat include winter that is damp musty or from any cause so badly damaged as to render it unfit to bo graded as No No sound dean and free from other grain No sound reasonably clean and from Rejected such as are dirt or from any as g Ins British gunboat fctf U LOW w a tall Wood or Stave Bolta WANTED WE H par for fioiu7trrom sltKr a wjupar loaaooat for As Hardware Store MACHINE OILS ALL COLORS jr ROBE NOETH YORK STORE AND 1 TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND OP Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever JAMES K CHEMICALS SPICES DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES ARTICLES TOILET REQUISITES PATENT MEDICINES COMBS BRUSHES AND nun ma mm IMPORTED PERFUMES BULK BOTTLED A Separate Dpartincnt with purest articles and all the litest appliances for of Physicians Prescriptions and Family to which we give careful attention yiAlK7f AT HAVING lo of lie husincs whole of wollasaorted oilc AT COST for the next its TO REST- I I -I- I v Si till tic j mm jjESsRAbU j Apyijic- No be time to in New PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF in of country A A a I BE Farm For Sale ajf Lot tf L I l flit v 4- Dry Goods Groceries- Boots Shoes Millinery Wall Paper Blinds c ALBERT lot i I tU i Mi I i y i I Imkj allkl I GOO P I s a of Every Kind of a- rti I i Tot u All Stock and lTcft Our Motto to Visitors to North York Industrial Exhibition any firftWs CARRY NO STOCK OVER FROM QBE SEASON fiRP for or Other Purposes in we offer audi Bargains no POSTERS In Wood or Bottle should make it point of their visit to call take advantage of without rtlNE AN tOJ TUB LEADER LOW PRICES AT I HITCH Elf FINE OLD PORT WINE FOR INVALIDS STORE IN Family Weekly flnd oil for spot P J Main St North i IF I UN a J SIMPSONS WRIGHTS IB SIP WE SHOW YOU cor tA JlJL JtiUAAAAX DRUGS I vnrtviimvrnvramvvvif cookies Wove Cor coil PATENT MEDICINES For and Ho ft ting Id Dominion FINE SOAPS SPONGES AN a we a cool GOODS hrafe a cJ aSATCHEU CASKS SHAVING CASES JKFAVTSTOILElCAS HAIR BRUSH FA CASES VELVKT WIRE TOILET SETS ETC- DOLLS ALBUMS LOR lbrr ftr MRS OF IMITATIONS wFlcfjor whit ao4 4Ur 11il4KUJsV ax to lb OH CORSET A WKCwt Box Stoves AU Sizes- AM STOVE FURNITURE lb New Enamel Pols I Oil of J in of C3I ijf LUMB LATH SHINGLES I ii Oticrvotl i w 1 1 tti lp rials J lniV dic AH it lyJt i WE NOW TO WITH DUNNS THE COOKS BEST FRIEND FLOORING SIDSXG MOULDING sash and mMMmffl av PRANK LAZARUS arm or ijumi a Spectacles and of nigglat HOXTWr i ri FOR TOK IIBEHAL OK I UK PAST SOLICIT A OF SAME AIM TO OUT AT LOWEST THE WM CANE SONS MFC CO NEWMARKET OS WORK ftHalslsjJJJ Ii am tfraWTrvsfswst J- AKXKT I IN Materials Wj ft On the Shortest PACING WAY us 1 a rfJSS waooflEonHEuevj DIZZINESS DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE Of THE HEART THESTCHACH v fo iv aycf liiU CO a a ii rj btuai rlotaniaiiiaiArAlU taWfllPf pt3 vjV-