NEWMARKET Wow J a Mr- I R Bond flalJoa Land for Sale Jackson Rgtii M ay wry nr IMC WIlMDgiff If Vffraocf let hid to poet tTfild the Ju ifcu Old by WOO to nay menu from well known worth were or it to a chaff of o character Tbe Ontario Elections announcement in of Tiiudj of a of took people of Ontario by For put bat boon bio date when would off Chat ICbl wojM lu before of llt The Premier kept well to and while public attention being di verted Ottawa ho arranged to a of hit own Nomination day hat been fixed for of December and polling on thy following For the next or wo shall have bout as much politics to quart Hi yolk for If itis J to report it ibt All ihe of Truck liturl Hick tut I secret MCiioo lb It ad with t J iinjciljD A mile loibcct tin of it will ioturvtf III Aitdsy of fiftlfftti Aniijr in lb IJuniij Weil ari ftudito a jaiJi td tfLhiJtjrt bill fcriUd liukt- Ml totter of A0UMe irtoroli fcrO of lU ldluri uicd vf f0lllicl CiMijnJ lojic Until j ibt flira t1 rip 4 Ayloi He tfl wo lift the far of he Vitblm lbfitbf Uymor of fllouff- 3rd of Itiviag ffutiil ffltnir of ibe pom well attend to as for to Die country lit a of the or cimI auh agitata over muni cipal election doubt the recent give rite to open tatter of to Mr Milligan baa had effect in iDBuiDcEDfrthfltiovenicDeof in this Litter under the rcumatancce Mr acted with a discre tion which clearly indicates he fully estimated the gravity of the To have delayed till after another would an opportunity to the turn to a large amount of po litical out of the Central trouble end the but action complete ly and to a who would have given rjioit troublo forcing them unexpectedly to face elector ale It in now for people to act and wo hope and they will act who During the next ftfx week a extravagant things wilt be laid on both bo not deceived Act caution and cast your according to the once for beat of tho Pro generally that Mayor will nominee for In to datura both the liberal and parties proper will nominate all probability two party men each elector privilege of Toting for than one candidate for the Local Home h difficult foretell who will come oat ahead la thh flght And now ques tion York County bat Toronto vhy given county well ax Why hay thn introduced allowed aoctioual exceptional giving to not accorded to rural pure and legitimate In the of grace if it from the genuine by Baldwin and other liberals who in giving to country boon of and politic equality gcrry- againnt the will of and gerrymander In way into Toronto by Kadi- and a minority voting machinery created to enable a party and called legislation by both while in the Globe and in will the who by their gave effect to kind of for nd at the expect the to to be both atocere and in bargain- Scott what a atroteh of credulity I of Wot 0x A- fjex tbafr for Mr J tw Ink Drops your lota brlftoiaa b tomorrow Wet of la thi bit Eaglt Clark op Ho did l or En It if hi tiat her troopa The ached aohooner Flying hoi been relcawd with a warn- ln The of Ecu- melia id to be dodariog la favor of Col laid the atone of a new at from it Bradley Monday to a lilualloD on Mr Ji from Columbia Mr Al flia to r owing to filling health Mr J of Toronto spent a In friioda Int A Jvuhr at Friday Jolly line Mr Draper of in Friday for that note oa wheat bad to ibt not to tbat by bfs Acton Pro Mr of buttbtring of Mr and the Meat cldcdly altractlra apjtaTaafa Mr Patten la lo proTpf4 to all hh Pat- Id King will pltMd eon- j that id will Another cold wave with a fall of from to degrees pre dieted at Chicago foundered off the of Japan lives were loat A- now of of Temperance organized at White a aga of King who bunt a blood recently expired from the The Qneeo to fund for tbe of tbo flab of Ireland reported that expedition ipto Mexico being in city of it tutor ing from a water famine upon a of rain Mr a landlord has voluntarily reduced rent per cent below the judicial rat he Chancery Court at Otta wa annulled the marriage of on the ground of The of hat re- to the on hit abiro fifteen per cent of their rent York County The of York Porter aa follow From Clerk of of in to a town line that and York and the North York for a grant of under of School Law from County of Norfolk In reference to Act from County in to effort made a i city in matter of main- of tbe Petition were then received u From John and that the of ana York bo compelled to keep the in proper condi tion and from Palmer and for an appeal in the under the of of tie School Act chap Five petitions were aaking to have the market feea bylaw of the city of Toronto Council then want into Com mittee of the Whole for of confirming a of Town ship of Mr in the chair The bylaw related to the opening up of a highway 100 feet in width and acme information on matter required the Committee reported and leave to tit Council WMi A Party In Mail flaturdky ftppUTi ft letter from MothodUt whom our a following the watte of the editorial pen of the clergy men the columns of Presbyterian RmtiP for all the for none but by implica tion coatcndvthftt the Catholic aims at regard to coming election far at two of Sir John and Hon Mr arc concerned be vMly wo are the and Liu He tlnn- aw- 4 in field Till or Tory or in who in to to Rome By line we shall toon on a class war of but spirited from the pen of men who up to the present have been the Ontario Govern- would soeni to imply or the existence of more or whether well founded or that Cabinet was being inimical to equality and freedom tliia no doubt Hon Mr to pen It Iter we mJ mi it which will be read by our with interest Mr also pub- on the of this and we arc free lo that on jbout noma diveraUy executive v of the Government Mr baa yet in to the we his delicate and casual allusion thereto will jute satis- factory as thrr portions of his latter On this point It just possi ble that last week more correctly represents public scnti- Extra issued in connection with paper containing Hon Mr 4 printed in To ronto aoid accompanying it wo an article inserted without our regarding Prince Albert Colonisation Co presented in article is the one taken by and ft la only fair to Hon Mr Bow ell Mr- Whit and others to that after ft lengthy invest tho House of Commons by a very majority adopted a re port exonerating the been guilty of illegal or Improper As an in dependent journalist wo art not to stock much of ridt Jh P there may the part mambers of toe but it docs WHAT TO iBOOT Tin Mo Star statu a btlug Sir Hector to for at It ffaat surreys fur trflg atSsultfite to llie with tlj Life Us lull to nVtmari Mm King Items Three of which successful were made on Tuesday b Victoria County of of a kerosene lamp the of tho States Island dying works loss who- is it tbft London for a copy of fur lb Holly Qon It an of Hid Is worth four times sum It st tbe least A from of Is jduttoa faicUi sod will Lite In on this to lo at Its nest ssailoo Tat iliDiloU PictifjLMl Writ for he of nd on Jib- It veil be will have rly herd a 1 1 me ft Hon wiflw a JK fuotJ by ladlu entitled lie Id ft llofga tip- Ae- ftitb Federal Notwithstanding fact that Gov ernment organs Itavc not confirmed the Intimation wade by leader of Opposition at that agon oral election will take almost immediately the ambiguous way in which report denied loads us to tho that there may be more truth than they care to admit in Hon Mr Blakes thereto Meanwhile activity lit both Liberal and Conservative cir cles been vory much that intimation Conventions and political meetings are being held all along tbo lino and parly candi dates selected Wo however that since Sir Blakes announcement to effect that Parliament would bo dissolved month Liberal organ at Toronto to have further information that the date has changed to the week In January testis bub- the first intimation was not received from ft trustworthy in point of fact not biro it and iaR further possibly the sec- hods in the may bo founded on no better sohrastbepropwJttontobiiie authority first For our a joint title Or present own part we all along thought u by elftolha Da 1 from ib to fcehtUn Ontario a pretty sura trust tho that another ftMioa bo held WJH ft vi Local and the House 0 to special event bos slncolaat AH with 1 rf i of the rfiura ih wilt the session to Jut afTord a ft previous the expiry of term U a63 f w 8- Pri AOatotliU forty of he would scarcely M audi it course to the for more at the project not favorable polite ad to majority their present supporter in J Parliament who do not anticipate re election would naturally oppose auch action on account of loss of the indemnity that another session off Parliament would them gray minora to contrary therefore wo ore still in clined to the conviction that another session will take place before a disso lution- arc days of rapid and abort corner turns in political movements No w tell what a week may bring forth people may well bo prepared for any emergency by ready writs for lbs Dominion our he he hick till nest Sir so chooses Off of lut a pHca at frew I to toe sful to Sir A Hi pp to which both road hoi Sir Johi hli party auituat ami uid that Poller Id danger The Hon- Whit undo spwchwtheforaer coo length the qoestion while latter with Hon Hon r P short addreea Hill poorly In ntaltb a Mr Halls J Rouind gone a hunting them Mrs fltokeaof flopped off way to John Thompson fauasbcoUogmitch on band for Way plowing match was with A court J to bo held it Hill next Friday to correct sod errors Voters Is expected to pieilde It is said that Mount Albert Items fa syeoioK wis of the weather Iter address on fab yoy age to Europe very to hoot Mr J taixoriog bis altudy ground by farther from the was a anowitorm weeV At a village of fell to a depth of one foot They drawing taw log The peopls are all op coal sod preparing for winter wire Promotion on Friday Mrs has purchased a house from rooka her Ernest Brook Ilua- from a Lottie SbaltUwotth be returned from Iowa lick bat moth r4Dfatlrt Mr for fcg Mr Jot ji for gfiol iIlbiJofooiD9 its cd he brother ivlfo Tfiilitjg him our the flrttwlh School dwidr baft Jut fail hand at A tax d ho kind of to jo- Wk more J Country Voters Judging from turn politic are taking in Toronto we are led to conclusion hit will be the candidate for West Toronto at approaching general election for instead the pre sent member Mr Hay wl seek reelection for Centre Division but it is not quite certain regarding Mr Small for the Mr of the Centra Bank is also of for an Independent Liberal but reform has yet decided upon party nominee for either the Federal or con- beet people If Bine Secretary of the Ontario will only np to Live a Bfaates coo- venation with fwprietor of oar leading men b are in with the party he will find his notions between labor id o bis figures anrf of aod of recelre workmen Vow let as work cot la detail Take Cass Co of this town to inofciuriog the and aea bow figoti4 will floes employ u of end jr cot mm of or Accord ing to the above eopporipg Mr Bine to bo correct the abort here an net profit ore and shore poet of raw If this money kings to a fa years pos sibly be hoy A suit is going on in the at Ottawa to annul a on ground of brides insanity Nor Last night quite a conflagration occurred at Bat- terse no than ten buildings being consumed 1ST The London Standard the plain English of Count declaration is tint Russia shall not occupy Bulgaria A Republican revolution in tended bo take place in Spain on the lost was cleverly checked by the Government f3T A destructive fire occurred Tuesday at Mar quctte County Man destroying over worth of property A in the Canton of Berne Switzerland been destroy ed by Ore- and several of the inhabi tants in tbo flames Waterloo Nov Joseph farmer three miles west of town committed this morning by hanging No can given for his rash act statement of Dominion revenue and expenditure for the past fiscal year shows a deficit of Of tho expenditure nearly three millions went to meet NorthWest claims Counterfeiters are flooding Toronto with spurious Canadian cent pieces They imitations and it requires an expert to distinguish the fraud from the pure article 1ST It announced that the Ontario Government has ordered on investigation into the alleged illtreat ment In gaol at Ottawa and the of death of lunatic Jul ten T lr Confirmation of the desertion of five of the Mounted Police from has been received by the amount of money den however was not as reported An attempt was made Monday night by an incendiary to set to Mr the police magistrate for South Huron The flames were extinguished with some difficulty IcSu who broke into Railway station at and blew open safe and also stole from Kendrick Mr gardener has at Lindsay and sentenced to seven years imprisonment in the Peniten tiary The woolen mills situ ated about four miles from were burned to the ground at an early morning Loss on the building on machinery and on stoclr About thirty employees thrown out of work mostly women and girls- St Nov 13 broke out on the farm of a farmer living here and contents con stated of tons of hay bush els of wheat a large quantity of oats hogs and six head of cattle to gether with agricultural implements were totally destroyed loss insurance A Westerner went to New York hut week and purchased worth of counterfeit bills for He was under the impression he got what he for bat fancy his surprise whenon opening for the inspection of the Customs officer at Cape Vincent he found his supposed package of money to be 7 W merely a rill of sawdust and will leave on day for New York He Intends Nov The house of Ben Wheeler an Cleve land Ohio was entered Sunday by robbers who beat Wheeler and choked his wife to death OrraWANov Id the Supreme Court tody the case of Gilbert Jones v John at waa argued This is an appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for Ontario whereby the plaintiffs appeal to said court was allowed with coats Pleadings In the case show that the Quakers are a society of Christians recognized by the law of Province and ware until united and annually sent delegates to the York Yearly Meetings of Friends- In mentioned they were set apart by tbe parent body and established as a distinct society called the Canada Yearly Meeting of Friends Tho West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends is a subordinate society and is recognised by it It of someone hundred members greater number of whom reside in County of Prince dispute is in regard to the pro perty on which meeting house of West Lake Monthly Meeting of situated It is declared by tbo plaintiffs that the property is mere ly hold in trust for the sole use of West Lake Monthly Meeting of Friends It is now contended that the society in question do no longer represent old body owing to changes tbat taken placo in re to their religious views an inno vations Messrs McLeHan and represented the appell ants and Mr Blake end Mr the respondents Judg ment was exhibits in case documents two hun dred years old She Toronto on lbs lb tost Junta ofa the of ILe lor em- brides fattier Mr Hal of by Mr W lor John or Vaygbo lo iniUDt Ear A fipi raid to Newmarket Toroar to I ii Catherine tomb Al8t nit- Cbioocey lbj aged month A iidejs Coo or Klor ath ion- hay only or Mr ten etjbt Sale 1TCVD1Y lock topi menu Mr no oclock Jura tB Hot W Will moil ihe wholo Of November over for bare Wi or Cill U October Oclock Kavuiibs Two Vermont cousins of the A- wHlcontat tho will of Stewart lately log a lecturiog tour of and Canada have been con- for the establish to to the a training for girl rod the home Dr In England and Eastern Oscoda The farm will be situated at where block of about fle tliousand been- aecored yoytb having on board some of the directors and officials mads a fat run afternoon on the Michi gan Central By Canada Southern Division Tbo train consisting a oars drawn by Engine No ried at Windsor Dock on a Urn of minute for a dUUnw of steamer Octanic which arrived to day from Hong news of the foundering of the steamship Japan with persons on board of these twelve reached the shore The steamer was laden with for New York and Canada The disaster is not Nov 13 Several car- loads of which arrived here from Western Manitoba and the North west territories have examination been found to be perfectly worthless The grain is fall Lnd appears sound but was so saturated by blown across fields of standing grain from prairie that it bad an acred tasto which rendered the bread made not only J J Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS HEARSE VAiordr will Da prompt JVOwcrtisimtuts SUUrhCowa 1 a- TO DIRECT IMEDRTERS ANT h THERE WONDERFUL VALUE In Underclothing WONDERFUL VALUE In Flannels WONDERFUL VALUE In Dress Goods WONDERFUL VALUE WONDERFUL VAJiUE In Millinery a In Mantles WONDERFUL VALUE In Hosiery and Gloves WONDERFUL VALUE hUNDV of las for who to LOUQ AGUES SALE la lbs an irci a com ITUa v lb Wi of A BBIHDLS fats animal WONDERFUL VALUE VALUE WONDERFUL VALUE WONDERFUL VALUE In Carpets In Furs In Clothing Mens Furnishings In Boots and Shoes I In Groceries WONDERFUL VALUE B ON COS E LEADERS IN LOW tTTTTTTTTfTlTrVV w TEACHER EOOKD or loa ScbOoi w lo 1887 Kttr I I NtwDJifld MONTHLY SALEI WATCHES CLOCKS SILVERWARE SPECTACLES ETC Dont think of buying a Clock or anvthiog iu Linp until you New Goods tod or bTiDt or article lQUUWdoao Bait ai tor rtaxfa ttcegu ror W It c at LnUDl DO Ihe BEST SXYLOORAPIIIC in J RAILWAY To all Cauda United British A Call Respectfully Solicit a a nan mi nations fllaallocstdUlib- UUlMlUalwwUia d 11 ANTED AVV aadatSf j AND SHOES lh EM J ImIIoo TWO MBO0IKQjr Of BOOKSELLER aid SI A tita lb of U4Jeg taubaiii itrmwios Ill gBBBDlNO FOB r viUI