Newmarket Era, 19 Nov 1886, p. 4

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TV Ay pa -V- i7t J i4 BHAJ Tim IK it J it alii for r J 553 HhmciMMt0ttVtlli- fc Pic n Via Tiuta top- A l it follows ft I KM Mr- MlllIganelBepiy to a An of Ontario tic Ihaii Permit mo nay ihu of tin on fcJtlruBkcJ would from in litis tlio Mm- to your in you foril 010 wbiirh you to adopted in on of Province You will boar while wliMivio I think you fuilcd to thin policy In count lion with nation to which refer in Unit of I no will deity it i policy of the church to the of any country it footing at do All it can to hinder operation of avi Influence In IhiK of and duti ful it of duty in ibi in with educational of ihu it allowed full away iu connection with Separate and teaching bo achooli the control of Originally Catholic wore to to connect with where there is a now aet down belonging to it unleu they tako the atcps them- elve of cutting off from it becoming supporter of Public Thin regulation involve jmttiiu in antagonism fco their Church position know which they will think twice of before taking This change in law from conducive to and in- lcrcl as it does Catholic citircur who may to of our wore thoroughly under of their in their choice of how their children bo educated Roman tUthoUcs granted schools and change Jmviinc been wade in tho law from liuie to time giving them power to tbelr more widely and iteuitb on ciplo of equal to all inter ference in matter proportionately lei and leu ft may be that therefore belong much to man Catholic to This tlio reason assigned for he Doe the history of in tins country view Public school in an absolute oue as regards Proles- tauts and whoever else may bo in lb land having no religion or any rtUgioo other than I have I If so Public and be to mean sorry hat the word in this practi cally more of our Public We Protestant well ai Roman Catholics that our should have in our school positive instruction on the great of ethic and religion Catholic in everyday have privilege which we have not in connection with the Act of IStiS what said that Or the Chief of Educa tion at hat time I Scparateschooli said havo proved one of the safety valve for diverting and paralyzing opposition to our common echool system Protestant can afford to bo a liber a Woman Cut holies Canada Would if they were told that virtually meant to propos- If the State proposes that Pub- He school be practically religious Jet them be such for all Let no other schools If denomination or sect desires schools in which to teach their own tenets let them have them without betng exempted from supporting schools just a parent now do who send their children to private yet are taxed to support Public school Roman Catholic en joy exemption In this matter mod practically to every other ion Catholic were granted Separate School a safety valve to disaster overtaking our schools- I the safety valve baa not better served the end for which it invented It is State do secular will the homo and the Church to a si fair a because he All Only lot he aid to Roman Catholic a well then I no difficolly In that right being to all Roman Catholic thai cation should be distinctly and day school Hove tho same Protestants gave them their Separate bat wo might our schools loft us to carry out therein our conception of duty to our children I fear if Roman go on secularizing our Public schools that we shall hove to rise up and secularize all round If too homo and church only are allow ed to religious instruction children and tin Slate dimply hat which is then Roman Catholic must bo ready for similar Perhaps with their interference no other issue can bo left our for their adoption Rest assured dear sir things cunnol remain for ever in our province as are whore probably or more children Protestant to one who is Roman Wo are not only denied the right of in education in a Protestant province but that of Much that is gloriously characteristic in Britains is distasteful to a Church which never acknowledge that It has been wrong To gratify childish sensitive ness of Romanist must go To their intolerance of truth if it against them history be falsified aod so most go And what If thing am thus to go on is to bo on morrow You know and dear sir history of Papacy in Europe It an there of court it took centuries to do it but cen turies nothing to it project against which men rose which threw off too where there was no instigation exist ing Are to allow tragic his tory to rejat itself It is mid special opposition ha been hown in Parliament or out of it as to your Government favoring place to loolt for opposition when a vote is involved 1 frankly admit that many of your political aro in this not by proper motive but by trio desire lo gain a political victory over you This I deeply re gret Rut wo must not such is the iho pus to which affairs have come stand hack from doing our duty because will bo found on our track to pick up whut may serve their end Out Parliament as much opposition to the educational policy of province has not Won shown ought for vriou reasons Mod pounced upon when they say a word in bigols a raiaing No cry m riding Protestant and hating OalUollcs rather than their 6tcm if were miscreant or fool by the press of tha parly whoso interest for might bo jcopurdiied by the It no pleasant task for mo to even soeiu to yourself whom I bold in high regard and whom I as a personal friend But you and he and in a book which nay bo thut loves father and moth er more than Bio not worthy of file Premier I have been led largely through discussion to look Into school narrowly than I have hitherto done with what That it laid upon than it been lo give thought and more of my energies to educational interest than formerly for I believe re garding Popish privileges in the edu cational affairs owing partly to a suppression and abuse by political that in danger Protestant minister in multi plicity of their duties cannot attend to everything It however givo due attention to what Church of Rome ha In matters and will aim still further to accomplish ihe result will In such on arousing of their own heart and consciences will so tell upon oil their people thosd vho make tho chief end of man politi cal party that men who ore right- minded he able to ml right to all end public who arc not so will bo forced to do or retire I believe upright public men Ontario will ultimately find Mich agitation a ibis advantageous to The of with our school is in with I have slut- Is its policy namely to nuke essentially as it can tho of any country in which it boa a footing and at the time to curtail the liberties of as and colourlebs and a possible all that properly belongs to them Tin poli cy which is taking oil national and religious put of Public school ho operated in producing troubles in the Central prison tuml tell us the same laws which preserve the a sphere moulds tiniest drop of water Gravitation assert it away over par ticles well as masse of putter So Rome neversteeping policy is of the kind have wen- things great or email In aiming to control a prison or a pro vince Mr entered upon a Warden of the Central prison villi sincere desire to promote the spiritual welfare of Us and worm to the hand men who in of visiting prison to give religious instruct the prisoner The success til labor of these men aiming to bless not prose- their fellow bo aroused the of the priest that the was came to by them to stop it and no wonder for what concord hath light with darkness influence in the prison must increase Ihot of Protestantism must decrease and for this end must share the fate of and history and go assure you in iho day when all sterols shall be this will be found to be the core of the Central Prison difficulties Volume written upon the case to Ihe contrary will never alter he fact you sincere in thinking otherwise but I you would W among of men to deny mo the right of applying to yourself words which you used Messrs MacLeod and myself have been fed by information partly defective and part ly false to a wrong theory of the case J OYSTERS OYSTERS 1886 faro of u wo rely on OYSTERS Every Can Warranted And for Fresh Cake fiHu WE LEAD THE TRADE A ROBERTSON say that I cannot eo force of your and dear I am glad to a you putitbotweeudeollog hear of your recovory from your in Ihe service illness and my prayer Is that the and subordinates of you may have wisdom warden in a prison At all event I thoroughly that the am of difficult duties In such large and health given you for the IB lid of Mr Koruan in view measure that you may long continue of ell happened prison and Premier of our fair province and o face of the rouioostranccs of muko it a purer land Mr was meeting out to to dwell and hat the to which duties of this world of to be Permit mo lo regret after tho Government thought fit to are over for you you may receive higher than political T I Majorities and honors from the two men on the Central Prison Master himself tho assurance Well a third added at ihe jono good and faithful servant of Archbishop It well perhaps a Roman ftn on the couimission all tiling conBidorcd still 1 regret of his coming to bo there Be cause Archbishop Lynch at tho head of a Government within the with peculiar power to man an imjitrivtn in impirfo which to public interests and one of this specie especially to The Church of Rome is daily grow ing in his to be a distinct power In It bo pro- vented by every legitimate means from becoming a dominant influence in our Government olio trouble is inevitably in store for prone to see with tho bring to see This may bo reason why I fail to regard position of bo as you do Objec tions loight taken to points it putting of matters but on tho whole my pursuasion Is that it 1 ani mated by the a Mr myself Mr Mac- this with mo I need not say Mr doci for ho 1 of Committee who examines editorial matter of Rev J and Mr ore other two of editorial commUtcoo I informed that two latter Reformer In politic It is baring a editorial content that has kept o from par- ty politic in mutter a it ha been No one person can be expected prudence and comprehen siveness in attending to content of a paper that three would have wo must ho ready to bo lenient wo can to Iho Canada owned controlled by indivfduul a it Still cannot forget that when minister of our Church were cause of civil and religious liberty and were being ruthlessly set upon by the Globe for so doing no word of protest wus lifted up by ihe Canada such conduct although it ran to defence of some public men who were attacked by Mail Toronto For tit Bra In Memory May Smith- i till nice hilr fu from cur of Hart ntl iiiisy a of fair fie oil our oovi oil Ijd lo J rule by goat ami To Hill At dearly loved for wo we bin Aod our sorrow Wo heir I rciurncltoa I who coco col I your ODe with Mo to Business Notices for A COOO for to Mr trial Altar boiUt It bo mtot Llkelte to rodtr mJ tlitH mIlij J Of 111 tfllDQ- will rkntit lie in of wool If it is wrong for Review to and Iconintf it for die Can- r Blood not dU- which not all traced to aim to of country profoundly was in t a time vlicn the policy was widely and persistently Acted up on I did not rail into existence no ma terial interest in what I do lay it as a in that if act future in the future 3 in ia hurt would be a fitrvck at a important Lot me now frankly publicly tay hat I now as I have never dono and I can in future to promote and prosperity Coming from the plane of political interests in heir bearing upon religious liber ties lip people to the lower one where they related to the carry ing on of ordinary now of the country my belief you governed well fa Your lias been a prudent and hon est government movement of finance of the province I do not think that civil and religious would bo any in Ihe hands of your political opponents livorandit-Qdoy- Cared AD retlrM icd by an itie Wriuutaora Wo for prly or all throat and Afffcni atMapoaiilvoaad Morfou to it to hi s ftUITtf J Miami Ac lusted by Ibis and a Jra to wBiijUio fait by ad- W A Block MR to tooted or ocii- retDsvly tor long jo a- from do bat largely boo well rlEflaf bo 4ujuir aod German iviMtborMQCllon cento per doieo has added rcmodJi to tbo cool tit Too jLfvorCo SyriyjftrCcbaod in appreciate by lck and lo for ipcjDUre mala to57 A popular Yellow sad croup Of an nature A Common for aorr coo ao fool fi Mm tm I action by Sir iho has Aeo ready to himself office by tho other isiu Cut- surely neither of V believes in infallibility in those aflalra of either Church In political concern the secular press has acted upon the that the party for which it apeak Is infallible therefore criticized All faithful criticism of party has it been con- strucd into hostility and resented as such This I regard a a very grave evil to the alike of party and of the commonweal I have written fa critical terms done because I desire my rela tion to you to bo something more the were negative one of rather bear than fly toother we know not of My vJU fa asserting I to a reUUoo to yon that i The Song of lb bo of for Ires aod fcsait te For all aad that Jr JpRaA res made fint tt taMrtor NEWMARKET Store I III MACHINE OILS AMERICAN ALL COLORS J STORE AND j FOR RAILWAY OCEAN TICKETS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS KA8T WEST OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis San I ciaco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian I North West Scotland and Continent of J B Pares to Manitoba lower than ever Ireland NEWMARKET JAMES -PURE- CHEMICALS SPICES PREPARATIONS BUN DRIES PROPRIETARY TOILET REQUISITES PATENT BRUSHES AND SPONGES ME id AMERICA TRUSSES PERFUMES BULK BOTTLED A Separate Department furnished with purest article and all lateit appliances for of Physicians Prescriptions Family Receipt to which we cartful attention SUNDAYS to to p id to p isaa Visitor to North York Industrial Exhibition requiring any firstclass Liquors for Medicinal or Other Purposes in BflANDIESWIHESQIHSWHISKEYSUMSLES ft In Wood or Bottle should make it a point of their visit to call PINE OLD POET WINE FOR INVALIDS i GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION Fresh Family Groceries Received Weekly and all bought for spot cash which solicits P J Main St North SIMPSONS FURNITURE I A- dost I to hSSSS fin Hi ms HAVIKO lo of I will of ay AT COST for the it the to PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF of country A EVANS Dry Goods Groceries Booife Shoes Millinery Wall Paper Blinds AT WM MITCHELLS MOUNT ALBERT Wo bar a Large Auartmcnt of Every Kind of aeiiifco twi DOUSE lo t5 A i Sit Farm For Sals Juus Pa 3tOtH9 Jri ii j io ruribtr on All Stock Dd at inch Albert offered Our is to CARRY STIC WEB PUBS SEISOH TO wo offer which any one should take of without delay The food are AND fcGOS WASTED AT HIGHEST SALE THE LEADER IS LOW MITCHELL iJOUSt A Git EAT Hi ircuf THE OLD 10 CO if I A lo Axnlllor lSllb J A Mi At MI tit FOR lb To TKBWM CASE CO OF XMITfiD Til A VNO W Jo aldog Ot DRUGS PATENT FINE SOAPS- SPONGES TOILET REQUISITES fen rally W apply I la PLUSH LEATHER BATCH OASES CASKS INFANTS LET CASES COMBS CASES VELVET WIRE EASELS VASES TOILET SETS ETC TOYS BIRTH DAY CARDS ALBUMS PAR LOR BILLIARDS sod ioojr or SSJ- ill MRS a WE CAN SHOW Hobs of lb J7bC LUMBER LATH SHINGLES r For rf- and lathe Dominion Wood for Coo lor Wood Box StovesAll BEWAEE g IMITATIONS WW br rtcKUtico IhcLr to DCHl4t4 j DIE CORSET CO I sls ffaaala Northern N rsioflppi7W w A I iiTisrtsU STOVE FURNITURE i on be prtmUt Workmnaiblp out Vi New Enamel Pots ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS wren DOORS SASH THANKFUL FOR THE PATRONAGE THE PAST WE A CONTINUANCE OF SAMF WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- w 100 10 ftttoo blp All atadirol A fit Initio lb Ttsrnr ta ke yktaiiff DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE CO limp flfDl or Jo All Of promptly to TOUR or fffAhi10 olt PRANK LfrtAollbtflfdOf Spectacles odfV jnsiupot miuiuuoo ibsrUiiwsTrtfcaiw JaUtniay Lasaros Wcrrl NEWMARKET WORM POWDERS is a kIo Ctatc WAY LIS All END TXIJB COW Best Moulding Materials Will Mar lolUtiiU 1 to too Kites teg On the Bullock pro 5iQ En- Wool sod Ji BJUOUSHESS DIZZINESS lb rBPlow ASRUQH AX INDIGESTION SALTRHttH OF THE ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS J Tar a iflil 1 l ra I7 OF THE WW pcs of rfti ftoaa OR fc CO ill a- I jltvrH J AttS fxl w AdVrtssatiaef or So WANTED I Wat wilt JOT k1 1 I

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