Newmarket Era, 10 Dec 1886, p. 2

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f ft NEWMARKET ERA to Now Advert acme at Block J- It Mader W Starr Liquors P J- Notice to Coercion A- P Bradley Wanted Mr Rags John Lockwood To Farmers Coo Farm Wanted- Box Landing J Davis Calve Eat ray Jem Graham Heifer Estray Lost Wo Goodwin Notice John v mi AND ISSUE P Our Toronto Despatch to J fill Si iliDI tilt Tomato ihli Ju Of lb huilJiog till I bill I I DOW If J Vwliy l of U Mr lib I W Ucrclnh it In not will in Municipal Matte Id the midst Parliamentary Municipal are to lljoweclvti only wo hear of in competition of for la thai Mr Hector atioHiir or any position to Mr J ttko a up higher Ho had a ood of Council an at lit County Council ALJtOtU- lr it very chin i4 quurtcr Will atiinlody for Iwut- prolAbilftln will the In fern village but Iavo not taken a definite shape Homo declare upon certain coun who in question to a votound ex- but not yet Mr is for election tokos place KINO As will bo noticed by a card la our ad the present K J to bo a fur JimrM Mill hi- jiouiiU alion Wo not bow this will affect tha of present or who is likely to fill be vacancy WHITCHURCH There a fltrong feeling current that throe of an election are in evitable Council next when J Collins Esq retires from hit ardous and faithful duties as Clerk of tho Municipality but has signified bit willingness to continue- as Township Treasurer Council will tako upon itself bo of a now and wo are that the complexion is in favor of J of Pine Orchard appoint- they will challenge to ratify or reject at the polls The probabilities are that J G Esq will be reelected Reeve by ac clamation although there ht forlxxitiigs of opposition Mr Lot will likely occupy the 1st without ft word The of Irwin renders It for him to retire from the 2nd and is Councillors bolder aspirants for the Mr of and Mr Christian of will probably rrcelvo the as and in of an election Mr name may go to the poll Mr Albert name baa been mentioned but bo declines the honor slight is evident in the Council for Wo hear of no opposition to It is said that Mr A J Hughes 1st Deputy will retire looking to appointment of Township Clerk and it is rumoured llist Mr is also a candidate for of the No duties of John a us I much of hie from M lift finds aratn Mr Kirn Luted who a fct Mr Mr will to occupy Mr will likely be for 2nd Deputy cor lit not lighUt in in thu can tow ixx us is not lo field and that sotsrU probbs m He Uo Midi that on this of of Dr for Wo ffien to a bitter ontait is for present being Mr- to of Council it North York Election ion at in town it ii reported wme were pro- sent the party nomine only his victory p very olid ffhouIU hoi fenowtirdge of On tbo other bond majority party voting and ballatntulTHijj jjjjujpty invention of individuals who wives had f of their own to and tbat their attempt to discredit result of voting but tbo outcome of Alii Id tad to Ibtlr ud by a few from Au ro do terrlblo things to this town by gentleman who happen to make homo of bit choice Be this as it may does that men who to be and conscientious would by and lake pari in a tboy to have going on and not tbo matter nod bos a look and not only want moral courage but attentv to approval of dlahoncHy not at creditable to tboao who report Ibo question of Doctors candi dature having been decided by of the ho now has the right to look for an J support of hit party indeed tangible evidence bo forth coming of to on as to render result of to doubtful or of Jituvunduct on part analuro in procuring as bo hi con lid en or a place of trust among the their aka JjcJi bt beaded to ud for I ud which It tint It be enly Wr to UtulLobft coil of IS liulAg to op f I a to fc liie MOifliCsKI Aa Ottawa yi lute of utaillyaUhibrd lao eivl jlofi IVtatre Junuilitici y jr wtitb ill ol for a Crusty to- the lb not lit Jo without Gtoerml to tbit iiUitlj- Ttfuil County for dq1 lo ih got to to their 0D3tl Ink iwomckt work lull Concert jriTit to night cookie aew mat is Mug WINTU Mr of vat In of tifaftou WJvUy in villi P I ili villi D u nil Sit for Qottuvllle villi brother A- la tie Editor of the UK Mia lo Elk Uootrtil out of it lbs fro to the Pro the of tblttyfir ere lb it pretty lb two At a acetlag of tb ToroQto Tuadty the of Rev Ur of the iht on Writ llh of Mi dnpitch A by lb to loto the irMloot liber ami The folloaDgglltuien wjll Hod- J A Ifcekci Aimettoag WaWi sod J A will work at pfn who a wit In the lest County of to a for a luoplag for the the Ifr in the at iac4or of the old political Ehjeg odldot for lb hr Ottawa je It la drcobcluiuiUoc- to do fuiihtr that will a to to but tlrii a doubtful policy at i a wis parked full sod Weil imWiybloglsirgt1yrerttMated while lew were present dim tad lb Dr P P If The of ibe litter wee the of the of Coioiowii fortU North Hullo of of kit wrtV sod but op to lb lime of the were return tod Kris lut ue of fttad nit titacoeIei will rttota Gorerouteat The are Jubiiuit tad will Hi cut of the eeeu by i of two to other o the proijd tfwty d georrillyi who tike of rEin their esiv territory to rtctot in potot of Ibe of lo lb ootreel sty good Icu be com to this of j Our who ud a higher Uodaid EoeriU a pretty ot ud preetCetIf edfreUselue of bo the of their fford 1 rum for If P sod a meet of the Aurora t Tgtvlty to prepare for the J StetTofTotoolooaof Starr Hie of cd en to Blur will likely that country If of for the two or three wetk up the Mr- Mr IVo I proriiloo etort on wai the last the We to Eg the Mr I of ibe School Society Mlob Mecesa water i a wiiet He jetting the at A be pretty ttuthfub well lure to woid for it ueneiitl in the CbrhtUa reUlirc wii Qd Eld right Bailey portion of lately with father fly of cot ft to which of of the death of daughter of the of But by t whither Mr rtmortd about ego A rtioodeut I ft Oil Mb Ae the Mr of service wire very ebd iddl to of Ibe ef tbt ere dear left tot for where efdiU place wiihbtr every very much with them loogen Tba following the Hit of at tbt week- AtaoU t Fuller J J Cob Joate Jobo Ji fillTer W A Win fiowu Toronto If It A Mitchell J J J Aurora ilje Holt Cob Wegaer Albert J Hollaed I will J4tivu4 ux lUtotVuoe4oiiOti lOkfUa01por4tOwliJluibur5OllJ0U Holt PO icotf ajift at tfetwnEcpubsAucV t J Uorton a An of loc lo or FJ Morton ply on J la Lb life Coo- Komi cnoUjril Ag will op is trying pave the for of East ern There shocks at wflbja and beer of week blow down a Wfl reildo la Life Id sVorpvarlr Sutton Heme- ii arrAOfGd If ftUddeo teste or ta riumeeUn iJ riTvl J VI It will when MOiewoa iptcUd J Towuhyie JolDf In iriKuii0 It l7aijJ M ire im- From Aiioctatloo or Kin metal Koiilcb or it lit or Tit follow l ok were VlefVeesata4saib if by W- K Jepb Hun ro craeidr duty of to a to erf York lotbo od of AMr lluu locaJlo Juia1i by thet Oil to euuet cut in Cot bileAyAJ Keswick Ilcrnse A iiiUtf to our Cor that wo do ml bear we ro lead to think been by of reader It not for lack or or vIllvoJo North yorkoriuOfolqiencaMhaiiKcawrcb Of iVo in tonfMl die laltl In ttM4 1 tilvl ftballiislaiiittiMfJ by llOTuVJKluyoveiJlllKbeJtribvror Working by mo meeting took pin Why Art torn a V a Intend iout- It lercjkriiu Mr will not ek will be candidate for rcero Mr Merrills exreeve I looking or jclving to Dr YbcfrlcudeoribelktbtlUetUclittcburcl la a few tulle cart of bercaroprepor- log for aDnlrrnary A able I to morale day I to i a tea and Town Councllr Ml ifiii Mr- Into and ok follow lor quarter ringing bell lank l0lAmptSls It blllof for lo lug aldenuiw be refernd to of Chat of bo at a at fee lory- That lite to remit the tax on Ala place of be A from ley rqv1lnjf AvcnnobethoDamcstvciiloibecoDolldate lrcetuader wuordvrt A then providing for 4 year Win- Ward la of M aleeeU A third ftMb a a l of to My- of put trial bo to street with Successor OF FIRSTCLASS Dry Goods Millinery Mantles Clothing Gents Furnishing Carpets Oil Cloths Groceries Crockery Glassware Boots Sho AT THE a Lowest Possible Cash Prices This is the Cheap Dry Goods House JULIUS NORTH STORE llcoAKfo ill or of a daughter of Webber Mr to Olivia Jtooaoof the Par Holland by Mr CitrnaJioo lnL Mr to A Wedoctdsiy Alex to of Rot IUoey j of Mr Jot wire fe73ycre sty sit on FURNITURE AND J Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS HEARSE will BOOTS SHOES WHICH MUST BE TO BY STOCKTAKING IN JANUARY How is This to be Done Not by standing quietly behind our counters waiting for Customers to come in and Selling our Goods at Ordinary Prices Oh No hut by placing before you just such Attractive list of Seasonable today now at a time when yon Goods and must have them mind you not at he end of Winter when you dont them at any trice Thats just the difference Will you in Justice yourselves Carefully read over the list of attractions we have to offer We Have one of many more it wont need much logic to convince you these hard times when wheat brings only Cents a Bushel if your dollar will can Convince you as much when spent with us as will when spent elsewhere that our is the place to deal at wl this fact See our List as under then Come and See the Goods and we know you will find it to your interest to Buy and Buy Largely LOT STAPLE GOODS at yd 325 Pare Llivn Towels at- Drown Linen Towels at I2jc well worth Towels at IS cents value for els yds Drown Table Linen will 1 sold during our at cciiU yard Damask to bo a l wnts per yds qualify will put on our 1 1 A yds very Canton I ut yd worth 10 Factory Cotton sale prices The wliotc of ourslock of Sheeting Cotton Blankets mid Comforters will bo of- at this LOT NO HOODS Ac Soap at and per cake goods in each fully more Best Quality Spool Cotton at spools for cents 75 Fancy Cotton at cents each Better Colored at and eta worth doublo money in every case IS pair Indies rino Hose- formally CO and as high us per pair Wo will clear lot during this Great at per A Full and franco Misses Wool Hosiery cents per pair and up pair Ladies Fine Cloth pair Goods in and Fine lined cenU pair worth cents An Assorted of Ladies Kid illtts id cent per pair Skating at Iflc QB Wool Hoods c at Pair Csonpton Slightly Soiled worth Biff Bargains in Childrens Wool Jnckcw Wool Cutis Mitts Ac LOT 3DItESS yds Checked Wincies worth and cents COO yds Melton Good at cento worth fully half much more of Empress Cord in Nice New Colorings and very Price cents A Wonderful- Line of French pieces all Shades and Black cento worth cents of anybodys money The Balance of our Plashes our of our our Buttons and Claspf our Ornamonts Fringes etc etc at a price to clear LOT About Mantles left enormous trade wo have done and are doing in this department prove conclusively our goods end prices and have been right We now want to close out Balance of our Stock and the reduction we now make in these at the start of this Sale will placo our it Such Low no Lady hi justice Skirts tote cleared cents iff Mens Heavy and Drawls to be well worth Mens Heavy nicely to be cleared worth I Heavy Sale at 50 and Meirt Canadian Wool Squares worth Price cents Wool Squares worth J 900 cents A full iiuk iyIwFns 1 LOT NO youths and Ladies Large Fur a00 for NO A relf can to them by Ladies Foil Fur We J tor pair Ladies Heavy Ends of our and cts Ores Grain and pair Ladies All Wool Hose j I res Silks to be sold cents Sale price cents I A Big Bargain Mantles with and nicely Trimmed at from for a mantle up Wo will offer a Una of Ladies at each Goods st Cant be touched at the money in the regular way We will offer a of Look Ottoman Cloth Mantles full length and Beautifully Trimmed atSaTs 490 and up that will Astonish you at the prices our aim to SELL THEM and Out They Matt Co LOT KO CLOTHS Ac A line of our regulsr Victoria Twills ydawlde to at A line of our Regular Tiretd and Mantle Cloths to be cleared at Aline of our Regular d Mantle Cloths to bo cleared at Fur i70 Ladles Asracan Fur Mantles at worth Limb Caps at the lionet totally deal more money Mens Fur Caps at LOS worth Mens Persian Lamb Cups being cul at Remember these Goods are perfectly New Sound Furs and wo are not confined to halt a dozen of them wo have plenty to make boom this Department If there El any another in Sale that Shoe woth a good Comet Way rw I will A of Ladies fiff worth Altof Wi worth AItofLadieFonbcd Boots worth from fttell5prp- A Hoys A pair aim balance of LOT Its of Sugar iCslftfl LOT SO MENS FURNISH JMO A Lot of Boys and Mens Knit and Cloth Gloves at eta A Job Lot of Mens Braces will bo said at 22 cts per pair Mens Kid Gloves Mitts at All m worth To meet the Largely I Trade we expect we Help so that every may be on Remember tbo Place and We Commence this GEE AT SALE on FRIDAY DECEMBER the 3d And to be Continued till our Stock Reduced to point we in view CO THE LEADERS LOW PRICES A LtlaVlte llSj A

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