NEWMARKET DEC Train Time i I f I Tir ami mm jir- School Question Hi- inl i I A lit A J ill ih lJrtltlliljl of iJk twill iWl On of farm lint ill- llw in4tiriJ fur o iirillmr fairly S tamUT Ik HI Mill kid ll Kir of ii ns Ill Jy 111 Act of iu Out iiPJuiu dial litv 4 lit li lint iImt iijpiljhr under Miotic ore lrirfly J A for Of School Imm ffliaiiK text IwoVk mi of mid it 11 of it Wdii on I lli IjwiiiCA four lie itsiv In MllOul in to in Wi4U A word of A4iiuliujMiii of wiii dig clear t flic tSfUCtd iii of of iiiiiiiii of to liaiy it a in whs J to iiiviplo lies been iticl is Up of mid that only or of iliu diviT no of oiihiuh in and tltl Im iiilWncc of J Hi in denied liat iuoutd but it In I IH Oft to no of lie it film in contact of it tut a1kj lnn by dujjii of ilic lb It ihu Hut bu iliuuitl hi no Catholic undr liudiidd and ttaU no It liC out by iii rf a ivii vKVi or Hi UK- fcVj4rai ilw nid lo a ill III kxl 0 bw bid vjli the wo in to tbo oho to bi wo that work a paid for part ly out of local food partly from At aw local appointment to of of aUo or iim year pant tbcrabarn two Provincial of aarato by at he of librrarchy their paid of who differ from wbKivitiiiy Che PalMf at Scpiruic fuir advtnUgo The makta hat to a portion of ba of Public nipclioa in of made county councils of public wall a out of Provincial ihtl to th fact that are very Cored cannot hnra local or and Jiince which aupporlofa of ilirir public it to give alitu aft by lie largo la ihu to bwe who rai the and wo it with our to for it jfirtiu Without aiuiirnioril if it be to intpoctori for parat of regular county in no doubt would be done to of it appear to Mr ilowui lib do on it Jo the line of towards other Had bo changed law that all be paid out of Provincial fundi he would grouted reKef from a certain per- of direct luxation And joh jjublio and poilcra on footing hut it was probably an oversight which ho Opposition will tat- in proposing to remedy With to right by to of to appoint on wo must for not tip o our tbe of all other charge complained of well might or or Augliciam or any other claim representation on that At present other are named partly by county councils partly by local councils In High Schools are located and supporter of at much to do Baying who Khali pose the Trustees of iustttutfona any other denomination bene to give special privilege of llroovorwhom of Schools no diction whatever mi iiomro of or class we do not wish to defend Wo am not aware that any particular evils are likely to grow out of be excreta of right by school Boards hut not in harmony with lurgett measure equality which should a free people The charge that text have been improperly changed and modified is now narrowed dow side issues connected therewith to three allegations follow I Colliers History was soa years ago expurgated at demand of Roman Catholiohicr TnatScotfaMarmiou repudiated as a book in Literature for a simitar cause 3 That Lynch piopcrJy about the of Scriptural reading for use in pub lie The defence made by charges tho expurgation of tory took play of auperintendent was and while the old Council of Public Instruction existed Scotts was to because certain live to Roman Catholic females Who were preparing for public school ex nation The adKrtionawenbub- to Archbishop at they were olio clergymen of parents where schools do not as well tloW of Protectant parents ore ox to to these selection where they are for devotional purposes the plain of Government for the course par If elector aider explanation they be to the government by hut on the other hand do not the to be pro of thu the Opposition will look for suffrage A tills all it receiving a very of ion the present it iiuportant thus placo Iho is sues fairly and squarely before people tad iby will It can lei Whit Ilka o I to to Ihf J do not to Oh Ifett ft eot for tut fur Jdqo tut itb f of world soil all tow care act the It to laic How Aikiar Ob 1 but to call to 11m itmato aha of ail tjiftd who la ir neighbor I la whoak it to alJ J sad we will ace wbo our We la of It out for v Avlgbbor only hi io our Jraurduto bat ted would like aid work If cm unr I and out alio will to itlQJ iKu and two pinlraof the day tbty who ihcr l it Milt have lifacUoo to that It dud CUriil did lo a wins for thy athi la of veil Aotla for or a to iitMi to took at la abiri it occur We find by look tog at Chap Paul Wilt- lag to little for Timothy thought tMi bin Hut have purr juice of tbt I area can wee a I rurdicil of who My lhatthne were for the hot did mora ft it foe ibis and th world to I otto wbo have el lU are through of It ara in our uid tic It How loor children are It I It of hew roiny How rotu era Kerih York who hare lxoevQ had Ihiir parrnli from lbs How many are know tiuiha well wuuld wvfk iu cause fur Ood As cf tbtlr 1 A word of it ihmi quail iich Mifiier vib be ha ttmptrd or Etc or Ere milted I On greater cure- by I read ate tba ra I In all lore ihclr cure to do be power but who what all I but I to Hop are you not way of poor roar not same power Lot woo ueto them by lb it were Utter for that a Me Were tMlii aoik tor of May reader to do tbe right Of THE NEWMARKET Book and News Depot Has in stock the largest best assortment of Ever offered in town consisting of Books Periodicals Standard Annuals fcacMoracMteS CHEAP AND ELABORATE Photo Scrap and Autograph Albums Work Boxes Dressing Cases Purses Satchels and Oil Paintings Picture Frames Toys and Fancy Goods in Great Variety A Choice Assortment of Exquisite Patterns in IS Scriptural Text BooksSpringSummer Autumn nnd Winter Songs and all at prices that cannot but Suit Intending School Liberally Dealt With Central Telephone Office STARR it ih it routine iimiiilul rtiiilff you for After our different of r to ImvO boated tem Mr Ik 8coU Drue ftddrtud iuideQtbuAlflio t ton Fort J of Will you kindly roe I your colttmat reply Mr Nov wire 1U4IU I of iin co mi or of Qtorgitn ud Km liit too1JbeKye bo Jo Mil In Now Mr Ea My ibrt be mddkiIou toy no but can a no Qfiie ihtiaif ItinivwiW IUf4 Uq lii fa SUWa If Mr AaZrHirt kifkTi a liUla of did It Mr to It Kcro July to bunt- up It ltri ft ilooe by It vAdul Jlr I tfbif be alt at vitr In to lack oil I x built Iiisy Sir in to ruk vote to ftotbdt hi I buy brat bli It m tie Ibfi to Mr Hiker of of tat mot toy be jjitrJ j4 vh jJ Vol Mr urn ycjrj j- lit vjy l- oar Mi y J J bo tf 0 u J Qi J be m bg f70W of J J53 1 tf i triib amo I hoofd jJ4j com Court of Mr Audtnoo Oat of W rac Wol Attn ffvvo 19 of lbfo t T 105 afHu 00 oj lb Mm I I Jit- J oil ftU4 by dflJy On bill io Suit If to the fill our St the from ftvm to ii tly hi tbtlhVsi ruler AiUuio lb A wind of for imtw So A tingle if bo or ihu men tk bit fitil gl of kindled o jpolM odr4 io Jitdiltnj ebill fundi tbe Of J Ml to JroTki Only two or fgo door of o Diking for a far bud jmt ffoi Id for drvw body WO bout to fctlp the They ffjlrp 01 dtr to to do of my old choir ood dlit lit Wr iter of the old quilt tint bid livilrJ by end iu of 3Tn three or woOitn til lull of procured tbe bid laurel from like bad ooul iuJlibi to eternity tOip- QIor W 1886 the Oyster Season of AG and vij You can rely on OYSTERS Every Can Warranted And for Cakes and WE LEAD THE TRADE A ROBERTSON 1 A IborAbreU will I la ll t WANTED liliul lolitiiOraotJtfo todtlik be put Muh fod to lift Co have hud laid from ater tank at end of the to that llm will not to for Che will bo very Harpers Weekly moioieiui Hit at Hit AveiIolUM c At present Reidee fuUl- oily ten uovcl III liiUii ui Hit to VfrrKit r HARPERS per UABpeira j oo I PEOPLE fiQUAKB On pi At siklt lib Jklut rcb Jir WHeono fceejABil do MUi for iuMVU for tUJDUOO Toil nor o mint ilio w Ann A oot lb vit mat by Kixibth oro u boy TOW- onofr da SIMPSONS A A Ou lovi AKfJ to W fttAit July item JOHN VlvljnlMI Con of Ktl A HOUSE Oft Of THE THE STOMACH DRYNESS AIT RHEUM HEADACHE icuilon cur PATENT FINE SOAPS SPONGES AND t hive IK GOODS SATCMEW IWSIIS INFANT conns CASKS hi AMES TOILET TOYS ALBUMS PAR- MILLIARDS ltr i iu tB fiifi for ate MRS SIMPSON iHB -ANI- LEADING HOUSE OVER THIRTY YEARS Best Stock of LOW fc MrUtivUb I r YORK STORE AND TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY OCEAN STEAMSHIPS TICKETS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST WEST OF Toronto York Chicago St Kansas Ban Fran Cisco and Western Winnipeg and Canadian North Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J C ROBERTSON NEWMARKET B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever NEWMARKET Hardware FOR OK jo a ki sic wrt Farm For Sale MACHINE OILS AMERICAN ALL JAMES LIMITED- LUMBER I LATH SHINGLES OH- THTOXtM TO KENfr 10 IMft to 990tf4 ns HAMILTON PARM ecu of Kioif t t To Punter MtltKi 11 ID FOR SALE 1 at It vr ill i rtci To flm Terra SALE WE ARK NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOM WITH MOULDING DOORS SASH THANKFUL FOR OP TUB PAST WE SOLICIT A OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD AT THE OLD 9trlbt 1 J I fir FOR SALE WtfiionVM VtftbLii1lofEjiiiTil 4lotbir5tbCcfl M Sib AM VUC LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES tfiunr- VKA1IIK4 PRANK LAZARUS TH CANE SONS MFG CO LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER TO HEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY Door North of Royal toe fiTJ WE SHOW the ibe afJ trr ibt walk CALL AND SEE At ti4ltfr7clroe vinon A of New for Alio r cow Best Moulding Materials I tew or For and In tbe Dominion Wood- llvntgffi Wt Dd Box Stoves All Sizes STOVE New Enamel Pols for io it Fori On the Shortest Notice- Coal Of ik of rf alt CANADIAN PACIFIC BAH- WAY DIVISION All ro in I- lVi- Mull J to MUM Njl- IW ii iMi J rD LOa IWfKl lib rflouikiaiuDdlVn Ttcu fc lr r J 1 jn W- Ufnlko Irt In lb put lea lo j f io i r 1 1 lot AN KXOELLBKT a fe M a HO foliar WOM tUl IO c0IKsbuip r of Kiss