Jib final Is DA t ARirffP in TBS Ml it iitl I fill At A Exam Op tad VMolr lhsrswersM taw Jidt to rH rttoTUirB- for sat Vxitr bolfi to lit nifties is a rtt for eat of tig thin Post meet- Mil if the J Up to ipse it Hill on Rib of lUo of alectioa of tad ot r I Mi Hi 1- iri l It to 1 tM I A i ij J I if I BUlh- jsv rt iii j id IiobjiUbx I rtBi Iwi- Ml- OH iIintJ Willi uUUi ILh Wk rt lot 1U iter -Tiicchild- MllilWilBtvltw il It WBbU A ilt At -UiIjiix- sill A A lh Hifct- JpWtiiUJ iiiv of iv it TV iUm Mi fciwoihR J uAb1U4 to lll IVL ID ft ll ltd iii RimH 1blMib Ixn olf kMli hi N i iiivjrtf fc Vy rwoU la ik I rRVfev will mo- wrrk by tin at lie vll m cluck it JlHinLy IklhlfrHiU l W14IIIWM liti ifitiuiivl o lluJIiMfldrflbi ill rtwHhfllM ceil SiidAf tftdfin luJil Lift will it y w MKd fcll M SilbJjiy fnj Th lK Hi Tit it in pNiiJtr4ui m mil Tib IJjhrjupl fgr nut lu WlMDg J Btfry AhwI J Mr J Atuit J Booth IJitlA The iiMio UuM la ic lie of Toros- JiDroDi A bill iLt of lb lUtfV target Jr Ten Id ibe IJJUihi I1V1 niMlfll In will 1- hit op Jo very Hill llib liiix llou of Hill lh twwh I til Id Lhr iw worth Iici to fcfemfiiuoi It WBwfci I Bfiij IVitebnsft pilofaldoly loifOfJib of Mil lor vwt tint but 10 fir to Iwgbur Ceo in or cne ted iltJ ImttcfalberoIiUiUQlog W II wife Arcbit t it lo4ty 3o1ock inly lb tlc fll Jfcft in 1 for writtr of lUttt Ibt ItttJ til M oit ratfrlsg fait it ill- Mr J A Colt tod Hi tor it Tiuitett for Vlmioii ml biro bwght lor AH Tburriiy irct will their hid v will be rcKOtW MANY CONFINED TO OURSELVBS SELL Bonds Lake A political held Hall on ot m a Wr Mr John Hon of occupied tbo and were outdo Mr Taylor of Aurora and J u itemed Sale SutSierla A TTi of IXj6 Juto lo UiotUiCoti ftuctlon Jr IM Mr John juoivo on over KavoMli Kobletoo- MB JTho York IimH ID fcltid Ibirr mid- till Bight led JiMjfnf opioffltoftbtp It I14 bVdlfwhroMjii of on liitr VuiftTlw id Ibr of 2d by luc till 2 lb lilltLj 111 if Hid jlult ilitjj Jvi Many Filter of At in Hilt will regrrllo lt of deuce lHrntdlaW of RoTo that feme o itidtti In thU art In of jcooiil ln ml nil tfoit pin ttbH a id wJ 4c PjUrihiptlWtgn ltmiboiifto oth lb fabotfa lather m bj of evaded LhQMbo Am vla 1iLln Kag Ontnjuir MM Id i r tit Junior JO Id 1m tlhm Ml Joe Tom Lloyd Ella Thud Minnie CtoPltr- Alitor Unit Sin Hill Allyat fitiglt WalUf J Willi Cuilo Hot- cue Burr NincylVowtrAlrr WUHanst Flo bo ItoVdto ill Kio JtDoU ArtU4utiUilof Will full of if Olid ljKlyl and il-rtx- lb to at School bare but it for How to Keep On ittit Or bold a muting in tin well Mr John and Mr of oiado but llicru wiisiioojifyjiitioo New of J Market mu I luyu oJb i it air Ii- NVu1ib il iui ij Irf J by mid ik I CM I Ij of in Hi iK liutclin i ipiij It of Jiy for froiu we learn VJ IM aw il of a it iuimt 1 are tie bMak4f4ikoKta Wibr i it PiUyljjbtA l it el ladfei tad fa Mil Id cit3ttiUciaTou A to t WSIiUf A lil lull Wr A JKtUi icjfch took tt nv a- tf took Mount Albert items a f got ibout iu Mm Stilly li for VivlUv Mr Aiuroof Urdjttl School Siokfi It with In A of ilWt who uia tva 9 Mr lloilt of AotiUolodtr- for rf Ittr J Ifjrrii will a otit AikntlrJuki I rrtofotd School I in tadUliauiodnuUftanoo jxoaUed to from Toronto wilt be flkti a biro P tot l uo4rMOrbiUwiOrlbltthoa crowd to to Rot ibe or lo Lbo nth Jot aoUr day holy Kp tlio cook if you can Kp Kp your if cant carva right Keep your with your little on now wax doll It wont be before night Kfop your m Humor by giving bar alihl of Keep you tacred not on account of their value but on account of the Riven tbem Keep of medietas where you can get at It when tho children from their labor- of devouring boned turkty lea etc Keep in mind that the moat graceful thing to bo aald of a man that he got e brick in his bat for Keep a firm hold on your It la a bad time to fall in love for whan the excitement of the holidays might to be of it Keep the joy and of in your he arte and your heDie long hi you can There no reason why it should ever die out Keep wants of the poor in mind in the roidctofthe abundance which heaven may on you Keep your eyes open when the collection plate is parsed round for Christmas Even if you ate up all the night before it would look better to take nap at other things to spread out through spend your months fr n break down and to tfo in debt afterward- slippers you get no natter bow ninny come in good next summer for at cats the Keep your rye open as to the kind presents get If your young It working for a salary of six del tun a week and gives you ft worth aomethina in of forty or make up your mind acrew Keep a few of the good taints bit over from your grand dinner party for your poor the may during ft bright a pleasant word and a warm comer your heart for every child come across on Christmas Keep one around year girl all meant if aboll let you take her out sMghrldiiig Dot be sure to notify livery You will lave liiflo with ft slow going used to the arm hot or St Julian- apt to tend thepilr of you into Keep it In mind that day or a iu joy and be geniilnt let the bring to the verj deaths of your heart you may ba yxoot IVit its awaken a no ioug of love In your hearts love for home and family and friends lore for littlo oats all the world over lore for tba poor the of God end lore for the whose by llrtiu At lb of bride fin nit tit A bet of to Ml lbtMi4iiiiiiMr Mr t Mm lb on lbwliiinlby W Mr- M tier of lowiitblporilcKHDJ VcinRoKuonihtjlShlaa by luriimhsratof ofiln ssik AUpifft vf Wvlniii Id iUll KV licwKwitono lUHUllltu and of Fry la Of of Illib00l013i Sunday 11 prvtn Day Are not forms at i arc Uolh On r lilj for it ifiiSM I r for public li to afiiic No in van which do not have equal art forma after For of Ac aod Hock of As- FANCY GOODS and SMALL WARES A Beautiful Lot of Gents Mufflers Ties Silk Handkerchief Another Lot of Gents and Overcoats and Suijs perfect fitting goods suits for small boys from years up A Big Doom in Ordered Clothing the result of having Nobby nod Substantial Goods and a First Claw Cutter Fine Value in Underolothing Misses Gents and Youths Ladies Stylish Fur Capes Caps and Muffs Great Bargains in Drew Goods and An Immense Stock of Boots Shoe and Rubber Goods Xmas Groceries of Fine Quality Which along with our Good Wishes will keep everybody and Merry not your Bible and v Aid flwiradays at If you part in you part in them they will not Our service consisla of tfvid If your objection means anything it means tbit an to praise and of Clod Word is too much your spiritual stomach Such argues nothing nor cite but very your appetite for devo- SOLID A am to an J KitjdxoJ loil tip to W4t ll ll ib put it ft ill- in it bit ib ILaiity f to it fiiviit to ofilmChurch wslioutddo it in a vbH la aim fc from n V start wo Churcli it or nor of truth but the of Cod the pillar urn ground of he of every and her tod uUislur Everybody who deals at- Brunton Bros express hearty satisfaction at the way they are treated the low prices charged the fine and fresh quality of the goods the large assortment kept in stock and also for the system which is rigidly enforced viz one price to all and terms cash FURNITURE AM v Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PINE AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS HEARSE a Lltfj jo ijc i-nU- jiLljtt ftHU it IriirdUfj with of ill it lat froco nob a The no loan A family polcoDed j lUtu to ilw or which o Aj jftaiu DM it Oct a I Have a Larger and Cheaper Stock of Dry Goods Boots and Shoes Groceries Clothing Hats Caps Furs and Gents Furnishings than any House in Town If you want Clean Fresh GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS the wonfilj ip crypts do not bit a lou liri lo For I a of it dee bun to flint tit rJUafvJ Buy at Brunton Bros A man endorsed a note for ft friend Ihmh lie believed to bo an man was a scoundrel and him topay the note Did it make no the going lionb sincerely believing it the southern train Will it make no Will be bring up at tbe all same If a nun sincerely belief ft tfhito the is Ms sincerity Tun truth popular is i very at l If a nun services at eleven oclock on Saturday when hope t we not only ell our own pres ent but alto many from the to truth For where We Guarantee to give you what we Advertise in BRUNTON BROS thinking woriliippni llic will not the mat- Him who is to lave M will u man tOBuffTt 1 prrburii do do m a lrtOtfftpBsae real lfy a pro a Pi 44- Ml it a pal tit at a OKI JO a Pi Oil a itla IM 0l a on o The anthem will bo taken from It has two good it is short and vrry prViiy one of most ever hem is by to bo in your jin in n- all ye fa-la- dtoratioui fifing on with vignr and iFim a of fur joy mid Khttrodo to who rthft Lorn that iatliaaplrii ft5iUarcnUroreudrgre it with to ftvery moral or it l or It vill not A of truth p ffl p to in ft at mlh IJMALL rjoTimhrrrt Apply faturtTty n arpojil pfoe net tin- be born in up to in bis fitd human who vhiogtf general Holy dily in of Jhoat oil corrupt tfhjuli ynur and fill luily good which are lids birth i that the of I brought to us on ruayahed until va plot mnp of of of THANKS- CAT fll All truj l P0 HULL OR ft A quo do you pray to nut of ft boob I thai our of a rfoohl lit to it Mill ft luhiUtet jiinuyou join in the ftyiun we a cannot to forms of wufSffiSo of the and nosy bo la flood feeling that the Methodists tor Church to Dr on the and one of alio of be in n to he church tatiuiml church in world I was up li bosom I I hare been a three years and I deceived if I not wirhoitt fliy ft of the Church of Eng- lis dKirinea and its sscra- the essence f I hold it liohU I to Bible have not of jit me preach and lonx any bind of Epis My family Ml into und my nducailon was left I woudgrealybavepfe lm Hands of the not having gone the repibr courses could it The oar warn- if should come which the todies of various to jp the not lo be Jour i- will be made Qu What proper name of your Church Ant The Holy Church By this wo do not mean the Roman Catholic only what oar Creed allies To Holy Catholic ft Church able to trace her pedigree from the church originally founded by our Lord when be Veto SH BALE OF FARM ELECTORAL DISTRICT ALFRED in f lti biticrti farihep6oinIilo now Jiui KOub aw- earth Catholic because general holy all the l0oWo doctrine of Scripture and none other- When good friends of other Christian bodies invite to amusement on a they sorely do not know that on day of the the would have her people of her Muter our blessed rot the worn School lekf poor li i in large box which ill ha n front the They will take tbe Out iiriiiT Iff imu S Jlja ass LIVERY -ANO- B0ABDING8IABLE tfrrt Jlliii or Uln off tjV ink HIT IfirlflUl iHniifti Jt I Si sp TO Sanaa lit It- lH front In WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELLERY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES ETC j- all To poiuU tutes A Solicited- a