Now J Bond Examinations A Davidson Ladles Good Walker- School Boots J Montgomery Veterinary Kilcley Girl Wanted Mn Owner Wanted I Swccay House to Boat Sharpo Cedar Mrs David jr House Mrs P Harding Mower for Hole Bra BACH pato- IffthLndcJ to Cotomlieiooer of u paper it loJmileV weald loern to indi cate charge that poll Ileal coca Sir Alts will tip it To- route l not exactly tot Hod lit oat with family week and tekco up their at they will till go resort up North FRIDAY MAY Our Toronto Despatch iqwfoTfe Stay Jit aod til tlio of Monday in evens by a IU window tone mil door touts fully covered by ih Monday rylrCbae iuvrutetDt A pnrtcr employed way Monday from lbs lop floor to adlaleooo forty mi a if to and Mitral a public at the pro- Jucludluif of tba Mi Modi cnlfrtd upon Hit time AinKilogofCouoly oiftoxemcoU for In Com- In dcUrmtneilly action what to writ about of tba of that n tea la Ilia 1 mat it ritcr killed and a J tbt all oaU ToroDlo of Hon Sir llomt aUat from the ad Hon Mr as max of for to fill up Tin wwar a A ttwiit Ike ilinltotlpgofUmUIu thu rviJrtlbil IiLrNftvr all Jiall nt up to in tut actual aillVe iiifcllii lit It a t J I a I- lfciTljrfer of iifI it f x J It i Jos lunil for of In lie irvlrtf rail- Got at St Hamilton at of tbo In MCflon late Me IUi a vod by at Hoi a foil anl gold on the A Topper from of at that flffi left lb port for lib rolgaoia to that a projorllon of mJijrnbi agrl- thai of tbcu bars are chiefly city the of Bill of A Hoard that took action on iutitEon uaanloMaOy atopUog a utaorUt to calling to a of Ira flic Iwtfreco and orla Md I hat freedom of aid tram portal Ion between and and The object a to Ha of the Writ la force retaliatory laid actloD will be taken clttea of NorthWot A held lui week at Court float Toronto j were towards a cent to nd to cats tba Hallway of lawyer and men geoejeHy more at but lbs taut vii Ike fot- lowing Tail Id of ibli Ceo- of all trade Dominion of and lb United Statu either by a reel- treaty or That io event of a felt reciprocity treaty leluibVlble Bo- minion eoggut the erouientofOicatUrltela the of eoteriog Into- a on Ion with her colonic In to food and of a protective all foreign Ink Drops Arbor Lai vrttlon relurntd to Church Main Street night of Will to bo In rCrocoK breath are unfolding Tulip will be along night week from Well fau gat here Fllo beglaoIoK to ban JtoreaIji etching fit PARA Mr J IK enral In Mr ot lUtcHn in SuicUy Mr of Mr if- Li vi A ul Tim wajviHiV i of Sir J I Mr- K nurljrok Ifc foul flMtiDaliiiu tew Jto Mr of a in A Iht wait ujiou the Utk to hit Ur of lljr At of tilt livid fcfiriirArt Met iiovm op Urn ftjlovcof Mr jofitDtol tut tit TerrJtoriw ul list totftrdia for mutual re cODOfueJ It U the of houlJ bYt t ftDOUgb id item to V 7ywl7 Emm ijizg with let of of Lift Around to and bavlog a carol- the tiller TbeBllrer Comet weekly Id ibe of the old Cbarch are of men or town lo tbloa It a to down cany the Chief an Luo- will of laio tbo following of School aio to certlfioaU for Julia and Karaoigh Third Eddie Tench Junior Third ll Tench Weill be following the four April Julia Amelia Thome and Tench of promotion 10 fifth atnt Cecelia Arthur who wero the three that fused out of th four who wrote at the Mount Albert held In the Church on Jut Herri Some fifteen were token Into full Albert the of of a too Mi J A Miller of la vi lllng her Mr The Rear Mr of Schomberg friend in end around tbl th of April by Iter 8milb Armllage lo of Albert Mr faoreo got kicked a few will before lb animal will bo able to get out of lb liable Me a getting another we Mr J of Holt a fin week and another ry lick at Mr Qolgley very going VeUrioary kept both night and Van hod a very narrow cscQpo from liro last Thursday A lamp in upper Purely a runaway day week destroying a now cultivator Fortunately no new look nearly destroyed by Daniel Robinson an old of this village of joining brother British who Is doing a largo timber trade up there ball bo as soon as seeding is when some sharp playing ni bo looked for The bay is free of ice more fiiat lb on of week It a to Mr King place of Mr hid declitrd eUctcJ althoogh had a majority of be rote a rati required by Statute hi I paid by Mr Bated and iaoy4 to met to IMeilgcaandeUc Hone The rot of for J J for the feii otei literal and four for lb cooiei tvet The by Ontario tire liberals liberal Scotia I Prince 6 Manitoba Conrraliri 1 liber I There were on the fiffwm ld eight aid not those who paired thU Won Mr Mr Baud be- not vote In hi own cue nd Mr who tad not The pair war fifrkpatrlok end McCarthy with Tbu who bad bet on molt of flut part Tot out now decide and accordingly Mr end oud kiln all of Aurora Sunday at Mr Lloyd left for Forest Friday on of death of her Stanley Hat try who has pro raoted to la A a Kettch and eon Molt Terr and J Creator Mail bo to la the big boom been ipvndiog the last two weeks with Silgley tiyioc to Improve Walker relumed from her of at old very in health lf on 1iort for time or four If took V ffbtre lrothpjfulaw of lo 4 of Mr of ItOose log ltd OiMbrMrAUjfe Hr It J a copy of week t7oire derate to the Town a a Holt or 1kkeriog of Albert Coiling week here on Mr of Torouto alao at pUoa during lime In a paper Mr of Newmarket who been time returned but week which prob- ally for the look of a r- tain him down wy next time the faith man and at the man hi perhape record beta fa a large of to Ihelr after beyond redemption ill mod of trealraeot rry eimple of Prm anarch on tent of printing to Colonial- lut year Acton the dUtloction con- fernd upon Mm net only for being only Printing Office a medal and but of work that will Sutton Our popular Club it hard at wot rehearsing great emitted Tito Dream at Sea to bo per formed under the theladies of of on the evening of May This tertalnoiont will bo Clubs Tito is full of and amusing scene Why dont our loyal hold a public at cneo deddi upon of the fifttoih anniversary of Her Heigh A good should be to Attond to matter It would bo an ieopo of Sutton let jubilee year pais without celebrating the occasion like of our neigh bors Holt John valuable brood oh of last week Ho was offered for her lest year a Montreal buyer colt is and doing well Titos Blizzard died on Tuesday after only one weeks illness caused by a severe attack of inflammation of lungs The teacher of vilie School has handed in tho report er April I Oloto I Norman Kay Carrie Douglas Junior 1 Cook Boyd Cunningham Blizzard Leonard Robert Kay Thompson Senior A Nellie Travis Jane Horace Herbert Kettleby more wo am called to record a breach in family circle Friday last the oldest son of Mr was called to his last account Tbo cause of death was rather singular He tad swallowed a ptcco of the kernel of a filbert which having lodged somehow leforo it got into the stomachy caused an abscess he bursting of which speedily terminated his sufferings Wilkinson Is still In great danger Dr Biliary is in daily attendance Mrs I Webb and family returned last week Mr Webb is some time this month- Mr Isaac Gordon had the rather badly kicked with a horse on Monday morning the horse striking him in the face and knocking him against the corner of the stable rendering htm Insensible for some time His medical attendant think that there is do danger of any serious Mr Homer lias lost two this spring Suckers are now plentiful We notice with re the advent of a new blacksmith Mr Knight of EastOwilllmbury He occupies house and shop opposite the harness shop and without injuring our hand Mr we hope this man if ho gives satisfaction will get a share of toe public Mr p Proctor has been appointed pathmaster for this beat- Mumps and measles are still going the rounds several in Bar a lbs Mod lost at Inviiad A caa of jaolt earn op Mr Till- P day tha he- log J Graham sad It appeara had bean en gaged la a not vary friendly nbro lo which plaintiff had of finger off Mr waa fined and coat for each a appettfe for meat and bound to keep Peace Fanner an hard at bar log Dearly fioUbod Bom of peodlnalhiuroTobgatZlolUfid with mora than flahannea lock P ha acid but fine young QaeaoiTtlJ to Mr Tarry of for Thla for the Henry Clay week li moat we yet bad fall wheat In tbl a about well a it baa don for Mvera year past Tbtre ro a fio claa of blood norae V iog their hue Cor bat we fioer lhn by the of North Mr Mr Oliver he com pleted and many an the wonder whom he la golog to a partner to It Valley Mr cur accommodating agent for Patterson Ur Joe quit III learning fa with Mia and son lift to commence carpentering to erect a mill Mr has ratoraed horn to Will who In delicate health to farm Mr Albert been rather lirookralo which was a few week dariog the bad waa lut Mr Byron Oliver the popular teacher from Pin Orchard chugs of lb an la lul Monday performance while not perhap exactly any but edifying Oor8abbUi School had an of lut BopaHntendent and teteberibar reason to feel greatly Mr RvsTicvs A place can produce more brides to than any other place In the county the name Mr purchased a Kail wheatfarm is now safely located a our midst We wish and his bride many years of in there now home thev will never be sick at least will always bo Bothwell Our neighbour to tho north of loaf farm put In a field of wheat on of April first in this locality David Lapp is busily engaged erecting a now house David Jeer has improved his barn by raising it up and attaching a lean- to Correspondent of tho Era reported last week Work on mill pond advancing rapidly the frame work has been put in and up with dirt is going on lively What does he mean Filling up the mill pond with Would It not be filled with water J not but what is dirt enough in to 111 mill pond Maybe he is of converted who would to say tiara Wo happy to Icam that Mies was so successful in carry ing Gospel to those poor benight ed people in that hamlet among tho hills Surely will reepn rich reward in the world to come- Now bests are being killed the Gospel by many wo may look for mote civilization and enlightenment among the rising gen eration There is plenty of room for a more Godloving people and Jess hatred and animosity than exists among our fellowmen Ed Note Intended for last weeks issue but sent too late Navigation is now opened in St KSa Tho Jesuits Incorporation was carried in Quebec by a vote of to 16 A boom belonging to Upper Ottawa Improvement Co Sunday and five thousand logs Ka The British steamer and her crew of 30 men were lost off the coast of Newfoundland On Sunday morning Chicago May A severe wind storm which passed over the north western portion of this city did roach damage in suburban towns Minn May The storm which swept over this city on Sunday night and yesterday was very severe The damage inflicted to streets sewers stores dwellings will reach After a continuous sitting of over hours a vote was taken in the Legislature Wednesday night on Mr want of con fidence motion which was by a vote of to The House then adjourned Bio May A violent windstorm swept over the city yesterday unroofing the Tubman Opera House and blowing in a side wall destroying scenery A number of other houses un roofed among Music hall There was considerable to orchards and fences Wore throughout the country I compajiaou with oar 1 village wow or leas Markets f a Luuet OtA do ear Km do a f tP Successor Come and See them WORTH STORE ONLY JULIUS MAQ Floor FBI frail par do fFTKI loo do roll tub K3p do CO to a It 03 CO IS CO o to a alia 6oporpoond a pi toe iper too a on liaJMru fork Oo V eC so iUfTiT It WALL PAPERS We are Clearing the whole of our Large Si Wall Papers and at about their regular value cents cents and centa A Wool Tapestry and MA j Lines at 40 55 and up are Wonderfully Cheap good Millinery Oor Stock in this department every Novelty in Hats Ornaments Ribbons Tri never in as good a position to fill your order for Millinery as we are this MISS liner speaks for itself in the many Trimmed Hats turned Idi their orders as far ahead as end will do all in our power lo have them promptly fillid Customers coming to Town from a distance and wanting Hats to back with them wilt find J etcj POWELL its will fan and lo among our Stock of Trimmed Goods Trimmed lists at and op aj at the prices i fcTN CM t New Dress Materials In leading Spring Shades at lgic and up Dress Triniii I I sTi I II I leaded elts and ew Wrap Moot Materials Plain and Fancy Wfw Grain Silks Satins Beaded Grenadines etc at Prices Grand Stock of New Print Sateens Ginghams e One ccnle and cents usually fold at 12J and Cheaper goods at cents A A f If New Parasols Sunshades Umbrellas Jerse O Embroidered Dresses Splendid Value are showing in this department tho best value wo keep in stock only Roll goods that wo Handled knov7 and con with confidence knowing case turn out as represented We would draw- your attention to a few lines which have been A L Cheap at b go THE LEADERS IN LOW Sale will take Albert At Jo property la of at Ml ml For ill KtAntb Town fflib lb of Mr Robert MDut ApML to Mia omh in Home on from sear on of Broil A meeting of Dominion Alliance held at Ottawa hut week at which a resolution was pasted opposing the principle of compensating persons en gaged in liquor resulting from passage of a pro hibitory TO RENT present by Mr Aabworin Appir w AND LOT To be Well Shod people must go to J As their stock of Boots and Shoes is the and Best Assorted in the County of FURNITURE J A I AT LOWEST PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTGLASS HEARSE rAHorOera will oralaoa Apply to JR IS OR Apptjto WEB corqQonBdPfopectburewiaarSt REKT suit ftrt or r4o a- to k a H FOR YOUTHS AN1 MISSES SCHOOL BOOTS PURE To be sure of Clean Fresh Groceries you must at Brunton Bros they sell only Pure G and their prices are Wonderfully w Low GO TO MONTGOMERYS EVERY PAIR WARRANTED a now I4a to FINE ax FINE DRY 600 Bros stock o Dry Goods is a soj delight to ladies who want to purchase goods at Reasonable Prices J o i al MAIN BRUNfTON BROSi new sT